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# Critical Points in the Zodiac #

At any given time, certain positions around the zodiac are particularly emphasiz
ed or powerful, hence they can affect us humans in a marked fashion. Some of the
se points of emphasis are temporary, retaining their power for weeks, months or
years (depending upon the kind of astrological event that energized the point).
Other points are more or less permanent, based on the cyclic nature of the zodia
c or the positions of powerful bodies outside our solar system. These points can
be collectively refered to as "critical degrees". When these critical degrees m
atch up with planets or important points (such as the Ascendent) of your own bir
thchart, which act as "receivers" of astrological influences, it's possible to r
eally "feel" these critical energies in your life. In fact, it's probably imposs
ible to ignore these influences.
The following topics discuss the various kinds of critical degrees and how they
affect you.
A contact between a critical degree and your birthchart doesn't have to be exact
to be effective. Astrological influences have a built-in fudge-factor or margin
of error known as an orb. Any time two planets or points get close enough to be
"within orbs", the influence starts to kick in, reaching a climax as the contac
t becomes more exact. As a rule of thumb, a 2 or 3 degree orb should be used for
any of the critical degrees discussed here.
The Earth is also a planet and has an astrological influence on us. In fact, sin
ce the zodiac itself is determined by the Earth's motions, certain important poi
nts of the zodiac are crucial power sources of Earth energy, regardless of wheth
er other transiting planets are occupying these degrees or not. These critical d
egrees are fixed in the zodiac and always present.
The zodiac can be viewed as the grandaddy of all cycles and cyclic phenomena. In
particular, many of the notions related to aspects and planetary cycles apply t
o the zodiac as well. The critical degrees of the zodiac are all familiar "aspec
t angles", that is, multiples of 30 or 45 degrees.
-----------------------------# "The" Critical Degrees #
These degrees are derived from the average daily motion of the moon, and the zod
iac's division into "Mansions of the Moon." (Anthony Louis gives a good explanat
ion of how these degrees are derived in his book Horary Astrology Plain and Simp
le. I won't go into it here.) The degrees of division between the mansions are s
ensitive areas; according to Goldstein-Jacobson, when a relevant planet occupies
a critical degree, it "will bring matters to a critical point, a crisis, or to
a head, as in an illness or a quarrel." These degrees repeat around the zodiac,
and are:
Cardinal Signs: 0, 13, 26
Fixed Signs: 9, 21
Mutable Signs: 4, 17
-----------------------------# Equinox/Solstice, Avatar, & Anaretic Points #
The beginning and ending degrees of any sign signify transition. The symbolism i
s obvious: a planet at 29 is about to enter a new sign, a new state or environmen
t, and can signify a critical event that must occur before the situation resolve
s: It is at a climactic moment. Goldstein-Jacobsone says that a planet in 29 show
s that a person is "about to make a definite change." It can also show desperati
on, impatience, misfortune.
According Aphorism 30 of Bonatus' Anima Astrologiae, however:

"When a planet that is Significator, or the Moon, shal have past the 29th degr
ee of the Sign wherein it is, and touches the 30th, and especially if it have pa
ssed one minute of that degree; for then it shall have no strength in that Sign,
but in the next; so that if in the first it signified any evil, it shall hurt t
he person or thing threatened no more than the fall of a house shall one that is
just got out of it; or being with one foot upon the threashold, has one behind
him that throws him out; and then the building falls. And if it signifies any go
od, it shall profit no more than he that hath spread a nest for birds, and just
touches the feathers of their tails, but never catches their bodies; and therefo
re 'Zael' says, If a planet or the Moon be in the 29th degree of any Sign, its v
irtue is yet in that Sign wherein he is; because he has not yet wholly past the
30th degree."
A planet at 0, on the other hand, has already passed the climactic moment, and is
in a phase of denouement, or just entering a new environment, fresh circumstanc
es, etc. In both degrees, look for the strength of the planet both in the sign i
s passing from, and that which it is passing into to gauge which set of circumst
ances is better for the querent.
The middle of a sign shows stability, solidity, a tendency not to make any chang
es, especially in Fixed signs.
Equinox and Solstice Points
Foremost among these permanent critical degrees are 0 degrees of the signs Aries
, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The Sun crosses these points on the first days of
spring, summer, fall and winter, respectively. Since life on planet Earth is ti
ed to the seasons and our yearly cycles, these points are intimately connected w
ith our lives at a basic biological level. Any planet that crosses 000' Aries, 000
' Cancer, 000' Libra, or 000' Capricorn will also unleash powerful Earth energies.
These 4 points are sometimes called cardinal points or quarter points.
Avatar Points
Halfway between the equinox and solstice points are another group of critical de
grees in the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The points 1500' Taurus,
1500' Leo, 1500' Scorpio, and 1500' Aquarius are collectively known as Avatar Poin
ts. They are considered to be degrees where important spiritual influences enter
the Earth plane and our lives. Planets moving across these Avatar Points will t
rigger the release of these influences.
Beginnings and Endings of Zodiac Signs
Just as the zodiac as a whole is a cycle, each zodiac sign by itself is also a c
ycle. The beginnings and endings of cycles are always important, so 0 degrees an
d 29 degrees of each sign are critical degrees. 0 degrees represents new beginni
ngs or unfoldings of the energy and effects related to that sign. 29 degrees rep
resents our efforts to complete or perfect our handling of that sign's energies.
-----------------------------# On the Anaretic Degree #
In astrology, the anaretic degree is the final degree of any sign, which is 29 d
egrees 0 minutes to 29 degrees 59 minutes. Some modern theorists include the las
t two degrees. This degree or range is considered to be critical, so any planets
, angles or celestial bodies placed within that range are likely to display the
most extreme attributes of the sign or planet.
Generally, when a planet is posited an anaretic degree, the planet will stand ou
t. It is taking up the rear, usually being the planet in the chart with the highes
t degree value. This is not always negative, though its generally portrayed as su
An example of how the anaretic degree can pose problems is in horary astrology.
When one casts a chart based upon a question, if any planet or celestial body is

placed in the last dwad of the sign then it is said that the outcome of the que
stion has already been assured, and there is nothing the querent can do to alter
the outcome. In horary, one of the strictures against judgment is when the asce
ndant is in the last three degrees of a sign or the first three degrees of a sig
n, which would include the anaretic degree or degrees.
Another area where the anaretic degree plays an important role is that in weddin
g charts. In Helen Adams Garretts book on the anaretic degree, she stated that th
e anaretic degree is usually found somewhere in the charts of couples who later
divorce. However, the divorce rate being what it is, it might be possible to ass
ess the potential cause of disagreement in advance and work that out through ast
rological counseling.
The concept of anaretic is associated with the concept of void of course. In mod
ern astrological theory, a planet is considered to be void of course when it mak
es no aspects to another planet before changing signs. This usually refers to th
e Sun or the Moon, though it can apply to others as well, generally fast-moving
inner planets. Therefore, many planets that are anaretic are also void of course
, because they are late-degree.
These planets will always have a special emphasis, and it will not always be neg
ative. Instead it may be an edgy feeling, or a sense of transition; the word anare
tic is associated with the idea of death. Rather than being negative, its a place
in the chart that the querent keeps coming back to, whether seeking resolution
or working out a persistent issue that calls for attention.
In this sense, anaretic planets have similar properties to Chiron, which has bee
n described by the late Al Morrison as the inconvenient benefic.
(Excerpt from "The 29th Degree: Only So Much Time Left"):
"Many people have questions about the 29th degree, which is also known as a cr
itical degree. All of the placements in your chart are at a certain degree, from
zero to 29. So, this is obviously, the last degree of a sign before it changes
into the next sign. Therefore, being born with a placement at the 29th degree is
very significant. It indicates, in my view, that the expression of that placeme
nt takes on a special, driving importance.
"I always like to think of the 29th degree as the last year to live for a sign
. Basically, think of that sign going to the doctor and being told it has some h
orrible, terminal illness and wont live past the next year. What happens to this
sign is what happens to people, in real life, when this happens. Everything eith
er takes on a sense of extreme urgency or all of the important things start maki
ng so much sense that a Zen-like calm and wise understanding is assumed.
"Lets say you have a Taurus Sun at the 29th degree. Now, on one hand, you might
pursue Taurus concerns with a desperate sort of drive. When you were born, the
Sun was right on the verge of moving into Gemini. So, people couldve been rushing
to soak up the patience and good sense of the Taurus Sun while they still could
. And this may be an attitude thats planted in your head. You might feel things l
ike saving, financial security, values, possessions, and sensual pleasures must
be achieved and undergone with a lot of urgency. Lets go, go, go while we still c
"On the other hand, the last day of a Sun sign period is when all of those sig
ns themes fully make sense to many people. The chapter is closed for the year and
the important lessons are learned. So, you might go the other extreme with Taur
us Sun at 29 degrees. You might feel very at peace with all things Taurus, to th
e point where you dont really need to pursue them that aggressively. In fact, you
might display a lack of attachment to the priorities of this sign, as if youre l
etting everything go in preparation for a new life cycle.
"People with a personal placement at 29 degrees are often times appear to be f
ar from the typical description of that placement for the aforementioned reason.
They know that the end of that journey is near and are preparing for it. In thi
s way, they are already assuming some of the traits of the next sign. Those with
29th degree placements who are the highly urgent types usually have situations
come into their lives that teach them this detachment. Their desperation might p
uzzle and frustrate them until they come to realize that what they really need t

o do is let go.
"Of course, your placement isnt really going to die. That is, not until you do
(hate to be morbid but its true). Still, having a 29th degree placement means tha
t the area that the placement governs is all about endings. Yet, this gives you
even more of an opportunity than most to become a highly evolved version of said
placement. After all, dont most people want to make amends and answer a lot of t
he tough questions once they get that sentence from that doctor?
Well, this placement can, too."
Next, let us elaborate on the meanings of anaretic degrees in specific planets.
(Excerpt from "29 Degrees: The Anaretic Degree," Astrology Weekly article by Nic
"29 degrees of any sign is called the Anaretic degree. Its the very last degree
of the sign before it moves into the next sign. When youre born with a planet or
point at 29 degrees, that puts extra emphasis on that planet or point. You can
have a difficult time harnessing the energy of that planet or point, and part of
your lesson in this life is to learn how to master that planet or point. Your f
irst instinct will be to run away from it and let the energy get messed up, but
you actually should embrace it if you want to be your best self.
"The Sun rules your identity, who you truly are, so having the Sun at 29 degre
es can show someone who struggles to be true to who they really are until they m
aster this position. You need to focus on forging a strong identity and sense of
self, otherwise you waffle through life. The Moon rules your emotions, so havin
g the Moon at 29 degrees can show someone who struggles to control and expose th
eir emotions. They can have upsets and fits, or shove everything away, running f
rom their feelings. You need to focus on your emotions, learn the channel them i
n healthy ways, and open up to others.
"Mercury rules your mind and communication, so having Mercury at 29 degrees ca
n show someone who struggles to communicate clearly and trust their mind or judg
ment. They may struggle with learning disabilities or have other issues in schoo
l when young, even if there isnt anything really wrong with their abilities, or h
ave mental health problems. You need to focus on your mind, learn new things and
trust in your mental abilities, and be confident when you communicate.
"Venus is the planet of love, so having Venus at 29 degrees can show someone w
ho struggles with relationships, relating to others, and having healthy love. Yo
u can subconsciously choose people you know are all wrong for you, keep choosing
the wrong kind of person, or run from love entirely. You need to focus on love
and the positive aspects of it, sort through whatever issues you have with it, a
nd be the lover that you are. Mars is the planet of energy and drive, so having
Mars at 29 degrees can show someone who has too much or too little energy, is ov
erly aggressive or overly a pacifist, and doesnt know how to take charge or is to
o impulsive. You need to focus on developing confidence, good self-esteem, and l
earn how to be assertive without being aggressive.
"Jupiter is the planet of optimism and expansion, so having Jupiter at 29 degr
ees can show someone who needs to learn everything in moderation. They can go ov
erboard with everything, or be stingy. You need to explore and expand your world
, and experience life as it should be experienced. Saturn is the planet of restr
iction, responsibility, and success, so having Saturn at 29 degrees can show som
eone who doesnt know how to accept responsibility, is too pessimistic, and who is
in their own way when it comes to succeeding in life. You need to stop putting
up roadblocks where there arent any, stop only seeing the negative in situations,
and start realizing youre usually the one responsible for your own problems.
"Uranus is the planet of the new, original, eccentric, and rebellion, so havin
g Uranus at 29 degrees can show someone who is overly traditional and afraid of
anything unconventional, or so unconventional that they have no clue how to live
in the real world. You need to embrace what makes you a unique person but also
embrace tradition, and learn to be open to other peoples way of life. Neptune is
the planet of dreams, illusions, and subconscious, so having Neptune at 29 degre
es can show someone who runs as far from reality as they can, getting lost in th

eir delusions and fantasies, or who rejects their fantasies and imaginative side
. You need to learn to focus on reality without completely avoiding your imagina
tion, resist the urge to indulge in negative escapist behavior, and face your pr
oblems instead of running from them. Pluto is the planet of transformation, powe
r, and control, so having Pluto at 29 degrees can show someone who resists chang
ing themselves or their lives, or gets stuck in perpetual change that keeps goin
g and going. They can focus too much on the bad thats happened, and need to learn
to move on more quickly. You need to change when its necessary but not with the
wind, and try to maintain a balance of power in your relationships."
-----------------------------# Other Critical Points #
Nodal Degrees
When a significator sits in the same degree occupied by the Moon s Nodes, it may
assume a malefic influence from the Nodes -- even if it is in a different sign.
For instance, if the Moon s North and South Nodes are at 2848 Gemini, and 2848
Sagittarius, then a planet at, say, 2801 Aries would be affected -- as it would
be anywhere in degree 28 of any sign. Ivy Jacobson doesn t mince words about thi
s: "Any planet or angle in the same degree as the Nodes points to a catastrophe,
casualty, fatality or tragedy in a horary or natal chart, the more far-reaching
when a malefic is involved." Anthony Louis says that a planet in the nodal degr
ees shows a "fateful event," but not necessarily unpleasant. Other horary astrol
ogers don t even use the Nodes. In any case, remember that this is on piece of i
nformation that needs to be sythesized with other information in the chart.
22nd Degree
Many believe that the 22nd degree of any sign is indicative of commiting homicid
e or becoming a victim of homicide. One such example of a believer regarding the
22nd degree can be found here:
-----------------------------# Points Emphasized by Transits #
The motions of planets and other bodies around the zodiac produce many temporary
critical degrees.
Current Transits
The most obvious reason for an emphasized point in the zodiac is the presence of
a planet or other body at that position. These are generically called transits
(as in "transitory", because the planets move). Because the various planets move
at widely different speeds -- from 2 hours per degree for the Moon to many week
s for the slower moving bodies -- this kind of emphasis can be long or short-liv
ed. Contacts between two planets or between a transiting planet and an important
point in your birthchart are also known as aspects.
Lunations and Eclipses
The positions of new moons and full moons are critical points for the entire lun
ar month (the period of time from one new moon to the next), roughly a 29.5 day
period. A lunation that "hits your chart" can indicate a month of great changes.
A solar eclipse is a special kind of new moon where the Moon blocks out the ligh
t of the Sun. A lunar eclipse is a special full moon where the Moon hides in the
Earth s shadow for a time. Both kinds of eclipses are like "super lunations" in
effect, triggering extremely transformative energies where they impact you. Ecl
ipse points are usually "critical" for longer periods as well, normally 6 to 12
months, though eclipse points can sometimes lie dormant for years and suddenly b
e kicked back into action by a passing planet. It s as though the zodiac has a "
memory" and can keep track of important events like this.

Big Aspects and Planetary Cycles

Just as the Sun and Moon combine to create the lunation cycles, any pair of plan
ets will determine a cycle of aspects (or angular connections) that stretch from
one conjunction to the next. Each of these aspects will create new critical poi
nts based on where the planets are when the aspect is exact. The points remain c
ritical during the time the aspect is still in orb, which can be anywhere from h
ours to years. Fast moving planets rarely create aspects that are important enou
gh to have more than a brief influence. The slow moving planets (from Jupiter on
out) create aspects that often take months or years to build to a climax and di
ssipate, making these critical points much stronger and long-lasting. Further, d
ue to these planets frequent retrograde (reverse) motions, these aspects often
repeat 3 or more times, which "drags out" the influence and intensifies its effe
cts over a long period of time. That s why I call these contacts "big aspects",
because their slow rise and fall has such an effect on us, compared to the fast
moving planets.
Pretty much any aspect between the slow planets should be considered "critical",
but the conjunction, opposition and square are especially important. Of these,
the conjunction is highly crucial, since it s the beginning of the entire cycle
between the two planets. Hence, the conjunction seems to be a critical degree fo
r the entire length of the cycle, which for slower planets can last decades or e
ven centuries.
Retrograde Cycles
All planets except the Sun and Moon occasionally stop their normal forward (dire
ct) motion around the zodiac and go into reverse (retrograde) motion for a time.
When the planet is shifting from forward to reverse (or vice versa), it stands
still for a time at one zodiacal position. This standing still time (called a st
ation) seems to "burn in" the planet s energy into that zodiacal position, creat
ing a new critical degree. Both the retrograde station (when the planet goes int
o reverse) and the direct station (when it resumes forward motion) are critical
until the next retrograde cycle begins.
Any zodiac position between the two stations will be visited by the planet repea
tedly (3 or even 5 times), so all these in between degrees are emphasized (thoug
h not to the same level as the stations themselves).
-----------------------------# Important Points within your Birthchart #
Your own birthchart indicates how you receive astrological energies from the pla
nets and other power sources in the universe, and how you express these collecte
d energies in your daily living. For now, let s look at the reception part of th
e picture. You have your own private group of critical degrees in your birthchar
t -- everybody s pattern of sensitive points is totally unique. These degrees in
dicate where in the zodiac you are most sensitive to influences affecting the Ea
rth. They are like a radio antenna that brings in the planetary broadcasts all a
bout us.
The most important degrees are simply the positions of the planets and asteroids
in your birthchart. Every time one of your natal planets is emphasized, the ene
rgy of that planet within you is activated and expressed in some way.
Because you were born at a specific time and place on the Earth, you have a pers
onal way of relating to the zodiacal energies based on the houses of your chart.
In particular, the Ascendent, Descendent, MidHeaven and IC of your chart are al
l personal critical degrees. These 4 points are known as the "angles" of a chart
. I would also include the Moon s Nodes and the East and West Points (also known
as the Antivertex and Vertex) in this category.
It s important to get to know these personal critical points in your chart. By c
omparing the critical degrees active in the sky (where the sources of energy are
) with your personal critical points (where you can receive the energy), you can

understand your individual response to the current astrological scene. This is

how you "personalize" a general astrological forecast to fit your own circumstan
-----------------------------# How Critical Degrees Affect Your Birthchart #
Each critical degree is a source of energy with the potential to create changes
in your life. Whether you "pick up" that energy or not depends on whether your "
antenna" is tuned to that broadcast, much as a radio receiver must be tuned to a
particular station before you can hear any music. That antenna is your group of
personal critical points in your birthchart.
A powerful astrological influence (like an eclipse or big aspect) will probably
affect everyone somehow. But some people will be closely tuned to that energy, r
eceiving it with the strength of a flooding river, and will have their lives tur
ned completely upside down for months at a time. Yet another person may be tuned
to some other station and will feel this influence only slightly. The impact on
their life will be minimal and they may be wondering what all the commotion is
In general, if the critical degrees of the current energies are close to your bi
rthchart degrees, you are tuned in. "Close" means within an orb of 2 or 3 degree
s. The closer together these degrees are, the more you are tuned in. Don t under
estimate these influences on your life!
If a degree in one sign is critical, that same degree is active in every sign (U
SUALLY). If 4 degrees of Virgo is active, then 4 degrees of every other sign is
also active. This seems to be the case for critical degrees of all types, becaus
e of the way aspects connect up these corresponding degrees (they are all 30 deg
rees apart). You can ignore the zodiac sign most of the time.
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mple sign-up, and there s no bullshit at all. To sign up, go here:
There will be a tab in the second box (The one with the first tab titled "Natal
Chart Report") entitled "Horary." Click it. Input the number you will be assigne
d for your birth data into the box, and submit it.

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