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of Anna University
May 2009
(Autonomous Institution)


(Autonomous Institution)
Bona fide record of work done by
of Anna University, Coimbatore.
May 2009

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our respected Principal Dr. R. Rudra
moorthy for having given us the opportunity to undertake our project.
We also wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. S. N. Sivanandam, Professor an
d Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, for his encouragem
ent and support that he extends towards our project work. We extend our sincere
thanks to our internal guide, Mr. M. GowriSankar, Lecturer, Department of Comput
er Science and Engineering, for his guidance and help rendered for the successfu
l completion of our project.

The Article Information System has been developed for easily maintaining the inf
ormation about articles and customers in the article system and to help customer
s to search and view articles without visiting the library. This system replaces
current manual process of maintaining records of articles and publishing new ar
ticles about the customers which are highly time consuming. The Article Informat
ion system has an online catalogue using which the customers can login, search,
and publishes articles online. Customers can search articles by title, author na
me and keywords. The members can view their user account. One member is allowed
only to view only subscribed articles. Unregistered members can search for artic
les. New members can join by filling an online registration form. Reviewers can
login, search, accept and reject articles which are submitted by the customers o
nline. Each customer is subscribed to a particular period and if it expires then
he must obtain a new subscription. Single customer may possess different types
of subscription as they need.


1. Introduction..1 2. Requirement Analysis.

Cases18 2.4. Test Plan.27 2.5. Prototype...

This chapter provides a brief overview of the problem definition, objectives and
significance of the project and an outline of this report. 1.1 PROBLEM DEFINITI
ON The Article Information System provides improvements to the manual Article Sy
stem for Customers who are needs the Articles from online which are secured by a
uthentication and accessed from anywhere. Unlike current manual article system,
we reduce the complexity of articles maintenance and searching for needed articl
es... 1.2 OUTLINE OF THE PROJECT The rest of the report is structured as follows
. Chapter 2 discusses the requirements for the development of the system and an
analysis on the feasibility of the system. Chapter 4 presents the overall design
of the system. Chapter 5 discusses the implementation details. Chapter 6 explai
ns various testing procedures conducted on the system. The last section summariz
es the project.

This section describes the hardware and software specifications for the developm
ent of the system and an analysis on the feasibility of the system. This section
includes: 2.1 Vision and Scope 2.2 Software Requirement Specification 2.3 Useca
ses 2.4 Test Plan 2.5 Prototype

Vision and Scope Document

Article Information System
Version 1.0 Approved
PSG College of Technology

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page iv
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..............................................................
................................................. iv Revision History ..........
...................... iv 1. Business Requirements .............................
..................................................................... i 1.1. Bac
.................................... i 1.2. Business Opportunity ...............
.............................................................................. i
1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria .................................
............................. i 1.4. Customer or Market Needs ..................
................................................................... i 1.5. Busin
ess Risks ......................................................................
.................................. i 2. Vision of the Solution .................
... i 2.1. Vision Statement.....................................................
............................................... ii 2.2. Major Features .........
.............. ii 2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies ............................
................................................ ii 3. Scope and Limitations....
............... ii 3.1. Scope of Initial Release ...............................
.......................................................... ii 3.2. Scope of Subs
equent Releases.................................................................
............. iii 3.3. Limitations and Exclusions ..............................
.................................................... iii 4. Business Context....
...................... iii 4.1. Stakeholder Profiles ...........................
................................................................... iii 4.2. Pro
ject Priorities ................................................................
................................... iv 4.3. Operating Environment ..............
.......................................................................... iv
Revision History
Name G.Baktavatchalam Date 21-01-2009 Reason For Changes Initial Draft Version 1

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page i
1. Business Requirements
1.1. Background
Nowadays the Articles which are produced and collected in an Article Organizatio
n are increased day by day and the amount of information residing in that Organi
zation is growing indefinitely. So the Manual Article Systems and its Maintenanc
e is critical one.
1.2. Business Opportunity
The customers may face difficult of Article subscriptions and submissions which
are done manually and it very difficult to find older articles. Also the custome
rs need to wait till the arrival of current month Article which is subscribed an
d sent through postal and it may lead to some delay. Nowadays many online public
digital library systems are available, but they do not consider the private sub
scriptions and its security issues. But we provide a better security of various
levels of subscriptions of various levels of customers. Our system provide bette
r organization of articles and the specialized searching that finds needed custo
mer articles.
1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria
This system overcomes the drawbacks of existing manual article systems. So it is
beneficial to currently subscribed customers and the customers who are wish onl
ine subscriptions. This system is successful if there is some increase of number
of subscribed customers compare to current customers count. Also our system is
an additional one and it not replaces our old manual system, so that there is no
loss of current customers.
1.4. Customer or Market Needs
In our new system we consider various levels of customers who are subscribe arti
cles as per their need. For Example Students, Researchers and Educational Organi
zations The customers may need the articles which are posted previous older year
s. Also the management needs the better way of organizing, collecting, publishin
g the articles
1.5. Business Risks
Major business risk is associated with customer acceptance if they did not get t
heir needed articles. Another major risk is converting and categorizing hardcopy
of articles into our systematic representation of articles.

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page ii
2. Vision of the Solution
2.1. Vision Statement
This Article Information System provides improvements to the manual Article Syst
em for Customers who are needs the Articles from online which are secured by aut
hentication and accessed from anywhere. Unlike current manual article system, we
reduce the complexity of articles maintenance and searching for needed articles
. In future this system will improved to wide range of Organizations and better
adaptation and maintenance to growing articles and better customer offers and fa
cilities like Credit Card subscriptions, Systematic approval of Articles ...
2.2. Major Features
FE-1: FE-2: FE-3: FE-4: Free Registration for Viewing some Information about Art
icles Secured Subscription for various levels of customers for various Articles
Searching needed articles Submission of Articles for Publishing
2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies
AS-1: AS-2: Searching is adaptable for existing articles and forthcoming Article
s Subscription is provided as per the cost of articles and subscriptions actuall
y done using postal and its pass code is given to our new system for accessing t
he articles. Free registered users only see the limited information about the Ar
3. Scope and Limitations
3.1. Scope of Initial Release
FE-1 FE-2 FE-3 FE-4
Release 1
Provides viewing of Title & Abstract Using Subscription code Using title, author
Using Subscription code

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page iii
3.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases
Release Features
2 3 Publisher codes for publishing, different level of subscription codes for ar
ticle accessing, enhanced search using article contents Enhanced searching using
month & year of articles
3.3. Limitations and Exclusions
LI-1: This system will not provides other Online Digital Library Articles
4. Business Context
4.1. Stakeholder Profiles
Major Value
Major Interests
increased revenue
See product as avenue to 25% increase in market share
Richer feature set than competitors; time to market
Educational and Research Users
Institutional relationship
Publish research articles, keep updates on latest articles
Management Users
Manage the newly published articles, maintain the old articles

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page iv
Existing Customers
Increased subscriptions
Get inside of different types of articles
4.2. Project Priorities
Dimension Schedule Driver Constraint Degree of Freedom
release 1 planned to be available within 1 month, release 2&3 by next 4 weeks; o
verrun of up to 3 weeks acceptable without sponsor review All features scheduled
for release 1.0 must be fully operational 95% of user acceptance tests must pas
s; all security tests must pass; compliance with corporate security standards mu
st be demonstrated for all secure transactions Projected team size is halftime p
roject manager, 2 developers, and half-time tester; additional half-time develop
er and half-time tester will be available if necessary budget overrun up to 15%
acceptable without sponsor review
Features Quality
4.3. Operating Environment
Web based access will helps the users who are widely distributed geographically
and the users in various locations need to access the system The articles from m
ultiple locations need to be combined if the need of more Organizations High Spe
ed Internet and Intranet needed to process the articles and searching

Vision and Scope for Article Information System

Page v
Software Requirements Specification
Article Information System
Version 1.1 Approved
PSG College Of Technology

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..............................................................
................................................. vi Revision History ..........
...................... vi 1. Introduction ......................................
.............................................................................. i
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................
.................................................. i 1.2 Document Conventions ..
.......... i 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .....................
..................................... i 1.4 Project Scope ......................
..... i 1.5 References .........................................................
....................................................... i 2. Overall Description
........................ ii 2.1 Product Perspective ............................
..................................................................... ii 2.2 Pro
duct Features...................................................................
................................... ii 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ....
....................................................................... iii 2.4
Operating Environment ..........................................................
................................ iii 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .
............................................................... iii 2.6 User Doc
umentation .....................................................................
......................... iii 2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies .................
........................................................... iii 3. System Featur
es .............................................................................
.............................. iv 3.1 Free Registration for Viewing some Informa
tion about Articles .......................... iv 3.2 Secured Subscription for v
arious levels of customers for various Articles ........... iv 3.2 Searching nee
ded articles ...................................................................
.................... iv 3.2 Submission of Articles for Publishing ..............
..................................................... iv 4. External Interface R
.............. v 4.1 User Interfaces ...........................................
............................................................. v 4.2 Hardware Int
erfaces ........................................................................
....................... vi 4.3 Software Interfaces .............................
................................................................... vi 4.4 Commu
nications Interfaces ...........................................................
........................ vi 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ................
............................................................. vi 5.1 Performance
Requirements ..................................................................
.................. vi 5.2 Safety Requirements ..................................
............................................................ vi 5.3 Security Req
uirements ......................................................................
..................... vi 5.4 Software Quality Attributes .......................
............................................................ vi 6. Other Require
ments ..........................................................................
.......................... vii Appendix A: Glossary.............................
.......................................................................... vii A
ppendix B: Analysis Models ...........................................Error! Boo
kmark not defined. Appendix C: Issues List .....................................
............................................................... vii
Revision History
Name G.Baktavatchalam Date 28-01-09 Reason For Changes Initial draft Version 1.0

5. Introduction
5.1. Purpose
This SRS describes the software functional and nonfunctional requirements for re
lease 1.0 of the Article Information System (AIS). This document is intended to
be used by the members of the project team that will implement and verify the co
rrect functioning of the system. Unless otherwise noted, all requirements specif
ied here are high priorities and committed for release 1.0.
5.2. Document Conventions
DC-1: DC-2: Every Requirement Statement has its own Priority High Level Requirem
ents are inherited by Detailed Requirements
5.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
IA-1: IA-2: IA-3: IA-4: IA-5: RS-1: Developers Testers Project Managers Document
ation Writers Users Beginning with the overview sections and proceeding through
the sections Those are most relevant to each Reader Type
5.4. Project Scope
The Article Information System provides a way in which the Customers may publish
, view and search the articles in a Systematic Way with Various levels of Subscr
iptions and Authentications. A detailed project description is available in the
Article Information System Vision and Scope Document [1]. The section in that do
cument titled Scope of Initial and Subsequent Releases lists the features that are
scheduled for full or partial implementation in this release.
5.5. References
1. Wiegers, Karl. Cafeteria Ordering System Vision and Scope Document, www.proce Wiegers, Karl. Process Impact
Intranet Development Standard, Version 1.3,

Zambito, Christine. Process Impact Business Rules Catalog,
6. Overall Description
6.1. Product Perspective
The Article Information System overcomes current manual maintenance and it provi
des Systematic approach to manage and maintain the Article System. The context d
iagram in Figure 1 illustrates the external entities and system interfaces for r
elease 1.0. The system is expected to evolve over several releases.
Management Users
Executives Article Information System
Publish, Subscribe
Finding, Subscribe
Educational and Research Users
Latest Topics
Existing Customers
Article Storage System
Figure 1 Context diagram for release 1.0 of the Article Information System
6.2. Product Features
This Article Information System includes the Major Features of Free Registration
for viewing some Information about Articles, Secured Subscription for various l
evels of customers for various Articles, Searching needed articles and Submissio
n of Articles for Publishing

6.3. User Classes and Characteristics

Executives Educational and Research Users Management Users Existing Customers Se
e product as avenue to 25% increase in market share Publish research articles, k
eep updates on latest articles
Manage the newly published articles, maintain the old articles
Get inside and try different types of articles
6.4. Operating Environment
OE-1: OE-2: OE-3: The Article Information System shall operate with the Web brow
sers which are Java Enabled The Article Information System shall operate on any
server with Apache Tomcat Web Server. The Article Information System shall permi
t user access from the Intranet and, if a user is authorized for outside access
through the firewall, from an Internet connection at the users home.
6.5. Design and Implementation Constraints
CO-1: CO-2: CO-3: CO-4: The systems design, code, and maintenance documentation s
hall conform to the Process Impact Intranet Development Standard, Version 1.3 [2
] The system shall use the Standard Oracle database engine All HTML code shall c
onform to the HTML 4.0 standard All programming Code is written in J2EE and J2SE
6.6. User Documentation
UD-1: UD-2: The system shall provide an online hierarchical and cross-linked hel
p system in HTML that describes and illustrates all system functions This system
provides online help manual for Searching and Publishing Articles and provides
samples for easy understanding
6.7. Assumptions and Dependencies
AS-1: DE-1: This system is accessible at any time in any day. The operation of t
he AIS depends on manual subscription code which is posted to the customer to ac
cess the Articles

7. System Features
7.1. Free Registration for viewing Information about Articles
Description and Priority The Customers who want to see the information about som
e Articles with free of cost and they can also search for their desired Articles
. The free registrations only give the Article Abstract. It is an Extra Benefit
Feature and it is very useful for customers and they can able to view Article In
formation before Subscription. Priority = High. 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequence
s Stimulus: Customer request for Registration Response: System now prompts for P
ersonal Details and a Password for Registration Stimulus: Customer needs to give
Personal Details and a Password for Registration Response: System now gives a T
emporary Low Level Subscription Code and its validity period 3.1.3 Functional Re
quirements REQ-1: REQ-2: Free Registration Validity Period Allotment for Free Su
bscription 3.1.1
7.2. Secured Subscription for various Levels of Customers for various Articles
Description and Priority The Customers who wants to subscribe more number of dif
ferent Article Areas then they need to subscribe into various levels as per thei
r need and it will increase the subscription cost. Priority = High. 3.1.2 Stimul
us/Response Sequences Stimulus: Customer request for Registration Response: Syst
em now prompts for Personal Details and the Subscription Code and Password for R
egistration Stimulus: Customer needs to give Personal Details and the Subscripti
on Code and Password for Registration Response: System now gives validity period
and display Subscription Level Details 3.1.3 Functional Requirements REQ-1: REQ
-2: REQ-3: Registration Validity Period Allotment for Subscription Customer Subs
cription Level 3.1.1

7.3. Searching Needed Articles

3.1.1 Description and Priority The Customers may search for Articles with Specif
ied Keywords or Article Contents. No need of Login/Subscription/Registration for
searching. Priority = High. 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences Stimulus: Custome
r request for Searching Response: System now prompts for Keywords or Article Con
tents for articles finding Stimulus: Customer enters Keywords or Article Content
s for articles finding Response: System now display the relevant Articles inform
ation related to input Queries 3.1.3 Functional Requirements REQ-1: REQ-2: Based
on Title, Author Name, Issue Date Based on Keywords
7.4. Submission of Articles for Publishing
Description and Priority The Customers may submit their Articles for Publication
. The Management will review the Articles and publish those Articles. Priority =
High. 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences Stimulus: Customer request for Publishi
ng Response: System now prompts subscription code and password Stimulus: Custome
r now enters subscription code and password Response: System now prompts for art
icle (one per time) Stimulus: Customer now uploads the article file Response: Sy
stem now stores the article and displays success message to customer 3.1.3 Funct
ional Requirements REQ-1: REQ-2: REQ-2: Uploading Making Review and Assign Prior
ity based on Subscription Level Mail/Inform the customers if their Article is pu
blished 3.1.1
8. External Interface Requirements
8.1. User Interfaces
UI-1: UI-2: The Article Information System screen displays shall conform to the
Process Impact Internet Application User Interface Standard, Version 2.0 [4]. Th
e system shall provide a help link from each displayed HTML page to explain how
to use that page.

The Web pages shall permit complete navigation and item selection using the keyb
oard alone, in addition to using mouse and keyboard combinations.
8.2. Hardware Interfaces
No hardware interfaces have been identified.
8.3. Software Interfaces
SI-1: Article Storage System SI-1.1: Storing/Retrieving the customers subscripti
ons and Validity SI-1.2: Storing/Retrieving the customers Registration details
8.4. Communications Interfaces
CI-1: RSA Encryption Algorithm is used when accessing users personal details
9. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
9.1. Performance Requirements
PE-1: PE-2: PE-3: PE-4: The system should accommodate 200+ users concurrently Al
l Web pages generated by the system shall be fully downloadable in no more than
few seconds over a low speed modem connection Responses to search queries shall
take no longer than 5 seconds to load onto the screen after the user submits the
query The system shall display confirmation messages to users within 4 seconds
after the user submits information to the system
9.2. Safety Requirements
No safety requirements have been identified.
9.3. Security Requirements
SE-1: SE-2: Users shall be required to log in to the System for all operations e
xcept Searching All customers detail accessing should posses RSA Encryption
9.4. Software Quality Attributes
Availability : Robustness : Usability : This System shall be available to users
on 99% in 24x7 basis If the connection between the user and the system is broken
prior to an subscription being either confirmed or canceled, the System shall e
nable the user to recover an incomplete order. This system should be very easy o
ne to use

10. Other Requirements Appendix A: Glossary

AIS SCODE : : Article Information System Subscription Code
Appendix C: Data Dictionary
CUSTOMER ( name, password, subscription code, address, phone ) SUBSCRIPTION ( su
bscription code, description, validity ) PUBLICATION ( customer name, article ti
tle, published date, contents, Priority ) ARTICLE ( author name, article title,
published date, contents )

Use Cases
Article Information System, Release 1.0
Version 1.0 Approved
PSG College of Technology
February 25, 2009

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

The various user classes identified the following use cases and primary actors f
or the Article Information System:
Primary Actor
Use Cases
1. 2. 3. 4. Search For Articles Subscribe For Articles Submit Article For Review
Login For accessing Subscribed Articles and View the Articles
5. Review the Articles

Use Case ID: 1 Use Case Name: Search For Articles Created By: Bakthavatchalam.G
Date Created: Feb 25, 2009 Actors: Customers Description: The customers may sear
ch for new/old articles with the specification of author/issue date/title/keywor
ds Preconditions: All the informations about the Articles(new & old) should be av
ailable Postconditions: The Search History dumped into Storage for Future Analys
is Normal Flow: 1.0 Search Using Author The System displays the Search box for a
uthor name input User types the author name and do searching The System search t
he articles which are submitted by the given author Then it will display the res
ulted articles to Users screen User now view the articles relevant to his reques
t and view the article one by one Alternative Flows: 1.1 Search Using Issue Date
1. The System displays the Search box for date input 2. User types the date and
do searching 3. The System search the articles which are submitted on the month
& year of given date 4. Then it will display the resulted articles to Users scr
een 5. User now view the articles relevant to his request and view the article o
ne by one 1.2 Search Using Title 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The System displays the Search b
ox for title input User types the title and do searching The System search the a
rticles which are contains the given title Then it will display the resulted art
icles to Users screen User now view the articles relevant to his request and vie
w the article one by one 1.3 Search Using Keywords 1. 2. 3. 4. The System displa
ys the Search box for keyword input User types the keywords and do searching The
System search the articles which are contains the given keywords Then it will d
isplay the resulted articles to Users screen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Last Updated By: Dat
e Last Updated:

5. User now view the articles relevant to his request and view the article one b
y one Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 If user gives an Invalid Date (at step 1.1) 1. System
gives Error Message as Invalid Date Format/Date Not Exist.
1.0.E.2 Author Name is not Found (at step 1.0) 1. System gives Error Message as
No Author Found. Includes: None Priority: High Frequency of Use: Approximately 2
00+ times per day Business Rules: None Special Requirements: 1. The System must
know the latest and old articles and its details. Assumptions: 1. If the user is
not logged then System only allows the minimal information about articles. Note
s and Issues: 1. System must know the user is a Guests or Subscribed Customers
Use Case ID: 2 Use Case Name: Subscribe For Articles Created By: Bakthavatchalam
.G Date Created: Feb 25, 2009 Actors: Customers Description: The Article Managem
ent System provides multilevel Subscriptions and the subscription code. Precondi
tions: The Subscription Codes and corresponding Users must available Postconditi
ons: Users detail has been saved. Last Updated By: Date Last Updated:

Normal Flow: 1.0 Registration 1. The System requests for user name, address, pho
ne, password, subcode 2. User must enter the correct values and submit. 3. Now t
he system checks for subcode format and existence, then it will store the users i
nformation along with validity period (generated by System based on subcode). 4.
The System informs the user as Information was saved. 5. Now the User can able
to view subscribed articles and to post article for publication Alternative Flow
s: None Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 Invalid Subscription Code (at step 1) 1. System info
rms user that given code is invalid format or not exist. Includes: None Priority
: High Frequency of Use: Approximately 20 times per week Business Rules: None Sp
ecial Requirements: 1. The Subcode should be in a specified fixed format Assumpt
ions: 1. The Subscribed User got the subcode via postal and he must enter the sa
me code here to view articles online Notes and Issues: None
Use Case ID: 3 Use Case Name: Submit Article For Review Created By: Bakthavatcha
lam.G Date Created: Feb 25, 2009 Actors: Customers Description: The Subscribed U
sers may have an opportunity to publish their articles. To publish the Article u
ser must submit the article for reviewing. After review the article is published
. Last Updated By: Date Last Updated:

Preconditions: User Must log in to our System to do this. Postconditions: The Su

bmitted article directed to Reviewing Section. Normal Flow: 1.0 Submit Article 1
. The System requests for Article contents with title 2. User now paste the Arti
cle in the box provided and submit it 3. Now the system dump the article into st
orage for contents analysis and re direct the article to Review Section. Alterna
tive Flows: None Exceptions: 11.0.E.1 Invalid Article Format (at step 1) 1. Syst
em informs that Article is not Valid Format.
Includes: None Priority: High Frequency of Use: Approximately 2 times per month
by one user Business Rules: None Special Requirements: 1. Article should be in g
iven Fixed Format Assumptions: None Notes and Issues: None
Use Case ID: 4 Use Case Name: Login For accessing Subscribed Articles and View t
he Articles Created By: Bakthavatchalam.G Date Created: Feb 25, 2009 Actors: Cus
tomers Last Updated By: Date Last Updated:

Description: The Subscribed Users may login into their account to see updated ar
ticles and any information regarding to his article submission or to do submissi
on. Preconditions: User Must register in to our System to do this. Postcondition
s: The Submitted article directed to Reviewing Section. Normal Flow: 1.0 Login 1
. The System requests for Subcode and password 2. User now enters the Subcode an
d password in the boxes provided and submit it 3. Now the system verifies accoun
t and collect articles related to this account and also collect any information
to this account. 4. Now System displays the info to the user. Alternative Flows:
1.1 Submit the Article 1.2 Logout 1.3 View the Article Exceptions: 11.0.E.1 Inv
alid User Information (at step 1) 1. System informs that Subcode or password is
not Valid.
Includes: None Priority: High Frequency of Use: Approximately 2 times per day by
one user Business Rules: None Special Requirements: 2. Article should be in giv
en Fixed Format Assumptions: None Notes and Issues: None
Use Case ID: 5

Use Case Name: Review the Articles Created By: Bakthavatchalam.G Date Created: F
eb 25, 2009 Actors: Reviewer Description: The Subscribed Users may have an oppor
tunity to publish their articles. To publish the Article user must submit the ar
ticle for reviewing. After review the article is published. Now the reviewer vie
ws the each Article and do accept/reject. Preconditions: Reviewer Must log in to
our System to do this. Postconditions: The Submitted articles are available. No
rmal Flow: 1.0 Review Article 5. The System lists all Article titles 6. Now revi
ewer click on article and click on view 7. Now the system displays article conte
nts. 8. Now reviewer does accept/reject the article. 9. System saves modified st
atus. Alternative Flows: None Exceptions: None Includes: None Priority: High Fre
quency of Use: Approximately 20 times per month Business Rules: None Special Req
uirements: 3. Article should be in given Fixed Format Assumptions: None Notes an
d Issues: None Last Updated By: Date Last Updated:

Project Number: 08MW03 Project Name: Article Information System A web applicatio
n which enable the article library members to search for Description: articles,
subscribe and view books online. The customer can search new articles and publis
h new articles. Project Manager: G.BAKTAVATCHALAM Date Updated:
Project Test Plan
Overview Test plan objectives To ensure that the Online Library Management Syste
m will: - Function consistently and reliably in accordance with current business
operations. - Meet or exceed user requirements and technical specifications. Not adversely impact other systems or the existing technology environment. - It
is assumed that there are few reviewers and customers whose personal details, us
ername and password are already stored in the database. - The subscription codes
of each customer are assumed to be unique. The following risks apply to the tes
ting process and may impact either the proposed date of readiness for the deploy
ment of Article Information System, or the comprehensive level of testing that c
an be performed in each of the Functional Units: - The actual deployment of Arti
cle Information System may take longer to perform than anticipated, as the admin
is also using the same database for maintenance.
Testing Assumptions
Risks & Contingencies
Test Scope Features to be Tested All features, forms, reports and interfaces aff
ected by the Article Information System will be tested. These include: - Login f
orms - User manual

Features Not to be Tested

Online help Logout Articles for session Database used for both authentication an
d validation Data integrity and system functionality contained within the Conven
tional Article Information System and which is not Online Article Information Sy
stem dependant, will not be tested under the scope of this project.
Test Methodologies Testing Approach The following approach will be used to test
the Online Library Management System - Article Information System integration &
system testing will be conducted to provide an initial stable testing environmen
t as follows: Integration Testing: Ensure operability of Article Information Sys
tem application within each of the new modules. System Testing: Ensure that all
the test databases are accessible for testing. - Test cases and associated scrip
ts for user acceptance testing are created. - For testing the functional specifi
cation the unit testing is performed by the developer using JUnit. - After Integ
ration, system and acceptance testing user sign-off is performed. - Once user si
gn-off is received, then the actual deployment is performed. The following test
documents will be created and maintained throughout the project lifecycle: - Art
icle Information System Test Plan - Master test case lists for each of the follo
wing functional units: Login, Search, Subscribe, Review, Publish, Update status,
Logout. - Test case scripts for each test case recorded in the master test case
list - Log of all problems encountered during the testing phase of the project
Each Test Case will be evaluated against the acceptance criteria as outlined in
the test case scripts to determine if the test passed or failed. In the case of
a failure, the tester will assign a severity to the problem using the appropriat
e priority rating system established within Tracker for each application. Test C
ases that do not run to completion will be evaluated on a case by case basis to
determine if the testing must start over or resume at the point where the failur
e occurred. In extremely long test cases, checkpoints will be established for re
sumption in the middle of a test case where appropriate. In general, a test may
be resumed in the middle when the error is not critical. Errors identified throu
gh testing will be logged. Resolve the problem according to the deemed severity
level, and update the master test case list. Once the problem has been fixed, re
cord the resolution into the database.
Test Documents
Test Case Pass/Fail Criteria
Suspension/Resumption Criteria
Problem Logging/Resolution

The failed test case will then be retested using the same test case script that
detected the error in order to verify that the problem has been rectified.
Resources Environmental Needs In order to conduct comprehensive end-to-end syste
m and user testing are the networked system where the functional and non-functio
nal testing is performed. Developer
Staffing Requirements
Testing Activity Preparation of the testing environment Integration & System tes
Dependencies None
Timeframe Mar Apr
Testing environment has been set up
Apr 14
Establishment of Test Plan None and Testing Templates Updating of Functional Non
e Unit Master Test Case Lists and Test Case Scripts Actual Testing (execution of
Test Case Scripts) Testing environment has been set up - Integration & System T
esting has been completed - Test Case Scripts have been developed - Deployment o
f Online Library Management system
Apr 14
Start Apr 14, 2009
Start Apr 14, 2009
Final Functional User Acceptance Testing & Sign-off
Apr 21 , 2009

Article Information System
Version 1.0 Approved
PSG College Of Technology

Help Page
Home Page

Article Submission


Users Home

System Design
Article Information System, Release 1.0
Version 1.0 Approved
PSG College of Technology
February 18, 2008

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Use Case Diagram:

Using Article Details
Using Article Contents
Search for Articles Guest User Subscribe for Articles
Customer Login Submit Articles for Publishing Reviewer View Articles

Class Diagram:
Review Login subcode : String pwd : String validate()
getReqArticles() accept() reject()
validateArticles() store()
Article DBUtil storeUserInfo() storeHelpInfo() storeArticle() getArticles() getU
serInfo() getHelpInfo() Account Registration getUserInfo() validate() store()
cname addr phone pwd scode getInfo() setInfo() id title author idate keywords[]
contents getInfo() setInfo()
checkCodeFormat() getCode()
Search usingTitle() usingAuthor() usingIDate() usingKeys()
getHelpInfo() setHelpInfo()
Articles keys[] serverReader serverWriter distribute() sendArticles() sendKeys()
getArticles() getKeys() search() sendResults()

Sequence Diagram: Login:

1: Enter Subcode and pwd 2: validate code 3: illegal Format 4: getUserInfo 5: Us
erInfo 7: invalid user 8: Re-direct to home 6: validate user

1: Submit All Info
2: verify all info 3: invalid info 4: store 5: success 6: display status
Reviewer AIS DBManager
1: Requested Articles 2: Req Articles 4: Articles 5: accept/reject 3: Articles

Customer AIS DBManager
1: author/idate/title/contents 2: getArticles 3: Searching 5: formatted info 4:
Article Result Set
Customer 1: req help topic 2: req help info 3: search 4: help info AIS DBManager
5: formatted help

Collaboration Diagram: Login:

2: validate code 6: validate user Customer 1: Enter Subcode and pwd 3: illegal F
ormat 7: invalid user 8: Re-direct to home AIS 4: getUserInfo 5: UserInfo
2: verify all info
1: Submit All Info AIS 3: invalid info 6: display status 4: store 5: success

5: accept/reject DBManager
1: Reviewer Requested Articles AIS 4: Articles
2: Req Articles 3: Articles
AIS 1: author/idate/title/contents Customer 5: formatted info 4: Article Result
Set DBManager
3: Searching 2: getArticles
Customer 1: req help topic AIS 5: formatted help 3: search 2: req help info 4: h
elp info DBManager

Activity Diagram:
invalid Login code & pwd Verify code verify user
invalid code display articles retrieve articles
valid user get articles result set format articles articles
send article
send for publish
author/idate/keys/title search get articles search
finding articles
result set show articles formatting articles

Component Diagram:
DB Manager
Deployment Diagram:
Distributed Network

6.1. JUNIT TEST CASES A unit test is a programmer-written test for a single piec
e of functionality in an application. JUnit test cases are Java classes that con
tain one or more unit test methods, and these tests are grouped into test suites
. You can run tests individually, or you can run entire test suites. Test Scenar
io S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Scenario ID TS1.1 TS1.2 TS1.3 TS2.1 TS2.2 TS2.
3 TS3.1 TS3.2 TS3.3 TS4.1 Test Scenario Description Username and Password Match
Invalid Username and Password Username and Password blank Valid Subscription num
ber Invalid Subscription number Subscription number null Valid title Invalid tit
le Title null Valid author name

6.2. HTTPUNIT TEST CASES With HTTPUnit, Java programs can access servers directl
y, without the need for a web browser. HTTPUnit provides an API for interacting
with HTML, submitting forms, following hyperlinks, setting cookies and many othe
r tasks associated with web browsers. Test Scenario: S. No Test Scenario Id Test
Scenario Description Check link from index page to login page Check link from i
ndex page to Register page Check link from login page to Reviewer page Check lin
k from home page to search page Check link from login page to useraccount page
1 TS1.1 2 TS1.2 3 TS1.3 4 TS1.4 5 TS1.5
Sample Test Code: import com.meterware.httpunit.*; import junit.framework.*; pub
lic class ExampleTest extends TestCase { public static void main(String args[])
{ suite() ); } public static Test suite() { return
new TestSuite( ExampleTest.class ); } public ExampleTest( String name ) { super(
name ); } public WebResponse tryGetResponse(WebConversation conversation,WebReq
uest request) throws Exception { WebResponse response=null; try { response = con
versation.getResponse( request ); } catch (HttpNotFoundException nfe) {

System.err.println("The URL "+request.getURL()+" is not active any more"); thr

ow nfe; } return response; } public void testWelcomePage() throws Exception { We
bConversation conversation = new WebConversation(); WebRequest request = new Get
MethodWebRequest( "http://localhost:8080/AIS/index.jsp" ); WebResponse response
= tryGetResponse(conversation, request ); WebForm forms[] = response.getForms();
assertEquals( 1, forms.length ); assertEquals( 1, forms[0].getParameterNames().
length ); assertEquals( "name", forms[0].getParameterNames()[0] ); } public void
testBadLogin() throws Exception { WebConversation conversation = new WebConvers
ation(); WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest( " http://localhost:8080/A
IS/login.jsp" ); WebResponse response = tryGetResponse(conversation, request );
WebForm loginForm = response.getForms()[0]; request = loginForm.getRequest(); re
sponse = conversation.getResponse( request ); assertTrue( "Login not rejected",
response.getText().indexOf( "Invalid" ) != -1 ); } public void testGoodLogin() t
hrows Exception { WebConversation conversation = new WebConversation(); WebReque
st request = new GetMethodWebRequest( " http://localhost:8080/AIS/login.jsp" );
WebResponse response = tryGetResponse(conversation, request ); WebForm loginForm
= response.getForms()[0]; request = loginForm.getRequest(); request.setParamete
r( "admin", "psg1" ); response = conversation.getResponse( request ); assertTrue
( "Login not accepted", response.getText().indexOf( "Invalid" ) != -1 ); assertE
quals( "Login", "Succeeded", response.getTitle() ); } }

Test Cases: S.No Test case ID +/+ 1 TC1.1 + 2 TC1.2 Short Description Check link
from index page to login page Check link from index page to Register page Check
link from index page to Reviewer page Steps to follow Click LOGIN Expected resu
lts Forwarded to login page Registration form should be displayed Reviewer page
should display Obtained result Forwarded to login page Registration form should
be displayed Reviewer page is displayed
Click Search
Check link from home page to search page 4 TC1.4 + Check link from home page to
useraccount page
Click Search
Search page should be displayed
Search page is displayed
Click Useraccount
Useraccount page should be displayed
Useraccount page is displayed

6.3. LOAD AND PERFORMANCE TESTING The load and performance testing is done using
the tool Load-Runner and the results obtained are shown below. The system is si
mulated for 30 vusers.
Running Vusers

Hits per Second

Transaction Summary

Overall Report
6.4. USING WINRUNNER Mercury WinRunner is the powerful test automation solution
for the enterprise. It helps you automate the testing process, from test develop
ment to execution. You create adaptable and reusable test scripts that challenge
the functionality of your application. Prior to a software release, you can run
these tests in a single overnight runenabling you to detect defects and release
software of superior quality. You can also convert existing WinRunner tests to s
cripted components, or create new scripted components. Scripted components are p
art of Business Process Testing in Mercury Quality Center, which utilizes a keyw
ord-driven methodology for testing applications. Scripted components are reusabl
e modular scripts that can be created in WinRunner, and then used in business pr
ocess tests.
SAMPLE TEST SCRIPTS: # _login set_window("_login",86); edit_set("subcode","admin
"); obj_type("subcode","<kTab>");

password_edit_set("pwd","c9faca5c644fe0f0"); button_press("Login"); # Article In

formation System set_window("Article Information System",14); button_press("Clos
e Login"); button_press("Open Search"); # _search set_window("_search",5); edit_
set("keys","the"); button_press("Search"); # search set_window("search",6); butt
on_press("example3"); # view set_window("view",1); button_press("Close"); # sear
ch set_window("search",4); button_press("gmb"); # view set_window("view",1); but
ton_press("Close"); # Article Information System set_window("Article Information
System",2); button_press("Close Search"); in_check_gui("_login", "list1.ckl", "
gui1", 1); set_window("view"); #Checklist for window "_login" V 8.2 _login: "WEB
.GVF" 0 0 1 { }3 "{class: \"edit\", MSW_class: \"html_edit\", html_name: \"subco
de\", tag: \"subcode\"},disp_tag:\"[html_edit] subcode\"": "STND.GVF" 4 14 1 { C
ompare: "AT" %"As Text" $STND.GVF, *1408, }0 "{class: \"edit\", MSW_class: \"htm
l_edit\", html_name: \"pwd\", tag: \"pwd\"},disp_tag:\"[html_edit] pwd\"": "STND
.GVF" 4 14 1 {

Compare: "AT" %"As Text" $STND.GVF, *1408, }0 "{class: \"push_button\", MSW_clas

s: \"html_push_button\", html_name: \"Login\", tag: \"Login\"},disp_tag:\"[html_
push_button] Login\"": "STND.GVF" 7 18 1 { Enabled: "" $STND.GVF, *1280, }0 DSN=
gmb;UID=scott;PWD=tiger1;SERVER=cseora; select * from cust_ais Line Event Result
Details Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 start GUI capture --gui1 344824:24:38 3 end GUI capture OK gui1 344

Thus the Article Information system was implemented successfully. This will help
the customers to search, view and publish articles online. Also the reviewer ca
n do accept/reject for submitted articles. This system helps Article System to r
emove the various bottlenecks in maintaining manual records and also the members
need not go to the article library for searching articles. Future Enhancement:
This Article Information system can be extended for Distributed Library. The sea
rch can be further refined by categorizing based on various factors like educati
on, entertainment etc. The system can be further enhanced by providing facility
for online payment of registration charges using credit cards, automatically sen
ding emails to customers intimating overdue and cancelled reservation.

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