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Books, Casting Spells from W7

A Boomerang M7
Break Weapon W13
Abilities I9 Breaking a Rope M19
Acknowledgements I5 Broken Ground M18
Adverse Conditions M18 Broken Weapons M22
Aging I32 Bronze Weapons W7
Aid W11 Buddhism I31
Aimed Shots M20 Building New Traps I46
Alchemists W23
Am Bush
Amulets, Protective W33 Calling W15
Analyze Magic W13 Camel I60
Animals, Training I62 Carabao I60
Ape I61 Carnivorous Fish I64
Apep I59 Casting Spells W3
Apotheosis I57 Cavalry Lance M31
Apprentices W30 Centaurs I51
Ariel Combat M32 Cestus (Hand to Hand Damage) M21
Armor and Shields M9 Cestus M8
Armor for Animals M31 Change Weapons M3
Arquebus M24 Changing Jobs I25
Artifacts I20 Character Cards I18,I74
Astral Projection W15 Character Generation Tables I7
Attacks M6,M30 Chemists W23
Attributes I7,I10 Children I67
Automatic Hits M20 Chimpanzee I61
Automatic Rolls M9,I38 Chopping Down the Door I45
Avert W11 Christianity I31
Avert, Megahex W15 Churches I31
Cidri I4
B Clam I64
Cleansing W17
Baboon I61 Cliffs M18
Banks I24 Climbing M18
Bare-Handed Damage M21 Clothing I29
Basilisk I56 Clubs M20
Bats I66 Clumsiness W11
Battering Rams I45 Combat Example M27
Bear I61 Concealment M21
Bendwyn I70 Confusion W11
Beserking M20 Continuing Spells W7
Birds I60 Control Animal W12
Bizarre Magic Items W37 Control Elemental W14,I57
Blast Trap W17 Control Gate W17
Blast W13 Control Person W13
Bloodtrees I65 Control Spells W4
Blowgun M9 Cost of Magical Items W30
Blunderbuss M24 Cost of New Potions/Items W36
Blur W11 Cost of Scrolls W8
Bola M7 Cranequins M14
Bombard M24 Crawling M5
Bonuses I27 Create Gate W15

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Create Wall W12 Door I44
Create/Destroy Elemental W16,I57 Doubling Rule W30
Creating a Character I5,I74 Draft Animals I61
Creating a Labyrinth I18 Dragonet I62
Creating a World I18 Dragons I52
Creating Magic Items W17,W18 Drain Strength W13
Creating Magic Items W26 Drop Weapon M22,W11
Creating Magical Items W25 Drowning M19
Creation Spells W4 Duels I28
Crippling Hits M21 Duration of Illusions/Images W6
Crocodile I64 Dwarves I50
Crossbows M14 DX Modifications on Mounts M31
Crossbows, Maximum Range M25
Crowbars I45 E
Cults I31
Cultures and Customs I27 Economic System I24
Cumulative Spells W4 Elementals I57
Curse W14 Elephants I60
Elves I50
D Elyntia
Enchanting Armor/Weapons
Dagger (Hand to Hand Damage) M21 Engaged M2,M6
Dagger Marksmanship M21 Entering Hex w/Fallen Figure M4
Damage, Bare-Handed M21 Equipment Table I36
Dark Vision W11 Equipment I34
Darkness M19,W11 Example of a Game I47
Dazzle W12 Example of a Map I22
Death Spell W16 Example of an Outdoor Area I72
Death M22 Example of a Village I70
Death, Little W17 Exhaustion, Recovering from M25,W39
De-enchanting Magical Items W37 Experience Points I10
Defending M18 Explosive Gem W15
Delayed Actions M22 Expunge W17
Demigods I57 Eyes Behind W13
Demons I54
Destroy Creation W12 F
Destruction of Magical Items W38
Detect Enemies W12 Facing M6
Detect Life W11 Falling into a Hole M5
Detect Magic W11 Familiar I61
Detect Traps I46 Far Vision W12
Developing New Potions W25 Fauna I50
Dexterity I8 Finding a Job I25
Diatryma I60 Finding an Employer I34
Disbelief by Animals W5 Finding Magic Items W23
Disbelieving W5 Finding Magical Items for Sale W38
Disengaging M6,M18,M30 Fine Armor M22,I69
Disengaging, Hand to Hand M18 Fine Weapons M22
Dismounting M30 Fire (3 Hex) W13
Dispel Illusions W14 Fire (7 Hex) W16
Dissolve Enchantment W16 Fire W6,W11
Dodging M18 Fire as a Weapon M23
Dog I61 Fireball W13
Dolphins I61 Fireproofing W14

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Firing while Kneeling M14 Hand to Hand Disengaging M18
Firing while Prone M14 Height M24
Fish I64 Hex Paper I76
Fleeing and Initiative M5 Hidden Doors I45
Flight M4,W13 Hidden Movement M5
Flora I50 Hiring Help I33
Flying and Weight I36 Hitting Your Friends M15
Flying Targets M15,M32 Hobgoblins I50
Flying M32 Horses I59
Forcing Retreat M18 Humanoid Races I50
Forgetting Old Spells/Talents I9 Humans I50
Freeze W13 Hydra I55
Freeze, Megahex W17 Hymenopterans I63
Fresh Air W14
Front (Multi-Hex Figure) M6 I
G Illusion (4 Hex)
Illusion (7 Hex)
Game Time I31,I43 Illusion W5,W12
Gamemaster I3,I67 Image (4 Hex) W14
Gargoyles I51 Image (7 Hex) W15
Gas Bombs M23 Image W5,W11
Gates W39 Immunity Spells and Objects W31
Geas W16 Increasing Attributes I10
Gestures and Incantations W8 Indricotherium I60
Ghosts I56 Initiative M3,M5
Ghouls I55 Injury and your Job I25
Giant Clam I64 Injury, Recovering from M25,W39
Giant Insects I63 Injury, Results of M18
Giant Rope W15 Insubstantiality W16
Giant Scorpions I63 Intelligence I8
Giant Snapping Turtle I64 Intelligent Monsters I52
Giant Spider I63 Inventing New Potions W25
Giants I51 Inventing New Spells W23
Glamor W14 Invisibility M5,W13
Goblins I50 Iron Flesh W15
God I57 Iron, Silver, and Magic W7
Gold Weapons W7 Islam I31
Goo I64
Great Ape I61 J
Greater Magic Item Creation W18
Greater Magic Item Creation W26,W33 Jabbing with a Pole Weapon M13
Grenade M24 Jaguar I61
Gryphon I61 Jail I27-I28
Guilds I29 Jobs I25
Gunpowder Weapons M23,I69 Jumping M5

Half-Breeds I52 Keeping a Door Closed I45
Halflings I50 Kneeling M5,M14
Hammertouch W15 Knock (Spell) I45
Hand to Hand Combat M15 Kraken I64
Hand to Hand Damage M21

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Missile Spells, Maximum Range M25
L Missile Weapons M14,I68
Laboratories W8 Missiles, Long Range M25
Labyrinth, Entering I33 Mnoren I4,I57
Languages I9,I16 Molotail M23
Lasso M8 Money I24
Laws I27 Moneylenders I25
Leaning on a 2 Hex Mount M30 Monkey I61
Learning New Spells W10 Mounted Combat M29
Learning New Talents I16 Movement when Casting Spells W8
Left-Handed Weapons M13 Movement M4,I43
Lesser Demon I54 Multi-Hex Movement M4
Lesser Magic Item Creation W17,26,31 Multi-Hex Side & Rear Hexes M6
Light W11,I43 Multi-Hex Targets M14
Lightning W14 Multi-Hex Weight I35
Limitations on Illusions W6 Multiple Attacks per Turn M6,M13,M26
Lion I61 Multiple Hand to Hand Combat M15
Little Death W17 Multiply Enchanted Items W31
Lizard, Riding I60 Mushrooms I65
Lizards I64 Myrmidon W12,I63
Loans I25
Lock/Knock W12 N
Long Distance Duels M26
Naginata M7
Long Distance Telepathy W16
Narrow Tunnels M24
Long Distance Teleport W17
Nature Worship I31
Long Range Missile Fire M25
Neanderthals I55
Losing Abilities I17
Net & Trident M7
Lost I23
New Spells W23
Lying Prone M5,M14
Night-gaunts I56
Noise I47
M Non-Human Figures M24
Mage Sight W13 Nuisance Encounters I38,I65
Magic & Metal W7 Nunchuks M9
Magic Fist W11
Magic from Horseback M31 O
Magic Item Creation Table W26
Octopus I54
Magic Methods W10
Ogres I55
Magic Rainstorm W13
Open Tunnel W14,I45
Magical Creatures I57
Optional Rules M20-22
Magical Equipment W8
Options for Action M3
Magical Items W25
Orc Religion I31
Making Up a Party I33
Orcs I50
Mammals I60
Outdoor Encounters I23
Mammoth I60
Oversize Targets M14
Maps I21,I44
Oxen I60
Mechanicians’ Guild I30
Megahex Avert W15
Megahex Freeze W17
Megahex Sleep W16 Pack Animals & Weight I35
Men I50 Packed Weapon M7
Mercenaries’ Guild I30 Panic in Animals M31
Mermen I52 Partial Secrecy W4,I49
Missile Spells M15,W3,I45 Party Constituents I33

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Peculiar Weapons M7,I69 Revenants I56
Pentagram W15 Reverse Missiles W12
Persuasiveness W12 Reverse Missiles W3
Petard M24 Revival W18
Pike M31 Reviving the Dead M22
Pinning a Foe M15 Rhakkra I31
Piranhakeets I67 Riding Animals I59
Plants I65 Riding Lizard I60,I64
Playing GM Characters I37 Risk (Jobs) I25
Poison M25 Roc I60
Pole Weapons & Charging M6 Rolling Down a Steep Hill M19
Pole Weapons M12,I68 Rolling for a Hit M9
Possession W18 Rolling for Damage M9
Potion, Youth I32 Rolling to Miss an Enemy M13
Potions, Inventing W25 Rolling to Miss a Friend M15,W3,W39
Potions, Making or Finding W23 Rope W12
Powerful Races I11 Rope, Giant W15
Prisoners M26 Roping Climbers Together M19
Prone M5,M14 Rule of Five W25
Prootwaddles I51 Running Battles M26
Protection, Secret W4,I49 Running I43
Protective Amulets W33
Pulling a Rider from a Mount M30 S
Punishments I28
Sabertooth Tiger I61
Q Sasquatch
Quarterstaff M8 Saving Rolls I37
Quick Combat System M28 Scholar’s Guild I30
Scooping up a Weapon M5
R Scorpion (Giant Crossbow) M14
Scorpions I63,I67
Raises I27 Scrolls W8
Random Stocking Tables I19 Scuttles I67
Rats I66 Secondary Weapon M7
Reaction Rolls I37 Secrecy, Partial W4,I49
Reactions to Injury M18 Secret Protection W4,I49
Ready Weapon M6-7 Seeing I44
Rear (Multi-Hex Figure) M6 Sequence of Actions M3
Recognizing I44 Setup I33
Record Sheets I10 Shadow (3 Hex) W13
Recovering Lost Strength M25,W39 Shadow (7 Hex) W15
Religion I31 Shadow W6,W12
Remove Cursed Object W17 Shadowights I55
Remove Thrown Spell W14 Shafts M18
Removing a Magical Item W38 Sha-Ken M8
Removing Traps I46 Shapeshifting W17
Repair W13 Sheltering behind Fallen Bodies M14,M21
Reptile Men I51 Shield-Rush Attacks M13
Researching New Magic Items W35 Shifting M4
Resuscitation (Drowning) M22 Shock Shield W12
Retreat M18 Side (Multi-Hex Figure) M6
Reveal Magic W11 Silent Movement W12
Reveal/Conceal W13 Silver Weapons W7

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Skeleton I59 Table of Equipment I36
Slaughtering Helpless Figures M26 Table of Jobs I26
Slaves I34 Table of Nuisance Creatures I38,I65
Sleep W12 Table of Weapons M10,I68
Sleep, Megahex W16 Taking Prisoners M26
Slime I66 Talents I11
Slinker I62 Taxes I24
Slippery Floor W14 Telekinesis W14
Slow Movement W11 Telepathy W15
Snakes I64 Teleport W15
Social Structures I31 Teleport, Long Distance W17
Spear Thrower M9 Temples I31
Special Combat Talents M26 The Little Death W17
Special Situations M18 Thieve’s Guild I29
Special Spells W7 Thrown Spells M14,W3,W39
Speed Movement W12 Thrown Weapons M13,I69
Spell Shield W14 Tiger I61
Spell Table W11 Time, Game I31,I43
Spells, Inventing W23 Torch as a Weapon M23
Spellsniffer W17 Towns I23
Spiders I63,I66 Trailtwister W12
Spikes M18,I45 Trained Animals I62
Springing Traps I46 Trampling M26
Staff of Power W16 Trance W16
Staff to Snake W12 Traps W17,I45
Staff W11 Travel I43
Stairs, Combat on M24 Trials I27-I28
Steep Slopes M19 Trident & Net M7
Sticky Floor W14 Trip W12
Stocking a Labyrinth I18 Troll I54
Stocking Tables I19 Tunnel Creation W14,I45
Stone Beetle I63 Tunnels, Narrow M24
Stone Flesh W14 Turns I43
Stop W14 Turtle I64
Strength, Great I8
Strength, Recovering M25,W39 U
Summon Bear W12
Summon Demon W16 Uncle Teeth I64
Summon Dragon W16 Universal Antidote M22
Summon Gargoyle W13 Unnoticeability W15
Summon Giant W14
Summon Lesser Demon W15 V
Summon Myrmidon W12,I63 Vacation from your Job I25
Summon Small Dragon W15 Vampire Bats I66
Summon Wolf W11 Vampires I55
Summoned Creatures W5 Vertical Surfaces M18
Surprise M5 Villages I23
Sweeping Blows M26
Waiting for an Opening M20
Table for Stocking Labyrinth I19 Walker Lizard I60
Table of Armor and Shields M10,I69 Walking I43
Table of Dragons I53 Wall (3 Hex) W14

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.
Wall (7 Hex) W16
Walls M18,W6
Ward W12
Warhorses I59
Wasps I66
Water Buffalo I60
Water M19
Weapon/Armor Enchantment W14
Weapons Table M10,I68
Weapons M7
Weight M30,I35
Werewolves I55
Whip M8
Wights I56
Wills I27
Windlasses M14
Wish M22,W9
Wizard’s Guild I29
Wizard’s Wrath W17
Wolf I61
Word of Command W18
Wraiths I54
Write Scroll W16
Wyverns I54

Yak I60

Zombie W18,I59

Compiled by George F. Rice ( and placed into the public domain in May 2010.

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