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Zarvan Rezabeigi


About Budgies:

The Budgerigar (nicknamed budgie), is a small parrot belonging to the tribe of the broad-tailed
parrots ;these are sometimes considered a subfamily .In the latter case, the Budgerigar is
sometimes isolated in a tribe of its own. Though Budgerigars are often called Parakeets,
especially in American English, this term refers to any of a number of small Parrots with long
flat tails. The Budgerigar is found throughout the drier parts of Australia and has survived in the
inlands of that continent.


Budgies are about 18 cm long and weigh 30-40 grams. Wild Budgie’s display a green body color
abdomen and rumps, while their mantle back and wing coverts is black edged in yellow. The
forehead and face is yellow in adults, and barred black with yellow. Each cheek has a small dark
purple patch cheek patches and a series of 3 black spots across each sides of their throats of
which the outermost spots are situated at the base of each cheek-patches. The tail is cobalt dark
blue; outside tail feathers display central yellow flashes. Their wings have greenish-black flight
feathers and black coverts with yellow fringes along with central yellow flashes which only
becomes visible in flight and/or when the wings are stretched. Wild budgies are noticeably
smaller than those in captivity. These parrots have been bred in many other colors in captivity,
such as white, blue, and even purple, although they are mostly found in pet stores in blue, green,
yellow and occasionally white.
Zarvan Rezabeigi


Care should be taken when

placing several female budgies
together, as they can do
serious harm to one another if
they do not get along. It is
easier and often more
convenient to keep either an
even number of both males
and females or to only keep
male birds altogether as these
generally get along with each other without any problem. They are relatively easily tamed.

Bird lovers often comment on the differences in personality in each individual bird. Budgerigars
each have their own unique ideas about how much they like to be handled, which toys are their
favorites, and even what music they like or are indifferent to.

Habitat and behavior

Zarvan Rezabeigi

Budgerigars are nomadic birds found in open habitats, primarily in Australian scrubland, open
woodland and grassland. The birds are normally found in small flocks, but can form very large
flocks under favorable conditions. The species is extremely nomadic and the movement of the
flocks is tied to the availability of
food and water. Drought can
drive flocks into more wooded
habitat or coastal areas. They feed
on the seeds of spinier, grass
weeds, and sometimes ripening
wheat. The wild budgerigar has
evolved alongside the Eucalyptus
tree and over a million years has
developed an intimate bond with
the tree and its leaves. Wet
eucalypt leaves excite and
invigorate both the wild and
aviary budgerigar into a frenzy of
joy. They love to bath in the wet leaves and breeding hens destructively chew the bark. The
eucalyptus oil from the leaves has medicinal properties that stimulate the immune system and
promote a strong natural resistance to
Zarvan Rezabeigi

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