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DATE: 24:08:007

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Like any good history lesson, the best place to start
teaching is the origin.

“The people of ancient China sought security from the barbaric hordes that
swept down from the North,
So they erected The Great Wall of China.

The massive wall stretched for 1500 miles.

It was 12 to 40 feet wide and 20 to 50 feet high.

The wall was too thick to tear down, and too long to go round.

This became the only visible man-made feature on earth from

During the first 100 years of the wall’s existence, China was invaded 3

`How was the security breached?’

The enemies simply bribed a gate-keeper and then marched easily through
the gate.

The fatal flaw in China’ defense lay in spending its wealth to build a wall
but paying much less to build the character of the gatekeepers.

The greater want of the world is the want of men and women.
The world does not so much need;
Men and women of great intellect as of men and women of noble

The world needs men and women;

In whom ability is controlled by steadfast principle.

Men and women;

Who cannot be bought or sold.

Men and women;

Who do not fear to call sin by its right name.

Men and women;

Who will stand for the truth though the heavens fall!

Character building is and continues to be the most important work
ever trusted mankind.

It is,
The most important labor ever entrusted to the success of human

And believe you me;

NEVER before was its diligent study so important as now.

NEVER was any previous generation called to meet issues so momentous.

NEVER before were young men and young women confronted by perils so
great as confront them today.

It is no longer a secret that;

Professors, Presidents, Judges, Lawyers, Doctors, Businessmen,
Bankers and other men and women of prominence and eminence;
Have been adversely implicated in prime and major economic cum moral
scandals that could bring even this beloved country of ours to its knees.
So to quote:
Goldenberg, Anglo fleecing, Kroll report, Arturs saga, Ndung’u report

Brothers and sisters;

Education is a guardian of true principles whose quality and success
determine the future of a nation.

Whether education is a curse or a blessing depends upon how you use it!

Knowledge is not enough; we must apply;

Willing is not enough; we must do;
`A nation is only as strong as the character of its citizens’.

I don’t usually lie, and when I lie; I never lie standing;

As surely as night follows day what lies before us and what lies
behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

May the almighty God bless you all. Thank you.

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