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Ones seek a perfect world and work diligently to improve both themselves and

everyone and everything around them.

Worldview of Ones The world needs to be perfect, and I have to keep improving
everyone, everything, and especially myself.
Strengths |
Development | reactive | critical | opinionated | impatient


Center of Intelligence: Body Center

Body Center Styles | Three Enneagram styles formed as a response to anger

Your Enneagram style may be in the Body Center, also called the Gut Center or the Instinctual
Center styles Eight, Nine, and One. There is anger in the emotional substructure of these
three styles. Eights tend to express their anger frequently and directly. Their anger, which
begins in the gut and moves rapidly upward and outward, can be stimulated by an injustice
done to someone, weakness in others, someone taking ineffective control of a situation, and
someone lying. Nines tend to avoid direct anger and conflict, preferring a feeling of rapport and
comfort with others. Their anger, which is so deeply buried that it has been called the anger
that went to sleep, surfaces when they feel either ignored or forced to do something, in which
case their anger may turn into passive-aggressive behavior. Ones anger is often manifested
as frequent irritations followed by flares of resentment. Ones also tend toward self-criticism,
which is anger turned inward. Enneagram Style Nine is the core style of the three Body Center
styles, with styles Eight and One being variations of Enneagram style Nine.

Core Beliefs

If it's not worth doing right, it's not worth doing

Most people dont seem to take their responsibilities seriously, but those who do are
people you can count on.
No one is perfect, including me; what matters is that you are constantly working to
improve things.

Emotional Patterns

Have strong emotional reactions that may not be verbalized but usually show in their
body language
Express irritation and resentment regularly but try to control their deeper anger

Lead by example Have highly discerning minds Relish organizing and structuring
work Have difficulty relaxing at work Delegate reluctantly
By being self-controlled and highly structured, Ones feel as if they are in control of
situations. As individuals who pursue perfection, trying to make everything as correct
and error free as possible, Ones monitor what they say, how they say it, the timing of
delivery, and more. They try to live up to the internal standards of what they believe to
be behavior beyond reproach, including not expressing anger directly. By living
structured lives and highly organizing their work, Ones strive to do the best job possible,
down to the smallest details.

Typing Questions for Ones

1. Do you have an inner voice akin to a tape recorder in your head that continuously
criticizes you (90% of the time or more) for what you do wrong and sometimes
applauds you when something goes exceedingly well?
2. Do you have a constant need for self-improvement, while knowing that no one will
ever be perfect, not even you?
3. Do you have a very hard time relaxing, having fun, and getting away from your
responsibilities unless you are on vacation?

Ones search for perfection and avoid making mistakes. Symbolized by this simple and elegant
tree, Ones are rooted and grounded, upright in a variety of ways, and they are also prudent a
self-contained, and more structured than flexible.
Discerning and judging, quality-focused and responsible, organized and resentful, Enneagram
Ones structure their worlds and exert self-control in order to ensure that they, others around
them, and their environments align as closely as possible to their refined and precise ideals

and standards of excellence. Ones dont really believe that true perfection is possible, but they
do believe what matters most is that people are constantly working on improvement toward
these ideals.
All Ones have an internalized set of high standards, a long series of expectations about how
they and others should behave, as well as how activities should be structured and executed.
All Ones, however, do not necessarily share the same exact standards. In addition, some Ones
worry in advance about meeting their standards and getting everything right; some Ones
perceive themselves as closer to perfect than the rest of us and view themselves as role
models of excellence; and some Ones direct their standards of perfection to others by
constantly trying to improve them!
The Ones interpersonal style is normally clear, precise, direct, and exacting, using carefully
chosen words and phrases expressed in a seemingly polite manner. They are both selfcontrolled and spontaneously reactive, amused and skeptical, playful yet decidedly serious,
and gracious, yet prone to flares of irritation or outbursts of anger.
While we can all be perfectionists at times, with high standards and a tendency to criticize both
ourselves and others, for Ones, the search for perfection and the avoidance of mistakes is their
primary, persistent, and driving motivation.

Wings are the Enneagram styles on each side of your core Enneagram style. These are
secondary styles of your core personality style, which means that you may also display some
of the characteristics of these Enneagram styles. Wings do not fundamentally change your
Enneagram style; they merely add additional qualities to your core personality. As can be seen
on the Enneagram symbol, Nine and Two are wings for Ones, One and Three are wings for
Twos, Two and Four are wings for Threes, and so forth.
You may have one wing, two wings, or no wings at all. It is also common to have had one wing
be more active when you were younger, and to have had another appear as you matured.
People of the same Enneagram style and identical wings may use their wing qualities
differently. However, the general wing descriptions for all nine Enneagram styles given here
may serve as guidelines to help you explore this aspect of the Enneagram and also help you to
identify your wing or wings.
Wings for Ones

Nine Wing | Ones with a Nine wing have a greater ability to relax and unwind without having to
go on vacation, are less reactive when they disagree with someone, and are more likely to
solicit the opinions of others rather than relying primarily on their own judgments or those of
others whom they respect.
Two Wing | Ones with a Two wing are more consistently generous and people-focused, in
addition to being more gregarious and displaying more consistent warmth to others.

The two styles with arrows that point toward and away from your Enneagram style can also
influence your personality
Arrow lines refer to the two styles on the Enneagram symbol that have arrows pointing away
from or toward your core Enneagram style, and you may show some characteristics of one or
both of these two additional styles. Access to your wings and arrow lines can be beneficial to
you, adding complexity, nuance, and flexibility to your personality, but they do not change your
fundamental style that is, your patterns of thinking and feeling and motivational structure
remain the same.
Arrow lines are best thought of as providing additional resources to our character structure
because it is possible to access the best of both styles; however, they are also referred to as
stress and security points because under stress, a person may move toward the arrow pointing
away from their core style, while when relaxed, the same individual may move in the direction
of the arrow that points to their own core style.

Arrow Lines for Ones

Arrow Line to Four | Ones who have a strong connection to style Four pay more attention to
their own inner experiences and are therefore more introspective and aware of their own
feelings. In addition, a link to Four adds originality and creativity to the ways in which Ones
approach work, life, and any aesthetic interests they may have.
Arrow Line from Seven | Ones who have a strong connection to Seven are far more flexible,
spontaneous, innovative, and lighthearted, and they have more fun.

There are 3 variations of each Enneagram style, which actually give us 27, not just 9, different
character structures
Enneagram subtypes are an additional element that may affect your personality character
structure. Subtypes are the way in which the particular emotional pattern for each Enneagram
style most frequently manifests in that persons behavior. There are three different subtypes for
each Enneagram style: one subtype manifests the style through a particular behavior related to
issues of self-preservation; another subtype focuses primarily on social relations, often
behavior in response to social groups; the third subtype for each style is more oriented to oneto-one relationships.
Each of the nine Enneagram personality styles comes in three distinct varieties, depending on
which of the three subtypes is dominant. The repeating emotional pattern (referred to as the
passion) of the Enneagram style combines with the dominant subtype to create a
fundamental, driving need (mostly unconscious) that fuels the behavior, feelings, and thoughts
of the personality, yielding 27 distinct character structures (or three versions of each style) that
further elaborate on or present different flavors of the nine Enneagram styles. For most people,
two of the three instincts may be active, with the third less so or dormant.

Three Subtypes for Enneagram Ones | the passion of anger.

Although all Ones seek perfection and avoid mistakes and experience anger as chronic
dissatisfaction and irritation with the many things in life and work that are not as they should
be, there are three distinct ways in which Ones manifest these characteristics.
Self-Preservation Subtype Ones focus on getting everything structured and organized
correctly and experience anxiety, worry, and irritation when they think this may not occur.
Wanting to make sure that everything is under control, they emphasize precision and extreme
accuracy as a way to make certain that everything is done right.
Social Subtype Ones perceive themselves as role models who represent the right way of
being and behaving. In their view, they set the standard for their particular reference groups.
Teaching by example, social subtype Ones also focus their efforts on social institutions, often
critiquing them as a way to perfect them.

One-to-One Subtype Ones have a driving need to perfect others, particularly those who
matter to them, as well as to perfect society in general. They perceive reforming others as both
their right and their responsibility, and they go about this with intensity and passion.

Potency, resilience, moral power, firmness, and courage these are all concepts that align
with real strength. How can the Enneagram help each of us develop true strength, not physical
prowess or outer toughness?
Ones | While Enneagram Ones may consider themselves to be strong characters except
when their inner critic goes on over-active and continuously criticizes them their true and
deep strength comes from weathering the storms of not always knowing the right thing to do,
relaxing their need for over-structuring their lives and everything around them, embracing
uncertainty as an adventure, becoming more flexible in how they approach their work and their

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