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Manual Learn To use a



It Has Mathematical Symbols

It Has Roman Numerals
It Has words
It Has Definitions
It Has Entries
It Has Covers
It Has Abbreviations
It Has Symbols

Part Of Speech
1. Noun Its (N) a Word that gives the name of a Person,Place,Thing or Direction.
The restaurant is open
The dog barked at the cat.
2. Verb Its (V) a Word that expresses an action or state or being.
Lets run to the corner and back.
I hear the train coming.
3. Adjective Its (adj) a Word That describes a noun.
Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today.
They live in a beautiful house.
4. Adverb Its (adv) a Word that gives information about a verb or and adjective.
She was walking rapidly.
Please come inside now.
5. Pronoun Its (pron) a word to replace a noun.
We are going on vacation.
Anybody who says it wont be fun has no clue what they are talking about.
6. Preposition Its (prep) a Word that shows relationships of time,place, or direction .
He climbed up the ladder to get into the attic.
I prefer to read in the library.
7. Conjuction Its (conj) a Word that connects words or parts of sentences.
I have two goldfish and a cat.
Id like a bike for commuting to work.
8. Interjection Its (int) a Word or phrase that express and emotion.
Wow! I won the lottery!
Oh, I don't know about that.

Symbols and abbreviations

Numbers,Symbols or Abbrevations



All the time



Ohm (Physics)


Is greater than


Fourteen (Roman Number)







Gen-tly: adjetivo, ms suave, ms suave.
1.amablemente; afable:
una suave forma. grave, spera, o violenta; leves:

un suave viento; un suave golpecito en el hombro.
3.moderar:suave calor.
4.gradual:una suave pendiente.
Lit-tle: adjetivo, ms pequeo o menos o menor, ms pequea o menos.
1.pequeo en tamao, no grande, no grande, pequea:una pequea mesa en la esquina de la
2.corta en duracin; no extensa, corto; breve:un poco de tiempo.
3.pequea en nmero:un pequeo grupo de cientficos.
4.pequea en cantidad o grado; no mucho: poca esperanza.
Gar-den: sustantivo
1.una parcela de tierra, por lo general cerca de una casa, donde flores, arbustos, verduras,
frutas, o hierbas se cultivan.
2.a piece of ground or other space, commonly with ornamental plants, trees, etc., used as a
park or other public recreation area:un pblico jardn.
3.una frtil y agradable lugar o regin.
Gath-er: (utilizado con objeto)
1.para traer juntos en un solo grupo, coleccin, o lugar:para reunir la lea; a reunir las tropas.
2.para llevar juntos o ensamblar de diversos lugares, fuentes, o las personas; recoger poco a
poco: La universidad est reuniendo un cuerpo docente de
todo sobre el pas.
3.para servir como un centro de atencin para; atraer a:Un
buen ftbol juego siempre rene una multitud.
Sol-id: adjetivo, soldado, ms slida.
1.que tiene tres dimensiones (longitud, anchura, y
espesor), como una geomtrica del cuerpo o figura. o en relacin a cuerpos o figuras de tres dimensiones.
3.teniendo el interior completamente lleno hasta, libres de
caries, o no hueca:una slida pieza de chocolate.
4.sin aberturas o roturas:una slida pared.

1. First_________,go to the english-spanish section of the dictionary
2. After That_____,check the spelling of the Word in english
3. Next_________,Use the guide Words at the tops of the pages to find the page where
your Word is listed
4. When________,you find your Word on the page,read the entire entry
5. Then_________,Choose the translation in the correct part of speech that is closest to
the meaning of the english Word
6. Finally________,Think about the part of speech and the context of the Word in english

Finding out how to translate spanish words to

First, find the spanish-english section of the dictionary.In this section, the entries are in spanish and
the meanings are in english.
Second,use the guide words at the top of the page to help you locate the spanish Word.When you
find the guide words that your Word falls between alphabetically,locate the spanish Word on the page.
Third,read the entire entry. There might be several words in English that have similar meanings to the
spanish Word. Do not assume that the first Word you find will be the correct Word. Look for extra
information about how the english words are used until you find the information that is closest to the
spanish Word as you mean it. There can be many words with similar meanings, so it is important to
find the Word that is the best option for the spanish Word you are thinking of.

Chase (S) Persecucin
Chapter (S) Capitulo
Chart (S) Carta de Navegacin
Check (S) Control
Dear (Adj) Querido
Day (S) Da

Door (S) Puerta

Launch (V) Lanzamiento
Relate (V) Relatar
Remind (V) Recordar
Action (S) Accin

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