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The cell phone is one of the greatest inventions created by man. Before, we only used the
telephone, now we have the cell phone to use for communication on the go. However, like any
other good thing, there is always something negative. There are potential health issues that come
from frequent use of a cellular phone. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is almost
unavoidable, now that mobile phones are everywhere. Even young children use phones. Some of
us even sleep with our phones under our pillows. Despite the fact that there are negative effects
on the nervous and reproductive systems, cell phones are still used daily. Yes, it is good that
every day, mobile technology is changing. Then again, the exposure also changes, and we do not
know whether it is good or bad.

In conclusion,we all know it by now that cell phones emit radio-frequency energy. The one thing
still up for debate is whether or not this radio-frequency energy is harmful to the human body,
and if it is yes the effect is until what level? Here is what we can conclude from our review,
radio-frequency is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). EMR is a wave-like energy that is
emitted and absorbed by charged particles. In the case of a cell phone, the phone emits the EMR
(in the form of radio-frequency) and the human used the mobile phone and absorbs it. EMR can
be classified into one of two categories: (1) Ionizing the more powerful of the two, (2) NonIonizing the less powerful and lower frequency. Radio-frequency has been identified as being a
part of the non-ionizing variety. That being the case, the harm it may or may not inflict cannot be
as detrimental as certain ionizing EMRs such as x-rays and radiation therapy -both of which are
recognized by the people as being capable of increasing the risk of cancer.
Despite being non-ionizing, several studies have arisen further examining the impact radiofrequency can have on us. In simple, it can be concluded that radio-frequency was possibly
carcinogenic(cancer harmful) to humans. In the case that cell phones are ever concluded to in
fact be carcinogenic then the unwanted effects they could have on the human body would be near
endless. Cardiovascular, dermal, developmental and immunological are just the marking(early
effect) in the human body drastically effected by the radiation(frequency).

The statements also supported by Environmental Health Trust which makes the conclusion that it
is proven children with a cell phone have 115% greater risk of brain tumors compare those
without one. In another series of studies, radio-frequency has also been linked to aiding in the
development of brain tumors, particularly in children. One particular study conducted at
the rebro Hospita in Sweden identified that 10 years of cell phone use resulted in an average
290% increased risk of brain tumor development. Children in particular were identified as being
the greatest at risk because they have smaller brains, a lower skull bone density, a less effective
blood brain barrier and more connective tissue making them capable of absorbing up to 3 times
as much radiation as an adult.

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