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Biology H 2016

Unit 10: Physiology II

Physiology II
Turn in:
HW packet

4/25 B
4/26 E

Physiology I Exam

4/27 B
4/28 E

Bones, Muscles & Joint Anatomy

Muscle Physiology
Begin Bones & Muscle Lab

4/28 B
4/29 E

Bones & Muscle Lab

5/2 B
5/3 E

Debrief Bones & Muscles Lab

Smooth Muscle & Digestion
Cardiovascular & Respiratory System:
Structure & Fx
Case Study: Mt Everest Climbers

5/4 B
5/5 E
5/5 B
5/6 E
5/9 B
5/10 E
5/11 B
5/12 E
5/12 B
5/13 E


Reproductive System Anatomy

Menstrual Cycle
Zucchini Dissection

Everest Video Guide & Zucchini
pre-lab parts 1 &2
Dissection pre-Lab A
(includes 1st 4 pages of the lab!!!)

Fetal Pig Dissection Day 1

Alternate Schedule 5/16-5/20. No School 5/17 & 5/18 (Smarter Balance Testing for Juniors only)
Each class meets 2x

5/16 B
5/19 E
5/19 B
5/20 E
5/23 B
5/24 E

Fetal Pig Dissection Day 2

Dissection pre-Lab B

Fetal Pig Dissection: Day 3

Physiology II Exam & Piggie Practical

5/25 B
5/26 E
5/26 B
5/27 E

Turn in: HW/Activity Packet &

Dissection Lab

No School Monday, 5/30: MEMORIAL DAY!


5/31, 6/1, 6/2



Tues B (8:30-10:10) D (10:32-12:12)

Wed A (8:30-10:10) C (10:32-12:12) G (12:49-2:29)
Thurs E (8:30-10:10) F (10:32-12:12)

Unit 10 Topics!!
Skeletal System
Be able to name, locate, and describe the function the key bones on a human
Describe the three types of joints and examples of each
Label the inside of a bone and the function of each part
What are cartilage and ligaments? How do they hold joints together?
How do bones grow after you are born?

Muscular System
Be able to name, locate, and describe the function the key muscles on a human
Identify origin and insertion of muscles how can you tell where the origin and insertion are?
Compare and contrast the three different types of muscle tissues
Be able to identify the key components of a sarcomere (the functional unit of a muscle)
Be able to list the steps of a muscle contraction and how the fibers move
Describe the functions of ligaments and tendons
Be able to describe how antagonist muscle work together (give an example!)

Digestive System
Be able to list the organs involved in digestion in the order that food passes through them
Be able to describe the main functions of each organ
Describe the secretions of each organ
Be able to describe the role of mesentery
Be able to describe the intestinal villi and their function

Cardiovascular System
Structures to know and identify: aorta, arteries, arterioles, atria (left and right), capillaries, heart, lungs,
pulmonary artery, veins, venules, vena cava, ventricles (left and right)
Describe the chambers and valves of the heart, including their names and how blood travels through them
Major components of the blood and each parts function
Be able to describe how a drop of blood travels through the body beginning and ending at the left ventricle
(including its journey through the pulmonary and systemic systems)
Be able to describe the relative amount of oxygen in each area of the cardiovascular system
Be able to explain systolic and diastolic blood pressure and what causes each
Be able to explain how to read a normal EKG
Be able to the affects of exercise on heart rate and why these changes occur

Respiratory System
Be able to describe how the structure of lungs are related to its function
Be able to identify and describe the functions of: diaphragm, aveoli, bronchioles, pharynx, larynx, and trachea
Be able to describe how the lung functions change when you go to high altitudes. Explain how and why these
changes are necessary.
Be able to define tidal volume and vital capacity

Reproductive System
Be able to identify each structure in the male and female reproductive system, as well as the function of each
Describe how FSH, LH, progesterone, and estrogen interact to regulate the human reproductive cycle. Explain
the effect of the hormones on egg maturation, follicle development, thickening of the uterine lining, and

Be able to identify all the parts of the pigs anatomy (external and internal) and the function of each part
Be able to identify the sex of your pig
Be able to explain how a pigs internal anatomy is slightly different than a humans anatomy

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