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Chrysanthemum Stone

Originally discovered in Japan, they are now also sourced in China, Canada and
the USA

Chrysanthemum stone was formed many millions of years ago when a deposition of
a thick strata of mud that was rich in organic materials occurred at the bottom of a
sea. Calcium Carbonate (Calcite) and abundant Strontium Sulphate (Celestite)
precipitated in the ooze at the bottom. As the layers were compressed, these
sediments were buried by continuous deposition of more mud. At these lower
depths it allowed the spectacular radial growth of celestite formations that remain
as the flower patterns in the solidified limestone.
Composition - Organic

The white flower on Chrysanthemum stone consists of Andalusite, Celestite,
Feldspar or Calcite while the black base rock is Dolomite, Limestone, Porphyry or
Clay Gypsum.

Mainly Black and White, but can also may be brown and white depends on the
minerals present.

Patterns and Lines

Minerals are arranged in the stones in a way that resembles a flower which
explains its name Chrysanthemum Stone.


Mohs Scale

Relates to all Chakra areas

The Chrysanthemum Stone really is an interesting stone to look at as each stone is
quite unique. This reminds us of our own uniqueness and we are meant to stand
out. They have a calming energy that assists you to feel centred, enabling you to 'be
fully present' as it aids you to be in the moment.
As you work on discovering your true purpose, it encourages the real you to open
up and bloom! By aiding you to see the bigger picture, you may discover your
purpose. Gives you the courage to realise your true potential, but also that perfect is
not the ultimate goal!
The vibration of this stone is said to encourage positive synchronicities. Although
these coincidences may seem to be simply random unrelated events that are
somehow brought together... they can be a powerful assistance to move your life in
a new direction. . They create a strong connection and balance between the
spiritual and physical realms.
Using this stone may also be accompanied by periods classified as 'lucky'... as it is
known as the stone of good fortune. This may enable you to manifest greater
abundance and prosperity in your life. The good thing about using this stone is that
you may find that as your way of thinking improves, the level of abundance flowing
into your life may also improve,
As this process unfolds be aware and take note of these thoughts as they may
provide the answers to where you might go with your life.
They are known to be a great stress reliever, and bringing a childlike joy into your life.
It helps they will open up the inner self and allow it to bloom.
Physically can help with menstrual problems, cystitis and aid skin and bone

LaStone usage
Ideal stone to be used as a hand stone especially in energy work and Castle
Building / Burying the Soul, as it is very good stone for Reflective Meditation. When
this stone is used let the mind drift and when a specific thought comes, follow that
thought through and allow yourself to gain inspiration.
Chrysanthemum Stones have the ability to help you feel centered so this is also a
great placement stone for the front of the body.

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