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This transcript has been brought to you by

David Wolfe’s

INTERVIEW David "Avocado"

WITH: Wolfe
INTERVIEWER: Lucien Gauthier
DATE: April 2010

April 2010 Interview – Part 1

David: Fire away.

Lucien: All right. Let's do it. Hello everyone. This is Lucien

Gauthier. I am here with David "Avocado" Wolfe. We are
doing the April interview and this is our springtime
interview. This is a perfect time to ask Avocado about
gardening and about some of the things he is doing
working with the Earth, in the Earth, hands in the Earth,
hands-on experience working with plants and seeds and
all that good stuff. So David, [00:00:31] how are you
doing this month?

David: We are having a very early spring up here in Ontario, and

it's just been awesome because we've been out all day
gardening, and essentially there are no bugs out there.
So we are getting like a late fall or early fall kind of
weather, warm but no bugs. So you know I am able to eat
stuff out of the garden. Under all that snow that had
melted down there was a lot of action going on. I mean
there is a lot of stuff springing out [00:01:00] right now.
So I had a salad the other day that was all wild foods, and
I was amazed. There is tons of food to eat.

Lucien: That's amazing. And let's talk about gardening a little bit.
Just you know when we talk about overall health, we talk
about longevity, we talk about connecting ourselves with
April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

the Earth, with the food that we eat, we can't overlook

gardening. Gardening is a huge part of longevity, and if
you look at people who are really into gardening, anyone
who is really into gardening and anyone who works with
plants, works [00:01:28] with the soil, has their hands in
the Earth, these people are generally healthier, they live
longer lives, emotionally more balanced. What kind of
connections can you put in people's minds between
gardening, getting connected to the Earth, hands in the
soil and longevity health and even things like overall
emotional well-being?

David: There are so many connections I think it's an absolutely

necessity that if you live in a city that you have a plan
[00:01:59] to get out of that city at least occasionally,
and maybe get a farmhouse you know way out the
woods. And one of the things that's great about
farmhouses way out in the woods is that nobody wants
them anymore. They are trying to get rid of them. So you
might get really lucky with a really good deal. Save up
your money and get a place outside the city that you can
eventually retire to or get away to during the weekends
when you have a chance. [00:02:18] The connection with
gardening and longevity is probably the fundamental
connection, because being out there today like I was,
barefoot and barehanded in the soil and you know just
connecting with that rebirth of springtime and all that
stuff that's coming up, it was just amazing. I just felt so
good in the last couple days.

And then on Monday, a couple days ago, it was a very

interesting kind of rough day. It was a very wild and
tumultuous day, and then I [00:02:50] just, at the end of
the day thought, "Okay. Tomorrow is going to be the best
day ever." Boom, sunny skies, gardened all day, same
thing today, two days in a row. It just felt like literally the
best ever.

Longevity-wise I mean, you know I was just in Bali and I

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

got to see people who were 70, 75, who were barefoot
their whole life, gardened, who basically have a little fruit
forest in their one-acre plot or two-acre plot, and they are
just so happy, [00:03:20] and they are totally amazingly
ripped. Like they are like muscular and a just beautiful
physique, amazing. People in their seventies. I mean I
saw a guy, 71, who just looked like he was ripped. I
mean, he had a ripped stomach. People were just flipping
out. They could not believe this guy's age. And there he
was, he was barefoot. So you know that connection there.

We know you know from the research that hardened

criminals, people who have you know committed
[00:03:47] atrocious crimes in their life do a lot better
psychologically and emotionally when they have the
opportunity to garden. We know that juvenile delinquents
improve their behavior when they have a chance to put
their hands in the soil. Through our Fruit Tree Planting
Foundation we have been taking people at drug
rehabilitation centers who don't want to move off the
couch – all they are doing is smoking cigarettes and
drinking coffee, they don't want to move [00:04:11] off
the couch, and as soon as we get to planting they get so
into it and they are having so much fun they actually
don't want us to leave. And we've had that experience, so
that's always really awesome and insightful.

And then you know the selection of what you are

growing. I'm kind of a wild food gardener. I really prefer
to eat some of the wild things that are in the garden. I
like the stuff that I've planted that comes back each year,
and [00:04:33] this year was a banner year because I had
four lavenders that survived the winter up here. I've
spent three years trying to get a lavender variety that will
survive the winter up here, and it looks like hit it this
time. That's really exciting. And those little, you know,
those little triumphs, they do a lot for you at a very deep
level, because our connection with gardening and
planting is a very deep one and our connection with

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

farming is probably the most ancient [00:04:59] practice

we have on this Earth. So you know it relives all that
inside your – in your biology you get to kind of reconnect
to what your ancestors were up to. It's very calming, it's
very relaxing. It's absolutely to me like the greatest joy. I
mean I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing
than being in my garden.

Lucien: And so Dave, we have the actual sort of activity of

gardening which is the mental-emotional connection to
the [00:05:25] Earth, we have, we have the connection
between our skin and the Earth, the soil and our hands.
The food that we eat. You know, when I grew up we had,
my mother had a garden. We had tomatoes, we had
cucumber, we had – what else did we have? We had
zucchini. Zucchini was the big one. Actually I was forced
by my father to go out in the neighborhood and sell
zucchinis for 25¢ in the neighborhood. I remember this as
clear as day. [00:05:48] It was utterly embarrassing to go
out to the different neighbors and try to sell my zucchinis.
Because he was really business-minded and my mother
was really gardening-minded, and so she would have us
make all these amazing things, and planting rows and
doing all the amazing gardening stuff, and then he would
have us sell it trying to make a buck.

What I remember most is the actual food that we ate,

when we actually had it in the kitchen making our salads,
[00:06:14] when we ate that food I never felt better than
when I put that food in my body. I didn't realize it at the
time, but sort of planting your own food, growing your
own food, that is where we are trying to go. Correct?

David: Absolutely. And we supplement our diet with foods that

we obtain wildly. Now because we are speaking to our
group, you know, which is
members, I really want to emphasize this point is that
[00:06:41] you, just for your own emotional well-being,
you do want to begin to look deeply into this idea of

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

getting outside of a city, getting near a forest where you

can do that, where you can supplement your diet with
wild food, grow a garden and become sustainable. And
see what that's like, and see what it is like to actually be
sustainable on this Earth, which is – you know, we are a
million miles from a sustainable reality.

And I [00:07:06] want to mention this, Lou. This has been

an interesting rant this week for me. Really like an
interesting thoughtform came through this week, and
that is, you know, we are insulated inside a bubble of the
fake and the phony. That is the nature of our technology,
it's what we have been dealing with our whole lives. But
what is interesting about the Internet is it's allowing us to
penetrate through into something genuine, authentic,
pure and real. And that's really [00:07:40] what I believe
TheBestDayEver is: it's like it's a puncture hole right
through that bubble of the fake and the phony that allows
people to actually get through into a portal of what is
authentic and what is real.

And ultimately that idea is the idea behind the movie

Avatar. Right? Because one of the fundamental questions
of this movie – and regardless of what we think about it,
this is the biggest movie of all time in all of history.

Lucien: Yep.

David: Bigger than Star Wars, bigger than ET, bigger than – what
was that? Ghost – you know, bigger than any of this stuff.
And what a mes-, the big message of Avatar is: can our
self-same technology that got us into this mess, can it be
utilized to actually allow us to penetrate through into
something that is authentic and real? Can we penetrate
out of our crippled reality and get into [00:08:36]
something that is natural? And ultimately the message of
that movie is not only can we but it's an absolute rebirth
to do so.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: And this brings up a really interesting point. I was trying

to formulate this in my mind before the interview tonight
but I think you just said it spectacularly, which is the way
our society is moving and the technological advances
that we find ourselves in the middle of, it seems from one
point of view that it is taking us away from nature,
[00:09:04] it's taking us away from what the authentic is,
taking us away from what is real. But actually, we can
actually use that to get us back into what is real, what is
authentic and what is natural – because ultimately the
only way we are going to have health and longevity is by
getting back to what is natural. And that is natural foods,
natural substances, away from drugs, away from all those

But it's a very interesting conversation to have, because

[00:09:29] we are not – well, let me phrase it like this: Do
you think that the way that we are moving in society is
going back to let's say an agrarian society that is devoid
of technology or is technology still going to increase,
improve, develop, but within that we are going to have to
find a way, a clever method to get back to what is natural
within that sort of development?

David: I guess I am seeing a bifurcation. You know, it's the best

time ever, [00:09:57] it's the worst time ever. We are
seeing, you know, tremendous explosion of technology
where you know there will be— Right now – listen to this –
in December of 1992 the very first text message was
sent. Today, this day – today, this very day that you are
listening to this right now – more text messages were
sent on this Earth than the population of the Earth.

We are moving very quickly to a time when there will be

so much cell phone technology [00:10:29] out there – and
we are already almost there – that it will almost be
throwaway. You will have cell phone technology that will
tell you where the nearest wild foods are, you will have

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

cell phone technology that will tell you where the nearest
store is, you will have cell phone technology to tell you
where this city is and just guide you right there. And I
mean it's going to be so replicate-able that it will
probably be sold to us in the way that plastic bottles
[00:10:51] are sold to us, "Oh, just throw it away." So we
have that on one side.

On the other side, what this technology is doing for us it

is allowing us to be wherever we want to be, doing
whatever we want to do, while participating in the city-
like economy of what used to exist maybe 100 years ago
or 200 years ago in cities where you would have lots of
friends, lots of connections, lots of opportunities, you
know, lots of social possibilities. [00:11:19] I mean all this
kind of stuff now is boom, it's been delivered to us on the
Internet. We could in a farmhouse in the middle of Maine
and access all of it. Therefore we don't actually need to
be in cities anymore. We can do it all from wherever we
can get a Wi-Fi connection or cell phone reception, and
that to me is very interesting and very promising –
especially as we develop more and more technology to
shield ourselves from the dangers [00:11:42] of cell
phones and Wi-Fi and all of that – of which the grounding
technology is a great example.

Lucien: And I think you are a great example, David, at how you
combine living naturally, living wholistically, eating raw,
natural living foods and not being a quote "Luddite,"
rejecting technology, rejecting some of the things that we
know we need to actually work and function in today's
society. Because there [00:12:10] are a lot of people that
say, "Look. I'm going to give up all of this technology stuff
and I am just going to move to a farm in the countryside."
And that's great.

And what you are doing is slightly different. You are kind
of finding a middle way between the two extremes and
you are taking the best of both worlds and using it to

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

promote health and longevity.

David: That's what I love to do, and I tell you, what I have been
able [00:12:29] to do in my career was never possible
before the cell phone age, before the Wi-Fi age, before
the Internet age. Like I have actually been answering
emails while driving around Iceland, you know, running
several businesses while you know getting ready to jump
in a hot springs in Iceland. I mean, you know, in the
middle of nowhere. It's totally outrageous. And I've been
doing that for years, so you know definitely my life has
been a very strong example of what [00:12:59] can be
done with technology so you can have your cherimoya
and eat it too and get both, you know, all the good stuff.

Now you know as I'm speaking right now I'm actually

reaching underneath my bed and grabbing my grounded
sheet just to protect myself from the call and the phone.
It is always interesting to be reminded at all the
resources that we do have at our disposal and use them
to our advantage.

Lucien: And that leads into the next question, which is on the
heels, [00:13:30] we're coming right off of the heels of
the Longevity Conference. One of the really big
breakthrough type of technologies and pieces of
information that we were exposed to was that of
grounding. And it seems that you know going over what
you had said during the conference, that you know you
spent years and years teaching people how to drink
wheatgrass and do you know do wheatgrass shots and all
[00:13:52] these other things that are really hard. The
one thing that we really needed, the one thing that we
had to have, was something dead easy, connecting us to
the Earth, and that brings us to grounding.

And I would also like to open up to any, any other

avenues that you sort of see as developmental in terms
of where we are going in longevity and health coming out

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

of the longevity conference. What are some of the things

that sort of the doors that you saw opening up during
[00:14:17] that conference and where things are

David: Well, I'm definitely feeling like this grounding technology

is kind of the big news. Not only out of that conference,
but it's the big news of the next decade, without
question, and it is the easiest technology ever for health –
by far. And I know for sure that that handed right into my
lap because I literally attempted to do the impossible,
which is get people to you know do wheatgrass
[00:14:47] enemas – which is you know next to
impossible if you really think about it. When you go out
into the world as I did for so many years and you know
literally promoting raw foods and superfoods, you know
most people would rather eat burgers and say forget
about it, let's go see a movie. So I know that that – that
there is some kind of a connection there that is very

Beyond that what I took out of that conference is there is

[00:15:10] definitely an aligning of forces in the natural
health world with Paul Stamets, Dr. Mercola, myself, all,
you know all our whole team, Jason Wrobel, Solla Ericks
[spelling?] from Iceland and all the folks who were
making food, and just that whole group – Ian Clark, Dr.
Stewart Blaikie. We are all on the same page. We are all
coming to the same conclusions and we are on the same
page. And that is very promising, because step-by-step
as more [00:15:39] doctors step onboard, more
naturopaths step on board, more health advocates step
onboard, more fitness experts step onboard, we are going
to present a wall, a force that is so powerful to the
general public that it's irresistible. It's like, you know, it's
not arguable so all of a sudden people just go, "Okay,
that's what I've got to do.” And then those people who do
take action will get the results faster than anyone else
before has ever gotten results [00:16:06] – because we

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

are putting it all together: the vitamin B12 piece, the

vitamin D3 piece, the raw foods, the superfoods, the
superherbs, the living spring water, the overall cuisine –
the sophistication of the flavors, what's happening with
chocolate – and just all of it is coming together and
everybody is on the same page.

Lucien: It was really remarkable to see all these alliances forged.

Like you say – Dr. Mercola. Some of the people [00:16:30]
have not been there before, like Paul Stamets, and this is
their first time venturing into the foray of our audience of
raw and living foods and the superfoods and the
superherbs, which is a piece of the puzzle that was
missing I think for some of the other people. We kind of
brought it all together. And some of the pieces that were
missing for us, like you say, the vitamin D3 and things
like that, all the pieces that were missing for everyone
were kind of [00:16:55] brought together in one group in
one weekend, and now these alliances have been forged
and we, we have really developed, like you say, an
overwhelming health protocol that people really – they
are going to get so many results so fast, so quick it's
going to be inarguable.

David: It is coming to that very quickly, because the Internet

allows it. The Internet allows us to cross-reference data in
a way that was never possible before. As Marshall
McLuhan [00:17:23] said, you know, "The only job of the
future is information gathering." Well that information
has now been gathered, and some startling results have
been reported and some startling strategies have
presented themselves and, you know, where you are at,
I'm at, the crew on TheBestDayEver, Dr. Mercola and his
team, Paul Stamets, everybody is like, "Okay. This is what
we are doing now."

So we all benefited [00:17:50] from each other. We are

definitely moving forward with a much stronger alliance,
and I see you know great things for the future of health in

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

the world. Of course there is going to be the other side.

Which you know, they are heading off, you know, off the
side of a cliff, but on the other side you know we have got
a pretty strong picture.

Another thing that is coming up quite a bit and probably

people are thinking about who are listening right now is
the whole [00:18:13] vegetarian-carnivore bit. Like,
"Should we be eating raw meat? Should we be eating
dairy? Should we be a vegetarian? Should we be vegan?"
Ultimately this is a question that we have to decide
individually. There are ways to do all of that healthfully.
And that thing is coming to an interesting alliance as well,
where the carnivores are coming over to support the
vegetarians, and the vegetarians are coming over to
support the carnivores and we are starting [00:18:45] to
get an alliance that we have never had before between
those worlds. And that is pretty darn amazing as well.

Lucien: And just to conclude this first segment of the interview,

let's just address something to the people who maybe
have joined TheBestDayEver from whatever affiliation or
connection that they have had and they are in a position
that they are working a regular 9 to 5 job or they are
working at home, they grew up on you know processed
food, fruit loops, [00:19:14] milk, regular stuff, and they
found their way into the site and they are thinking,
"Okay. I am exposed now to an overwhelming amount of
information that is way beyond what I am capable of.
Where the heck do I start? What do I do? Give me some
simple, easy steps on how to begin." What do you say to
those people?

David: #1 step is start shopping organic. Right? And most of this

– it's just like, it's just like success information. Most
[00:19:42] of it is just going right over the head, and you
know we are not making sense of it yet. We will
eventually. Just like we learn anything, we have got to
start somewhere. And so we are at the you know

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

graduate level course of health, sciences and nutrition

and all that. So what we want to do is we, boom, we go
into an organic health food store.

#2 we throw away all our supplements. [00:20:03]

Actually we throw it into our garden, all our supplements
that contain calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium
malate, calcium fructoborate, calcium pantothenate, all
of them that the calcium has been dug up out of the
Earth that when we eat it causes us to become calcified,
age quickly, develop chronic inflammation and retire
from this world early. So you know we get rid of that.
That's step 1 [00:20:22] and 2.

Step #3 get on the right kind of water. And we have got

to figure that out for ourselves, but you know, it's just a
mission. Like you just take it on. It's like, "Okay. Now I've
got to get my water situation figured out." Anybody can
do it. And you can start wherever you want. Let's say you
are in Los Angeles. Boom, get connected with the people
who are going up to the Tummy [correct word?; Belly?]
Ache Springs up in Ojai and start to get some water from
that spring. Maybe [00:20:47] you want to go up to
Palomar Mountain, you know, south of Los Angeles and
get your water from the spring up at the top there.
Maybe you just want to get the water that you are
drinking to another higher level but you can't get to a
spring right now because it's just too much, boom, get
bottled water in glass from sacred springs somewhere.
There is plenty of that kind of stuff available in all major
cities all over the world. Just as you can find fine wine in
any [00:21:13] city all over the world you can also find
fine water, spring water that is already bottled in glass for
you. So working your way off the plastic is kind of what I
am alluding to. That's another step.

Here's another step, is getting in to the mindset of the

add-on. This is just all an add-on. There is no like, "You
have to do this or that" or whatever. There is no, "Get rid

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

of that," it's just, "Here, add this in. Try that out."
[00:21:39] Step-by-step, one-by-one by adding in the
good stuff it gradually crowds out the bad stuff and we
start to develop momentum.

One more thing I want to say is also developing a

momentum in the sense of watching very meticulously
for how peer pressure is affecting your health choices.
Start to observe that in your life so you see certain
people who will cause you to behave in certain ways, you
know, and do things you regret later. And I had that of
course in my life, [00:22:12] and early on I actually had to
let some friends go because their behavior was causing
me to conduct poor behaviors and then I had to
eventually say, "Okay, that's it." Even though these were
great friends of mine. I still you know love them to this
day and I miss them, I had to at some point say, "That
lifestyle is not for me. It is not conducive to being
healthy." So that's another piece, the relationship piece.

Lucien: That's [00:22:35] very interesting, and really to the water

piece you know we support Daniel Vitalis and what he is
doing with, and that is something I just
brought up on my computer actually to see how that has
been developing, and that site, the amount of pinpricks
that have been put on the map since about six months
ago, has literally gone up 1000%. There are hundreds
more pinpricks [00:22:58] on that map in the last couple
months than I have seen since I last checked. It's

And the great about the, like you say, the Internet and
the Information Age, is that now that we are onto where
to get the spring water, where to get the fresh water,
where to get the clean water, where to get the actual
good mineralized water, it is all being put by people who
are checking it out for themselves, going online and just
[00:23:23] sticking that pinprick on the map. And it's
there right now. So you can find it. There is no reason

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

anywhere in the United States now. I can see just

hundreds of them now on that site. It's amazing.

David: That is a really important resource,, for

all of us, because we have been saying this over and
over, Lou, but you know it's true, it's getting easier
actually – for everybody. That is something to consider
too, is that it isn't actually overwhelming. It's actually a
little be underwhelming. It has become easier and easier
and easier to actually get access to the real core crucial
health information and take action on it. It has never
been as easy as it is right now. You have got the support
across the Internet.

Now Facebook – listen to this statistic: Facebook is now

the 4th largest country in the world.

Lucien: Wow.

David: So imagine being able to connect with all [00:24:16]

those friends on Facebook, all that support, find out what
everybody is doing. You know, you friend somebody on
Facebook, you find out what is going on, you find out how
they are doing with their raw food. I am thinking of my
friend Teresa Jordan in Los Angeles. She puts something
on Facebook five, six times a day about her raw food life
there, and it's really valuable for people who are brand
new – especially people [00:24:37] who are in her age
category, you know, who are maybe in that zone, maybe
45 to 50, women, you know 45 to 50 years old women
who are in that zone where like, "I've got to make a major
change," and boom, there is Teresa just guiding the way
step-by-step-by-step on how you do it, moment-to-
moment, right through Facebook. Unbelievable.

April 2010 Interview – Part 2

Lucien: Now we are going to move into the segment of the

interview where we answer people's questions on the

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Forums, and this is a pivotal part of

When you sign up to you are
getting access to all the cutting edge information from
David Wolfe, Truth Calkins, we've got George Lamoureux
on the Jing herbs, we have got Camille Goji Girl, who has
been with David Wolfe for many, many years [00:00:32]
helping with women's health issues. We have got such an
amazing amount of information, such amazing experts
who are answering your questions. We have an amazing
community. We have Forums, we have all sorts of
amazing stuff. This is what you pay for when you join and David is taking the time out of
his you know amazingly busy schedule to answer your
questions on the Forum that you post so that you can get
personalized answers to your [00:00:58] questions.
Hopefully there are other people out there listening that
you know can really benefit from this information as well,
friends and family.

So here we are going to tackle the really amazing

questions. I mean we are always blown away. I remember
listening to an interview from one of the early ones of you
and Len, Dave, and Len was saying in the interview, and
in the interview itself he said, you know – and I think it
was the first or the second [00:01:19] ones you guys had
ever done for, he said, you know, "What
are we going to do when we run out of questions? What
are we going to do? There is like only so much you can
ask related to raw food." And in your answer you said,
"There will be plenty of questions. Don't worry, Len," and
to this day, 8 years later, there is an unending amount of
questions and there are infinite answers.

So here we go. We are kicking off the second part of the

[00:01:43] interview. This first question is related to

Dear David, I really resonate with your suggestion in the

February interview to ingest large amounts of lemon juice

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

for liver cleansing, but I am gradually shifting my diet

towards more native and wild foods and living British
Columbia, Canada. Lemons are definitely not a native
species. Is there anything that would be analogous to
lemons not just in liver cleansing effects but [00:02:09] in
terms of flavor and energetics as well that is native to

David: That is such a good question. I was thinking that the

other day, because I've been thinking to myself and I was
thinking the exact same thought. And the answer is
vinegar. That's your – that's your apple cider vinegar
would be your reasonable corollary to lemon. So you
would, you know, for example collect your apples in the
late summer, early fall, you would process them down
and [00:02:43] let them break down into vinegar, and
then you would keep that vinegar right through the
winter, and then that's like kind of a tonic that you kind of
ingest here, there and everywhere, and it's got the acetic
acid as opposed to the citric acid and it has the short-
chain fatty acids which are antifungal and antiviral and
have some interesting properties, and it has a hydration
property that is very similar to lemon. So that, [00:03:12]
that is the corollary for that ecosystem.

Now I have been pretty darned amazed with, with this

little lime tree that I am growing here in Canada, that I
take it out in the spring-summer-autumn and then bring
it in for the winter. Right now it's in full flower, and what a
cool little plant. So that's something you can do too. You
can actually grow citrus in a way that's kind of – it's kind
of like you know you just work with the seasons
[00:03:38] and you can, you can kind of nurture it along.
And citrus is pretty tough.

Now there is a story that was put out by John Hamaker

who wrote The Survival of Civilization with Don Weaver,
and you may want to contact Don Weaver about this. I
think his email is, and ask him

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

about this story. I have been meaning to do this

[00:03:57] for years. And if he gives a response please
post it on TheBestDayEver. And ask him this: John
Hamaker claimed that he grew an orange tree in
Michigan outside and his main modality was he just kept
feeding that thing rock dust and more rock dust and
more rock dust, and it became so hardy it was able to
survive the winters in Michigan. That's a pretty shocking
story, but it would be amazing if it was true. And then,
you know, then you are eating [00:04:22] something that
is really in your ecosystem. So that's my answer to that

Lucien: Okay. Fantastic. This next question is related to an

interview that we did on fungus with a fungal expert Gila
Varis, and it is looking at reconciling some of the issues
with what we take to boost the immune system that also
may be increasing the pathogens in our body. They are a
feeding source as well. So let's we'll try to sort through

Dear David, I was recently listening to an audio recording

from Gila Varis, Fungus. She mentioned that if one is
suffering from an autoimmune disorder to not take
immune-boosting herbs or to only take them once a
week, that this will actually tonify the disorder.

Could you elaborate on autoimmune disorders and what

that entails plus a protocol for herbs that should be
avoided and herbs that one should focus on?

And he gives some specifics.

David: Very [00:05:25] good. Okay. Let's start out with:

Autoimmune conditions do have a lot to do with being
disconnected or insulated from the Earth itself. That's
what the research is showing. It may be the ultimate real
cause of autoimmune conditions. Whenever we are
barefoot and connected to the Earth or if we live

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

connected to the Earth all the time then according to

what Clint Ober is telling me with his barefoot research,
then we cannot actually develop an autoimmune

Now [00:05:57] he does quite a bit of scientific data that

supports this, and one of those bits of data is indicating
that our body actually becomes smarter when we are
connected to the great whole of the Earth. Therefore our
immune system becomes smarter. So we are actually
more capable of determining what is foreign and what is
domestic. That is a very interesting idea, that when we
connect to the Earth and touch it and get
electromagnetically reconnected to the Earth that we
become smarter and our immune system becomes

Now the herbs that you have to be a little bit careful of

because they stimulate the immune system up are herbs
like echinacea root and garlic, which [00:06:39] are
immune system stimulants, but they can over-stimulate
your immune system in autoimmune conditions and in
hyperallergic conditions they can actually do the wrong
thing; they can actually take you too far up and overreact
your nervous system and immune system and eventually
lead to even more troubles.

What we really want to go with – and the reason why we

go with this as a primary source of immunity – is the
medicinal mushrooms, [00:07:11] because they are by
call indications – and this is well-known with reishi – they
are dual-directional. They actually can bring your immune
system up if it needs it, and it can bring it down if it
needs it. And that is a fundamental reason why I
personally always recommend the medicinal mushrooms,
because they can go both directions.

Lucien: And would you say—? The other part of that is that they
don't necessarily quote "boost your immune system,"

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

[00:07:37] but they actually teach it intelligence over

time so that you are not giving your immune system like
a quick burst of fuel to ignite it but you are giving it a
deeper sense of intelligence on how to fight off
pathogens and unwanted guests and viruses, fungus and
mold and all that – that that is the actual tonifying effect
of the medicinal mushrooms and sort of like the boosting
effects of like a short burst of energy.

David: I believe that what you are [00:08:08] saying is actually

correct. You are going to get different statements made
by different folks you know even in the mushroom field
about what the medicinal mushrooms are actually doing,
but I think what you are saying is the correct description
of the action of medicinal mushrooms in your body. It's all
about activating your immune intelligence.

Lucien: Okay, great. Next question is a little bit related to what

we looked at in the first [00:08:32] segment, but let's go
over it anyway.

I'm thinking about leaving New York City and finding a

great place to live in the next year. I'm looking for some
good ideas of places to move that are great for this type
of lifestyle. I want a warm beach, very cool, open-minded
people anywhere in the U.S. or Costa Rica would be
great, or somewhere similar. Brazil is good since I'm
learning the language and have friends all over and since
I'm into the martial arts. Would [00:08:58] you
recommend a few cities or countries for me to choose
from? And any advice, that would be really helpful.

She has been a big believer of Steiner for over 20 years,

Waldorf, biodynamics, she rescues animals, she's got a
really great lifestyle and I think basically what she is
looking for is your perspective, your advice on what are
some good places for her to live. If you had to choose a
city in which to live that was with other people but yet
somewhat remote [00:09:21] and had access to some

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

natural resources, where would it be?

David: Okay. Well, there was a mention of Costa Rica, and I do

want to mention from my travels through Costa Rica –
and I've been in almost every corner of Costa Rica – that
my feeling is the most livable part of Costa Rica and
something that is very easy to adapt to if you are coming
from an American ecosystem is the northwestern portion
of Costa Rica. And there is you know a good dry season,
[00:09:53] you have almost California-like mountains. It's
just a really nice environment. You've got monkeys. It's
not overly oppressive with toxic and dangerous plants or
cacti. The area is around Nosara. Nosara is a little town in
that northwestern portion of Costa Rica – and that whole
peninsula. Ostional [Wildlife Reserve] and all of those
areas, they are just great. I am actually heading there
myself in about 5 or 6 weeks.

Another area is Hawaii. That's a very important place to

consider, because if you are an American you are an
American. It is hard to get the American out of the
American. Just saying [00:10:29] like, "Okay, I'm picking
up and I'm going to you know Peru now, I living there," or
"I'm living in Brazil." If you are an American it is a very
difficult thing to really do at the core of your being and
something is never really quite settled I feel – from what I
have seen of people who have [00:10:45] expatriated to
places like that.

So I would really look at Hawaii, and there are all kinds of

amazing deals available in Hawaii for real estate,
especially on the big island. And there are all kinds of
ecosystems on the big island. I mean we think – or on all
the Hawaiian islands. We think of Hawaii as tropical but
actually there is every ecosystem in Hawaii that exists,
except [00:11:04] for the tundra and glaciers. Everything
else exists in Hawaii. You've got deserts, you've got
beaches, you've got tropics, you've got temperate
climates, you've got temperate forests, all kinds of cool

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

things. So that's a strong consideration.

And then one more consideration is Canada. I mean, you

know, if you like the temperate climates there are
amazing ecosystems in the regions that are like the –
what are those called? – the San Juan Islands. The San
Juan Islands are in Western Canada. There are places
where you can grow subtropical plants, all kinds of little
ecosystems in those islands just north of the Puget Sound
in Canada. Or even if you want to stay in the U.S. then
you know around I think Cortez Island and – oh, what's
the other one there? Another really awesome island up
there that I like to hang out at. But it's all, it's all in that
area [00:11:59] where Olympia is and Cortes [spelling?]
just north of Seattle and to the west.

Lucien: Okay. So this next question is a really interesting

question because we did the George Lamoureux
interview for April two days ago and in that interview the
question was asked the relationship between the herbal
teas and the tea extracts and the hot teas that we are
doing from a superherb point of view and how that
connects with a living food lifestyle. [00:12:30] Because
you know, according to strict Chinese medicine a raw
food diet is not something that they adhere to, but they
heat a lot of their herbs. They apply heat in a very
specific way.

And so George kind of tackled that question, David, with

relationship to the Chinese medicinal herbal system and
raw foods and how although at superficial glance they
might appear to be kind of polar opposites that actually
in light of today's technology and our advances in health
and nutrition we are able to combine the two. So I am
going to ask this question and maybe as the background
context of this question you can also answer how these
two fit together. So this question is:

Dear David, I see [you] [00:13:14] in your videos talking

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

teas and boiled mushroom tonics and I am wondering

how this fits into a raw diet. In The Sunfood Diet Success
System you say 100% raw equals 1000% of the effects. I
have been 100% raw for the last three months and it has
been amazing. I would like to do this for as long as I
choose to stay on the planet. I love it. It feels good and
my healing has accelerated so much, but I'm wondering
how teas and mushroom [00:13:40] tonics fit into this.

David: Okay, great. No problem. I mean, this person is a newbie,

right? They are just getting started. I have been doing
this for, you know, geez for me it's 16 years. You know,
I've been there and done that with raw foods fasting,
fruitarianism, sproutarianism, wheatgrassism, the whole
9 yards. And you do find that you want to take advantage
of all health systems that we have available to us.

And we want to take advantage for example of the great

discoveries of Taoist tonic herbalism, because it
[00:14:19] can get us into a higher place. I mean, this
person is obviously in a great state, feeling super-high,
everything is going great, and guess what? It can go
higher. And so what we are really delivering here with is how to go higher. Just higher and
higher and higher. It's outrageous actually. When you
take Taoist tonic herbalism and the mushroom teas and
you combine it with raw and living foods it's outrageous
where that goes.

Now [00:14:49] it goes beyond that, because we have the

ability to add it to all the different herbal cornucopia of
knowledge that's out there from Ayurveda to European
folk herbalism to Amazonian shamanism, the whole
9 yards, and I would recommend that we avail ourselves
of all of that with the sense of okay, you know, out of all
these herbs let's just take the top stuff and see if we can
add it to our raw food diet and go higher.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Now there is another issue, and that [00:15:15] is

metabolic imbalances caused by food can be alleviated
by the appropriate herbalism. That is something that I
was speaking with Rehmannia Dean Thomas about one
time, and he just really enunciated that very well. He's
like, "Look. Raw food is clearly the best form of nutrition,
and if somebody metabolically is imbalanced by let's say
cold, wet, damp spleen or something like that, boom, you
bring poria the mushroom in, you bring rehmannia in,
[00:15:41] you bring some of these herbs in to warm up
the spleen, get that whole thing going so that you can
balance out metabolic imbalances with appropriate forms
of herbalism. That's a very interesting idea, and certainly
I think is where all nutrition is going to be going.

We get the core base of our calories as pure and as clean

as possible and as close to the Earth as possible, and
then use herbalism to dance around that to keep in
metabolic [00:16:03] balance and to advance the high
even more, advance the immunity even more, advance
our state of consciousness even more.

Lucien: All right. Fantastic. I know for some people – I'd say
newbies coming in – and they see raw food and then you
see, you know, heated teas, you know, all these
medicinal mushrooms need to be heat-extracted and so
forth. The first question obviously that comes up is like,
"Well, wait a minute. I'm using heat here. I'm not
supposed [00:16:27] to be using heat. I'm not supposed
to be cooking. I'm supposed to be keeping everything you
know raw." And we are talking about raw food, we are
talking about living enzymes and so forth and basically in
the interview with George [Lamoureux] we just, like you
said, made a clear distinction between okay, what are we
heating and destroying enzymes and when we are
actually applying heat with water to actually extract the
polysaccharides and so forth from the mushrooms.
[00:16:54] It seems to be pretty clear for people who
have been in it for a while, but for people who are new it

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

can be, appear to be a superficial contradiction.

David: Yeah. Exactly. I mean really what it comes down to is

what is an appropriate use of fire as an element, and
extracting what is alchemically and archetypically
connected to magic – which is you know the whole
mushroom kingdom – extracting from that kingdom using
fire and spring [00:17:27] water is pretty interesting to
me. I mean, definitely it feels like you know, it feels like
you are playing around with, with you know the elfin
world, the fairy world. It feels like you are playing around
with fire in a way that we were intended to, you know, as
part of our advance in consciousness on the planet.
Where we are using fire to boil lettuce, that seems like an
inappropriate use, or using it to fry you know eggs or you
know [00:17:56] bacon or something, then we are in a
total inappropriate use.

But you know, here at my house we are using fire to get

through the winter, because you know obviously we are
burning wood to keep the house warmed up so that you
know we can actually make it through the winter here,
and to have the wood-burning stove going anyway and
mushrooms that we picked from the forest next to the
house in this house all dried up and ready to go, and
[00:18:20] then spring water piped into the house with
spiral pipes, you know, the whole thing starts looking like
a real magical reality.

Lucien: All right. Awesome. All right. The next question is,

Dear David, I'm a health practitioner and I deal with

women giving birth and would like to know what
foods/supplements you would recommend to help women
avoid kidney/blood-pressure-related issues contributing
to preeclampsia? I'm thinking cacao given the Mg and
[00:18:54] maybe maca for other minerals. Any specific
suggestions that would help [keep] this woman from
reaching the PE condition? Preeclampsia. Much love.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Thank you.

David: That's above and beyond my scope of knowledge. If I was

to say anything it would only be a guess. What I would do
– I mean my next move on that question is to discuss that
with my favorite midwife, Alexandria Van Galeety
[spelling?], who lives in Venice Beach, California. So I
actually don't feel comfortable answering based on my
lack of expertise in that area.

Lucien: All right.

Dear David, What spices are raw? I am referring to the

Frontier Co-op items that they sell at most Whole Foods
Markets and co-ops. Thank you.

David: That's a great question. Probably very few of them are

actually raw. You know, the cinnamon, is that actually
raw? I mean raw cinnamon [00:19:48] is actually a bark,
and it's a hard bark, and to actually grate it down into a
powder, that has got to require some high-pressure, high-
heat equipment. The same could be said probably for
cayenne and a whole bunch of other things.

In general, because it's a very small portion of calories

you know, I'm not too worried about that in terms of
people's health as long as it is organic. In terms of my
health, I really don't ever consume any [00:20:14]
powdered cinnamon, any powdered nutmeg. I do not
consume any powdered cayenne that's been done by an
operation where I'm not sure what is going on – like, you
know, what Frontier [unintelligible word]. I think Frontier
is a great company, but personally I think a lot of their
stuff is heat-processed and that's kind of where I am at
with it.

Whenever you take a substance – let's say it's nutmeg –

and you powder it, you are obviously exposing it to
oxidation. If you [unintelligible word] with [00:20:41] heat

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

you know it's even worse. To me, I am very sensitive to

that, so I try to stay away from those kinds of things or
create them myself at home. You know, I create my own
chili powders at home, I dry my own chili peppers, crush
them to a powder, filter them through a strainer and
boom, there is your powder.

Lucien: All right. Great.

Dear Avocado, Is it possible to fully restore the thyroid

gland to normal function after someone has taken
Synthroid for 10 years [00:21:13] or so?

It's a synthetic drug I guess.

Can you recommend some therapy?

David: It's a synthetic thyroid drug. Let's talk a little bit about
thyroid and just what I know about it, because there are
probably a lot of people wondering you know what to do.
The #1 thing is, is that the thyroid does retain its
functionality even if we've taking Synthroid, even if we've
been taking other types of thyroxin [00:21:38]
supplements, even if we have had some of our thyroid
removed. As long as some of the thyroid is there, there
can be functionality.

Now the thyroid is actually like a sack, and in that sack is

a thousand thyroid glands. So a thyroid gland is not quite
what we think it is; it is not just like one thing. It's actually
a sack containing a thousand little thyroid glands that are
producing thyroxin. And the problems that we are
experiencing with the thyroid to me have [00:22:12] a lot
to do with radiation and radioactivity in the atmosphere
and in the food supply, including depleted uranium,
including plutonium, including radioactive cesium and
others. There is a lot of radioactive debris in the
atmosphere. There has been something like 250 nuclear
detonations on this Earth since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

That is an unbelievable number.

Not only that, we have got depleted uranium still being

used in Iraq, it's being used in Afghanistan, and it was
used in Bosnia, in Bosnia and Serbia and that conflict
there. So you know that, that produced a huge amount of
depleted uranium vapor that, that gets into the thyroid
and it causes massive oxidation, which [00:22:59] it
basically ages you and it can eventually cause cancer
and thyroid disease.

Now this is where I am actually at. I talked to Clint Ober

about this, and I think there is some truth to this. In my
research about the thyroid, the thyroid is very highly
negatively charged, so in terms of looking at each
meridian point in our body as a well or a bucket that can
hold electricity, to me I bet you – based on the research –
that the thyroid is the [00:23:28] biggest bucket we got.
So if we are going to for example get grounded and get
free electricity from the Earth or use a zapper and get a
little of electricity that way, it fills up different meridian
points in different ways depending on where that zapper
is or what part of our body is actually touching the Earth.

So you know if we are touching with our feet it's good,

but it's better for our thyroid if our neck touches the
ground. [00:24:01] [Rudolph] Steiner said that we are a
plant turned upside-down. Our head represents the root;
it represents the Earth actually. And our toes for example
are the ends of the branches, and you know other parts
would be for example the fruits and the flowers. You
know, and I'll let that be up to your own imagination.

The point of that is that the charge – the negative charge

right in our neck is right where the plant would surface
out of [00:24:29] the ground. That is right where the
electrical charge pools – on the surface of the Earth – and
that makes sense to me that that would be the biggest
energy bucket for electrons or electricity in our body,

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

because we are never grounded, we are in plastic shoes,

rubber-soled shoes, you know we have never had the
right type of electricity absorbing into our body through
zappers or anything like that, and then we are exposed to
very powerful [00:24:52] free radicals like radioactive
plutonium which by the way – and radioactive uranium,
which by the way contaminates almost all dairy products.
I'm just putting that out there as well.

Then what happens is our thyroid goes completely out of

whack first, because that is the first symptom of radiation
disease, and next thing you know, boom, metabolic
syndrome and then you know they are putting you on

April 2010 Interview – Part 3

David: Now Synthroid does disturb metabolism to such a point

that it's like a very seriously addictive drug, and we want
to move great – like step off it very slowly, move towards
an actual animal glandular of the real thyroid, like the
dessicated thyroid of a pig or a cow, so that we can
actually get the real stuff instead of the fake stuff.
Because Synthroid is fake, and it's a very serious drug.
And [00:00:39] then we move to the real stuff, and
eventually it is possible to move then to homeopathics.

Is it possible to even get off the homeopathics at that

point? Probably not. I think – I don't know. I mean, sure,
it's possible – but not in my experience. It is very difficult
to get off these drugs in a way that, you know, that is
quick. It is very slow, step-by-step, weaning down off the
Synthroid on to the animal glandulars, then weaning the
animal [00:01:09] glandulars down.

Grounding helps a lot, getting grounded so the grounding

is actually touching your next and thyroid, so it is filling
up that bucket with electrons, doing enough
detoxification for example with zeolites, with the Adya

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Clarity in order to remove those heavy metals from our

body, the fulvic acid and get those free radical oxidants
out of there, out of the thyroid so that thyroid can heal
itself, supporting our thyroid with good nutrition like
[00:01:37] maca and coconut and Brazil nuts and kelp
and other excellent iodine sources and getting away from
thyroid suppressive foods, especially soy. That is kind of
the whole picture of thyroid, you know. That is what
comes up for me. So I want to put that all out there so we
have some tools to choose from.

Lucien: All [00:02:00] right. Awesome. Awesome answer. And you

know overall I guess when we are talking about hormone
replacement therapy, we are talking about synthetic
drugs that are helping to increase hormone activity or
suppress hormone activity. There just doesn't seem to be
a way to cheat Mother Nature when it comes to our
hormone activity, and that the only way that we can
really ever get them flowing naturally and properly is
through a diet that is including some basic raw
[00:02:31] living foods – especially raw fats and oils – that
are helping those glands to function at their optimal
level. Is that something you agree with?

David: Definitely. Definitely. We need, we actually need two

things to produce hormones: we need the right kinds of
fats and oils, which should for sure be raw, and we need
the right kind of protein. We need actually bioavailable
protein. Which is – you know, that question is basically
solved for vegetarians with superfoods. It's basically
solved for everybody. I mean, with superfoods you get a
bioavailable protein, everything you want – all the amino
acids, everything like we have never had before. We
certainly weren't getting that with you know the Chicken
[00:03:13] McNuggets we were eating.

Lucien: Certainly. Okay. Next question.

Dear David, Are you still endorsing Ocean's Alive marine

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

phytoplankton as the best thing around? The reason I

ask, I would like to know as I am about to import $1500
worth and I hope I am not making a big mistake.

David: I love Ocean's Alive marine phytoplankton. It is one of my

favorite products, and yes I am still endorsing it. It was
you know in my smoothie most of this [00:03:54] week,
and I think it is one of the greatest things around for a
number of reasons. One is it's a combination of very
unique technology to bring forth a living marine
phytoplankton in a biologically stable substrate – which is
a concentrate of ocean water. Then they have been
introduced into each other via an extraordinary vortexing
technology which I had the opportunity to play around
with over here at my house at one point. It's just a
phenomenal combination [00:04:23] of those three things
– the food itself, the vortex technology and the substrate,
the ocean water substrate that keeps everything in
complete suspended animation.

When you do open a bottle, it is better than you

refrigerate it. It keeps better. Because you are
introducing bacteria and stuff. You can breathe into it, or
if you are doing a drop under your tongue it can touch
your tongue and get bacteria in there and that can
eventually spoil the marine phytoplankton over
[00:04:47] a period of several months.

Another thing I want to mention is that this marine

phytoplankton is an excellent source of nucleotides – or
free energy essentially, ATP. Everything we have ever
eaten in our life has had to be converted from
carbohydrates, protein and fat into what we call
nucleotides, which is ATP, GTP and different units of
energy. And the only foods in the world that actually have
those units of energy already bioavailable [00:05:22] to
our metabolism and to the metabolism of all mammals is
the marine phytoplanktons. And there are thousands of
them, and about 200 have been identified as being

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

suitable for human consumption.

Currently the Ocean's Alive marine phytoplankton is 2 of

those 200 marine phytoplankton and one of them is
really high in EPA for reasons of neurological health –
which you know a lot of us can use a little bit more
support in that area, that's for sure.

Lucien: All right. Awesome. [00:05:54] And this sort of relates to

the next question, which is I think a fantastic question,
because one of the things that comes up all the time in
raw food, living food nutrition is the role that proteins and
amino acids play in our diet and where we can find those
in raw and living food diet as well as a vegan diet. So
here we go.

Dear David, A number of people over time and now in the

Forum have told me they have tried vegetarianism and
found that [00:06:20] they were not as healthy and
vibrant until they went back to meat "protein." I am of
the belief that as long as something is a complete amino
acid profile it works for the body. After being vegan for a
number of years and returning to meat thinking it would
help me heal my back and now vegetarian again and
finding no difference in my healing progress or energy
with or without meat protein. What is your stance on this?
Are aminos the same regardless of the [00:06:44]
source? Is something such as quinoa or rice protein with
its complete amino acid profile just as good as meat with
whatever aminos it may contain? Have you ever met
vegetarians who are doing everything right, eating plenty
of superfoods and raw proteins and fats yet still couldn't
keep their energy up without adding back in some animal
protein? What do you suppose is a reason for some
people feeling that this is necessary after trying

David: Excellent question. I mean I think a lot of that is a

mystery to me. I don't know really. I mean, because I am

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

not somebody else. But I know for me in my experience

that superfoods based on the analytical data contain all
complete proteins. For example: spirulina, complete
protein; marine phytoplankton, complete protein; AFA
bluegreen algae, complete protein; chlorella is a
complete protein; hempseed is a complete protein;
flaxseed [00:07:39] is a complete protein; chia seed is a
complete protein; bee pollen is a complete protein; goji
berry is a complete protein. I mean that is a pretty good
lineup right there, and you can have that every meal if
you wanted to, all of those things. And it's all
bioavailable. Instant, like marine phytoplankton instantly
available, that protein – which meat is not, even raw
meat is not instantly available like that.

So I don't know if the meat issue so [00:08:07] much

anymore is about protein, personally. In fact I don't think
that it is. I think at the cutting edge of nutrition it's not
really about that. I think where we are at with the meat-
eating is more metabolic problems. And I actually wrote
about this in The Sunfood Diet a dozen years ago. It has
to do with the ability to digest fat. Some people cannot
digest plant fats very well. They can't digest the fat of
nuts and seeds very well, or they can't digest [00:08:36]
dairy. So then it doesn't leave you much else. It has more
to do with fat than it has to do with protein, and that is
what I am submitting to everybody who is listening right

And I would recommend reading that part of The Sunfood

Diet over again if you have that book, because that's
really an important insight. If you find that people over
time really want to be vegetarian but can't be, it has to
do with their fat metabolism, [00:09:02] that they cannot
digest vegetarian fats very well.

Then you will also find, "Okay, you know, do I really feel
better if I am a meat eater?" Maybe for a while, but then
it flips again. Because I have been through this whole

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

thing of like okay, there is the whole raw meat thing, and
then that kind of flips into cooked meat, and then people
go, "Ooo, I don't want this anymore. I need to detox off
this stuff," and then it comes back to [00:09:23]
vegetarianism again. And then 5 years later it all comes
back again and surfaces up again.

So the obvious indication here is that we are dealing with

extremist behavior, which is, "Let's try all this and let's
try all that," and really the appropriate choice to me is, "If
you want to be a meat eater, but a very, very moderate
meat eater. If you want to be a fish eater, be a very, very
moderate fish eater," and you get out of this [00:09:48]
flipping from one thing to another, which is very common
in the raw food world. It's kind – people flip you know
from fruitarianism, suddenly it's green juice, and then
they flip from that to sproutarianism, and then they flip
from that to raw meat, and then they flip from that to raw
dairy, then they flip from that back to raw green juice.
You know, it's more of a behavioral issue than an actual
informational issue. And then this, you know, behavioral
extremes [00:10:13] creates a whole swath of confusion
in its wake that newbies look at that and go, "My God,
what in the heck is this all about?"

Always we want to temper this extreme behavior with,

with being very simple and being careful. You know, one
of the things about meat is there is a bioaccumulation of
toxins up the food chain. Every animal cell that has ever
been tested in the world in the last 20 years is
contaminated [00:10:43] with DDT – I'm sorry, every
animal fat cell is contaminated with DDT. That is
unbelievable. And so therefore we know that the
bioaccumulation of toxins as it goes up the food chain
increases. So if we say, "Okay, now I'm a meat eater
again," boom, we could be blasting ourselves with all
kinds of unknowns which in our world today is not – it's
not a luxury that we can get away with for very long. We
might [00:11:11] be able to get away with it for 5 years

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

or 10 years or 20 years, but what is going to happen in

20 years?

And you know I was on a panel with Sally Fallon a number

of years ago, and I really like what she does and I like the
message she puts out there. I don't agree with
everything she has to say, but one of the things she did
say is, "Yes, if you are going to be eating more meat and
dairy your chances of cancer increase dramatically."
[00:11:32] Which is true. And, and I don't want my
chances of cancer increasing dramatically. I want it going

So, you know, we just have to be careful that we just

don't get dragged into the next thing, you know, and
dragged all over the place, because really all these things
in temperance. And if we can get the bulk of our calories
and nutrition from superfoods and superherbs –
especially the ones that we are growing or wildcrafting
ourself – and then we, you [00:12:01] know, let's say
you're, you know, out in the stream back in you know the
lower regions behind my house over here, if I was a fish
eater I would be out there you know fishing for trout out
there. I'm not, but if I was, you know, it would be that
local. That's what I would do. Going beyond that to me is
just totally rolling the dice.

Lucien: And it's very interesting. You talk about, you know, the
behavioral [00:12:25] aspect of this whole thing, which it
seems to lend itself to that our mind dictates to a large
extent – or almost maybe entirely to the extent – of what
our physical body decides to manifest as or to produce as
a result, and that when our mind is craving or desiring
things that it's used to, such as meat or even just feeling
full, as soon as we take that away even though taking
that away might be healthy for our physical body,
mentally because we are very desirous [00:12:55] of that
meat or that particular protein-fat combination, we are
going to have some reaction to that physically – almost

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

like an alcoholic would.

You know, if you take alcohol away from an alcoholic,

they are going to experience a physical detriment from
that absence of alcohol. But you wouldn't then argue
that, well, you need to give them alcohol. Now that's an
extreme example, but do you think that kind of fits into
anything that, what we are saying here?

David: I [00:13:22] think that does come up for sure, that there
are addictions to meat that occur. I mean, there is
addiction to a lot of things that can occur, but certainly
there are addictions to meat that can occur. We know
that there is a relationship between foods that we are
allergic to becoming addicted to it. So that can happen
with dairy products, where there can be an allergy that
turns into an addiction. So certainly that is part of what is
going on.

Then there [00:13:45] is the whole, you know, swath of

confusion that we are all in in our world, which you know
causes us to go, you know, "This seems right now," and
then tomorrow we go, "Oh, maybe it's that," and all this
kind of stuff. And I would really recommend that we just
have temperance in our behavior and not flip to these
extremes, you know, and really also observe the ancient
phrase, "Flee the table when you are two-thirds full." Flee
the table. You know a lot of [00:14:17] this too, a lot of
this like, "Oh, now I have to be eating this or that," or
whatever, a lot of it is just that addiction to being full,
which is a major issue that we are all facing. Because you
know we have all loaded our bellies up with massive
amounts of pizza and cupcakes and all this kind of stuff to
fill ourselves up, and that was kind of a daily routine for
decades, and then all of a sudden it stops and our body
goes, "What's [00:14:39] happening?" you know, "How
come we are not paralyzed with the fullness anymore?"

And to come off of that kind of a drug feeling is – I

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

literally, in my life, I had to pray. That's how I got through

it. I prayed that like, "Please help me, God. Please help
me get through this," and help came. I mean, I don't have
those feelings. I haven't had those feelings in well over
probably 13 years [00:15:06] or something like that. But I
did, and certainly lots of people listening are going
through that right now. Just all we can do to eat less is a
good thing. And since we are eating the best food ever,
we don't need that much anyway.

Lucien: Almost – it's bred from the very beginning of our

existence we are just given such an overabundance of
food that we are just constantly eating until we are full.
And I think it was in our last interview [00:15:34] you
mentioned that thing of, "Flee the table when you are
two-thirds full." Is that the Egyptian saying? I think I
remember you saying it was from—

David: It's an Egyptian – apparently attributed to the ancient


Lucien: And it's just – it's such a profound statement, because we

are so used to being full and there is the, there is the
aspect of eating the best foods ever and it seems that
even in the superfood [00:15:59] world we get the best
foods ever but then we overindulge in the best foods
ever. And then we can still have problems if we are still
following that psychological pattern of stuffing ourselves.
And I'm guilty of this probably more than anyone else, of
you know coming from when the first interview I ever did
with you was eating a pepperoni pizza to now, you know,
eating superfoods but feeling like, "Well, 6 handfuls of
goji berries can't be [00:16:23] bad for me, because
they're goji berries."

David: I mean it's better than pizza. That's important to realize

too. Like you can get away with it with raw foods a lot
better than you can with the other stuff, and your body
will give you much stronger signals with the raw food of

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

how much is too much. And raw food is a very powerful

tool of balance when you are listening to your body,
because it will tell you, like, "Okay, boom, you have had
too much [00:16:54] almond butter. You have got to stop
right now." It will tell you that.

Whereas cooked food, it's kind of there is no stop. You

know, this is called aliesthetic taste change that was
talked about in some of the instinctive nutrition books
20 years ago, which is cooked food never gives you a
taste alteration stop where your body has a sudden
complete turnoff to it; whereas [00:17:16] raw food does
– any raw food. Raw meat, raw dairy, raw nuts, raw
seeds, raw nut butters, raw lettuce, anything, raw
pineapple. If you eat it just by itself, at some point your
body goes, "That's enough. You're done." That's the end
of it.

And for example with pineapple it is easy to determine

that, because you eat it and it's like, "Oh, this is great,"
and then you eat more if it and it's "Oh, great." And then
[00:17:37] all of a sudden it's like, "Oh oh, this one
doesn't have any taste." Next one, you're like, "Oh, I
sense there is a lot of acids in this." The next bite, boom,
it's burning your mouth.

Lucien: Could you spell that out for people?

David: Yep. It's ali, a-l-i, which means digestive, it's a Latin root,
esthetic, e-s-t-h-e-t-i-c, aliesthetic, all one word. A famous
nutritionist [00:17:59] – oh geez, it's been a long time
since I've read her books. Anyway, a very famous
nutritionist in the 1960s talked about the aliesthetic taste
change of raw food, and that since was taken on by kind
of the instinctive nutrition world – especially the group
based out of France, Jean-Claude Bergay's [spelling?]
group, and then eventually by kind of the American raw
food movement and it was put into a book by Severen
Schaeffer, which is a classic called Instinctive Nutrition.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

That is in there as well.

Do you know who I'm talking about? Adele Davis. That's

it. Adele Davis.

Lucien: Okay. I mean it's such a great piece of information,

because it sort of reveals that within nature there is an
innate balance of what you should eat and what you can
eat [00:18:48] and what you do eat when it's reached its
limit. And in cooked and processed food there is not that
innate built-in balance that you are – you are almost
predestined to go overboard when things are unnaturally
altered or changed to produce sickness and disease.
Whereas in nature – oh, what was it you were saying? You
were saying at the Longevity Conference, you talked
about wild foods. There is a natural [00:19:18] resilience
built into wild foods that when you eat the wild foods you
have a built-in natural resilience, and there is kind of an
innate built-in mechanism to avoid overabundance or
overuse or abuse. That was it: abuse.

Whereas processed foods and chemically altered foods,

there is not that innate built-in mechanism, and that is so
revealing, which really had not occurred to me until you
just mentioned it. And if you [00:19:46] look at the two
genres of natural foods and processed foods, in the
natural foods there is a built-in natural balance
mechanism, whereas in processed foods there is not.

David: That is exactly the point. That is why raw food is so

important, because it can help you get in touch with that.
And that alone may be the crux of the issue for many
people. I know it was for me. I know I could never detect
what was too much, too little, you know, any of it when
[00:20:13] I was eating cooked food. But raw foods
suddenly made me very aware of like, "Oh, this is – whoa!
Okay, now it's too much." I feel my stomach. I can feel
my lungs. I can feel my internal organs. I mean, all of that
awareness came in from raw foods.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: I think it was with the, one of the previous interviews we

talked about tobacco. And you were talking about how
tobacco kind of has that built-in mechanism to natural
tobacco and where the problem with [00:20:41] smoking
tobacco— I think was a woman's question on how to quit
smoking. And you said the problem is not so much
because of tobacco as what the, you know, 75,000
different chemicals or whatever they put into the
cigarette that is causing the imbalance.

David: That is so funny you said that right when you said that,
Lou, because at that exact second I was grabbing a seed
pod of tobacco in my house, right here growing
[unintelligible phrase]. And I was literally – literally
[00:21:12] I'm just crushing the seeds right now and I
was going to go sprinkle them in the, in the little garden
plot right in front of the house. So it's interesting you
brought that up right at that moment. It must be a
message from the tobacco gods.

There is no question in my mind, based on people I know

who are addicted to cigarettes – and I'm talking about,
you know, American Spirit, that there is something wrong
with American Spirit [brand]. [00:21:33] And I have been
talking to people in the industry about it, and it's two
things: it's the way it's dried, it's flew-dried. It's dried too
quickly, it has an excess amount of sugars in it – a huge
amount of excess amount of sugars in it – and it's
sprayed with chelated nicotine to spike that grouping of
alkaloids in the tobacco. So my feeling is, is to actually
become addicted, like full-on addicted like having to have
it all the time and that kind of thing, [00:21:59] is almost
impossible with natural stuff. But with the stuff that's out
there, it's probable that someone would become addicted
to it, based on the way that they process it.

Lucien: Okay. That's just really awesome insights and information

there. Okay.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

Dear Avocado, My mom was diagnosed with breast

cancer and M.D. Anderson in Houston [00:22:26] – one of
the most highly respected medical facilities in the world –
says that she needs radiation therapy starting at the end
of the first week in March. She was startled today when
her friend forwarded her the article below and I would
really appreciate Dave's thoughts on this issue. As much
as I respect alternative therapy, is risking a 40-60%
survival rate on alternative therapies worth it? At least
this is the way the doctors put it to her.

So this is the excerpt [00:22:49] from the article that she

forwarded to this M.D. Anderson in Houston, and here is
the quote:

"Standard cancer treatments not only often fail to

eradicate cancer but can make it worse. That argument
isn't coming from a fringe proponent of alternate
medicine but from the founder of the University of
Michigan's comprehensive Cancer Center and a pioneer
in research on why cancers recur and spread to other
parts of the body. The reason breast [00:23:22] cancer
and other malignancies often return aggressively after
treatment is that when tumor cells die under assault from
chemotherapy and radiation they give off substances
that can reactivate a special set of master cells known as
cancer stem cells, Dr. Wicha said in an interview Tuesday.

"Dr. Wicha's lab has found that inflammatory molecules secreted by

dying tumor cells can hook up with the stem cells and cause them in
effect to come out of hibernation." end quote

So that is the quote of the article saying basically how chemo, how it
not only does not cure [00:23:56] cancer, it also can exacerbate or
continue it because of its relationship to "cancer stem cells." Now she is
just I guess basically asking your opinion on that.

David: Okay. My opinion about cancer therapies is the following.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

April 2010 Interview – Part 4

David: One is we have never had such sophisticated alternative

methods for cancer therapy, period. We have never had
that. We have never had the opportunity [00:00:19] for
integrative therapies in the way that we have now. Let's
say for example somebody has a very aggressive tumor,
it's very hard, it's very big, it's breast cancer, they have
been trying alternative therapies. They can opt to
perhaps have that tumor removed and use all alternative
methods other than the actual surgery to treat their
breast and their body in a way that will allow the
[00:00:45] body to heal itself and to, you know, to come
back into a homeostasis.

The causes of cancer are vast and varied, so we can't get

into a silly kind of oversimplification like, "This is what
cancer is." There are a lot of emotional components to
cancer certainly. There are a lot of genetic factors, there
are a lot of viral factors, and it just goes on and on like
this. But what we can say is that the future of cancer
therapy is definitely alternative [00:01:15] for sure and if
it wasn't that way, then why are alternative therapies
suppressed? Alternative therapies that I have seen, like
in Mexico and what Dr. Hitt does at the William Hitt
Center in Mexico, – definitely
check out what he is doing with cancer down there. It's
totally miraculous.

And talking to him, hearing about the buyout

opportunities that he has had where the pharmaceutical
industries [00:01:44] have come to him to try to buy him
out just so he shuts down. I mean, if alternative therapies
weren't doing anything, then why would that even occur?
You know, so just to break out of you know the whole
brainwashing that is going on. Pharmaceutical industry
representatives are spending something like $500 million
a year to sell their products just in marketing. Just in
marketing alone $500 million. That is almost an

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

unimaginable number. So therefore their resources

[00:02:22] are deep and sophisticated in how they can
control media and get us to believe that their strategy is
the best strategy.

But more and more people are becoming aware, and it's
happening every single day, that they don't want to go
down the same path as their mom went their down, their
best friend, their grandmother or any other folks who
have died of a cancer disease, went the traditional
method and didn't make it. More and more people are
realizing that nobody is making [00:02:48] it with the
conventional theories.

And then just to give you an idea of how they change

things around, it used to be that you were a cancer
survivor if you were in remission for 5 years. About
10 years ago they changed it to 3 years, so if you are in
remission for 3 years you have beaten cancer with
chemotherapy. But if it came back in year 4 you are not
counted in that statistic anymore – meaning you are a
cancer survivor still even though you died of the cancer.
So just putting that out there how we can lie with
statistics [00:03:21] and how the cancer and
pharmaceutical industry does lie with statistics.

Let's keep going. There is a definite program afoot, we

have known about it for, ever since I have been in this
industry, to deceive us about cancer and to get us to go
the pharmaceutical, medical, surgical, cut, burn, poison
route. That is a route that is extremely degrading. It is
degrading to our integrity, it is degrading to our
spirituality, it is degrading to our own natural [00:03:50]
healing ability, and it does not address the real causes
which oftentimes are emotional and carcinogenic –
meaning we have been exposed to carcinogens and we
have got emotional upheavals going on, and this is
bringing the cancer to boil.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

We have a great gladiator out there, and regardless of

what you think of him, Kevin Trudeau is a great gladiator
out there fighting for our cancer freedoms so that we can
actually have the therapies that we want. Because as
[00:04:18] a free people we should be able to choose
whatever we want to. Even if it is the most quacked out
thing in the world, we should be able to choose it because
that is what free people should be able to do, and nobody
should be put into jail for any quack theory. But I will tell
you one thing: the biggest quacks going are the people
who produce no results, and that is the conventional
medical industry. The conventional medical industry has
produced more [00:04:43] deaths from cancer, more
deaths from staph infections in hospitals, more deaths
from side effects than any business ever in the history of
the world, and they are out of court. They have done their
job poorly. They have not cured cancer.

Right? Richard Nixon was boasting about curing cancer in

1971 and was promoting the American Cancer Society
and said, "We're close to a cure." No they're not. They
have never been close [00:05:12] to a cure. Because the
cure isn't, has nothing to do with their theories of cancer,
which are entirely materialistic, do not take into account
the whole being, do not take into account Chinese
medical theories on cancer, do not take into account
Ayurvedic theories on cancer, do not take into account
the raw food history of cancer treatments at places like
Hippocrates Health Institute and just don't take into
account what is happening at the very fringe of
[00:05:38] alternative health, like what Dr. Hitt is doing
or some of the ozone therapies that are available in
Mexico or even in Europe.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. So the very first
thing I always say to anybody – and I just had a person
email me today whose son is 4 years old and has
leukemia – the very first thing I say is, "I am willing to
work with you if you are willing to go alternative." If you

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

are going to go [00:05:59] medical, forget about.

Because I had a very dear friend of mine who, her son
basically was – because the husband was really into the
medical model said, "We're going totally medical. We are
going to do all this medical stuff," and a year later their
child was dead. And tried to, you know, do what I could to
intervene and provide natural alternatives, but again, you
know, the survival rates of this chemotherapy are being
skewed, we are being lied to. The [00:06:25] whole thing
is in my opinion a massive, massive environmental

One of the things that is not being talked about, about

this chemotherapy, is the environmental catastrophe of
it. Because we are dealing with radiation. When
somebody has chemotherapy and they go pee in a toilet,
for the next 3 months they pee out, 70% of that
chemotherapy is peed out into the environment as
radioactive debris that contaminates everybody and
everything. And then 30% [00:06:50] of that is retained
in their body for years afterwards and is only released
slowly. That is just only one aspect of the dangers of

Lucien: Wow.

David: So for me at this point, chemotherapy is obnoxious, is not

based on science, it is skewed by money, and it is
absolutely degrading for all the reasons I just said. We
have got to go alternative and there are plenty of
different strategies for doing that. And from a dietary
strategy [00:07:23] and what we really offer on
TheBestDayEver is we have got to cut off the food supply
of the cancer, and we know that that food supply is
sugar. We have got to cleanse and detoxify the
carcinogens that could be in our body using the different
means that we have – and there are plenty of amazing
technologies from fulvic acid to Adya Clarity to zeolites to
you know a whole host of detox products like MSM,

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

angstrom zinc, colloidal silver and [00:07:53] just an

amazing array of stuff including superfoods like chlorella
that can get in there and chelate out some of these
carcinogens. And when we put a strategy together that is
well thought out based on all the research that we have
and we apply it with the support of our family we can
then at least live in peace with ourselves. And no matter
what happens, at least we did the best we could, we put
the best foot forward, and we went for it.

And then we go for the [00:08:18] emotional healing too.

I had a friend of mine who came to see me in Reno with
his wife. His wife had third stage breast cancer. I did a
whole presentation on raw foods. This was years ago,
8 years ago probably, and what happened was is they,
they heard me and they are like, "You know what? This
raw food thing makes sense." She regained her dignity,
she got off the drugs and all the chemo and all the other
stuff that was going on, said, "I'm going alternative
[00:08:44] and I'm just gonna do it this way." She
regained her dignity. She eventually died of breast
cancer 4 years later, at home, with her family, after
spending her last year of life gardening. Now to me that –
if we are going to check out, let's at least check out with
our dignity. Let's not get sucked into this whole
rigamarole and peer pressure and fright techniques and
doomsday reports of doctors. Let's go out and let's have
strength and courage to [00:09:15] face our death in a
way that is synonymous with being a noble and holy and
sacred being instead of being cut apart and put into a
guinea pig situation that would make Josef Mengele look
like a saint. I mean, some of the stuff that goes on in
hospitals is absolutely disgusting and it's absolutely
degrading our character.

And I want to put that out there, because we are going to

step forward more and more and more against the
massive tyranny that is oppressing [00:09:49] us in our
freedom of health. And we have, again, have a great

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

support of a great gladiator in the name of Kevin Trudeau

who is out there fighting it for us and helping us out. It's
so great that he is willing to actually really sacrifice his
life to help. And you know, I look at that and I go, "Man,"
you know. Regardless of what you think of this guy, he is
really out there battling the courts straight on, and the
pharmaceutical industry hates that. They [00:10:15]
absolutely don't know what to do with him, because he is
right in their face saying, "What you are doing is wrong, it
doesn't work and it's a total scam."

Lucien: You know, the way you just answered that question at the
very get-go was that everyone should have their own
freedom, their own right to choose to treat whatever is
wrong with their body in the way that they see fit and
they should have the complete freedom to do that. And I
know one of the things that [00:10:39] really moved me
very greatly was you know recently looking at some of
the Kevin Trudeau happenings you know with you know
the court and him being thrown in jail and you know
basically the FDA saying, "We want this guy's head on a

And he is doing an interview with some people that – you

know, one of the fellows in Germany. I can't think of the
name offhand, but he wrote a best-selling cancer book
[about] how to beat cancer. What motivated him was his
mother, you know, a World War II veteran survivor, just
you know went through everything, and I think it was in
like Germany and just brute, brute depravity and horror
and hardship. Throughout all of that she carried a
massive lump in her breast – a massive lump in her
breast that anyone could see. And when [00:11:28] she
was in her – I think it was in her eighties or nineties – he
took her to a doctor for, you know, just a basic infection.
And they said, you know, "What is this huge lump in your
breast?" and she said, "Oh, it's nothing. I have had this
for you know 20-plus years. It has not caused me any
problems. I have lived with it fine." And they immediately

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

said cancer, cancer, cancer, [00:11:44] "We need to start

curing this cancer, we need to start getting you in
chemo," we need to start doing all this stuff. They
pumped her full of chemo, the chemo caused her body to
swell. He said that her body swelled three times its
normal size. When he went to visit her it was like he
wasn't even visiting a human being; it was like he was
visiting some kind of aberration of a human. She was just
puffed [00:12:04] up beyond all recognition.

And eventually the chemo killed her. And he said to the

doctors, he said, you know, "What did you do? You killed
my mother. Your chemo killed my mother," and they said,
"Oh, we had to do something. She had a lump in her
breast. We had to do something. We had to treat it. We
couldn't just not treat it." And he was so livid, he was so
angry that you know he set out to cure cancer, and now
in Germany he has a 95% cure rate [00:12:33] for cancer
through live food nutrition, juicing – green juicing, pure,
natural supplements. He just, really just put it in their
face, and now he wrote a book that's you know one of the
number one best-sellers in Germany and around the
world. Only Answer to Cancer by Dr. Leonard Coldwell.

And you know, what we are doing in TheBestDayEver is

we are giving people, like [00:12:51] you said at the
beginning of the answer to that question, is we are giving
people the freedom to deal with their health problems in
the way that they see fit and the way that works. And
when we begin relying on someone like the FDA – you
know, we look at the FDA and they have approved
aspartame. The FDA has said aspartame is okay for you.
You can go ahead and consume as much aspartame as
you want and there are no problems.

So now I don't know if [00:13:18] people have noticed,

but if you look at some of the commercials on television,
the soda companies have now – you know, Pepsi, Coke –
they have all got together and formed an alliance, like a

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

coalition to drop the calorie intake of soda by 88%. I'm

sure some of you – you must have seen these
commercials, you know, "We've all got together. We've
made a determination to drop the calorie content of
sodas by 88%." What they are not telling you is the
[00:13:41] way they are dropping the calorie content is
the chemical sweetener aspartame. They are not going to
use sugar; they are going to use aspartame. And
aspartame is going to kill you, but the FDA says hey, you
can have as much aspartame as you want. It's fine.

And one of the things we have talked about in

TheBestDayEver and you know Kevin Trudeau is talking
about is aspartame actually, in the original studies, it

David: You know, what gets us, Lou, [00:14:04] this is my

opinion. What gets us, what deceives us is we are too
innocent. You see, we are becoming step-by-step more
sophisticated. There is no question about it. But we are so
innocent in general that what is going on is that we are
like – we are fooled. We are like, "No, this guy is a doctor
and he must know what he is doing." And I want to say
something that I have been saying in my lectures over
the last year that is I think very insightful [00:14:34] and
very important little bit of a, of a lever that you can use
on your own consciousness whenever you get confused.
And that is, if you get the smartest people in the world on
the wrong theory they will be chasing their tail for a
thousand years and delivering no results. And that is in
essence the cancer industry. That is western medicine.
It's just bad theories. It's a bad idea.

My friend Joe Polish [spelling?] says, [00:15:08] "Nothing

with cost you more, nothing with hurt you more, nothing
will distract you more than bad information." What a
powerful concept.

Lucien: That's amazing. And I know one of the things that you are

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

a crusader of, David, is that you give people good

theories, good information, good alternatives, good
options for their health. And everyone should have the
complete freedom and opportunity to pursue those.

And the one thing that I have seen, the one thing that
[00:15:41] just hooked me you know when I was 350 lbs.
and a complete you know mess and eating pizza and all
that other stuff was that I had to look at Len and
Rebecca. You know, Len, who started this website with
you and you know Rebecca, his wife who organized the
Longevity Conference. I had to look at them and say,
"Look. They are doing something different and they have
different results that I want." And when you go to the
Longevity Conference, when [00:16:05] you talk to
people who have been on TheBestDayEver, and doing –
and if you meet someone who has been doing everything
you have been recommending, you meet someone who is
in an incredible state of health. You don't meet someone
who says, "Oh, I've done everything David Wolfe
recommended and look, I'm 100 lbs. overweight, I really
don't feel good and I'm really sick." If you meet someone
who has been doing all these things, you meet someone
[00:16:26] who is an extraordinary state of health.

And it's the freedom and the opportunity that we are

giving people through information to take that to
wherever they want to take it. If they want to take it on a
very basic level, that's fine. We always support people
who want to do that extent, 100% raw, full superherb
supplements, everything, then you will get the results
that you, that you create the cause for.

David: Thank [00:16:53] you. I mean, I feel like inevitably – and

it's happening. You have seen it happen, Lou, that the
information itself that we have been putting out there will
eventually, it will eventually, it will conjure together
everybody in the natural healing field. Because ultimately
the health information cannot be contradictory to itself.

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

April 2010 Interview – Part 5

David: I mean, health information all has to fit together in some

kind of a dynamic way, and [00:00:13] step-by-step we
are getting closer. That is what we were referencing
earlier when we were talking about like everybody
getting on the same page – the vegetarians, the
carnivores, the you know Dr. Mercola and Paul Stamets
with George Lamoureux and David Wolfe. It's just, it's all
kind of coming together. We are all like, "Oh, okay. I see
what you are doing here. Now I get it. Okay. Now I see
what this is," and step-by-step-by-step it will [00:00:34]
be a force to be reckoned with. It already is, and you
know I haven't even talked about some of the folks out
there like, like Mike Adams, Kevin Trudeau, because
those guys – obviously Mike Adams is on board, but those
guys like Kevin Trudeau, he is right there with us too, I
mean in terms of the information. He is just at one, he is
one step away from getting the entire download of what
happened at the Longevity Conference. I mean, it's like
[00:01:05] that. We are so close to having that wall that
is going to move forward where everybody sees it and
goes, "Oh. Okay." And it's the doctors and professionals
and health experts and fitness gurus and everything all
working together, and that is what it is going to take.

Lucien: It's going to be amazing. And for some people listening

who might think, "Well, why didn't he show up at the last
Longevity Conference?" well I'll tell you why. Because the
judge that threw [00:01:29] him in jail for obstruction of
justice for giving his email out to all of his listeners
saying, "Hey look, this judge is saying that I can't tell
people that they can cure themselves naturally. He is
fining me. If you want to give him your opinion, email him
at such-and-such judge at" They crashed
his email server. The judge became livid, upset, fined
him, threw him in jail and actually said he could not leave
the State of Illinois, which [00:01:56] is why he could not

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

join us for the last longevity conference – because he it

was an injunction that he couldn't leave the State of
Illinois because he had caused some kind of breach of
judicial security.

But you are right on the money, that this is just, it's just
at the breaking point where everyone is going to get
together and realize that you know, the collective masses
when empowered through information can [00:02:21]
bring down all the false concepts, all the false theory. And
I think you said it in the last interview, you said
something that really struck me. You said, "All secrets will
be known." It's the end of all secrets. And all the little
secrets and all the things that are hidden and kept quiet,
all those thing are going to be revealed, and once all that
is out in the open there is nowhere to go but forward.

David: Right, right. Totally. I mean [00:02:44] it's – and, and

then you know what are, what are we going to do about
it? At that point it's, it's, we are going to step into a
deeper level of freedom. I mean we, really what we are
doing, and really what TheBestDayEver really represents
is it's a force for freedom in the world. So everybody who
is listening right now, is a force for
freedom. You are actually helping, by your subscription to
this website, [00:03:12] to create the possibility that
more people can find out about this information, thus
creating more freedom in the world. That then creates
the possibility of even more freedom, and it just goes on
like this.

So we thank you for your continued support and we ask

you to spread the word as far and wide as you possibly
can, because this website is the cutting edge of health in
the world. It is. It is the very cutting edge of health in the
world, and that is a [00:03:39] startling statement. It is a
startling possibility.

Lucien: It's amazing. And you know what really came home to

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

me, Dave, was when we did the Longevity Conference

and Dr. Mercola, who is just an amazing force of
mainstream alternative health – I mean, what he is doing
is amazing, because he is reaching so many millions of
people through his raw food and especially his non-drug
approach is that when he was at our events he kept
saying, "Who are you people? Where [00:04:05] did you
come from? What the heck is going on and why didn't I
know about this earlier?" Like, "No one told me." It's
almost like we had this little microcosm if cutting edge
information that is just now budding forth into the
mainstream, and I guess I just took it for granted that
well, you know, anyone who is interested in health kind of
knows this stuff.

But actually, they don't. When you are on and when [00:04:30] you are
connected with David Wolfe and you are connected with
people like you know Truth Calkins, you are at another
level of health. You are at a different level of health. And
even though someone might be mainstream, more well-
known, have a million people on their mailing list, we are
still leading the curve in terms of where things are going.
And, like you said, it's all coming together. We are all
making connections with these people. And it really
struck [00:04:58] me at this last Longevity Conference,
like, "Wow," like I guess I didn't realize how ahead of the
curve we were.

David: I was struck by that too, Lou. I really was. That particular
thing struck me. Like when I actually realized what Dr.
Mercola's level of knowledge was and wasn't, I was like,
"Whoa." I was like shocked. Then I realized we are in such
a bubble – just as you realized.

By the way, before we let this [00:05:26] cancer issue go,

Dr. Mercola and I are going to be doing an interview in
June, and he sent a request today as to what we wanted
to discuss, and I put in there cancer, inflammation and

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

disease. That is what we are going to be focusing on in

our conversation together. So if you are dealing with
cancer, please stay tuned for that interview. I am sure it
is going to be an incredible interview on the subject.

And actually, Lou, we'll see how that interview [00:05:56]

goes with Dr. Mercola, which is going to be happening
here in about 7 weeks. If before that anybody really
wants to get a focused interview on cancer itself, I would
really like to do that, because as we get the second
edition of the LongevityNOW program out, which is going
to be coming out in the next few weeks here – actually
probably in the next 6 weeks – but I'm just finishing up
that final edit on it this week, what is going to happen is,
is I [00:06:21] am going to be referencing that, I am
going to be talking about some of the alternative
therapies, we are going to lay out all our choices, and I
can go all the way deep into what I know about cancer,
which I rarely have the opportunity to do. Maybe
sometimes at the end of a retreat after we have been in
it together for 5 days I can really kind of lay it out, but I
do want to get there with our, with our members at some
point, and maybe that Dr. Mercola [00:06:42] interview
will precipitate it, maybe we will do it before, maybe
after, something. We'll see how it goes.

Lucien: That's fantastic news. I mean, Dr. Mercola is, is someone

that is really giving the mainstream public a real option in
terms of natural health, non-drug therapy. He is someone
that we are so amazingly – we are just so happy to align
ourselves with him it's unbelievable. And these
alignments are just producing such amazing results, and
it really [00:07:15] feels like you have been accumulating
this huge wealth of knowledge that is now really going to
have its payoff when it reaches the mainstream people,
and you know, I hope people on TheBestDayEver really
feel and appreciate how fortunate they are, because one
thing I walked away from the Longevity Conference is,
you know, how lucky am I to go from where I was to just

April 2010 Interview with David Wolfe

being able to just have access to this information and

that passion of getting out there. And [00:07:41] I kind of
got a feeling like, you know, I can see – I can see why
people like David, Clint Ober, you know, Dr. Mercola, you
see how bad things are but not dwelling on the bad but
dwelling on how good things can be in the next 10, 20
years, like where we can really takes in terms of health
and longevity and you know helping millions and millions
of people.

This is a really exciting time, and definitely we will be

doing a cancer interview. This is something [00:08:11]
that – it's been waiting to be done for 10 years on
TheBestDayEver. We have been waiting to do a cancer
interview for 10 years, and I think now – it seems like now
is the time where we are not afraid, we are not holding
back anymore, we are actually on the offensive and are
saying, "Look. This is where we need to go, we are going
to lead the way," and you know it will be an honor and
privilege to do a cancer interview with you and really get
people [00:08:32] on board in terms of how to deal with

David: Totally. Totally excited to do that. I think that's the best

news ever.


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