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We know that there are memories in brain cells, because science can show

this. Science is not a useful process for looking at the soul.

The soul is pervasive, and not limited to brain, heart, gut, muscles, or any
other part of the body. It is not even limited to the body.
Clearly, when the soul leaves the body, it has memory. Therefore, the
overlap of where memories are kept, are in body and soul.
Please note, in the body, they are not only kept in the brain. People with
heart transplants (who got a heart from someone who died in an accident,
but had a healthy heart, for example) have talked about having new foods
that they love, only to find out that the person who donated the heart, loved
those foods. But the recipient of the heart never loved those foods before
they got the new heart. People pull back their hand off of a hot stove, when
the nerves are hit with the heat, before the information gets all the way up to
the brain.
All that said, the memories we have in our bodies and brains, are different
from the ones in the soul, in that the body is gone. The body distracts us in
ways, makes us have appetites and such, that the soul is immune to.
For people who do not believe in the soul at all, I hope they will not "take me
on" as this is just my philosophy. I am answering the question as asked, and
do not intend to make this about religion, or about any individual or group
beliefs besides my own. But if someone has an honest question about what I
have written here (if I have not been clear enough), then by all means, ask.

The brain as a receiver

A good friend of mine is a Jainist. This religion and philosophy teaches that
the mind is separate from the body and soul. He describes the mind as a
kind of radio receiver or television which is receiving a signal. He says that
believing that memories are inside the brain is like believing that movie
actors are living inside my television. So I asked him, "If this is true, then
where is the broadcast coming from?"

Author and researcher, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has proposed that memory is
inherent to all organically formed structures and systems. We can see it in
the pattern of a spider's web, hear it in the unique song of a bird and
witness it in the way certain salamanders can regrow a lost limb. These
instructions are not taught and do not come from inside the organism. While
this information is expressed through genes, it does not have its primary
origin in them. Instead, his hypothesis states, the organism develops under
the influence or memories of previous similar organisms, by a mechanism he
has dubbed morphic resonance
I like the distributed approach.
Rather than storing all our eggs in one basket, things are spread out.
Your physical body learns and remembers physical skills, like dancing, juggling, on and on. Much of
this is so ingrained that we mess up if we start to try to use our brain to understand what to do.
Our immune system remembers all the diseases we've been exposed to, our skin all the sun, our gut
all the microbes we've ingested, on and on.
I happen to believe in reincarnation, and that the soul lives forever. Since the body doesn't, each
time we die we we "lose" a great deal, but still retain and evolve.
I have no position on how detailed the akashic records might be, where our impressions, skills,
weaknesses and strengths, loves and hates, and the sum of all of our actions is - but it is said that a
great deal is stored there. I can't remember any specifics from past lives, but I do feel impressions of
previous friendships and enmities.
Short answer - it's spread out - not all is retained by the soul's "memories" but the certainly some of
it is retained and spans many lifetimes.

I think that memories are patterns of neurological pathways in the brain that can be excited by
similar sensory events with their emotional associations and are experienced in the part of the
brain where consciousness occurs; sometimes only their emotion reaches the frontal lobes, which
selects perception. Ones persona is derived from the representation of reality that the mind
Concepts of soul vary. Some regard it as consciousness that existed before birth, continues after
death and briefly exists within physicality. Others see the soul as a continuum extending from the
beginning of creation/god that manifests from time to time in the physical universe. In this case, the
knowledge or information not necessarily thought derived from experiences in one manifestation

is transferred to the next. Still others reject the concept of soul, regarding it as a fiction arising from
the desire for immortality.
When I was younger, I viewed the body as like an automobile in which ones consciousness was the
driver. Now I view consciousness as a passenger in a taxi who asks to be taken to destinations that
the body/brain (cab driver) determines the way to arrive there.
The ultimate terminus is a spiritual state wherein all that I have been that after exiting physicality
becomes a part of a totality. What I had considered as my soul was in fact a congregation of souls,
each of which bringing aspects of a physical universe, energy and matter, space and time that
combined briefly manifests my existence before separating, and what I thought of as me becomes
indistinguishable from all.

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