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Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

I like camping.

Camping is an activity spending a vacation living in a camp, tent, or camper. I go on camping

trips because I am tired of the busy life. Whether I enjoy biking, hunting or any other outdoor activity, camping
offers me a way to focus completely on a hobby for a few days without external distractions.
Besides, Camping can help you live a longer, healthier life.
If you regularly camp out, youll enjoy dozens of significant health benefits from:

1. The Fresh Air

When you spend time near a lot of trees, you take in more oxygen. That feeling of happiness that you get when
you take your first breath of air at the campground isnt all in your headwell, technically it is, but its a release of
serotonin from the extra oxygen. Your body can function with less strain when theres plenty of oxygen.
Thats not the only benefit of fresh air. Research shows that some time outdoors can improve your blood
pressure, improve digestion and give your immune system an extra boost. When you spend a few days outside,
you get some serious health benefits from the extra oxygen and low levels of pollutants.

2. Socialization
Camping alone is plenty of fun, but if you bring along a friend or family member, youll enjoy a unique experience
together that will help you keep a healthy, happy relationship.
Socializing can extend your lifespan and delay memory problems according to research published in the
American Journal of Public Health, and apart from the medical benefits, a few close relationships make life more
fun. Invite a few friends on your next trip out.

3. Improved Moods
Regular campers will often talk about how the first few days back from a trip seem happier. This isnt without
merit; spending some time outside in the sunlight can even out the levels of melatonin in your brain.
Melatonin is the chemical that makes you feel tired and can induce feelings of depression, so by camping, you
can enjoy better overall moods during and after your trip.

4. Less Stress
Camping also allows you to cope with stress. Stress can negatively affect your health in just about every way
possible, and youre putting much less strain on your mental and physical faculties by giving yourself some
stress-free time at the campsite.
The lack of stress is related to the rise in oxygen levels, higher levels of serotonin and managed levels of
melatonin mentioned above. Theres also an emotional component at work here, since its harder to be annoyed
or angry when youre doing something that you enjoy.

5. Exercise
Lets not forget the most obvious benefit of camping: youre spending a lot of time performing physical activities.
Even if youre taking a fishing trip, youre burning more calories than youd burn sitting around an office, and if
you hike or bike, youre performing cardiovascular exercise that will help keep your heart and lungs healthy.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Your activity levels will vary, but hikers burn anywhere from 120-300 calories per hour. Bikers burn 300-500
calories per hour, and fly fishing can burn up to 200 calories per hour. No wonder you work up such an appetite
during a long camping trip.

6. Sunshine
Sunshine feels great on your skin, and theres an evolutionary reason for that. When youre out in direct sunlight,
youre taking on a ton of Vitamin D, which allows your body to absorb calcium and phosphorous.

7. A Good Nights Sleep

Assuming that youve got decent camping gear, youll fall fast asleep after a day full of outdoor activities. Sleep
has an effect on all of your body processes and can reduce inflammation, improve your cardiovascular system
and help you stay alert.
Many campers report better sleep cycles when they return for a trip.

8. Good Food
If you pack smores, youre not seeing any particularly solid health benefits in this department. However, if youre
fond of fishing and hunting, youll likely eat a large amount of protein and healthy fats on your camping trip.
You wont get any preservatives or unnatural ingredients in a fresh lake-caught fish, and all of the exercise on
your trip will help you digest.

9. New Challenges
No two camping trips are exactly the same, and thats a good thing. Studies from the University of Texas and
University of Michigan show that new experiences help to keep brains healthy.
New activities that are both physically and intellectually stimulating have the greatest effect on brain health, and
camping fits both of these criteria.

10. Meditation
When you go camping, dont forget to turn off your cell phone. Leave the tablet and the laptop computer at home.
Try to disconnect for a few days and enjoy the simplicity of the natural experience.
This isnt just a general tip to help you enjoy the experience; if youre willing to enjoy your surroundings without
any outside distractions, you could increase your lifespan. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction Program, believes that turning off the cell phone and engaging with nature is one of the
simplest ways to get the health benefits of meditation.
The Mayo Clinic reports that meditation may improve a number of serious medical conditions by increasing self
awareness and giving a person stress-reduction tools. If you suffer from depression, fatigue, heart disease or
even allergies, research shows that camping can improve your overall health.
Just dont forget to commit to the experienceif your cell phones off, youre on your way to developing a
stimulating, tranquil hobby that will keep you healthy for years to come.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Disciplined is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct
disobedience. There are many ways to discipline ourself.

1. Remove temptations. Self control is often easiest when abiding by the old saying, out of
sight, out of mind. Removing all temptations and distractions from your environment is a crucial first
step when working to improve your self discipline. If you are trying to have better control of your
eating, toss the junk food. If you want to improve your focus while studying, turn off your cell phone
and remove the clutter from your desk. If youre really having trouble, download the SelfControl app
on your computer to block distraction websites Facebook, Youtube, even e-mail for a set period
of time. Set yourself up for success by ditching the bad influences.
2. Eat regularly and healthily. Studies have shown that low blood sugar often weakens a
persons resolve. When youre hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers as your brain is not
functioning to its highest potential. Hunger makes it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand, not to
mention making you grumpy and pessimistic. You are much more likely to have a weakened sense of
self control in all areas of our life diet, exercise, work, relationships you name it. In order to stay
on track, make sure that you are well fueled throughout the day with healthy snacks and meals every
few hours. I personally make sure to always have some almonds or Muscle Milk on hand. These
snacks ensure that I can get a dose of healthy protein and fats throughout the day when needed.
Eating often regulates your blood sugar levels and improves your decision making skills and
concentration. Allow you brain to focus on your goals and priorities instead of on your growling
3. Schedule breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself. Self discipline does not mean
your new regimen needs to be entirely cold turkey, hard core, or drill sergeant-like in execution. In
fact, giving yourself zero wiggle room often results in failures, disappointments, and giving into your
old ways. While practicing self control, schedule specific breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself.
Dieting? Designate Saturday as ice cream sundae day. Trying to lose weight? Treat yourself with a
fancy massage after a month of gym trips. Working on controlling your spending? Allow yourself a
$25 splurge at the mall on Sunday. (Leave the credit cards at home, and bring cash only). Self
discipline can be hard. Reward your effort.
4. Forgive yourself and move forward. Instituting a new way of thinking wont always go
according to plan. You will have ups and downs, fabulous successes, and flat out failures. The key is to
keep moving forward. When you have a setback, acknowledge what caused it and move on. It is easy
to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emotions will not help build improve self
discipline. Instead, use the hiccups in your plan as learning experiences for the future. Forgive
yourself, and get back in the saddle ASAP. The longer youre off your game, the harder it is to keep
going in a positive direction.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Listening to music
Music is vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony,
and expression of emotion. I like listening to music because there are numerous benefits of listening to music. I
usually listens to various types of music like classical music, blues, jazz and so forth.
Regardless of your age, you are sure to be able to remember a song from your childhood. In fact, many people
identify with one or more pieces of music from our childhood. More often than not, when we hear certain songs, it
brings up specific memories. Music has the ability to bring up forgotten memories, giving you the chance to travel
down memory lane.
When you are listening to music, you are forced to concentrate on what you are hearing particularly if you are
training to play a musical instrument. Over time, this focus will extent to your everyday life. You will notice that
you are concentrating more intently at your job, schoolwork, or simply in a conversation.
While plenty of music has lyrics and acts to pep you up, it also can be soothing. This is particularly true for infants
after a long day. Moms may notice that singing a soft lullaby helps their little one to fall asleep. In addition, plenty
of adults find that listening to jazz or classical music helps calm them down as well.
There is no denying that music also acts to give you energy. In fact, many gyms opt to play upbeat music or
suggest that you listen to an MP3 player. To keep your natural energy going, you should listen to upbeat music or
music with a lively tune.
Frequently, we only listen to music that those around us, such as our friends and parents, introduce us to.
Listening to different types of music broadens your horizons and exposes you to music thatyou may never have
thought you would be interested in.
In many instances, songs represent a story or message to interpret. This acts to challenge us intellectually. It can
cause you to study that song, as well as the reason it was written. You may even find that you can use the song
as inspiration in your daily life.
How many times have you heard a song and found that it reminded you of a situation you are currently going
through? At times, listening to that song can give you the motivation needed to get through or overcome the
situation. Music has the ability to reach us on a more profound level than simple words. By touching us deeply, it
may provide the boost we need to meet a challenge head on.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Simply put, music is a work of art that tends to unleash creativity in us that we did not know was there. People
listening to music find they are more creative in regards to the task they are doing, such as painting, writing, or
cleaning the house.
If you are feeling extremely down or up, music can act to change your mood. More than one artist has written a
song while they are feeling down to help lift their moods, as well as those that are feeling down for the same
reasons. The same goes for songs that have the ability to make a happy person feel sad just by listening to the
notes and words of a song.
Silence simply does not promote productivity, regardless of what you are doing. When you hear music in the
background, cleaning, cooking, and writing seem to go by much faster. The next time you are dreading cleaning
the house, turn on some high-energy music. Try jazz for cooking. Finally, choose some music that fits the topic
you are writing a paper on and see how much your productivity increases.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.If you
have always wanted to figure out how to become a psychologist, you must know that there is a lot of hard work to
do. You have to study, pull all-nighters and gain a lot of experience. Being a psychologist means a big
responsibility because it allows you to interact with people and help them with their lives. If you do not know how
to do your job, you can end up causing someone a lot of pain and even ruin their lives. This is why you need
proper education and training before you become a psychologist.

Part 1: What Qualifications Are Required for a Psychologist?

During the discovery process of how to become a psychologist, you have to firstly know the qualifications
required for a psychologist.

Getting into any profession is not easy, and you need to have a necessary skill set and some
necessary qualifications in order to become a psychologist. This means that if you wish to
become a psychologist in the near future, then you need to at least have a graduate degree in
psychology. After that, people who have the ambition to become a psychologist can strive to
meet the professional standards that would grant them the license to practice. They need proper
certification which means that they need to be experienced in the field and they need to pass
supervision in the field. This includes either a residency or internship experience. The table
below best describes what qualifications are actually required for you to become a psychologist.
Here is a chart that list requirements of how to become a psychologist:



Mostly aspiring school psychologists or industrial and
organizational psychologists need to have a Masters degree
or even specialist degrees to become a good psychologist.
However, psychologists that want to go into the
field of counseling, research or to open a clinic
of their own need to do a PhD.



School psychologists need a license, in addition

to the psychologists who wish to open up an
individual practice of their own.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Experience in
the Field

This includes internships, residency or

supervised experience.

The Skill Set

The skills needed to become a good psychologist are:

Good listening skills


Calm demeanor and soft personality

Aura of softness

Good and solid communication skills

Problem solving skills

Good observation skills

Analytical and deductive skills

IT Skills

They should have basic knowledge of handling,

collecting and managing client data, scheduling
software, statistical data and test-scoring


They need to use bio feedback equipment as


Part 2: How to Become a Psychologist

1Decide the Kind of Psychologist You Wish to Become
There are different kinds of psychologists in the field, which are specialized in different areas.
Sometimes psychologists want to open an independent practice while others prefer to stick to
research. Some like to opt for counseling or therapy, whereas others might aim to become a
psychiatrist, a professor or psychological assessor. The choices are endless, so choose the type
of psychologist you want to be before you pursue your ambition to be one psychologist.
2What Is Your Specialty?
Now that you know what kind of psychologist you want to be, you can start deciding what your
specialty is going to be. Just like all subjects of study, psychology has many branches of study

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

which can each be pursued and specialized in. These branches include experimental
psychology, adolescent psychiatry, assessing trauma, rehabilitation, therapy, behavioral analysis;
the choices are truly endless.
3What School Will You Be Attending?
Since you have already made all the big decisions regarding your career, here is another defining
factor of what career you are going to have. Some people dream of going to one single school
ever since they are kids; whereas, others have trouble deciding which school to go to up until the
last minute.
Study is the basic thing that you need to do in order to advance forward in your career and
realize your ambition of becoming a psychologist. As mentioned above, choosing the right school
to study psychology weighs a lot to your future career; however, what is even more important is
the fact that you need to study no matter what school you go to. There is truly no shortcut to
5Graduate School
After you are done with your undergraduate degree, you need to start thinking about graduate
school. You can do some research and discover what graduate schools offer the courses you are
looking for and which one is best suited for you.
Experience is important in becoming a psychologist and adapt to your role of a psychiatrist so
that you know how to handle stressful and alarming situations.
7Get a License
The last thing that you need to do is get a license to practice. To gain a license you need to first
pass the licensure exam which is a hard thing to do. A psychologist can only legally practice by
law if they have a license, so consider this as important a step as any of the steps listed above.

Part 4
You might be wondering the time duration of how to become a psychologist, which depends upon the field
you pursue and the minimum education required for the field. Here are a number of career paths that you
can take and the number of years that it will take to complete these degrees:

Industrial-Organizational Psychologist: A Masters degree which takes up to 3 years in

graduate school.

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Forensic Psychologist: A Masters degree which takes up to 3 years in graduate school.
Clinical Psychologist: A PhD in Psychology which takes at least 4 7 years in graduate school.
Health Psychologist: A PhD which takes 4 5 years in graduate school.
Licensed Counselor: A Masters degree which takes up to 3 years in graduate school.
Social Worker: A bachelors honors degree which takes 4 -5 years in undergrad.
School Psychologist: 3 years of graduate school but it depends upon the state what type of
degree you need.
Sports Psychologist: A Masters degree which takes up to 3 years in graduate school
Social Psychologist: A PhD in Psychology which takes at least 5 7 years in graduate school.
Criminal Psychologist: A Masters degree which takes up to 3 years in graduate school
Child Psychologist: A PhD in Psychology which takes at least 5 7 years in graduate school.

Balanced diet

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

A diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water
necessary to maintain good health. Obesity is the health issue that increasing in number, especially in developed
countries, which draws people's attention to stay healthy by adopting balanced diet. some people believe well
organised diet is the most important factor contributes to healthy life but i have different point of view on it.
it is obvious that well organised diet would helps improving body states. in modern city, meal with little vegetables
is commonly seen which caused constipation. balanced diet with adequate greenies can ease the stomach
congestion. moreover, green leaves provide diverse essential vitamins and antioxidants that promote proper
physical development, strengthen immune system and against ageing.
on top of this, employing healthy menu helps tackling the increasing obesity issue, which is related to many
chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetic and stroke. besides, the problem is getting serious
among young people with the affection of fast food culture. through taking dietician's advice and regulating daily
intake, the risk of having such persistent disease would be greatly reduced.
however, in my opinion, it is not enough to stay healthy by adopting balanced diet only. having regular exercise
can not only helps burning excessive body fat but improving cardiovascular functionalities. constructing proper
sleep pattern is crucial to keep focus on daily activities. in addition, often participating in social parties can
contributes to mental health.
to sum up, a balanced diet is elemental to maintain health by providing sufficient nutrients, regulating body
functions and proper amount of calories to human body. however, other factors are as important construct healthy
habit as diet.

Favourite subject in school

Tiew Wei Jia 3KRK1

Of all the subjects taught in school, I like Geography best. It is the only subject which teaches
me everything I need to know about the world we live in, for example, vegetation, way of life
of people, climate, agriculture and economy.
I learn about the countries around Malaysia and in other parts of the world and, since I cannot
visit and see for myself every country in the world, I get at least a good picture of these
countries by studying Geography.
I am very interested in finding out more about other countries especially those that experience
snow when winter comes. I often wonder about the life of the people in these countries. What
would it be like to be dressed in thick clothes and boots and living in snow-covered houses
amidst fir trees?
Then, there are the hot desert lands that stretch for miles and miles without a tree in sight.
They, too, fascinate me. I marvel at the inhabitants who are able to tolerate the intense heat
of the burning sun, traveling along miles of barren, hot land on camels where the only
vegetation found would be the few palm trees growing at an oasis.
The wide range of food which we enjoy daily such as butter, cheese, fruits, bread that comes
from wheat and many others lead me on to find out how they are processed and imported into
Malaysia and finally make their appearance in our homes.
As I study more in Geography, I understand better the changes in weather conditions, for
example, why there are hot and dry seasons or cool rainy days during the monsoon season
and how deserts are caused.

in sight

within one's range of vision


to show great surprise or admiration


unable to produce plants or fruit

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