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As a child when someone asked us what we would like to be when we grew up, we
had copious options. We were always excited to share these dreams with others and
enjoyed evocating them and envisaging ourselves pursuing those dreams with dour
efforts. As we grew up we thought of these dreams as whimsical delusions of our
childhood and ignored them. But, deep under we covet to achieve what we had
dreamt of. Presuming that we cannot achieve what we had dreamt, we just
acquiesce to our current situation and hide our lack of courage to pursue these
dreams under the aegis of pragmatic thinking.
Many would argue, not everyone has a pleasant childhood. There are people for
whom childhood memories are afflicting with pain, abuse and suffering and thus it is
wrong to say that everyone lacked courage to pursue their dreams. I still opine that
we are as bounded as we fetter ourselves. I agree it is easier said than done and we
cannot sardonically ignore the tribulations of the less fortunate ones. But on the
other hand when we look around we notice that almost everyone who is a paragon
in his field seems to rise up from squalor to stardom. Stephen Hawking is an
archetype for the adage, where there is a will there is a way.
What is that hidden force that drives these people and be stymied by nothing? It
indeed is their will, their motivation, their avarice to get out their indigent living and
climb up the social taxonomy to higher echelons. Not all of us realise the latent
power of our mind. If I were to ask you a question, what is the fastest thing in
universe, your visceral reaction would be light. But, none of us will ever tell that
imagination is faster than light. The sun is 8.3 minutes from earth at the speed of
light, but our imagination can cross this distance in no time. The point I am trying to
belabour, put in simple words, is, the mind is a great adobe of power. All we need to
do is unleash this power and see our life shaping the way we like it.
The human brain can be imagined to be divided into two entities, the conscious and
the sub-conscious. All the decisions that we take are from the conscious mind with
data supplied by sub-conscious mind. This data, is collected over time and
experience. There are many things that we do sub-consciously without even utilising
a modicum of the conscious mind. Best example breathing. Our sub-conscious
mind is on duty 24/7 learning, training and then giving instructions to our being
trying to realise what you envisage. Thus it is very important that we think positive
and train our sub-conscious to create a positive instruction set to our being bringing
our thought to reality.
After reading the aforementioned data, many readers must be thinking of training
the sub-conscious mind a laborious task. Well, on the contrary it is actually that
simple to train your mind. Its as simple as learning to drive a car. Initially you are
consciously foraging with gears and controlling the gas and brakes, but, once you
are trained, you seem to be doing it without even thinking. This is what the subconscious does. It trains itself and then arbitrates between all your organs to
complete that task without any interference from your conscious mind. So all you

have to do is list the goals you want to achieve and repeat them in your mind for a
few days and then your sub-conscious learns it and accordingly co-ordinates with
your body and your milieu and thrives meticulously to achieve your goal.
All the famous people that you see are doing this maybe without even realising, but,
the fact is you have the power to shape your future and nobody except you can
achieve it. Hence think positive, stay fit and keep training.

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