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Definition effects caused by antipsychotic drugs may come and

go, so biperiden may not be needed on a regular basis.

Biperiden is classified as an antiparkinsonian agent. It Biperiden may also be prescribed to prevent these side
is sold in the United States under the brand name of effects before they actually occur. This is called as
Akineton. prophylactic (preventative) therapy.

Read more: Biperiden - dose, children, effects,
therapy, drug, person, people, used, medication, brain, Biperiden should never be used in children under age
effect, health, Definition, Purpose, Description, three. It should be used cautiously and with close
Recommended dosage, Precautions physician supervision in older children and in the elderly. Biperiden, like all anticholinergic drugs,
Br/Biperiden.html#ixzz0fESIxN59 decreases sweating and the body's ability to cool itself.
People who are unaccustomed to being outside in hot
Biperiden is used to treat a group of side effects weather should take care to stay as cool as possible
(called parkinsonian side effects) that include tremors, and drink extra fluids. People who are chronically ill,
difficulty walking, and slack muscle tone. These side have a central nervous system disease, or who work
effects may occur in patients who are taking outside during hot weather may need to avoid taking
antipsychotic medications used to treat mental biperiden.
disorders such as schizophrenia .
People who have the following medical problems may
Description experience increased negative side effects when taking
biperiden. Anyone with these problems should discuss
their condition with their physician before starting the
Some medicines, called antipsychotic drugs, that are drug:
used to treat schizophrenia and other mental disorders
can cause side effects that are similar to the symptoms
of Parkinson's disease. The patient does not have • glaucoma, especially closed-angle glaucoma
Parkinson's disease, but he or she may experience • intestinal obstruction
shaking in muscles while at rest, difficulty with • prostate enlargement
voluntary movements, and poor muscle tone. These • urinary bladder obstruction
symptoms are similar to the symptoms of Parkinson's
Although rare, some patients experience euphoria
while taking biperiden and may abuse it for this
One way to eliminate these undesirable side effects is reason. Euphoria can occur at doses only two to four
to stop taking the antipsychotic medicine. times the normal daily dose. Patients with a history of
Unfortunately, the symptoms of the original mental drug abuse should be observed carefully for biperiden
disorder usually come back, so in most cases simply abuse.
stopping the antipsychotic medication is not a
reasonable option. Some drugs such as biperiden that
control the symptoms of Parkinson's disease also Side effects
control the parkinsonian side effects of antipsychotic
medicines. Although biperiden helps control the side effects of
antipsychotic drugs, it can produce side effects of its
Biperiden works by restoring the chemical balance own. A person taking biperiden may have some of the
between dopamine and acetylcholine, two following side effects, which may vary in intensity:
neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain . Taking
biperiden along with the antipsychotic medicine helps • dry mouth
to control symptoms of the mental disorder, while
• dry skin
reducing parkinsonian side effects. Biperiden is in the
same family of drugs (commonly known as • blurred vision
anticholinergic drugs) as benztropine , amantadine , • nausea or vomiting
and trihexyphenidyl . • constipation
• disorientation
Recommended dosage • drowsiness
• irritability
Biperiden is available in 2-mg tablets. For the • increased heart rate
treatment of tremor, poor muscle tone, and similar • urinary retention
parkinsonian side effects, the dose of biperiden is 2
mg orally one to three times daily. Parkinson-like side
Dry mouth, if severe to the point of causing difficulty INDICATION / USES:
in speaking or swallowing, may be managed by •Organic Psychoses
dosage reduction or temporary discontinuation of the • acute psychotic symptoms
drug. Chewing sugarless gum or sucking on sugarless • Relieve hallucinations, delusions, disorganized
candy may also help to increase the flow of saliva. thinking
Some artificial saliva products may give temporary • severe anxiety
relief. • seizures

Men with prostate enlargement may be especially

prone to urinary retention. Symptoms of this problem COMMON ADVERSE EFFECTS:
include having difficulty starting a urine flow and •CNS: extrapyramidal symptom such as muscle
more difficulty passing urine than usual. This side rigidity or spasm, shuffling gait, posture leaning
effect may be severe and require discontinuation of the forward, drooling, masklike facial appearance,
drug. Urinary retention may require catheterization. dysphagia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, headache,
People who think they may be experiencing any side seizures.
effects from this or any other medication should tell •CV: tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension,
their physicians. orthostatic hypertension.
•EENT: blurred vision, glaucoma
Patients who take an overdose of biperiden are treated • GI: dry mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
with forced vomiting, removal of stomach contents constipation, diarrhea, weight gain.
and stomach washing, activated charcoal, and • GU: urinary frequency, urine retention, impotence,
respiratory support if needed. They are also given enuresis, amenorrhea, gynecomastia
physostigmine, an antidote for anticholinergic drug • Hematologic: anemia, leucopenia, agranulocytosis
poisoning. • Skin: rash, dermatitis, phtosensitivity

• seizure disorder
• glaucoma
When drugs such as biperiden are taken with • elderly clients
antidepressants such as amitriptyline , imipramine ,
trimipramine , desipramine , nortriptyline , NURSING CONSIDERATIONS:
protriptyline , amoxapine , and doxepin , as well as • Assess mental status prior to and periodically during
with many antihistamines that also have therapy.
anticholinergic properties, the effects of biperiden are • Monitor BP and pulse prior to and frequently during
usually intensified. the period of dosage adjustment. May cause QT
interval changes on ECG.
Drugs such as biperiden decrease the speed with • Observe patient carefully when administering
which food moves through the stomach and intestines. medication, to ensure that medication is actually taken
Because of this, it is possible that the absorption of and not hoarded.
some drugs may be enhanced by biperiden. Patients •Monitor I&O ratios and daily eight. Assess patient for
receiving biperiden should be observed for unusual signs and symptoms of dehydration.
responses to other drugs they might be taking. • Monitor for development of neuroleptic malignant
syndrome (fever, respiratory distress, tachycardia,
Generic name: seizures, diaphoresis, hypertension or hypotension,
haloperidol pallor, tiredness, severe muscle stiffness, loss of
bladder control. Report symptoms immediately. May
also cause leukocytosis, elevated liver function tests,
Brand name: elevated CPK.
Haldol • Advise patient to take medication as directed. Take
missed doses as soon as remembered, witih remaining
Preparations: doses evenly spaced through out the day. May require
Tablets: 0.5mg, 1mg, 2mg, 5mg, 10mg several weeks to obtain desired effects. Do not
increase dose or discontinue medication without
consulting health care professional. Abrupt withdrawal
CLASSIFICATION: Antipsychotics
may cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, GI upset,
trembling, or uncontrolled movements of mouth,
ACTION: tongue or jaw.
• Alters the effects of dopamine in the CNS
• Also has anticholinergic and alpha-adrenergic
Lithium is commonly used to treat mania and bipolar
blocking activity.
depression (manic-depression or bipolar disorder ).
• Diminished signs and symptoms of psychoses
Less commonly, lithium is used to treat certain mood
disorders, such as schizoaffective disorder and Precautions
aggressive behavior and emotional instability in adults
and children. Rarely is lithium taken to treat Because lithium intoxication may be serious and even
depression in the absence of mania. When this is the life-threatening, blood concentrations of lithium
case, it is usually taken in addition to other should be measured weekly during the first four weeks
antidepressant medications. of therapy and less often after that.

Description Patients taking lithium should have their thyroid

function monitored and maintain an adequate sodium
Lithium salts have been used in medical practice for (salt) and water balance. Lithium should not be used
about 150 years. Lithium salts were first used to treat or used only with very close physician supervision by
gout. It was noted in the 1880s that lithium was people with kidney impairment, heart disease, and
somewhat effective in the treatment of depression, and other conditions that affect sodium balance. Dosage
in the 1950s lithium was seen to improve the reduction or complete discontinuation may be
symptoms of bipolar disease. The way lithium works necessary during infection, diarrhea, vomiting, or
in the body is unclear, but its therapeutic benefits are prolonged fast. Patients who are pregnant, breast-
probably related to its effects on other electrolytes feeding, those over age 60, and people taking diuretics
such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. ("water pills") should discuss the risks and benefits of
Lithium is taken either as lithium carbonate tablets or lithium treatment with their doctor before beginning
capsules or as lithium citrate syrup. therapy. Lithium should be discontinued 24 hours
before a major surgery, but may be continued
The therapeutic effects of lithium may appear slowly. normally for minor surgical procedures.
Maximum benefit is often not evident for at least two
weeks after starting the drug. People taking lithium Side effects
should be aware of this and continue taking the drug
as directed even if they do not see immediate changes Tremor is the most common neurological side effect.
in mood. Lithium tremor is an irregular, non-rhythmic twitching
of the arms and legs that is variable in both intensity
Lithium is available in 300-mg tablets and capsules, and frequency. Lithium-induced tremor occurs in
300-mg and 450-mg sustained-release tablets, and a approximately half of persons taking this medication.
syrup containing approximately 300 mg per The chance of tremor decreases if the dose is reduced.
teaspoonful. Acute lithium toxicity (poisoning) can result in
neurological side effects, ranging from confusion and
Recommended dosage coordination impairment, to coma, seizures , and
death. Other neurological side effects associated with
lithium therapy include lethargy, memory impairment,
Depending on the patient's medical needs, age, weight, difficulty finding words, and loss of creativity.
and kidney function, doses of lithium can range from
600 to 2,400 mg per day, although most patients will
be stabilized on 600 to 1,200 mg per day. Patients who About 30 to 35% of patients experience excessive
require large amounts of lithium often benefit from the thirst and urination, usually due to the inability of the
addition of another anti-manic drug, which may allow kidneys to retain water and sodium. However, lithium
the dose of lithium to be lowered. is not known to cause kidney damage.

Generally, lithium is taken two or three times daily. Lithium inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormone.
However, the entire dose may be taken at once if the About 10 to 20% of patients treated with lithium
physician believes that a single daily-dose program develop some degree of thyroid insufficiency, but they
will increase patient compliance . The single dose usually do not require supplementation with thyroid
schedule is especially helpful for people who are hormone tablets.
forgetful and may skip doses on a multiple dose
schedule. Additionally, evidence indicates that once- Gastrointestinal side effects include loss of appetite,
daily doses are associated with fewer side effects. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Weight
gain is another common side effect for patients
More than with any other drug used in the treatment of receiving long-term treatment. Changes in saliva flow
mental disorders, it is essential to maintain lithium and enlargement of the salivary glands may occur. An
blood levels within a certain narrow range to derive increase in tooth cavities and the need for dental care
the maximum therapeutic benefit while minimizing among patients taking lithium has been reported.
serious negative side effects. It is important that
people taking lithium have their blood levels of Skin reactions to lithium are common but can usually
lithium measured at regular intervals. be managed without discontinuing lithium therapy.
Lithium may worsen folliculitis (inflammation of hair •
follicle), psoriasis, and acne. Thinning of the hair may Nu/Lithium-carbonate.html,
occur, and, less commonly, hair loss may be
experienced. Swollen feet are an uncommon side haloperidol-haldol-164/
effect that responds to dose reduction.
Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant that is structurally
Electrocardiographic (EKG) abnormalities may occur related to tricyclic antidepressants such as
with lithium therapy, but significant cardiovascular amitriptyline and imipramine . In the United States,
effects are uncommon except as the result of carbamazepine is sold under the trade names Tegretol
deliberate or accidental overdose. and Carbatrol.

A mild-to-moderate increase in the number of white Purpose

blood cells is a frequent side effect of lithium.
Conversely, lithium may slow the formation of red
Carbamazepine is effective in the treatment of
blood cells and cause anemia.
psychomotor and grand mal seizures and a type of
facial pain called trigeminal neuralgia and, in
Increased risk of fetal cardiovascular disease may be combination with other drugs, for psychiatric
associated with the use of lithium during pregnancy, disorders such as mania and extreme aggression.
especially during the first trimester (first three Carbamazepine is also occasionally used to control
months). For this reason, once a woman becomes pain in persons with cancer.
pregnant, lithium should be discontinued until the
second or third trimester and the patient receives
alternative treatments for her mania.

Carbamazepine was first marketed as an anti-seizure

medication and as a first-line treatment for trigeminal
neuralgia. Because it was later noted to be effective in
People taking lithium should always be concerned that patients with certain psychiatric disorders,
other medications they are taking may adversely psychiatrists began combining it with other drugs such
interact with it; patients should consult their physician as lithium and major tranquilizers in severe cases of
or pharmacists about these interactions. The following bipolar disease and aggressive behavior that could not
list represents just some of the medications that be managed with single-drug therapy.
lithium may interact with to either (a) increase or
decrease the effectiveness of the lithium or (b)
Carbamazepine is available in 100-mg chewable
increase or decrease the effectiveness of the other
tablets, 200-mg capsules and a suspension at 100 mg
per 5 ml of liquid.

• angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Recommended dosage

such as captopril, lisinopril, or enalapril
• non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such
When used to treat seizure disorders or psychiatric
as ibuprofen or naprosyn
disease, the recommended initial dosage of
• diuretics (water pills) such as carbamazepine is 200 mg two times each day. If
hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, or needed, the daily dosage may be increased by 200 mg
ethacrynic acid once each week. Total daily dosages should not
• asthma drugs such as theophylline and exceed 1,000 mg in children between the ages of 12
aminophylline and 15 years. Total daily dosages for adults should not
• anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and exceed 1,200 mg. Carbamazepine should be taken
carbamazepine with meals.
• calcium channel blockers such as verapamil
or diltiazem Precautions
• muscle relaxants such as methocarbamol,
carisoprodol, and cyclobenzaprine Carbamazepine should be used with caution in persons
• metronidazole, a commonly prescribed who also experience other types of seizure disorders
antibiotic, used to treat infections such as atypical absence seizures. Among such
• antidiabetic therapy individuals, carbamazepine usage has been associated
• amiodarone, an anti-arrhythmic drug with an increased risk of initiating, rather than
controlling, generalized convulsions.
• antacids containing sodium bicarbonate
• antidepressants
Carbamazepine should never be discontinued abruptly The simultaneous administration of carbamazepine
unless another treatment for seizures is initiated at the with erythromycin, cimetidine, propoxyohene,
same time. If this does not happen, acute withdrawal isoniacid, fluoxetine and calcium channel blockers
of carbamazepine may result in seizures. such as nifedipine or verapamil may increase the
blood level of carbamazepine to a toxic range.
Patients should be alert for signs and symptoms of
bone marrow toxicity such as fever, sore throat, The simultaneous use of carbamazepine and oral
infection, mouth sores, easy bruising, or bleeding contraceptives may increase the possibility that the
which occurs just under the skin. oral contraceptive won't be effective in preventing
pregnancy. Some physicians recommend that a
Because carbamazepine may affect mental alertness, different method of contraception be used while
especially early in therapy, patients receiving this drug carbamazepine is being used.
should not operate dangerous machinery or drive a car
until they understand how the drug will affect them. People taking carbamazepine should not drink
grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice slows the breakdown
Side effects of carbamazepine, increasing the concentration of
carbamazepine in the bloodstream.
The most commonly reported adverse reactions to
carbamazepine include dizziness, drowsiness, Due to the potential of many interactions with other
unsteadiness, nausea and vomiting. These are more drugs, individuals should consult with a physician or
common when therapy is just beginning. pharmacist prior to starting any new medications
either bought over the counter or initiated by another
physician. .
Carbamazepine has been reported to cause aplastic Del/Carbamazepine.html
anemia. This is a form of anemia that is generally does
not respond to treatment. The bone marrow of persons
with aplastic anemia does not produce adequate A multivitamin is a preparation intended to
amounts of red blood cells, white blood cells, and supplement a human diet with vitamins, dietary
platelets. Blood counts should be monitored for minerals and other nutritional elements. Such
individuals using this drug. Some people with preparations are available in the form of tablets,
previously diagnosed depression of the bone marrow capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids and injectable
should not take carbamazepine. formulations. Other than injectable formulations,
which are only available and administered under
medical supervision, multivitamins are recognized by
Carbamazepine may cause birth defects and should be the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United
avoided by women who are pregnant. An effective Nations' authority on food standards) as a category of
contraceptive method should be used while taking food.[1] Multivitamin supplements are commonly
carbamazepine. It is important to note that this provided in combination with minerals. A
medication may decrease the effectiveness of oral multivitamin/mineral supplement is defined in the
contraceptives. United States as a supplement containing 3 or more
vitamins and minerals that does not include herbs,
The drug can cross into breast milk and should be hormones, or drugs, where each vitamin and mineral is
avoided by women who are breast-feeding. included at a dose below the tolerable upper level, as
determined by the Food and Drug Board, and does not
Carbamazepine may also cause a skin rash or present a risk of adverse health effects.[2]
sensitivity to the sun.
The terms multivitamin and multimineral are often
Interactions used interchangeably. There is no scientific definition
for either.[3] Linguistically, the terms are compounded
words of which meaning can be derived in that
Blood levels of carbamazepine may be reduced when capacity.
it is used in combination with other drugs such as
phenobarbitol, phenytoin or primidone. This means
that inadequate amounts of carbamazepine are Many multivitamins are formulated and/or labeled to
available to the body, limiting the ability of the drug to differentiate consumer sectors e.g. prenatal, children,
control seizure activity or treat psychiatric disease. mature or 50+, men's, women's, diabetic, stress or
Carbamazepine also causes reductions in the blood megavitamin. Consumer multivitamin formulas are
levels of the following drugs when they are used available as tablets, capsules, bulk powder, or liquid.
simultaneously: phenytoin, warfarin, doxycycline, Once and twice per day multivitamin formulas
haloperidol , valproic acid , and theophylline. dominate common usage, although some formulas are
designed for consumption 3–7 times per day or even
allow hourly use.
Compositional variation amongst brands and lines The proponents of orthomolecular medicine
allows substantial consumer choices. Modern recommend individually optimized vitamin intakes,
multivitamin products roughly classify into RDA usually at higher doses than standard
centric multivitamins with or without iron, RDA recommendations (such as the US RDA).[7] They also
centric multivitamin/multimineral formulas with or recommend more absorbable forms of vitamins and
without iron, higher potency formulas with mostly minerals, in inexpensive but higher potency formulas,
above RDA components with or without iron, and spread across the day.
more specialized formulas by condition, such as for
diabetics or by less common components, such as
diversified antioxidants, herbal extracts or premium
vitamin and mineral forms. Legally, the United States
Food and Drug Administration allows a multivitamin GENERIC NAME: SERTRALINE - ORAL (SER-
to be called "high potency" if at least two-thirds of its truh-leen)
nutrients have at least 100 percent of the DV. In
practice, "high potency" usually means substantially BRAND NAME(S): Zoloft
increased vitamin C and Bs with some other enhanced
vitamin and mineral levels, but some minerals may USES: Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake
still be much less than DV. inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, panic
attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), post-
Some components are typically much lower than RDA traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety
amounts, often for cost reasons, e.g. biotin, usually the disorder (social phobia), and a severe form of
most expensive vitamin component, at over $4000 per premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric
active pound, is typically added in at only 5%-30% of disorder or PMDD). This medication works by helping
RDA in many one per day formulations. Sometimes to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals in
low content composition is for population subgroups, the brain.
where the RDA would be inappropriate, such often
occurs with iron, where the original population intake OTHER USES: This medication has also been used
calculation was ca 12–13 mg iron per day by including to treat a type of decreased sexual ability (premature
menstruating females but some percentage of HFE ejaculation) in men.
variant gene bearing males with high iron retention,
and others, may only need as little as ~1 mg iron per
day including the normal dietary contribution. HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth
usually once daily with or without food; or as directed
by your doctor. It is recommended that you take your
Basic commercial multivitamin supplement products dosage at the same time each day, either in the
often contain the following ingredients: vitamin C, B1, morning or in the evening. Use this medication
B2, B3, B6, folic acid (B9), B12, B5 (pantothenate), H regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. The
(biotin), A, E, D3, K1, potassium iodide, cupric (sulfate dosage is based on your medical condition and
anhydrous, picolinate, sulfate monohydrate, trioxide), response to therapy. It is important to continue taking
selenomethionine, borate(s), zinc, calcium, this medication as prescribed even if you feel well. Do
magnesium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, not stop taking this medication without consulting
betacarotene, and iron. Other formulas may include your doctor. It may take up to 4 weeks before the full
additional ingredients such as other carotenes (e.g. benefit of this drug takes effect.
lutein, lycopene), higher than RDA amounts of B, C or
E vitamins including gamma-tocopherol, "near" B
vitamins (inositol, choline, PABA), trimethylglycine SIDE EFFECTS: Nausea, dry mouth, increased
sweating, drowsiness, diarrhea, upset stomach, or
(anhydrous betaine), betaine hydrochloride, vitamin
K2 as menaquinone-7, lecithin, citrus bioflavinoids or trouble sleeping may occur. If any of these effects
persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist
nutrient forms variously described as more easily
absorbable. promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed
this medication because the benefit to you is greater
than the risk of side effects. Many people using this
Uses medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your
doctor immediately if any of these serious side effects
By supplementing the diet with additional vitamins occur: uncontrollable shaking (tremor), loss of
and minerals, multivitamins can be a valuable tool for appetite, unusual weight loss. Tell your doctor
those with dietary imbalances or different nutritional immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side
needs.[6] People with dietary imbalances may include effects occur: black stools, "coffee ground" vomit,
those on restrictive diets and those who can't or won't decreased interest in sex, decrease in sexual ability
eat a nutritious diet. Pregnant women and elderly (ejaculation delay), easy bruising/bleeding. Tell your
adults have different nutritional needs than other doctor immediately if any of these highly unlikely but
adults, and a multivitamin may be indicated by their very serious side effects occur: unusual or rapid
physicians. weight gain, unusual or severe mental/mood changes,
seizures. Males - in the unlikely event you experience seizures. Males - in the unlikely event you experience
a painful or prolonged erection, seek immediate a painful or prolonged erection, seek immediate
medical attention as this is considered a medical medical attention as this is considered a medical
emergency. A very serious allergic reaction to this emergency. A very serious allergic reaction to this
drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention
if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction
may include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, may include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness,
trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed
above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.


truh-leen) SOLUTION (oh-FLOX-uh-sin)


USES: Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake USES: This medication is used to treat external ear
inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, panic infections (otitis externa) and certain middle ear
attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), post- infections (otitis media).
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety
disorder (social phobia), and a severe form of HOW TO USE: This drug is generally used once or
premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric twice daily as directed. For accuracy and to avoid
disorder or PMDD). This medication works by helping contamination, have another person insert the drops if
to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals in possible. Hold container in the hand for a few minutes
the brain. in order to warm it. This will minimize dizziness. To
apply ear drops, wash hands first. To avoid
OTHER USES: This medication has also been used contamination, do not touch the dropper tip or let it
to treat a type of decreased sexual ability (premature touch your ear or any other surface. Lie on your side
ejaculation) in men. or tilt the affected ear upward. Place the dropper
directly over the ear and administer the prescribed
HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth number of drops. To help the drops roll into the ear
usually once daily with or without food; or as directed (for adults) hold the earlobe up and back or (for
by your doctor. It is recommended that you take your children) hold the earlobe down and back. Keep the
dosage at the same time each day, either in the head tilted for about five minutes or insert a soft
morning or in the evening. Use this medication cotton plug if so directed. Learn proper additional
regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. The technique if the infection involves the middle ear.
dosage is based on your medical condition and Consult your pharmacist. Do not rinse the dropper.
response to therapy. It is important to continue taking Replace cap after use. If using the single-use
this medication as prescribed even if you feel well. Do container, throw away the container after each
not stop taking this medication without consulting application. Do not reuse. For best results, this
your doctor. It may take up to 4 weeks before the full medication must be used routinely as directed.
benefit of this drug takes effect. Continue using it for the full time prescribed, then
promptly discontinue use. Stopping this medication
too soon, however, may not clear the infection and
SIDE EFFECTS: Nausea, dry mouth, increased may result in a reinfection. If the infection is not
sweating, drowsiness, diarrhea, upset stomach, or improved after 1 week, consult your doctor or
trouble sleeping may occur. If any of these effects pharmacist. Report any ear discharge that occurs after
persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist the treatment period is completed. Not for use in the
promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed eye.
this medication because the benefit to you is greater
than the risk of side effects. Many people using this
medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your SIDE EFFECTS: Mild irritation or mild discomfort
doctor immediately if any of these serious side effects in the ear may occur with use, as well as dizziness or
occur: uncontrollable shaking (tremor), loss of change in taste sensation. If these persist or worsen,
appetite, unusual weight loss. Tell your doctor notify your doctor promptly. Very unlikely but report
immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side promptly: ringing in the ears, tingling and numbness
effects occur: black stools, "coffee ground" vomit, sensation. In the unlikely event you have an allergic
decreased interest in sex, decrease in sexual ability reaction to this drug, seek immediate medical
(ejaculation delay), easy bruising/bleeding. Tell your attention. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:
doctor immediately if any of these highly unlikely but rash, itching, swelling, trouble breathing. If you notice
very serious side effects occur: unusual or rapid other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or
weight gain, unusual or severe mental/mood changes, pharmacist.
PRECAUTIONS: Before using ofloxacin, tell your USES: This medication helps control seizure
doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it or other disorders. Use of lamotrigine in children 2 years of
quinolone antibiotics (e.g., ciprofloxacin, age and older is restricted to those having certain types
levofloxacin), or if you have any other allergies. of seizures (partial or Lennox-Gastaut type).
Before using this medication, tell your doctor or
pharmacist your entire medical history, especially of: HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth
other ear problems. Prolonged or repeated use of exactly as prescribed. For best effects, take this
antibiotics may result in a secondary infection. Use for medication at evenly spaced times throughout the day
the prescribed period of time only. This medication and night. This will ensure a constant level of drug in
should be used only when clearly needed during your body. Do not take this more often or increase
pregnancy. Discuss the risks and benefits with your your dose without consulting your doctor. Do not stop
doctor. When taken in oral form, ofloxacin passes into taking this drug suddenly without your doctor's
breast milk. It is not known if ofloxacin passes into approval since seizures may reoccur. Notify your
breast milk after using the ear drop form. Due to doctor if seizure control worsens.
potential risks to the infant, breast-feeding while using
this drug is not recommended. Consult your doctor
before breast-feeding. SIDE EFFECTS: Headache, fatigue, drowsiness,
dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, clumsiness may
occur the first several days as your body adjusts to the
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Before using this medication. If any of these effects continue or become
medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all bothersome, inform your doctor. If you develop a rash,
prescription and nonprescription/herbal products you stop using this drug and seek immediate medical
may use, especially of: other ear drops. Do not start or attention. In the unlikely event you have an allergic
stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist reaction to this drug, seek immediate medical
approval. attention. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:
rash, itching, hives, fever, swollen glands, swelling of
OVERDOSE: If overdose is suspected, contact your the lips or tongue, painful sores in the mouth or
local poison control center or emergency room around the eyes, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. If
immediately. US residents can call the US national you notice other effects not listed above, contact your
poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents doctor or pharmacist.
should call their local poison control center directly.
This medicine may be harmful if swallowed. fluoxetine
BRAND NAME: Prozac, Sarafem


an oral drug that is used for treating depression. It is in
a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs), a class that also contains
BRAND NAME(S): Lamictal citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil) and sertraline
(Zoloft). Fluoxetine affects neurotransmitters, the
WARNING: Rarely, serious (sometimes fatal) skin chemicals that nerves within the brain use to
rashes have occurred while using this medication. communicate with each other. Neurotransmitters are
These rashes (e.g., Stevens-Johnson syndrome) are manufactured and released by nerves and then travel
more common in children (less than 16 years old) than and attach to nearby nerves. Thus, neurotransmitters
in adults. Therefore, lamotrigine should only be used can be thought of as the communication system of the
in children who have partial seizures or seizures brain. Serotonin is one neurotransmitter that is
associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. released by nerves in the brain. The serotonin either
Immediately notify your doctor if you develop any travels across the space between nerves and attaches to
type of rash. If this medication is the cause of the rash, receptors on the surface of nearby nerves or it attaches
the drug must be stopped. Even after stopping this to receptors on the surface of the nerve that produced
medication, it is still possible for the rash to cause it, to be taken up by the nerve and released again (a
permanent or life-threatening scarring along with other process referred to as re-uptake).
problems. The possibility of a rash may be increased
by using too much of this medication when treatment Many experts believe that an imbalance among
begins, increasing the dose beyond what your doctor neurotransmitters is the cause of depression.
prescribes during treatment, or taking valproic acid Fluoxetine works by preventing the reuptake of one
with lamotrigine. Most life-threatening rashes have neurotransmitter, serotonin, by nerve cells after it has
occurred within 2 to 8 weeks of starting this been released. Since uptake is an important
medication. However, such serious rashes have also mechanism for removing released neurotransmitters
occurred after 6 months of use. and terminating their actions on adjacent nerves, the
reduced uptake caused by fluoxetine increases free not be administered for at least 5 weeks after
serotonin that stimulates nerve cells in the brain. The fluoxetine has been stopped. Similar reactions occur
FDA approved Fluoxetine in December 1987. when fluoxetine is combined with other drugs, for
example, tryptophan, St. John's wort, meperidine
PRESCRIPTION: Yes (Demerol), and tramadol (Ultram) that increase
serotonin in the brain.
Fluoxetine may increase the effect of warfarin
(Coumadin), leading to excessive bleeding. Warfarin
PREPARATIONS: Capsules: 10, 20, and 40 mg. therapy should be monitored more frequently in
Capsules (delayed release): 90 mg. Tablets: 10, 15, patients who are also taking fluoxetine. Combining
and 20 mg. Oral suspension: 20mg/5ml SSRIs with aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs or other drugs that affect bleeding may increase
STORAGE: Fluoxetine should be stored at room the likelihood of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
temperature 15-30°C (59-86°F).
SIDE EFFECTS: Fluoxetine, as with most
PRESCRIBED FOR: Fluoxetine is used for treating antidepressants, can cause nausea, headaches, anxiety,
depression, bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder insomnia, drowsiness, and loss of appetite. Fluoxetine
(OCD), panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric has been implicated in serious skin rashes and
disorder (PMDD). It also is used in combination with vasculitis (inflammation of small blood vessels).
olanzapine (Zyprexa) for treatment of resistant Increased blood pressure can occur, and blood
depression and treatment of depression associated with pressure should be monitored. Seizures have been
bipolar disorder. reported as has sexual dysfunction. Some patients may
experience withdrawal reactions upon stopping
DOSING: Depression in adults is treated with 20-80 fluoxetine. Symptoms of withdrawal include anxiety,
mg of fluoxetine daily. The recommended dose for nausea, nervousness, and insomnia. The dose of
treating depression in children is 10-20 mg daily. fluoxetine should be gradually reduced when therapy
After 13 weeks of daily administration, once weekly is discontinued.
dosing may be effective in some patients.
Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking
Bulimia is treated with 60 mg of fluoxetine daily. and behavior in short-term studies in children and
Long-term treatment for up to 52 weeks has been adolescents with depression and other psychiatric
shown to be beneficial in maintaining remission. disorders. Anyone considering the use of fluoxetine or
any other antidepressant in a child or adolescent must
balance this risk of suicide with the clinical need.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults and children Patients who are started on therapy should be closely
is treated with 20-60 mg daily and panic disorder is observed for clinical worsening, suicidal thoughts, or
managed with 10-60 mg daily. The recommended unusual changes in behavior.
regimen for PMDD is 20 mg administered every day
of the menstrual cycle or daily for 14 days prior to the
onset of menstruation through the first day of menses.

The recommended treatment for resistant depression is Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency
20-50 mg of fluoxetine and 5-20 mg olanzapine once anemias
daily in the evening while the recommended treatment
for depression associated with bipolar disorder is 20- Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency
50 mg fluoxetine and 5-12.5 mg olanzapine once daily anemias
in the evening
Administration of iron for >6 months
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Fluoxetine should not be should be avoided except in patients
taken with any of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor
(MAOI) class of antidepressants [for example,
isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), with continued bleeding, menorrhagia, or
tranylcypromine (Parnate), selegiline (Eldepryl), and repeated pregnancies; avoid in patients
procarbazine (Matulane)] or other drugs that inhibit with peptic ulcer, enteritis, or ulcerative
monoamine oxidase [for example, linezolid (Zyvox)]. colitis. Anemia in the elderly is often
Such combinations may lead to confusion, high blood caused by "anemia of chronic disease" or
pressure, tremor, hyperactivity, coma, and death. associated with inflammation rather than
Fluoxetine should not be administered for at least 14 blood
days after stopping MAOIs. Because fluoxetine is
active in the body for several weeks, MAOIs should
loss. Iron stores are usually normal or
increased, with a serum ferritin >50 ng/mL
and a decreased total iron binding
capacity. Hence, the "anemia of chronic
disease" is not secondary to iron deficiency
but the inability of the reticuloendothelial
system to reclaim available iron stores.

Contra: Hemochromatosis, hemolytic

anemia; known hypersensitivity to iron

Adverse: >10 %: Gastrointestinal: GI

irritation, epigastric pain, nausea, dark

, vomiting, stomach cramping, constipation

1% to 10 %: Gastrointestinal: Heartburn,
diarrhea Genitourinary:Discoloration of
urine Miscellaneous: Liquid preparations
may temporarily stain the teeth.
<1 %: Contact irritation

Overdose: Decreased effect: Absorption

of oral preparation of iron and tetracyclines
are decreased when both of these drugs
are given together;

concurrent administration of antacids may

decrease iron absorption;iron may
decrease absorption of penicillamine when
given at the same time;response to iron
therapy may be delayed in patients
receiving chloramphenicol; milk may
decrease absorption of iron. Increased
effect: Concurrent administration > or
=200 mg vitamin C per 30 mg elemental
Fe increases absorption of oral iron .

May color

stool black, take between meals for

maximum absorption; may take with food
if GI upset occurs, do not take with milk or
antacids; keep out of reach of children.

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