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Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev


mi`veid Volume XI- Issue 21

mixac The DRS Weekly Torah Publication

Double Torah Teasers!

ck hah

This week’s issue of

c"kv in ohtmuhv ohrcs
is sponsored by the DRS Parent
Living By Them Council as a ‫ זכות‬for a
‫ רפואה שלימה‬for Zack Englander,
By Rephael Jacobs, 12th Grade
.‫זכריה קלמן הכהן בן יעל מרגלית‬

You shall observe My decrees and My judgements, which man shall carry out and live by
them. (18:8)
Rashi explains that "v'chai bahem," "and live by them," is a reference to Olam
Habah, the World to Come. In the Talmud (Chullin 142a), Chazal state this fact in regard PARSHAS
to the two mitzvos for which the reward of long life is recorded in the Torah: Kibud Av ACHAREI MOS—KEDOSHIM
v'Eim, honoring one's parents and Shiluach Ha'kein, sending away the mother bird. To 10 IYAR, 5770
support this idea, they recount a story in which a father instructed his son to climb a lad- APRIL 24, 2010
der to retrieve some young chicks in a nest after first sending away the mother bird. He All Zmanim are calculated by for
Woodmere, NY (11598)
carried out his father's wishes, sending away the mother bird. As he was climbing down
Candle Lighting: 7:24 pm
the ladder with the young chicks, however, he slipped and fell off the ladder. He subse- Latest ‫קריאת שמע‬: 9:28 am
quently died as a result of his fall. Certainly, if arichas yamim, longevity, was to occur in ‫ שבת‬Ends: 8:28 pm
this world, why did the boy die? He was fulfilling not one, but two mitzvos whose reward
is longevity. This supports the thesis that "chaim," life, is a reward which one "collects" in
Olam Habah.
Nachlas Tzvi tells over an incredible story that reinforces the concept of "life" in
Olam Habah. It happened that during the Russian Kaiser's birthday, a group of young
Jewish chilren were forcibly taken from their families and conscripted into the army. This week’s issue of
These Cantonists, as they were called, were lined up at the river under the watchful eye of c"kv in ohtmuhv ohrcs
the priest who was to baptize them. One can only begin to imagine the emotions of these is also sponsored by
young children at this most tragic moment. The signal was given, and they were told to Dr. and Mrs. Jay Bienenfeld
.‫לזכר נשמת פרימה בת מרדכי הלוי‬
(Continued on page 2)

The Key To Eternal Life

By Baruch Schonbrun, 12th Grade
Martyrdom is demanded of a person only rarely. He must allow himself to be killed rather than cause a chillul
Hashem, a desecration of the holy Name. He must also be prepared to die rather than commit one of the three cardinal sins
— idolatry, illicit relations and bloodshed. Otherwise, he is allowed to violate any prohibition in the Torah in order to save
his life.
The Talmud (Sanhedrin 74a) derives these guidelines from the verse, “And you shall keep My decrees and My
laws, that a person shall do them, and he shall live by them, I am God.” The Torah wants the Jew to “vechai bahem, live by
them,” not to die by them. If you have to eat chametz on Pesach in order to survive, do so. If you have to desecrate the Sab-
bath to save your life, do so. If you have to eat nonkosher food to avoid starvation, do so. Your first priority is to “live by
them,” not to die.
There is a general misconception about this passage in the Talmud. At a cursory glance, the Talmud seems to be
saying that life is a higher value than the fulfillment of the mitzvos. But what does this mean? How does one define the life
that is so precious even though it is devoid of mitzvos? What makes it so precious? Watching the sunrise on the beach?
Reading a good book? Sipping a cup of heavenly coffee?
(Continued on page 3)
2 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל”ב‬
Torah Teasers (Rephael Jacobs — Continued from page 1)
By Rabbi Moshe Erlbaum enter the water. The priest was about to issue his official proclamation wel-
coming these innocent children into the Christian religion, when something
‫פרשת אחרי מות‬ strange happened. All of the children screamed out in unison, "Na’ase
Questions v'nishma," "We will do and we will listen," and they jumped into the water,
1. Where is dirt, ‫עפר‬, mentioned in the ‫ ?פרשה‬b) What other ‫ מצוה‬in but did not resurface. They went to their deaths with the same clarion cry
the Torah involves taking some dirt? that their ancestors proclaimed as they stood at Har Sinai about to accept the
2. Where is the first time in the Torah where ‫ עפר‬is mentioned? Torah.
3. Where in the ‫ פרשה‬is a ‫גורל‬, a lottery performed?
4. Where else in the Torah is a lottery performed? This was not always the case. Many Jewish children have been bap-
5. As part of the ‫ יום כיפור‬service, the ‫ כהן גדול‬sprinkled blood seven tized and, ultimately, lost forever to the Jewish People. The rabbis of various
consecutive times at various locations. Where is the first time in communities did everything within their means either to rescue these hapless
the Torah that someone performed an action ‫שבע פעמים‬, seven
consecutive times? children or to speak to them in a manner that would encourage them not to
6. What person and object appear in the same ‫ פסוק‬who are different relinquish their faith. For example, the story is told that once Horav Yitz-
only by five? chok Izak Chaver, z”l, the famous rav of Vilkovisk, came to a small town in
1. When a bird or a wild animal is slaughtered, its blood must be
Lithuania. As he entered the Jewish ghetto, he was met with the heart-
covered with dirt. b) In ‫ פרשת נשא‬the ‫ כהן‬takes some dirt from the rending screams of parents whose children had been grabbed and were about
floor of the ‫ משכן‬to mix with some water as part of the recipe for to be sent away - forever. Quickly, he removed his rabbinic garb and donned
the ‫מי סוטה‬, the waters given to a suspected adulteress. the outfit worn by Russian/Christian peasants. He went out in the street
2. The first time where dirt is mentioned is in the creation of Man.
Hashem took ‫עפר מן האדמה‬, dirt from the ground and formed man shaking back and forth, acting like a drunk in an advanced state of inebria-
from it. tion. Noticing the commotion he was causing, the police called him aside
3. A lottery was performed to decide which goat was to be brought and asked to see his passport. Rav Yitzchak Izak continued his ruse, for
as a sacrifice and which goat was to be used as the ‫שעיר לעזאל‬,
scapegoat. which he was remanded to the jail cell for the night. This was, of course, his
4. In ‫פרשת פנחס‬, Hashem first commands that the Land of Israel be intent, since this was the same prison in which the children were being held
divided up among the tribes through a lottery. in preparation for being shipped out the next day.
5. In ‫פרשת וישלח‬, ‫ יעקב‬bows down to his brother ‫ עשו‬seven
consecutive times.
Once in jail, the Rav was able to locate the children. After doing so,
6. ‫אַהֲרן‬, the High-Priest, and the ‫אָרן‬, the holy ark, both appear in the he revealed his true identity to them and began to speak to them about Juda-
second ‫ פסוק‬of the ‫פרשה‬. They are different in their spelling by ism, in an attempt to inspire them for one last time before they were shipped
only the letter ‫ הֵא‬which has the ‫גמטריא‬, the numerical value of off to spiritual oblivion. He related stories of faith and conviction, telling
them how our ancestors had given up their lives so that they could live as
‫פרשת קדושים‬ Jews. Mesiras nefesh, self-sacrifice for Torah and mitzvos, is the primary
Questions component in avodas Hashem, serving the Almighty. He implored them to
1. Where is the first place in the Torah that ‫קדושה‬, holiness face up to the challenge that would now confront them. "Observe Shabbos,
appears? keep kosher, and never forget Hashem - even if they rake your skin to
2. Where is the second place in the Torah that ‫קדושה‬, holiness death." He described the strength of conviction that was exemplified by the
3. Which three mitzvos pertain to ‫פאות‬, corners/edges? Asarah Harugei Malchus, ten Tanaim whose lives were taken under the most
4. What single mitzvah pertains to the number 3, 4 and 5? cruel and painful means; he related the superhuman strength of Chanah and
5. What law in this ‫ פרשה‬involves a blind person? b) What law in her seven sons, all of whom gave up their lives in defiance of the king, refus-
the next ‫פרשה‬, ‫ אמר‬involves a blind person?
6. What three letter word appears four times in one ‫?פסוק‬
ing to bow down to an idol.
As dawn broke, the guards came for the children. In his parting
Answers words, the Rav turned to the children and spoke with great emotion, "Holy
1. The first time holiness appears, in ‫פרשת בראשית‬, is in connection children, we now are about to separate from each other. I am going to be
to ‫ ;שבת‬The ‫ פסוק‬states "‫“ ”ויקדש אותו‬And He made it [the seventh
day] holy.” punished with many painful lashes because I have come to you. You are
2. The next place where holiness is mentioned is in ‫ פרשת שמות‬when leaving to face the most trying challenges to your faith. I do not know if I
Hashem appears to Moshe for the first time at the burning bush. will still be alive when you return, but we will meet again, in Olam Habah. I
Hashem commands him to take off his shoes since the place
where he was standing was "‫“ ”אדמת קדש‬holy ground.”
hope that I will not be eternally disgraced before the Heavenly Court." Those
3. Three mitzvos refer to the corners/edges: One must not harvest words, emanating from a loving heart entered into the young hearts of the
the corners of his field but must leave them for the poor. Two children, imbuing them with the strength and determination to withstand the
additional mitzvos pertain to the head and beard. One must not challenge to their faith.
round off ‫פאת ראשכם‬, the edges of his head nor destroy the ‫פאת‬
‫זקנך‬, edge of your beard. There are so many Jews in our history whose missions' in this world
4. The mitzvah of ‫ ערלה‬pertains to the numbers 3, 4, & 5. Any fruit were to give up their lives for the Torah. In the Holocaust, just a generation
that grows within the first three years of a tree cannot be eaten. ago many Jews faced this task. They experienced "vchai bahem" in Olam
In the fourth year its fruit must be brought to ‫ירושלים‬to be eaten.
In the fifth year the fruit are totally permitted.
Habah through being moser nefesh al kidush Hashem. Baruch Hashem, in
5. The ‫ פסוק‬states "‫“ ”לפני עור לא תתן מכשול‬One may not place a our generation we do not face massive religious massacres. Hashem wants
stumbling block before a blind person” b) In the next ‫פרשה‬,‫אמר‬, it our missions to be leading a lifelong task filled with Torah. Through "vchai
states that a blind person may not serve in the ‫משכן‬. It is bahem" in this world we can fulfill our tasks and obtain "vchai bahem" for
considered a ‫מום‬, blemish and disqualifies him from the
sacrificial service. Olam Habah.
6. The word ‫ ֶצדֶק‬, correct, appears four times in one ‫פסוק‬. One must Have a wonderful Shabbos!
have in his possession only correct scales, correct stone weights, (From Peninim on the Torah)
correct dry measures, and correct liquid measures.
Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev 3
(Baruch Schonbrun- Continued from page 1)
This is not what the Talmud is say-
ing. Onkelos translates the words vechai
bahem as “he will live forever [in the
World to Come].” Rashi also follows that
translation, pointing out that “it cannot
By Matt Lubin,
12th Grade
mean in this world, because he will eventu- ’‫פרק ג‬
ally die.”
Accordingly, Rav Moshe Feinstein Pirkei Avos on Mussar
...‫ חכמתו מתקיימת‬,‫כל שיראת חטאו קודמת לחכמתו‬
in Igros Moshe sees the Talmud as telling
Numerous statements throughout the third chapter of Pirkei Avos link
us something totally different. On the con-
Torah wisdom with doing good deeds. Besides for the obvious fact that ‫לא עם הארץ‬
trary, the most precious thing in life is
‫חסיד‬, that a person can’t act properly unless he knows how to, dozens of sayings
mitzvos because we “live by them”; they throughout Chazal teach us that even by the very act of learning Torah, a person’s
bring us to the World to Come, to eternal traits become refined. ‘Even if they were completely wicked and had not forsaken
life. Therefore, in case of danger it is better Torah, its light would have returned them to the good.’ (Yerushalmi Chagiga 1:7).
to violate a prohibition of the Torah if by Based on this, a fundamental question can be asked regarding this entire tractate.
doing so one will survive to fulfill many How could the Gemara say, that if one wants to become pious, he should learn
more mitzvos for years to come. The Tal- Pirkei Avos? Furthermore, what is the purpose for the specific study of musar, if all
mud tells us (Yoma 85b), “Desecrate Shab- of Torah has the ability to spiritually uplift a person and inspire him to act prop-
bos for him once in order that he should erly? Why is it that so many people find a mussar shmuess so much more
observe Shabbos many times.” For the ‘inspiring’ than a shiur discussing the intricacies of ritual purity?
Jewish people, mitzvos are the stuff of life. The Ramchal, in Derech Hashem (4:2), explains that a person who learns
The Gerrer Rebbe offers a chassi- Torah will only be moved to righteousness according to the reverence with which
dishe interpretation of this phrase, “vechai he accords his studies. However, if a person approaches his Torah learning with
bahem, that you shall live by them.” What frivolity, it won’t have an effect on him. It seems as though, according to the Ram-
do we call “living by them”? chal, even though we are taught that if one learns Torah for selfish reasons, he will
In the yeshivah world, one often come to learn for its own sake, that’s only if he studies with the proper seriousness.
hears the question, “Where do you get your However, if a person merely reads the words of Torah without any intention to
chius?” Literally, this means, “Where do keep its laws or proper respect for the Giver of the Torah, its ‘light’ will have no
you get your life?” The question touches effect.
on a profound issue. Where do you find the ‘Anyone whose fear of sin comes before his wisdom, than his wisdom
stands. Anyone whose wisdom comes before his fear of sin, his wisdom will not
spark of life? What brightens up your day
stand.’ Why should a person’s ability to retain Torah wisdom be dependent on his
when you get out of bed in the morning?
fear of sin? The Gemara (Shabbos 31) says that the final question asked to a person
What excites you? What gives you the zest
on his day of judgment is if he made ‘Yiras Hashem’ his ‘treasure store’. Just like a
for life? For some people, it is the prospect person who asks for a measure of wheat also wants it to be brought in a container,
of learning Torah. For others, it is the op- so too, fear of Hashem is the container for all our service. The implication of our
portunity to do some good work in Jewish Mishnah is now clear. If a person’s initial intent when learning Torah is to serve his
outreach. And for yet others, it is the pros- Creator, then all of his Torah will be studies with awe and respect, and he will al-
pect of a good steak or a good game of low its lessons to penetrate into his very being, internalizing all that he learns. He
baseball. will, at the day of death, be able to say that he made ‘fear of Hashem his store-
This, says the Gerrer Rebbe, is house’, and his wisdom will accompany him in the World to Come. However, if a
what the Torah is telling us. A person person’s initial motivation is wisdom, and not fear of sin, he will have no
shouId “live by the mitzvos.” His chius, his ‘storehouse’ which would motivate him to internalize the wisdom that he stud-
zest for life, should derive from the pros- ies.'‫ ראשית חכמה יראת ה‬.
pect of doing miztvos. These should be the When a person studies the Torah laws as they apply to bodily actions, the
entire raison d’être for his existence in this will to perform these actions will obviously be directly related to the reverence
fleeting material world. with which these laws are accorded. If Torah is treated with the proper respect,
Before you turn around, your life then by studying its laws, a person will come to perform them properly. However,
in this world is over, even if you were there is an additional aspect when it comes to the study of mussar, or Torah per-
blessed with a ripe old age. It is all a taining to the intellect and to the heart. The study of mussar gives one the direc-
dream, an illusion. You cannot look for the tions for proper fear of sin, thereby strengthening the ‘storehouse’ which gives us
meaning of life in this world, only in the the proper perspective and inspiration for the study of ‘‫גופה של תורה‬,’ which, in turn,
eternal World of Truth, and only mitzvos will bring us to fulfillment of all the mitzvos. It is with this in mind that we prepare
to build the foundation with Pirkei Avos in preparation for the receiving of the To-
will bring you there. Only mitzvos will give
rah on Shavuos.
(Continued on page 4) Have a great Shabbos!
4 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל”ב‬
(Baruch Schonbrun—Continued from page 3) “One of the boys in the Chafetz Chaim’s yeshivah was
you an everlasting, meaningful life. caught smoking on Shabbos. The Chafetz Chaim was told
You should never seek to accumulate money for its about it, and he summoned the boy to his room. The boy
own sake. What will it get you? A little extra pleasure in this stayed in the Chafetz Chaim’s room for about two minutes,
world? Is that life? Is that where you are expecting to find your and afterward, he kept Shabbos scrupulously.
chius? You should work as much as you have to in order to “Can you imagine what the Chafetz Chaim’s rebuke
provide a livelihood for your family, but you should seek your must have been like? Ah, if only we could have an inkling of
chius from doing mitzvos and chessed with your wife and chil- what went on in that room for those two minutes! What did the
dren, your family, your community, all the Jewish people. You Chafetz Chaim say to this boy? It would be like a beacon of
should seek your chius in the Torah. You should seek your light for us. I’m sure all of us would love to know what he
chius in building a close relationship with the Master of the said. But we don’t. And so we just have to try and do the best
Universe. That is the key to eternal life. we can.”
All Jews are responsible for each other. Therefore, if a After the rabbi finished speaking, a man came over to
Jew sees another committing a sin, he must rebuke him and set him. His face was tear stained. “Rabbi, I can tell you what the
him straight. But how does one rebuke another Jew? This is a Chafetz Chaim said to that boy,” he declared. “You see, I was
very difficult thing to do. In fact, it is one of the most difficult that boy.”
mitzvos to perform properly. The rabbi was stunned. “Please tell me,” he whispered.
The final words of the commandment are “velo sisa “When I was called to the Chafetz Chaim’s room,” he
alav cheit, and you shall not bear a sin over him.” What ex- said, “I was terrified. What could I say to the great tzaddik?
actly does this mean? Rashi explains that if you embarrass the How could I justify smoking on Shabbos? And right in his ye-
person you are rebuking, you are committing a sin. This is an shivah! I couldn’t even justify it to myself. It was one of those
important guideline for the mitzvah of giving rebuke. It must rash and foolish things young people often do without think-
be done carefully, discreetly and oh so gently. Otherwise, you ing. I walked into his room, and there, he was, his holy face
will embarrass him. Then you will not only have failed in your distorted in a grimace of pain. He walked over to me, his head
rebuke, but you will also have committed a very grave sin. barely reaching to my chest, and he took my hand in his.
Rav Gedaliah Schorr suggests a further interpretation ‘Shabbos,’ he said softly, and he began to weep. After a min-
based on a variant trabslation of the words “velo sisa alav ute, he looked up at me and said it again, ‘Shabbos.’ His hot
cheit”. They can be read as “do not raise up the sin over him.” tears dripped onto my hands, and the sound of his weeping
Do not magnify the sin and minimize the person. penetrated my heart. That was all it took. Two minutes of the
If you see someone doing a sin, do not place the em- Chafetz Chaim’s pain.”
phasis on the magnitude of the sin. Do not say, “How could The Chafetz Chaim did not put this boy down. He did
you do such a terrible thing?” You are raising up the sin over not berate him or belittle him. He gently but powerfully im-
him, dwarfing him by the magnitude of what he has done. You pressed on him the sacred nature of Shabbos. That was the
are making the person feel about two inches tall. This is not the most effective rebuke he could have given him.
way to offer rebuke. It is offensive, and it is also almost guar- One of Rabbi Akiva’s most famous sayings is, “Ve
anteed to be ineffective. Better to place the emphasis on the ‘ahavta lereiacha kamocha. Love your neighbor as you do
person and say, “How could a person such as you do such a yourself. This is a fundamental principle of the Torah.” This
thing?” Better to raise him up over the sin, to show him that to mitzvah is one of the pillars of the entire Torah. We find a
do such a thing is beneath him, that he is too great to do such a similar thought expressed by Hillel. The Talmud relates
thing. This is the way to rebuke with genuine kindness and (Shabbos 31a) that a prospective gentile convert to Judaism
lasting effect. asked Hillel to teach him the entire Torah “while standing on
A rabbi was once asked to be guest speaker in a one foot.” Hillel replied, “Do not do to others that which is
neighboring town, and he chose rebuke as his topic. After hateful to you. This is the essence of Torah. All the rest is ex-
speaking about the importance of giving rebuke properly, he planation.”
told a story. It seems to me that Rabbi Akiva was most suited to
“I do not know this story firsthand,” he began. “But speak about the importance and centrality of this mitzvah.
I’ve heard many times, and I believe that it is true. The Chafetz Rabbi Akiva was a great rosh yeshivah with many thousands
Chaim had a yeshivah in the Polish town of Radin. In those of students, and he experienced a shattering tragedy. All of his
days, during the early part of the 20th century, there were twenty-four thousand students died during the Omer period
many pressures on yeshivah boys. Some of their peers were between Pesach and Shavuos. It is an incredible number, a
leaving their faith and seeking greener pastures in socialism, number that fails to penetrate the consciousness even in our
secular Zionism or just plain secularism. I suppose it was in- day of huge yeshivos.
evitable that some of the boys in the yeshivos would also be How would one of us have dealt with such a blow?
affected, that a tiny number of them would do things no ye- (Continued on page 5)
shivah boy would do today.
Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev 5
(Baruch Schonbrun—Continued from page 4) (Stories of Greatness—Continued from page 6)
What would we have done if all twenty-four The two emissaries gleefully reported back to the king Rabbi
thousand—twenty-four thousand!—of our Chaim's second refusal. Upon hearing, the King immediately com-
students had died in one fell swoop due to manded that Rabbi Chaim be cast into a den of lions, this being the pun-
some character flaw, a catastrophe that inevi- ishment for treason.
tably must have reflected somewhat nega- When the police came to arrest Rabbi Chaim, he asked for per-
tively on their rosh yeshivah? First, we mission to bring along a volume of Psalms and his talit and tefilin. They
would, of course, have to deal with a serious laughed at him and exclaimed, "Do you think you are going to a hotel?
bout of depression and despondency. And if You are on your way to be killed in a lions' den!" However, the Jewish
we managed to get over that, we would
sage paid no heed to their words, and packed his bag. Unsuspecting, his
probably retire with a broken heart.
wife asked him, "Where are you going?" He answered simply, "I shall
What did Rabbi Akiva do? The Tal-
return soon."
mud tells us (Yevamos 62b), “When Rabbi
They took their prisoner straight to the lions' den and threw him
Akiva’s students died and the world was
desolate, he went to the south of Eretz Yis-
in. When the lion keeper heard, he strolled over to the cage, wondering if
rael and started over again!” he would be in time to see the fierce beasts tear the Jew apart.
Rabbi Akiva clearly had unbeliev-
He was amazed by what his eyes beheld. There sat Rabbi Chaim,
able resilience. No matter how great a disas- wearing his talit and tefilin, reciting Psalms in a loud voice, while in front
ter he suffered, he would find a silver lining of him crouched the three lions in a semi-circle, like students before their
in the darkest cloud. He would discover teacher, listening attentively to his words.
something positive, something to give him Overcome with fear, the lion keeper ran to inform the King. But
new hope, and this would give him the the king refused to believe him and said he would come to see for him-
strength and the confidence to start all over self.
again. “All is not lost!” he would exult when When the King, accompanied by his royal entourage, arrived at
he had lost just about everything. the lions' den and saw this awesome sight, he became furious. He ac-
Rabbi Akiva lived through the de- cused the keeper of having fed the lions instead of starving them for this
struction of the Beis Hamikdash. The Tal- occasion, as he had ordered.
mud relates (Makkos 24a) that several Sages The keeper replied that he had indeed fulfilled the king's instruc-
were walking past the ruined Beis Hamik- tions, but the king refused to believe him. He told the keeper to take a
dash and saw a fox emerging from the site of long pole and stick it through the bars to poke the lions to stir them up,
the Holy of Holies. They all burst into tears, because obviously they were lethargic from overeating.
except for Rabbi Akiva, who began to laugh. The keeper did so, and almost lost his arm when the first lion he
“Why do you laugh?” they asked him. He touched quickly leapt at him with teeth bared, snarling ferociously,
replied, “Because if the prophecy of destruc- The king could no longer deny the evidence of his own eyes. He
tion has come true so literally, then the proclaimed before everyone, "Now I know that there is a G-d of Israel!"
prophecy of redemption will also come true He commanded that Rabbi Chaim be retrieved from the pit, and when he
literally.” emerged he asked him for an explanation of the miracle.
This ability to find the glimmer of Rabbi Chaim answered, "I refrained from my work because of
light in the deepest darkness, to find the posi-
my immersion in the holy Torah; therefore the Torah protected and saved
tive, the spark of hope, in the worst of times,
made Rabbi Akiva singularly attuned to the
mitzvah of loving others. He — more than The King asked his forgiveness, and sent him home in peace and
anyone else — was able to see the worth in with great honor and many valuable gifts. When he arrived home, his
all people and love them for it. wife innocently asked him how things had gone. He replied, "Alright,
The Baal Shem Tov give us an addi- Baruch Hashem, but it is time to move to the Land of Israel. There aren't
tional insight into the concept of loving your the proper conditions to study Torah properly here."
neighbor “as you do yourself.” When a per-
son gets up in the morning and takes stock of Background Info: Rabbi Chaim (ben Moshe) Ibn Atar (1696 -
himself, he thinks, “I am basically a good 15 Tammuz 1743) is best known as the author of one of the most impor-
person. I have my faults and foibles; I am not tant and popular commentaries on the Torah: the Ohr HaChaim. He es-
perfect. But I am more good than bad.” This, tablished a major yeshiva in Israel, after moving there from Morocco.
the Baal Shem Toy says, is how we must Chassidic tradition is that the main reason the Baal Shem Tov twice tried
evaluate our neighbor. He is basically good. I so hard (and failed) to get to the Holy Land was that he said if he could
can overlook his faults. join the Ohr HaChaim there, together they could bring Moshiach. He is
Have a Great Shabbos. buried outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Adapted from Rabbi Yissocher Frand
6 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל”ב‬

David Freilich
Good Shabbos. This week's story is still had enough money to cover his daily ex- Yaakov Feldstein
from and I also included a penses. So, he refused the royal commission,
"background info" section at the end. Enjoy! explaining that he was not available for work at Associate Editors
this time. Mark Lerner
Rabbi Chaim Ibn Attar - known as the The two messengers were astonished by director of production
"Ohr HaChaim" - was a leading 18th century his refusal. And being vicious haters of the Jew- Yaakov Feldstein
sage and kabbalist who lived in Morocco. There, ish people, they were overjoyed to realize that Dani Scheinman
he earned his livelihood as a silversmith. How- now they had an excellent opportunity to de- layout editors
ever, he always made Torah study his primary nounce Rabbi Chaim. They returned to the pal- Yechiel Auman
occupation, and his craft secondary. He would ace and told the King that the Jewish silversmith rabbinic articles
sit engrossed in Torah study, until his last coin had rebelled willfully and disdained the royal Avrumi Blisko
was spent, and only then did he engage in commission, and thus had dishonored the crown. Baruch Schonbrun
worldly matters. But as long as he had money, The king was also shocked, but declared student articles
he would not work. that he would give the Jew one more chance,
Production Staff
Two emissaries from the court of the since his skills were unique. He told the messen-
Jeremy Bienenfeld
King of Morocco once came to him with a cer- gers to go again and threaten the rabbi with dire Yaakov Deutcher
tain amount of gold. "The King has heard that punishments if he would not cooperate and ac- Robbie Schrier
you are the foremost expert in your craft," they cept the work.
said. "Therefore, he sent us to commission you But once again, Rabbi Chaim refused ‫סופרים‬/Authors
to fashion a piece of the finest jewelry in honor the work, insisting that he could not violate his Ari Adler
Yonatan Aivazi
of his daughter's wedding. You will be paid a principles and turn away from Torah study when Shuie Alter
princely sum. However, you must complete the he was not in need of money, not even for the Yechiel Auman
work in ten days." king. Dan Bamshad
At that time, our master, Rabbi Chaim, (Continued on page 5) David Bamshad
Avrumi Blisko
Jeremy Goldstein
Zachary Goldstein
Rephael Jacobs
Shmuel Lerman
Matt Lubin
Yonatan Mehlman

DH’S NEW   Avi Moisa

Jonathan Niknam

In addition to
Gavi Nelson

Jonathan Perlman
Ben Pianko
Ilan Portnoy
Yigal Saperstein
If you would like to view past issues of the DH, log onto & search DRS  Dani Scheinman
Baruch Schonbrun
David Silber

Maggid of DRS
The DRS Yeshiva High School For Boys Kivi Naiman
700 Ibsen Street, Woodmere, NY 11598 Menahel
Phone: (516) 295-7700 - Fax: (516) 295-4790 Rabbi Y. Kaminetsky

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Weekly Torah Publication of the DRS Yeshiva High School Rabbi E. Brazil
Rabbi M. Erlbaum
Rabbi A. Lebowitz

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