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1.Simple Present
a). exprima o actiune care se desfasoara in mod obisnuit sau repetat, pe axa prezentului
Forma afirmativa se realizeaza adaugand terminatia -s verbelor la persona a 3-a sg. m, f, n. Exceptie fac doar cateva verbe
care primesc terminatia -es : do, go, wash , watch.
Adverbe cu care se utilizeaza:
every+ day /week /month/ year
ever e.g. Do you ever go to school?
never e.g I never do my homework in the morning.
usually e.g. I usually walk to the park.
on Saturday ...prin mentionarea unei perioade
during...the parcursul
b).exprima un adevar general valabil
e.g. Water boils at 100 degrees C.
c).exprima o actiune viitoare, parte a unui program oficial
e.g. Our plane leaves at 10 oclock.
2. Present Continuous
a). exprima o actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii be + vb. de conjugat +-ing
e.g. I am learning now.
Always apare ca o exceptie, se refera la o actiune prin care aratam iritarea vorbitorului in legatura cu alta actiune.
e.g. He is always starting his car when I want to have a rest.
b).exprima o actiune planificata, un aranjament care se va petrece in viitorul apropiat
e.g.We are visiting our neighbours tomorrow.
3. Past Simple exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat la un moment dat si care nu are nici o legatura cu prezentul
Adverbe cu care se utilizeaza:
last + week/ month/ year
a day before yesterday
- se foloseste cu mentionarea unui an anterior celui prezent : e.g.I read this book in 1995.
Forma afirmativa:+ ed / vb. neregulate forma II
Forma interogativa: did
Forma negativa: did not
USED TO exprima o atitudine personala, repetitiva, in trecut:
e.g. I used to go swimming a lot (but I dont now).
WOULD poate exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat in mod obisnuit la un moment dat in trecut, o activitate obisnuita,
caracteristica unei persoane:
e.g. Every week he would buy his mother a bunch of flowers.
Cand conjunctia when isi formeaza singura intrebarea este urmata in mod obligatoriu de past tense.

e.g. When did you arrive?

4. Past Continuous
a). exprima o actiune in desfasurare, la un moment dat in trecut.
e.g. I was walking in the park at 2 oclock yesterday.
Forma afirmativa: vb. to be (la trecut) + vb +ing
Forma interogativa: Was I walking in the park?
Forma negativa: was/were + not
b). exprima o actiune in desfasurare in trecut intrerupta de o alta actiune
e.g. I was reading the book when the phone rang.
c). exprima doua actiuni in trecut care nu se exclud
e.g. I was reading the book while she was sleeping.
Always marcheaza o actiune care irita vorbitorul in trecut.
e.g. I remember he was my pupil ten years ago and he was always talking.
5. Present Perfect exprima o actiune nedefinita care s-a incheiat cu putin timp inaintea momentului vorbirii.
Has/have + the past participle (vb. la forma a III-a)
e.g. I have just seen that film.
Adverbe cu care se utilizeaza:
Already e.g. I have already spoken to him.
Yet (deja?; inca) e.g. Have you seen the film yet? I havent seen the film yet.
Ever e.g. I havent ever seen the sea.
Never e.g. I have never seen the sea.
Lately, recently (in ultima vreme) e.g. I have read a good book lately.
For (lungimea perioadei de timp) e.g. I havent seen you for ages.
Since ( marcheaza inceputul perioadei de timp) e.g. I havent seen you since you were a boy.
This (morning, afernoon...)
Poate fi folosit cu grade de comparatie:
e.g. This is the best wine I have ever drunk.
6. Present Perfect Continuous arata continuitatea actiunii din prezentul perfect simplu.
He has fished in this river for two hours. (nu mai pescuieste)
He has been fishing in this river for two hours. (pescuieste si in prezent)
Marin Preda wrote several good books.(e mort)
Marin Sorescu has written several plays. (inca traieste)
Present Perfect arata rezultatul e.g. I have written six letters.
Present Perfect Continous arata durata e.g. I have been writing letters all morning.
I have lived all my life here. (se prefera Present Perfect care marcheaza o durata mai mare, desi este acceptat si Present
Perfect Continuous).
I have been studying German for two weeks.

7. Past Perfect Simple exprima o actiune trecuta, anterioara altei actiuni trecute
had + vb. la forma a III-a
e.g. He told me that he had sent the letter.
Adverbe cu care se utilizeaza:
Abia ca: Hardly..when
No sooner .than
e.g. He had hardly got into the room when somebody rang at the door.
I had no sooner got into the room than somebody rang at the door.
I had just got into the room when somebody rang at the door.
8. Past Perfect Continuous exprima o actiune in progres si anterioara fata de alta actiune trecuta
had + been + vb.+ ing
e.g We had been walking for two hours when we saw a lake in the distance. ( mai intai am realizat o actiune in progres,
accea de a umbla timp de 2 ore si abia apoi am realizat o actiune fixa , am zarit lacul, dar ambele actiuni s-au realizat in
Se utilizeaza cu since ( pentru a indica un moment in timp) si for ( pt a indica o perioada de timp)
e.g I had been learning since 2 oclock when hw arrived home. ( momentul din timp e ora 2)
She had been watching TV for 3 hours when mother came home. (perioada de timp e de 3 ore)
9. Future Simple
will + vb.
e.g We will write you a letter.
Atentie!!!!! Nu se foloseste in propozitii temporale cu referire la viitor
e.g I will give you a phone, when I arrive home. ( deci I will give you a phone e principala , iar when I arrive home e
subordonata temporala. Nu e corect spus I will give you a phone, when I will arrive home.) Te voi suna cand ajung acasa.
NU Te voi suna cand voi ajunge acasa
10. Future Continuous se refera la o actiune planificata in viitorul apropiat.
Will+ vb.+ ing
e.g. This time next week I will be flying to Paris.
11. Future Perfect exprima o actiune viitoare, dar anterioara fata de un alt moment din viitor
Will + have+ V la forma a III-a
e.g I will have written the letter by noon tomorrow.
12. Future Perfect Continuous exprima o actiune anterioara si in progres fata de un moment din viitor
Will + have+been + V+ ing
e.g Next year in May, my sister will have been working in this shop for ten years.
13. Alte mijloace de exprimare a viitorului:
To be going to = a avea de gand sa
e.g. I am going to help you.

To be to = a urma sa
e.g. I am to do this.
To be about to = a fi pe cale sa
e.g. She is about to leave us.
To be due to (scheduled time)
e.g. The play is due to start in 5 minutes.
The flight is due at 6.20.
I will vs I am going to
will - decizia e luata in momentul vorbirii
e.g. "George phoned while you were out. ""Oh, really? I' ll phone him back"
going to - decizia e luata inainte de momentul vorbirii
e.g. "George phoned while you were out. ""Yes, I know. I' m going to phone him back.

Conceptul de capacitate, posibilitate, necesitate sau obligatie este redat de asa numitele "modal auxiliary verbs" : can,
could, should, must, need, ought to, used to, dare.

Nu au infinitiv lung
Nu primesc "s" la persoana a III a singular prezent simplu
Nu primesc "-ing"
Verbele care urmeaza sunt la infinitiv scurt; excceptie: used to, ought to
Nu au toate timpurile si modurile unui verb normal, de aceea unele au echivalenti
Formeaza interogativul prin inversiune; negativul + not

1. Can

Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la prezent si viitor

Exprima o continuitate alaturi de verbele de perceptie
Exprima o permisiune (informal English)
Exprima o posibilitate atunci cand imprejurarile o permit If you come in my town we can swim (I have a swimming
Exprima o imposibilitate, neincredere: cu acest inteles can poate fi urmat de un infinitiv prezent(pentru actiune
simultana) sau infinitiv perfect (pentru actiune anterioara )
Nu se poate/este imposibil sa faca o asemenea greseala

He cant make such a mistake

Nu se poate sa fi facut o asemenea greseala

He cant have made such a mistake

Exprima o cerere politicoasa Can I help you?

2. Could

Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la trecut.Cu acest inteles can/could poate fi inlocuit cu echivalentul.Dar cand
intelesul este de to succid in, to manage, to achieve-se foloseste numai echivalentul, dar nu si la negativ
Cerere politicoasa, mai politicoasa decat can Could I help you?

3. May

Exprima o permisiune(formal english). Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu echivalentul to be allowed to; to
be permited to
Exprima o posibilitate. Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu it is possible/ maybe/ perhaps

It is possible for you to know her

Poate ca o cunosti
Maybe/perhaps you know her

You may hnow her

May+infinitiv continuu=posibilitatea unei actiuni in momentul vorbirii Ex: She may be sleeping now.
May+infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea unei actiuni in trecut Ex: She may have lost the key.

Exprima o urare, speranta May all your dreams come true! sau May good luck attend you!
In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust: I hope that you may find tickets.
In propozitia de scop dupa so that: I sit on the first row so that I may see and hear well.

4. Might

Exprima o permisiune la trecut

Exprima o posibilitate in prezent, viitor si trecut (o posibilitate mai indepartata)

Might + infinitiv continuu=posibilitatea indepartata a unei actiuni in momentul vorbirii

Might + infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea indeparata a unei actiuni in trecut

Exprima indignare, iritare, repros You might look in to my eyes when Im talking to you.
In propozitia concesiva dupa : whatever, whenever, whereever, whoever, thought, althought, no matter how
In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust
In propozitia de scop dupa so that

5. Must

Exprima obligatie, comanda, necessitate .Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu echivalentul to have to

Must =obligatie impusa de vorbitor(regula)

Have to =obligatie externa impusa de autoritati sau imprejurari externe pe care vorbitorul nu le poate controla

Dont have to
Lipsa de obligatie
Havent got to


Must not

Interdictie, prohibitie (regula)

Eprima deductie, concluzie logica, probabilitate

NOTA: cand must exprima probabilitate el poate fi inlocuit cu: Im sure/certain/positive, Certain/obviously, Its
likely/probable, Is likely
6. Need are 2 sensuri:
A. verb notional, obisnuit = to be need of (dupa care apare un pronume, substantiv, verb la gerunziu sau infinitiv lung)
Ex: Mother needs a pair of shoes.The windows need washing.
B. Verb modal auxiliar = to have to apare mai mult in interogativ si negativ; poate sa apara si in afirmativ alaturi de never,
hardly, barely
Ex: She need hardly mention her name, since I know it.
Diferenta dintre prezent si trecut:
Do I need...?

actiune obisnuita, repetata

Need I...?

ocazie speciala

Didnt need to...

actiune care nu a fost necesara si nu a fost facuta

Neednt have+V (forma a III a)

actiune care nu a fost necesara, dar a fost facuta

7. Should

Exprima obligatie, sfat, recomandare (obligatia este mai slaba decat cea cu must)
Exprima surpriza in intrebare retorica Ex:Why should I go there?
Exprima presupunere, deductie logica
In completiva directa dupa: to suggest, to propose, to insist, to recommend, to advise, to urge...that
In propozitia subiectiva dupa constructii impersonale: it is/was
In propozitia de scop dupa: so that, in order that, lest(ca sa nu..., ca sa nu cumva...), for fear that
In propozitia conditionala tip I si II (intamplare)
Dupa verbe de emotie: to feel sory, to be delighted, to be annoyed, to be shocked
Dupa: dont think why, see no reason why, cant think why

8. Ought to ( = ar trebui, s-ar cuveni)

Exprima o datorie, obligatie morala

Ought to + Infinitive Perfect = datorie, obligatie neimplinita
Ex: You ought to have waited until the light were green.

9. Would

Exprima o cerere politicoasa : Would you pass..., Would you please..., Would you be so kind..., Would you mind+
V (-ing)

Exprima o actiune repetata in trecut si incetata prezent (obisnuiam sa...)

Diferenta dintre used to si would+infinitiv este ca al doilea se foloseste narativ
Apare dupa wish si if only pentru o dorinta in viitor
Exprima o probabilitate Ex: That girl would be his sister!
Exprima o vointa la trecut iar la negativ refuz Ex:She had to go there whether she would or wouldnt.

SEQUENCE OF TENSES ( Concordanta timpurilor)

Exista 2 cazuri: - timpul din principala e la prezent (Axa prezentului )
- timpul din principala e la trecut(Axa trecutului )
Axa prezentului
1). Propozitia principala ----anterioritate---> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut inaintea celei din
Present--------------------------------------------Present Perfect
e.g. He tells me that he has come to me.
Imi spune ca a fost pe la mine.
2). Propozitia principala ------simultaneitate--> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut in acelasi timp
cu cea din principala)
Present ------------------------------------------------Present
e.g. He tells me that he comes to me.
Imi spune ca vine la mine.
3). Propozitia principala -----posterioritate---> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut dupa cu cea din
e.g. He tells me that he will come to me.
Imi spune ca va veni la mine.
Axa trecutului
1). Propozitia principala -----anterioritate---> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut inaintea celei din
Past tense -------------------------------------------Past perfect

e.g. He told me he had come to me.

Mi-a spus ca a venit la mine.
2). Propozitia principala -----simultaneitate--> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut in acelasi timp cu
cea din principala)
Past tense---------------------------------------------- Past tense
e.g. He told me that he came to me.
Mi-a spus ca vine la mine.
3). Propozitia principala -----posterioritate---> Propozitia secundara ( Actiunea din secundara s-a petrecut dupa cu cea din
Past tense----------------------------------------------Future in the past
e.g. He told me that he would come to me.
Mi-a spus ca va veni la mine.

- Nu se foloseste viitorul dupa:if, whether, as soon as,as long as, whenever, after, before, till, until,
directly, immediately.
e.g. He tells me that he will help me when he has time.
He told me that he would help me when he had time.
- In propozitiile atributive introduse de that nu se respecta corespondenta timpurilor.
e.g. I saw a house that I liked / I like.
- In propozitiile comparative introduse de than nu se respecta corespondenta timpurilor.
e.g. Last year he learnt better than he learns this year.

Main clause.............. if ..................Secondary Clause
I. FUTURE PRESENT (Regula I se foloseste cu referire la o
actiune viitoare)
I shall write the letter if you give me the address.
II. PRESENT CONDITIONAL.............PAST TENSE (Regula II se foloseste cu referire la o actiune
prezenta )
I shouldnt go there if I were you.
III. PERFECT CONDITIONALPAST PERFECT (Regula III se foloseste cu referire la
o actiune trecuta)
(Should/would + have +f.III )
I should have got a good mark if I had learnt my lesson.
Voi citi cartea aceasta daca mi-o vei imprumuta.
I shall read this book if you lend it to me.
As citi cartea acesta daca mi-ai imprumuta-o.
I should read this book if you lent it to me.
As fi citit cartea aceasta daca mi-ai fi imprumutat-o.
I should have read this book if you had lent it to me.

If+will+infinitive (=be willing/not mind) - it is frequently used in polite requests
e.g. If you will wait a moment.
If+should+infinitive (should used for all persons-->less likely conditions)
e.g. If Tom should come he' ll bring you the book. --> este putin probabil
e.g. Should he come he' ll bring you the book.
(inversion, should replaces if)
if not = unless (+ verb la afirmativ)
e.g. Mrs. Brown won't buy this dress unless her husband likes it.

THE PASSIVE VOICE ( Diateza pasiva)

Ca si in lb. romana exista si in lb.engleza 3 diateze:
- d. activa = actiunea o face un subiect
e.g Eu spal vasele / I wash dishes
- d. pasiva = actiunea verbului e suportata de catre subiect e.g Vasele sunt spalate de mine / The
dishes are washed by me
- d. reflexiva = actiunea e facuta si suportata de subiect
e.g Eu ma spal / I wash myself
Marca diatezei pasive este verbul TO BE utilizat ca auxiliar
Diateza pasiva se formeaza astfel: Subiect + verbul TO BE la timpul cerut de context +
Participiu trecut al vb de conjugat (adica V3 in cazul vb neregulate sau V+ ed in cazul vb




Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect

I drive
I drove
I have driven
I had driven
I will drive
I will have driven

I am driven
I was driven
I have been driven
I had been driven
I will be driven
I will have been driven

Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

I am driving
I was driving
I have been driving
I had been driving
I will be driving
I will have been driving

I am being driven
I was being driven
I have been being driven
* I had been being driven
* I will be being driven
* I will have been being driven



Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Will - future

Peter drives a car.

Peter drove a car.
Peter has driven a car.
Peter had driven a car.
Peter will drive a car.

A car is driven by Peter.

A car was driven by Peter.
A car has been driven by Peter.
A car had been driven by Peter.
A car will be driven by Peter.


THE GERUND (-ING) is used:
a). after verbs commonly followed by the ing form:
admit, advise, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, contemplate, defer, delay, deny,
detest, dread, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, finish, forbid, forgive, imagine, involve,
mention, mind, miss, pardon, permit, postpone, practise, recollect, resent, resist, risk, suggest,
e.g. He suggested going to the cinema.
Try to avoid using the car.
b). after verbs with prepositions:
accuse of, agree with, approve /disapprove of, consist in, excuse from, insist on, prevent from, rely
on, succeed in, decide against, apologize for, think of/about, suspect of, congratulate on, thank for,
forgive for, warn against
c). after phrasal verbs:
to go on, to keep on, to give up, to put off, to get through, to leave off
d). after the expressions:
cant help, cant stand, cant bear, its no fun / good / use, to be looking forward to, to be worth
(while), to feel like, to have difficulty in, its a waste of money / time, spend / waste (time), to be
accustomed to, to be used to, burst out (laughing, crying), to keep (somebody waiting)
e.g. I am used to waiting for the bus for a long time.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply.

e). after be/get + adj / past participle + preposition:

to be afraid of, to be agreeable to, to be annoyed at, to be capable of, to be intent on, to be
interested in, to be responsible for, to be surprised at, to be/get used to, to be tired of/fed up with,
to be keen on / fond of, to be enthusiastic about, to be experienced in, to be good / clever / skilful
at, to be opposed to, to be bored with, to be afraid / scared of
f). Go and come can be followed by the ing form when used in expressions connected with sports and
other (mainly physical) activities:
e.g. Why dont you come skating with me.
I usually go shopping on Friday afternoo
a). verbs commonly followed by the to infinitive:
afford, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, care, choose, consent, decide, determine, endeavor, fail,
happen, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse,
seem, swear, undertake
Notice the negative form with NOT TO.
e.g. They agreed to leave in the morning.
He happened to meet Paul at the station.
Ill pretend not to see you.
I wouldnt dare (to) ask him. But: I darent tell him what happened.
b). verbs commonly followed by an object + infinitive:
want, ask, expect, help, mean (intend), would like, would prefer
e.g. Can somebody help him (to) move this table?
Everyone wanted him to win the race.
Tell, remind, force, enable, persuade, order, warn, invite, teach, get (persuade)
e.g. I got Jack to repair my car.
Advise, recommend, encourage, allow, permit, forbid, force
e.g. He doesnt allow anyone to smoke in this house. (BUT He doesnt allow smoking in this house).
Make, let (verb + infinitive)


e.g. They made me do it

Let them go.
need + Infinitive = it's necessary
e.g. He needs to work harder.
Need + Gerund = it needs to be done
e.g. This jacket is rather dirty. It needs cleaning.
Begin, cease, start are followed by the infinitive when they express a mental activity.
e.g. At last, the boy began to understand.
Begin, cease are usually followed by the Infinitive when expressing an involuntary action.
e.g. It began to snow.
Begin, cease are usually followed by the Gerund when it expresses a deliberate action.
e.g. The man began eating.
Chance + to Infinitive = din intamplare
e.g. He chanced to find the letter while he was looking for a book.
Chance = Gerund implica actiune voluntara
e.g. As they were running he chanced jumping into the water.
Go on
Go on + Infinitive = refers to a new aspect
e.g. Anne turned on the light and went on to read.
Go on + Gerund = to continue the activity
e.g. We went on looking at the pictures. (am continuat sa)
stop + Infinitive = in order to
e.g. When he saw us, he stopped to look at us.
Stop + Gerund = to cease
e.g. The girl stopped singing.
Try + Infinitive = to make an effort / attempt
e.g. Please try to be quiet when you come home because everyone will be asleep.
Try + Gerund = to try the alternative, make the experiment
e.g. Paul has got a terrible headache. He tried taking an aspirin, but it didnt help.
Remember + Infinitive = not forget

e.g. Please remember to post the letter.

Remember + Gerund = you remember doing something after you did it
e.g. I clearly remember locking the door before I left. (I locked it and now I clearly remember this)
like + Infinitive = to prefer, to want
e.g. I like to do something = I find it good or right to do something.
like + Gerund = I enjoy
e.g. Do you like cooking? ( = do you enjoy it?)
I dont like swimming. (= I dislike, I hate)
I dont like driving. ( = I dont enjoy it)

Verbele neregulate:
Substantive neregulate:



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