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1. 1.1
Below, whenever we write z = x + iy, we mean that x and y are real numbers
the real and imaginary parts of z.
in the standard form x + yi.
1.1. Problem 2. Express 3+5i
1 35i
Solution: 3+5i = 3+5i 35i = 335i
2 +52 = 34 34 i

1.2. Problem 5. Find a square root for i.

Solution: We have to find z = x + iy so that (x + iy)2 = i. If we expand
(x + iy)2 and collect real and imaginary parts, we get (x2 y 2 ) + i(2xy). To solve
the equation (x2 y 2 ) + i(2xy) = i in C it is equivalent to solve the system of two
x2 y 2 = 0
2xy = 1
in R. We may reduce this to one equation by setting p
y = x, in which
pcase the second
equation reads 2x2 = 1. Solving for x gives x = 1/2, y = 1/2 (where the
signs are the same). In other words a square root of i is given by

( 12 + i 12)
1.3. Problem 6. If z = x + iy, express z 3 in standard form.
Solution: z 3 = (x + iy)3 = x3 + 3x2 (iy) + 3x(iy)2 + (iy)3 , by the Binomial
Theorem. Collecting real and imaginary terms together (using i2 = 1 and i3 = i)
we get
(x3 3xy 2 ) + i(3x2 y + y 3 )
1.4. Problem 8. Prove the commutative law of addition holds for complex numbers: z1 + z2 = z2 + z1 .
Solution: We will appeal to the commutative law of addition for real numbers.
Suppose z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2 . By definition (Definition 1.1.1 on page
2), z1 + z2 and z2 + z1 are given by:
z1 + z2 = (x1 + x2 ) + i(y1 + y2 )

z2 + z1 = (x2 + x1 ) + i(y2 + y1 )

Thus to prove that z1 + z2 = z2 + z1 , it suffices to prove that:

x1 + x2 = x2 + x1 and y1 + y2 = y2 + y1
Each of those holds by the commutative law of addition for real numbers.
1.5. Problem 11. For z C and a R, prove the following: (a) Re(az) = aRe(z)
and Im(az) = aIm(z); (b) Re(iz) = Im(z) and Im(iz) = Re(z).
Solution to (b): Suppose z = x + iy. Then iz = ix + iiy = ix y = (y) + ix.
Thus, Re(iz) = Re(y + ix). Since both y and x are real numbers, the real part
(resp. imaginary part) of (y + ix) is y (resp. x). Now (b) follows as x = Re(z)
and y = Im(z).


1.6. Problem 13. Graph the set of points z C which satisfy the equation |z i| =

1.7. Problem 14. Graph the set of points z C which satisfy the equation z 2 +
z 2 = 2 If z = x + iy, the equation is the same as (x2 y 2 ) = 1, which is a hyperbola

1.8. Problem 15. Prove that if z is a nonzero complex number, then 1/z = 1/z
and |1/z| = 1/|z|. If z = x + iy then 1/z = x2 +y
2 (x iy) and 1/z = x2 +y 2 (x + iy)
. Then by Theorem 1.1.7, we have
1/z =


(x iy) = 2
(x + iy) = 1/z
x + y2

1.9. Problem 16. If z is any complex number prove that z/z has modulus one.
We compute
z z z

1.10. Problem 17. Prove that every complex number of modulus 1 has the form
cos() + i sin() for some angle .
If z = x + iy has complex modulus 1, then x2 + y 2 = 1. By the definition of
sine and cosine, if is the angle that (x, y) makes with the positive x-axis, then
x = cos() and y = sin().
1.11. Problem 18. Prove that every line or circle in C is the solution set of an
equation of the form
a|z|2 + wz + wz + b = 0
where a and b are real numbers and w is a complex number. Conversely, show that
every equation of this form has a line, circle, point, or the empty set as its solution


Lets do the case of a circle. If C is a circle of radius r around the center , then
an equation for it in complex numbers is
|z | = r
or equivalently (z )(z ) = r2 . Expanding the left hand side gives
|z|2 z z + ||2 = r2
Dividing both sides by r2 gives an equation for the circle of the required form with
a = r12 , b = ||2 /r2 , and w = /r2 .
2. 1.2
2.1. Problem 1. Show that the sequence (2 + ni)1 converges to 0.
The complex modulus of (2+ni)1 is (n2 +4)1/2 . The limit of complex numbers
(2 + ni)1 is zero because the limit of real numbers limn (n2 + 4)1/2 is zero.
2.2. Problem 2. Prove the following form of the triangle inequality: ||z| |w||
|z w|.
Either |z| = |w|, |z| < |w|, or |z| > |w|. In the first case, the left hand side is
zero and the right-hand side is nonnegative, so the inequality holds. In the second
case, we will use the usual triangle inequality |z + (w z)| |z| + |(w z)|.
||z| |w|| = |w| |z| = |z + (w z)| |z| |z| + |w z| |z| = |w z| = |z w|
The third case is similar to the second case.
2.3. Problem 3. Show that |(z + 5)1 | (|z| 5)1
The book made a mistake. For example when z = 0, the inequality you are
asked to prove is 1/5 1/5. However the inequality is true when |z| > 5, lets
prove that:
The triangle inequality gives
|z| |z + 5| + | 5| = |z + 5| + 5
So |z| 5 |z + 5|. So long as the left-hand side is positive (i.e. |z| > 5), taking
reciprocals reverses the inequality.

2.4. Problem 4. Does the sequence (1/ 2 + i/ 2)n converge?

No, the number we are taking the nth power of is the square root of i, so this
sequence cycles through the 8 numbers

i, i, i i, 1, i, i, i i, 1, i,
over and over again.
2.5. Problem 5. For which values of z does the sequence z n converge?
If |z| < 1, then this sequence converges to 0, since |z|n 0. If |z| > 1, then
it diverges since |z|n . What about when |z| = 1? It converges when z = 1,
but diverges when z is any other number of modulus 1. (To prove this rigorously
is actually pretty difficult: you have to analyze the case where z is a root of unity
and where z is not a root of unity separately. If z is not a root of unity, then
the numbers z n spread out uniformly over the circle as you take higher and higher
powers a precise form of this is called Weyls equidistribution theorem)


2.6. Problem 10. Does the series n=0 n/(3 + 2ni)
P converge?
No, by the limit test. If limn |zn | =
6 0, then n=0 zn diverges. But
lim |n/(3 + 2ni)| =
2.7. Problem 11. Does the series n=1 n/(n + 2i) converg?
Yes, by the limit comparison test it converges absolutely. We have

n3 +2i


n=1 n2


converges by the p-test.

2.8. Problem 12. For which values of z does the series n=0 n2 +z
2 converge?
So long as z 6= n for any positive integer n, (i.e. so long as z 6= in for
any integer n) no term of the series P
involves division by zero. In that case the
limit comparison test (comparing to
n2 again) shows that the series converges
2.9. Problem 13. Find the radius of convergence for the power series n=0 nz n
The ratio test shows that the radius of convergence is 1
2.10. Problem 14. Find the radius of convergence for the power series n=0 z n /3n
The ratio test shows that the radius of convergence is 3
2.11. Problem 15. Find the radius of convergence for the power series n=0 z n /(1+
2n )
The ratio test shows that the radius of convergence is 2
2.12. Problem 16. Find the radius of convergence of the power series n=0 (n!/nn )z n
The ratio test shows that the series converges when
(n + 1)!/(n + 1)n+1 |z|n+1
n!/nn |z|n

or equivalently when
(n + 1)n+1 /(n + 1)!
nn /n!
That expression in n on the right simplifies to (1 + 1/n)n , which converges to e as
n . So the radius of convergence is e.
|z| < lim

3. 1.3
3.1. Problem 1. Using the power series for ez , prove that ez = ez for each z C.
We have

ez =
z n /n! =
z n /n! = ez
z n /n! =



using the fact that z is compatible with addition, multiplication, and limits.
3.2. Problem 2.


4. Extra problem from second HW

Here are some grid lines in the complex plane:

Here is what their images look like under z 7 z 2 :


5. 1.4
5.1. Problems 11-12. 11. For the principal branch of the log function, find log(1
i). 12. Same, for the branch
by the interval [0,2)
In polar form, 1 i = 2e
. So log(1 i) = log( 2) i/4 + 2n. The
principal branch has n = 0. The branch determined by [0, 2) has n = 1.
5.2. Problem 15. Analyze the function z i defined by (1.4.7) using the principal
branch of the log function. What kind of jump does it have as z crosses the negative
real axis?
In 1.4.7, we are asked to consider z i := exp(i log(z)). For the principal branch
of log, if we write z = rei for < , then
z i = exp(i log(r) ) = exp() (cos(log(r)) + i sin(log(r)))
In particular, the modulus of z i is e . When z crosses the negative real axis, i.e.
when crosses the angle , the modulus jumps from e = 0.04... to e = 23.14....
But the argument of z i (which is log(r)) stays the same along this jump.

5.3. Problem 16. Analyze the function 1 z 2 where the square root function is
defined by the principal branch of the log function. Where does it have discontinuities?

The function w (for the principal

branch) is discontinuous when w is a negative

real number, so the function 1 z 2 is discontinuous when 1 z 2 is a negative real

number. Let us determine for which complex numbers z, we have
1 z = r, r a
positive real. This happens when z = 1 + r, i.e. when z = 1 + r. So there are
two branch cuts, illustrated in the diagram:

6. 2.1
6.1. Problem 4. Show that the set A = {z C | Re(z) > 0} is open.
Fix w with Re(w) > 0. We must show that for some r > 0, Dr (w) A.
Equivalently, we must show that for some r > 0, the condition |z w| < r implies
the condition Re(z) > 0. In fact, we may take r = Re(w), when Dr (w) is tangent
to the imaginary axis.
6.2. Problem 5. Tell which of the following are open subsets of C, which are
closed, and which are neither:
(a) is open, (b) is neither open nor closed, (c) is closed


6.3. Problem 6. Find the interior, closure, and boundary for the set {z C | 1
|z| < 2}
The interior is {z C | 1 < |z| < 2}.
The boundary is {z C | |z| = 1} {z C | |z| = 2}.
The closure is {z C | 1 |z| 2}
6.4. Problem 9. Prove that Re(z), Im(z), and z are continuous functions of z.
For Re(z), we have u(x, y) = x and v(x, y) = 0 both u and v are continuous
functions in x and y, so Re(z) is continuous in z.
For Im(z), we have u(x, y) = 0 and v(x, y) = y both u and v are continuous
functions in x and y, so Im(z) is continuous in z.
For z, we have u(x, y) = x and v(x, y) = y both of these are continuous
functions ofx and y, so z is a continuous function of z.
7. 2.2
7.1. Problem 7. Find the derivative of ez
Use the chain rule, its 3z 2 ez

7.2. Problem 8. At what points does log(z)/z have a complex derivative, and what
is the derivative at those points?
If we take the principal branch of log(z), this function is continuous and complex
differentiable so long as arg(z) 6= , i.e. so long as z is not a nonnegative real. We
use the product rule to determine the derivative
(log(z)/z)0 = (log(z))0 + log(z)( )0 = 2 log(z) 2
7.3. Problem 10. Use the Cauchy-Riemann equations to verify that f (z) = z 2 is
analytic everywhere.
If we write f (x+iy) = (x+iy)2 = u(x, y)+iv(x, y), we find that u(x, y) = x2 y 2
and v(x, y) = 2xy. We compute
ux = 2x

uy = 2y

vx = 2y

vy = 2x

and see that ux = vy and uy = vx .

7.4. Problem 11. Describe all real-valued functions which are analytic (i.e. complex differentiable) on C
If f (z) is real valued, and we write f (x + iy) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y), we must have
v(x, y) = 0 for all values of x, y. But then ux = vy = 0 and uy = vx = 0 by
the Cauchy-Riemann equations, which implies that u(x, y) = C for some constant
C C. Thus every real-valued complex-differntiable function is constant.
7.5. Problem 12. Derive the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates
Let us write f (rei ) = u(r, ) + iv(r, ) and f (x + iy) = U (x, y) + iV (x, y). The
usual Cauch-Riemann equations apply to U and V :
Ux = Vy

Uy = Vx

We also have the change of coordinates formula

u(r, ) = U (r cos(), r sin())

v(r, ) = V (r cos(), r sin())

By the multivariable chain rule,

ur = Ux (r cos(), r sin()) cos() + Uy (r cos(), r sin()) sin()


v = Vx (r cos(), r sin())(r sin()) + Vy (r cos(), r sin())(r cos())
In that last formula, if we replace Vx with Uy and Vy with Ux , we get rur , i.e.
rur = v
i.e.ur = v
The second formula u = rvr can be obtained from a different application of the
multivariable chain rule.
7.6. 2.3.
7.7. Problem 1. Find

eit dt Write eit = cos(t) + i sin(t), then

e dt =
cos(t)dt + i

The right-hand side of that is the same as

sin(t)|0 + i( cos(t))|0 = 2i
7.8. Problem 2. Find 0 sin(it)dt
Let us use sin(it) = i sinh(t). Then 0 i sinh(t)dt = i 0 sinh(t)dt = i cosh(t)|10 =
cosh(1) cosh(0) = cosh(1) 1
R 2
7.9. Problem 3. Find 0 eint eimt dt for all integers n and m
R 2
R 2
We compute 0 ei(n+m)t dt = 0 (cos((n+m)t)+i sin((n+m)t))dt. If n+m 6= 0,
this is the same as
sin((n + m)t)|2
cos((n + m)t)|2
0 =0
R 2
If n + m = 0, this is the same as 0 1dt = 2.
7.10. Problem 4. Find a path that traces a straight line joining 2 i to 1 + 3i
To connect z0 and z1 by a straight line path whose domain is [0, 1], use (t) =
z1 t + z0 (1 t). In this case thats
(t) = (1 + 3i)t + (2 i)(1 t) = (2 i) + t(3 + 4i)

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