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IBI Research Summary:

Soil Improvement from Application of Biochar

Updated: 8 June 2010
Author: Julie Major, PhD
Note: IBI Research Summaries are intended to provide answers about biochar science
for the general public. These summaries are based on IBIs review of published scientific
literature. As this literature is updated, IBI will update these summaries. Please contact
IBI at if you have questions or information to share.
Question: What is the evidence that biochar benefits soils in actual field conditions?
Field trials using biochar have been conducted in the tropics over the past several years.
All showed neutral or positive results on yields when biochar was applied to field soils
and nutrients were managed appropriately. Large scale field trials have recently begun on
highly fertile Iowa Mollisols by the US Department of Agricultures Agricultural
Research Service (USDA-ARS). First year results are positive, yet it will take several
years before definitive results are available (Laird, D., 2009). Recently biochar trials were
conducted on small plots on poor soils of the southern United States, over two years of
drought conditions. The overall yield responses from the two biochar materials used in
the study were smaller than expected based on previous studies. Biochar-amended plots
produced lower yields than unamended controls in some of the treatment combinations,
but no clear trends were observed over the two years of the study (Gaskin, J.W., 2010).
There is also evidence from thousands of years of traditional use of charcoal in soils. The
most well-know example is the fertile Terra Preta soils in Brazil. Crop yields on these
soils have been shown to be much greater than on nearby soil which were not enriched
with charcoal (Lehmann et al., 2003a; Lehmann et al., 2003b; Major et al., 2005), despite
the soils having recently evolved in a similar environment. Japan also has a long tradition
of using charcoal in soil, a tradition that is being revived and has been exported over the
past 20 years to countries such as Costa Rica.
The Japanese tradition is described in a paper from Ogawa, M., Osaka Institute of
Technology, Charcoal Use in Agriculture in Japan, Keynote address, Asia Pacific
Biochar Conference, 17-20 May 2009:
use of charcoal dwindled to 30,000 t/year by the 1980s but in the 1970s
scientists began promoting its production and use, and in 1986 a technical group
was established to study carbonization technology, soil amendment in agriculture
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and revegetation, activation of microorganisms and water purification. In 1990 the

research results were published and widely distributed, and charcoal and wood
vinegar were authorised for soil amendment by the Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fishery.
The Brazilian and Japanese traditions together provide long-term evidence of positive
biochar impact on soils.
Recent research also documents nearly ubiquitous occurrence of biochar-type materials in
soils globally (Skjemstad et al., 2002; Hammes et al., 2008; Krull et al., 2008; Lehmann
et al., 2008; Laird et al, 2008). While these were generated from wildfires, they share the
basic properties with biochar generated from woody and grassy feedstock and provide a
large-scale example of the impact of biochar on soils. In fact, soils high in naturally
occurring biochar found in fire-prone grasslands like the North American Prairie are
some of the most fertile soils in the world.
While the larger questions concerning overall biochar benefits to soils have been
answered in the affirmative, significant questions remain, including the need for a better
understanding of some of the details of biochar production and characterization. Work is
ongoing to develop methods for matching different types of biochar to soils for the best
results. IBI is working with private and public researchers around the world to develop
protocols to answer these questions.


Asai,H, Samson, B.K, Haefele, S M, Songyikhangsuthor, K, Homma, K, Kiyono,Y, Inoue,Y, Shiraiwa,T,
Horie,T. (2009) Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos 1.
Soil physical properties, leaf SPAD and grain yield. Field Crops Research, 111, 1-2, 81-84 (field
study, 1 year)
Gaskin, J.W., et al., Effect of Peanut Hull and Pine Chip Biochar on Soil Nutrients, Corn Nutrient Status,
and Yield. Agronomy Journal, 2010. 102(2): p. 623-633. (field study, 2 years)
Kimetu, JM, Lehmann, J, Ngoze, SO, Mugendi, DN, Kinyangi, J.M, Riha, S, Verchot, L, Recha, J.W, Pell,
AN. (2008) Reversibility of soil productivity decline with organic matter of differing quality along
a degradation gradient. Ecosystems, 11, 5, 726-739 (field study, 2 years, 3 crops)
Laird, D, Fleming P, Wang B, and Karlen D. (2009) Impact of biochar amendments on soil quality for a
typical midwestern agricultural soil. Poster presentation, North American Biochar Conference, 912 August 2009, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Major, J., Rondon, M., Molina, D., Riha, S.J., Lehmann, J., 2010. Maize yield and nutrition during 4 years
after biochar application to a Colombian savanna oxisol. Plant and Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-0100327-0 (field study, 4 years)
Steiner, C, Glaser, B, Teixeira, WG, Lehmann, J, Blum,WEH, Zech,W. (2008) Nitrogen retention and plant
uptake on a highly weathered central Amazonian Ferralsol amended with compost and charcoal.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenernahrung Und Bodenkunde,
171, 6, 893-899 (field study, 4 cropping cycles)
Steiner, C, Teixeira, WG, Lehmann, J, Nehls, T, de Macedo, JLV, Blum, WEH, Zech, W. (2007) Long
term effects of manure, charcoal and mineral fertilization on crop production and fertility on a
highly weathered Central Amazonian upland soil. Plant and Soil, 291, 1-2, 275-290 (same study as

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Yamato, M, Okimori, Y, Wibowo, I.F, Anshori, S, Ogawa, M. (2006) Effects of the application of charred
bark of Acacia mangium on the yield of maize, cowpea and peanut, and soil chemical properties in
South Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 52, 4, 489-495 (field study, 2 years)


German, L.A., 2003. Historical contingencies in the coevolution of environment and livelihood:
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Lehmann, J., da Silva, J.P., Steiner, C., Nehls, T., Zech, W., Glaser, B., 2003a. Nutrient availability and
leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer,
manure and charcoal amendments. Plant and Soil 249, 343.
Lehmann, J., Kern, D., German, L., McCann, J., Martins, G.C., Moreira, A. 2003. Soil fertility and
production potential. In Lehmann, J., Kern, D., Glaser, B., and Woods W.I. (eds) Amazonian Dark
Earths: Origins, Properties and Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 141-158.
Major, J., DiTommaso, A., Lehmann, J., Falcao, N.P.S., 2005. Weed dynamics on Amazonian Dark Earth
and adjacent soils of Brazil. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 111, 1.


Imanishi, T. and Sakawa, M. (2003) Cultivation of pleurotus ostreatus using charcoal made from used
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Ishii, T., Kadoya, K. (1994) Effects of charcoal as a soil conditioner on citrus growth and vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal development. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 63,
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Yoshizawa, S., Tanaka, S., Ohata, M., Mineki, S., Goto, S., Fujioka, K. and Kokubun, T. (2005)
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Hammes, K., Torn, M. S., Lapenas, A. G. and Schmidt, M. W. I. (2008) Centennial black carbon turnover
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Krull E, Lehmann J, Skjemstad J, Baldock J and Spouncer L. (2008) The global extent of black C in soils:
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Laird, D.A., Chappell, M.A., Martens, D.A., Wershaw, R.L., Thompson, M.L. (2008) Distinguishing Black
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Skjemstad, JO, Reicosky DC, Wilts, AR, McGowen, JA. (2002) Charcoal carbon in U.S. agricultural soils.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 1249-1255.


Chan, K.Y., Van Zwieten, L., Meszaros, I., Downie, A., Joseph, S., 2007. Agronomic values of greenwaste
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Chan, K.Y., Van Zwieten, L., Meszaros, I., Downie, A., Joseph, S., 2008. Using poultry litter biochars as
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Chan, K.Y., Xu, Z.H., 2009. Biochar - Nutrient Properties and their Enhancement (Chapter 5). In:
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Earthscan, London, UK, p. 67.
Lehmann, J., da Silva, J.P., Steiner, C., Nehls, T., Zech, W., Glaser, B., 2003. Nutrient availability and
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manure and charcoal amendments. Plant and Soil 249, 343.
Liang, B., Lehmann, J., Solomon, D., Kinyangi, J., Grossman, J., O'Neill, B., Skjemstad, J.O., Thies, J.,
Luizao, F.J., Petersen, J., Neves, E.G., 2006. Black Carbon increases cation exchange capacity in
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Major, J., Steiner, C., Downie, A., Lehmann, J., 2009. Biochar Effects on Nutrient Leaching (Chapter 15).
In: Lehmann, J., Joseph, S. (Eds.), Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and
Technology. Earthscan, London, UK, p. 271.
Novak, J.M., Busscher, W.J., Laird, D.L., Ahmedna, M., Watts, D.W., Niandou, M.A.S., 2009a. Impact of
Biochar Amendment on Fertility of a Southeastern Coastal Plain Soil. Soil Science 174, 105-112.
Novak, J.M., Lima, I.M., Xing, B., Gaskin, J.W., Steiner, C., Das, K.C., Ahmedna, M., Rehrah, D., Watts,
D.W., Busscher, W.J., Schomberg, H., 2009b. Charcaterization of designer biochar produced at
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Rondon, M.A., Lehmann, J., Ramirez, J., Hurtado, M., 2007. Biological nitrogen fixation by common
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Tagoe, S.O., Horiuchi, T., Matsui, T., 2008. Preliminary evaluation of the effects of carbonized chicken
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Van Zwieten, L., Kimber, S., Morris, S., Chan, K.Y., Downie, A., Rust, J., Joseph, S., Cowie, A., 2010.
Effects of biochar from slow pyrolysis of papermill waste on agronomic performance and soil
fertility. Plant and Soil 327, 235-246.

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