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i2 Framework/Template

Your next steps as part of i2 are as follows:

1. The following is a template/outline that will help you structure the
business case you need to build and present as part of i2. The business
case is an in-depth elaboration of the idea you submitted as part of i1.
2. Given that ideas can span a wide range of areas and topics, including but
not limited to external & internal opportunities, money saving, timesaving, quality enhancing, etc., the outline below only serves as an idea
and guideline that can be adapted to the idea being presented. That said,
you should have a clearly articulated, well researched, and clearly
presented plan.
3. You need to summarise your plan in a presentation, no longer than 10
minutes, to pitch your idea to one or more members of the innovation
steering group. If in doubt, you can ask the SME assigned to your idea for
4. You can choose the format of your presentation, a common (but not
obligatory) choice would be Powerpoint, with 1-3 slides per subject/topic
listed below. Note that you will need to have backup / research supporting
this high level presentation in case youre asked.
5. If your idea is well received and perceived of be of value to Misys, you will
be asked to develop a Proof of Concept as part of i3

Outline of topics required for a sound business plan

The Opportunity
Describe and substantiate the need that gives rise to your opportunity. This
could be unmet demand for a certain type of service or product, an approach or
solution that will allow an activity or task to be completed better, cheaper, or
faster, a way to improve how people work together anything as per your
original idea.
Focus on proof points that support the existence of this opportunity research,
customer quotes, cost estimates anything that substantiates your claim that
there is an opportunity to have material impact.

The Proposition
Describe your idea. Be specific about a) how your proposition addresses the
opportunity you described, and b) what the impact of applying your idea would
a) describe the solution in detail, e.g. story-board the usage of your
solution or describe the workflow
b) This should be quantitative if possible (e.g. money or time saved, value
created for the customer, etc), but, depending on the idea, this may also
only be possible to be described qualitatively. Engage with your SME if
unsure how to describe this best.

Sizing the Market or Impact

How large is the market for the opportunity you have described? If you are
proposing a solution for clients, build a model of the number of clients that could
benefit of this solution. If your proposition is internal, estimate how much Misys
could benefit from the idea if applied/adopted universally
Make sure you document and justify your assumptions. Consider providing
ranges to create more certainty of a minimum expected impact
The total market/impact assumes maximum impact as such, it is unlikely more
than Misys would ever be able to capture 100% of it. (For example, we may only
gain 20% market share of an external opportunity) Describe and justify what
percentage of the total impact you expect Misys would be able to achieve once
your idea is fully implemented/rolled out.

Development and/or Implementation Plan

Describe how your idea would be executed. Include ballpark estimates for timing
(how long to develop, test, refine), effort (how many people), and other activities
(purchase of something) as well roll-out activities (e.g. marketing, sales, or
internal education, pilot phases, etc) You could summarise this in a Gantt chart,
if relevant.

Target Financials
Based on all of the assumptions above, build a high-level financial plan, including
all costs and revenues, over the relevant time frame depending on the idea,
this may be months, quarters, or years). Show the timing and quantum of
required investments and pay back. Again, this should be quantified if possible.
There may be ideas where costs and/or revenues are not relevant, in which case
this section would not apply.

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