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Headteachers Report to Governing Body

December 2015
Key Information
Ages 4 to 11 Number on Roll 221
Total on roll Preschool to Year 6 = 292
Nursery to Year 6 = 255
Reception to Year 6 = 207
Free School Meals 73 (35%)
Pupil Premium 116 (56%)
Attendance 93.5%
Unauthorised attendance 1.3%
Nursery Year 6

Mirpuri Pakistani
Other Pakistani
Any Other Asian Background
Black African
Black Caribbean
Any Other Mixed Background
White and Asian
Any Other Ethnic Group
White British
Traveller of Irish Heritage
Any Other White Background
Gypsy / Roma
Information Not Yet Obtained

No. of Pupils

English as an Addition Language 114 pupils (55%)

(Reception to Year 6)

Exclusions in the Autumn Term

Fixed Period
Lunchtime exclusions

Leadership and Management Centre

The Childrens Centre Committee and Finance Committee have met since the last Full
Governing Body Meeting. A Governor, Anne Springer attended the Raise-On-Line training
with the Deputy Head and Assistant head with points and actions to follow through with
school staff. The Head and Chair of Improvement Committee updated the SEF in line
with the published Raise-On-Line and other key progress made in school. The Head, Chair
of Governing Body and Chair of Improvement Committee attended a Bradford day event
which focused on Partnership work of school to school support. We are in a good position
re: Thackley over the last eighteen months and Holybrook and Parkland Primaries whom
we will be working with/supporting through the East One Partnership groupings.
The Headteachers performance management has been completed by 3 Governors and The
Partnerships Improvement Partner. The Headteacher and Deputy have been updating all
staffs job descriptions in line with teachers/head teachers standards (September 2015)
to use with teacher appraisal. 100% good teaching with 55% consistently demonstrating
outstanding teaching as of December 2015.
Staff regularly work in teams and most recently as a whole staff to scrutinise
appropriate age related teaching with excellent marking and feedback across the school.
Leaders also scrutinise childrens books.

Staff meetings
Maths planning meeting for next half term
Impact of most able
Clarity of dates and activities up to and including Christmas
Maths (Bar modelling, staff updates, book scrutiny)
Childrens Centre information
Classroom environment twilight
Radicalisation and extremism training with Chris M

The House Morning ensures that children broaden further their breadth of learning in
family grouped classes circus skills, Industrial Museum, Hockney at Cartwright Hall,
photographic museum, art class, computing class and food technology, this occurs each
half term. Hindu and Islamic Family Faith Days promoted a deeper understanding of
these faiths for all children.
The key skills, listed below, are the characteristic skills that thread through learning and
have been the key areas of the Autumn Term.

Lets Celebrate Assemblies

Having a strong work ethic
Being well organised
Being well disciplined
How can you be pro-active?
Setting myself important tasks
Making time for home learning and homework putting first things first
Being responsible for my own actions
Being self-motivated
Showing flexibility and adaptability

The British City Week (see photo album) was brilliant with an amazing 80% of parents
visiting the British City Week Exhibition. Governors attendance was appreciated by

staff. Children enjoyed seeing and learning more about cities across the British Isles as
they observed other classs work.
The Remembrance assembly and poppy exhibition was visited, with parents and children
remembering the significance of our memories and how our children marked the day.
Safeguarding has been adhered to in various ways during this last term. All staff have
attended Radicalisation and Extremism with further discussion by the headteacher,
deputy head, inclusion manager and computing leads to ensure that every eventuality is
covered in school and the childrens centre. A half termly Inclusion update is shared with
staff with specific training where required e.g. Jane Leatherdale (SEN) and David
Chadwich (BESD), to visit the deputy head, also training re: SENCo role and
Understanding and Managing ADHS. The appropriate staff work effectively with
external partners to support pupils, close links are established with the following who
value the schools voice
o Peter Gibbons re: LAC children
o Nicky Hughes visiting child in sensory room
o Child protection reviews
o Child In Need reviews
o Social Care
o Families First
o Core Group meetings
o Razwana Ali (Education Psychologist)
o Helen Lesak to train Wendy/Vicky on hearing aids
o Case conferences
o Portage training
Two additional members of staff have been trained as named persons.
The Site Manager Post is to be interviewed with Emma Wallace representing the
Governing Body.
The leadership team promote opportunities for children to be leaders. Digital Leaders
have applied, been interviewed and have attended training; in the first instance it has
been to develop gaming skills. The school council agenda has been set for the year with
children already having completed health and safety audits and a maths learning walk with
the maths leader culminating in reports for staff and governors. Children In Need
biscuits were baked in the food technology room with great success; the school council
also visited the poppies at the Sculpture Park as a bonding event and consequently took
part in the Remembrance Assembly. All are looking forward to the school Christmas
Disco, arranged by the School Council.
The Business Manager continues to attend the School Business Manager forums and
reports, when necessary, back to the headteacher.
Action plans are completed by all leaders in school, planning and reflection of these with
the headteacher and deputy head has ensured a consistency of expectation and rigour
across all plans.
Leadership across school and the Childrens Centre have met with regard to too many
children in the Reach requiring nursery and 2 year old places in January 2015 for the
places available. Plans are in place after discussion with the Local Authority.
College tutors have been to observe our apprentice and teaching assistant both are
progressing very well.
As part of the development of the Early Years Leader the Leadership team visited Swaine
House and Cavendish Early Years settings also with an action plan written by the
headteacher. The EYFS leader spending time with the headteacher, deputy head and
Partnership improvement partner.

The headteacher and deputy manager have collaborated with the Childrens Centre SEF
which will be shared at the next Childrens Centre Committee meeting and also submitted
to Bradford.
The headteacher has written the Early Years SEF which will be presented to the
Improvement Committee on Wednesday.
The headteacher is on the East One Partnership Committee where triad schools
improvement strategies and finance are discussed.
The triad review of Fagley, Parkland and Holybrook have been completed. These are led
by the Partnership Improvement Partner and carried out by the PIP and leadership of the
three schools 2 days in each with a local authority member having the feedback from
Parkland and Holybrook where their report recognises the very difficult journey to good
from requires improvement that the two schools are on. The Fagley review recognises
and confirms that it is good (with outstanding features across all areas) and soundly
Outstanding in Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.
The Assistant head is leading a maths project across all three schools in LKS2 and our
Phonics Leader and Inclusion manager have spent time supporting the development of
Inclusion and Phonics at Holybrook.

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Teachers enhance the curriculum with visits and visitors to develop first hand
experiences and a true context for learning.
Trips and Visitors
Nell Bank Reception
Yorkshire Wildlife Park Year 1
Jodrell Bank Year 2
Positive Lifestyle Year 3
Cliffe Castle Year 3
Positive Lifestyle Year 4
Rodley Nature Reserve Year 4
Yorkshire Museum Year 5
Positive Lifestyle Year 5
Positive Lifestyle Year 6
Zoo Lab Year 6
IMPS @ BRI Year 6
Cliffe Castle Year 6
Yorkshire Sculpture Park - School Council and some year 3 children
City Library & Media Museum
Cartwright Hall & Media Museum
Childline in to speak to year 5 & 6

Assemblies enable children to practise presentation skills to the whole school and for
other children to learn about what is happening across the school.

Wednesday Assemblies
World Water day Nicola
Year 4 curriculum assembly
Year 5 curriculum assembly
Year 6 curriculum assembly
Remembrance Day assembly Nicky
Bonfire safety assembly Nicolas
Year 1 talk for writing assembly

Year 2 talk for writing assembly

Black History month
Year 3 talk for writing assembly
McMillan Coffee Morning assembly Keira

Staffs expertise in accessing and using new software has been developed through one to
one meetings with computing leaders.
Using the new bar modelling and embedding the new maths curriculum (this was started a
year ago) has happened through both staff meetings and one to one staff meetings with
the maths leader.
Accelerating progress and rapidly raising achievement is a must for us this year. Cars
Maths in Motion is working well for the Most Able mathematicians with all staff regularly
analysing and reflecting on the most successful strategies to employ.
100% parents have attended a consultation day with the vast majority attending class
assemblies and other more social events. Phonics sessions have been led by the Phonics
Leader to reception and year 1 parents. Family learning events have taken place in
nursery e.g. Light Fantastic and craft days.
The Forest School Practitioner continues to attend Forest School Events where Fagley is
recognised as highly successful.
Sports events take place through Hanson extended schools and the East One Partnership.
The school is doing well, particularly the boys football

Sports Events
Lets Get Physical in the Hall
Sports Hall Athletics at Hanson
Boys football at Hanson
U11 football at Goals
U11 football at Hanson
Year 6 Frisbee festival
Girls football at Hanson
Gifted and Talented Session
Girls football at Zara
Year 4 Golf
Fagley Fit Club
Multi Skills at Hanson
Cross Country at Swaine House

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

See school review
The weekly safeguarding theme is text home to parents and discussed with children each
week so as to ensure that children keep themselves safe with support and guidance from
staff and parents.
Weekly Safeguarding Theme
Stranger danger
Safety in the home
Car safety
Road safety
How we kept ourselves safe at Bonfire Night
Bonfire safety
Where do you feel safe?

Who helps you feel safe?

Feeling safe in school
Who could you go to with a question or a problem?
Fire safety what to do if you see a fire
Staff and visitors in school

Parents attend courses to support their self-esteem and belief in themselves, courses to
develop aspirations for their children in their future training and employment and courses
to support children with those difficult conversations as children reach puberty. The
courses are Family Links, MOSAIC and Speakeasy.
The School Nurse has been busy in school with fortnightly drop ins, reception screening,
fluoride varnish applications, one to ones with parents and flu immunisations for year 1
and year 2.
Children have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online and of the dangers of
inappropriate use of mobile technology and social networking sites. In addition the West
Yorkshire Police have been into school to teach KS2 class by class Cyber Safeguarding.
The Computing Leader has also attended further CEOP training.
First Aid training by 4 more members of staff ensure a greater team to cover all
The Road Safety assembly followed by more work in Class 4 supports our children to be
even more safe on the roads.
ChildLine workshops in Year 5 and Year 6 ensure children have another place to turn to
for support as well as home and family.
Year 5 and year 6 have attended the Positive Lifestyle centre and worked on the themes
of Healthy Lifestyles and Citizenship respectively.
Year 6 also attended the Bradford Royal Infirmary to learn more about personal and
home safety and also considered if hospitals were an option for them for the future.
Anti-bullying week was recognised in school with activities and reminders to children
about how to respect similarities and differences in each other.

Outcomes for Pupils

The base line training for the Reception teacher and deputy head has been attended with
feedback to the Early Years Leader and Headteacher.
The assessment leader and deputy head attended SIMs standard report training.
The head and deputy head attended an evening conference titled Pathways to Prosperity
and have initiated meetings to work with professionals so that our children continue to be
exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment.
Attendance meetings with the EWO, head and Inclusion Leader with reference to
children who are 95% and below. Children who have 100% attendance watched Polar
Express in our cinema setting.
Isaac from the Apprentice Hub spoke to ear 6 regarding the apprentice pathway to
With regard to transition, school staff have met with parents to support upper school
choices and the filling in of forms.
Year 7 children came back to a recall eventing (92%) to work with the current year 6
regarding their first term at upper school.

Chris Parfitt

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