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2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015


Jenny Delly, Welly Liku Padang, Baso Mursidi, Budiman Sudia
Lecture in Mechanical Department of Halu Oleo University
The research is meant to use a cyclone turbine ventilator as a power for housing lighting. Basically, wind
energy can create turbine and to produce electrical power. The method used is that composing generator into
an axis of cyclone turbine ventilator and then generator produce electrical power for people housing.
However, the turbine ventilator still function to relive heat to out room because of temperature different. The
aim of study is to give a way out for people in case of power supply in their housing. The study resulted
that wind velocity of 6.5 m/s can produce 23.39 watt of power which occurred 9.18 watt of loses in the
installation. Also there is a decline 0.7oC of room temperature on 3 m/s of wind velocity average.
Keywords: cyclone turbine ventilator, wind energy, electrical energy

Energy needs in Indonesia in particular and the world in general continue to rise
due to population growth, economic growth and energy consumption patterns themselves
are constantly increasing. While fossil energy which has been the main source of energy,
its availability is very limited and continue to diminish. Natural processes require a very
long time to be able to re-supply the fossil energy.
Today the development and use of renewable energy (renewable energy) is
increasingly becoming a very important thing. Especially with more and more issues that
exhaust emissions to counter global environmental preservation. Efforts to diversify energy
sources propagate into Indonesia following the signing Presidential Instruction No.1/2006
on the Provision and Use of Bio fuels. Of course this is a condition that positive
momentum for all components related to immediately think about and take serious steps to
developing the future of alternative energy sources.
National electricity needs during the period 2005-2025 is projected to increase by
8.3% per year. Increasing national electricity consumption is not comparable with the
existing energy supply. Electricity needs in remote eastern Indonesia today use fossil
energy power generation fuel distribution constrained by transport and weather conditions.
To overcome this it is necessary to diversify power generation environmentally friendly
alternative energy sources, one of which is the use of wind energy.
Currently, wind as an energy source has been and is growing with the growth rate is
quite high, on average per year to reach 25%. This makes it as a source of energy with the
world's fastest growth rate since 1990. The five largest markets for wind energy today is
in Germany, Spain, USA, Denmark and India. With this addition, that for the
wind energy is economically competitive, plus non- polluting nature, is very promising as
an alternative energy source in this millennium.
Use cyclone turbine wind ventilator serves to circulate in the room of the house or
building. Turbine spins because centripetal style associated with the outward rotation of
the wind through the blades. This is due to the pressure difference between the inside and
outside and because of the wind turbine ventilators around the cyclone. When the wind
came and hit the ventilator, there will be leaps and makes a low pressure area on the


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

bottom side of the turbine. This low pressure zone will provide funeral resulting wind
circulation from the inside to the outside.
Rotation of the turbine is used to turn a generator (dynamo) so it can issue an
electrical current that can be stored in the Accumulator DC12 Volt. Therefore, the current
coming out of the Accumulator (ACCU) is DC (Direct Current), it would require an
additional tool that will change the power inverter DC current to AC (Alternating Current),
so it can be streamed to the home. Subsequent to the modification on the ventilator turbine
generator with the addition on its axis, then the cyclone is already functioning turbine
ventilator double, which can circulate air from the room by lowering the temperature of the
room as well as generate electrical power.
Target Activity
Provide a way out of the problems faced by the community in the provision of
electricity to support community activities.
Benefit Event
The benefits of this activity are:
a. Society can do without the constraints electrical activity.
b. Can help small and medium enterprises to increase their income.
Cyclone turbine ventilator is widely used in the building or room that does not use
air conditioning. Use cyclone turbine ventilator is to drain and replace the hot air in the
room with the cool outside air with only rely pressure difference between outside and
inside the building.
How it Works Cyclone Turbine Ventilator
Cyclone Turbine Ventilator will rotate only with weak winds though, but also able
to withstand high winds. Turning turbine ventilator cyclone also caused by the difference
in air pressure inside and outside the room, which is naturally hot air in the room will drain
and squeeze out through the fins and make cyclone turbine spinning turbine ventilator.
Thus there is or there is no wind, cyclone spinning turbine ventilator will always suck the
hot air in the room.
1. Cyclone turbine ventilator is designed to take advantage of the wind to get a positive
flow through the neck ventilator. Wind affects the performance of the ventilator in two
When the wind came and hit the ventilator, as if it would jump and make a low
pressure area on the bottom side of the turbine. This low pressure zone will provide
feeds (fed) by drawing air from the turbine which causes continuous extraction of air
from the building.
2. Turbine spins because centripetal style associated with the rotation of air to the outside
through the blades. Replacement air is drawn out of the building causing neck
ventilator continuous ventilation, this is because due to the difference in pressure
between the outside and inside of the building


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

Picture 1. Direction Wind Turbine Ventilator In Cyclone

Wind is moving air caused by the rotation of the earth and also because of
differences in air pressure around it. Difference in air pressure caused by the difference in
air temperature due to uneven heating the atmosphere by sunlight. Because the wind moves
has kinetic energy. Wind energy can be converted or transferred into other forms of energy
such as electricity or mechanically by using a windmill or wind turbine. Therefore,
windmill or wind turbine is often referred to as the Wind Energy Conversion System
Wind is a source of environmentally friendly energy and inexhaustible (renewable
energy) or renewable energy sources. Wind is moving air and has the direction and speed.
Wind speed units are in kilometers per hour, meters per second, miles per hour or knots.
Anemometer wind speed measured. Wind speed varies to a height above the ground.
Geographical condition of Indonesia is an added value that can be utilized in the
development of renewable technologies, particularly wind.
Generators are the main source of electrical energy is used up to now and is the
world's largest converter. In principle, the resulting voltage generator is back and forth,
while the generator which produces DC voltage as it has undergone a process of
rectification. Generator is a machine that uses magnets to convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy. Generator is a simple principle can be said that the voltage induced in a
conductor when the conductor moves in a magnetic field so that the cut lines of force.
Automatic Voltage Regulator
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is a tool that serves to regulate the voltage to
charge the battery until it reaches the specified voltage. When the specified voltage level is
reached, the charging current will drop automatically to the safe limits specified precisely
and hold the charging current to be slower so the indicator light indicates the battery is
fully charged.
Inverter or better known as Power Inverter is a device to convert DC current to AC
current. When it takes power from the energy storage (battery/other) then the supply will
be generated by the wave-shaped battery DC. Since most household uses AC power
supply, it would require an inverter to convert the DC waveform released by the battery
into the AC waveform, so that the equipment requires AC power supply can be used.


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

Accumulator is one example of a direct current power source that is currently
widely used by the public as electrical energy giver starter motors, ignition plugs and
lighting on motor vehicles. Similarly to the field of rates household lighting and home
electronics appliances such as tape, radio, television and so on. In the regions in Indonesia
that particular unreached electricity networks, the accumulator has a very important role in
its use as a power source for the average current.
Research Design
In this study, designed an overall block diagram of the system shown in Figure 8
below. Cyclone spinning turbine ventilator because of the pressure difference on the inside
and outside of the building, so that the generator will spin and generate electricity voltage
is rectified by the diode currents previously (rectifier bridge) then governed by the AVR so
that the incoming voltage to a controlled accumulator. Battery (batteries) will produce a
DC voltage which is then changed by a voltage AC Inverter that used for home lighting.

Figure 2. Block Diagram/System Configuration

This study utilized cyclone round ventilator to drive a turbine generator, is then
used to charge the batteries. Charging time of the batteries depends on the magnitude of the
output current from the AVR controller and air condition which causes a large pressure
difference to the nominal limit. Output voltage of the power plant is used to recharge the
vehicle battery voltage or the accumulator.
1. Wind power
P = Power Wind (W)
= Density (kg/m3)
V = Wind Speed (m/s)
A = Area catching wind (m2)
Sources: Daryanto, Y, 2007, Assessment of Potential Wind Power Bayu, Hall PPTAGGUPT-LAGG Yogyakarta)
2. Rotation Output
Formula with 2 mace:

Formula with 2 maces:


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

(Sources: Europa Lehrmittel, 1982, Tabellenbuch Metall, Nourney, Vollmer & Co.OHG.)
Figure 3. Fuli and Belt
3. Charging time
Td = (Accumulator Power)/(Power Accumulator Charge)
Td = duration of charging (hours)
Power Accumulator = Magnitude power obtained from the multiplication of the
voltage Accu Ah (watt-hours)
The amount of charging power = power obtained from the multiplication of the voltage
Ampere with Accumulator (Watt)
(Source: Puspitoningrum, J, 2006 "Comparison of Power Electrical Energy Storage in dry
and wet accumulator. Thesis, Unes Semarang)
4. Power
P = I2 x R
P = Power
V = Potential difference (Volt)
I = Strong current (amperes)
R = resistance ()
(Source: Puspitoningrum, J, 2006 "Comparison of Power Electrical Energy Storage in dry
and wet accumulator. Thesis, Unes Semarang.)
In this study used a modified cyclone turbine ventilator with no detriment to the function as
ventilation (ventilator).
Picture below is an installation made in the research process:

Figure 4. Installation Research Description:


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015


Cyclone Turbine Ventilator
Accumulator (battery)
Power Inverter

Modified Cyclone Turbine Ventilator

Cyclone Turbine Ventilator used in this study before being used in data retrieval, a
modified advance on its axis, which initially stationary shaft and converted into motion, as
shown below:

Figure 5. Cyclone Turbine Ventilator After Modified

1. Round calculations
Measurements obtained from the turbine shaft speed, n1 = 90 rpm.
Note: Fuli 1 (D1) = 280 mm, Fuli 2 (D2) = 75 mm, Fuli 3 (D3) = 190 mm

2. Power calculation
A. Power Turbine Ventilator, as follows note:
External wind speed V = 6.5 m/s Wind speed in, V = 0.8 x outside Wind Speed =
6.5 x 0.8 = 5.20 m/s. Turbine Ventilator neck diameter = 600 mm = 0.06 m.
Air density, = 1.293 kg/m3.


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

A = area of the neck Catching wind turbine (m2).

B. Power Generator
Accumulator measurement data to be obtained, output voltage = 13.09 Volt AC
Generator and Flow = 1.78 Ampere, then:
C. Power AVR
Measurement data obtained for AVR, Generator output voltage =
10.91 Volts DC, and current = 1.60 A, then:
D. Power Accumulator
Accumulator measurement data to be obtained, output voltage = 10.91 Volt AC
Generator and Flow = 1.50 A, then:
E. Power Inverter
Measurement data obtained, the Inverter output voltage = 214 Volts AC, and
current = 0.066 A, then:

3. Older calculations charging Accumulator

Measurement data on wind speed of
6.5 m/s obtained:
AVR voltage = 10.91 Volts DC and Flow = 1.6 Ampere

4. Temperature drop calculation

Measurement data at 12.00, obtained
Outside temperature = 34.2C
In the temperature = 31.6C
In the temperature = 30.9C (after turbine ventilator road).
Temperature difference between outside and inside is
T = 34.20C - 31.60C = 2.60C.
Decrease in temperature is:
T = 31.60C - 30.90C = 0.70C.
Based on the description above and the research results:
1. Wind speed
At wind speeds of 6 m/s generator begin to spin, whereas when the wind speed below 6
m/s the turbine ventilator is not active, but it can still work to suck the air out of the
room to give off heat through the air that passes through the neck supply the turbines.


2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

Graph 1.1. The relationship between the power turbine and the wind speed outside
2. Decrease in temperature
In Table 4, there is a temperature difference between outdoors and indoors around 3C,
and after a decline turbines run about 0.7oC. Air temperature is in the room, while still
hot turbine run around 30.9C,
3. Wind Speed Differences
Wind speed beyond the speed of the wind turbine vents through the neck there is a
difference, where the speed of the air coming out through the neck of the turbine is
only 80%; this is because there are barriers on the sides of the turbine.

From the research it can be concluded, as follows:
1. Wind speed outside to be able to rotate the turbine generator on the ventilator is 6 m/s.
2. Power generators depend on the speed of the turbine ventilator shaft, and electric
power at wind speeds of 6.5 m/s is 23.30 Watts.
3. There is a loss on the distribution of power 11.58 watts of power turbine ventilator until
the lamp, while the loss of power from the generator to the inverter and the lamp is
9.18 watts.
4. When rotating turbine ventilator happened decrease room temperature 0.7 degrees
Celsius on an average wind speed of 3 m/s.
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2nd International Conference on Engineering of Tarumanagara (ICET 2015)

Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta-Indonesia, 22-23 October 2015

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