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The poem Beowulf is known to us through one surviving manuscript of the 10 century. It was
written down by monk in a West-Saxon dialect and became part of a collection of Old English
Scholars disagree about the exact dating, about whether or not it was part of an oral tradition.
However, all scholars agree that it is the most important poem to have survived in Old English, a
brilliant example of an epic poem.
Monsters, dragons and heroes- reality and legend
Events take place around the 6th century and the action takes place in the area of Scandinavia. The
poem reflects an accurate knowledge of Swedish history and artefacts.
The hero, Beowulf, is a Geat and reality and legend become entwined as the poem concentrate on
his life and heroic deeds. He is forced across one border and into another, defending the land against
monsters and dragons. Beowulf was a typical warrior of the past: strong, fierce, cruel and heroic.
The battlefield was where reputations were won.
The Language
Language has always been the biggest obstacle for reader approaching the work today. The Old
English in certainly incomprehensible for everyone except scholars. The various translation in
modern English have made the poem much more accessible to today's reader.
Linguistically the poem is impressive for its wealth of vocabulary, a fact which reinforces the idea
of it being part of an oral tradition. For this reason there may be a variety of words used to descrive
the same object. Condensed metaphors, or kennings, are also used and are typical of Anglo-Saxon
The Story
Hrothgar, king of the Danes, builds a grat hall, Heorot, to celebrate success and power of his people.
People would eat, sleep, exchange stories here, but Hrothgar's hall is attacked by Grendel, a monster
in uman form. Grendel continues to terrorise king's men in the hall for twelve years until Beowulf
comes to rescue with fourteen helpers. When Grendel returns, this time Beowulf is waiting for him
and manages to tear off the monster's arm. Grendel escape in his cave beneath a lake and dies. So
Boewulf becomes Hrothgar's hero and receives many gifts. That night, when all the man are
sleeping, Grendel's mother comes to take revenge on her son's death. Beowulf, reaching the
monster's cave, manages to kill Grendel's mother. Beowulf returns home where he tells his own
king, Hygelac, of his bravery. He receives money and then becomes king himself.
But the end of his reign is darkened by a dragon who brings death and destruction throughout the
land. Beowulf decides to face the dragon, but this time he is mortally wounded and dies.
A great funeral is organised and the people must recognise the fact that now their hero has gone,
leaving them alone to face the Swedes who are preparing to attack.

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