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The diagram below shows a section through human skin.


Name the parts labelled A, B and C.

A. .......................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................


Explain the role of part C in the regulation of body temperature.


A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis

In an investigation, a number of naked men sat in a room, maintained at an air

temperature of 15 C, for two hours. After this time their core (internal) body
temperature was measured. Their percentage body fat was also measured.
The results of this investigation are shown in the graph below.
3 7 .5

3 7 .0

C o re (in te rn a l)
b o d y te m p e ra tu re
/ C

3 6 .5



3 6 .0







P e rc e n ta g e b o d y fa t (% )


Describe the trend shown by these results.



Suggest explanations for these results.

(Total 11 marks)

A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis


In humans, normal body temperature is maintained by a number of different mechanisms.

If body temperature changes, information is sent to the temperature regulating centre,
which then makes the appropriate response to bring body temperature back to normal.
In some extreme situations, if the temperature-regulating mechanisms fail, body
temperature may fall below 35 C.


Name the part of the brain in which the temperature-regulating centre is situated.



What term is used to describe the condition in which body temperature falls
below 35 C?



In an investigation into body temperature, the oral (mouth) temperature of a healthy

person was measured every five minutes for 40 minutes. From five minutes after the start
of the investigation until 20 minutes, the person was lying in a hot bath, at a temperature
of 42 C. After 20 minutes the person got out of the bath and sat on a chair.The results of
this investigation are shown in the table below.


Oral temperature/C

0 (start of investigation)


















Describe the changes in oral temperature which occurred during the investigation.


A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis

Suggest explanations for the changes in oral temperature which occurred between
the following time intervals.
0 to 20 minutes

20 to 40 minutes

(Total 10 marks)


Human body temperature is controlled by negative feedback.


Describe and explain how negative feedback controls human body temperature.

A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis

Explain how some infections interfere with the temperature regulation mechanisms of the
human body.
(Total 7 marks)


A person at rest produces enough heat to raise the body temperature by 1.0 C per hour.
The table below shows how this excess heat can be lost.
Means of heat loss

% of total heat loss

Conduction of heat to other objects

Convection due to air currents

Radiation from skin surface


Evaporation of sweat


Heat loss by sweating is not possible when the humidity is 100%, for example in a tropical

Assuming that the other means of heat loss remain unchanged, calculate the time it would
take the body temperature to reach 42C from a normal temperature of 37 C in a
rainforest. Show your working.

Answer ...............................................


This increase in body temperature could be fatal. Describe the mechanisms that could

A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis
prevent it from happening.
(Total 8 marks)


In mammals, control of the rate of ventilation ensures that body cells have an adequate supply
of oxygen. The diagram summarises the influence of carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
upon ventilation rate.

In c re a se
d e te c te d

I n c re a s e in C O
in th e b lo o d

In c re a s e in
v e n tila tio n r a te

D e c re a s e in C O
in th e b lo o d

O p tim u m c o n c e n tra tio n o f C O

in th e b lo o d

D e c re a s e in C O
in th e b lo o d

In c re a s e in C O
in th e b lo o d

D e c re a se
d e te c te d

D e c re a s e in
v e n tila tio n r a te

A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

5. Homeostasis

Give the term used to describe a control mechanism such as the one shown in the



Name the type of receptor which detects an increase or decrease in the

concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.


Name two places in the body where these receptors are located.
1 .......................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................


Identify one physiological factor, other than a change in blood CO2 concentration, which
would cause an increase in the rate of ventilation.


Give one physiological effect, other than an increase in ventilation rate, that is caused by
an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
(Total 6 marks)

A2 Unit 5: Energy Exercise and Coordination: Topic 7: Run for your life

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