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Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Genetika Molekuler
Dosen: Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc, Ph.D.

Disusun oleh:
Royan Mahmud Musthofa




This video title is 100 Greatest Discoveries of Genetics produced by Michael F.

Fountain and Jonathan Zurer and the Bill Nye as a host. Very great video I think, telling us
the journey of genetics invention from the past until the recent. Explain what makes us as a
human, and especially how the heredity process, the inheritance from the parents to their
child or offspring can be done. Uncover the miracle of heredity viewed by molecular to
defining the biology of life. This video shows us the great of 100 discoveries in genetics, but
not exactly 100 I think, but arranged very clearly and continuously from the first discoveries
to the next. Here are the discoveries of genetics in the video:
1) The Law of Inheritance by Gregor Mendel (19th century)
As we know that we are born from our parent. The characteristics of our parent will show
up in us. No matter will seem almost like to our father or our mother, or may be the
combination of both. This first phenomena are realized by Gregor Mendel in 19 th century.
He is a scientist who have a decided in the plant. In his first curiosity, he tried to research
the peas and its offspring. He starts to crossbreeding the different types of garden peas,
which has a round shape and other has a wrinkled shape. Then he observes the
characteristic of the offspring. The result is he found that all of the peas seed are round
shape, not like as he expected that the offspring will show up the combination of both
parents. He continuous to crossbreeding to get the second generation. The offspring of the
second generation shows the different characteristics, there are the peas with round shape
and the wrinkle shape. He thinks that what the biological mechanism that caused the
certain characteristic disappear in the first generation and show up in the second
generation. He continuous his experiment to crossbreeding the second generation and
reveal that the comparation of the round shape and wrinkled shape are in numerical ratios.
The wrinkled shape of peas is just in one-quarter than whole offspring. The concept of
that phenomena now we called as a dominance, by means that the characteristic which
usually show up. And the recessive is the characteristic which is rarely to show even
disappear. Mendel has discovered the great invention in the science of genetics. Each
inherited characteristics must be decided by a pair of what he called factors. Each parent
contributes on factor each characteristic, certain factor are dominance and other are
recessive depending on the combination of the factors. Those factors are called genes.
The characteristics of the certain in the peas are controlled by a single gene.

2) Genes are Located on the Chromosome by Thomas Hunt Morgan (1909)

Morgan is an embryologist in Columbia University start the experiment to prove the
inheritance of Mendel factor. Morgan start working his experiment using Drosophila
melanogaster, the species we known as fruit flies. He chooses Drosophila for several
reasons, such as the Drosophila has a short period of reproduction time, the second reason
is one female fly can produce hundreds of offspring. Because in the genetically work we
need much of data, much of flies, much individuals. In the first week the offspring of the
first generation one by one generated. He crossbreeding the female with the ordinary eye,
red with the male which have a white eye. The first generation offspring show that all of
the flies have red eye. He thinking that the white eye is distinctive similar with the
Mendels experiment of peas. He continuous his experiment to see the second generation.
The offspring of the second generation show the characteristics that there are both fly in
the red and white eye. But Morgan found something else that all of the fly with white
eyes are male. At that time, he finally realizes that the gender is determined by a two rod
shape structure found in the nucleus, the chromosome. The female has two X
chromosomes than, the male has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. In fact, he
realizes that the red eye is associated with the X chromosome. In the male chromosome,
the one X chromosome will be overshadowing the other X chromosome to show up the
red eye color.

3) Genes Control Biochemical Events by George Beadle and Tatum (1935)

Beadle still examine the different color of Drosophila and his argument that different
color of eyes is caused by the chemical reaction. Their research is about the Neurospora
crasa. When the spores of Neuspora are radiated by the X-rays, the genes which
responsible to making the nutrient are defective. Hence, the Neusopres can be live only
given by nutrients. This experiment reveal that the genes are not only responsible for
inheritance but also producing the enzyme need by to do metabolism. Then, it generates
the hypothesis of one gene one enzyme.

4) Transposons by Barbara McClintock (20th century)

McClintock says that certain gene was locate on the chromosome would be on a different
position at different times. He examines the kernel and found that the different types of
color in kernel. He finally realized that all the living thing has transposons. The
transposons can make the chromosome to mutate due to the environment condition or the
revolutionary mechanism. The transposons is defined as a gene which able to move from
one location to another and can leads to the mutation.

5) DNA Carries Genetics Material by Hershey and Cease (1952)

Hershey and Cease found the great discovery in genetics engineering. The examine the
bacteriophage (the bacteria that was infected by the virus). They research a E.Coli bacteri
that was infected by the virus. The process is called transformation that the virus injected
the central machinery (nucleus) and take over the function. The virus injects its DNA and
placing the certain DNA in the nucleus. Finally, the expression is not produce the certain
protein but producing the virus. The virus is known consist of two parts, the protein shell
outside the genetic material Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid / DNA inside.

6) The Double Helix Structure of DNA by Watson and Crick (1953)

The next genetics discoveries that change the global viewed about genetics and contribute
to development of genetics science has uncovered by James Watson and Francis Crick.
They have been successful to discover the structure of DNA molecule. By the X-ray
crystallography technique, they are able to describe in 3 dimensional model of DNA. The
DNA molecule is described by the double helix model. The two strand are link together
by the hydrogen bond. The DNA are consisting of code genetics information which is
arrange by the four types of nitrogen base. There are Adenin (A), Cytocin (C), Thymin
(T), and Guanin (G).

7) Messenger RNA
Years before Watson and Crick found the structure of DNA, the DNA molecules has
discovered that their function is making the protein. But the question is, what can the
DNA control the protein synthesize that occurred in the cytoplasm even they are in the

nucleus? The scientist, once again examine the bacteriophage to answer that question.
When the virus attach to bacteria and start to inject their DNA into the cytoplasm, soon
the RNA are found in the whole of cytoplasm and the production of protein are increased.
This is the point of discovery that when the RNA which has a single strand entered the
protein factory, it communicates with the other RNA to synthesize the protein. Then, the
scientist named it as a RNA messenger.

8) The Genetic Code by Marshal Nirenberg and Heinric McTie (9161)

The Nirenberg and McTie have discovered the genetic code. As known before that RNA
copied the sequence of information in the DNA to make the specific amino acid. But what
this sequence of information means. The research before has known that there twenty of
amino acid and the RNA are consisting of four types of nitrogen bases. Their discovery is
one amino acid is coded by the three of nitrogen bases. For example, the Arginin are
coded by the three nitrogen bases of Adenin, Adenin, and Cytocin.

9) Restriction Enzyme by Verner Arber (1962) and Hamilton Smith (1972)

Arber in 1962 research the bacteriophage and discover the restriction enzymes. That
discovery begun when examine the virus which inject the bacteria. When the viral DNA
injected by the virus into the cytoplasm of bacteria, inside the bacteria against by cutting
that viral DNA so that it cant be functional. The molecule which able to cut the DNA is
called the restriction enzyme.
Smith discovery is about the mechanism how the restriction enzyme cut the DNA
molecule. From his research, finally Smith are able to extract the restriction enzyme from
the bacteriophage. Also he discovers that the restriction enzyme cut the DNA molecule in
the same place. From his discovery, nowadays, there have been extracted many of
restriction enzyme as the basic tools of genetic engineering.

10) RNA Alternative Splicing (1980)

In the 1980, the scientist research finally discovers the RNA alternative splicing. In the
concept before, we know that one gene is copied into the RNA to synthesize one protein.
After the discovery of RNA alternative splicing, now, the process protein synthesize not
only can make one protein but also can make the multiple protein.

11) Minisatellite DNA by Alec Jeffreys (1984)

In the 1984, Alec Jeffreys found the something new which he never seen before. He
found the molecule DNA which is just consist of several sequence and it sequence are

repeated. Jeffreys then called this repeated sequences as minisatelite DNA. His research
about the minisatellite DNA was initiated from the case that the Boy who travel from
Ghana to England finally deport because of a forgery passport. Finally, Alec research
about the boy DNA and found the minisatllite DNA. The minisatellite DNA of the boy
then compared to the mothers boy, and the result is exactly identic.

12) RNA Interference by Andrew Fire and Craig Mello (1997)

Andrew and Mello research the function of the specific gene. Their experiment is when
they injected two strand of RNA molecule into the specific cell, the one RNA is
breakdown and other is maintain. As the effect the gene which responsible to making the
protein is turned-off.

13) 25.000 genes

In the June 2000, leads by the Craig Venter, the sequencing of complete genetic blueprint
called the genome are completely done. This is a great discovery of sequencing the
human genome which complete by many time of research.

That are some discovery of genetics by the scientist from Gregor Mendel in his
discovery of gene that able to inheritance the characteristics of the parent to the offspring
until the sequencing of complete genetic code (genom). That discovery absolutely giving us
the valuable scientific knowledge and hopefully the next discovery are soon uncovered to the
development of science for the human being.

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