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Persuasive essay- eradication of prostitution

Imagine this youre a sixteen year old girl, topped up on heroin and afraid to
leave your room. Youre sitting waiting for one thing, a knock. The knock of a man
or woman who has paid for you. Sadly this happens to many young girls around
the world. Many young girls around the world are forced into prostitution through
abuse and drugs. This needs to stop now.
Prostitution is the worlds oldest trade. However, nowadays it isnt always
by choice. Some girls and women are forced into prostitution through abuse and
drugs. Dont you think its time that this type of abuse was eradicated?
Personally, I dont think anyone should be subject to abuse. Millions and millions
of women and girls in the world are subject to abuse and drugging by their
brothel keeper. Some girls as young as twelve are subject to abuse and are topped
up on cocaine or heroin to make them comply with what is wanted of them.
In the world there are many places where prostitution is fully legal; there is
a town in America which protects prostitutes if they pay a fine. The Netherlands
has the Red Light District where prostitutes gather and offer their services. The
Red Light District is fully legal. However, this doesnt always stop abuse as an
average prostitute in a brothel is beaten twelve times per year. This is of course
different for prostitutes on the streets. Even in areas where prostitution is legal a
prostitute is not safe from danger even murder. Two hundred and four prostitutes
are killed on average per year in America. The number of prostitutes murdered in
Glasgow sits steadily at about fifty murders per year , only in the red light district
or the drag as it is known.

For many men and women prostitution is a way of life. It makes them
money to survive. Now sadly a woman wearing a tight skirt and short top can
barely walk about without being branded a prostitute or whore. The acts of
prostitutes have degraded woman all over the world due to the way they are
stereotypically portrayed. This affects all women of the world and it needs to stop.
In total almost 10% of American males have paid for sex via a prostitute;
thats nearly one hundred and fifty two hundred thousand men in America that
have paid for sexual acts. Many of the encounters have taken place with women
who may even not have known fully what was happening to them due to drugging.
In 2004 over 5000 children worldwide were involved in prostitution unwillingly.
These girls and boys should be in school, learning and living life but they are
stuck in a brothel, scared and afraid of their next customer who has paid for

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Most of the women and girls in prostitution have been raped but they cant
go to the police to prosecute customers as they are committing an illegal act
through being a prostitute. On average a prostitute is raped anywhere from eight
to ten times per year. Eradicating prostitution can fix this. If prostitution is
eradicated women and girls who have been raped can then go on trial against the
rapist with a fair court and finally put the abuser in jail. Surely this can help
abused girls and women begin to have a normal life again.
Eradicating prostitution will also aid in lowering the number of STIs and
STDs worldwide. Prostitutes are the main carriers of many of these infections and
diseases. Chlamydia would be lowered to a fraction of what the rates are now as
prostitutes are the main host. As chlamydia is passed on by sexual acts if
prostitution stops the number of carriers will slowly decline over time to a small
minority. The numbers of AIDs and HIV cases worldwide would reduce. As AIDs is
fatal until a cure is found eradicating prostitution would lower these numbers to
reduce the mortality rate of AIDs, thus saving one million two hundred thousand
lives per year. Other STIs and STDs will also decline. Surely this is a defining
factor on eradicating prostitution as it saves more lives than lost to these
Many brothel owners see prostitution as easy income; people show up; pay
for sex, leave. Sadly in many brothels the women and men in the brothels arent
cared for; some are abused, others are drugged and some do it willingly. The
police are constantly looking for brothels to raid and shut down as they are also
areas of large drug dealing and crime as they are well hidden and can easily look
like a normal house. Sadly sometimes police can be bribed to turn the other way
from a brothel. This isnt right. Police should mount a raid as soon as the location
of a brothel is discovered and the brothel owners put on trial. If a brothel is raided
and prostitutes who have been abused and drugged are found they should be set
into rehabilitation programs to allow them to live a new life, safe from
A brothel keeper can have as many girls as the brothel can hold; sometimes
for large brothels this can be up to one hundred girls and women, many of whom
are scared and afraid of the brothel keeper. Brothel keepers, once owning a
girl/woman, can do as they please to them to keep them working for them. A
brothel keeper can hit, drug and blackmail women and girls into working for him.
Once a brothel keeper owns a man/woman they are put on sale to whomever
takes a liking to them. Some prostitutes are as young as seventeen when they
enter the trade, some like Hayden choose it to leave the life he was living after a
family trauma. Hayden became a prostitute and worked in a brothel, constantly
under the control of his owner and barely allowed contact with the outside world,
and when he did make contact with his loved ones he was punished for it. He
hasnt made contact with anyone since. Many who knew Hayden sadly consider

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him to be dead as they havent heard from him. Some still believe he will return
one day and continue his life with his parents.
The eradication of prostitution also brings a financial upside. As brothels
have many women, men and girls working there many can begin new lives. This
means more people working and thus a higher employment rate as more jobs
would become available as new businesses would be made and old industries
brought back to life. More people working also means that there is more income
and taxes would be more spread out among the working society.
By eradicating prostitution overall the entire crime system takes a hit;
fewer brothels, less abuse and rape, less drug dealing. Surely this is a suitable
reason for police in the world to eradicate it completely? Personally I believe this
to be a strong reason to eradicate prostitution completely and doing so would
create a better world with less abuse and harm to women and girls who are forced
into sexual acts.
In conclusion, the eradication of prostitution would aid the entire world it
would lead to the reduction of abuse and drugs and a lower STI and STD rate for
the world. The police of the world should start taking action against brothels and
prostitutes immediately to finally put an end to the abuse some of these women
and girls go through. I believe the world should begin to take action immediately
and help those who are stuck in a world of abuse and drugs to regain life again.
Isnt this the way the world should work?

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