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Volume 14 Number 10

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SHAWAAL 1432/2011

To adopt the lifestyle of a practicing
Muslim is provenly possible. Look at the
month of Ramadhaan, now sadly in the past.
Fasting, Charity, Prayer, Reciting
Q u r a a n , c o m b i n e d w i t h Pa t i e n c e ,
Compassion, Restraint, and every aspect of
good behaviour garbed you and guided you
through a month of intense religious
consciousness. The key motivation was
obtaining the pleasure of Allah.

Well, you don't have to fast every day,

but once a week, once a month, or even once
in a while will do you no harm. Stay away
from vice and immorality, as you did in
Ramadhaan and strive towards virtuous
May Allah accept our fasting and
ibaadat of Ramadhaan, and bless our efforts
until the next Ramadhaan!

Yet you continued with your day-today commitments and societal duties.
Students still went to school, lawyers
appeared in court, doctors still practiced,
labourers did their bit, and everybody
functioned normally.
Difficult challenges were faced and
overcome. Yet, the religious commitment was
Now that Ramadhaan has left its mark
why not continue in the same spirit! Be a
practicing Muslim throughout the year, using
the refinements achieved in the blessed
month, as a way of life.



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Page 2


(The persistent and repentant to ALLAH)

Abd Allah Ibn Umar's allegiance to his Beloved warning verse from the Quraan Ibn Umar would
Prophet r
began very early. He was only a child weep until he felt weak. He was ever conscious of his
when he migrated with his father to Madinah but his Lord and ever fearing of his destiny. Wealth was
devotion to the Prophet r
had already taken root. never for him. All he wanted was one gown to cover
Even at the tender age of 13 he followed his father to his body & just enough food to keep him alive. He
battle of Badr hoping to partake amongst the did not satisfy his hunger for more than 40yrs. This
Mujaahideen. The Prophet r
denied him this was not due to poverty but was a conscious pursuit of
opportunity, as he was still far too young. His life the Sunnah of self-denial & piety. Whatever he
however did allow ample other opportunities as he received of this world, he would distribute
lived gracefully until the age of 85, through the mercy immediately. His generosity had no bounds. Abd
. If one looks at this long life, one will ALLAH would never eat alone. The poor &
only find persistence, repentance and piety - orphaned always shared his meals.
everywhere and all the time.
During the period of civil strife Ibn Umar maintained
He was a sterling example to the Muslims, equipped a strict position of neutrality. Despite repeated
with the most noble of virtues & model behaviour in urgings from the Muslims to become actively
every respect. This he learnt from non other than his involved he consistently refused. He was being
remarkable father, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab t
. Abd forced to accept the position of Caliph at that time
Allah's love & respect for the Sunnah was striking & with the threat of his life. Nothing would however
commands great admiration. He would closely scare into changing his position. Ibn Umar was no
watch the Holy Prophet r
so that he could imitate hypocrite! It was the command of ALLAH I
not to
His r
's deeds carefully & in the greatest detail. Ibn shed the blood of another Muslim. He stood firm to
Umar would supplicate only on the exact same spot this commandment. Ibn Umar would never even
where his Huzoor r
prayed. He would sit if the awaken a sleeping Muslim. His abstention from the
Prophet r
sat & stand if He r
stood. Every Sunnah fighting or any involvement in it was not due to
was carried out with immense care and accuracy. For cowardice, passivity or a hesitance to accept
example, on reaching Makkah, the Prophet r
's responsibility. It was the result of a fear of ALLAH - he
camel turned twice at a certain spot, looking for a simply refused to whole a sword in the face of a
suitable place before it stopped. The Prophet r
then Muslim brother. It brought him great pain & sorrow
prayed 2 rakahs there. Abd Allah would ensure that to see the bloodshed. Having no power to change
his camel did the same on reaching that spot & things, he simply remained at home.
would then pray- such was the love & reverence he
had for his Huzoor r
! Abd ALLAH Ibn Umar was a Abd Allah was able to withstand all the changes
precious gift to the Muslims for as long as he lived, happening in his time. He was not moved by all the
they would have the perfect mentor to guide them luxury & ambition but remained devoted to
asceticism, humility, piety & peace. In an era of
towards the Sunnah.
worldly progress & expansion, Ibn Umar's vision did
At a time in Islamic history when luxury, rank & not detract but magnified in focus on pure spiritual
status became abundantly available, Ibn Umar upliftment. His perseverance extended right until his
obstinately declined temptation. On several departure from this world in A.H. 73. Such an
occasions he refused to accept the prestigious amazing accomplishment can only be met with a
position of judge & of Caliph. He chose rather to splendid reward in the Hereafter!
further himself in piety & worship. On hearing a

Food for Thought

The more you extend kindness to yourself,
the more it will become your automatic
response to others

Page 3




Allah Y
states in the Glorious Qur'aan (S:3 V:55):
Naeemi t
states: these verses tell us that the
descent of Hazrat Isa u
on the earth prior to
Qiyaamah is a certainty, because it is one of the signs
O Isa I shall let you reach full age and raise
of Qiyaamah. We also learn that Shaitaan is our
you towards Myself and I shall purify you from
open enemy and will try to prevent us from having
the infidels and I shall make your followers
the correct beliefs regarding the second coming of
superior to those who reject until the Day of
Hazrat Isa u
. (Tafseer Noorul Irfaan)

From this verse the physical departure of Hazrat Isa

to heaven is proven; he is physically alive there
Rasoolullah r
has revealed many important matters
and just before Qiyaamah he will return to the earth
in various Ahadith in regard to the coming of Hazrat
and propagate the religion of Islam, then he will enter
Isa u
, as well as the things that will happen before
into marriage, taste a physical death and he will be
and after this event. We will learn from a few of these
buried in the Roza-e-Mubarak of Rasoolullah r
he will live for a period of forty years after coming to
Nabi r
said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, the
son of Mariam (Hazrat Isa u
) will certainly invoke
After Dajjal travels the entire world, he will go to
the name of Allah for Hajj or for Umrah, or for both,
Shamm (Syria). Hazrat 'Isa u
at that time will
in the valley of Rawha. (Sahih Muslim)
descend from the sky on the East Minaret of the
In another narration the Holy Prophet r
said: It
Jaame Masjid in Damascus during Suboh
you see
(morning). The Iqaamat for Fajr Salaah would have
ten signs. Amongst them it is mentioned: Smoke,
been said. Hazrat 'Isa u
will command Hazrat
The rising of the Sun from the west, The
Imam Mahdi to perform the Imaamat. Hazrat Imam
Hazrat Isa u
(Sahih Muslim)
Mahdi will lead the Salaah.
Nabi r
said: How will you be when the son of
The cursed Dajjal will start melting from the beautiful
descends amongst you and he will judge
fragrance given from Hazrat Isa u
breath, just like
people by the Law of the Qur'an? (Sahih Bukhari)
salt starts melting with water. The fragrant smell of
Hazrat Isa u breath will reach as far as one's sight can

Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa t

states, The descent of
Hazrat Isa u
from the heavens is a reality.
Dajjal will be on the run. Hazrat Isa u
will chase
(Al-Fiqh al-Akbar)
after him and throw a Nezah (spear) in Dajjal's back.
Dajjal will be killed.
May Allah Y
protect each of us Ameen.
Allah I
states in a verse of the Holy Quraan (S:43
Eid Mubaarak !
V : 6 1 )
And certainly, he (Isa) is a sign of the Hour.
So do not have doubts about it and follow Me.
Thisis the straight path. And let not Shaitaan
misdirect you. Undoubtedly, he is your open
Regarding this verse Imaam Ahmed Yaar Khan


Hazrat Abu Ayyub y

reported that Rasullullah r
said : "If anyone who has kept the fasts in
Ramadhaan, follows them up with six(optional) fasts
of Shawwaal then (he will get reward for the fasts of a
year but if he does that always) it is as if he fasted all
his life. (Muslim)

Hazrat Sauban y
reported that Rasullullah r
said that: "Joining six days of the fasts of shawwaal is
equal to the fast of the whole year. Each good act is
equal to ten such acts." (Ibn Majah, Nasai)
It means that the reward of each good deed is atleast
multiplied ten times. Therefore, thirty days of the
fasts of Ramadhaan is thus equal to three hundred
days and the six days of Shawwaal is equal to sixty.
Thus, making the total of three hundred and sixty,
which is the number of days in the lunar Islamic year.

Page 4



Nearly everyone in this age of modern technology
has at some stage worked with a P.C. We have used
it to draft documents, amend these documents,
copied and pasted onto documents, used the 'undo'
icon, edited documents, just to mention a few of the
time saving operations that we find on this device.
After opening a document that we have worked
upon previously and made the necessary changes
and improvements a little box appears on the screen
asking the question: Do you want to save the
changes you have made to this document? You are
then given the option of selecting the YES tab or the
NO tab. Selecting the YES tab will give you the
desired results while selecting the NO tab literally
takes you back to square one. All the effort made in
editing, improving and shaping the document
becomes an exercise in futility.
Don't we all find ourselves in a similar predicament
when the blessed month of Ramadaan passes us?
Just think of your book of deeds like a document on
your P.C. During the month of Ramadaan we have
done amongst other things the following:
Increased our ibaadah and acts of charity
Taken control of our feelings and emotion
Responded with compassion and sensitivity to the
needs of others Multiplied our good deeds
At the same time we have spent many hours on the
Musallah begging for Allah's forgiveness for our
sins, errors and transgressions.
The vital question that needs to be asked is: Do we
want to save the changes that we have made in the
month of Ramadaan?, Are we going to press the
YES tab or the No tab? Pressing the YES tab will
leave us with a new, improved version. A version of
heightened spirituality, a version of righteousness, a
version that is pleasing to our Creator. Pressing the
NO tab will take us back to square one; back to our
old habits before Ramadaan, back to the life of sin
and immorality, back to a life of heedlessness And
back to a life subjecting ourselves to the wrath of the

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How do we improve on this document; the
document of our lives, the document of our deeds,
the document that we are going to present to Allah
the Almighty on the Day of Reckoning.
Here are some hints:
Copy and Paste from the life of our illustrious master
Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Use the 'undo' icon by making taubah immediately
after any transgression as the Hadith states "The one
who repents from sin is like one who has committed
no sin at all."
There may not be a need to do a "spell check" but
there is certainly a need to do a "sincerity check" and
a "shari'ah check" Are we complying?
There may be files and folders that we want to keep
while there could be some others we would not even
want others to know exist. Many of us begged Allah
to "delete" our sins and dark deeds .We cried before
Allah, shed tears of remorse and vowed not to
commit those sins in future. Going back to the sins
that we have asked Allah's forgiveness for would be
like making a visit to the "recycle bin".
What about viruses? P.C. users are also very wary
about e-mails they receive and the sites that they
visit, fearing the admission of a virus that may
pollute their system and cause it to malfunction.
Why do we then subject our minds and thoughts to
immoral sites and dens of vice which would pollute
our moral system and cause us to malfunction?
What anti-virus software have we installed to ward
off the variety of fitnahs that confront us everyday?
Fortunate is the person who has saved the changes.
Even more unfortunate is the person who has made
no changes as he /she has nothing to save.
Article source:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

said :
"Who protects his tongue from unlawful
utterances and his private parts from illegal
sexual intercourse, I shall guarantee him
entrance into Paradise."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

P.O. Box 1727 Lenasia 1820

Page 5

Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is a special charity of the month of
Ramadan. This charity should be given during the
month of Ramadan anytime before the Eid-ul-Fitr
prayer. Because it can be given until the Eid-ul-Fitr time
it is called Sadaqa-tul-Fitr. The Prophet peace be upon
him urged Muslims to pay this charity in the month of
Why to give Sadaqa-tul-Fitr?
Various reasons are given by scholars for this charity.
Some say that this charity helps the poor and needy and
takes care of their needs in the month of Ramadan and
also makes it possible for them to celebrate the Eid
festival with other Muslims.
Another view is expressed that this charity is to atone (as
a kaffara) for any mistakes or omissions a person might
have done during this blessed month.
Ibn 'Abbas said: The Prophet peace be upon him
enjoined Sadaqatul Fitr so that those who fast are
purified of their errors and the poor and needy people
are enabled to arrange for their basic needs of food,
clothing etc. Therefore the Sadaqa of the person who
gives before the Id prayer is the real Sadaqa, but if
someone delays and gives it afterward his charity will be
an ordinary charity (reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn
Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is obligatory upon every Muslim,
whether male or female, minor or major, who possesses
property over and above his basic needs and
requirements, amounting to the Nisab for Zakaat,
whether it is subject to Zakaat or not. The amount of
Nisab for Zakaat is about 87.48 grams of gold or its
equivalent in cash value. The head of the household
must pay this amount on behalf of his/her own self and
on behalf of their spouse, children and even servants.
How much to pay as Sadaqa-tul-Fitr?
The amount of Sadaqa-tul-Fitr was fixed by the Prophet
peace be upon him. It is half Sa or 1.633kg of wheat or
3.266kg of barley or the equivalent in cash. [In South
Africa presently approximately [August 2010] R25 per
person] However to be certain please consult your local
Islamic Scholars[Ulema] in your area. The head of the

household must pay this amount on behalf of all the

members or the dependant, males or females, adults or
This sadaqa should be given during Ramadan any time
but before the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers. The sadaqa should be
given to the poor and needy. Individuals can also make
the payments to Islamic charitable organizations that
collect this fund. These organizations then should
distribute these funds as soon as possible so that they
reach to the needy people in time.
The following points must be remembered concerning
the payment of Sadaqa-tul-Fitr.
1. Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is obligated on each adult male or
female separately, and the relevant adult person himself
is responsible to pay it. The husband is not required to
pay Sadaqa-tul-Fitr on behalf of his wife nor is the wife
supposed to pay it on behalf of her husband. Similarly, a
father is not bound to pay Sadaqa-tul-Fitr on behalf of
his adult children or vice-versa. However, if the head of
the family, by his own free will, wishes to pay Sadaqa-tulFitr for each one of the members of his family, he should
seek their authorization for that purpose. In this case the
Sadaqa-tul-Fitr paid by him will be valid on their behalf.
If he did not pay the Sadaqa-tul-Fitr on behalf of any of
the members of his family, he will not be responsible for
it. Rather, it is the duty of every adult member of the
family to discharge his own obligation or to request the
head of the family to pay it on his or her behalf.
2. It is a Sunnah that the Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is paid before
performing the 'Eid prayer. It can also be paid before the
'Eid day, but it is not advisable to delay it up to the
performance of'Eid prayer. However, if a person has
failed to pay on its proper time, he should pay it as soon
as possible, whereby the obligation will stand
3. The Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is not necessary on behalf of a
child who was born after the break of dawn in the 'Eid
day, nor is it necessary to pay Sadaqa-tul-Fitr on behalf
of a person who dies before the dawn of the Eid day.
4. Sadaqa-tul-Fitr should be paid only to a person who is
entitled to receive Zakaat.

Rasulullh Sallallhu 'alayhi wasallam said:

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"The fast remains suspended between Heaven and


Page 6

Leave your mark


Assalaamu alaikum
How often have you heard that 'the youth
need to be more responsible because they are the
future'? Far too many to remember, isn't that so?
Do you just ignore the statement? Or, have you
allowed yourself to give some thought to the
I know that every one of you has the desire to
be remembered! What do you want people to
remember you for? How do you want to leave your
mark? Is your mark going to be your name across the
school desks? Is it going to be your reputation as the
class clown? Or, will it be your name on the school
achievement list?
Why does it have to be something big? Little
steps too, can earn you big rewards!!!
Then you may ask, 'What can I do, really? I
am still so young!'
You are never too young to make a
difference. Where is your ambition and drive? Or, it
could be that you just don't know how to!!!! Any
small meaningful action has a ripple effect and may
impact on many more individuals, directly and
indirectly. You have no idea how? That's where I
come in with a few suggestions to help you.

We all have special gifts, talents or

identify yours or, ask
someone to point it out to you, if you
can't. Use that in a meaningful way.
o Sometimes, it is just your personality, good
spirits and positive outlook that could catch
someone's attention and, instill positive
change in them. Try to be a positive role
model to others.
o Offer to help out an individual or an



Shop 17, Grand Centre, 46 Grand Place Lenasia 1820

organization. Help ease the burden for

others, your burdens too will be lighter.
o Initiate a project with a group of friends.
Work together and pool in your ideas on
what your options are. There are many
ideas or projects that you can adopt, it
doesn't have to be a new one, make use of
existing structures.
o Adopt patience, kindness and care and
consideration for Allah's creations. He too,
will in turn accord you the same, Insha Allah.
These are qualities we need more of, do not
think that these acts go unnoticed! They are,
by the One who is most important, Allah
Let me remind you that there are numerous other
things that can be included; these were only a few
suggestions from me.
You have to constantly remind yourself that
what is required of you is to take small steps at first.
Leave the big leaps to experienced individuals.
Do whatever you can, within your means.
Let it not overwhelm you or anyone else. Do not
allow it to consume all your time. Let there be a
balance in all that you do.
Remember that Allah also loves those acts
that are simple as it is the intention behind it that is
most important.
Start within your immediate environment,
for it is those that matter the most. They are the ones
that will make du'aa for you and support you,
because they were Allah's gifts to you.
In a small way, you too can shake the world. Make a
difference, one small step at a time!
Yasmin Omar

Do not forget about yourself

whilst being concerned for others

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(Hazrat Omar bin Khattaab t

ZIL QAD 1432

7 11


O Mankind ! Eat of the lawful and good things from what is in the earth,
and follow not the evil. Surely he is an open enemy to you (S2: V168)





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Page 8




Mixing It Up: Eating a large variety of different

types of food is the best way to get all the vitamins
and minerals your body needs.

same dish you make at homes tastes better in a

restaurant, it's because steaks are finished with
butter and sugar is added to salad dressings. If
you eat all your meals outside the home or only
eat packaged foods, you're ultimately receiving
higher calorie, higher sodium foods that
compromise your health and your wallet.

Eat 5 Small Meals a Day: By eating frequently,

the body never gets overly hungry nor does it get
stuffed. This helps us avoid overeating at the next
meal. Regular, small meals also keep blood sugar
levels even and your metabolism burning.
Eat Fresh Produce: Fresh fruits and vegetables
are always a better choice than frozen or
canned. Fresh produce, especially the local, inseason variety, has the highest amount of
naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.
Canned versions often contain extra sodium
and may even contain the chemical BPA, found
in the cans' plastic lining.
Take It Slow: It takes time for your brain to
understand that your stomach is full, so the
slower you eat the less you over indulge. Eating
slowly is also more satisfying because you can
take the time to really taste and enjoy each bite
of food.
Avoid Red Meat: Most red meat is packed full of
saturated fat and artery clogging LDL
cholesterol. Although a good source of protein,
this nutrient can be found in other healthier
options like fish, poultry or soy products. By
avoiding red meat or limiting consumption to 1
to 2 times a month, you reduce your chances of
developing heart disease.
Worst Eating Habits
Soda Pop: Soda and other flavored drinks are
packed with empty calories. Diet varieties are no
better as they simply replace those calories with
chemicals. Many beverages are made with high
fructose corn syrup, an inexpensive sweetener
that the body does not register as calories.
Because of this, it's easy to drink tons of extra
calories a day without feeling any fuller or more
Car or TV Meals: Eating in the car or in front of
the TV robs attention away from the food, which
makes it less satisfying. When you don't think
about what you're eating, it's easy to over do it
and still feel hungry.
Fast Food: Fast food is made to be cheap and
tasty. The easiest way to pack inexpensive taste
into a meal is to load it with fat, salt and sugarthe
3 leading culprits of heart disease, hypertension
and diabetes.
Never Cooking: If you ever wondered why the

Skipping Meals: Skipping meals slows down

your metabolism and sets you up for a binge the
next time you eat. So be sure to eat breakfast,
lunch and dinner.
Facts About Evening Eating
Meal size tends to increase over the day, with peaks
at lunch and dinner.

Our evening food intake tends to be

relatively high in fat, compared to that at earlier

The longer the gap between dinner and the

previous meal or snack, the larger the dinner.

People who eat lightly at night end up eating

fewer calories and grams of fat overall than
people who eat big dinners and nighttime

Tips to avoid late night eating

1. Get in the habit of enjoying a hot cup of
decaffeinated tea at night. Tea comes in so many
great flavors that you'll never be bored. In the
warmer months, have a glass of iced tea instead.
2. Many people snack at night because they're bored.
Keep your evenings interesting, and you'll find it
easier to refrain from mindless snacking.
3. If you've gotten into the habit of eating in front of
the television, vow to eat only in the kitchen and only
drink no-calorie beverages while watching TV. Or
limit your TV eating to fruits and vegetables.
4. Because evening meals and snacks tend to be the
highest in fat, it's especially important to make
healthy food choices at this time. Go for foods that
are rich in nutrients, high in fiber, and balanced with
some lean protein and a little bit of "better" fat (like
olive or canola oil, avocado, or nuts).
5. Though you don't want to eat too many calories at
dinner, for some people, a small dinner could lead to
a late-night snacking tailspin. Eat a balanced, highfiber dinner. If you get hungry later, enjoy a smart
and satisfying evening snack like low-fat yogurt with
a sprinkle of whole-grain cereal, fruit with a few slices
of cheese, or whole-grain cereal with milk.
6. Have a balanced, higher-fiber lunch and

Page 9

Q &A
What is the purpose of celebrating Eid?
First of all, let this humble slave of the Deen of
Beloved Allah extend a hearty congratulations and a
very warm Eid Mubarak to all the readers of this
lovely, heart and mind inspiring monthly Al-Kausar.
The Glorious Quraan guides us to rejoice over the
bounties and mercy of our Almighty Allah. The 58th
verse of Surah Yunus (part 2) says, Say you only
Allah's grace and only His mercy, on it therefore let
them rejoice.



infinite grace. We have been commanded in

numerous verses of the Noble Quraan to treat our
parents very well, to obey them, to remember them
in our Duas and lower our wings of mercy with full
humility while htey are only our physical caretakers
so what about those holy people of Almighty who
take care of our spirits and souls? And that is why our
deeni teachers (Ustaads) they carry and deserve
higher respect than our physical parents. The reason
is that our parents become a cause for us to come to
this material world from the world of souls. It is our
spiritual teachers and guides who carry us back to
our spiritual world of Almighty. For this purpose keep
on remembering and appreciating our parents.,
Ustaads, our spiritual guides and leaders and master
of all who is the cream of creation because of whom
Allah Almighty created everything. As an Urdu
couplet goes, that everything has been created from
the light of Nabi r
and because of Him everything of
this world is living.

Good mind good find

Dukti hooi aankho ko bura lagta hai suraj
Beemaar zubaano ko bura lagta hai paani
Meaning: if these eyes are sore than you don't like
the shining sun which is a source of light, energy etc.
And when your tongue and mouth are sick then you
The biggest Eid for the people of Iman is the birthday
the water tasteless while it is a source of one's
of the Holy Prophet r
In the light of the above mentioned holy verse of the
Holy Quraan, our learned scholars of the Deen of the
Some ignorant and crooked minded ones always
holy sages have derived that any such time, place or
objections and say that we knew only two Eids
people who are manifestation of the great mercy of
Eid-ul-Fitr which marks the termination of the
Divine Court of Allah Almighty they must be
month of Ramadhaan. 2. Eid-ul-Adha
celebrated. And everybody knows well that the
us about a great sacrifice done by
verses of the Glorious Quraan state clearly that Our
Ebrahim and Hazrat Ismail.
Beloved Prophet r
is a pure mercy and Rahma of
these Sunnis have invented
Allah unto the entire universe, generally and for the
. in reply to this
believers especially. This celebration is done by those
my brother
who have sense of appreciation, love and gratitude
of Iman
for the bounties of Almighty.
and that is the day of Glorious Friday which is
proven by our and your Master r
but a blind person
Human being is the best of creation of Allah
Allah Almighty states in His Glorious Book, indeed
cannot see what is a shining sun. We thank our
we created human beings in the best and most
Merciful Creator who has created many Eids for us.
perfect form, and in some other place He says, That
everything of this universe has been created for the
With these few words we pray that the Almighty
sole purpose to serve human beings.
Allah must accept our fasting, taraweeh, charity,
sehri, iftaar, sadaqatul fitr and give us a full
We have been created for the Aakhirah
There is a lot of wisdom behind the creation of
understanding of the meaning and events of the
everything of this world. What is the wisdom behind
different Eids along with this beautiful Eid-ul-Fitr.
human beings coming to this world of Almighty. The
Holy Book speaks it out very clearly, And there is a
holy saying of the Holy Prophet r
by the meaning
that this world has been created for you and you
For The Esaale Sawaab of:
have been created for the hereafter.
Ramadhaan is the month of mercy, forgiveness and
freedom from hell. Therefore, we have been given
the opportunity to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr immediately
after the departure of this blessed month.

A closer look at our being

If we ponder over our being, we can analyse
ourselves in two parts: 1. External being or physical
being, 2. Our eternal or spiritual being. Four our
physical or external upbringing, our Allah has
created this beautiful world with all its contents while
on the other hand for our spiritual upliftment He has
sent His Glorious Divine Books along with their
teachers and guides who implement and show how
to receive our Creator's everlasting mercy and His

1.) Hazrat Ghulaam Mustapha (R.A)

2.) Hazrat Baba Kassim Faridi (R.A)
3.) Hazrat Sayed Khalid Shah (R.A)
4.) Hazrat Khadim Ghulam Jilani (R.A)
5.) Late Hajee Cassim Sonvadi
And All Marhooms

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Page 10


The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon
him) said: "To smile in the company of your brother is
charity. " (Bukhari)
It seems that nothing has more power to elevate a mood
than the impact of a genuine smile. The benefits of a
smile extend not only to the recipient of the warm gesture
but also to the smile's originator. "A smile is a little curve
that sets a lot of things straight." Here are some of the
many .....
Benefits of Smiling!
1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive- People are spending
millions on cosmetic products and procedures to make
them look better. If you want to look better, try adding a
genuine smile. Its cheaper and mush more attractive.
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a
person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try
smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger
and feel better.
2. Smiling Changes Our Mood-Next time you are feeling
down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you
mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the
body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling Is Contagious-When someone is smiling they
lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and
make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness
with them.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress-Stress can really show up in
our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired,
worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed,
take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced
and you'll be better able to take action. Smiling helps to
promote release of a "feel good" group of hormones
called endorphins. These are the same group of
hormones responsible for the runners high you hear so
much about. If you don't have time to get to the gym for a
hard run, try adding a smile to boost these natural, stress
relieving hormones.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System-Smiling helps
the immune system to work better. When you smile,
immune function improves possibly because you are
more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure-When you smile,
there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure.
Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at
home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile


Smile..!!!...It does not cost a cent and can make a

persons day!
"It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to
The greatest reason for smiling is because it is a sunnah
[practice] of our Beloved Messenger of Allah [peace be
upon him]!!!. The Messenger of Allah[pbuh] had a
smiling face and advised us to entertain our guest with a
smiling face and good conduct. To smile is an act of



for a minute and take another reading while still smiling.

Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling is medication-Studies have shown that
smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and
serotonin. Together these three make us feel good.
Smiling is a natural drug and leads to a healthier immune
system. Various studies conducted over the years have
shown that smiling can boost the functioning of the
immune system. This may help to reduce your risk of
developing everything from the common cold to chronic
diseases such as cancer. Could there be a less expensive
medicine than this?
8. A smile inspires others-When you smile you also send
a positive message that can potentially change someone
else's mood for the better. The person you graced with
your smile may go on to pass the kindness to someone
else. Who knows how far your original smile will travel?
9. Smiling promotes Success -Smiling people appear
more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and
more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings
and appointments and people will react to you
differently. When you smile, you appear confident and
capable. Given the choice between two equally qualified
job candidates, the smiling candidate is going to be
perceived as being more of a team player and easier to
work with. Who do you think is more likely to get the job
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive-Try this test: Smile.
Now try to think of something negative without losing
the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending
the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away
from depression, stress and worry by smiling.


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Abu Huraira t
narrates that the Holy Prophet r
Whoever misses a fast during Ramadaan without a
concession or illness, fasting throughout the year will
not compensate for the day that was missed,
Even if he does so.

Page 11



As the perpetrators name suggests (in Afrikaans) he

is from the other side or from a different form of
decency. In the same way as neither the Norwegian
government nor its people cannot be faulted nor
targeted for the doing of an individual in such a small
nation, it should be borne in mind that this criterion
should be a universal one. Countries with much
larger populations such as Pakistan are held to
ransom by the international community for acts of
terrorism perpetrated by a small minority of its
population. The other side in this instance is
unduly and harshly treated because they are
regarded as being on the other side of the political
divide. It therefore becomes critical to define the
other side on the basis of moral criterion rather than
using political ideology as the basis on which to
determine the principal.
The Breivik matter has been taken as a de facto case
of an individual's rage without any other person's
involvement following an intensive investigation.
This however is a moot point taking into the account
the planning, obtaining resources and information
which were necessary to execute the hideous crimes.
The important factor which needs to be raised in the
public domain is why was this approach taken
whereas Guantanamo Bay is filled with people,
under extremely harsh conditions based solely on a


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different standard being applied because those

incarcerated in this prison colony is seen to be from
the other side of a political viewpoint and have not
been charged nor proven guilty.
In the United Kingdom widespread unrest and
looting is taking place. The reality is that this faceless
protest is aimed at the government of the day.
Unhappiness at certain aspects of governance
(whether real or not) is being portrayed. Already
harsh and questionably unconstitutional measures
are being put in place to quell the rioting and unrest.
Furthermore if it could be proved that outside forces
were fuelling and financing the rebellion severe
diplomatic repercussions would follow. Yet despite
all of these we do not hear of the United Nations
being called in to play, nor do we hear of sanctions
being imposed on the government of the United
Kingdom, for actions against its own populace. What
we do hear is that the harsh approach of the United
Kingdom is applauded. We should bear in mind that
to ensure stable leadership the harsh approach in
most cases is justified. The difference in approach
against uprisings against the governance of Libya,
Yemen, and Syria et al is indeed starkingly poles
apart. The only rationale is that the divide between
the so called established and the other requires
another approach. The correct approach should be
based on criteria for societal stability and not for the
furtherance of political agendas of third parties.
We should also bear in mind the role of certain
viewpoints promoted by the media such as the
unfettered use of the right to publish articles and
cartoons which psychologically feeds the minds of
those that would act in such a way that can only be
described as destructive to society.
As the day of Eidul Fitr approaches we would have
learned of discipline both in thought and actions and
thereby giving us not only a reason to celebrate that
auspicious occasion but also to be able to teach these
lessons to the world at large so that a more just and
equitable approach to resolving problems (going
beyond neo colonialist agendas) can be achieved.
We should therefore be in the forefront to promote
the policies of fair play using the same rationale for
everyone and not apply justice selectively.


Anders Breivik, a Christian extremist carved his

name in history through acts of terrorism in his home
country of Norway. He had in a cold blooded
manner planned and executed the killings of a little
under hundred people and injured scores more. This
act of terror was carried out as a protest against
Muslims in particular and generally against his
government's liberal policy on immigration. In a
country where the population is just under five
million people his actions can best be described as
No one can condone such acts
irrespective of whatever religious, cultural or
philosophical persuasion they come from and the
Norwegian people and their government deservedly
received universal sympathy and support.
Furthermore one person's actions out of its total
population cannot be a reflection on the government
nor on its people.

Page 12


Mogadishu, SOMALIA The Gift of
the Givers of South Africa has been
acclaimed for taking the intuitive to
get Africa to respond to an African
problem as it sent aid missions to
assist the millions of people hit by
famine in the horn of Africa. South
Africans also rallied to a call for
donations to assist, with a huge
response to a co-ordinated effort over
one weekend in Lenasia by Saaberie
Chishty and a number of other
community organisations. With the
people affected by famine in Somalia
urgently in need of assistance in
health care, many South African
medical personnel have also
volunteered to go to the region.
Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA As the Hajj
season approaches after the end of
Ramadan, plans have been
announced for a new expansion of
the Grand Mosque in Makkah
covering 400,000 square meters,
which will create prayer space for an
additional 1.2 million worshippers.
The new project, named the King
Abdullah Expansion, will be carried
out using the most advanced
mechanical and electrical systems,
said Muhammad Al-Khozaim, vice
president of the Presidency for the
Two Holy Mosques Affairs. He said
plans to expand the mataf (the
circumambulation areas around the
Holy Kaaba) and provide airconditioning for all parts of the Grand
Mosque would be carried out soon
along with the new Haram expansion
project. Speaking about other
projects implemented at the
directives of King Abdullah, he said
the newly expanded masaa (the
running course between Safa and
Marwa) could now accommodate
118,000 pilgrims per hour instead of
Sokoto, NIGERIA -

Alhaji Sa'ad

Abubakar, the Sultan of the northern

Nigerian state of Sokoto says that the
unity and political development of
Nigeria is threatened by politicians
who combine religion with politics. If
you are playing politics, you should
not involve religion in it and you
should know that Nigeria belongs to
all not Muslims or Christians alone,
he said. We have other people from
other religions. We should pay
attention to the poverty and illiteracy
our people are subjected to and not to
be using religion to divide them.
According to Section 10 of the
Nigerian Constitution the
government is not allowed to fund
religion or religious activities in any
way or adopt a law peculiar to any
religion. Nigeria is made up of a
majority Muslim north and a
predominantly Christian south.
TOBAGO - For the first time in the
island nation of Trinidad and Tobago,
Muslims are likely to celebrate Eid-ulFitr on the country's Independence
Day, August 31. In recognition of the
likelihood of Eid being celebrated on
Independence Day, the Government
after consultation with Islamic
organisations in the country has
declared September 1 the official Eid
public holiday for Muslims.
Nigerian Hajianis who are pregnant
will no longer be able to fool
authorities and go to Makkah. The
Chairman of the Niger State Pilgrims
We l f a re C o m m i s s i o n , A l h a j i
Mamman Mohammed, said that his
commission would liaise with the
Federal Airport Authority for the
installation of a pregnancy scanner at
the airport in Minna for this year's
Hajj exercise. The use of the scanner
at the final point of departure of
intending pilgrims will help to stop

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pregnant women from performing

the exercise, he said.
Dubai , UAE - Fasting Muslims should
avoid bad manners or using foul
language during the month of
Ramadan because it diminishes its
benefits, according to a new Fatwa
issued in Abu Dhabi. The Fatwa,
issued by the General Authority of
Islamic Affairs and Endowments
(GAIAE) in Abu Dhabi says: One
who does not abandon evil talk and
actions, then Allah is not in need of
him abandoning his food and drink
[i.e. his fasting].
Gainesville , USA - The Muslims are
Coming is a comedy tour that is
traveling to small towns throughout
the South of the USA in hopes of
opening up a discussion about
Muslim stereotypes. The tour started
in Gainesville, Florida, home of Terry
Jones, the pastor who attracted
international headlines by burning a
Quran. The shows feature comedians
Dean Obeidallah, Negin Farsad,
Maysoon Zayid and Omar Elba.
They are targeting small,
conservative towns in the South
where controversies over Islam have
erupted. We came to the South
because it has this reputation of being
intolerant. It has this stereotype of
hating other groups, so we wanted to
see, Farsad said. We have a feeling
that they're not actually uniformly
sitting around hating Muslims.The
shows also feature a question and
answer session with the audience.






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