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This graphic is a figure depicting various physical phenomenon and human activities in the

atmosphere of the Earth. The figure was published on the official website of the NASA TIMED
(Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) satellite (Turney). The figure
is referenced on a webpage delineating the science objectives of the TIMED mission, namely to
make observations of the Earths upper atmosphere (40-110 miles altitude).
Does the graphic serve a function? 3
The graphic serves its function well because it introduces to the interested reader the basic
layers of the atmosphere as well as important phenomenon and human activities in the
atmosphere. The graphic satisfactorily depicts the region of the Earths atmosphere in which it
takes observations.
Is the graphic type the right choice for the purpose and audience? 3
For someone without a technical background in atmospheric science, the cartoonish visual is
accessible and coherent in a way that the reader can become interested in the atmosphere and
perhaps start asking questions about how the atmosphere works.
Does the graphic meet readers format expectations? 3
The graphic is aesthetically pleasing enough to look at even for non-experts. The spacing of the
elements on the figure and the font color selections help present a clean, easy-to-follow
Does the graphic have an informative title? 1
The graphic does not have a title. An appropriate title could be Physical Phenomenon and
Human Activities in the Atmosphere.
Is the graphic clearly labeled? 1.5
The altitude axis is presented well, but the logarithmic jump at 360 km most likely leads to
misconceptions about the upper thermosphere for non-experts. The problem can be corrected
by clearly indicating and explaining the jump. Horizontal lines guide the eye well. A major issue
is that the troposphere and stratosphere layers (the lowest part of the atmosphere) are not
explicitly labeled. Also, indicating that the ionosphere is separated further into the F-region
and E-region would present a more comprehensive view of the atmosphere.
Does the graphic user colors effectively? 3
The graphic portrays the various colors of the layers within the atmosphere accurately.
Appropriate font colors are used in each layer.

Does the graphic present a manageable amount of information? 5

The graphic does present a manageable amount of information for a non-expert reader but
perhaps at the expense of the expert reader for reasons discussed before regarding the missing
labels of layers.
Is the graphic simple and uncluttered? 5
The graphic is understandable due to its cartoonish pictures and easy-to-follow elements. The
elements are well spaced to present an uncluttered figure.
Turney, D., 2016. TIMED Web Site [WWW Document]. TIMED Web Site. URL (accessed 4.5.16).

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