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BeatsMod Ordering Information Metatronic Mods LLC

(Expansion Module for the Korg Volca Beats):

Until I get my website up and running, all orders will be done through Paypal. Just send me
an email at
List the options you'd like to purchase along with your shipping address and I will send a nonbinding Paypal invoice for the total cost plus shipping to your address.
Here are the options currently available:

"The Works - $200 + Your Volca Beats

If DIY isn't your thing, or you're worried about messing up your Volca, I will cover all the parts
costs, assemble your BeatsMod, including the panel, according to your specifications, modify
your Volca, and mail you your modified Volca Beats, BeatsMod, bridge cable, and header
bus. Since I'll have it open anyways, I'll install the capacitor for the snare fix/mod at no extra
cost if desired.
**PLEASE BE AWARE that this is not a guaranteed service. It's possible that your Volca Beats will be
harmed, whether from preexisting issues, mishandling in the mail, the unlikely event that I make a
mistake, etc. At time of writing this I have performed this mod on 5 different Volcas, and have only made
a mistake once (while casually working/experimenting on my personal Volca Beats.) That all said, myself
and Metatronic Mods LLC accept no responsibility or liability for damages that may occur. In particular,
myself and Metatronic Mods LLC do not accept any responsibility or liability for any economic loss or
any indirect or consequential loss or damage including, without limitation, loss of business and loss of
profits, as a direct or indirect consequence of, or in connection with, the performance of this
modification.** (But I am a pretty stand up guy, and I'd try to make things right if I actually messed up)

"I've Done This Before" Package - $30

Includes the PCB, color coded cable for completing all wiring, custom 6-pin jumper bus (for
quickly and easily switching a modded Volca between factory and modded operation modes),
and a custom 6" 16-position shielded cable for connecting the Volca and BeatsMod - $30

"Friendly Mode" Add On $30

An optional internal amplifier board which eliminates the requirement to solder to SMD
components for the kick and snare outputs. Instead you simply solder to the spacious
TOM+SNARE and TOM+SNARE+KICK solder pads provided on the Volca Beats PCB which
provide individual kick and snare outputs when used with this add on board. This add on
actually provides a marginally cleaner signal for the kick, snare and toms since the sounds
are buffered and amplified by a board installed in the Volca before being sent over the cable
to the BeatsMod. (Sorry about the high cost, but the amplifiers needed to do the job of separating the signals
are expensive).

Precision CNC Cut Panel - $15

The panel is made from a single piece of 2mm aluminum which is cut, and drilled and then
folded at the ends, forming front, top, and rear surfaces. The PCB attaches to the panel via 14
M2x0.4 screws which screw into threaded holes on both ends of the slide potentiometers.
There are no standard side panels, bottom plate etc. for assembling a full enclosure at this
time. If you are interested in having a full/custom enclosure made, let me know in your email
and we can talk materials and prices.
IMPORTANT: If you are ordering a panel, please let me know whether or not you plan to add
the CV input circuitry. If you are adding the CV circuitry, let me know if you're going to use the
parts I listed in the BOM or something else. If using the BOM parts, I will drill out the holes to
the proper size for those parts. If using other parts, I can either leave that area of the panel
alone, or I can have the CNC cut the pilot holes in the normal position and let you drill them
out to whatever diameter you need for parts.

Longer Cable for Connecting Volca Beats and BeatsMod

The basic package includes a 6 cable, but it can be
cut to length if you need something longer, just specify
the length in your order. The cable is shielded and
jacketed and will come preassembled with connectors
and strain reliefs and the shielding properly grounded
on the BeatsMod side connection. Image shows the
standard 6 cable included by default.

NOTE: Unless you order The Works, you will be responsible for ordering parts. For
simplicity and ease I have provided a project order form for all required parts, all currently
stocked by Mouser. There are cheaper alternatives available for some of the parts if you don't
mind searching other vendors or waiting for backordered parts from Mouser. Also, some of
the more expensive parts may be omitted if not adding the CV input mods. The parts as
specified are $64.72
Here is the link for the parts order from Mouser for your reference
Open the link and copy/paste the Access ID: 20cf121603

For more detailed information, pictures, and the complete modification and assembly
procedures you can view the build doc here:

Thanks for looking, and happy modding!

-Stephen Barnwell Metatronic Mods LLC

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