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K.V. No.

Class VI
Q 1. You are the manager of a restaurant, make a list of food items you would serve in lunch.
Q 2. What measures are to be taken to avoid wastage of food.
Q3. Why are humans considered omnivores?
Q 4. List the ingredients of any five food items you relish.
Q5. Form pairs of words in group A with words in group B.
AMustard plant, Nectar, Beetroot, carnivore, omnivore.
B-- Honey, sugar, oil, humans, tiger.
Q6. Name two aquatic plants eaten as food.

Q1. Why is it necessary to have fresh and un-cooked vegetables and fruits in our diets.
Q2. Doctors advice us to drink atleast two litres of water daily why?
Q3. What happens when wheat flour is sieved before making dough?
Q4. It is not good to wash vegetables and fruits after cutting, why?
Q5. Rice and pulses must not be washed repeatedly , why?
Q6. Prove that, milk you drink contains proteins.
Q7. How will you check whether rice contains starch.
Q 8. What will happen to a person who is not getting enough carbohydrates and proteins.
Q 9. You are advised not to drink coca-cola, pepsietc, find the reason.
Q 10. Make a diet chart of pregnant mother and of small baby.
Q 11. Find out harmful effects of eating only Junk food like potato chips, pizzas, burgers etc.
Q 12. What happens when we overeat always?

Class VII
Q1. What are Nutrients?
Q2. How humans and animals are directly or indirectly dependent on plants?
Q3. What is food?Why do we need food?
Q4. What is Nutrition?
Q5. Whether food is made in all parts of a plant or only in certain parts?
Q6. How do plants obtain the raw materials from the surroundings?
Q7. How do the raw materials transport them to the food factories of the plants?
Q8. What are the main requirements of photo synthesis?
Q9. Explain the process of Photosynthesis with the help of a labelled diagram?
Q10. How would you test the presence of starch on leaves?
Q11. Why are leaves called the food factories of plants? Explain.
Q12. Why sun is called the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?
Q13. What are the main components presents in carbohydrates?
Q14. What is parasitic nutrition?
Q15. How Pitcher plants get their nutrition?
Q16. Why does the pitcher plant feed on insects though it is green?
Q17. What is saprotrophic nutrition? What is the mode of nutrition in fungi?
Q18. How do fungi appear suddenly during the rainy season?
Q19. What is Symbiosis? What do you understand by symbiotic relationship present in some
Q20. How nutrients are replenished in soil?
Q21. How do leguminous plants help replenishing soil fertility?
Q22. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotrophs.

Class VIII
Q1. Fill in the blanks:I) Coffee and tea are classified as .. crops.
II) The implement used to sow seeds is called a .
III) A common nitrogenous fertilizer is ..............
IV) The first step before growing crops is ............................ of the soil.
V) Damaged seeds would on top of water.
Q2. Name two broad cropping patterns.
Q3. Mention the names of two kharif crops.
Q4. Write two uses of plough.
Q5. What are weeds? Give examples.
Q6. What is hoe? What is its use?
Q7. List various agricultural practices.
Q8. Explain the important takes employed in the preparation of soil.
Q9. If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
Q10. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.
Q11. Explain some harmful effects of using fertilisers.
Q12. How do the grains stored and prevented?
Q13. What do you know about Harvest Festival?
Q14. What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?
Q15. Explain in detail.
a) Differences between manure and fertilizer.
b) Various types of animals that provide food for human consumption.
Q16. How can we control weeds?
Q17. Explain how fertilizers are different from manure.
Q18. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.

Matter in Our Surroundings
Q1: Define matter.What are the characteristics of matter?
Q2: How matter is classified in terms of physical state?
Q3: How matter is classified in terms of composition?
Q4: What are different physical states of matter? Name their properties as well?
Q5: Name matter classification in terms of composition.
Q6: Define the terms Density and Volume.
Q7: Explain the following terms with suitable examples:
a. Evaporation
b. Sublimation
c. Condensation
Q8. Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat of vaporisation.
Q9. Define the term Volatile Liquid.
Q10. Define the following terms:
a. Melting point
b. Freezing point
c. Boiling point
Q11. Which of the following are matter?
Chair, Air, Love, Smell, Hate, Almonds, Thought, Cold, Cold drinks, Smell of perfume
Q12.Give reasons for the following observations. The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you
several meters away, but to get smell from cold food you have to go close.
Q13: Why do gases diffuse rapidly?
Q14: The mass per unit volume of a substance is called density (density=mass/volume).
Arrange the following in order of increasing density:
Air, Exhaust from chimneys, Honey, Water, Chalk, Cotton and Iron.
Q15: Explain compressibility in gases with an example?
Q16: What is SI unit of temperature? Give mathematical relation also.
Q17: Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale:
(a) 300 K
(b) 573 K
Q18: Draw diagram to show interconversion among states of matter.
Q19: Define transpiration.
Q20: After rains when do rain drops dry away easily on a cloudy day or on a sunny day?
Give reasons for your answer.
Q21: A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does
this observation show?
Q22: Our own bodies contain examples of all three states of matter. Can you identify these?
Q23: What is the physical state of water at the following temperatures?
(a) 25 C
(b) 0 C
(c) 100 C
Q24: What do you mean by change in state? Explain with an example.

Q25: Why do diffusion become faster at higher temperatures?

Q26: How can matter change its state?
Q27: Define boiling. Why boiling is considered as bulk phenomenon?
Q28: Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during melting and boiling
even when heat is being supplied to it continuously?
Q29: What is evaporation? Why does evaporation cause cooling?
Q30: What are the differences between boiling and evaporation?
Q31: Why is light not considered matter? .
Q32 Why does steam cause more sever burns than boiling water, though both are at same
Q33: What is a dry ice and what are its properties?
Q34: How vapour is different from gases? Give examples of each.
Q35: Why do solids expand a bit on heating and contract a bit on cooling?

Class X
Q1. What happens to idly dough when it is kept at room temperature on a summer day?
Q2. People living in coastal areas use plastic articles rather than iron articles for their day to
day activities. Why?
Q3. The decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is an example of what type of
reaction? Explain why.
Q4. Which term is used to indicate the development of unpleasant smell and taste in
butter and oil containing food?
Q5. What colour difference would you observe on burning a candle and a magnesium ribbon?
Q6. Ashok wanted his house to white washed. He bought 10kg quick lime from market and
dissolved it in 30 litres of water. On adding lime to water he noticed that bubbles were
produced and the solution becomes hot. Give reason and name the product formed.
Q7. Arun took a pale green substance X in a test tube, and heated it over a flame. He
observed a colour change along with evolution of two gases with the smell of burning sulphur
(a) Identify X. (b) Identify the product formed. (c) Write the equation.
(d) Identify the type of chemical reaction.
Q8. Grey coloured metal X is used in making dry cell. It is also used for coating iron metal
to prevent it from rusting .When granules of X are added to blue solution of compound of a
reddish brown metal Y, the colour of the solution gets discharged and metal Y is formed.
Identify X and Y. Write the chemical reaction and identify the type of reaction.
Q9. A compound X is used for drinking has pH=7.Its acidified solution in presence
of electricity undergoes decomposition to produce gases Y and Z. The volume of Y
is double than Z. Y is highly combustible where as Z is a supporter of
combustion. Identify X,Y,Z and write the chemical reactions involved.
Q10. A metal nitrate solution A is added to reddish brown metal B. The metal present
in A is used for making jewellery and turns black in air, very thin foils of metal are used
to decorate sweets. The compound C formed on chemical reaction is blue in colour

and metal present in A is formed. Identify A B and C and write chemical

reactions involved.
Q11. Silver articles develop black coating and copper articles develop green coating. Which
chemical phenomenon is responsible for this coating?
Q12. An aqueous solution of metal nitrate X reacts with Sodium bromide solution to
.form yellow precipitate of compound Y which is used in photography. Y on exposure
to sunlight, undergoes decomposition reaction to form metal present in X along with
gas. Identify X and Y. Write the chemical reaction and identify the type of reaction.
Q13. Project work:
Prepare a model (preferably a working model ) to show how we can conserve our
natural resources.
( The natural resources includes sunlight, water, wind energy, forests, coal, etc. )
Submit a project report along with the model.

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