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Tyler Hovsepian
Professor Khadka
27 April 2016

Moving Towards Satisfaction

As the world continues to deal with obstacles along its way, one of the main concerns for
people today includes being in poverty. This is a great deal in the present time due to about 3
billion people having this problem as stated in Poverty Facts and Stats (Shah, 1). Since people
have such low education, they dont have the ability to become employed for there are not many
jobs that qualify them today. Many families struggle deeply and some end up homeless because
of this economic issue that must be dealt with. There are 3 billion people in the world that are
nearly living on the streets due to the countries economic status, education values, parental
influences and executive orders.
Education is a big factor on peoples future. Depending on how hard and far they are
willing to work through school will determine what kinds of careers and yearly salarys they will
earn. Part of the reason why so many individuals are not able to qualify for a job is due to what
they have progressed through school and put on their record. Nowadays a bachelors degree is
not even enough to easily earn a job. In other words a masters or a Ph.D. are the competitive
goals for the present generation. In the book, The Poverty and Education Reader: A Call for
Equality in Many Voices, it states, low income families simply do not care about education, an
assertion absolutely disputed by decades of research demonstrating that poor and working class

families have the exact same attitudes about the value of education as their wealthier counter
parts (Gortski and Landsman, 2). This quote uses imagery to visualize how most students who
live in a low social class dont feel they have the ability to succeed or become any better than
what they already are. They feel that because of the schools they attend, there is no need for
effort and that whether or not they do well in their classes, colleges will not accept them. Another
book named, Teaching with Poverty in Mind, states, Chronic exposure to poverty causes the
brain to physically change in a detrimental manner (Jenson, 2). In other words when individuals
especially students, in poor neighborhoods understand the life they live and how difficult as well
as stressful it can be to work hard in school and achieve more in their lives, they simply choose
not to. This sort of environment changes ones emotional, social, and academic success. Only a
small percent of the students that live in poverty are strongly influenced by their living
conditions and will do whatever it takes to become successful. However, that leaves a large
portion of the student population wondering what their next step in life is. There is a need for a
solution to this issue, and can be one of the greatest turning points to decrease the future

statistical numbers of people in poverty.

Over the years school districts of poor areas have tried to enhance the environment of
campuses as well as make it safer for the student body. This action was taken place to change the
mentality of the school and meet the needs of students living in such an economic crisis. Robert
Balfanz, co director in John Hobkins University states, "schools that serve high concentrations of
low-income students need to be able to provide direct, evidence-based supports that help students
attend school regularly, act in a productive manner, believe they will succeed, overcome external
obstacles, complete their coursework, and put forth the effort required to graduate college- and
career-ready (Scharberg, 2013). In other words this man believes school need to allow students
to feel comfortable when they attend school, have no sort of need, and if so can be taken care of
in order to build up the motivation to become successful in life. This could be from anywhere on
the grounds of making the school food better and more accessible to remodeling school grounds

giving students the motivational focus feeling better about where they attend. Teachers are also a
big part of education and can be a big impact on a childs life. Stated in the article of ASCD, a
strong reliable primary caregiver, who provides consistent and unconditional love, guidance and
support will increase the chances of a students success (Jenson, 2009). Just like in a classroom
if a teacher gives a child, care and love, they will help that student in so many ways and have
their mind set for their future feeling they do have the chance to succeed and have the people to
help them along the way. These strategies and solutions must be shared and used around the
globe to decrease the future amount of people in poverty.
Parents of the child in poverty are the main influence of allowing them to succeed in life.
As children grow up around their parents they notice and learn from every action that occurs.
However the way children are treated among most parents often depends on the area and their
economic status. For example most children in Africa end up with no education and live a very
poor life due to how poorly the country is organized. As stated in the scholarly article, The
poverty dilemma in Africa: toward policies for including the poor, Poverty in Africa is
multifaceted. It is characterized by, among other things, a lack of purchasing power, rural
predominance, exposure to risk, insufficient access to social and economic services and few
opportunities for formal income generation. On average, 45-50% of sub-Saharan Africans live
below the poverty line - a much higher proportion than in any other region of the world
(Ronald, 1). All these factors describe why parents of these children dont have the ability to earn
money and influence them to do better in life. On the other hand children growing up in
countries such as New Zealand have much better chance of becoming successful and out of the
poverty level. As indicated in the article, New Zealand, The strength of New Zealands
economic and social institutions is enhanced by robust protection of property rights and an

independent judiciary that enforces anti-corruption measures. While many large advanced
economies have been struggling with growing debt burdens caused by years of heavy
government spending, New Zealand has kept its gross public debt under control (Economic
Freedom,1). This quote uses examples of how well New Zealand is doing financially and how
they are able to over come any problems. Part of the reason why their economy is much better
than areas such as Africa and the US is because children are always influenced by parents and
guardians to do well in life and become successful, which allows them to escape the chance of
poverty occurring.

Part of how children grow in their home is one of the greatest starts to becoming
somebody successful in life. Parents or guardings around the world might not know it but the

environment children are raised upon is a big factor of future success. As stated in the article
How Parents Can Help Their Children Succeed, Creating a home environment that encourages
learning is the first step to guaranteeing success (Iowa State University, 1). This quote uses
imagery to help people understand how important it is for children to grow up with the essentials
needed to feel happy in life and motivational. Information should be sent around the globe to
new parents who are learning how to raise their child, and taking information from books.
Children also expect to grow up around parents who are always good to each other and to the
child. Stated in the article, Taking a Closer Look: My Child's Academic Success, As a parent,
you are the advocate who speaks out for your child and the one who supports your child, not just
financially but also emotionally, socially and academically (U.S. Department of Education, 1).
This quote clearly explains why it is important to be good around children where there is always
respect and understanding, as well as no foul language. Children need to feel and think of parents
as role models in order to feel motivational and to have a good future as well as successful.
Factors like this allow these children to grow and receive jobs that will allow them to stay out of


Executive orders are one of the greatest causes of poverty and whether or not an economy
is bad or not. For example during George Bushes presidency the unemployment rate had gone up
more than ever due to his focus on things such as war in the Middle East (Scher, 1). Due to the
decrease in employment more people had gone into poverty than ever and had been in one of the
worst financial situations this country has seen in years. Another president, who caused
economic crisis, is Bill Clinton. Stated in the article, Blame for the Financial Crisis, In 1995
Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added
pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods (Time, 1). This quote clearly states how
important executive decisions are towards the economy; because of his poor decision people had
gone into tough situation and do not have the ability to help low income neighborhoods.
Problems like this only add on to the weight of people already in a financial situation. It is very
important things like this get resolved other wise countries like the US will fall very deep into
financial depth that they wont be able to overcome it.
On the other hand there have been leaders that have made very intelligent decisions that
have really helped countries in many ways. For example when president Obama had gone into
his presidency he had provided those with low income, with Obama care. Even though this still
caused sort of depth in the US, it has really helped people pay bills as well as come out of
poverty. As stated in the article, Campaign for Americas Future, The first year of Obamas
second term, median household income ticked up 0.3 percent (Scher, 1). After Bushs last term
Obama had helped people with need of jobs and increased the household income needed for
those in a low-income home. This was a huge turning point for those nearly living on the streets,
it allowed them support their families as well as themselves. Another leader known had helped
his own area in need. Stated in the Atrticle, From Poverty to Presidency, South Africa's

president has been caught up in one crisis after another ever since he was controversially elected
in May 2009. DW takes a look at the man behind the headlines (Johannesburg, 1). This quote
explains how President Jacob Zumba had recently helped his country catching up with those in
need of jobs. With the increase of jobs not only is the country economically getting better but it
is physically getting better as well. Even though Africa is one of the worst economic Continents
in the world, without leader like Zumba, it would be worse than before. Executive decisions play
a very important role in helping this world and countries stay out of poverty; parts of Africa, US,
and China will definitely need one for the future in order to stay stable.
Poverty is one of the greatest global crisis events today. Not only is half the world living
under two dollars and fifty cents a day but there is a future generation living in this terrible
world, and a change is needed. Many factors play a role in this event including education values,
parental influences and executive orders. These are factors in which each must help the world
change its ways to help the future generation live a better life then we do today. In order for this
to be done, leaders must make intelligent decisions, schools must provide a better environment
foe the student body, and parents must influence their children to earn a better lifestyle then they
own in the present.


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