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I Corinthians 11:1

Ephesians 5:1

3 John 11, Mark 16:1-19

I Thessalonians 2:14
I Corinthians 15:1-11

Luke 9:23,57

Matthew 4:18-25
Mark 1:17

John 10:27, John 12:26

Making Disciples
May 1-May 7

Father God,
Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. Bless my church, Pastor Ron and
his family. Bless my teachers for teaching me Your Word. I believe your love is
flowing through me to other people. Help me to obey my parents so things will go
well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. I will tell how great You are and
how much I love You. I thank You that by Jesus stripes I am healed in my body and
my soul.
In Jesus name, Amen

I will go and make disciples of people.

Matthew 28:19
I plead the blood of Jesus over my life.
Psalms 119:154
I will remember and celebrate Jesuss death when I eat and drink the
Lords Supper.
Luke 22:19

As disciples of Christ we should act like, think like, walk like, and talk
like Jesus.

Matthew 28:19, Go and make disciples of people everywhere

After Jesus rose from the dead He came back to visit His disciples.
Over 500 people saw and spoke with Him before He left them once
again. They watched as Jesus went up into the clouds. Before Jesus left
them He gave them a big job to do called, The Great Commission. This
job was not just for them but everyone who believes in Him. He said
they should go and make disciples of all people; telling them that God
loves them and sent His Son to die for their sins. This good news is
called the gospel, and when we share the gospel we are fulfilling The
Great Commission. It was very important to Jesus that his disciples
would tell others about His Fathers love and His sacrifice for them.
He reminded them of how serious He was about this by saying to
them, If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
Being a disciple means that your actions are showing the world what
you believe. As a disciple of Jesus, the way we live our lives and treat
other people should be so much like Jesus that people begin to ask us
about our faith. Then we can tell them about the reason we can have
peace and joy in the good times and the bad times. It will be a great
day when you lead someone to getting saved. As great as that is, its
not enough to get someone to pray to receive Jesus as their Savior.
You should keep helping them and show them the way to follow Jesus.
If they pray the prayer and never change their lives, they are converts,
but not disciples of Christ.
To help converts grow from baby Christians into disciples, we must
encourage them to go to church, read the Bible and pray, obey Gods
Word, and witness to other people. Disciples of Jesus dont lie, steal,
cheat, or disobey. We are commanded to make disciples, or followers
of Jesus not just converts. This means we have to be good followers of
Jesus ourselves and stay involved in the lives of new believers helping
guide them as they follow Christ.

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