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The cycloalkanes are a family having C-C single bonds in a ring structure.
They have the general molecular formula CnH2n and thus have two fewer
hydrogen atoms than the corresponding alkane (CnH2n+2) (Denninston,2008:338).
An aliphatic compound cyclic equal to alifabetik open chain. Hydrocarbon cyclic
have the general formula CnH2n ( equal to olefin ), have no the double bond but
having a single ring. Ring formed by a of a cluster of methylene (-CH2-) and known
as the polimetilen. Many carbon atoms indicated by prefix (Riswiyanto, 2009:47). In
1885 adolf von baeyer, a chemist germany, blasted the theory that cyclic
compound form rings flat. But cyclopentene all cyclic compound suffer ( thrilled by
not feel ), because the bond ( bond angle ) they deviate from a 109.5 tetrahedral
(Fessenden, 1986:124). That atoms in an alkane karbonnya join in the form of a ring
known as cycloalkane. Cycloalkane have the general formula CnH2n with n = 3, 4,
(Chang, 2004:339).
Compound the ketone named by replacing suffix -na in alkanes with -non.
Chain main have to containing a ketone group, and a ketone group were given
priority main to the number lowest ( a number 1 ). In compounds cyclo, the carbonyl
group given number 1 (Riswiyanto, 2009:51). In system IUPAC, suffix for the ketone
is -on ( of the last syllable the ketone ). Chain numbering so that carbon carbonyl
had a lowest. The name general the ketones formed by adding said the ketone on
the name of an alkyl group or aril attached to carbon carbonyl (Hart, 2003:272). On
ketones, carbon atoms on the carbonyl group attached to two hydrocarbon groups .
Ketones usually less reactive compared with aldehydes. Ketones the simplest is
acetone, a liquid smelling used especially as a solvent for organic compounds and a
nail polish (Chang, 2004:352).
Most of the manufacture of the ketone of a method nearly the same with
methods of synthesis of compounds aldehyde. The ketone of a method of synthesis
of them secondary the oxidation of alcohol, ozonolisis alkene, acilation of FriedelCrafts, and hydration alkyne (Riswiyanto, 2009:240). Preparation of ketones are
prepared primarily by the oxidation of the corresponding alcohol. As we saw, the
oxidation of methyl alcohol gives methanal (formaldehyde). The oxidation of a
primary alcohol produces an aldehyde, and the oxidation of a secondary alcohol
yields a ketone (Denninston, 2008:446). One of the most useful is the oxidation of
alcohol. The oxidation of alcohol produces aldehyde primary, and oxidation of
alcohol produces the ketone of secondary. Chromium reagents as piridinium
chlorochromate ( PCC ) are often used in laboratories for this purpose (Hart,
Aldehydes are easily oxidize further to carboxylic acids, whereas ketones do
not generally undergo further oxidation. Aldehydes are susceptible to air oxidation,
even at room temperature and cannot be stored for long periods. The following

example shows a general equation for the oxidation of an aldehyde to a carboxylic

RX (Denninston, 2008:448)
Oxidation alcohol secondary can oxidized with some oxidizing be ketones. An
election oxidizing hanging from some facto, including the reaction, costs, and acid a
sensitive on his alcohol: RX
Acilation Friedel-Crafts, reaction asilasi Friedel-Crafts was an effective way to enter
an acetyl group into the nucleus benzene. The reaction was products of aril the
ketone. In addition, acilation of Friedel-Crafts could also be done by using anhydride
carboxylic acid, for example :
(Riswiyanto, 2009:241)

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