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O -v-o- --Lq- -*--...

-p- --Tx-, -v-A- -N-,

--- u--, ---@ -t -,
--- (---), -f ->-x.


- B. Sreenivasa Charlu, Hyderabad

Q: In one of the Spoken English lessons you
said, 'Annexure is singular and Annexures
is plural'. I referred the Oxford, the
Chambers and other dictionaries, but I fail
to find ANNEXURE/(S). Is this a colloquial usage? We find ANNEXE and ANNEXES only. - Kindly clarify.
A: 'Annex' is the short form of 'annexure'. Just
as the plural of annex is annexes, so is the
plural of annexure, annexures. We say, for
example, there are a few annexures / annexes to the report. Annexes = annexures.
Q: In the below sentence which one is grammatically correct?
The minimum qualifications for applying
the job are as follows / follow.
A: 'As follows' is correct, in spite of 'qualifications' being plural. This is a point of usage,
and does not follow grammar.
- Venkata Swamy Dodde
Q: Sir, please explain the meaning of following phrasal verb:
Take somebody into confidence.
A: Treat someone as very close to you and tell
them of your secrets. ( --T-)
Eg: They take their sister into confidence and
tell her all their secrets.
- Y K Prasada Rao
Q: Sir, please give the suitable degree of comparison with clarification.
This is the elder / eldest of my two sons.
A: This is the elder of my two sons. When you
talk only of two persons / things, you don't
use eldest. There is no superlative when
only two things are compared.
- Murthy N V K
Q: Sir, please explain the usage of "get / got
/ getting / gets + V3" with some examples in Telugu.
A: They get their house washed once a week
(get washed = get + V3) (x E

-E--J -T-h.)

They got the books given to poor students

(got given = got + V3)

H--x p-h.)

(x h--

She gets her hair done once a week by the

-E--J - --C.)

beautician (gets done = gets + V3)

Q: What is the "Verb form" of the following

sentence, out of six verb forms and what
are the main verb and helping verbs of
the sentence given below?
They will have to assure purchase of certain items.
A: 'Will have' is the verb in the sentence will is the main verb, and have is the
helping verb. 'To assure' is an infinitive,
and is not a verb.

Email your questions to:

-b-- 'Ambidextrous'
- D. Shiva Narayana, Ongole

both the hands equally well.

Ambidextrous Ambisinistrous
(incapable of using either hand
6) The soul leaving one body after
death, and moving into another
body - no opposite for this word

Q: Sir, please explain the meanings

for the following words with
suitable examples and mention
the antonyms for these words.
1) Teetotaler
2) Lunatic Asylum
(t E-- Eo CL,
3) Elegy
4) Blasphemy
- v-P-/ -bt
5) Ambidexter
6) Transmigration
7) Swat
A: 1) A person who strictly avoids drink. 7) Hit with great force - no opposite.
Teetotaler Alcoholic.
- Kiran, Rajahmundry
2) A hospital for mad people. Lunatic = mad person. Asylum = place of protection. Calling Q: Sir, I kindly request to clarify the following
mentally imbalanced persons 'mad' is supposed to be bad, so no longer are mental hosWhat is the difference between
pitals are called so. They are called Lunatic
a) Do you understand?
b) Did you understand?
3) A sad poem written in memory of a dead perA: a) Do you understand? = Are you able to
understand (NOW).
Elegy Eulogy ( a poem in praise of a person).
Eg: Do you understand what he is saying?
4) Talking badly / vulgarly about God and holy
things (, Nv N- J* b) Did you understand = Were you able to
u x-/ E ---).
Blasphemy Reverence (-i h LT
Eg: Did you understand what he said yester).
day? (He said something yesterday and
5) The correct word is, 'Ambidextrous' or
were you able to understand it?).
'Ambidexterity'. 'Ambidextrous = capable of
Q: Can we use the term 'Regularly' in past
using both the hands with equal skill.
tense? - Please explain.
Eg: Arjuna was ambidextrous in shooting
A: You can. Those days we met regularly
arrows - He was capable of shooting
every evening at 4. ( Vx - vA
arrows with the right or the left hand, with
v -T- v p- -equal skill.
Ambidexterity = having the skill of using

K-~ h...Watch
- Swathi, Guntur

Q: Sir, give the meaning of below sentence.

He would not have gone so far?
A: Why don't you add 'please' to your questions?
He would not have gone so far = He would
not have gone to that extent.
Q: Explain participial phrase and give one
A: A participial phrase is a group of words
having either a present participle (the 'ing'
form) or the past participle (V3).
a) Walking down the street - this is a group of
words having a present participle (walking)
in it. So it is a participial phrase.
b) The old man, shivering in the cold - shivering in the cold - a participial phrase.
c) A participial phrase may also be a group of
words (without a verb) having a past participle (V3) in it.
Eg: a) The injured man.
b) The closed window, etc.
Q: Sir, the below structure is existing in
English grammar?
S + do (or) does / did + V2?
A: 'Is existing' in your question is wrong. It
should be, Does this structure exist in

Sentences / structures with 'does / did + V2'

are wrong, aren't they? Can there be sentences like, He does went (V2) there? / He
did went there? There can, however, be
sentences with does / did + V1.
a) He does meet (does + meet (V1)) me very
b) He did meet (did + meet (V1)) yesterday.
These are both emphatic way of saying
that he meets me / that he met me.
- Sailaja Kasse
Q: Sir, I am sure about it nobody has lived in
that house for a hundred years - Here hundred years is plural. Plural -- article
-- -?-- sentence - 'nobody has lived'
wrong --E --C--. -N--J--.
A: The correct sentence is, 'I am sure of it.
Nobody has lived in that house for a hundred years.
Any period of time and any amount of
money are always singular.
Eg: Three months has passed (not, have
passed) since he was here.

'-p- --Tx- - -*- ---..

- Ch. Rama Rao

Q: Sir, what is the meaning of "rags-to-riches" in Telugu? Please give some examples.
A: From being a poor person to being a rich

Eg: Mohan rose from rags to riches (rags =

torn clothes), as did Rockefeller. (

-x- H-- v-i

E-- C-.)
- Y. Kali Prasad Rao

Q: Sir, I have some doubts on using adverbs.

Surprisingly he won the match against his
strong opponent.
The adverb "surprisingly" is used at the
beginning which is intended to modify the sentence as a whole. If the same adverb is used at
the end of the sentence, is it wrong? - Please
explain such adverb used sentences.
A: Whether 'surprisingly' is used at the beginning / at the end of a sentence, the meaning
is the same. Only, a comma should be
placed after 'his strong opponent'.
Q: 1) Hari flew a kite.
2) The birds flew on the sky.
In the above sentences, whether the verb
"flew" is both transitive or intransitive verb? Please explain it.
A: Many verbs are used both transitively and
intransitively. 'Fly' can be both transitive
and intransitive.
Eg: They often fly to Delhi - fly is intransitive
here. In the sentence, He flew a kite, flew
the past tense of fly is intransitive.
- V. Bala Murali Krishna
Q: Sir, please explain the difference
between the following words with examples:
See, Look, Watch
A: See = appear / if we keep open our eyes,
so many things come into our view, that
is, we see them. ( E--, x


If we look at the sky at night, we see the stars.

Look = try and see something

vo --- -y- --).

If we
look at the sky at night, we see the stars =

vA --j h ~v E--h.
Watch = look carefully / observe. (K-~

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