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s 489
Solid State Physi s I
Prof. P. M. Goldbart
Handout 14
http://w3.physi s.uiu .edu/goldbart
ESB 2-115
9 April 2003
Homework 11
University of Illinois
This homework is due to be handed in to the PHYCS 489 Homework Box by 1 p.m. on
Thursday April 17.
1) Conservation laws and one-phonon s attering: Ash roft & Mermin, Chapter 24,
problem 2.
2) Classi al ele tromagneti intepretation of the Mossbauer e e t: Consider a
lassi al os illator emitting an ele tromagneti wave. If the os illator frequen y is a onstant,
 exp i!0T . If the frequen y hanges with
!0 , the ve tor potential it emits is A(T ) = Re A
time, !(t), but does soR slowly ompared with the period, then the ve tor potential emitted
is A(T ) = Re A exp i 0T dt !(t). Suppose that the frequen y variation is a Doppler e e t,
i.e., due to the velo ity of the os illator v(t). Then, if this velo ity is small ompared with
the speed of light , we have !(t)  [1 + (n  v(t)= )!0, where n is the dire tion of wave
a) Show that the ve tor potential is now given by
A(T ) = Re A exp[i!0 T exp[ik  (r(T ) r(0));
where r(t) is the position of the os illator and k  !0 n=
The os illator undergoes harmoni motion at frequen y
, so that r(t) = r sin
b) Show that the ve tor potential is now given by

A(T ) = Re A
Jn (k  
r) exp i(!0 + n
)T );

where Jn is a Bessel fun tion of order n. The strength F of the Mossbauer line is the intensity
at the fundamental frequen y: F = jA j2 J0(k  r)2.
Now suppose that the os illator is a nu leus at the R = 0 Bravais latti e site of a rystal. Then, in terms of the normal mode amplitudes, phases, polarisations and frequen ies
frs(q); 's(q); es(q);
s(q)g its displa ement is given by
r(t) = es (q) rs (q) sin(
s (q)t + 's (q));

and the strength of the Mossbauer line be omes

 j2 Y J0(k  es(q) rs(q))2:
F = jA

As we are on erned with nu lear displa ments that are small ompared with the ele tromagneti wavelength, we may use the small-argument expansion J0(x) = 1 (y2=4) +   .

) Show that by repla ing the squared displa ement r(t) r (t) by its average value hrr i 
1 2
ossbauer line strength
3   we obtain a Gaussian form for the M
 j2 exp  2jkj2=3 :
F = jA
As Mossbauer observed, in experiments on 191Ir, this re oil-free fra tion de reases with in reased temperature (i.e., in reased mean square nu lear dis pla ements). It in reases with
the Debye temperature of the rystal (be ause nu lear positions u tuate less in sti er rystals). Furthermore, it de reases with the energy (and hen e waveve tor k of the emitted
gamma radiation.
3) Cy lotron resonan e in semi ondutors: Ash roft & Mermin, Chapter 28, problem 1.
4) Interpretation of y lotron resonan e data: Ash roft & Mermin, Chapter 28, prob-

lem 2, parts (a) and (b) only.

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