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Sheikh Tusi (460 H.

) has narrated a hadith in MISBAH AL-MUTEHAJJID from Moalla bin Khanees, from
Imam Sadeq (as) on the significance of the day as:
1. The sun attained its brightness
2. The wind started to blow
3 .The Ark of Prophet Nuh a.s. stopped near Mount Judi (near Najaf in Iraq) and saved from drowning
4. Prophet Ibrahim a.s. broke the idols of his community
5. Angel Jibrael brought the first revelation to our Holy Prophet s.a.w.
6. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. lifted Imam Ali a.s. on his shoulders for removing the idols from the Kaa'ba
7. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. announced Imam Ali a.s. as his successor at Ghadir - e - Khum
8. Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.
9. It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy
Quran (2:243) (Read Tarjuma and Tafseer of this chapter for the detail of this incidence).
Imam, later narrated the mustahab ghusl and fast and amaals for this day which can be found in
Tohfatul Awaam and Mafatih Ul Jinan. [Reference: Wasael al-Shia, vol. 8, pg. 173.]

Yet again, in MUHADHAB, the same narrator narrates that Imam Sadeq (as) said: Nowruz is the same
day when:
1. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. lifted sent Ali to the valley of jinn to get their pact and the day of his victory
over the people of Nahrawaan
2. Imam Ali killed Dhu-Thadiyyah
3. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. announced Imam Ali a.s. as his successor at Ghadir - e - Khum.
4. It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy
Quran (2:243) (Read Tarjuma and Tafseer of this chapter for the detail of this incidence).
5. Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.[Reference: Ibid]

The majority of late faqihs have acted according to this hadith and therefore given the fatwa to the
fadhilah (recommendation) of ghusl (ritual washing) on the day of Nowruz. The author of JAWAHER
states: the recommendation of ghusl on the day of Nowruz is popular among the late scholars based on
the hadith of Mualla bin Khanees from Imam Sadeq (as) that has been narrated from Misbah, in
addition to the fact that we have not seen any opposition to this issue.[Reference: Jawahir al-Kalaam fi
Sharh Sharaye al-Islam, vol. 5, pg. 42; Al-Urwah al-Wuthqaa (annotated), vol. 2, pg. 152.]

1. Ayatollah Al Uzma Seestani in his Tauzih has allowed to keep fast on Eid Nawroz as Mustahab
Fast. [Reference: Mustahab Fast Section 1757 (]
2. The late Ayatullah Khui has not accepted the hadith since it is mursal (a hadith whose chain of
transmitters lacks one or more narrators) and asserts that: The hadith of Mualla bin Khanees is
mursal and therefore unacceptable unless one accepts the rule of Tasamuh fi Adillah al-Sunan
which we dont concede to. [Reference: Mowsuah Imam Khui, vol. 10, pg. 50.]
3. Ayatullah al-Uzma Makarim Shirazi, in his recent publication, Mafaatih al-Naveen (an updated
version of Mafaatih al-Jinaan of Shaykh Abbas Qummi), writes: In regards to what Islam has to
say about Eid-e-Nowrooz, we must state that amongst the scholars, this Eid is debated. Some of
the traditions point to the importance of this day as one in which many nations were saved
(from perils). According to him the Tradition that Sheik Tusi has mentioned in his MISBAH ALMUTEHAJJID has been verified by Allama Majlisi in his book named ZAD AL-MAAAD.
However, Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi cautions that, Since Mualla ibne Janis is an individual
whom the scholars question (and thus this tradition as well falls under question), for this reason,
it is not possible to rely on this tradition. None the less, he states that this day has Islamic
significance, which we need to ensure is marked in an Islamic fashion. He concludes by stating
that the Eid-e-Nowrooz is an Eid of nature in the world of creation thus we, the believers, should
be in harmony with this event of the creation as this is equivalent to being in sync with the
tradition (Sunnat) of Allah. The believers need to ensure that they remove all actions which are
cultural or traditional even if practiced by Muslims, and to follow the dictates of the Prophet
and the Imams. Thus, some of the recommend actions which we should perform on this day
include: a ghusl for Eid; wearing clean clothes; applying perfume; fasting, praying the
recommended Salat after Salaatul Asr and the various supplications which should be read on
this day, some of which are found in Mafaatih al-Jinaan and Mafaatih al-Naveen.
4. Ayatollah Imam Khomeini had always honoured the occasion of Nouruz and he was the one who
changed the way Iranian were celebrating the occasion pre-Inquilaab. He taught them the
significance of Nouroz, the way it has to be celebrated under the lights of Islam and every year
on this day he used to release a statement, where he congratulated the New Year to everyone
and gave useful advice for people to carry out in the upcoming year. This made Nowruz a
greater event and encouraged people to change their selves not only materialistically but
spiritually too. After Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Khemenei has kept this tradition alive till date.
[Reference: and]
Even Kutub e Arba [KAFI, vol. 5, pg. 142; MAN LAA YAHDURUHU AL-FAQIH, vol. 3 pg. 300.] also record
details of Eid e Nawroz from Ameerul Momeneen a.s. in affirmative where Imam Ali a.s. have also said
these words on the significance of Eid e Nawroz NOWROOZENA KOLLE YOWM

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