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America is not Rome

Saving the Republic ACT

Saving the Republic ACT

Securing the US-Mexico border effectively with an electrified

border wall, drones, boats in the water and hiring more border
patrol agents from eliminating all forms of waste spending.
Deporting illegal Immigrants who are in gangs, committing crimes,
on welfare and public assitance.
Increasing Immigration and making it easier for people(s) with
Engineering, Science, Mathematics and Doctorates Degrees to
legally enter the United States to come live, work and start new
businesses in America.
A special immigrant visa for rich investors from around the world
to come to the United States of America.
People on Public Assitance and recieving food stamps are not
allowed to use food stamps to purchase luxury items such as
Chicken, Steak, Beer, Ciggarettes and Fast food.
Test trial period Medical Marijuanna making it legal for people to
grow it and sell it with the stipulation that there pay a simple
business franchise tax rate of 18% guranteering to bring $2
Billlions Dollars in revenue for the United States Government.

Training Young workers in Construction and Welding

Skills and investing in Pipeline networks between
Mexico, Canada, The United States and the respective
states to easily transport Oil, Gas and other chemicals
creating Millions of Welding and Construction Jobs for
Making it economically viable for American farmers to
grow more yield, Tobbaco, Coffee, Cotton, Sugar and
Rice hiring American workers and also creating millions
of mining jobs for coal and other minerals to be
exported around the world.
Returning back to the Gold Standard and valuing the
US Dollar with a stable commodity such as Gold or
silver, strengthening US Currency through the
purchasing power of gold.
Rebuilding the Military by monitoring recruits,
mandating the US Military to do severe background
checks on all recruits, not permitting gang members,
racists, those on welfare, single mothers, irreligious
people and those people without a high school or
college diploma to join the service.

Official toleration of all Abrahamic Faith, recongizing their great

traditions and requiring Children be taught great moral compass
and civics from all the teachings of Jesus Christ and the prophets
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the School Curriculum and
labelling Satanism, Freemasonry, and Ursurpers cults which do
have first amendment protection but those who pracitise such are
ineligible to hold public office for mental reasons.
Free and Accessible Birth Control, Morning After Pill and
Sterilization pills for low income women.
Moderate increase in the Federal Minimum Wage to $12
More Investments in Charter Schools, repealing No child left
behind and sending all Education funding back to the States.
Delagating all Health Care funding back to the States and allow for
States that desire a free market system to implent one and for
States that desire a single payer system to do so.
Work requirement for able bodied people on welfare and public
assitance and issuing them saving accounts to encourage savings
and uplift themselves out of poverty.

Small and Big Business Liberation

1. Cutting all Regulations on Small and Big Business,
making it easy to start and expand a business.
2. Implenting a simple 18% flat tax on all Business,
abolishing the Federal Income tax, payroll tax and
property taxes.
3. Federal Tort Reform to empower Doctors and all
people that have medical practise to improve health
care and lower costs.
4. Make it easier to acquire a business license as fast 1
day, 3 or 2 no more than a week.
5. Co-operate Inversion of Money overseas by providing a
tax haven for it's return.
6. Education reform training up the best and well trained
work force of the world.

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