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Gauntlet Plank Workout

This core workout includes 11 different types of planks to challenge

your core strength and stability. Hold each plank for 30sec 1min
and do 1-2 sets of this routine.

Pushup Plank
In a prone position, prop your weight on your hands and toes. Keep a
straight line from your head to your feet and brace your abs to
maintain a neutral position.

Side Arm Raise

In the Pushup Plank position, raise your left arm to the side of your
body so it is parallel to the ground and perpendicular to your torso.
Hold for two seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on
the opposite side.

Front Arm Raise

In the Pushup Plank position, raise your left arm so its parallel to the
ground. Hold for two seconds and return to the starting position.
Repeat on the right side. Maintain a neutral spine position for the
duration of the exercise.

Forearm Plank
In a prone position, prop your weight on your forearms and toes.
Keep a straight line from your head to your feet and brace your abs to
maintain a neutral position.

Pushup Plank Shuffle

In the Pushup Plank position, take two steps to the left and then two
steps to the right. Alternate with your left arm and right leg and then
your right arm and left leg.

Forearm to Pushup Plank

Begin in the Pushup Plank position and carefully lower yourself to the
Forearm Plank position. Alternate positions for the duration of the

Spiderman Plank
In the Pushup Plank position, bring your left knee to your left elbow
and hold it for about two seconds. Return to the starting position and
repeat with your right leg.

Alternating Leg Lifts (Pushup Position)

In the Pushup Plank position, raise your left leg about 12-18 off the
ground. Hold for two seconds and return to the starting position.
Repeat on the opposite side. Ensure good form by maintaining a
braced, neutral spine position and activating the glutes to help lift
your leg.

Two-Point Plank (Pushup Position)

In the Pushup Plank position, raise your left leg off the ground while
lifting your right arm at the same time. Your left leg should be about
12-18 off the ground and your right arm should be parallel to the
ground. Hold for about 2 seconds and then return to the starting
position. Repeat with the opposite leg and arm.

Alternating Leg Lifts (Forearm Position)

In the Forearm Plank position, raise your left leg about 12-18 off the
ground. Hold for two seconds and return to the starting position.
Repeat on the opposite side. Ensure good form by maintaining a
braced, neutral spine position and activating the glutes to help lift
your leg.

Two-Point Plank (Forearm Position)

In the Forearm Plank position, raise your left leg off the ground
while lifting your right arm at the same time. Your left leg should be
about 12-18 off the ground and your right arm should be parallel to
the ground. Hold for about 2 seconds and then return to the starting
position. Repeat with the opposite leg and arm.

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