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Before progressing to the next slide, make sure that each learner has signed in and
has the training session materials (packet of worksheets, their book and either a
Chrome Book, or district laptop).

Before moving to the next slide, make sure that all learners are aware of each
objecAve and understand how they t into the session. As you progress through the
presentaAon, you will be announcing how each slide relates to each objecAve.

Dont be surprised if the learners are quick to suggest they already know everything
about theme. They are all acAve educators, however, be lively and reassure them
that there is always good conversaAon to be had surrounding theme and theme
messages hidden in good literature.

This slide speaks to objecAve #1. The organizer used in this slide will be presented to
each learner at the beginning of the training session. It will be used rst to organize
Thank You Mr. Falker wriQen by Patricia Polacco as a group. Then used again, later in
the session when the learner organizes his/her own text. The teachers in this session
will be spoken to as they were students. This will be explained and meant to be used
to model some key phrases and sayings in an eort to show teachers how they could
interact with their own students.

This slide speaks to objecAve #1and #2. The presenter will need to open the YouTube
page from the hyperlink on this slide by clicking on in. Once the YouTube page has
opened, he/she will need to pause and minimize it as the direcAons for the graphic
organizer on on the following slide. Once the direcAons are reviewed, the presenter
can maximize the YouTube page and view the reading.

Suggest that this is another, more challenging way to analyze a text. OYen Ames
students will be able to ll out an organizer, but struggle when asked to think about
how a character has changed or reacts to an obstacle in the story. Guide learners to
use their close reading skills and ush out the true meaning in the text.

As this is an assessment based on observaAon and volunteer readers, make sure you
make your way around the room as it is being completed. This will ensure that you
see as many examples as possible in the given Ameframe. Encourage parAcipants to
criAcally think about their text and the characters acAons to beQer recognize a
theme and provide examples.

Once the presenter has clicked the provided hyperlink a separate YouTube page will
be opened. The presenter will have to minimize the presentaAon in order to view the
video and them maximize it again once the video has been viewed in order to
conAnue with the presentaAon slides.

As this maybe learners rst aQempts with this of technology remember to be as

encouraging as possible. Oer any assistance you can give to make the experience
more enjoyable. This will ensure that the new technology is well accepted and as
stress free as possible.


Circulate around the room and provide assistance to as many people as you can.
UAlize learners who have picked up the skills quicker and spread the wealth. This step
in the presentaAon is where everything involving Voki could be a loss if the learner
feels it is too complicated!


This is where the learner has a chance to show o their creaAvity and put what they
have learned into acAon. Remember to be supporAve and encouraging in an eort to
boost moral. This will ensure that the learner walks away with a posiAve aetude
toward what they have just learned and are feeling condent to try it themselves
with their own students in the near future!


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