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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2016 Primary Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this
questionnaire in deciding whether and whom to endorse for the May 17
General Election. Reporters, who operate separately from the Editorial Board,
may use these answers in writing stories. Your answers may be published on and/or in the print newspaper.
We also ask that you respond to every question, instead of simply attaching
campaign materials, resumes, etc. If you wish, you are welcome to send us
lists of supporters, a resume, etc., in addition to this questionnaire.
Please return the finished questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or
an attached Word document to
(Handwritten, pdf, WordPerfect or fax responses dont work.)
Important: Please return the questionnaire by the end of the day April 14.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727,, or Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your name as listed on the ballot: Kevin M Forsythe
Age: 54
(If your age will change before May 31, please indicate your birthday. We
want to ensure we use accurate ages in pre- and post-election editorials and
news coverage.)
City/town of residence: Newport, Oregon
Political party, if this is a partisan office: Democrat
Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, etc.): Governor
Are you currently a full-time resident within the boundaries of the specific
area (ward, district, county, etc.) that you seek to represent? Yes

Number of current, consecutive years living within the district you seek to
represent: 9 years, but grew up in Oregon. Left for 7 years
Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home or
number of grown children): Not Married. 1 Son . Kenny Forsythe 28
Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate any
degrees you earned): Reynolds High School class of 1979. Degree at Western
If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties: Walmart. Produce
Previous employers and when: Burger King Newport,Oregon 2015. Wendy's
Pendleton, Oregon 2007 till they closed 2012. General Mgr of each. Lead-lok
biomedical Sandpoint ,Idaho 2002 thru 2007. Wendy's Gresham, Oregon
Manager 1990 thru 1997 . I have done Restaurant Management most of my
Military service and when: None
Volunteer/civic/religious service and when: Rockwood safety action
committee 1994 thru 1997. Reynolds middle school parent volunteer early
Please list all public offices to which youve been elected, and when: None
Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when: None
Other prior political and government experience: I worked on Ron Wyden's
campaign in the 1980's
If you are running for a position that involves a governing board in Oregon
such as city council, county board of commissioners, Legislature or State

Land Board how many meetings of that board have you attended in person
during 2015 and 2016? How many have you watched online or on TV, if
applicable? I have gone to 12 meetings at the state capital during 2015 and
16. I keep up with all Oregon issues because I want to know what Oregon is
facing, and what our options are, and then think about if any options have
been missed
How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information
will be made public):
Mail address: 207 N.W. 56th st. Newport, Oregon 97365
Web site URL: None
Phone:541 351 5686
Facebook: Forsythe for Governor
Other social media:
Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75
1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent -geographically, economically, politically and socially? Beautiful, ever
changing, Diverse, friendly. A place to leave your mark
2. What are the positives and negatives of this region (ward, district, county
or state) that you wish to represent? Positive- We have many people who get
involved to better this State. If we act on subjects sooner then later, then we
can fix the issues. We have many businesses that offer, many opportunities
for future jobs and trade. Negative- Salem drags their feet, on fixing things
like the road issues, public retirement, and catering to the few instead of all
the people in the state. What I mean by that is the Eastern side of the state
always feels left out, and living over there, I saw it a lot. Less representation,
and less money given when needed. They and southern Oregon need this
issue fixed.
3. What specific skills and experiences do you bring to the position,
especially ones that would help turn those negatives into positives? I have
managed People, Budgets, and grown profit, during my time working. I have

had to reach across the Isle to get owners to treat employees better, thus
keeping turnover low and cost of training new employees down. I am honest,
and do not mince words when fixing a problem or presenting the worst case
if a problem happens. I like to listen, because if you stop listening, then you
miss an opportunity to see another side to an issue. It might be the fix we
4. What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific. I am not doing
this for money. I am asking for a pay cut to $40,000.00 per year, and
earmarking the rest of the money $58,600 toward public school shortfalls. I
want Oregon back into all of Oregonians hands, not just a few. Kate Brown
has lost touch with what Oregon needs. Not sure why she or her staff will not
always reply to request for help from Oregonians when they file a problem. It
is not right.
5. Please list five specific accomplishments that you have achieved in politics
or civic affairs:
6. How much will your Primary Election campaign cost? (be specific)
Not asking for any money to run. So far $345.00
7. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a
professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed
against you? If so, please give the details.
I have never been in trouble with the law. Not even a traffic ticket in my
entire life
8. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other
major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give
the details. Yes to Bankruptcy, once for medical bills, that were not covered
in 1987, and issues with Chase bank, 2 years ago for illegally trying to not
give me a fair mortgage. Also am fixing my tax issues that my ex wife, says
she electronically filed and did not. I should have checked more closely but
did not. I learned my lesson. It was a hard time in my life.
9. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected,
and how? (75 words for each issue)
A. I am putting the bee's on the endangered species act, thus stopping
Monsanto from peddling poisons or plants that cause harm to our bee

population. The bee's are our friend in agriculture, and we rely on those
crops for revenue, and for family income. If any company does peddle
poisons, or plants that harm the bees, I will ask for prosecution.
A. We need to find a solution to the retirement issue. People's salaries keep
ballooning, with that, down the road retirement keeps going up. Greed needs
to stop
A. Outside of state lobbyist will not happen . If an idea is good enough to
pass, why do our elected leaders need to get paid to get it passed. If it is
paid to pass, then it is not for all , but for a few. This is not what Government
is for.
10. What do you see as other important issues? Roads, and infrastructure,
keeping kids in school, and making the most out of that budget. Taking care
of our vets, and getting the homeless issue addressed. Getting the housing
issue addressed, and fixed, so people can afford good housing at a fair price.

11. What online and/or print publications do you regularly read to keep
abreast of issues in the district you seek to represent? Local Newspaper's,
12. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing
information that you should disclose before it comes up in the campaign?
Anything (including health issues) that would affect your ability to serve your
full term? Any changes in your life situation that are contemplated or
expected before the election or before you would take office? Just the tax
issue, that I know of. I do not drink, or smoke, and have never done drugs
Thank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an
attached Word document to by April 14,

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