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INTRODUCTION The design of the bridge was
Bridges is a structure that allows people the subject of a competition
The Millennium
or vehicles bridgesuch as a
to cross an obstacle organized in 1996 by Southward
river BridgeBridges
canal or railway. is not the
very as council. The Construction began in
the others,
crossing the
this bridge
it’s Sometimes
is an
a steel suspension
river Thames in
helpful for anyone and they are beautiful
bridge are around
late 1998 with the main works
beginning on 28 April 1999 by
you in your life and also in everyones lives. Mongers Thorsten and Sir Robert

England ,located between Southward
Wall are in your lives too but they are really Calpine.
Bridge (downstream) and Black friars
common,wall is a usually solid structure
Railway Bridge (upstream). The bridge is
that defines
owned and sometimes
and maintained by theprotects
Bridgean area
House The bridge was completed at a cost
or to pray
Estates, your own trust
a charitable believes.
overseen by the of £18.2m (£2.2m over budget) and
City of London Corporation. The opened on 10 June 2000 (2 months
Construction of the bridge began in 1998, late). Unexpected lateral vibration
with the opening on 10 June (resonant structural response) caused
2000.Londoners nicknamed the bridge the the bridge to be closed on 12 June for
Wobbly Bridge after participants in a special modifications.
event to open the bridge (a charity walk on
This bridges is the more famous in
behalf of save the children) the bridge was
England and London too because
closed later that day, and after two days of
limited access the bridge was closed for people use this bridge for crossing
almost two years while modifications were another place waking. 1998 - 2010.
made to eliminate the wobble entirely. It YAMILETH
was reopened in 2002.
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By: Tania,
The Western wall
For the part of the Western Wall its
When they are praying in the
holy saint. The Western Wall is an old
western wall, they expressed it
temple in Jerusalem, Israel. There are
through songs . For the COMPARE AND CONTRAST
different temples that were built; Solomon’s
construction it took 11 years,
temple was built atop the mount temple in
during the construction it rain every There are a lot of differences
the 10th century BCE and destroyed in 586
night fortunately for them it doesn’t and similarities from those two
BCE, the second was complete in 516 BCE
affect their works. The exposed different things . Firsthand a
and destroyed in 70 CE. The Western Wall
section is about 187 feet but the bridge is to connect but the wall is
is the third temple that was also built by
real measurement is 1.600 to protect a side from the other but
Herod I or the Great; he died in 4 BC at age
feet(488m).Sometime the soldier not all the time, and also to pray .
70. He constructed the wall to withstand
come to Jerusalem to pray, and also The western wall is a place for
exposed wall. There are two exposed
to visit , pray, they go to a tunnel prayer for the Jewish located in
sections; the southern section of the
that is underground, under the Jerusalem, Israel in the other hand
Western Wall, and the small part of the
western wall. ABOUBAKAR the millennium bridge is for
western wall in the Muslim quarter. Despite
pedestrian located in London,
the destruction that took place all four of the
England they call it foot bridge .
wall remained standing, during the
The similarity is that they both
generations since the temple’s destruction,
were constructed for a reason . The
the western wall was the closest temple to
design are totally different from
the site of the temple’s holy of holies that
the other, they used steel,trust etc
was open for the Jews. Therefore, it became
for bridge and however they used
the place of prayer for the Jewish around the
bricks to built the western wall
world. The Western Wall became the most
.The millennium bridge started
important sacred place for the Jews.
constructed in 1998 while the
western wall was constructed long
time ago in the 516 BC .
Something similar but not is that
the western wall was destroyed
and closed for a while in the same
way the millennium bridge was
closed for almost two year.

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