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Some Tips for the ACET:

1. Be wary of the time allotment given for the Language Proficiency test. This is because within the said
exam, you'll also need to write an essay. Will you do the essay first or the actual exam? This depends
on what you're more comfortable with and which one will let you finish the whole test. Furthermore, be
prepared for a separate Reading Comprehension exam. This is similar to the UPCAT Simulated one,
but no Filipino's included and there are less items.
2. There are TWO math tests in the ACET: one for the normal Math, and another for Numerical Ability.
This is a separate Math exam where ALL the items are word problems, so prepare yourselves for
3. Work quickly on the Abstract Reasoning part of the test, since you won't be given a lot of time to
answer the items. This applies to the General Information part of the exam as well. For Abstract
Reasoning, the key to mastering this test is practice. Try to answer as many exercises as possible so
you can recognize patterns faster.
4. The ACET contains a lot more subtests than the UPCAT, so be prepared for an exam that's a little
5. It IS advisable to shotgun some parts of the exam, but ONLY if you're running out of time. The ACET
only counts the percentages of correct answers, so getting wrong won't reduce your score. However, it
is NOT encouraged to shotgun the entire test.
6. Be wary of the Reading Comprehension (similar to the UPCAT Simulated), Numerical Ability, and
Abstract Reasoning parts of the test. These subtests are most likely going to be significantly harder in
the simulated exam than in the Diagnostic, so watch out for those.
7. Please take the comments written in your essay assignments and activities as pointers for the essaywriting part of the test. When Ateneo makes its decisions on equally-scoring applicants, they most likely
look at who wrote the better essays. This means that it serves as a tiebreaker for admissions, so do not
underestimate this part.
8. Review and/or search up on topics that you may think will come out on the General Information part.
Read about news, current events, sports, basically anything under the sun (and beyond).
9. Do not ever forget that you are under stricter time pressure in the ACET compared to the other
universities' entrance tests. Try to strategize on how to CONSCIOUSLY answer as much items
(meaning without shotgun/laser) as you can.
10. You may use your review kits to review for the Vocabulary part of the test. It contains a list of words
that you'll most likely encounter during the exam.
11. Eat properly before you go and take the test. Since you're not allowed to eat during the test unless
it's break time, eat before leaving to get the energy you'll need esp. since the first half of the test
involves the heavy English and Math parts.

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