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The Sin of Homosexuality

Author Note


Table of Contents
The Sin of Homosexuality
The World is Changing
Homosexuality and Religion
The Bibles Interpretation.
God Doesnt make mistakes.
Connotations to Todays World
Its a fad.
Social Medias Impact.
Transgender and Homosexuality
Commonalities between these groups.
Final Thoughts
What exactly is happening in this world?


Looking into homosexuality, transgender, and the LGBT scene, we see that this world is
changing. Human values and how we view and treat other people is changing as well. What are
religions (Christianity), God and our values saying about homosexuality and the LGBT scene?
What is science saying about it? Is it really a fad pushed by the social media? How does the
social media and religion affect how we view these people? Should we keep with our traditional
religious values? What would God think about homosexuals and transgender people saying that
they are these things but to him they are sins? These are common questions asked about the
emerging LGBT scene. In this research, this information is covered, looking into different
perspectives of these groups, considering the thoughts of them and how our countries values are
shaping up.
Keywords: Religion, Christianity, God, Homosexuality, LGBT, Social Media,
Psychology, Nature vs Nurture, Transgender, Values


The Sin of Homosexuality
In this day and age, we as humans dont take religion as seriously as we need to.
According to Gates, there are approximately 9 million LGBT Americans (2011). If we talk
about percentage wise, we have about 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian,
gay, or bisexual, and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender (Gates, 2011). The percentage
versus the number, in this case, makes a large difference. Just a quick glance and we think that 9
million people are LGBT. This first comes off as an alarmingly large number, but with the
population of the United States, this is relatively small. The number of LGBT members around
the world also has to be taken into account. With these numbers that are growing every year, the
world and how we take a view on homosexuality is ever changing as well. In homosexuality, we
have to take into account our changing society, religion and their interpretation, the media, and
their interpretation, and how we view other groups that are not homosexual but in fact make the
claim they are transgendered.
The World is Changing
In 2015, a case for homosexual marriage was brought upon Supreme Court in the United
States. In this case, it was ruled by the Supreme Court that same-sex marriage is constitutional
and must be recognized in all 50 states (2015). This is a change of what was the law with the
United States and same-sex marriages. It was allowed only in some states and there were many
different court instances siding for the same-sex marriage or against it.
Homosexuality and Religion
There are many different interpretations on what religion has to say about homosexuality
and many different levels on the way that people act about on their opinions on this topic. There
are religions that accept homosexuals and there are those that dont. In these religions, we have


various radical groups. Religions try to distance themselves from these groups because they take
the cases to the extreme. A few examples of these groups are the Westboro Baptist Church from
Christianity and ISIS from Islam. The Westboro Baptist Church says that God Hates Fags and
condemns them to hell (2013) and ISIS is known for their killing of homosexuals (as well as
anyone who is not Islamic).
The Bibles Interpretation. In Christianity, there are many different interpretations of
the bible, Gods word. There are different versions of the bible and each Christian denomination
can have their own interpretation of Gods word. There are many Christian denominations that
say, in fact, that homosexuality is a sin. According to the Boston Catholic Journal, mortal sins
include abortion, sexual deviance (homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism, transgenderism),
homosexual marriage, cohabitation, pornography, and in some places prostitution.
Romans 1:18-32. In the bible, Romans notes a story about homosexuality and what
happened to homosexuality. The quote goes:
So god let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to-yes,
vile and sinful things which each others bodies. Instead of believing what they knew
was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the
things God made, but they wouldnt obey the blessed God who made these things. That
is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women
turned against Gods natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. And
them men, instead of having a normal sex relationship with women, burned with lust for
each other, men doing shameful things with other men, and as a result, getting paid
within their own souls with penalty they so righteously deserved (Romans 24-28, The
Living Bible).


This goes on and to say that the people who committed these acts knew that they were
committing them and the punishment that they were to receive from God. They were fully
aware of Gods death penalty for those crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway,
and encouraged others to do them too (Romans 32, The Living Bible).
Genesis 2:24.
The Bible states that This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined
to his wife in such a way that the two become one person (Genesis 2:24, The Living Bible).
Meaning that marriage was meant for a man and a woman, marriage is between a man, a woman,
and god, and that the man and woman become one person.
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.
"Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin (Leviticus 18:22, the
Living Bible). The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have brought it
upon themselves (Leviticus 20:13, the Living Bible).
God Doesnt make mistakes.
According to the Christian religion, God is perfect. As for God, his way is perfect: The
LORDs word is flawless; he shields all you take refuge in him (Psalm 18:30, New International
Version). According to this, because the Bible is Gods word, what the Bible says is perfect. If
the bible is saying homosexuality is wrong, and Gods word is perfect, this is meaning that
homosexuality is, in fact, a sin.
Not born gay from a bible point of view.
When we take a look at this argument, it continues off the previous point, that God
doesnt make mistakes. If God, his way, and his word are perfect, and his would, in fact, says
that homosexuality is a sin, he would NOT make a human homosexual or make them believe


they are transgendered, as this is against his word. From a Biblical point of view, we as humans
have the choice of being homosexual or non-homosexual because God has given us that choice.
Not born gay from a science point of view.
Looking at a scientific point of view, in the world of LGBT things can get a little more
confusing. All this talk about gay genes, chromosomes, nature vs nurture, and
psychology, what does it all mean? When we delve deeper, as it is commonly known,
psychology is the study of how humans think, its the study of the mind. In this thinking,
sexuality being straight or homosexual, is found in the mind, as well as being transgender. So
where do we go from there? Gay genes and Chromosomes. In the essay by Robert Knight, he
notes the following passage that is a famous doctor in psychological studies
As Dr. Satinover emphasizes, correlation does not mean something is causative.
Basketball players are tall, so height correlates with playing basketball, he notes. But
there is no basketball-playing gene. Efforts to turn some interesting correlations into
causal factors have not been successful and yet have been misused to advance a political
agenda (Knight, 2004).
Its not because of a homosexual gene, but because of an interrupted process of
achieving secure gender identity. This can make some boys who crave male affirmation
an easy mark for seduction into homosexuality A similar pattern can be seen in girls who
dont fit classic gender profiles, need feminine affirmation, and are targeted by lesbians
who play upon the girl's emotional needs (Knight, 2004).
Noting these points, homosexuality is not from a gene and is a psychological and
emotional issue. The last point, when we get into nature vs nurture debate, this can be thought of
in a similar manner. According to Myers, nature is our genes and nurture is our environment


around us and how we grow up. As stated in the above paragraph, homosexuality is not a
specific gene per say. So maybe nurture has something to do with it. How we treat our kids, the
media that they are provided with, and the people that they are associated with and their friends
might have a large peer influence on homosexuality.
Connotations to Todays World
In todays world, homosexuality is more prominent than ever, and it is believed to keep
on growing more prominent.
Its a fad.
In the school life of todays children, a lot of them think its cool to be homosexual or
transgender. Now this is not to say of every school or of every location in the United States, but
it has popped up this way in many locations. More and more students are considering
themselves this way more so over adults. Also, the more famous, as they are called, people
who the students are seeing in their everyday lives, actors, musicians, people who students are
looking up to, are becoming gay. Is this the new in thing?
Social Medias Impact.
Stated by The American Family association Some of the largest advertisers on television
have taken up the cause of the radical homosexual movement, sinking millions of dollars into
sponsorship of TV programs and pushing the homosexual agenda (1994). More and more
network television channels are showing homosexual advertisements and even on our everyday
news stations we are feeding in the homosexual movement. These are coming in from ads, those
pushing saying that its okay to be gay, as well as other television programs that feature


The Bakery Case.
In a recent case, respondents refused to make a wedding cake for two complainants
based on their sexual orientation (Bureau of Labor and Industries, 2015). In this case, a
homosexual couple has asked a bakery to bake a cake for them. Upon finding out that they were
a homosexual couple, they refused to make a cake because it was participating in a homosexual
wedding, something that is against their religion. However, they would offer the couple any
other service as long as it was not pertaining to a wedding, as they cannot participate in any sort
of religious ceremony (such as a wedding) with a homosexual couple, as it is against their
religion. If bakeries that are Christian like this are forced to make goods for weddings, this is
taking away their freedom of religion. In this case, a homosexual couple should want to find
another bakery that would be willing to create a cake for their wedding, instead of forcing it on a
bakery of a religion that they dont believe.
Transgender and Homosexuality
Transgender people are in the same movement as the homosexuals. They are in the
LGBT scene. The difference between a homosexual person and a transsexual person is that
homosexuals have feelings for those who are of the same gender. A transgender person, on the
other hand, believes that they were given the wrong gender and they are actually a member of the
other gender. This doesnt mean that they are homosexual per say, they can still like the
opposite gender, and it is hard to pinpoint these terms because they say that their physical and
actual gender are different.
Commonalities between these groups.
In these groups, throughout the culture, they have the same arguments. Both groups
believe that God has created them the way they are. Both believe that it is not a choice. The


growth of this group is growing just as the homosexual group is growing. The media also
portrays transgender people, just as they would portray other members of the LGBT scene.
God does not make mistakes.
The argument of God does not make mistakes can be said about this too. As Christians
believe, according to Gods word, God, his word, and his way are perfect (New International
Version). When we think of the actual verse this way, transgender, as well as homosexuality is a
choice because, in Gods word, it is a sin. Because it is a sin in Gods word, and Gods word is
perfect, then God could not have caused a person to believe they are an incorrect gender.
Final Thoughts
By what was researched, our values of the LGBT group are changing based on social
media and science. Us as a country and a human race must hold onto our traditional values,
however. I am not saying that we go out and be horrible to these people. In Gods own words,
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these
(Mark 12:31 ESV) and But God shows his love for us in that while we are still sinners, Christ
died for us (Romans 5:8). We still need to treat everyone with love and kindness, even if we
dont agree with them. This would make us a better human race. Sticking to our values but
accepting that the world is changing and acknowledging that there are people who consider
themselves homosexual and transgender, still caring for them even though we dislike the sin, is
very important.


Boston Catholic Journal. (n.d.). and HOLY CONFESSION The Antidote of Death First , Mortal
Sin ..., 17.
Gates, G. J. (2011). How many people are lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender? The
Williams Institute, (April), 18.
Knight, R. (2004). BORN OR BRED? Science Does Not Support the Claim That
Homosexuality Is Genetic. Culture and Family Institute, (2), 113. Retrieved from:\n
Supreme Court of the United States. (2015). Case of Obergefell et al. v. Hodges, Director, Ohio
Department of Health, et al. 576 Us , (14), 103. Retrieved from:

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