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The Novel






Character &


Character &




Character & Plot

Choose an event in the novel you
have studied which you find to be
most memorable. Give reasons for
your choice and with close reference
to the text, discuss the event.
Love is important in a family. How
is this shown in the novel you have
read? Support your answers with
close reference to the text.
The writer describes the main
character as a very determined
person. Using details from the novel
you have studied, write about:
-some instances that show the
characters determination.
-how the determination affects
his/her family.
It is important to have a person you
look up to in your life. From the
novel youve read, write about one
character that you looked up to. Give
a reason why you choose him/her.
Describe what happens at the end of
the novel and explains why you find
the ending happy or sad.
Using the details from the novel you
have studied, write about a difficult
decision made by one of the
characters. With close reference to
the text, do you think this was the
right decision?

002 - Write a detail account of an event in the novel you have chosen which teaches
you an important moral lesson. In your account, you must make clear what
the moral lesson is.

2003 - (a) Which character do you sympathize with in the novel you have studied?
(b) Explain why you sympathize with this character.
Support your answer with evidences from the novel.

2004 - Choose an event in the novel you have studied which you find to be most
memorable. Give reasons for your choice and with reference from the text, discuss
the event.

2005 - Love is important in a family.

How is this shown in the novel you have read?
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

2006 - The writer describes the main character as a very determined person. Using the
details from the novel that you have studied write about:
Some instances that show the characters determination
How the determination affects his/her family.

2007 - It is important to have a person you look up to in your life.

From the novel that you have read, write about one character that you look up to.
Give reasons why you choose him/her

2008 - Using the detail from the novel that you studied
Describe what happened at the end of the novel
Explain why you find the ending either happy or sad
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

2009 - Using the details from the novel that you have studied,
write about a difficult decision made by one of the characters.
With close reference to the text, do you think this was the right decision?
16. These days, many children have difficulty paying attention and concentrating in their classes
at school.
What are the reasons for this?
How can it be dealt with?
Teachers are increasingly finding that their pupils do not pay full attention or concentrate
properly during class time. This essay will examine the reasons for this and suggest some
possible solutions.
One of the reasons for this is that teachers now lack the freedom to discipline children. In the
past, teachers could use any methods they felt appropriate to control pupils in their class, even if
this meant physical punishment. However, the balance has now changed, with children aware
that there are limits to what a teacher can do and without this respect they do not concentrate if
they do not want to. There have, for example, been cases were pupils have sued teachers for
disciplining them too harshly. Children should of course not be abused, but teachers must be
given more power to use the methods that they think appropriate to control the class without fear
of recrimination.
Another factor may be the diet of children. Research has widely reported that the additives in a
lot of the snacks and carbonated drinks that children drink regularly can cause behavioural
changes such as hyperactivity. This may lead to a lack of ability to concentrate in class. To
prevent this, schools must make sure that these snacks are not available at the school. Parents
have a part to play as well, and they must ensure that their children are not given too much of
these types of snacks at home.
To conclude, children may have difficulty paying attention in class because of a lack of
discipline in schools and additives from snacks. However, the solutions are to give more power
back to teachers and to limit the availability of certain foods.

15. Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to
Why is this happening?
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?
There has been a trend over recent decades for families to become less close than they were in
the past and this situation is largely accepted in society. This essay will discuss the reasons for
this and examine the benefits and drawbacks of this development.
One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected to the busy
lifestyles that we now lead. Most people are having to work longer hours and often both parents
work, so they simply do not have as much time to spend with each other as they did in the past.
Another factor is the materialistic and consumer driven culture we now live in, which has led to
less value being placed on family relationships. Modern technology also means that people are
more interested in their online life than interacting with their family in their free time.
It could be argued that this has benefits. If people are not so close with their family, they are free
to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, and to focus on improving their own lifestyle.
However, I believe that there are far more negative outcomes. The most important factors leading
to a fulfilled and happy life are emotional security and comfort. Without these we are in danger
of feeling lost. It is a difficult world we live in and we need the support of people close to us to
cope with modern life. We are seeing a rise in mental health problems in many countries and this
may well be a factor in this.
To conclude, busy modern lifestyles, changing cultural values and modern technology are
causing families to become less close. We should try to halt this trend as it has more negative
than positive outcomes.



1.Write about the relationship between the two main characters

Rory and Granda had an unusual and interesting relationship. They may be two generations apart
yet their relationship was so close and stable. Granda had looked after Rory since he was a baby
after Rory's father walked out on them. When Granda became old and was not well Ron' felt
responsible and that he should look after Granda. They know each other so well that Rory
understood Granda's fear of Rachriadar and vice versa Granda understood Rory's fear of Castle
Street. Rory did not blame Granda for the mistakes he made not even when he set the tlat on fire.
Granda could do no wrong as tar as Rory was concerned. Granda knew he could rely on Rory to

look out for him anytime and anywhere. On occasions when the situation required better
lodgement, Granda took over and became the person in charge and Rory accepted it albeit under
protest. When they had to get Out of Perth station quietly and quickly, Granda hot-wired a car
under protest from Rory. Rory was able to calm Granda and make him accept a helping hand
from strangers because of the trust between them.

2.Write about an important moral value that you have learnt

The important moral value I have learnt from the novel is that family relationships should be
nurtured and not taken for granted.Granda had looked after Rory after Rory's father walked out
on them. Now that Granda was getting old and forgetful, Rory took it upon himsnif to look after
Gra nda. Nobody forced him or told him to do it but Rory felt it was the right thing to do. He
was willing to forego things that teenage boys should be doing. He did all the household chores,
made sure Granda took his medication and had all his meals. He even kept Granda's pipe to make
sure there wasn't any untoward incidents. Grandpa had been known to leave his pipe in his
pocket and burned out the jacket.
Granda and Rory did not take their relationship for granted. Granda had on several occasions
expressed appreciation to Rory for being there for him while Rory felt proud to have Granda as
his grandfather. He was protective and defensive of Granda. They nurtured their relationship
right up to the end even when they had a family in Jeff and Karen.
Sammy, Ruby and Tyrone also showed a strong family relationship. Sammy and Ruby were free
and easy but respectful with each other. Ruby would tease Sammy and vice versa. But, when it
came to making decisions, Ruby left it to Sammy showing him respect as head of the family.
Tyrone was respectful and obedient to Sammy and Ruby.Family relationships should be nurtured
and not taken for granted as family happiness and stability depend on this positive attitude.

3.Write about the major changes that Rory faced in his life and the problems that came with

Rory was determined not to be separated from Granda who was not well and suffered from
lapses of memory. He gave up playing football as he had to get dinner for Granda after school.
Rory even told a few white lies when Granda misplaced his school jotter. He wanted people like
Mrs Foley to think that it was Granda who was looking after him and not vice versa.He even

coached Granda on how to behave on Parents' Night. He was genuinely worried that Granda be
placed in a home.
After the flat caught fire, Rory faced a major change in his life. He was placed in a children's
home and Granda was placed in an old folks' home. They had not been separated ever since
Rory's father walked out on them. Rory could see that Granda was slowly dying in the home. To
solve these problems, Rory worked out an escape plan and took Granda away from Rachnadar.
They ran away to Darren's family caravan where they stayed in hiding for a few days. Rory was
happy to see Granda recovering and was his old self again
Later, when they had to run away from the police, Rory faced the problem of deciding where to
run to and at the same time, he could see that running away and around had taken a toll on
Granda's health. Rory learned to place his trust on strangers as a way out. He would lose Granda
if he did not. Sammy and his family took them to the north while Rab and Annie helped them to
get to Lake District.
Rory was willing to risk incurring Granda's anger when he decided they would go to Liverpool
to look for his father. It would solve his problem of being solely responsible for Granda's
welfare. Moreover, Granda was showing the strains of running around.Another major change in
Rory's life was meeting up with his father and the latter's family. In spite of Granda's stories
about Jeff, Rory finds Jeff easy to get along. He accepted the whole family and as he said they
are together and will stay together as a family.
4.Write about the theme of the story.

A theme in the story is determination brings success. Rory and Granda were on an escape
adventure from the local authorities as they were determined not to be separated as they had been
when they were placed in Castle Street and Rachnadar. They wanted their freedom to live like
the old days.
They went on an escape adventure and it was determination that made them willing Lo go
through hardships as they had no final destination in mind.They had to keep running and be alert
to avoid being caught by the police. They also had to be careful not to be recognized by the
public who could identify them from their pictures in the local television news. This
determination inspired some kind strangers to help them whenever the law caught up with them.
Granda showed strong determination in-that at times when he was really exhausted he would still
put in extra efforts to escape being caught by the police. Rory had to pull him into the bushes and
he survived it although he was in a panic. On another occasion, he picks speed and rolled into a
ditch to escape the law. He even hit a younger person on the head and hotwired car to escape.
All these showed his determination and it brought success as they could escape from the law,

Rory and Granda's determination to be together and to stay free brought success as they
eventually ended up in Liverpool where Jeff, Rory's father was, They were reunited as a family.

5.Write about the plot of the story and state what you think of the plot.

Rory and Granda's were on an escape adventure from their hometown to Liverpool because they
did not want to be separated from each other. They had cared for and looked after each other for
a long time and with Granda getting on in years and becoming forgetful, Rory took over the
responsibility of looking after granda on his own initiative.

One day, when the flat caught fire both Rory and Granda were placed in a children's home and an
old folks' home respectively. Ganda was badly affected as he became withdrawn and lost. Rory
knew that Granda was slowly dying in Rachnadar so he resolved to run away with Granda. The
story climaxed with Rory and Granda making the great escape but with no destination in mind.
They only wanted to be free and to be together. They spent a few happy carefree days at the
caravan site. When the police caught up with them, Rory and Granda were helped by Sammy
who sheltered them.
Their journey was a struggle to stay free. Strangers helped them all the way, giving them shelter
and making safe plans for them. Rory had doubts about whether he was doing the right bed. All
doubts were dispelled as Granda looked happier even when he was exhausted. Eventually, Rory
decided they would travel south to Liverpool and look for his father, Jeff Macintosh Cranda
objected and rage about this when he realized what Rory's plans were. When Granda almost lost
his life in the cold bus shelter, they ended up in Liverpool. It was a happy ending as they meet up
with Jeff and became a family again.
The plot runs in chronological order. The reader can follow Rory and Granda's interesting and
sometimes heartbreaking journey from their hometown to their final destination. Rory as the
narrator projects a solid account of their thoughts, feelings and gave good descriptions of the
setting. Their approach makes it easy for the reader to understand and appreciate the story. I
think the plot is simple sweet and relevant to our society were young people tend to forget their
obligations to the old.


What do you and your friends think the title of the short story means?

a)The title of the novel, Catch Us If You Can' is intriguing. At first glance, it creates the image of
some people challenging the authority to catch them as they are running away because of some
wrongdoing. It is quite misleading in that way. One friend thought thatt the title refers to children
playing a game of hide and seek either with adults or among themselves. But, knowing that the
writer, Catherine Maci'hail is a writer of children's stories, the title may apply to children running
away from home.

Do your grandparents live with your family?What type of relationship do you have with your

b)Yes, my paternal grandparents live with us because my father is their only child. I am very
close to my grandmother as she has looked atter me all this while. My grandfather is rather
distant and not very loving with us. My maternal grand parents live in another state and we have
a close relationship. We visit them at least once a month because my mother says that
grandparents provide the stability and foundation in a family.

c)No, both my paternal and maternal grandparents do not live with us because we live in the city
and they live in the kampung in another state. They prefer living in the country which is more
peaceful and the environment is cleaner. Wc visit them more than they visit us,
As a schoolboy ,do you think Rory should be burdened with the responsibility of looking after
his grandfather who was not well?

d)No, I feel that Rory should not be burdened with the responsibility of looking after his
grandfather who was not well, As a schoolboy, he should be out playing games like any teenager
of his age and generally living a carefree life. Instead, he had to do all the household chores and
make sure his grandfather took his medicine on time, He was doing the work of an adult.I guess
Rory had no choice because as he put it, if his grandfather was not with him, he would have to go

to a home. They had no one to turn to and if his grandfather went to a home, Rory would also be
sent to a home.

Imagine that you are in Rorys shoes,would you have done what he did that is take Granda on an
escape adventure with no definite destination?Why?

e)Yes, i would have done the same thing because I know that Granda would not survive in the
old folks home. Even if Grande died while running away, I know that he would die a happy man.

Granda wanted to be with Rory all the time and relied on Rory to look after him.Do you feel that
Granda was being selfish in wanting to keep By his side all the time

f)I feel that Granda was being selfish in doing that. He should have made the effort to contact his
son rather than let Rory hear all the burden.

g) Define the term Generation gap?Does it exist in your family either between you and your
parents or between you and your grandparents.Why was there no generation gap between Rory
and his grandfather

Generation gap refers to a lack of understanding between the younger generation and the older
generation. Old people feel that the young do not respect them and the customs and beliefs they
hold close to their heart. Young people feel that the old do not understand their way of doing
things. They feel that the old are old-fashioned and should not interfere with their way of life.It
does exist in my family between my parents.They do not ask for my opinions and make all the
decisions for me. For example, they decide on the games I should play, the friends i should have
and my mother even picks the shirts I should wear when we go out even for family functions. I
feel that they are unreasonable and this is the cause for the misunderstandings that sometimes
arise between us.
Rory and his grandfather have lived together all their lives and know and understand each other
very well. They care and love each other very much so this is why there is no generation gap
between them.


Based on the novel that you have read,write about a character who faces challenges and
overcomes them.

In the novel Catch Us If You Can, one character that faces great challenges is Rory. He was a
young boy but he faced many challenges in life. First and foremost, he had to care for his granda
who was suffering from memory loss and ill health. Afraid that his granda's condition would
cause them to be separated, Rory did his level best to ensure that he took charge of the situation
well. He made sure that his granda had his regular medical check-up and took his medication on
time. However, fate had it that a fire caused by Granda left Rory completely helpless.

The fire left Rory and Granda without a home. They were separated. Rory stayed in Castle Street
while Granda was placed in Rachnadar. Rory faced the challenge of having them together again.
Granda was devastated by the plans made by the authorities. He could not bear to be separated
from his grandson. Rory planned the Great Escape which along with it was great challenges.
Granda's ill health caused Rory to fear for his granda's life.

In the climax of the story, Rory's fear came true. He thought Granda was dead. Granda was not
moving. He was cold. Rory ran for his life to get help.He felt responsible. He had planned the
escape and his granda could be dead. However, all the challenges that Rory faced were not in
vain. His granda survived the ordeal and they were reunited with Jeff Mclntosh.

There are great challenges in life. One needs to persevere and remain focus in order to overcome
them. Rory never wavered in his plans to ensure that he and his granda were not separated.
In the end, his efforts were paid off. Rory got to know a long lost father and Granda reunited
with his estranged son.


Opinion from one of the writers: INTHERA DEVI

Question 1:The character that you like best? Why?

The character that I like best in the novel is Granda. He is a delightfully funny man. He has no
serious motives except that he wants to be together with his grandson, Rory at all times.
Although he is forgetful and often helpless, he has a good sense of humour. He loves his
grandson who he says makes up for his 'lost' son. This is a good example of a loving grandfather.
Granda's forgetful actions are very amusing in the novel. For instance he threw Rory's homework
jotter together with the rubbish down the chute. Once he was almost arrested for shoplifting
when a hanger suit on it got caught in the belt of his raincoat and he walked out of the shop with
it attached to him.Granda was very popular with Rory's friends. They were always eager for
more stories about him and they too loved him very much.

Question 2:The most memorable character

The most memorable character in this novel for me is Rory. He was such a filial grandson that
any grandfather could have. Rory loved his grandpa so much that he called him Granda. Rory
could not handle losing his Granda when he was admitted at the Hospital. It had almost broken
his heart. He felt as if his heart had been smashed like concrete into tiny bits. Rory always
consoled himself with the thought of his Granda beside him. Whenever Rory's heart felt hurt, his
Granda always mended it. As they were on their journey escape from the hospital, Rory prayed
silently for his Granda. He pleaded god not to let his Granda die before they got to the caravan.
He also made a promise to God that he would go out every Saturday collecting for the Salvation
Army and even join it for the sake of his Granda. This loving attitude of Rory has made him a
memorable character for me.
Question 3:AThe lesson that I learnt:
In this novel the lesson that I have learnt is to be loving to the elders. Rory loved his grandpa so
much in this novel. His love and care for the grandfather was portrayed in many ways. Whenever
his grandpa made simple errors Rory was so forgiving. He never got angry with him. In fact he
taught his grandpa little things such as with the Parents' Night coming up, Rory was trying to
coach Granda on how to behave.He did not like people giving comments about his grandpa. He
really took care of him just like a mother taking care of her infant. When Granda was
hospitalised, Rory felt so sad for him and decided to escape with him.He had pure love for his
grandpa. From his actions in the story I learnt that we must take care of old people with a loving
heart as well.

Question 4:The theme??

In the novel, one of the themes is love and it is portrayed well through the character of Val
Jessup, a social worker who, in her enthusiasm of her first case, really takes the time to
understand Granda and Rory's problems. Val Jessup is nervous about Rory living alone in the flat
after the mishap and so she drives him to Castle Street. She takes Rory to the hospital to see his
grandfather but keeps her worries about the latter's health a secret. Eventually, it is Val Jessup
who tells Rory that the authorities have moved Granda to Rachnadar and that Rory, being a
young boy cannot be left alone to take the responsibility of caring for his aged and unwell
grandfather. When Rory and his grandfather are on the run, Val Jessup appears on the television
to address them, appealing for them to get in touch, stating that the authorities are only worried
about them and that it is Granda's health that is the main concern. Even though Val Jessup is just
a social worker and not related to Granda or Rory, we can see the element of love in her. She
loves Granda and Rory like her own family members.

Question 5:The happy event that you can quote:

The happy event in this novel is when Rory finally meets his Granda's family and his Dad's
family as well. They all insisted that Rory to go home with them. Rory realised that he had two
little sisters as well. His Dad's wife was called Karen. Rory's beloved Granda was happy to see
his two little granddaughters. He let them climb all over him and even kissed him. Rory was
finally able to stay in Liverpool.His dad's family also stayed near to him and his Granda. His dad
always came to his place every day and helped out with the daily chores. Rory and his Granda
visited his dad's place for dinner, Life was very meaningful finally for Rory and his Granda.
Reuniting back with the family is a happy event in the story.

Story beginning.Last night I was with my family at the night market.All of a sudden.

Last night, I was with my family at the night market. All of a sudden when I wanted to buy the
last piece of a fried chicken, a pair of strong hands grabbed it first and leaving me speechless.I
told the owner that I was the one who booked it first so definitely it should be mine.We starred
at each other for a while. Finally, he put it down and put a smile on his handsome face. "Yours,"
he said charmingly.I was trembling over with excitement.

Then something which I never expected did happen. Out of a blue, a burly man with a moustache
and round eyes, about his late twenties snatched my handbag. I was taken aback by his swift
action.This guy must be a professional snatcher.I screamed for help. That handsome man who
was a few metres away quickly turned back and chased this so-called professional snatch-thief.
Within minutes he came back with my handbag unopened and in good condition as it was.I
quickly expressed my gratitude to him.Soon we became friend. I m Faisal.He said
confidently.Yours? Izzah I answered shyly. We contacted each other until I found him as a very
exciting,humorous,kind and confident gentleman.I was quite amazed when he told me that he
was on his final year,medical studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia.He used to help me in my
assignment and always cheer me up.

Soon we decided for a date.It was indeed my first time dating a gentleman and I did not know
how to behave myself especially when it comes to eating together at a table.At home,I normally
eat freely and do not worry of any protocol or whatever etiquettes.My mum was always there to
cheer me up and I had my two plates of rice easily.So this time we were supposed to meet at
Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet at KB Mall in Kota Bharu.I was feeling awry at first but after so
many persuasions, I finally agreed.We enjoyed on our first date,do some window shopping,
watched movie at a nearby cinema and then chit-chatting with friends and classmates.I was
extremely happy with this first date what more he bought a gift which I never expected.Imagine
receiving an android phone,Asus Zenfone was something that made every student feeling on top
of the world. He wanted to kiss me in the car but I told him it was too early to do this.

So we headed home.I called mum that I would be back in an hour and told her to get in touch
with dad just in case if dad is looking for me.Faisal suddenly turned quiet.I didnt know what
actually was hovering in his mind but one thing for sure I knew that he has invested quite a large
sum of money to please and made me happy.He drove his car and I noticed that it was not on the
same route returning home that normally I was familiar with. Where are we heading to ? I
asked him but he just gave a weird smile.I began to worry and put my phone on GPRS.This was
just to keep me safe if something unexpected happen.It was true as I expected.Faisal began to
drive in a dark hallway.It stopped at a dilapidated house,scary as it looked.He asked me to get out
of the car but I did not move even a single step. He started to get mad and pull me out
roughly.Soon I was brought inside the house.I was feeling scared and tears started to roll down
my cheek.Then he started to violate me and told me that he needed me as much as I needed him.I
told him this was not the right way.He should see my parents and told them of his honest
intention but not to treat me like a beast.I yelled at him and told him that if he ever touched

me,he would be in a very serious problem.Meanwhile my new Zenfone beeped which means I
was being followed.

I began to have the confident and kicked him.Then I struggled and shoved him but to no avail as
he was quite strong and fully determined to get me. I screamed at the top of my voice and he
quickly close my mouth with his big bare hand. Tears rolled down my cheeks.I had no choice
but to beg him to let me go.I was praying silently that the phone beeped just now would bring
somebody to save me.He started to undress himself. I knew I could not fight him. I prayed to the
Almighty to send me a saver.Indeed it was a miracle.Suddenly I heard the door was kicked wide
opened and I saw a few men including my dad heading towards me.All of them could not wait
any longer and bashed Faisal until he passed out.

Soon one of my dads friend called his counterpart,a detective at the crime unit,police
headquarter.Within minutes two glittering blue lights patrol cars arrived.I walked slowly to my
dad and hugged him tightly. Dad,you have saved my dignity I cried on his shoulder. After that
on the way home,we dropped by at a lake and threw out this so-called valuable gift,Asus
Zenfone.It was better for me not to have this prestigious and sophisticated phone in my hand and
forget the whole thing rather keeping it and remember this new friend who wanted to violate and
take advantage of me.Faisal was put in the pentetiniary for 15 years on charge of attempted
rape.He deserved to be inside there anyway.To me I have learn a bitter lesson.I swear that I
would not trust any other man other than my hero-my beloved dad.


There was a gibbous moon in the sky which fit up a few wispy clouds_ It was 2.30 a.m. when the
party ended. After bidding farewell to my friend, I took my motorbike and headed straight for
The deserted road was dark and gloomy. Surprisingly, the roads were badly lit. The feeling or
loneliness crept all over me as I travelled uneventfully along the endless long stretch of road. It
was at times like this when I wished that I could have someone by my side to accompany me.It
was a few minutes later when I noticed a young girl, who was about my age, standing by the
roadside and waving me down. It took me a moment or two to react. Should I stop? Without
much consideration I stomped on the brake pedal and the vehicle came to an abrupt halt.The
young girl, needless to say, was pretty. She has a petite figure, an oval-shaped face, a pair of
sparkling eyes and lustrous hair. When she spoke, her voice had the same sort of purity as the

water from the mountain spring. And she wanted a lift to her house. Later, I was still trekking
along the stretch of road, but not alone.

On the way, she complained that she was feeling rather cold. Without hesitation, I took off my
stylish jacket and gave it to her.She accepted it appreciatively and wrapped it around her body
with ease. Then, we trekked onwards. I took her straight home. When she got off at her address,
she thanked me,

Come to my house when you're free, she whispered softly and pointed at the bungalow with
imposing white gates. May I know your name?" I asked gallantly.`Gweyn," she replied with a
smile.I arrived home at about 3.00 in the morning. It was then when I recalled that I had left my
jacket with Gweyn. I was feeling rather worn out and decided to retrieve it when dawn breaks.
As fatique.claimed over me, I slumped lazily into the welcoming arms of the soft sofa and fell
into a dreamless slumber.It was a chilly morning when I woke up which the pale sun to my left
seemed to be doing little to alleviate. Orange daylight was oozing in through the open windows.
I decided to pay the girl a visit right away. I arrived at her house at about 8:00 in the morning. I
pressed the doorbell and waited patiently.
Time seemed to drag by slowly. Then an elderly woman appeared and looked at me enquiringly.
I explained to her about be incident last night.Somehow, she questioned its truth and refused to
believe every word that came out from my mouth.I am perfectly sure that mydaughters were
with me last night." she murmured. "All of them." Her tone was very sarcastic.Now what? How
should I convince her? I did not know what to do. My limbs seemed to be frozen and when I
opened my mouth to speak, there was no voice to be heard_

She detected my difficulties and continued to speak. "You do look sincere, young man, but are
you sure?"

"Yes!" I said the word with utter finality.She nodded briefly and motioned me to follow her into
the house. Once inside she gestured me to be seated. Then, she went upstairs. 1 took a few
glances around my surroundings The interior of the house was indeed well designed. Then, I
spotted a picture which was hanging on the opposite wall. It was Gweyn!Moments later, the
woman came down with her daughters. She demanded me to indicate the girl that I mentioned.
There were three of them, but none of them was the girl I was looking for."Where is Gweyn?" I
enquired."Who?" She looked baffled."Gweyn, the girl in that picture," I explained and pointed
directly at the picture hanging on the wall.

Her daughters giggled softly and looked sarcastically at me. Then, the elderly woman took a few
paces across the room, towards that picture and gave a sigh of resignation."Young man, the girl
in that picture is indeed Gwep.""Then where is she?" I continued to probe."But, she is no longer
with us," she said gravely, and .pronounce each word clearly as if speaking to a five-year-old
child stared at her expressionlessly and said, 'That's not funny." Little did I realise that sweat was
pouring down her forehead."I didn't say that it was funny, young man," she retorted. "Come with
me," she snapped and left by the back door. Unceremoniously, I followed her.I was brought to a
cemetery which was located a few hundred yards away from her house.When we arrived at her
daughter's grave,I saw my jacket hanging over the tombstone.

I was speechless and dumbfounded.


It was almost two o'clock in the morning.Mek Jah was pateintly waiting for her husband.Deep in
her heart,she wondered why Jali was still out there.Where did he go? Mak Jah
murmured.Could he be at the famous Muay Thai restaurant at Rantau Panjang near the Thai
border?The place he usually went to for his supper or could he be at his sisters place at Tanah
Merah,a place he never missed when he travelled over that side.But he promised to come back
before midnight.Mek Jah and Jali were just married a year ago.So Mek Jah felt very uneasy
being left alone,whatmore it was already after midnight.Afterall she has a six month old
daughter, Melati to take care of,their first child.Mek Jah was very worried for her husband had
never come back so late. She could not sleep either. Each second was like a thousand years. She
gazed her little baby girl who was sleeping in a cot.A pleasant smile rose on her face seeing
Melati sleeping soundly without any interference.

Unfortunately,there was a power failure that night.The heavy downpour over the last three hours
made it impossible for the electricity to stay on.Mek Jah immediately lighted a candlestick.It
shone brightly in the room. She then glimpsed at the clock on the wall. Suddenly she heard a
loud crash which pierced the silence of the night. Her heart missed a beat. It did not sound too
good. She looked out through a window and with the help of the moonlight,she spotted Jalis

car.The car had collided with a tanker.Mek Jah was so nervous and horrified.What would
happen to her hubby then?She was completely restless.

Text Box: Her heart started to pound and without further consideration, she rushed out from her
house and running downstairs towards the car.While she was rushing clumsily towards the
staircase,she accidentally knocked the table and the candle fell down. In her haste, she did not
notice or feel anything.

She is now at the scene.She could hear her husbands voice groaning in pain.She could figure out
the pain was excruciating.He was trapped in the wrecked car. His head and face were-bleeding
profusely. She called out her husband's name repeatedly but soon Jali was unconscious. By then,
the villagers had converged at the scene. The situation was chaotic. The tanker driver and the
villagers gave a helping hand to extricate her husband from the wreckage. But they failed to
do.that. Her husband exhaled his last gasp of breath in the car. She cried sadly and tears flowed
down her cheeks uncontrollably.

At that same moment, someone cried out, "Fire! Fire! Her house was fire:She turned her head
and saw that the fire had spread toff the bedroom. She remembered her baby "My baby,Melati
was in the house! My baby!" She shouted nervously and ran towards her house. She was
forbidden by some villagers from barging into the burning house.-The fire spread rapidly and the
house was engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes.The villagers formed a bucket put
out the raging fire but then,their efforts were like a drop in the ocean. She cried, screamed and
struggled to free herself from the hand of the villagers. She wanted to get into the house to save
her baby. She was screaming hysterically.She became weary,upset and terrified.All she could do
was gazing at the fire.She was extremely sad that she had lost her husband, her child, her house
and infact she had lost everything in just few hours. It was an agony,unbearable and horrifying
night for her.

This is the worst moment in her life and she thought to herself that nobody else had experienced
this terrifying moment like what she had gone through..


Story beginning:I did not realize that I am now already a free man and

I did not realize that I am now already a free man after years of torment in prison.Never in my
mind did l think that -this day would come. When I first stopped outside the prison gate, I was
afraid to face the society that l have been cast from. I summoned all my courage and started to
walk away from the penitentiary. I turned my head to see the prison for the last time. It had been
a nightmare for me in there. It was an unforgettable experience.

It happened 15 years ago. I was 26 years old then. I had just finished my degree in medicine. I
searched for jobs everywhere. Fortunately, I found a job as a surgeon in a private hospital. It was
a lucrative job. My career was starting to take off. As a young and handsome doctor, my life was
surrounded by women. I never had a long term relationship with anyone of them.One day I was
assigned to treat a patient. It was a female patient. Her name was Trisa. Her legs were broken,
She was very, beautiful, a heavenly creature like an angel. She seemed very familiar, but I still
could not rernember where I had seen her before. After the operation, I visited her to ask some
questions.It was a coincidence that we had studied at the same school. Since that day I always
visited her until she was discharged.

We started to going out together. Since I started seeing her, my life had changed. She filled my
life with joy. She was the 'love of my life. One day, while we were having dinner, she vomitted
and fainted. I admitted her to the hospital. She said to me that she suffered from food poisoning.
A few weeks after that, the same thing happened. This time it was at her house.I started feeling

Then one day, I found bottles of drugs in her cabinet. The drugs were for cancer patients. I asked
her and finally she revealed her secret. She had a brain cancer. There was a tumour in her head. It
could not be removed. The,following month she was admitted to the hospital where I worked.By
that time, her condition had deteriorated. She was only given morphine to lessen her pain. Only
time will tell when she would .leave me. I visited her every day. I spent almost all of my time
with her. She was a very strong person. She was ready to face her fate.

Then one day, she was in intense pain. The doctor could not do anything but give her more
morphine. She asked me for an impossible favour_ She wanted me to end her life. She just could
not endure the suffering any more. I did not want her to suffer too. But I really love her. I did not
know what to do. I agreed to help her leave this world. It was the hardest thing I had to do in my
life.With a heavy heart, I raised her morphine dosage. Tears were running down my.cheeks as I

saw her eyes slowly close. Then a nurse came into the room and saw what I did. She quickly
screamed.There were few medical staffs who came by and arrested me. The doctor came in but
she was gone. I watched her lifeless body lying on. the bed.. She seemed as if she was smiling at
me. I felt sad but.l was glad that her suffering had ended. That day some part of me died with
her.I told the jury the truth.

I was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I was sentenced fo life imprisonment. However,
there were still some people who were fighting for my freedom. Time passed by and I had served
15 years in prison. Then one day a guard told me that I was free-to leave the prison.'There were
many reporters who wanted to interview me. They wanted my story. It was funny somehow that
at first I was treated like a criminal that was hated by the society but now I am a hero praised by
the society. I remembered what Trisha told me.She said that 'Life is like a box of chocolate.
You'll never know what you're going -to g e t."It looks sweet but you get your life bitter simply
because you want to be nicer to people. Only the Almighty knows whats in me on next


1.Describe what happens at the end of the novel.Explain why you find the ending either sad or
happy.Give evidence from the text to support your answer.

2.Write about a lesson you have learnt in the novel you have read.Support your answers with
close evidence from the text.

3.Would you recommend this novel to your friend.Give reasons and support your answers with
close reference to the text.

4.The two main characters are inseparable.Give reasons and support your answers with close
reference to the text.


SPM 2011
Which part of the story you like most.Give reasons for your choice with close reference to the

Write about the event that makes you angry.Give reasons why the event makes you feel this way.

SPM 2013
Write about an important decision made by one of the characters.With close reference to the
text,explain how it affects the other characters.(2013).


Everyone in this world must has someone whom they look upon as a role model including me.
Someone whom i look upon as a role model is my beloved mother. My mothers name is Eshah
Bt Mohamed. My mom works as a teacher at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Abdul Samad at
Machang. Everyday, my mother drives and she drops me at my school.

My mom is a hardworking person. She loves to plant many types of flowers. She plants a lot of
flowers at the small garden in front of our house.She plants many types of flowers such as roses,
orkids, sunflowers and many more. Sometimes, when i was a kid i always ask myself why my
mom loves to plant flowers. She looks at me with a smile on her face while carassing me.Then
she said confidently,Flowers give us a beautiful scenery and sometimes flowers help in
releasing our tension. Since then, planting has become part of my hobbies during my leisure
time. Futhermore, my mom always do the house chores after she returns home from her school.
She cleans the house and cook delicious meals for us. Eventhough she is tired but she never
show any sign of fatigue. During weekdays, my mom loves to make desserts such as cakes,
sweets and cookies. I really love my mothers cooking.To me, my moms cooking is the best in
this world. I think everyone would agree with this.In addition, my mom is also a caring person.
She cares about my family very much. When, i have problems she will always be there by my
side. I will tell all my problems to her. There are no secrets between me and her. She will calmly
listen to my problem and then she will give a piece of her mind with some good
advises.Sometimes, if she has a free time, she will take me to any restaurant . My mom also
makes sure that there are no members in my family having any problem.We share the problems.
As the saying goes, sharing is caring. I think this is one of my mothers ways to show her love
towards her family.As such, we will be a happy family having peaceful lives without thinking of
any problems.

To add to this good qualities of my mum,she is a kind hearted person. She always help someone
in need no matter who is the person is. She will give her hands to help that person. She is willing
to listen. My mom always tell me, If we help someone in need, one day people will help us. If
my mom sees an elders who try to cross the road, she will quickly help them as fast as
lightning. My mom will never close her eyes when she sees someone in need. I feel like my mom
is a superhero who tries her best in order to help people. I hope that one day, i can be a kind
hearted person just like her. Apart from that, i look upon my mom as a role model mom as a
healthy person. She always take good care of her health. She said, Health cannot be bought at
any shops. During weekdays, my mom will ask my family to join her exercise at the
neighbourhood park. My mom loves to exercise to make sure that she will keep healthy.

Sometimes, she will jog with her friends but she prefers to exercise with my family because we
can spend our time together. Once a month, she will go to the nearest clinic to check her blood
pressure. Until now, my mom will follow her routine. I think that is the reason why her body still
healthy and active eventhough her age keeps on increasing every year.

My mom is also a strict person. Eventhough, she is strict but she never control me and my
siblings activities. If we want to go out, it is enough for her to just know where we are going and
who are with us because if something happen, at least she gets to know where we are.
Sometimes, my mom will also nag at me and my siblings if we are doing something wrong.
Not only my mother but im pretty sure that every mother in this world will nag at their sons and
daughters. Eventhough, my mom nags, she will use nice and soft words. She never use a harsh
words when she talks to us. Some people cant hear if their mother nag at them but for me every
words she says is like a lovely music to me.

Finally, i hope that one day i can be just like my mother. I will always look upon my mother as a
role because my mom is an important person in my life. She is my bestfriend, teacher, and lover
to me. I will try my best so i can be just like my mother. I love my mother so much, deeply in my
heart because my mom is part of my life.

Write a story begining with:SHE WAS PREPARED TO FACE THE MUSIC....

She was prepared to face the music. What do you think you are doing Suzy? the ballet teacher,
Mrs. Serena asked her with horizontal voice but enough to make Suzy felt guilty. She could see
through Suzys dancing that she was not focused. You need to focus, Suzy .The big day will be
coming soon, and I will make sure that you will get the role. Suzy nodded. I am sorry, Mrs.
Serena. I shall practice harder. Mrs. Serena smiled and patted her shoulder, Alright. You must
always remember that practice makes perfect. Suzy just smiled. You can go back now, but you
must practice, dear, Mrs. Serena said. Thank you, Mrs. Serena. Suzy slowly exited the room.

Suzy was practicing hard again. She wanted to make her father and her teacher satisfy with her
success. I must get that role. Yes, I MUST! She was determined to win that main role by

winning the contest. Ballet was her soul and life. And it is a real coup to play a role of Little
Dancing Girl. Suzy lay on her bed after she felt exhausted.

Suddenly, she heard her fathers car entering the garage. She rose up from her bed and rushed
down stair. Suzy hugged her father as he entered while holding some books. Hi Dad, let me help
you. She took the books and put them on the table.
Dad, do you have some pills that can help me to getting away from being tired so fast? Dr.
Kim eyed his daughter lovingly and said, No, dear. I do not have it. You should be thankful
because tiredness was your only complain. A girl about your age, called Jennifer Beeson, had
come to clinic today. I had a painful task to tell her parents that their daughter will be blind in a
few years. Her parents do not want to tell her right now.

Oh! How horrible for her! Suzys eyes were glistened by tears. Her late mother who had
died just a year ago always taught her to empathize towards someone else who pitiful from her.
But, you are an eyes specialist, Dad. Do you have any ways to save her sight? Dr. Kim shook
his head sadly. As sensitive as she is, Suzy soon forgot about the girl. She had practiced every
moment she had. She was disappointed because her father will not be able to attend the contest.

Eventually, the big day had arrived. Suzy came early and saw a girl in the dressing room. Being a
friendly girl, she approached the girl and introduced herself. I am Jenny Beeson. You also can
call me Queen of the Bee.She jokes. Suzy laughed, How adorable she is, but her name just
familiar for me. I am nervous because I am the first contestant. Jenny looked a little bit
nervous. Do not worry. I know you can do it. Suzy cheered her up.

There were six contestants including Suzy and Jennifer that has been chosen to go to the final.
They were from different parts of Malaysia. They always cheer for each other, especially Suzy
and Jenny. Now, they are close.

The bell rang and the emcee called Jenny to the stage. Suzy wish her good luck and continued
putting her final touches for her make-up. Suzy walked out to see Jennys performance. On her
way, she saw something glittering on the floor. It was a locket with smiling Jennys picture.
There was an inscription on the back read, To Our Darling, Jennifer Beeson.

Just like her heart wanted to pop out, Suzy realized that Jenny Beeson was Jennifer Beeson. How
come she forgot about a girl that doomed to be blind in a few years? She felt sorry to Jenny.
Then, she continued her intention to watch Jennys performance.
She was impressed by Jennys performance. Jenny was awesome and wonderful. Suzy can see
from Jennys face that she was happy to be a ballerina. Just like her. Including her parents, ballet
was her delight. Sometimes, if she felt sad or stress, ballet could release her sadness and stress.
She felt her sadness and stress flying away just like a flying bird.
Suzy also realized that Jenny was her real rival. The other contestants were good, but they are
no match for Jenny. They could not compete with Jenny and that means either Jenny or her
would win.
Then, the emcee called Suzy to the stage. She saw her ballet teacher, Mrs. Serena smiling
encouragingly at her. The music started and Suzy began to dance. As the dancing was
progressed, soon Mrs. Serenas smile disappeared. She was wondering why her excellent student
was making some minors but perceptible mistakes.
When the dance ended, Suzy bowed to audients as they were applause her with a big applause,
just like when Jennys performance ended. She rushed backstage where the ballerinas were
waiting. You are awesome, Suzy! Jenny said to her. Thanks. You are awesome too.Suzy
smiled happily.

Finally, the result was to be announced It was hard for juries to select the winner. All of
contestants were talented. But, I already had the result in my hand. The emcee announced and
smile. The contestant and audiences were excited.
Now, the winner for main dancer is Jennifer Beeson! Jenny was declared to be a winner
for the role. She was very happy. She walked to the stage proudly. Although Suzy was sad
because she did not get the role but it is enough for her to make a heart-breaking sacrifice for her
new friend. Mrs. Serena hugged her and smiled. I am sorry Mrs. Serena, because I had
disappointed you. She said sadly. Its okay, dear. I know you had tried your best.

Ladies and gentlemen, I had an announcement to tell. At first, there was only one role
required, that is main dancer for film Little Dancing Girl, but the juries had decided to select
another one who must be the best from the remaining contestants to be a lead dancer. The main
dancer is the main character in this film; meanwhile the lead dancer will also lead other dancers

in this film. I hope all of you understand. The emcee said and smiled gently. Everyone was so

And the winner for the lead dancer is Suzy Kim! Suzy was baffled. The audiences were
cheered and gave her a big applause. You made it! Congratulations, Suzy! Mrs. Serena hugged
her and pushed her towards the stage. Suzy walked to the stage slowly, still feeling unbelievable.

As she was on the stage, the emcee and the juries congratulated her. Jenny smiled and they
hugged each other. Congratulations, Suzy. Suzy smiled. Thanks.
We are going to be the most formidable team ever-no one shall take it from us.Jenny quipped
with a smile while her eyes were all on Suzy..
Describe why the main characters are inseparable.Find as many evidences from the text to
support your answer.
From the novel,catch us if you can written by catherine macphail,the two main characters,Rory and
Granda are definitely inseperable from the begining of the story until the fine ending when the Macintosh
family gathered and live happily
There are many clear evidences to support and show that both characters are inseperable.The begining
of the story started when an eleven years old ,responsible and cheerful boy reciprocated his great love
and passion towards his Granda. He ran home from school to feed granda 's medication,bought hot pies
for his lunch and refuse to be in the school football team.All these traits are evidences of Rory 's love and
passion towards his granda .Truly he did not want to be separated from Granda
The next evidence is Rory avoid meeting Mrs folley as often as possible as he knew of her interest to
adopt him .Rory did not like the idea at all as he wanted to be with his granda. The 'great escape' or the
climax of this novel is a very strong evidence that both Rory and Granda cannot be separated. Rory plan
precisionly to take granda out of Rachanadar as he could not see granda crying and suffering in great
The incidence at the caravan park tells us how much Rory loves Granda . Rory refused to run by himself
and leaving Granda after they were blocked by the authority.
The incidence at Perth Station is another great example of the love and passion of a caring grandpa
towards his grandson.Granda hit the lemonade boy until he became unconscious.The fact that the boy
threaten to take Rory to the authority in exchange of a reward has upsetted Granda.Granda was
determined to take further risk after he hotwired a blue corsa and ran away from the authority.
The next evidence at the stone bus shelter reflected how much Rory's love towards Granda. He was
looking high and low for somebody to save his granda who was not breathing and motionless . It was
fortunate when Mr william and his wife Alice saved the situation .
Finally the historic meeting at Jeff's apartment is another revealing fact that both are inseparable.Jeff

offered Rory to stay with him. Nevertheless Rory had expressed his disinterest and told his father ,he
preffered to stay with his granda .
Thus,the above evidences mentioned above confirmed that Rory and Granda are inseparable.
I just could not stop the tears running down from my eyes. I could not concentrate my study. It was just
difficult for me to focus on History subject.I saw around that all the faces of my friends were gloomy.So
much has happened in just 24 hours. All of us were shocked with the news.
I recalled when Yusuf was sitting beside me struggling with the English and Mathematics exam. After
finished, Yusuf looked so relieved.We went to our usual places hanging out with the gang. He ordered his
favourite drink, teh tarik. I noticed that he looked stranged and his behavior was different from before. I
asked him, "Why you looked so pale and little bit under the weather?"He brushed it aside and giving the
excuse as an exam fever.
After having tea-time, we went to Sogo for shopping. We were separated with the other friends. Yusuf
asked me to follow him and we entered the sports shop. I was just wondering and started to ask myself.
It is because he never interested with the sport. When we entered, Yusuf dragged my hand to the football
section. He chose one of the balls from the shelf and paid for it. I just followed him and observed what he
Suddenly, he took a marker pen out from his bag and signed on the football. After that, he gave to me and
asked me to keep it carefully.I just wondering and asked him again, "Why you looked so weird today?" .
Yusuf smiled and said, "Nothing, but if you missed me, just hug the ball". I was laughing and considered
it as a joke. Late evening, we went home and separated our ways. Yusuf waved and smiled sweetly to
Later that night while I was watching television, I received a call from Yusuf 's mother, Aunty Fatimah. Her
voice were chocked. She told me that Yusuf has been admitted to hospital because of an accident. Then,
she paused for a minute and said in a tearful voice, "Yusuf had left us.He was rammed by a lorry.I was
shocked,dumbfounded and speechless.
I called my friends and informed them about what happened to Yusuf. All of them were shocked and did
not think that was last time they saw Yusuf. Without tinge of doubt ,we went to the hospital together.
When we reached there, we saw Aunty Fatimah looked very sad. I tried to calm her and gave her some
spirit that we had to accept the fate.
The next day, my friends and I helped Aunty Fatimah in the funeral.Then,i went home. I did not know that
it was the last time I would see him alive and I now I know that the gift he had given to me was the last
present for our friendship. His joke that night were still lingering in my mind.
I shall never forget this day for the rest of my life.
Lately , there have been a lot of truancy cases involving the students from our school as well as other
schools and this is worrying the school administrators as well as the parents . It is also considered as a
disciplinary problem that has been going on for years.Many students who play truant are seen in

cybercafes and shopping complexes . I think we should work hand in hand to overcome this problem
.Otherwise, it will tarnish the school image and reputation .
There are many reasons why the students are playing truant .One of it is because of peer influence .
Students who are involved in this truancy problem are usually colleagues of students who have
discipline problems. They would follow their friends playing truant and having fun after being influenced by
their friends . Moreover, there is a tendency that the problematic students are also effected by their
disinterest in learning . Some students who have low academic performances at school are usually losing
their interest in learning . Also,these students who are playing truant are also in the same group after
they are being scolded or humiliated by their teachers in front of their classmates . Hence their interest to
be in classes would be greatly affected.
What is even worse,the truancy cases are coming from those effected by lack of attention from their
parents . Some of their parents have to work all day and night to find money for their family .These
parents do not have sufficient time to spend with their children or getting involved with their academic
progresses. This will make their children to revolt and do anything they like .On the other hand, stress is
also another reason on why truancy happened to many students. Some students who are often being
bullied in their schools and the victims will go through a great deal of stresses until they are not able to
concentrate in their classes anymore . The problems at school with classmates and teachers plus those
at home will surely carry the unavoidable stresses.This made the students wanting to escape from this
Some of my suggestions are the students have to be monitored by teachers at their school . Discipline
teacher has to take responsibility in this case.Also teachers should give warnings to them such as tell
them that they will be handed over to the Police if they are found playing truant . School administrators
also must play a role to send all this problematic students for counselling with the hope some of them
will realise the effect of mixing with wrong companies and hoping to change for the better.
On the other hand, the school administrators should hold some interesting school activities . This will
attract the students to attend school and stop playing truant . The school administrators can also
organize awareness campaign for the students at school to prevent the truancy problems occuring and
hold some motivational talks .Lastly , the discipline teacher should meet parents and have dialogue with
them about the problem.
In conclusion,I hope the truancy problem which is happening in many schools especially from the last
classes can be cut down with the involvement of all hands.Lets make our school as our second home
and truancy problem will surely be under control.

It is sad to see cases of indiscipline in many schools has been on the rise.Nowadays it is not surprising to
see teachers beaten up in school and out of school compound.Are we going to allow this phenomena to
continue where teachers are under target of being assaulted and embarrassed?These indiscipline in
schools has open up to many problems and they are effecting other schoolchildren.Cases such as
extortion,gang-fight,vandalism,gangsterism and truancy too mention a few need thorough review by the
government and school administration.Otherwise the situation may worsen and effecting the good image

of many other schools.

There are many causes of indiscipline in school.The students who hailed from broken families and whose
parents have passed away are part of the causes which contribute to the disciplinary cases.Although not
many of them who are involved yet without anyone taking care of them at home,they tend to overstress
themselves and proceed to negative activities such as extortion and gang-fight.On top of that the peer
influence also plays a role.They are easily influenced with money and materials gifts so they will do
whatever it takes to satisfy their peers need.The case would be exacerbated when the gang leader
recruited other students who are willing to join them.Thus these indiscipline of vandalism,gandsterism and
truancy will spread like fire if the school administrator fail to rectify them.
The effect of indiscipline can be clearly felt especially when the students start to go against the school
rules and regulations in bigger group.Truancy is a good example.It happens when the teacher is having a
meeting or on leave.When somebody starts to leave the class,others will follow.These students will then
go to the toilet or other hidden places in the school compound.Some have the guts to leave the school
compound and go to cybercafs and snooker centres.Others who are bored or stressful may vandalise
the school properties by damaging them.
Apart from that,extortion is also another form of indiscipline where students like to show off their colours
and powers.The junior students become the victims. These juniors students will do ridiculous tasks and
gang-fight will happen if the junior students refuse to follow the instructions.Hence it gives a trauma to
those who are beaten in and out of school compound.The end result would force the parents to pull out
their children from the school.
There are many suggestions to overcome these indiscipline in school and one of them is to give the extra
powers to the teacher to cane the students.Unlike those old days when teachers have free hand to cane
those indiscpline students but now the scenario is different.Teachers have to be more careful as some
parents may proceed with police report or confront the teachers and assault them.This has made the
students lose their fear and respect for their teachers.Hence, teachers to be allowed to beat students
palms if they misbehave although they may not be allowed to beat other parts of the bodies.Students will
then have some fear and this will help the teachers to control them.For severe cases of indiscipline such
as assaulting teachers,the culprit must be publicly caned.This kind of punishment is rarely done and the
impact is, it will teach the offender not to repeat the mistake.Moreover other students will not dare to
misbehave for fear or receiving the same punishment.Those students who are on blacklist by the school
administrators and refuse to change,then they will have to be suspended.Suspension may depend on the
wisdom of the school administrators and it is hopeful that the students will come back to school with new
look and determination.However if the student comes back and repeat the offences,he should be
expelled.This fear of expulsion may make students change and behave for the better.For other serious
cases such as arson and gang fights,only the police are the best people to handle these.
The indisciplinary cases must be stopped or cut at the nip of the bud.As parents,they want their children
to enjoy learning in school.An adage which says School is our second home must be instilled in the
minds of every schoolchildren.Lets make our school a place of interesting and enjoyable activities.
Indiscipline in many schools has been on the rise and the problem has caused a great concern to the
Write an article entitled: Indiscipline ion schoolsUse the following points to assist you in your preparation
of the article;
A)Causes of indiscipline

*Broken family
*Peers influence
B)Effects of indiscipline
C)Suggestions to overcome
*Teachers to be given power to cane student
*Public caning
*Suspension then expulsion if repeated the offences
Directed Writing: ARTICLE
The current dry spell has put the country on alert.There is a possibility of water rationing to be imposed in
effected areas.
You are the journalist of a leading newspaper and is assigned to write on a article entitled: Possible
Water-crisis-Start conserving water now.
Use the following points to assist you in the preparation of the article:
*Public awareness on the value of water.
*Start conserving water on showers/usage of toilets/brushing of teeth/ full load washing with washing
machine/cars washing/garden maintainence.
*Use paper plates at home and avoid eating outside.
*Recycle water wherever possible and fixing leaks immediately.
You may add any other points to make your article interesting.
When writing your article,you should:
*give a title
*the writers name
*elaborate on the points
*write in paragraphs.
Posted by sirrosdi hanafiah No comments:
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Your school has recently launched a Health Week in conjunction with the national theme ,Keeping
yourself fit and healthy.
Write an article emphasizing on Staying fit and Healthy and use the following points to assist you in
your preparation of the article.
*Getting enough sleep and rest.

*Taking in a balanced diet

*conducting regular exercise
*regular medical check
*Stay away from things that may harm you
Your article must have a title and a writer.
Write in paragraphs.

Indiscipline in many schools has been on the rise and the problem has caused a great concern to the
Write an article entitled: Indiscipline ion schoolsUse the following points to assist you in your preparation
of the article;
A)Causes of indiscipline
*Broken family
*Peers influence
B)Effects of indiscipline
C)Suggestions to overcome
*Teachers to be given power to cane student
*Public caning
*Suspension then expulsion if repeated the offences
Your answers must be in paragraph.Use the correct form of article format.
Marks to be given on language,clarity and presentation.
Write a story ending with '' I was not the same after the incident''
During the last school holidays,my very close friend Abu and I went to the Cyber Cafe to play some
internet games and to watch videos from youtube. After playing for quite a while, my friend asked me to
see one of the videos, he said that it was a good one. Without wasting any time I rushed to his computer
to watch the video.It was about, Do it-Yourself kit on how to make home-made explosion from black
powder. After watching the whole video Abu and I had the same idea in our mind to try out this exciting
Do-It Yourself Kit.Then we decided to make our own explosive black powder so that we could blow-up
everything in our neighbourhood.
The next day, we started to purchase the ingredients that we had listed from the video.We had all the
ingredients ready except for one which is KNO3 or otherwise known as potassium nitrate. We went to all
shops in town to find this deadly KNO3, fortunately we managed to find it in a gardening shop located two
miles away from Abus home.At about noon, after we had all of the ingredients, we began to build our own
laboratory.I remembered my mum reminded me to take care of the backyard and everything must be
clean and tidy.Abu and I quietly planned the invention without dirtying the compound.We brought two
refrigerators boxes in the junkyard. We also brought some boxes which contained the ingredients to the

backyard.Later we combined the two boxes to make a spacious laboratory perfect for our magnificient
experiment.After punching some holes to the lab for ventilation, we brought in the materials needed to
make the black powder.
The mixture of composition began and we started to mix all of the materials together according to their
ratios such as 15 parts of sulphur, 30 parts of charcoal and 55 parts of potassium nitrate. After mixing all
of the materials together, we were left with a chuncky powder. If the black powder is not fine enough, it
will only burns slowly and it would not create an explosion.So,we put the powder into the blender and
grinded them to make a fine powder. After that, we filled the black powder in a small barrel.Abu asked me
to get old newspapers from my house to wrap the barrel, so I quickly ran to get it.
Suddenly,I heard a big explosion. It was too fast The explosion was so large that it shattered all of the
windows in my house.Many houses that were one mile in radius were badly damaged from the blast. A
few moments later, I was up on my feet,I felt a little dizzy, at the same time my eyes were blury and my
ears were deaf. I then quickly ran outside through the back door to check on Abu. As I just stepped out of
the door, I was shocked to see that our box laboratory was disintegrated due to the massive explosion.I
tried to find him but with my blurry vision it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Then I called out
for him, after a few shouts I heard a faint coughing. I rushed to find the source of the coughing, as I was
crawling on the ground.Finally, I found him under the debris of the boxes. He was covered with blood and
both of his arms were gone.I held him on my lap and said, Its going to be alright,you just hold on. I
yielded for help a few time as tears were flowing through my eyes. As he was dying, I tried to talk to him
but my words just stuck at my throat. I just hold him tightly hoping that he would hang on until help
arrived.Soon,the paramedics arrived.They put Abu and me on a separate stretcher and took both of us.
At that time I barely remember what had happened.I had passed out.
The next day when I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital bed. The doctor said that I would be fine. I
tried to ask the doctor about Abu but the doctor just ignored me and told me to rest. Later, I then found out
that Abu didnt make it.He died due to massive lost of blood and a severe head injury Abu died because of
our blatant mistake.
I had made a decision that had killed my best friend.I knew that I would never escape from the guilt of
killing my own friend. I had made a full recovery from the incident but the trauma remained.Now, when I
heard a bang I could recall the incident liked it happened yesterday. For what its worth, Abu was a really
good friend.I was never the same after that horrible incident.
Write a story ending with:"...... That was the worst day in my life.I shall never forget it."
I have a brother. He is my only brother in this world. he is my hero, my ultraman, my spiderman, you
name it. Yes, he is my one and only brother in my fairy tale. He is an
unpredictable,awesome,handsome,responsible and hilarious person in my life. Yes, he is Farizal Marlias.
He might not be stylish or handsome as the models adorning Aaroon Aziz advertisements. But for me he
is above them all. I would not trade him even that anyone would offer me a wealth beyond of my
imagination. That is how much I love him.because he is the person that could me happy. If anyone could
make me smile when I'm crying,he could. When I'm insanely mad and throwing tantrums and nobody
dared to tell me to be more matured or thinking rationally he would. When I'm bawling my heart out and
no one could lend me a shoulder to me to cry on. He will.I love my brother. A philosophy said that LOVE is
NOTHING, a typical Malay said that LOVE is BLIND. but for me LOVE is Farizal Marlias.
My parents was involved in a car accident when I turned thirteen. On that day,I got the worst news, from
my teachers.I was at school. My brother took me home. My school is far away from the house.I stayed at
the hostel.Since that fatal accident, I moved and stayed with my beloved brother. This year, I shall face a
big examination in my life. I'm SPM candidate. Becoming a form 5 students makes me half dead. It's lot
of homework to do,so many name them.Honestly I'm not a hardworking student. Yes. I
admit it. seriously, I am not.
One day of my life, I had made my brothers blood boiling all over me. I made his day with a bad news.
The most severe news. I guess! He was so furious. He looked at my report card.Nothing in this world can
save me and my fingers were trembling.I knew that I deserved whatever punishment. I looked at his
furious face.He was gripping his teeth me. I hope there will be a miracle here to save me from this
stressing moments.

"Look you only get 29 marks for your Chemistry?". Seriously I can not put my eyes on his face right now.
oh my gosh, I don't want face it right now. Then, suddenly his voice sounded again and again. Why cant
you score like what you had in your addmaths?Why my dear?"The anger scared every nerve in my
ears.He stood up and came towards me. Right now, no words can describe what I feel. My heart is
beating very fast. Dap dup dap... Then, one slap came onto my faces."Pangggggggggg..." "That is what
you should get for your bad result".
Seriously, every nerves in my face was groaning in a pain.My eyes tried not to let the tears slipped out.I
dashed to my bedroom. Dumn.Dumn and dumn. I opened my door and I get in. Then, locked the door.I
was crying like a baby.It was totally hard for me to accept a 17years old girl being slapped by an elder
brother for failing in just one subject.My dad and mum never did this to me. Seriously, he is the first
person in my life that really had the guts to put his palm on my face.
I vowed to show him that I can score better than 29 marks.I left a note on his table telling him that I
wanted to shift school and stay in the hostel.
Months went by,so SPM shall be tomorrow.I didnt waste much time anymore except flipping through my
notes.Guess what?I had a visitor.My eldest brother dropped by with my sister in-law.I thanked my brother
for that painful and nice slap which he put on my face few months ago.I am a better person now.I told
him that time has changed ,so am I.Then I confidently hugged him and told him that my results would be
nothing less than 10As.He was sad in tears but he realised without that nice slap,I wouldnt have
Soon the results was announced.I became the top student in my schoolThis lesson I have gone through
taught me so many things.I shall never forget it...
Write a story beginning with: His mother smiled when she heard the news
His mother smiled when she heard the news. Daniel too, was grinning, showing his good white teeth
while holding up a piece of parchment. This was the moment he was waiting for. Finally, after nearly half
a decade, youre employed, said his mother. Her smile had not yet vanished. And Ill be the best
despatch ever, exclaimed Daniel, as he scurried up the stairs. And a great despatch needs a nice nights
sleep, he continued as he nearly tripped over one of the steps.
His mother just shook her head watching her only son in action. Daniel was not a bright person, but he
sure was very nice and that employment was a feat indeed. Meanwhile, as he crouched upon his cosy
single bed, Daniel secretly imagined himself coolly, riding his good old scooter, going here and there,
delivering mails to companies, big and small. He had an exciting feeling as he waited for the next
fabulous day.
Light was flooding into Daniels room as he woke up. He stretched a little as the birds chirped and sang
their melodies. Then, with a gush of thought, he remembered it all. This was his first day in office and he
must make this the most perfect day in his life. Then, he wondered, Why did I hear no alarm? It was
then that he was frightened to death. It was five minutes to nine and he was so late. Cursing underneath
his breath, he grabbed his shirts and working attire, not bothered to even take a little shower. Within a few
minutes, he grabbed his helmet and rushed downstairs. Mother had gone to the town, as usual. Typical
mom! Why didnt she wake me up first? he muttered slowly. Then, he grabbed a nice piece of sandwich
and went outside.
Thinking positive yields positive results, The words from the all-famous motivator, sirrosdi came to him
as he rushed to his good blue scooter. He told himself to relax and stay calm as he got on the scooter. But
another tweak came as he went to start the engine. The scooter made a rumbling noise. He tried to start
the engine again but that noise came again. Then, he remembered something. He went to the back of his
scooter and checked the oil tank. Oh goodness, silly me! Why did I forget to fill up the tank? cried Daniel
as he banged himself in the head. A glance at his wrist-watch told him that it was 9.12 a.m. and that he
was super-late. Well, Daniel had two choices; either pushing his scooter to the nearest petrol station,
which was a couple of miles away or running to the nearest bus-stand and catch the 9.20 bus.
He chose the latter and within a second, he was already speeding his way to the bus-stand, leaving his
old blue scooter lying down in the corner. He kept glancing at his watch and constantly missed to say
hello to a few villagers he passed by. He did not have the time to care. Then, he came right to the busstand and fortunately, he had not yet seen the bus. He sat down, panting to catch his breath and spent a
few minutes being satisfied. But that was not after a young man came to tell him that the bus was
unusually early that day and of course, he had missed the bus. Surely, truths were hard to swallow and

Daniel was forced to take the second option; taking his scooter to the petrol station. Daniel was totally
devastated. He could never imagine how this could happen in his first day of working.
The Superjaya Office had always been quiet and cosy, though the silence was sometimes broken by the
ringing of the telephones and facsimiles. That day however the usual silence was unusually crushed by
the exclamation of late Daniel, SORRY IM LATE! Everyone stared at him as he burst into the main door,
all-sweaty and dirty. It was already 10.30 and a short, chubby man came, looking very furious and told
Daniel to enter his office. Naturally, Daniel knew that he had to face the babblings from the fuming boss,
what with his lateness and dirty office attire, and on his first day too. After a half an hour inside the
crammed office, Daniel went out, frowning but with a new spirit. I must fix this situation. This will still be
the best day ever, he repeated to himself.
Then, he went to his desk, where there was a huge pile of mails, waiting to be delivered. Daniel grabbed
a half of them and set to his scooter. He was spirited high in the air at the sound of his scooter engine,
which roared like the lion in the movie Narnia he watched a few weeks ago. Then, he went off to his
His problems and sufferings had not ceased. On the way, he was caught in a massive traffic jam, which
cost him hours but he went on and on. It was half past one and he had not finished his works. So, he
planned to skip his lunch and went to continue with his works. Well, his first day of working surely was
dreadful. Precisely at 3 in the evening, he went back to his office, grabbed the other half of his mails and
continued. It was already dark as he delivered the last mail. It was hectic and Daniel looked pale, paler
than ever. Ah, that was the last one! He muttered as he sped off into the night, eager to be home.
Even so, there were still problems wanting to hurt poor Daniel. There was a sudden road block on the
way towards his home but Daniel was confident, over-confident in fact, that he was all perfect. His turn
came and he realized suddenly that he left his helmet at home. But the police caught him first and he was
forced to pay the due, but not before a long, tedious interrogation.
Daniel was totally running out of stamina as he staggered towards the front door of his house. The fatigue
on the other hand, was running high. It was nearly midnight and as he entered his home, his mother was
waiting at the dining table with dinner. Daniel rushed towards his bedroom, clearly unwilling to stop for a
chat. Apparently, his mother had understood and left him unbothered. Daniel on the other hand, was quite
glad. He jumped to his bed, eager for a nice sleep, but not before setting up the alarm clock. This time, he
was determined to get himself awake as early as possible. As he went to the brink of his dreams, he
secretly wished that that day would be the worst day ever in his history of life


Sir,I would like to share this story in your blog:
I stand beside my rooms window. The rain is falling like cats and dogs from the dark and gloomy sky
followed with the echo sound of a rainstorm. The weather as reported was not going to be good. At that
time i could not stop myself from thinking someone who used to be an important person in my life. Tears
of sadness kept filling my eyes and not showing any sign to stop. Her face kept on appearing in my
Jessica is someone whom i cared so much. She is truly my bestfriend. Eventhough we only knew
each other during the middle school but it seemed like we have known over a longer time. Everyone in
my school called us twin sisters because we were always together and have never been apart. Even
though we came from a different level but we never bothered about it. Jessica always told me that she
would study hard so that she could support her family. She has to take all her familys responsibilities
because she is the first child in her family. I really envy her because she has never shown any despair
about her familys difficulty. I hope that that i can be just like her whom I have always known as a strong
girl. She always said, we must never give up in our lives and we must always move forward. Jessica
and me have the same ambition. We wanted to be a doctor when we grow up so we can help people in
difficulty and distress..

A few months ago everything had changed. Jessica started to change. She avoided me from
meeting and talking and whenever she saw me,her face would showed a sign of depression. At first, i
was kind of dumbfounded with her attitude.I kept questioning myself, whats wrong with her? Does she
has a problem or have I done something wrong to her? I didnt give much thought because i thought
that she would be having a family problem.So i just let her be. But it happened for almost a week and we
still didnt communicate among each other. When i asked her she just kept her mouth shut without any
answers.I was feeling outrageous. My heart was full with anger.We stopped contacting each other.
After that, i started to hang out with a bunch of troublesome kids in my school. We played truant and
broke schools rules and regulations and since then it became my bad habits. My parent advised me not
to make friend with them but I ignored them.During weekdays, we decided to hang out at the shopping
mall near my house. On our way, i met Jessica and both of us were stunned. When she saw me, she
quickly ran towards me and without hesitation she slapped on my right cheek. Obviously, i was very
angry.I tried to do the same towards her but when i saw her teary eyes I decided to hold my hand.We
have a big quarrel at the roadside.So she told me to stop hanging out with a bunch of troublesome kids.
But i just answered her not to lay her finger in my life anymore. All her advises just fell on my deaf ears.. I
left her in disgust crossing the road like nothing happened.
Suddenly there was a red car driven at high speed and moving towards me. It didnt show any sign of
slowing down. I couldnt move my legs because it happened too fast and i felt my legs were stucked.I
could hear Jessicas voice screaming my name at the top of her voice. When i saw that car approached
me, my legs kept shaking and my forehead was full of sweat. I could not do anything at that time and i
just closed my eyes tightly and waited for a death to pick me up. My mind could not stop thinking about
my mistakes with my parents and also towards Jessica. At that moment i felt like my back had been
pushed from behind and my body was moved to the front. When i turned my head,i saw Jessica was
flying in the air and her body was thrown up about 5 metres from the car. Without hesitation, i ran
towards her and i held her right hand.I can saw fresh blood flowing profusely from her forehead and
mouth. Her face still showed a pale smile and my ears can heard her words, you are my bestfriend
forever!. That was the last time i heard her voice and i knew that she had left me forever.
During Jessicas funeral, her parents gave me a letter that was written by Jessica. Everything was
revealed at that time. Jessica actually had a leukaemia stage 3 and the doctor who treated her already
told that she would never have any chance of recovering. Jessica knew that she would die so she
concealed about her illness. She also stayed herself away from me so, i would not feel sadness from
losing her. I cursed myself for my stupidity because i left her when she needed me. I was just a selfish
person who didnt know how to understand a friends feeling but it was too late to regret. Tears of sadness
flowed down my cheeks. Now i realised the value of a true friend.

Her mother was full of tears when she heard over the radio that a MAS plane, MH 113 had crashed
somewhere in Pacific Ocean on its way to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Her fingers trembled
and she could feel the drumbeat of her heart. The news hit me like a strong wave, cold sweat seemed to
build up on my forehead. The tears came gushing through my watery eyes as Puan Mariam dropped the
bombshell that shocked everyone.
I was paralysed for a moment. The plane had taken my platonic friend, Melissa from Sydney, Australia
had crashed. Melissas relatives and all her friends had made the perfect preparation to greet her arrival
as she successfully graduated from Sydney University. We waited for Melissa eagerly since the last 4
hours and were ready to give her a surprise party when she reached at home. But in the blink of eyes,
everything had changed. The atmosphere became gloomy and full of sorrow.
Without wasting any time, Melissas mother and I immediately got into the car and we headed to the
hospital. My mind was filled with so many horrifying thoughts. I did not know what to say. It could not be

her-not now- my friend could not die. She is the only daughter that her parents have. I shut my mouth to
avoid the situation became worst. I tried to calm Puan Mariam and assured her that everything would be
alright. We heard on the radio that there were many survivors in the crash. I hoped my friend survived too
and I was convinced myself, she would be safe.
We rushed to the hospital that housed all the victims. I could barely walk as my legs were all wobbly. I
could see Puan Mariams eyes were full of hope, wanted to see her daughter survive. There was a total
chaos in the hospital. The hospital staffs were busy calming down the family members.I told myself that I
was not ready to face the worst. Children were crying and the adults were too stressed facing each other
impatiently, awaiting the news of their loved. Looking at anxiety all over the faces, I fought back my tears
and told myself everything would be fine.
The moment came.My heart beat wildly as one of the hospital staffs told us that he did not have the full
list of the survivors but he asked us to check in the ward. Puan Mariam with her hands shivering, led me
to the ward. We were both sweating profusely out of our nervousness. We went round the rows of bed
filled with the survivors. I prayed that she was somewhere there. I looked around, people were full of joy
upon finding their family members survived. Everything like a dream- I could see the happy faces and
tears. I lost my balance and landed on a seat. I did not want my friend to die.I prayed hard that she would
be somewhere around. We knew each other since we were kid. We shared our secret, played together
and she was the only one who could make me happy. Our childhood memories still mingled in mind. I
could not focus anything for now except imagining the good memories we had together.
Suddenly, I felt a grip on my hand. Puan Mariam told me that Melissa was in the Intensive Care Unit. A
hospital staff told her that Melissa was badly injured and currently undergoing an operation.I was relieved
to hear this piece of good news but at the same time, anxious with her condition. We rushed to the
operation room.Then a doctor came out and told us that she had 50 per cent chances of survival. The
team were doing their utmost best to save her life.
We waited patiently and hoped for a miracle that would save Melissas life. Anxiety hung in the air. I felt
like screaming to release the tension building up on me. Then the red light went on. The doctor came out.
I could not read his mind. He neither look happy nor was sad. I got closer to Puan Mariam and held her
hand tightly and waited for the moment of the truth. A word came out from his mouth that broke the
silence, She is now under stable condition and she is safe
My eyes was brimming with the tears. It was the tears of the happiness. I entered the room. There were
many tubes all around her and they looked like small chains torturing and tormenting her. She was
breathing steadily and managed to give us a faint smile. I sat at the corner and muttered silent prayers of
thanks. Puan Mariam looked very happy. As the moment, I remembered Melissas word, divine help can
always create a miracle if we keep on praying.
Thanks to the Almighty,my silent prayer was finally answered.
The Original Version of the Poem:
Masihkah Kau Bermain Seruling oleh Zurinah Hassan
Masihkah kau bermain seruling
walau waktu telah terlewat untuk kita bercinta
aku semakin terasa bersalah
melayani godaan irama
lagu yang tersimpan pada lorong halus buluh
dikeluarkan oleh nafas seniman
diukir oleh bibir
diatur oleh jari
dilayangkan oleh alun angin
menolak ke dasar rasa.
Masihkah kau bermain seruling
ketika kampung semakin sunyi
sawah telah uzur

waktu jadi terlalu mahal

untuk memerhatikan hujan turun
merenung jalur senja
mengutip manik embun
menghidu harum bunga.
Masihkah kau bermain seruling
ketika aku terasa mata bersalah
untuk melayani rasa rindu padamu
di kota yang semakin kusut dan tenat
adik-adikku menganggur dan sakit jiwa
bangsaku dipecahkan oleh politik
saudara diserang bom-bom ganas
dunia sudah terlalu tua dan parah.
Di sinilah berakhirnya percintaan kita
kerana zaman sedang menuntut para seniman
hidup di luar dirinya.
Date / Place of birth : 13 June 1949, Alor Setar Kedah.
Permanent address : No.2, Jalan Pinggir, 8/1L, Seksyen 8, 40000 Shah Alam since 1974.
Academic Qualifications : B.A.Hons (Universiti Sains Malaysia), M.A. (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Doktor
Falsafah, Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya.
Awards :

1. Anugerah Penulisan Asia Tenggara (S.E.A. Write Award) 2004

2. Book Category Award
i- Pujangga Tidak Bernama, Hadiah Sastera Perdana(1994/1995)
ii- Memoir Zurinah Hassan Menjejak Puisi, Hadiah Buku Perpustakaan Negara 2002/2004)
iii- Memoir Zurinah Hassan Menjejak Puisi , Hadiah Sastera Perdana 2002/2003.
Are You Still Playing Your Flute? by Zurinah Hassan
Are you still playing your flute?
When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.
Are you still playing your flute?
In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice fields
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.
Are you still playing your flute?
The more it disturbs my conscience
to be thinking of you
in the hazard of you
my younger brothers unemployed and desperate

my people disunited by politics

my friend slaughtered mercilessly
this world is too old and bleeding.
Family commitments
Priorities in life
Neglect of ones duties
We should be aware of our family commitments and carry them out properly.
Everyone has priorities in, life and we should know what is important and what is not.
Following a hobby is good but there is a time for work and a time for play.
The poem is the first point of view.
The person is addressing another person and describing a situation to him.
Rhetorical question
Descriptive and questioning
Simple style and no rhyme
Sombre and regretful
Serious atmosphere
The persona is thinking of someone she was close to and who plays the flute.She longs to hear the
wonderful soothing music that had touched her heart long time ago.She wonders if he is still playing his
flute in their village that is now empty and quiet.She feels troubled that she should be thinking of him and
her past while people around her are suffering as the world is changing.
2.Why do you think the persona can hear the songs of the flautist?
The persona can hear the songs of the flautist as the wind blows the melody into the air and she can hear
it.She can also hear it in the depths of her heart as she is close to the flautist.
3.The word luxury is used in the stanza above to:
Describe the poets feeling that she misses the luxuries in her village of watching the rain,gazing at the
evening rays.collecting dew drops and enjoying the fragrance of flowers.
4.Write down two words to describe the village: a)quiet b)deserted
5.Why do you think the rice fields are described as sick?
Because many of the villagers have left for cities and the rice fields are not attended to:
6.Write down two words which are related to personas brother?


7.Why do you think the persona says the world is old and bleeding?Give a reason to support your
The world is old and bleeding because of the social and political upheaval which has resulted in unity and
merciless killings

8.Write down two words which are related to natural phenomena that occurs everyday.
a)evening rays

b)dew drops

9.What do you think the persona enjoyed doing when she was in the village?
She enjoyed the simple pleasure of life watching the rain,gazing at the evening rays,collecting dew drops
and enjoying the fragrance of flowers vbecause she says that it is now a luxury for her as she is unable
to do these things at her place.
10. Write down two words which are related to loss of human life


11.Why do you think the persona is concerned with the flautist and his passion.
**She wonders why the flautist not doing anything despite of what is happening around him
12. Provide three phrases that reflects the message of cruel realities of a nation and uncertainty of its
a)my people diunited by politics
b)my friend slaughtered mercilessly
c)this world is too old and bleeding
13.Why is the persona feeling quilty?
Because she is enjoying the music when the nation is plagued with problems.
14.Why is the question Are you still playing your flute is repeated as the starting line of all the
This is to show the personas feeling towards her lover who is not bothered of things happening around
him.Rightfully the lover should do something that can help the nation when the people are jobless and
with many merciless killings all around.
15.In your opinion,is this a romantic poem?
Certainly it is not because the persona is expressing her worried views of the world which is old and
16.In stanza 1,line 4,where does the word here refers to:
It is a place far from the village probably in a city.
17.In stanza 1,line 3,what does the phrase sick rice field means?
It means the ricefield is barren and no longer fertile.
18.In your own words,explain those phrases mention in stanza 3,line 5,6,7 and 8.
The problems mentioned by the persona such as rising unemployment,people and families separated by
politics and people being killed in numerous wars.
19.Suggest two things you would do to stop the world from bleeding:

a) To create more jobs to curb rising unemployment.

b) To ensure people stay united and are not divided by politics and war.

s is from Amiera-MAAHAD PEREMPUAN.

The issue on bully and gangsterism is becoming an important and serious issue nowadays. This culture
creates a disturbance and causes troubles like cat among the pigeons in most of the school. Bullying and
gangsterism must be prevented immediately before it becomes worse. When it becomes worse it will be
hard to stop it from happening. The school administrators must take immediate action and stop the culture
from spreading like a wind. The innocent students who becomes the victims may live in fear and they
tremble like a leaf. It will effect their process of studying. This issue will causes terrible consequences. If
this culture increases in our country it will effect our countrys image to the other countries. The main
point is how we want to curb bully and gangsterism so,the students can live in peace and they dont
have to live in fear. anymore.
In order to curb this problem is we must report to to the school administrators if we see bully and
gangsterism happening in front of our eyes . We have to take a quick action by telling the disciplinary
teachers because they know what they have to do. Most of the students just close their eyes and pretend
that they dont see anything. But as a student we must help someone in need because if we help people
one day, people will help us. Besides,the school administrators must also take action by making a
counseling session for problematic students. Usually a problematic student come from a broken family
and they dont have enough attentions from their parents. They start making troubles just to get attention.
They are also students who came from rich families. They lived like a lord. They thought that they can do
whatever they want because no one will prevent them from doing something. It also because their parents
are too busy with their works as busy as a bee and they dont have much time to know about their
childrens activities. They comfort their chlidren like bed of roses.
On top of that,teachers and parents must also have a close cooperation to prevent bully and gangsterism
among the students because they are all in the same boat. They have to share their views and think how
to curb this activity so,bully and gangsterism can be curb.For example,parents should control their
childrens activities so, they wont spend their much time outside. Parents should know with who their
children befriends. But ofcourse they must be a limit where parents cant also control their children too
much.They should give them appropriate time to enjoy themselves. Futhermore,teachers should play their
parts by giving some advices to their students so, they will know what is right and what is wrong and they
will be more careful in something that they want to do. Moreover,the school administrators can also take
an action by organizing a motivational talk to the students. Teachers can call the experts who have
experiences on how to handle this problem. So,they can help the teachers and also the students by
reducing bully and gangsterism.
On the other hand,more programmes for students during holidays should be organize with beneficial
activities such as jungle trekking and beach outing. With these activities,students can foster relationship
among themselves so,they can get to know each other well. Beside that, they can spend their leisure time
during holidays correctly by doing some interesting and interesting activities with their friends and
teachers.Thus they can have some unforgettable and sweet memories. With this lively activities, bully and
gangsterism culture can possibily be curb.
Last but not least,the diciplinary teachers should impose heavier punishments for repeat offenders such
as suspend the students who are involve in bully and gangsterism activity.This is to make them realize
what they do are wrong.and they wont repeat their mistakes again.

In a nut shell,everyone has their own responsibilities.So it is mandatory to curb bully and gangsterism
culture because the next generations will become the one who are going to raise our countrys image to
the world. Bully and gangsterism culture must be prevented no matter at what cost. I hope that this culture
will be under control and do not spread among our students.
A very good morning to our beloved Principal,respectable teachers and fellow friends.This morning,I am
honoured to be given this great opportunity to speak on a very important and interesting issue entitled,
The Benefits of Reading
How much time do we actually spend on reading?What do we gain from reading?As we all know that we
can enhance our knowledge by reading various sources of books.For instance we can use our free time
to read many books on different genres such as fiction,thriller,horror,love story and humour.So the more
we read,the more we know.When we read,we can explore of many valuable knowledge inside the
book.Therefore gaining knowledge from reading many books can help us to see the world from many
different aspects. Regular reading will pave way for new and bombardstic words that may help us in
essay writing.These words read from many different genres such as thriller,fiction,horror,love story and
comedy may enhance our writing style.The techniques of writing improves and so are the grammars.So
as our reading widens,our standard will improve by leaps and bounds
Another exciting point about reading is we feel relax and entertain.We need not be stressful.Just as we
need balance diet,we also need balance reading.For instance reading science fiction only limit us to to
one kind and it is the same as eating one type of food only.So imagine if we read various articles from
varieties of background,this is certainly like eating on a lot of menus.One way or another,we have nothing
to lose but so much to gain.Reading is real entertainment.When we read on humorous article then we will
be smiling and laughing all alone.Thus we make up for our cheerful day.Likewise when we read
magazines of our adored artists,surely we will feel enjoy and relax.On the other hand,reading portal
news on internet or the newspapers from the stand ,keep us on track with the current issues.For instance
we are aware of political havoc in countries such as Myanmmar,Palestine,Syria and many others. As for
the inventions and innovations,reading an up-to-date Samsung magazine will provide us on the latest
new technology of mobile phones produced in the market.
It is without doubt that reading heightens our creativity very good example is some local producers
produce the movie or drama based on some popular books and novels.A good example is a book written
by the famous writer ,J.H.Howling which was later made into a mega movie, Harry Porter.Thus it
enhances our creativity when we read the novel and then watch them.It has been proven that reading
motivates ideas and give us total inspiration.A famous book entitled,The power of positive thinking
written by Norman Vincent Pearle inspires the readers to build and have self confident whenever they are
faced with whatever trials and tribulations.The positive thinking will divert them to the right
path.Indonesian novelist,Sheikh Habibur Rahman in his book entitled, Tasbih Cinta had inspired and
motivated many of his readers with its good contents and moral values.Thus a good book really provide
the tonic to avid readers.
Conclusively the benefits of readings are useful and informative.You are practically charting your
successful ladder with this good habit.So continue reading.With this I bid to say thank you for lending your
ears on this very interesting issue.


Sir ,this is my first time I am writing narrative essay and I must admit this essay is nothing
extraordinary-it is my first experience and I hope to improve.

I pulled out my duvet. Then my cellphone sounded.I was awakened by this beautiful song exactly at 6.30
a.m ."Demi Lovato's song is real rock! I whispered. I dashed to the restroom and after a quick and cold
shower, I put on my school uniform.Then I glanced at the mirror and told myself, today is gonna be
another good day.Without hesitation, I quickly walked down the stairs.
My mother greeted me, "Good morning, dear". I replied her with a charming smile.Then I took a piece of
sandwich.As usual my mom gave me the morning kiss and went over to my birthdays car.This car,a
stunning red, Honda swift, 2014 model was a birthday present from my beloved parents.Yes, I drove
myself to the school. As usual, my mother advised me to drive the car carefully.I turned on IKIM's station
which is my favourite.The journey to school is only less than half an hour but I must passed several traffic
lights to avoid the jam.So I drove carefully and this morning a small mishap happened at Jalan Hang
Tuah and the road was slightly jammed.Luckily a beautiful melody from Maher Zain's song entertained
me whilst I was caught in the jam.I reached my school at 7.55 am and guess what,the prefects were
getting ready at the gate to record the names of latecomers.I explained what happen to them and it was
a close shave.I was let go this time.
My best friends, Anna and Maria searched for me during recess time. As usual, we laughed out loudly,
gossiping about many things.Then Anna sounded,"Girls, I am going to go to Mid Valley today". Anna was
serious about her plan.Then she quickly suggested, "Why dont today we let our charming princess to
take us round the KL city ? I said, Why not but everthing has to be on dutch Anna agreed and she
prepared to bear all the expenses.
In the evening,everything was well set and Anna and Maria were waiting anxiously." Come on, Dania, We
are in a hurry!"So I quickly drove on and turned on the hot 'Fly'station.We started to sing along and
enjoyed ourselves."Jammed again!, girls, you should know how much I hate jam!" I told them. Anna just
looked at me,and told me that she had to be in a hurry as her boy friend was waiting, and she asked me
to take a shortcut. " You can go through this short-cut and will meet a junction connecting the Mid Valley
about 500 metres from here".I swerved my car and turned right suddenly, a lorry came and 'Banngg'!! I
could not control the car and it went up the divider.
I opened my eyes slowly, and I found I was in a hospital.I turned my head and saw my mom and my
family were surrounding me.They were all sobbing. I asked my mom, "Anna and Maria,where are they ?
Today is the fourth day and thank god,you make it.My mum refused to answer my question.I pleaded to
my mum again and asked her, Where are Anna and Maria? My mum with tears in her eyes replied
softly, They have gone my dear, Anna loss too much blood while Maria was seriously injured and she
could not make it until yesterday..I could not control myself and tears rolled down my eyes.I had lost my
two best friends in just seconds.Thank god, the nightmare is over.Yes, "this was the worst day in my life
and I shall never forget it"
Write a story ends with .... I never want to come here again

She held a knife in her hand. She pointed the knife at me. There was a devilish looked on
her angelic face. She walked towards me No, no..! I screamed.
I was awakened from my deep slumber. It was the same old nightmare that had haunted
me since the incident. I tiptoed to the window, it was a beautiful night, millions of twinkling
and sparkling diamonds could be seen in the black sky. The queen of the night made it
appearance adding to the beauty of the backdrop of stars in the far reaches of space. The
night was beautiful too when incident happened. Memories came flooding back before my
That was the night a couple months ago. I was alone at home because my daddy and

mummy went overseas for their second honeymoon. I was burning the midnight oil as the
examination was round the corner. It was an ideal night for my revision as it was tranquil and
silent. All of my neighbours were fast asleep. The insects were chirping happily.
Suddenly, I heard a strange sound. It was a sound of crying. I tiptoed to the window and
observed the surroundings. My attention was drawn to deserted bungalow a stones throw
away from my house. According to the neighbours, it belonged to the Lees family. Mr. Lee
committed suicide four years ago and Mrs. Lee who became mentally deranged moved away
after that. She never came back to the house again.
My curiosity was aroused. I decided to pay a visit to the house at the unearthly hours. I left
house and walked slowly towards at the haunted house. The cool night breeze brushed over
my face and I felt my hairs stood on ends. It was indeed a fearful visit. Actually, it was my
ardent desire to visit that house for years but my parents forbade me. I was sure that it
would be an unforgettable night.
Soon, I reached the bungalow. I opened the door and it creaked. The bungalow was dark. I
felt eerie inside it and I heard a whimpering cry. I was sure that there was a woman sobbing
bitterly. I walked forward and suddenly my eyes were glue on a shadow. I stood riveted to
the ground and I felt that my legs could not longer hold the weight of my body.
A woman appeared before my eyes. She was Mrs. Lee. I recognised her as she always gave
sweets to me when I was a child. My legs quivered and my mouth grew dry, I bit my tongue
to stifle a scream when I saw she held a knife in her hand. Tiny drops of tears were trickling
down on her cheeks.
You are not my darling, she muttered. You are the woman who caused his death. I want
revenge! She let out a blood-curdling scream that sent chill down my spine. The insane
woman was fuming anger. She pointed the knife at me. There was a devilish grin on her
angelic face. Without a second thought, I rushed to the door and left the bungalow. I hurried
home. I never want to come here again.

Hajar Maahad Muhammadi Pasir Mas.

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Sir,It's me Hajar of Maahad Muhammadi Pasir Mas.This story I extracted from a
book and it's interesting.I would like to share with my other colleagues.Would you
mind Sir?
Write a story begins with I did not like the look of him from the moment I first

laid my eyes on him

I did not like the look of him from the moment I first laid my eyes on him. I did not
recognise him but my instinct told me that man was not a good person. But what could I do,
I did not have the guts to say no.
My mom and dad were divorced since I was ten years old. My mom took me with her when
she moved out from matrimonial house. Since then, my mom worked as a salesgirl in a
shopping complex to support us. Life was hard and I was not able to finish my studies. I
never thought that my mom would find another man to replace dad. Before this, I realised
that my mom had always been going out with the old man but I thought they were just
platonic friends until one day my mom brought him home. She dropped the bombshell and
introduced him to me as my prospective father. Though I was surprised, dumbfounded and
speechless, I merely nodded and managed a faint smile.
Elsa, mom hopes that you will accept Mr. Simon as your own father. I know he is a good
guy, only a little old but Im very sure that he will make our family happy and rich, said my
mother, her eyes glittering with hope.
I had no choice but to comply with her wishes and so I pretended to be happy. After they
were married, we moved to a stately mansion. My stepfather was a successful entrepreneur.
He was always busy with meetings and went overseas regularly to meet his business
associates. It was truly a blessing for me and his absence was not felt at all. My mom
stopped working as a salesgirl and she was now perpetually busy with her club and other
charitable pursuits. As such she was rarely at home and I only had the housekeeper for
One night, my father came home drunk. There was no one home as the housekeeper had
gone back to the village to attend to some personal matter and my mom had gone to her
friends birthday party. I had no choice but to help him to his bedroom. As I was about to
place him on the bed, he suddenly grabbed me tightly. I struggled and shoved him but to no
avail as he was quite strong for his age. I screamed at the top of my voice and he smashed
his fist down on my mouth. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I begged him to let me go but
he would have nothing of that. He proceeded to violate me and satisfied his lust.
That night, my mom came back and found me alone in her bedroom, sobbing my heart out.
The animal beat a hasty retreat after the dastardly act. I remembered my first impression
of him and my instinct told me he was has a sinister disposition. My mom was shocked
beyond words reluctantly brought to the police station to lodge a report.
After a lengthy trial in which I was humiliated and tormented, the judge eventually found
him guilty and sentenced him to ten years in prison but was spared the caning due to his
age. He truly deserved to be incarcerated but it did not help much to soothe the pain,
agony, hurt and mental anguish I suffered.

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Monday, 16 June 2014



Granda is a very determined individual.Though old and ailing and

experiencing memory loss as well as physical pain. he is single-minded in
his resolution to he with his only grandson, Rory. When his only son. Jeff,
abandoned his wife and Rory, Granda disowned him and cared for Rory and his

Later, when they become separated, Granda is still determined to be with

Rory. Despite his sickness and need for medical attention, he agrees to run
away with him so that the pair can be together. He cannot imagine, nor
could he accept, a life without his grandson. In spite of his deteriorating
medical condition he left the hospital and went on an adventure in order to be
with his grandson.

His determination also sees him hitting a thug who wants to disclose their
identity to the police for a reward. Granda also manages to steal a car by "hotwiring" it in a bid to escape the police and those who want to separate him
from his beloved grandson.

Granda's determination is also evident in the fact that he does not leave Rory
orphaned. He keeps his spirits alive and is determined to be there for his
grandson. Though he is later reunited with his son, Jeff, he is determined to
stay with Rory though he loves his other grandchildren very much and dot on
them. The extended family live very near each other. Thus the family remains
intact despite the challenges.

Would you recommend this novel to your friend? Give reasons and support your
answer with close reference to the text.

The plot of this novel is very interesting with a lot of suspense. The story is great and
exciting.This story is about a teenager, Rory who lives with his granda, Mister McIntosh in a flat.
Granda (Rory's grandfather) is old, forgetful and partially senile.He puts a chip pan on the
fireand forgets about it. This causes a fire. Granda is sent to the hospital because he inhales too
much smoke. Val Jessup, a social worker takes Rory to the children's home at Castle Street.
Later, Granda is put in Rachnadar, a hospital for the old people. The adventure starts when Rory
runs away from there with Granda. The authorities are after them.
Granda. the old man is very funny and lovable. Rory's friends simply love him and his adventures.
Granda is in trouble and causes trouble because he is very forgetful. He causes a fire two times at
Dr. Nicol's clinic and at Rory's school because he does not put out his pipe properly. After that, he
looks innocent and finds it exciting like a small boy. The fire, Granda causes in his flat separates
him and Rory. Their neighbours are angry. He throws Rory's homework away with the rubbish,
microwaves his shoe and puts the potatoes in the cupboard. These incidents arefunny but some
forgetful old people do them. We are happy when people like Sammy, Ruby, Rab, Annie and
Norma help them all the way.
Many characters like the lady in the train, the boy at Perth station and the cold policemen who
want to catch Rory and Granda annoy us. But without them, the story will not be interesting.The
ending too is exciting and heart wrenching. For a moment, we think Granda is really dead. He is
not breathing. We feel angry with Norma for reporting to the police aboutRory and Granda. But,
later we understand that she did the right thing for Granda. She was worried about his health. But
it is good that they are not caught.
In a way, Rory's 'Big Escape' is successful. Rory himself gets help for Granda and finally meets
his father. Jeff and his family.
Besides, this novel teaches us many moral values. For example, we learn responsibility and
determination from Rory. His granda looked after him from young when his father left him and for
that Rory loves Granda and takes care of him no matter what. He is not in the school football
team which he loves because he has to buy Granda lunch and make sure he takes his medicine. He
is protective of him. Mrs. Foley tells him off for not doing his homework but he does not tell her his
granda threw it away with the rubbish. We learn that family love is important. When Rory is with
his family, he is ready to accept that Granda will go one day but he will not be lonely like Tess at
Castle Street. Rory is determined not to be caught and his 'Big Escape' succeeds because nobody
catches him and Granda. He makes sure the staff at Rachnadar do not spot them and is alert all
the time helping and guiding Granda.
Rory's best friend, Darren is full of loyalty and has strong feeling of friendship. Darren suggests
Rory to hide in his mother's caravan and gives him the spare key of the caravan. He keeps this as
a secret. Through Rory and all the helpful people in this story, we learn that we cannot judge
others by just a few nasty people in the world. It is because of kind and generous peoplethat the
world is a beautiful place to live in. It is a 'wonderful world', as Granda says. The interesting words
and vocabulary used in this novel make us feel like we are part of the story.

For all these reasons, 'Catch Us If You Can' is a novel I will recommend not just for my friends
but for everyone else too.

Dear SPM students,if you have different views on the lesson learnt,please provide your suggested

Write about a lesson you have learnt in the novel you have read.Support your answers with close
evidence from the text.
The themes that Catherine Macphail wanted to display to the readers are
sacrifices,determination,strong passion,love and finally friendship.
How much sacrifices has the old man- Granda done for Rory.It is definitely
immeasurable.The readers were brought back to memories of old days when Jeff Macintosh
walked out from the house and Granda took over the total responsibility of rasing up the
baby until he became a young,educated,responsible and committed boy.Rory knew all these
and reciprocated to his granda by sacrificing so many things in return.He make sure Granda
is safe and sound despite bearing the mental lapses which his granda had.Rory did a couple
of great things such as running back home to feed Grandas medication.Then bought pies
for his lunch.Dropping his favourite game of football just to take care of granda has proven
his great sacrifice. Granda often misplaces Rory's homework. In order to protect his Granda. Rory
with the help of his friend, Darren, comes up with creative stories to tell Mrs. Foley about his missing
homework. Mrs. Foley tries to make him do his homework at lunchtime but Rory always runs away.
Granda is a very determined individual.Though old and ailing and experiencing memory
loss as well as physical pain. he is single-minded in his resolution to he with his only
grandson,Rory.Later, when they become separated, Granda is still determined to be with Rory.
Despite his sickness and need for medical attention, he agrees to run away with him so that the
pair can be together. He cannot imagine, nor could he accept, a life without his grandson. In
spite of his deteriorating medical condition he left thehospital and went on an adventure in order to be
with his grandson.
His determination also sees him hitting a thug who wants to disclose their identity to the police for
a reward. Granda also manages to steal a car by "hot-wiring" it in a bid to escape the police and
those who want to separate him from his beloved grandson.
Granda's determination is also evident in the fact that he does not leave Rory orphaned.He
keeps his spirits alive and is determined to be there for his grandson. Though he is
later reunited with his son, Jeff, he is determined to stay with Rory though he loves his
other grandchildren very much and dot on them. The extended family live very near each other.
Thus the family remains intact despite the challenges.
Therefore, love a a family is important and is clearly shown in this novel.
The ending too is exciting and heart wrenching. For a moment, we think Granda is really dead. He is not
breathing. We feel angry with Norma for reporting to the police about Rory and Granda. But, later we
understand that she did the right thing for Granda. She was worried about his health. But itis good that they
are not caught. In a way, Rory's 'Big Escape' is successful. Rory himself gets help for Granda and
finally meets his father. Jeff and his family.
Besides, this novel teaches us many moral values. For example, we learn responsibility and determination
from Rory. His granda looked after him from young when his father left him and for that Rory loves Granda
and takes care of him no matter what. He is not in the school football teamwhich he loves because he has
to buy Granda lunch and make sure he takes his medicine. He is protective of him. Mrs. Foley tells him off
for not doing his homework but he does not tell her his granda threw it away with the rubbish. We learn that
family love is important.


Sir,this is my version of the story.I hope all SPM students like the story line.

I could see that she was very unhappy. She acted very weird that day, she seemed
dumfounded and frustrated. These bothered me a lot because I am her best friend, a true
friend must share her happy and sad moments together. She seemed did not like the
situation.On normal day usually she used to be a cheerful and talkative student but on
that day she seemed a bit different in her character and action. She began to give me cold
shoulder and to other colleagues too. So, I encourage myself to ask her why she acted
very nerd that day. I sat beside her and started a conversation by greeting her first.
Hi Elsa, how are you getting on now?, I am fine Azam, thank you for your
concern. She replied. Her answer made me shocked and speechless.Without a
tinge of doubt, I started to ask her why she seemed frustrated that day. Then, she
started to tell me her story.
The story began last Sunday when she and her family went to Johor Bharu for a
great vacation. They planned to stay at Wakloloq Beach Resort for a week, but
her father who worked as a government officer has been called by his officemate
for a duty. So, they had to come back to Kelantan as soon as possible. Due to
that, they only had to stay in Johor Bharu for two days. After having a whale of
time vacating in Johor Bharu, They had to come back to Kelantan albeit the
holiday still left a week. They started their journey from Johor Bharu at half past
ten in the morning.Soon they arrived Kota Bharu at midnight.
When they arrived at their big and luxurious bungalow gate, her father asked
her to open up the gate. As a filial daughter, she followed her father's instruction
willingly. Suddenly they stood rooted on the ground.They saw the house main
door was tampered.There was something amiss. They could smell a rat. They
found out that the door knob was broken by a hard object. Without any hesitation,
they encouraged themselves to dash in to the house and made their way through
the darkness heading to the switch board. They were shocked, dumbfounded
and speechless as they found out that their house was in a hell of a mess. Soon,
they heard the sound from the upstairs. Her father took some precautionary
steps.He took out his revolver from his black metallic Mercedes and asked Elsa
and the others to wait outside the door.He then instructed Elsa to call the police
while he proceeded to catch the intruder.Her mother asked was worried that her
beloved husband would be injured but her mothers instruction seemed to have
fallen on deaf ears.Instead the father went into the house bravely.
Minute flew by and then they heard deafening gunshot sound that came out
from the upstairs of their house. They were shocked and speechless. They

started to get a Goosebumps. They kept their fingers crossed.They hoped the
intruder would be dead and waited eagerly for their father to come out.Then the
police arrived and Elsas father was still inside. A few minutes later, they could
see that their father came out from the house without any wounds or scars. They
thanked the Almighty as nothing happened to their father. But truly it was just an
imagination.The intruder who had just been shot came out and believed plunged
a long knife into her fathers neck mercilessly. That man was burly and mean.
They could see that the blood was gushing out profusely from her father necks
Elsa started to burst into tears and her voice was choked. She left me and
dashed out of the classroom to make her way to the toilet. I followed her to the
toilet to calm her down. Then we gave her time to calm down and we did not talk
about that tragic incident anymore although we still did not know what happen to
her father.
Was her father dead or in right now hospitalised? Was that murderer caught or
was he shot dead by the police?. There were many thoughts lingering in my
This is Ashraff of Maahad Pasir Mas.I hope you can tell me whether this essay really good.
Write a story ending with:I was so happy to see her again.
One fine day while I was reading my favourite story book,all of sudden my beloved mother had asked me to buy
her some sour plums.My mother was actually pregnant,about six months.She had this sudden crave so she pleaded
me to go to the hawkers stall which was quiet far away from my home.As usual,I took the short-cut which was
lined with shady trees.It was a perfect choice for a hot blazing day like this.I felt a bit nervous when I walked along
the narrow and deserted path but my guts feeling told me,my mums crave is more important than anything else.So
nothing to scare me and I walked ahead.The atmosphere was tranquil and serene.Therefore,I whistled away as I
gradually walked to uplift my flagging spirits.
Suddenly,I heard a faint,feeble cry for help.The cry aroused my curiosity.I stood rooted to the ground.My heart was
palpitating wildly and I could feel the adrenaline was rushing through my veins.Beads of cold sweat formed on
my forehead and I tried to calm down.After a while,I decided to investigate and searched around.To my surprise,I
saw an old woman with grey hair and her face was crisscrossed with wrinkles.She was lying in a deep,filthy and
smelly drains.I guessed she must be a victim of hit and run. I panicked when I saw an ugly gash on her right leg.The
wound was bleeding profusely and blood was gashing out like a fountain.I dragged her out of the drain using all the
strength I had.Without wasting time,I administered first aid to stop the bleeding .I tore my sleeves and bandaged the
wound up from bleeding.She was still in agony and I could hear she was muttering a few words.This old woman
needed immediate medical attention.So I dashed to the main road with all my strength.When I reached at the main
road I was totally exhausted.I quickly raised my hands and tried to stop the passing cars.But,none of them were
paying attention to me and just zoomed past me.I felt very frustrated with the selfish attitude of the drivers.As a last
resort,I rushed to the middle of the road.I waved frantically to stop one incoming car.The driver applied the
emergency brake and his car was screeched to a halt.He got out of his car and walked toward me with his anguish
face.I knew I had to do this and explained to him about my predicament.He felt sympathy with the old woman and
agreed to send her to the hospital. On the way to the hospital,the old woman was screaming in pain.I tried to
console her that everything would be fine.
Then I asked her any phone number that she could remember.She muttered a number which I could faintly hear then
I borrowed the hand phone from the driver to call the number.Her grandson answered the call.He was aghasted and
shocked beyond words.He just could not believe each word that came out from my mouth.
Soon we reached the hospital,the old woman was immediately rushed to the emergency room.I waited at entrance

of the hospital.I was hoping the old womans grandson would show-off.I was lucky then when I noticed a young
man who was walking briskly.I braved my heart and called him.Then I accompanied him to the emergency unit.He
cried his heart out.The touching scene reduced me to tears too.A nurse walked in a told us that the old woman
needed rest.So we adjourned to the canteen hospital.He thanked me for umpteen times.
Meanwhile I remembered about the sour plum that my mother had craved for.It was quite late to walk back again to
that narrow path so I gave a call to my mum and told her on what actually happened.Before I left the hospital,I
quickly peeped at the emergency unit.I told myself that I had saved somebodys life and I was so happy to see her
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SPM NARRATIVE ESSAY:Write a story ending with: we did not

expect it to happen but it was all over.
Sir,it's me Alisya of SIS Pasir Mas.I hope my colleagues enjoy this fiction.
I am a hardworking woman, very dedicated to my work and of course I do have a complete family. I have
a charming husband named Wan Muhammad Zulhafizi and three little cute princesses. I do love my job
as a manager at Bank Pembangunan. One day, my husband got a call from the hospital, Doctor Wan,
there is a patient need you to do an operation right now. Dr Wan answered unhesitatingly,Ill be right
away. Since the patient was in a critical stage,my husband needed to rush to the hospital and left me a
small note with a glass of milo. In the note, he said sweetie, I have to go earlier because Im on call and
have a job to complete. Wish me luck so that this patient can be saved. I smiled and quickly sip a glass
of warm milo.I was in a hurry too.I dashed to the porch and jumped into my car and straight drove to work.
The road was too packed with vehicles.Usually it was not like this,so I was wondering what went
wrong. I waited for the traffic to be slightly eased and by that time I never realized that I started to
daydream about my past. I did not know how to get rid of that person in my life.
The story started when I was in secondary school and that person used to be my beloved boyfriend. He
was a university student. We knew each other since my big brother introduced him to me at a ball room
where all the seniors were there. I did notice him at the ball room but I just wanted to be on a low profile.
But he was one of those persons who was very eye-catching. His name,Muhammad Safuan Naiem. I
remembered the time when he tried to seduce me but those were histories.The first word that came out
from his mouth is Hi, would you like dance? I was melted with his sweet voice and without hesitation, I
Since that ball function, we were officially couples.Many of my colleagues commented that we both had
the same connection in our interest.I was thinking that those things were mere coincindences.Our
relationship blosoomed and years flew by, he proposed to me in front of my parents. He said that he
wanted to live with me for the whole life and to have kids. I was too touched and I accepted his proposal.
My parents knew that he could be a good husband for me because he used to study in a tahfiz school.
With such background,my parents and I were assured that everything would be alright.It made me so
confident that he could take care of me and to be a good daddy to my children.
He is very caring, patient, responsible and the most I like about him are his humorous characters. He
loves to joke when I am in a sad situation. Not only when I am sad, but he is always around when I need
his company. I love him so much because he knows what is the best for me and for my future. Currently,
we always talks about marriage, having kids, and many other things. We have prepared a lot of things
then about our upcoming wedding such as theme, dais,catering of food,decorations,guests and many
more. I knew that he was sent from the Almighty to be my true love.

But one day, while I was on my way to campus, I saw him with another girl. That girl was quite familiar to
me,maybe of the same age as me.I knew her name is Lina. She also took the similar course like me and
Naiem in the university. Naiem did not realize that I saw the whole episode. The next day,I bumped into
Lina and asked her,Hey, I understand that Naiem and you are getting married soon-is this rumours or
truth? Then Lina confidently replied, Yes,of course I do! He is infact my my fiancee and we will be
getting married next month. As soon as I heard about that, I felt like the whole world tumbled down.I
wanted to scream at the top of my voice and cry as loudly as I can.
But I remembered about my moms words who always have this patience and reminded me of this truly
good advice, dont judge a person by his appearance-you have to give more time to see the real colours
of him.So I did not bother and told myself let bygones be bygones.The next morning, he came to my
house to pick me up and we went together to fit the wedding dress. I could not stand anymore so I made
a decision and said I want to break up with you right now. I never thought it was said in a haste and I
knew he would not be shocked.Then as quickly as lightning,he said Well,if you insist,I have another
girlfriend who is even better than you I quickly told myself that this relationship should end now and there
was no way we could continue.His words were too deep for me.
Years flew by, he came to my house.He was totally a change person.With his jubah,he said I am so
sorry for ignoring you. I shouldnt do that to you.let us start all over again.Again I melted and fell to him in
pieces. I smiled and walked to him, you are serious that you are coming back to me? He nodded.The
rest was history...
Then suddenly a car behind just horned at me.I was truly awakened from this sweet daydream and
drove straight to office.Oh gosh! I quivered. I do hope that the person in my daydream just now must
have enjoyed his life. Then a call came over my phone, sweetie,the operation is over.I am on my way
home.That was my beloved hubby,Wan.I guessed I was too choosy then.To me Wan is definitely better.
Thanks to Almighty, I had this loving husband but one thing for sure I am very confident that my daydream
with Mohd Safuan never happened but both of us agreed , we did not expect it to happen but it was all
Sir,This essay is referring to your earlier question on speech by the President of Residents Association
on How to prevent snatch-thefts and pick-pocketing in your neighbourhood.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A very good morning to all the residents of Taman Sejahtera.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am standing here this morning under the capacity as the President of Residents Association.Our
neighbourhood lately has been struck with many cases of snatch-thefts and pick-pocketing.The recent
case of our neighbour at Jalan 12/12,Halimah Abdul where her handbag was snatched by two local
criminals still fresh in our mind.I was told Puan Halimah was still warded at the hospital after being coma
for couple of days.Last night,there was another case of pick-pocketing at the bus-stop where one of our
neighbours lost his wallet while boarding a bus.These situations were definitely worrying us and we have
to come out with some counter-plans to prevent more recurrences.
May I remind the housewives and single working woman to be on the alert at all times as the police has
confirmed that they are targetting this group as their victims.So I would suggest firstly not to carry excess
money in your handbag.It is appropriate at the moment just to bring enough money to cover your regular
expenses.On top of that,it is a good idea if the housewife can carry a whistle and use that when
neccessary.Talking about handbag,it is better to use handbag with shorter straps.Hold it tight while you
are walking to the bus stop or on the way to bank and pump station.Remember these snatch-thieves are
everywhere and they are waiting to strike.
Apart from that,do not wear excessive jewelleries to show off what you have.Remember,these snatch-

thieves may strike with long sword or parang and they may slash your hands and probably cut off your
hands to get the bracelets that you wear.So I think,wearing minimal jewellery is safe.In cases of wallet
,you may keep it under buttoned pockets.Ideally wallets to be placed at the front pockets.Maybe it is
inconvenience but the wallet is guranteed safe.
Supposingly when the snatch-thieves strike,it is advisable that you keep your cool by not fighting
back.Otherwise you may endanger your life as normally snatch-thieves are known to carry sharp
weapons.What you do next is to scream after they have fled and remember to record the registration
number of the vehicle,colour and make.Besides that,you are advised not to walk alone at quiet
places.Never make an appointment meeting your frend at a secluded spot as snatch-thieves are eagerly
waiting to strike on you.It is better to meet in an open public place.If your meeting has to be at night,then
make sure your meeting place has street lights everywhere.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In conclusion,I think we need to work hand in hand to ensure our safety.Please quickly report to the police
if you see any suspicious characters loitering on motorcycles and roaming our neighbourhood.I am
proposing for a patrol unit to be setup in our area with the purpose of conducting week-end patrolling.On
working days,we can request the police to send in their patrol cars and conduct patrolling twice a daymorning and night.
Again,I must say thank you for your presence this morning and let us work together to reduce these
snatch-theft and pick-pocketting crimes in our neighbourhood.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Write an essay ending with,I never realized that I had shot him.
We live in a housing estate that is normally quiet and peaceful. The residents are not actually rich but they
have a fairly good income working as government servants or as supervisors and managers in private
firms. The houses here are fairly big and most households have two or more cars.Suddenly the housing
estate became the target of robbers. The robbers were believed to be foreign workers from nearby
housing projects. Every night, a household would be robbed. So, my father took precautions. He had
strong steel grilles put on all the doors and windows and he bought stout locks for all of them. So, we
thought we were safe but it was not to be.
One night, my parents were watching television. My sister and I were doing our homework. Without any
warning, there was a loud banging on our front door. My father opened the wooden door to see who it
was. He thought with the strong grille locked, he could not be harmed. When the door was open, he saw
a man pointing a gun at him.
'Get a member of the family to open the door for us or I'll shoot you!' the man outside hissed.My mother
took the key from the altar and opened the door. Immediately, three men rushed inside. The man holding
the gun kept pointing his gun at my parents. The other two were unarmed.'Search the rooms,' the man
with the gun ordered the other two. He had to be the leader because the other two men did what he told
The two men ransacked the whole house. They did not find anything in my sister's room. They found only

a few items of jewellery and a small sum of money in my parent's bedroom. My parents, especially my
father, was aware of the risks of keeping a lot of money or jewellery in the house. So, they kept most of
their jewellery and money in a safe deposit box at the bank.The leader of the robbers shouted angrily at
my father, 'Where do you keep the rest of your money and jewellery? What we 'have found is too little!
Rich people like you have a lot of money and jewellery! Tell me where you're keeping the rest?'
My father replied, 'I'm not rich and that's all the money and jewellery we have in the house. We keep most
of our money and jewellery in the bank.''You're lying!' the robber chief snarled and slapped my father.'It's
true, I don't have any more money or jewellery in my house my father insisted.The robber slapped my
father a few more times. Blood was coming out of his mouth. My mother screamed with fright.'Stop
screaming!' the robber chief shouted at my mother.
However, my mother was in hysteria and so could not stop screaming. The robber chief turned towards
my mother and raised his hand to slap her. Seeing this, I found the strength to act. I picked up the stool
beside me and hit him on the head. He crashed to the floor and dropped his gun. Blood was pouring from
the injury on his head. Seeing this, the other two robbers fled. The robber chief slowly got up and came
towards me with arms outstretched.
Stop!' I shouted at him. 'Please go away. I'm giving you a chance to escape.'The man still came towards
me. His face was black with rage. Then I saw the gun he had dropped. So, I took the gun and I never
realized that I had shot him.
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Write an essay beginning with, This is too much for you,somebody has to pay for this

This is too much for you,somebody has to pay for thisI told my friend, Sidek, when I visited him at his
house. He had not been to school for four days.The whole class was curious to know what actually
happened to him For any other student the school would not have bothered much but Sidek being the
class favourite was the centre of attraction.He was the one who took his studies very seriously and would
not be absent for so many days for frivolous reasons. All his classmates wanted to know what had
happened to him. All of them thought that something very bad must have happened to him. I was given
the assignment of finding out what actually happened to him.
' I asked Sidek the question again when he did not answer me the first time.His entire body was swathed
in bandages. His head, torso, arms and legs were all wrapped around with bandages. If not for the
obvious seriousness of the situation, I would have pulled his leg and said that he closely resembled an
Egyptian mummy. Hardly able to speak because of his swollen lips, he said with great difficulty, 'A mad
road bully did this to me.'Wanting to know everything, I asked him to continue.
My friend told me this:
'I had driven my mother to market so that she could buy certain things she needed to prepare the reunion
dinner that was to be held on Chinese New Year Eve. When we were at the market, we couldn't find any
parking space. So, I stopped at the side of the road to wait for my mother to do her shopping. I did not get
out of the driver's seat and kept the engine of the car running. I had also switched on the signal lights to
warn vehicles coming from behind. I had stopped at a one-way street which was very narrow. I had left a

space that was big enough for just one car to pass through.
'All of a sudden, a driver coming from behind started honking at me. I understood that he wanted me to
drive off but I refused because I thought the space I had left for him was big enough for him to pass
through. He continued to honk at me but I stubbornly refused to budge.'I was looking at the rear-view
mirror all the time and suddenly I saw a burly man get out of the car behind me. In his right hand, he had
a big baseball bat. I started to quake but it was too late to run. He strode up to my window.'He banged my
car window with his right fist a few times and roared, "So, you think this street belongs to your
grandfather!" After that, he raised the baseball bat and smashed my window. Then he put his hand inside
to unlock the door. He caught hold of the collar of my T-shirt and hauled me bodily from the car. Then he
threw me onto the street.As I lay stunned on the street, he used his baseball bat to rain blows upon me.
He hit me on every part of my body. He brought the bat down on my head, torso, arms and legs again and
again. It was as if he had gone berserk. I would surely have been killed if two policemen had not stopped
Haven't I always told you not to park at the side of the road where you're not allowed to park to wait for
someone?' I reminded my friend. 'You should park your car where parking is permitted though it may be
some distance from where you want to go. If you had listened to my advice, this would not have
happened to you.'
My friend nodded his head and said, 'I was in the wrong. It was all my fault.I should have moved the
minute when he honked the car.
I symphatised Sidek with all those torments that he had to go through.It certainly will take months for him
to recover.That means he will be missing a lot of classes.
I left his house with a very sad feeling and prayed to Almighty god for his quick recovery.

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Write an essay beginning with,Are you sure this is really yours?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you sure this is really yours?' I asked Peter.Peter's father was just a petty trader at night markets and
I did not think he could have bought such an expensive car for Peter. In fact, his father, himself, drove
only a ten-year-old mini-van which he used to transport his goods and also his family everywhere.'Of
course, it is,' Peter answered proudly.
'Your father just sells clothes at night markets,' I said. 'How could he have afforded it. Or,
is it selling things at night markets brings in a lot of money?'vYou would be surprised,'
Peter said. 'Selling things at night markets does bring in a lot of money. My father gets
about RM300 per night. A simple calculation will tell you that it is RM9 000 a month.
Isn't that enough to buy a Mercedes on a hire-purchase basis?'
'If your father really makes that much money per day, then it is possible,' I said. 'He can pay the 10%
deposit of about RM30 000 and settle the loan by monthly instalments of RM5 000. It'll take him only five
years to finish paying for the car.''My father did not take a loan to buy the car/ Peter said, seemingly
offended by the suggestion that his father could only have bought the car with a loan. 'He paid

cash!'That's really great!' I said. 'I never knew that your father so much money. He doesn't look rich, you
know, being dressed in an old T-shirt and shorts all the time. Now I know that the saying that we cannot
judge someone by outward appearances is true.''Would you like to ride in the car?' Peter invited me.'Of
course, I've never ridden in a Mercedes before,'I accepted his invitation with alacrity.I opened the door
and sat in the front passenger seat. The seat was covered with pleasant-smelling leather and I sank into
its luxurious padding. The padding in the seat formed a contour of my body and hugged it with just the
right amount of pressure. Peter turned the key in the switch. The car came to life almost instantly. I had to
listen very hard for the sound of the effortlessly tuning engine.Peter put the car into gear and we drove off.
The ride was heavenly. The powerful engine was very quiet and willing, the air-conditioning was really
cool and the absorbers were really fantastic. We felt nothing even when the car was driven into potholes.
The ride was really smooth. When we took sharp bends at high speed, the car was still on an even keel. It
did not roll.
Suddenly Peter said, 'We've to go back now. My father wants to'use the car.'I noticed fear in his face and I
thought it strange. Peter turned the car to drive back to his house. After a few minutes, we reached it.
Peter's father, shiftless and dressed only in shorts, was waiting outside. He seemed very angry.'You goodfor-nothing boy!' he shouted at Peter as soon as he got out of the driver's seat. 'My "towkay" from Kuala
Lumpir who supplies me goods had parked his car for hardly five minutes and you drove it off! Where did
you go? If you have damaged the car in any way, who's going to pay for it? I don't have enough money
even to buy one of its headlights!'Peter threw me a sheepish glance. He must have seen my smile
although I had tried very hard to hide it. Peter's father had bought a Mercedes for him? That was the
biggest lie Peter had ever told.

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Write an essay with the ending :Behind the good look was the most evil person I have


Eric was very handsome. In fact, he was the best looking man I had ever met. Like most other girls who
had met him, I was very attracted to him. However, I went a step further and became his girlfriend. He
took me everywhere and treated me like a queen. Of course, I fell more and more deeply in love with him.
I felt that I was very lucky to have found a man like him -kind, generous and very good-looking.
When our relationship deepened, I left my rented apartment and went to live with him at his house. Life
with Eric was heavenly. He was very attentive to my every need. He always asked me whether I was
hungry and what I wanted to eat. He took me to posh restaurants and did not seem to mind the cost. Eric
must be rich for he could afford to buy me expensive clothes and jewellery. He went on holidays to resorts
which I could not have afforded to go on my own. However, there was one thing about him that irritated
me a little.Whenever I mentioned marriage, he would say that we did not need a piece of paper to affirm
our love and that we still needed a lot of time to discuss the matter.
One day, he told me something very strange. He said, There is a woman who comes here occasionally.
She'll ring the bell at the gate and refuse to go away until someone opens it. She's of unsound mind.
Don't open the gate for her. Being mentally unbalanced, she may do something to harm you. Remember

I nodded my head but was very intrigued by what he had told me. I became very curious and wanted very
much to see who the woman was!
One day, the woman made her appearance at the gate. She rang the bell at the gate and I parted the
curtains of one of the windows to see who the caller was. I did not go straightaway to the gate to open it.
Instead, I waited to see what she would do next. As Eric said she would ring the bell again and again. I
looked at the woman but she did not look crazy to me. In fact, she was well dressed and appeared very
normal to me. The only thing unusual about her was the look of extreme distress on her face. When she
rang the bell for the seventh time, I went to the gate and opened it. Then, I invited her into the house. I
knew I was acting against Eric's wishes but my instinct told me that I was doing the right thing.
The woman seemed familiar with the interior of Eric's house. Without being invited, she sat in an armchair
and looked over the living room.
'Nothing much has changed/ she said, 'except the TV. Previously, it was a 29-inch Panasonic. Now it's a
34-inch Sony.'Then she looked curiously at me and I did the same thing to her. I was surprised that she
was very pretty. In fact, I found the fact hard to accept but I thought that she was much prettier than I!
'You must be his latest victim/ she said pityingly. 'I was the victim before you. There were other girls
before me.'Alarmed by her words, I asked her to explain.
'Eric is a playboy and I think you must have suspected that long ago/ she began. 'He plays with girls like
other men play with motorcycles or cars. He changes girlfriends like other men change motorcycles or
cars. At the beginning, he will treat the girls like queens. However, when he tires of them, he will discard
them like a toy which does not interest him any more. He has done it to many other girls. He did it to me
and he's going to do it to you.'Now I realized why Eric always avoided the question of marriage. He just
wanted to play with me and when he was tired of me, he would just discard me like a piece of soiled
tissue. He had done it to other women and he would certainly do it to me.
Behind the good looks was the most evil person I have ever known

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Write an essay ending with with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly.
It was the wettest December I had ever experienced. The torrential rains had ruined my holiday plans as
floods continued to wreak havoc in several states. I had pleaded with dad to allow me to go to the east
coast with my friends but he had been unyielding. The thought of having to stay indoors for the next two
weeks was not only depressing but also unbearable. Television did not excite me anymore. I was fed up
of watching the same old movies on cable television. Even the other channels had nothing exciting to
offer. Finally, I decided to go into the attic to retrieve some books which I had not read for a long time.
The attic was surprisingly clean a sign that mum had finally completed the chore that she had kept
putting off. I looked around and noticed a teak chest that I had never seen before. Curiosity got the better
of me and I walked towards it. I lifted the lid slowly and was pleasantly surprised to see a variety of things
in it all of them reminders of my childhood. I looked nostalgically at the clothes I had worn as a child and

the toys I had played with. Bobo the teddy bear, which I had slept with until I was ten, had been drycleaned and kept in a box which also contained the first Mothers Day card I had made myself. I was not
prepared for what I saw next. Lying at the bottom of the cardboard box was an old black and white
photograph of a young woman. I stared at it incredulously. It was as if I was looking at a female version of
myself. All sorts of questions and dreadful thoughts flooded my mind. I held the photograph tightly in my
hand and dashed out of the attic, only to bump into my mother.
Mum.who is this? I asked in a quivering voice.
From the look on her face, I knew it was a question she did not want to answer. Quietly, she held my hand
and led me towards the study where dad had been working all morning. She knocked on the door once
before opening it. Dad looked up, and his expression of annoyance disappeared when he saw the
photograph in my hand.
What I heard that day is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. The woman in the photograph
was my mother, my biological mother Lily Lee.
Son, Lily loved you very much; just as much as Janet here loves you.
Dads use of the past tense made me uncomfortable. It took a great deal of effort on his part to narrate
the painful past.
My biological mother was six months pregnant when the incident happened. She had been walking
towards her office when a motorcyclist came from behind and grabbed her handbag before speeding off.
As a result of the sudden assault, she had lost her balance and fallen on the kerb. The head injuries she
had sustained had a devastating effect on her health. The only option was to perform surgery, but due to
her condition, this option was risky. The doctors had wanted to terminate her pregnancy to save her life
but she had refused. A month later she fell into a coma. Although the doctors had given up hope, Lily
continued to live, though in a comatose state. It was as if she was not giving up on life till her baby was
born. When the doctors deemed it safe, they performed an emergency C-section. Lily breathed her last
the moment I was born into this world.
Dad sobbed softly as he finished relating the heart-wrenching story. All sorts of emotions consumed me. I
was sad, confused and angry. Was I adopted? What about my father? Who was he? Had he abandoned
me? After a while, I braved myself and stated what I thought was obvious.

So, that means you are not my real parents. I am adopted!

No, son. You are not adopted. I am your father. Lily was my first wife. She made me promise her that I
would marry her younger sister, Janet, so that you would not grow up motherless.
The sense of relief that I felt at that moment was indescribable. I looked at mum and I saw the pain and
anguish in her eyes, as though she was anticipating rejection. Quickly, she looked down.
Slowly, I got up from my chair and walked towards her. I went down on my knees and held her hands in
mine. Her eyes remained downcast, fearful of rejection.
Mum, I know I am only seventeen but I am more mature than you think. You might not have given birth to
me but you are and will always be my mother. I comforted her as much as I comforted myself.
She looked up slowly, her eyes searching my face for sincerity. Then with tears in her eyes, she hugged
me tightly.

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Lot 666,Taman Kurnia Jaya,

Jalan Padang Tembak,
15000 Kota Bharu,
Kelantan Darul-Naim.
December 21st,2012.
Dear Fira,
What a pleasant surprise I got when I came across news of your recent mid-year examination results
while I was glancing through the Facebook. Wow! You really scored A's in all the core subjects especially
English Language, Bahasa Melayu and History. I am really proud of you. I think it is worthwhile, burning
the midnight oil for the examination as you got flying colours.I guessed by now you have planned to go for
a trip with your buddies. I hope you and your family are in the best pink of health then.
Anyway, I am writing this letter to inform you about my special school trip to Rantau Abang, Terengganu,
where you can find the best 'kerepok lekor' in the world. The trip is organised by our Nature Society. We
went there on August 10th to 14th, about two weeks ago and boarded a chartered bus. There were 20
male and 20 female students. Also, three teachers accompanied the trip. All of us assembled at Dataran
Kijang at about 8.30 a.m. and departed half an hour later. We finally reached Rantau Abang beach before
The first thing we did when we reached there was, we checked in at the nearby chalets, Indah Permai
Chalets. Our programme started at 5.00 p.m. on the first day. We started with treasure hunt programme at
the beach with formation of four groups of which each group comprising of 10 participants. There were a
lot of obstacles to reach at the last point such as compiling giant puzzles, and searching for man-made
golden eggs.The winners were then awarded with goodies of hampers and RM 200 cash.Then we had a
sumptous dinner with grilled chicken,prawns and meat.The night continued with the perfomances of hotel
guest band and few local established singers.Gosh !At last I saw my favourite singers rendering their
songs live!We too had our presentation with magic shows and sketches.I didnt know that some of my
colleagues were so talented!Truly it was entertaining and fun.We dispersed almost midnight and gear up
for more interesting and exciting programme the next morning. Right after midnight I could hear many
female lions were snoring heavily from one bed to another.Most of them slept like dead logs.Oh
gosh!,they must be extremely exhausted!
The next morning immediately after our breakfast,we started with games of telly matches. We were given
free hands to choose our own partners.The winner would then be awarded with two sets of breakfast
the following morning. Again we had a whale of time,so enjoyable and we could feel our stresses were
over.The game continued until the last round,and guess what? My group emerged as champion.!
After our lunch and solat,we did a volouteer work in the evening together with the hotel staff and
management plus the residents.We were invovled in a small campaign of Keeping the Beach Clean.So
we started the Beach cleaning voluntarily.Again it was fun.All of us walked on the beach with a large
black plastic bag each strolling the beach,singing songs and then collected as many empty bottles,tincans,used plastic sheets,dry leaves and trees bark .We managed to cover about 2 kilometres of the
beach.Finally we managed to collect over 100 black plastic bags full of these rubbish. We were satisfied

to do this work as part of our community responsibility.

The next day,the last in our iternary.Certainly it would be a sad moment because we were going home the
next morning.We were given free time of our own to do some souvenirs shopping.I bought a few keychains for my siblings.Then our thrilling moments started at night.Our programme was watching turtle
laying eggs at the beach. It was a memorable occasion for all of us. For the final touch, we helped the
local workers collecting the eggs and put them in the bucket.Then we transferred the whole eggs to the
safe area.We want to make sure that these endangered species are protected.
We headed home the next morning.The trip was not only fun but we also learned about team building
and most importantly, forging closer relationship with classmates and other friends. We also have to
motivate ourselves so as to convince us that motivation really help us during stress period.Beside,being
independent is another good lesson for us throughout this trip.
I have to pen off now.Congratulation again and best wishes to you. I really hope to hear on how you
spend your vacation then.Send my regards to your family especially to my gorgeous aunty. Be a good girl
and always keep in touch.
Your cheerful cousin,

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You have just returned from a school trip during the school semester break recently.Write a letter to
your cousin telling him/her about the trip.
Use the notes below to write your letter.
*where you went on the trip.
*the date of the school trip.
*how many people went on the trip.
*how you travelled to the place.
*where you stayed.
*how long you stayed.
*accomodation situation
*activities you did during the trip.
*what you learned during the trip.
When writing your letter,you should remember to include the following:

For your letter,you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the
quality of the writng

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Lot 1371,Lorong Masjid Al-Amin,
Batu 2,Jalan Pengkalan Chepa,
15400,Kota Bharu,

Dear Faizul,
How are you doing?How's your life lately?Are you happy?I really hope that you are always
cherished with the best moments in your life.How about your poem writing?Still going smoothly?Have you
sent certain of your poems to the magazines?I should say that your poems are really good and
interesting.By the way,I really miss Sarawak,Oh gosh!That land made me want to fly there as often!I love
to visit especially Bandar Raya Kuching and Kota Samarahan.Thank you so much for inviting me to your
hometown.Come over to Kota Bharu then.I am sure you love to see many places here.I was also busy
lately that I had to attend my guitar classes every weekend.Also I had to cope with my driving
lessons.Stressful,wasn't it?
I want to share with you about my participation in a seminar this week.It is called the Career Guidance
Seminar.The seminar is organised by the Kelantan State Education Deaprtment. The seminar is held in
Negeri Sembilan as the organiser wanted to make bring new ideas and innovations for participants from
all over the country.I am so glad that I had attended such a good programme in a such a good place like
Golden Strait Villas Resort,Port Dickson.It is a beautiful resort.The seminar is held for two days.Most of
the participants are the SPM and STPM holders like us.The speakers comprises of 4 great
personalities.They are Dr.Hm Tuah Iskandar,Dr.Shukri Abdullah,Prof.Madya Hamedah Wok Awang and
Prof.Stephen R.Covey from the United States.They were all fantastic.
There,I found the content of the seminar very informative and useful.On the first day,two speakers
presented the programme.It was divided into two sessions.The first session was taken over by Dr.Hm
Tuah Iskandar,from Ministry of Higher Education.Dr.Iskandar spoke about the minimum qualifications on
the entrace to local universities.It seemed that it is compulsory set good results in Bahasa
Malaysia,English Language and Sejarah.He also spoke about many male students who failed to register
themselves in universities due to the monopoly by the female students.So,take your part guy!Make them
wrong!And the most interesting part was the announcement of the lacking of Bumiputera students in the
field of language,engineering and medicines.So this is good for you and me as we are going to pursue
our education in language faculty,aren't we?
The next speaker is Dr.Shukri Abdullah.He is the Head of Linguistic Department,University Malaya.His
talk was about the various challenges that one has to pursue.Hmm,interestng was't it?Perhaps,it would
be more fun if you were able to sit there with me since I know you may have a lot of questions to ask
them,don't you?Anyway,the question and answer sessions were most interesting.We had the oppurtunity
to ask many questions regarding course fee,soft skills studying overseas,scholarships,loans,internships

and many more.

The next day,we had two more presenters.The first speaker was a female speaker.She is Prof.Madya
Hamedah Wok Awang and she is a Kelantanese.Prof.Hamedah is from Human Resource Department of
UITM Shah Alam.So,she was just more like an educated motivator.She gave us very interesting talk as
much as her knowledge could deliver.One of her best parts was how she motivated us to achieve our
dreams,compete and beat the rest!I felt like I had the spirit to start to a career.The last speaker was
Prof.Stephen R.Covey.Well,he is the most good-looking and very fashionable guy there.No wonder
everyone was very focus and concentrate when he was giving the talk.Anyway,Mr.Covey talked about the
scholarship for Malaysian students studying abroad.He briefed us that lots of bodies from government
and private sectors offered scholarship to excellent students who manage to score straight A's in SPM
and STPM exams.Among them are MARA,JPA,Bank Negara,Sime Darby,Petronas, TNB,PNB and many
others.This information and knowledge of scholarships inspired me to study harder to get straight A's and
hoping to be offered scholarship to study abroad.That is my big dream.Those are all the most exciting
activities of the seminar.Certainly I am over the moon andI have no complaints.I felt yet the lacking of time
to communicate more with the speakers.But,I did make a lot of friends there and they were really fun.
I look forward to hear from you then.
Yours sincerely,
Alya Nasuha

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QUESTION: Write a story with the ending, "If only I had been more careful, that wouldn't have
happened". Your story should not be less than 350 words.
Tonight was a cold and stormy night. The doors slammed shut as the rustling sound of the leaves could
be heared. The storm had been like this for the past three days. I sat on my bed thinking if I had upset the
Gods above in heaven. As I lay my head down soft and gently on my comfy pillow, I wondered if mom and
dad were ok. They had gone for a vacation to the bahamas and I had to stay back because of my exams.
I wasn't worried about it as I've stayed alone many times.
Suddenly, the lights went out. My heart raced in agony as the storm got worse. I could see lightning
lashing onto my gate and the roaring sound of thunder that came along. I pulled myself together and
realised I needed to light some candles. So I headed downstairs with my trusty torchlight and worked my
way to the storage room. I found the candles and begun to light them all over the house. I couldn't stand
the fact that the darkness was playing games with my mind.
An hour had passed till I realised something wasn't right. I felt as if something else besides me was in the
house. I panicked. My mind filled with fear but I had to be sure I was right. So, I searched all the rooms on
the same floor and found nothing. So I carefully walked down staircase. As I was walking, I realised all the
candles that I had lit were put out. I was surprised but aware that there could be someone else in the
house. My mind pondered as to how i was going to sneak around without alerting the possibly dangerous

Then, it happened. As I hid behind one of the room's doors. I saw someone walk by me. He was a huge
muscular guy who wore a beard and had hair that was so curly a fly could get stuck if it went through it. I
was puzzled. Why would someone want to break into my house, I asked myself. I noticed the man had a
huge revolver on his belt. The same one the cops used. I didn't want to stick around and aak questions. I
had to call the cops. So I crept towards the phone and thank God it was still working. I made a distressed
call and the cops said they would be at my house in five minutes.
As I crept back upstairs, I accidently knocked over a small lamp and it broke. By this time I knew the
stranger had been alerted. I was scared and feared for my life. My fears turned into my worst nightmare
as I heard a loud noise. I was shot in the chest. I could feel blood oozing all over my shirt. The stranger
walked towards me while mumbling words I just couln't understand. I thought I was a dead man. Then a
miracle happened just as the stranger was about to finish me off. I heard a second gunshot and the
stranger was down. It was the cops who had arrived.
I was rushed to the hospital and the doctors commenced emergency surgery on me to remove the bullet.
I was then transferred to the Intensive Care Unit(ICU) as the bullet had hit my lungs and I was unable to
breathe properly. My parents rushed back as soon as they got the news. I was lucky to be alive. The
doctor had explained that if the bullet had hit me a bit more to the left , it would have hit my heart and I
would be dead. Nobody knew who the stranger was or what he wanted. If only I had been more careful,
that wouldn't have happened.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In my classroom,I saw my classmate was crying.Then I asked him how could I help.He told me
He received a call from his relative that his father was involved in an accident.Now he is admitted in an
Intensive care unit.(ICU)The thought of fatherly love immediately filled my chest.I remembered how my
dad had sacrificed so much for us.I couldnt wait any longer to see my dad and hugged him.The school
bell rang and I was ready to go.Immediately I dashed out of the classroom and ran straight to the school
bus.How I wish the bus driver could press the accelerator pedal to the bottom so that I could reach home
fast.The bus then stopped right infront of my house and I saw dads car. What a relief!I told myself.I
called dad and he was at the door so I hugged him tightly and said, I love you so much dad and dont
ever get involve in the accident.I told him I still need him to be with the family.My dad smiled sweetly
much to the amusement of my mum who came out from the kitchen.
The next day on the way back home,I was on dads car when suddenly an aged and sickly women
knocked at the glass window of the front door car where I was sitting My dad was chatting with his friend

across the road.I looked at the sickly woman with an open heart and wondered how I could help her.
She was some what murmuring but I could understand her body language that she needed help.She
carried on her feeling of despair towards her two married sons who failed to give her their monthly
commitments.She had to survive by seeking symphaty from the public.I was touched and vowed to help
her.When my dad arrived,I told him about this womans predicament.Dad promised to contact the Welfare
department through his old friend to help this aged and sickly woman.
When I reached home,I hugged my mum tightly and told her that I would not allow her to seek symphaty
from the public for her survival.Worst still sending her to the old folks home.I was wondering to myself
with the current trend of too many successful working sons and daughters are neglecting their old and
sickly parents.If this trend continues,the country would end up with many more old folks home being
catered to fulfill this phenomena.Again I hugged my mum and whispered to her, mum you are not going
to go there at least when I am still alive and kicking.

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----------------------------------------------------------------Few illustrations below:
Case 1
--------------Yesterday, an unemployed man was standing at the top floor of an abandoned 16 storey office building,
ready to jump down from the building. He was depressed for being fired from his job by his boss. When
he was about to jump, he remembered his aged sickly parents who needed care.The thought of his hard
working brother who supported them also came to mind. Suddenly,feelings of guilt and remorse began to
fill his chest, as he choked in tears, slowly he stepped back and left the building, and went back home to
take care of his parents.
------------On the fifth floor, of the same building, a foreigner who had kidnapped a young girl, wanted to kill the
child because he didn't get the amount of money which he had requested for from the child's parents. As
he was contemplating whether to kill the child or not, thoughts of his only child who had been killed by a
kidnapper a few years back flooded his mind. How he had cried non stop for five days and how sad and
crushed he had been. Finally, the foreigner decided to let the child go.
Case 3
------------Just below the building, around the corner, three youngsters were getting ready to race along the
northern highway.They were illegal racers. As they were getting ready to race, one of the youngsters

started to think about his parents. How they worked hard everyday so that he could go to school and get
a formal education. He got down from his motorbike and walked away from the race, never to look back
In a school, few meters away from the building, the mid-year examination had just began. Almost all
the students were fooling around and were not serious about the examination, but one student was
thinking about his uncle. How his uncle had raised him since he was a child.How his uncle had sacrificed
his life, so that he can go to school and get an education. He didn't join the others but focused on his
Now try this:
In my classroom,I saw my classmate was crying.Then I asked him how could I help.He told me

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Model Question: Describe my dream house.
I wonder whether I can afford to have this dream house.Most of my friends told me, You can keep on
dreaming.I told myself if only I can dream now and own this house later,it would be good enough.So I
braved myself and walked straight to the hotel balcony on the 16th floor.I could see the completed house
and it is stunning.I do not hesitate or have any more second thoughts.I told myself, This is my real
dream house.
It is on the island about 10 acres big.The majestic house stood on the south-end of Pulau Langkawi
island.I am delighted that this dream house is opposite the distinquished villa of my idol.He is none other
than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.Who would dream to have such a house opposite to the very wellknown statesman.As I approach the island on which my dream house awaits,I catch a quick glimpse of
it.It is huge,beautiful,mesmerizing and most noticeable.I walked through a heavily wooded path leading to
my dream house.
I can see beautiful floras surrounding the house and some of the colourful bougivilla plants were
imported from beautiful districts of Korea and Japan.It is now just 8.00 a.m in the morning ,it is rather
peaceful and serene and I could hear the sounds of birds chirping and small forest creatures frolicking in
the nearby well cut bush. I continue to make headway to my dream house,as it becomes closer,I could
hear my own drumbeat.It is unbelievable and name on the mahogany door which reads, Villa
Casablanca.Its official that now I see my house for the first time up close.This house I have added the
final touch on designing .The grandeur is mesmerizing. It is a double storey bungalow on a huge ten
acres lot. As I approach the stairs at the entrance to the house I am surrounded by four columns leading

to the most elegant doors I have ever seen. They are made of mahogany and have a stained glass
window in the centre. The handles and the frame are made of brass. As I continue around the house I
come across three windows overlooking the entrance to the house. There are black shutters on each
window. As the porch continues to the south side of the house I am now looking over the ocean. As I look
down and observe the ocean I see two piers jutting out into the sea. On either side of the piers are huge
boulders protecting the coast line from erosion. The walls of the house are made of stucco and it has an
old fashion shingles that are a clay color. I walk toward the west side and I first come across a basketball
court. To the east side of the basket ball court is a tennis court. There is a bar in between the two to take a
break at between games. On the opposite side of the yard there is an in-ground swimming pool that is
connected to the pool inside the house. As my journey comes to a close I notice a white gazebo off to the
east of the house. It is in a position such that you can see anyone entering or leaving the lot if you are
sitting in it.
I confidently told myself, "Yes, this is my dream house."
Tera -Tasya
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Most Malaysian consumers are spendthrift.They overspend unneccessarily and left with little money to
continue for the upcoming months.Many of them have to turn to unlicensed money lenders to make end
meets.This is the current trend and should be put to a stop.
You have just attended the seminar on consumerism organised by your school,Consumer Club
Association entitled: How to be a smart consumer and save your money.You wish to share the ideas
with your colleagues in your school and decide to include this interesting issue in the latest edition of your
school bulletin.
Use the following points to assist you in your preparation of the article;
*Plan thoroughly what you want to buy and what you need before you walk in to markets,supermarkets
and groceries shops.
*Buy items of neccessity only and do not be tricked with promotional items and big discounts.
Priortise your requirement and remember not to buy unneccessary item which may
land you in a tight budget for the upcoming months.
*Compare prices so that you get the best bargains.Buy in quantity that you really need to
avoid wastage.
*Know your rights as consumers.In cases when you purchased faulty items,you may report to the
authorised association/ministry if you,your families and friends have encountered such incidences.

*Advisable to use cash only for purchases.Never pay on credit cards.Debit cards
are encouraged.
*Check the expiry date,produce of the items and halal logos.(for muslim consumers)
*Never turn to unauthorised money lenders to borrow for your purchases.
Your article must not be less than 450 words and you are allowed to add any other interesting points.
Your readers are mostly your counterparts in lower secondary and upper secondary forms plus teachers
and parents.
Maximun marks shall be alloted for all the points mentioned with clarity,good use of language and
Answers to be written in paragraphs.
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Many cases of snatch-thieves victims ended with coma and some even deaths.The statistics revealed by
the City Police Crime Unit confirmed that snatch thieves and pick-pocketing are considered as one of the
highest crimes committed by both local criminals and illegal foreign workers.
You are the President of the Residents Association in your neighbourhood and is requested topresent a
SPEECH on, How to prevent snatch-thefts and pick-pocketing
You may use the notes below to amplify your points:
a)Do not carry excess money especially in public places/shopping complexes.
b)Use handbags with shorter shoulder straps.
c)Wear minimal jewelleries/do not show-off.
d)Keep wallets in buttoned pockets.
e)Do not try to fight back if you are the victim.Record whatever particulars you can remember.
f)Avoid being alone at quiet and deserted places.
Your article must not be less than 350 words and you are allowed to add any other interesting points.
Maximun marks shall be alloted for all the points mentioned with clarity,good use of language and
Answers to be written in paragraphs.

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Bullying and being actively involved in gangsterism are considered serious offences in school.Many
students felt insecure and depressed whenever they were confronted with such situations.Those involved
with bullying and gangsterism would be given stern warning,suspended or at worst expelled.
Write AN ARTICLE describing on how to curb bullying and gangsterism culture from spreading in
school.Suggest on how to assist affected students so that they will feel secure and happy hence the
school can be a conducive study environment.
Use the following points to assist you in your preparation of the essay.
*Report to displinary/counsellor if there is evidence of bullying and gangsterism.
*Consultation/counselling for those commiting offences.
*Close cooperation between teachers and parents.
*Organise closed door dialogue in school calling the experts to express their thoughts.
*More programmes for students interactions over the weekend and school holidays.
*Heavy punishments for serious/repeat offenders.
Your article must not be less than 350 words and you are allowed to add any other interesting points.
Maximun marks shall be alloted for all the points mentioned with clarity,good use of language and
Answers to be written in paragraphs.

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Sunday, 28 July 2013


WITH: until today I could never forget that event..
Write an essay starting with, until today I could never forget that event.....
Untill today, I could never forget that event. It happened last year when I wanted to be a singer.So I
decided to join an audition.I felt so excited because it was my ambition to be a famous singer since my
childhood days. I was even more excited when the contest offered very attractive prices.So my dream
On that very morning, I woke up late because my alarm clock did not ring.My parents were not at

home.The auditions was suppose to begin at 8.30 a.m but I woke up rather late about half an hour
later.Imagine I was panicked and searching all my personal items and rushed to the washroom..I felt
hesitated initially but I wanted to go because this was my only chance.I knew I would be late but still I
wanted to show up for the audition.Finally I dressed in a simple orange T-shirt and jean.When I looked at
the clock,it was already 9.30 a.m.Oh gosh! What a bad luck.How I wish I could turn the clock.
I went out of the house feeling jilted but still I built up my confidence to be at the audition centre and
wishing there would be some technical delay over there. I would like to go there with my beloved
motorcycle but it was hopeless,I could not start my motorcycle. I made a decision to wait for the the bus
or taxi then.I was so unfortunate after 30 minutes of waiting both neither the bus nor the taxi showed up.I
felt so discouraged and then I made a heavy decision to use my my old bicycle.I would feel embarassed
if I reached the centre when other singers would stare at me with my old bicycle.But I could not care
less.My dream is my priority and nothing could stop me.I would do do anything to satisfy my desire and
my ambition.
While riding my bicycle,I felt so thirsty. So I stopped at a stall to buy a bottle of drink and I left my old
guitar with my bicycle at a parking lot.After a short stop at the 7-11 outlet,I went to the parking lot and
found my guitar missing.I could not express the amount of emotional pain I had and tears flowed down
my cheeks.Today is really a bad day for me when everything go wrong. This guitar means a lot to me
because it was my fathers present after I scored 9 As in my recent PMR examination.My confidence was
shattered and I was totally lost.My dream took a drastic turn.I could not perform without my guitar.So I
gave up. Suddenly ,I saw my guitar on a pavement about a few yards away.I was wondering why the thief
decided to leave my guitar there.
I quickly cycled and my hope look very faint. Finally, I arrived at the audition centre.Then I looked at my
watch and it showed 11.30 a.m.I guessed the audition was all over as I was very late.Nobody was there
anymore.What a disappointing morning and what an unfortunate moment for me. 'My dream'as a singer
had finally dashed off.
My eyes stared at the notice which clearly read, The Audition will be postpone to next week due to
unforseen circumstances".Am I reading the right notice,I asked myself. I was rather speechless.Oh
Almighty, Thank you,I still have my chance now.. With all the blessings from you,Almighty,I could still
dream to be a singer.Thank you again my Almighty.
That was the most interesting experience that I had ever come across.This experience had taught me the
value of patience.
Thank you Almighty.

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-------------Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to our beloved Principal, Tuan Hasan Mat Tamat, respectable
teachers and all my fellow friends.
First and foremost, I would like to thank our Principal for giving me a chance to present this speech on
welcoming our new brothers and sisters to Sekolah Menengah Ugama Taqaddum Al-Maarif. I would also
like to congratulate our new form one students for passing the entrance test with flying colors. All of you
have struggled very hard to enroll into this school and believe me you are the creams from the remaining
5000 students who failed to enroll due to very stiff competition.
As the Head Prefect of this school, it is my duty and responsibility to ensure that the dicipline of this
school is maintained. Therefore, you must strictly abide to the rules and regulations stipulated by the
school administration.
Firstly, you must uphold the good name of the school by instilling a good dicipline. It is not easy to be a
well-diciplined student. You must adhere to the discipline of our school regulations especially your attire
and conduct. To create a good impression, you must always be dressed neatly in your school, complete
with white shoes and white socks. You also must always iron your shirt before you wear them.The shoes,
you must wash it, at least once a week to make it looks clean and not smelly. In addition, do not come to
school late, or the teacher will be furious and give you a stiffer punishment. For instance, the principal will
cane 3 times for first offence.
Demerit points will be awarded to the students who breach the code of conduct and punishment such as
staying back in school, canning and suspension will be implemented. It is very crucial for our school to do
that in order to make the students respect the school regulations. If your demerit points has reached 20
points and above, you will be called by the Principal with your parents along. Also, proper attire at all
times are required so that it reflects your high discipline.No punk hair or coloured hair and should
always keep hair short and neatly combed. No cellular phone and other banned items are allowed in this
school.Other incisive items such as knife,scissors,external disk and potraits of famous artistes are strictly
not allowed and if you bring them, they will be confiscated.
Apart from that, you all must enrol in a club, sports and socities activities. It is encouraged that you are
active in any one of these. You will be given certificates and these are useful for your references when
you go for higher studies.Besides with your talents and potentials,you will be selected to represent the
school,then the district level and finally the state level.Our school name will be known by many others and
many will be interested to join us because of our fame.Joining the sports will keep your body and mind
healthy. As the saying goes, a healthy body give a healthy mind and that is our priority.Moreover, this
school has a good academic record.There fore you must excel in academic studies so that you help the
school to be among the top schools in Kelantan.
As a conclusion.please keep in mind on the various things I have mentioned above.I do hope you have
found my talk helpful. Thank you for listening attentively.
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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to our beloved principal, Tuan Hj.Mohd.Mansor Hj.Daud,
respectable teachers and all my fellow friends. First and foremost, I would like to thank our principal for
giving me a chance to present this speech on welcoming our new form one students who had
successfully joined us. Once again, we welcome our new brothers and sisters to this prestigious and
glamorous,Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Falahiah.I would also like to congratulate our new
form one students for passing the entrance exam with flying colors. All of you must have struggled very
hard to enrol into our school and believe me you are the creams from the remaining 5000 students who
failed to enrol due to very stiff competition.
As the Head Prefect of this school,it is my duty and responsibility to ensure that the discipline of this
school is maintained. Therefore, you must strictly abide to the rules and regulations stipulated by the
school administration. Firstly, you must uphold the good name of the school with good discipline. It is not
easy to be a well-disciplined student.You must show that you really are such as coming early to school
and latest to be at the school gate by 7.30a.m. For those late-comers a penalty shall be imposed such as
washing toilet and cleaning litters around the school compound.Beside that your school uniform must be
clean and neat.All shirts must be tucked-in and for female students,all shawls must be ironed.Anyone who
does any modification,repaired or altered their trousers will be dealt accordingly by our PKHEM.Your
shoes must be white too.These are our daily routine check and students will be hauled up if above rules
are not adhered.Meanwhile you are reminded to behave properly and talk politely to your seniors in upper
forms.Likewise you must be polite and show your best behaviours to the outside visitors.They will surely
bring the good things about our school outside. For those studying in hostel,it is very good that you are
close to your seniors as they will help you many things especially in the management of your time in
hostel and also your daily learning process.
Demerit point system will be awarded to any students who breach the code of discipline.You are not
allowed to dye your hair or color your nails.Proper attires must be maintained and students are
encouraged to wear their sports attires if they are involved with physical education in the morning. I would
like to inform you on the strict rule of cellular phones.Nobody is allowed to bring or keep any mobile
phone in the classroom,hostel or anywhere in the school compound.The usage is strictly prohibited.You
may use the public phones provided by the school.There are plenty of them and most of them are in good
order.Please report to the prefects if you see any of the public phones not working.Spot checks will be
carried out from time to time.
Once again,if we do a spotcheck and if any mobile phones are found then,we will confiscate them.Your
parents will have to appeal if you want back the cellular phone but this is only done by year end.
For your information,this school encourage students to be active in sports,club and societies.Any students
who are talented and potential in sports will be selected to represent the school to compete at district and
state level.It is advisable too that you enroll in extra-curricular activities held by the school such as club
and social activities.The clubs and societies in this school also conduct exciting and meaningful
trips,campings,forest and mount-trekking,beach trip and many others so that students can feel the
excitement and happiness during your stay here.

My dear brothers and sisters,

Our school has been in the limelight over the last 7 years achieving outstanding results in PMR and
SPM.We have very good teachers here who can guide us to excel in our academic studies.So with our
very conducive study environment,I do not see any excuses for us not to perform well in our PMR and
SPM examination every year.For the record,our school has been the top 5 schools in Kelantan over the
last 7 years.So dont let this good reputation goes off from our hands.
Thats all I can share with you and thank you so much for lending your ears.

Laili Nadhirah
Head Girl,SMKA Falahiah.

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Wednesday, 24 July 2013


--------------------------------Cheating in examination is a common issue. Every time when the examination is held, you hear cheating
cases among the students.These phenomena is happening among students in the last classes of any
schools.But that does not stop students from the front classes to do the same.This cheating is unethical
and the school authorities must stop this nonsense.Otherwise we may see unqualified students walk
away with top student awards and this is surely embarrasing.On the other hand, there are many sincere
and hard working students who do not cheat.This category of students should be saluted for their ethical
and responsible deeds.
Sometimes it is very frustrating to see the weaker students score higher marks than the smarter students
because they have the oppurtunity to cheat or copy from resources known to them only.
I think students have their own reasons why they cheat in examination. The sole reason is they are not
ready to accept failures.Although they do not slog hard in their studies but they have strange egoes to
protect their reputations.There is a strong possibility that they want to protect themselves from getting
punish by their parents.On the other hand,they also feel embarass with neighbours and friends from
another schools.Some cases of students studying at the eleventh hour having stressful moments so they
have to resort to copy or cheating.
There are couple of ways of cheating.They usually write the answers on their palms and wrist and also in
their kopiahs. Also,todays technologies enable them to photocopy the answers in smaller forms and
they hide them somewhere at their waists or stash somewhere in the smaller pockets. Toilet walls also
become their references to cheat. They write on them early before the exam begin. Besides, they also
write the answers on ringgit notes.

This unethical habits must be prevented.I suggest the invigilators to be more alert,attentive and strict so
that students are scared if they want to cheat. The invigilators should warn students that they are
disqualified from the examination if they are found copying or cheating. In examination hall, the students
should not bring pencil cases. Only pen and other required stationaries to be allowed into the hall.
Going to the washrooms also must be escorted so that students do not have any chance to
cheat.Ofcourse they are many other forms of cheating that we do not know or come across.So it is better
not to know them.
Finally remember the phrase, 'Once you fail, it does not mean you fail forever'.It is good that students
learn to face failures now because when they go for higher education,cheating may pose a bigger
problem to them.So avoid cheating at all times.

Model Question: Describe my dream house.
I wonder whether I can afford to have this dream house.Most of my friends told me, You can keep on
dreaming.I told myself if only I can dream now and own this house later,it would be good enough.So I
braved myself and walked straight to the hotel balcony on the 16th floor.I could see the completed house
and it is stunning.I do not hesitate or have any more second thoughts.I told myself, This is my real
dream house.
It is on the island about 10 acres big.The majestic house stood on the south-end of Pulau Langkawi
island.I am delighted that this dream house is opposite the distinquished villa of my idol.He is none other
than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.Who would dream to have such a house opposite to the very wellknown statesman.As I approach the island on which my dream house awaits,I catch a quick glimpse of
it.It is huge,beautiful,mesmerizing and most noticeable.I walked through a heavily wooded path leading to
my dream house.
I can see beautiful floras surrounding the house and some of the colourful bougivilla plants were
imported from beautiful districts of Korea and Japan.It is now just 8.00 a.m in the morning ,it is rather
peaceful and serene and I could hear the sounds of birds chirping and small forest creatures frolicking in
the nearby well cut bush. I continue to make headway to my dream house,as it becomes closer,I could
hear my own drumbeat.It is unbelievable and name on the mahogany door which reads, Villa
Casablanca.Its official that now I see my house for the first time up close.This house I have added the
final touch on designing .The grandeur is mesmerizing. It is a double storey bungalow on a huge ten
acres lot. As I approach the stairs at the entrance to the house I am surrounded by four columns leading
to the most elegant doors I have ever seen. They are made of mahogany and have a stained glass
window in the centre. The handles and the frame are made of brass. As I continue around the house I
come across three windows overlooking the entrance to the house. There are black shutters on each
window. As the porch continues to the south side of the house I am now looking over the ocean. As I look
down and observe the ocean I see two piers jutting out into the sea. On either side of the piers are huge
boulders protecting the coast line from erosion. The walls of the house are made of stucco and it has an
old fashion shingles that are a clay color. I walk toward the west side and I first come across a basketball
court. To the east side of the basket ball court is a tennis court. There is a bar in between the two to take a
break at between games. On the opposite side of the yard there is an in-ground swimming pool that is
connected to the pool inside the house. As my journey comes to a close I notice a white gazebo off to the
east of the house. It is in a position such that you can see anyone entering or leaving the lot if you are
sitting in it.
I confidently told myself, "Yes, this is my dream house."

Sir,this is real-life story about my parents.

Describe an unforgettable experience in your life.

--------------------------------------------------------------Everybody in the world has experiences. Experience or moment is something that happens in our
life. With experiences, people learn to be more matured person. There were sad, happy, sweet and
bitter memories in our life.
Being a young girl of merely four years old, I really never understood the meaning of death
nor the purpose of death. All I could understand that not only uninvited death but it also
inevitable. Death took something too precious away from me, so priceless, that even words
cannot describe it. It took away my parents from me.
It was tragic when I was four years old. My father had passed away because of heart attack.
As I remembered, when I slept one night, I heard a womans crying. I rushed to the voice to
observe what had happen. I saw my mom was crying beside my lying father. I asked my mom what
had happened. It was the miserable moment when my mom said that my beloved father had
passed away and left us forever. When I heard that, I rushed to my sisters room to tell them
about it. That night had become a nightmare to my whole family when the living room was filled
with the sound of cries and tears. That was the moment when I came face to face with death and
how much I despises it. I cried myself that night and many nights that followed. Becoming an
orphan in the young age was something that was never dream for any children.
I thought of all the good time we had together. He was such a bubbly, energetic, funny,
charming, responsible and awesome man that I had ever known. He is my idol in my childhood.
He is a good teacher for his student and gorgeous man in my world. His life seemed perfect. But I
know that I had to accept his death and go on for my life.
In 2002, something happened that changed my entire life. Unfortunately, my mother got an
accident when she was on her journey with my auntie to the town. I can still vividly remember
when I was in my house with my sisters, a cousin of mine came to our house and informed us
about the accident. We were very shock and rushed to the ICU unit in Jeli hospital. It was very
bad moment when the doctor said that my mother could not be saved anymore. When dawn
came, the villagers took my mothers corpse home. The moment that I really could not forget was
when my mothers body was bathed by the villagers. But it was the saddest moment when I saw
my mothers body being buried.I saw them with my own eyes.
It took quite sometime for me to get over it. Now, I am learning to accept the ups and down in life.
God, the Almighty has His own plan for each and everyone. And, I guess that whatever happens, it
is fated.I praised to the Almighty for all the gratitudes that has been blessed over me.


---------------------------------------------------------My cousin, Zarul is a special person. He is seventeen years older than I am but we grew up together.His
parents died in a tragic car accident when he was ten.My mother told me that during the funeral of his
parents, Zarul came to her and asked if he could stay with her.My mother,overcome with grief,hugged him
tightly and said a definite yes.
So when I was born,Zarul was already there, my cousin and brother.He was a brilliant and
popular boy.He excelled in school.He was good in drawing and took painting as a hobby.My mother told
me that he would take me to a nearby park, and would sketch the scenes around us in his sketchbook as
I sat on his lap.When I was two, Zarul went to a boarding school.Every time he came home during the
holidays,he would bring me a box of chocolates and little gifts for mother and father. My parents loved him
very much because he was a polite and humble boy.

Zarul grew up to become a pilot with a commercial airline.It was his life-long dream to travel and visit
other countries in the world.Then a tragic accident happened.As Zarul and I were crossing the road in
front of our house, an inexperienced driver lost control of his car and hit Zarul.Instead of braking,the driver
accelerated.Zarul was dragged for several metres before the car stopped.He was rushed to the hospital.
The doctors had to amputate his legs.They were severely injured and if they were not cut off,they could
cause more damage and may kill Zarul.
It was a very difficult time for all of us, especially for Zarul.In a few short moments, he had lost his legs,
his job and perhaps his future. He grew quiet and bitter. Then one day, Zarul asked my mother to bring his
painting materials to the hospital. He wanted to calm his mind by painting.The request changed his life.
Zarul is now a successful and well-know artist. His work has appeared in many magazines.He has set his
own art show for children on television and started a foundation to help other handicapped artists.He sells
his watercolour paintings to various galleries in the region. They say his paintings are simple yet colourful
and full of life.I asked Zarul one day,how he motivated himself after the accident.He told me when the
doctors cut off his legs,he felt the whole world crumble around him. He lost his hope to live.He further
said,Then suddenly,I saw an ant at the edge of my bed. It looked confused. It had reached the end of the
bed and didnt know where to go.It didnt turn back, so it jumped off the bed. I looked down and there it
was on the floor still alive and continuing on its journey
From then on, I realised that I was like the ant, and the only thing to do then was to move on, love myself
and accept changes. I am glad I did.

Sir,this was a real expereince I when I was in USA with my family during last holidays.
Unforgettable Experience
-----------------------------------Whenever somebody asks to me to relate an experience that I can never forget,millions of
different experiences come into my mind.But there is one experience which I would consider to be
the most unforgettable and most scary.It was the first time I rode on a roller coaster.Why? The
fear that I felt was beyond ones imanigation.Let me recalled the whole incident.
It was a sunny day.I woke up early in the moning . The room that came into my view was
unfamiliar.``Weird!I thought to myself .``Why couldn`t I recognize my own room ?After a while,I
remember.``Im in the United States of America
``We are going to Disneyland today.My sisters voice interrupted my thought.I could sense
happiness in her cheerful voice.
The moment we reached there ,my sister suggested,``lets go for a ride on a roller coaster.Ive
heard so much about the roller coaster in Disneyland and Im dying to try it.
``No way,man.I woudnt want to be scared to death!I protested,shaking my head from left to right
as hard as I could.
``Come on !Mom,can we go ?my sister asked
``No ! No ! No ! I answered. But my sister didnt give in . She begged my mother until my mother
said,``Okay why not,both of you should try out .
Without wasting a second,my sister dragged me to where the roller coaster was.I was really
``Wow! my sister cried out loudly,She could not hide her surprise . ``This is the biggest roller
coaster I have ever seen.I agreed with her in my heart.The big roller coaster that stood in front of
me did amaze me.
``Hurry up ! urged my sister . I followed her uwillingly.I was even more nervous when I saw the
sign CAUTION . My sister led me into a small room where the person-in-charge showed us our
seats. I sat on my seat reluctantly.
``Relax and take it easy ! my sister tried to comfort me but it did not help.I sat obediently and

managed to flash her a chilly smile.

After a while,I heard a siren that hurt my ears . The siren warned us that the scary trip was about
to begin.I shut m eyes tightly.Both my hands seized the sit so tightly that they ached. I guess I
was panic. I tried to calm myself down but in vain. I heard people shouting excitedly.They were
panic too. They were so eager to begin. Finally , I felt the roller coaster was moving. It started
slowly at first,then faster,faster,and faster as it began to pick up speed. I felt my stomach turning
upside down. It moved so fast that I nearly fell from my seat. I felt my seat streaming down my
face from my forehead. My heart was pounding loudly.I regretted taking a ride on this scary
``When will this big,stupid caterpillar stop moving? Please slow down ,slow down or Ill get a
heart attack. I pleaded in my heart but the roller coaster refused to listen to my plead. I heard
people screaming crazily. It was driving me nuts . The roller coasters shifted to the left and then
to the right. It swayed so hard that my head knocked against the front seats. When the roller
coaster slide down from the highest peak,it was the most frightening part of the whole trip. My
eyes were wide open . my heart stopped beating. I screamed at the top of my voice and my shawl
was``flying willy in the air.
The fifteen-minute rode on the roller coaster was like fifteen years to me. My face was as pale as
a corpse when I came down from the roller coaster. I buried my face in my hands because I felt the
world was spinning. My father and mother rushed towards me when they sensed something was
wrong with me. My whole body was trembling and my hands were icy cold. I opened my mouth
to speak but nothing came out. From that moment on,whenever people mention roller coaster, a
chill runs through my spine. I think that ride on the roller coaster was the most unforgettable
experience in my life.

Describe an unforgettable experience in your life.

--------------------------------------------------------------Everybody in the world has experiences. Experience or moment is something that
happens in our life. With experiences, people learn to be more matured person.
There were sad, happy, sweet and bitter memories in our life.
Being a young girl of merely four years old, I really never understood the
meaning of death nor the purpose of death. All I could understand that not only
uninvited death but it also inevitable. Death took something too precious away
from me, so priceless, that even words cannot describe it. It took away my
parents from me.
It was tragic when I was four years old. My father had passed away because
of heart attack. As I remembered, when I slept one night, I heard a womans
crying. I rushed to the voice to observe what had happen. I saw my mom was
crying beside my lying father. I asked my mom what had happened. It was the
miserable moment when my mom said that my beloved father had passed away
and left us forever. When I heard that, I rushed to my sisters room to tell them
about it. That night had become a nightmare to my whole family when the living
room was filled with the sound of cries and tears. That was the moment when I
came face to face with death and how much I despises it. I cried myself that night
and many nights that followed. Becoming an orphan in the young age was
something that was never dream for any children.
I thought of all the good time we had together. He was such a bubbly,
energetic, funny, charming, responsible and awesome man that I had ever known.

He is my idol in my childhood. He is a good teacher for his student and gorgeous

man in my world. His life seemed perfect. But I know that I had to accept his
death and go on for my life.
In 2002, something happened that changed my entire life. Unfortunately, my
mother got an accident when she was on her journey with my auntie to the town.
I can still vividly remember when I was in my house with my sisters, a cousin of
mine came to our house and informed us about the accident. We were very shock
and rushed to the ICU unit in Jeli hospital. It was very bad moment when the
doctor said that my mother could not be saved anymore. When dawn came, the
villagers took my mothers corpse home. The moment that I really could not
forget was when my mothers body was bathed by the villagers. But it was the
saddest moment when I saw my mothers body being buried.I saw them with my
own eyes.
It took quite sometime for me to get over it. Now, I am learning to accept the ups
and down in life. God, the Almighty has His own plan for each and everyone. And,
I guess that whatever happens, it is fated.I praised to the Almighty for all the
gratitudes that has been blessed over me.

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---------------------------------------------------------My cousin, Zarul is a special person. He is seventeen years older than I am but we grew up
together.His parents died in a tragic car accident when he was ten.My mother told me that
during the funeral of his parents, Zarul came to her and asked if he could stay with her.My
mother,overcome with grief,hugged him tightly and said a definite yes.
So when I was born,Zarul was already there, my cousin and brother.He was a
brilliant and popular boy.He excelled in school.He was good in drawing and took painting as
a hobby.My mother told me that he would take me to a nearby park, and would sketch the
scenes around us in his sketchbook as I sat on his lap.When I was two, Zarul went to a
boarding school.Every time he came home during the holidays,he would bring me a box of
chocolates and little gifts for mother and father. My parents loved him very much because
he was a polite and humble boy.

Zarul grew up to become a pilot with a commercial airline.It was his life-long dream to
travel and visit other countries in the world.Then a tragic accident happened.As Zarul and I
were crossing the road in front of our house, an inexperienced driver lost control of his car
and hit Zarul.Instead of braking,the driver accelerated.Zarul was dragged for several metres
before the car stopped.He was rushed to the hospital. The doctors had to amputate his
legs.They were severely injured and if they were not cut off,they could cause more damage
and may kill Zarul.
It was a very difficult time for all of us, especially for Zarul.In a few short moments, he had
lost his legs, his job and perhaps his future. He grew quiet and bitter. Then one day, Zarul
asked my mother to bring his painting materials to the hospital. He wanted to calm his mind
by painting.The request changed his life. Zarul is now a successful and well-know artist. His
work has appeared in many magazines.He has set his own art show for children on television
and started a foundation to help other handicapped artists.He sells his watercolour paintings
to various galleries in the region. They say his paintings are simple yet colourful and full of
life.I asked Zarul one day,how he motivated himself after the accident.He told me when the
doctors cut off his legs,he felt the whole world crumble around him. He lost his hope to
live.He further said,Then suddenly,I saw an ant at the edge of my bed. It looked confused. It
had reached the end of the bed and didnt know where to go.It didnt turn back, so it jumped
off the bed. I looked down and there it was on the floor still alive and continuing on its
From then on, I realised that I was like the ant, and the only thing to do then was to move
on, love myself and accept changes. I am glad I did.


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Sir,this was a real expereince I when I was in USA with my family during last

Unforgettable Experience
-----------------------------------Whenever somebody asks to me to relate an experience that I can never
forget,millions of different experiences come into my mind.But there is one
experience which I would consider to be the most unforgettable and most scary.It
was the first time I rode on a roller coaster.Why? The fear that I felt was beyond
ones imanigation.Let me recalled the whole incident.

It was a sunny day.I woke up early in the moning . The room that came into my
view was unfamiliar.``Weird!I thought to myself .``Why couldn`t I recognize my
own room ?After a while,I remember.``Im in the United States of America
``We are going to Disneyland today.My sisters voice interrupted my thought.I
could sense happiness in her cheerful voice.
The moment we reached there ,my sister suggested,``lets go for a ride on a
roller coaster.Ive heard so much about the roller coaster in Disneyland and Im
dying to try it.
``No way,man.I woudnt want to be scared to death!I protested,shaking my head
from left to right as hard as I could.
``Come on !Mom,can we go ?my sister asked
``No ! No ! No ! I answered. But my sister didnt give in . She begged my mother
until my mother said,``Okay why not,both of you should try out .
Without wasting a second,my sister dragged me to where the roller coaster was.I
was really nervous.
``Wow! my sister cried out loudly,She could not hide her surprise . ``This is the
biggest roller coaster I have ever seen.I agreed with her in my heart.The big
roller coaster that stood in front of me did amaze me.
``Hurry up ! urged my sister . I followed her uwillingly.I was even more nervous
when I saw the sign CAUTION . My sister led me into a small room where the
person-in-charge showed us our seats. I sat on my seat reluctantly.
``Relax and take it easy ! my sister tried to comfort me but it did not help.I sat
obediently and managed to flash her a chilly smile.
After a while,I heard a siren that hurt my ears . The siren warned us that the
scary trip was about to begin.I shut m eyes tightly.Both my hands seized the sit
so tightly that they ached. I guess I was panic. I tried to calm myself down but in
vain. I heard people shouting excitedly.They were panic too. They were so eager
to begin. Finally , I felt the roller coaster was moving. It started slowly at
first,then faster,faster,and faster as it began to pick up speed. I felt my stomach
turning upside down. It moved so fast that I nearly fell from my seat. I felt my
seat streaming down my face from my forehead. My heart was pounding loudly.I
regretted taking a ride on this scary thing.
``When will this big,stupid caterpillar stop moving? Please slow down ,slow down
or Ill get a heart attack. I pleaded in my heart but the roller coaster refused to
listen to my plead. I heard people screaming crazily. It was driving me nuts . The
roller coasters shifted to the left and then to the right. It swayed so hard that
my head knocked against the front seats. When the roller coaster slide down from
the highest peak,it was the most frightening part of the whole trip. My eyes were
wide open . my heart stopped beating. I screamed at the top of my voice and my
shawl was``flying willy in the air.
The fifteen-minute rode on the roller coaster was like fifteen years to me. My
face was as pale as a corpse when I came down from the roller coaster. I buried
my face in my hands because I felt the world was spinning. My father and mother
rushed towards me when they sensed something was wrong with me. My whole
body was trembling and my hands were icy cold. I opened my mouth to speak

but nothing came out. From that moment on,whenever people mention roller
coaster, a chill runs through my spine. I think that ride on the roller coaster was
the most unforgettable experience in my life.
4 ibnu sina ..
Posted by sirrosdi hanafiah 2 comments:
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Monday, 15 July 2013


Assalamualaikum sirrosdi. aisyahsufian here-Smua taqaddum maarif. This is my
essay for the title of AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE. I sent u this a
little bit late because I fell asleep earlier than I thought. i just got up this
morning n typed it as fast I could.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Today is July 16th, 2012. Exactly a month later, it will be Lemans birthday. That means we
will be celebrating Lemans birthday on August 16th, 2012.. Jali,Seli,Setopa and I were best
friends since our good old days in form 3.Now we have just finished our secondary school
and all of us did very well in our SPM examinations.We were on cloud nine at that moment
and celebrated our flying colours results at one of the well-known restaurants in town.Oh
gosh! that was the best moments in our lives having the chances to celebrate the occasion
with our female classmates,Siti,Aisyah,Murni,Tipah and our most glamorous girl in the
I recalled three years ago when Jali,Seli,Stopa and I were the new students in this
prestigious secondary Arabic school in town,SMUA Taqaddum Maarif which is located in Pasir
Tumbuh,Kelantan-the so called Satellite City of Kelantan by the year 2020.Leman was
already here until we were introduced by the five sweeties above in the class.We were all 15
years old then.Leman an active and smart student among the third formers was appointed
the leader for all students in Form 3. He excelled both in academic results and extra
curricular activities.He managed very well in many clubs and societies and is well known not
only among the students but also among the teachers.So Leman was praised by most of his
colleagues in form 3 for his hard work and good supervision.Sports is in his blood and he
represented school,district and state in soccer matches.He has won many prizes and
trophies.We usually met after school and discussed on school homework,assignments and
extra- curricular projects.Since then, we became good friends.Leman had suggested we call
our group as 5As.We agreed with Lemans suggestion.One day Seli told us that in his
village, there was an old dilapidated house which could be our meeting place.Every single
day,when we had our free time, we would hang out and did anything there. We also
decorated the house and painted it like a new one.It was very fantastic. The house was

beautiful as the sunset. We captured all our moments together inside the house.There were
full of photos of us inside.It was like our very own home. We would lock it up if we were not
Years flew by and now we just turn 18 in a blinking of an eye.We did not realized about it.So
with our outstanding results in SPM,we went separate directions and were chosen to study
overseas, in different countries.We were grateful to the Almighty that we could fly overseas
and continued our study. But, our friendship was not over yet like many other dramas and
movies as seen in the television.We maintained our friendship and always keep in touch with
each other even though we were in the hustle and bustle of our own activities.So for every
semester holidays,we would assemble in our so-called club and hang out till wee hours in
the morning.Finally a long semester holidays came and as usual all of us would come back
and assemble in our secret club.Except for Leman,he had to stay back a week longer due to
his incomplete project paper.Leman was scheduled to arrive exactly on his birthday.So this
time we had planned a grand celebration and would call our female ex-classmates
Kiah,Aisyah,Tipah Murni and Syafiqah.So we collected some money together to celebrate the
occasion.We did everything such as car wash, cleaned residents backyard, painting, and
many more in order to buy things for the birthday party such as decorations lights, candles,
cakes,chocolates,tit-bits and many others.We wrapped a special present for Leman.On the
other hand,Jali who was rather closer to him bought him a big surprise, a car, because he
knew that Leman wanted this long time ago. It was just a second-hand car, but it looked like
new.Incidentally Leman would collect his driving license by end of this month.
Then we decorated our so-called club as beautiful as we could.Our secret place was full of
decorations and we added some nostalgic photos,trophies cardboards and many others to
make it a real memories during our nostalgic moments in school.omorrow shall be a big day
for us. Leman knew next to nothing about all of this. While we were waiting for the day,we
recorded vividly our schools memories when we looked at those pictures hanging on the
colourful wall.
Days flew by, so finally August 16th, 2012 is here.Leman touched down at KLIA International
Airport exactly 12 noon.So in two hours time he would touch down at Sultan Ismail Petra
Airport,Kota Bharu.We gave him a call and asked him to come to the club house first before
he stop anywhere. We were waiting eagerly for Leman to arrive.The thing which we never
expected to happen but it did.Leman took a taxi from Kota Bharu Airport when suddenly the
taxi skidded and hit a divider.The driver was travelling at high speed of 160 km/hr and failed
to apply a brake when a motorcycle was seen making a u-turn. The driver hit a big shady
creepy tree and the car just blew up in seconds. According to the investigating officer, the
driver and the passenger of the vehicles were found dead in the taxi under the creepy tree.
We heard the bad news from his parents. Our happiness had just turned into a worst
tragedy. We never had the chance to celebrate the party anymore.
Now,we can only see tears flowing down and celebrate Lemans birthday for the last time at
his grave.So this remain as my most unforgetabble experience.



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Thursday, 11 July 2013


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last holidays, my friend and I went to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Our journey took about
7 hours by flight from Kuala Lumpur. We departed at about 2.00 a.m. and arrived at about
5.00 a.m. local time at Dubai international airport. The time difference between Malaysia
and Dubai is 4 hours. We arrived at Dubai International Airport which is located in AlGarhoud, Dubai.
At the airport, I rang my pen-pal, Syeikh who lived in the heart of Dubai City.Later he
fetched us and brought us to his home.We took a short rest about 20 minutes at Syeikhs
house.Then we started our first visit to The Dubai Grand Mosque,Syed Zayed Mosque which
is located at Abu Dhabi.The mosque was of Moorish design and architecture.Iit is one of the
most expensive mosques in the world. The mosque was built from white marbles which was
imported from Italy and Greece. The architecture was so amazing similar to that of Taj
Mahal in India.This mosque had about 88 domes and also several poles.The walls and floors
were decorated with white marbles from various designs of the beautiful and stunning
arcade stones, jade, amethyst and crystals. There was a big chandelier hang at the centre
of the mosque and decorated with Bohemian glasses and crystals. From the outside of the
mosque, it was so beautiful where it was surronded by crystal clear shallow water.At one
glance ,it seemed that the mosque was floating on a surface of water.
After that, we continued our journey to Burj Khalifa which was the tallest building and the
most amazing. In Burj Khalifa,the complex was surrounded by many kinds of exhibition
centres, warehouses and various shopping complexes.One of the most famous store chain
here is the Zouk where it is the shopping haven for most foreigners from Europe and rich
middle east countries. We can see countless numbers of hotels, offices,apartments and the
like in this rich building of Burj Khalifa. Among the most expensive hotels to stay here even
for only one night is Armani Hotel which is charged about USD1000 per person.It is very
expensive hotel accomodation for people like us but not really expensive for those rich
Arabian millionaires.
Then Syeikh took us to a luxurious hotel located at Dubai where most customers have to
make a reservation for lunch or dinner. This hotel is called Burj Al-Arab.This hotel is located
on a man-made island where it is about 280 metres from a beach at Parsi Bay. Hotels at

Burj Al-Arab are rated as 7 stars hotel because the hotels are so classy,sophisticated and
affluent. The price ranges from Emirates Dinar(ED) 380 to ED 1000 per person and these
prices did not include drinks.The exchange rate is USD1.00=ED2.50. Oh Gosh ! We really ran
out of our money spending too much on food,taxi fares and tickets. At 6.00 p.m in the
evening, we went home and took a short rest.
On second day, we had our breakfast at home and there was no itenary arranged for us.So
we did nothing until 2 p.m.. After that, we went to Dubai Museum at Bur Dubai.The musuem
was built nearby a pier which the local called it as Dubai Creek. The fees charged for
entrance is ED3.00 per person but the exhibit items were so attractive.At least we had a
first hand knowledge of Dubai which was practically built since the tenth century. Then, at
5.00 p.m, we went to Jumeirah Beach which is the most popular in Dubai. This beach unites
Jumeirah Park and Wild Wadi. Wild Wadi is a water park located at Jumeirah Beach. We felt
like we were somewhere in a tropical region because the sand is absolutely clean and the
water is crystal clear. After an hour at the beach, we went home to get some rest. We had
our dinner at home.
Our third day in Dubai, Syeikh took us to the famous restaurant nearby known as Lebanon
Restaurant. We ordered kebab ala Arabians and that was so scrumptious and delicious. The
Kebab is served with 6 lumps of beef and small bread. The price is ED109.00 per plate.
After we had our breakfast, we strolled along a busy and popular lane which is regularly
visited by the local and international tourists.I like this place and the local people called it
Ferrari Theme Park. Here they displayed the latest models of mostly Ferrari cars followed by
other expensive and classy cars like lamborghine and mesarati..Later late in the evening,
Syeikh took us to visit Abu Dhabi.This city is second largest city in Dubai. We were so
engrossed watching the tallest hotel in the world which is located here.The hotel was built
up with 2 towers and well known locally as JW Marriot. This hotel is one of the most
attractions in the country.Then we stopped by at a beautiful Emirates Twin Tower. We
continued strolling at Souk Medina where the famous Gold Souk is located. The market is
located at Deira. We spent our time at Souk Medina until dusk. Then we went home.
On the fourth day, we stayed at home in the morning as there was no programme
arranged for us.On top of that we were too tired.So we decided to skip and stayed back.At 3
in the evening, Syeikh asked us to join him at Candylicious.It is the biggest and the famous
sweet shop in the world. Syeikh bought me a Canopy a kind of lollipop. This sweet shop
also prepared "pick and mix" wall, so we can take any sweets or chocolates on the wall as
we like. After that, we went to Dubai Mall which is the biggest shopping mall in the world
and also a part of Burj Khalifa complex. Syeikh told me the second biggest mall in the
Middle-East is Mall of the Emirates. Then there is a place called Tere which is a big
aquarium inside Dubai Mall.Later we walked outside of Dubai Mall to watch another Dubai
attraction.It is a water spurt show which is located in front of Dubai Mall. The show started
at 6 p.m. daily and continued until late night. The water spurt is really amazing and I love
this place.

The fifth day,we made our preparation to go back to Malaysia. Syeikh sent us to Dubai
International Airport at 1.00 p.m. Our flight scheduled departed at around 3.00 p.m.We
arrived 7 hours later at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.It was a very lovely trip back

home bringing all those sweet memories that I had in Dubai.

This vacation was indeed the greatest moment of my life.


~ NUR ~ ..
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Sir,this is Nor Fatihah Wahidah Salleh from SMUA TAQADDUM MAARIF.I checked
your blog and so far I did not see anybody doing an essay on,My mother is my
inspiration.I am trying this and I hope your readers like them.

Describing a person your admire: My mother is my inspiration.

Everyone must have a source of inspiration and encouragement in their lives. The
famous idols like famous singer Dato Siti Norhaliza ,footballer like Khairul
Fahmi Che Mat and World number one badminton player like Dato Ling Chong
Wei are some examples of famous idols giving inspiration and positive lives to
many.As for me ,my source of inspiration is none other than my beloved mother,
Che Safiah B. Noh. I called my mother, mom at home and everywhere. Now my
mother is 56 year old but her look belies her age as most people are fooled into
thinking that she is 10 year younger.Talking about mother,I would like to throw
this question to the readers. What does the word mother means?Literally it
means a lady who give birth to a baby ?That baby is the son or daughter of that
loving and caring mother. Ofcourse that baby is the mothers own flesh and

I could still remember how she embraced me, the soft smooth, hand stroking my
hair .Everyday I can still smell her perfume, I can still remember how she gently
kiss me on the cheek leaving pink lipsticks marks. I could remember how she
always tucked me in a bed, telling me happily-ever-after tales singing and
humming my favorite lullaby, whispering words of wisdom into my ears as lay
under the covers.
My mother is not a well know politician or famous performer.S he is just a plain
working mother who devotes her life to me that is what makes her so special in
my life.My mother is about five feet and two inches in height and rather plump .

She never fail to wear a radiant smile that is able to lighten up the room
whenever she walked in.My mother is always by my side during good and bad
time.She has always lend her shoulder for me to cry on during the bad time. she
takes good care of me and other siblings too.Since I was a little kid, she nursed
me when I was sick and had brought me up to be well-manered and well-educated
person. My mother is one of the most important motivators in my life.It is
because she always encourage me to study hard and make sure my homework
always finish so that I can excel in my examination and get good education.The
most important of all is I can score flying colours in my coming SPM examination
next year.
My mother has always been very patient with me and to other sibling.She
always give me advises and support whenever I need them.She has done a lot to
boost my self confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes she made me realise the
importance of praying especially when I am too lazy performing my prayer.
My mother works very hard day and night.It is because she wants to ensure
that my little brother and sister can study comfortably and have good and
comfortable lives.That makes her a gem which very rare and hard to find.

Here I would like to thank the Almighty for creating her in my life.No amount of
money I can repay for all the kindness and love that she had showered on me.I
shall always cherish the sweetest memories of her for as long as I live. I hope
this memories shall always remain fresh in my mind.My mother is truly a source
of encouragement and inspiration.

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Faculty of Mathematics and

Universiti Teknologi MARA (Uitm),
4000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
25th June 2013

Dearest sis,
Thank you for your letter which I received this morning.As usual I am fine over
here and at the moment very excited making my preparation for the Mount Kinabalu
expedition next week.I guessed you are fine too of course feeling nervous and jittery for the
coming SPM examination.Thank you for your complements on me but as your sister, I think
both of us are of same standard.Remember we came from the same breed so practically I
think what I can do,you can do too.Please do not be too nervous on the coming SPM
examination, I remembered I had faced this before so as you said ,you must build up that
spirit and determination to bring you to the top.
Firstly, you must plan your study times thoroughly.Time is an essence so you
must be wise in planning your timetable daily and weekly.Slot in on your weaker
subjects,example allotting two hours English Language on Sunday and Thursday. The other
critical subjects Sejarah and Bahasa Melayu you can do on any other days.Similarly for
weekend, you can plan for other subjects.I wish to point out on the importance of not to
procrastinate.When you have plan your study times thoroughly, you must not procrastinate
to any other time or any others day.I always discipline myself when it comes to planning
because good planning make a good system which then produces good results.
Next, when the teacher is teaching ,you must be attentive and focus.If you lose
your focus then its hard for you to score high mark for that subject as you are not able to
follow the lesson properly.Moreover, you will lose your spirit and as time goes on you will be
left behind.Definitely, you will lost interests in that subject.The next class when the teacher
comes in with a new topic then it will be worst for you as the new topic may relates with the
previous one.Besides, you are advised to ask questions on certain topic that you are not
capable to understand it.This way may improve your skills.You may also ask your teacher for
your personal reference after the school hours and for sure your teacher will give the best
explanation for you.In addition, you should go for tuition for weaker subjects such as Physics,
Biology, and Chemistry.As for me, I prefer to form a study group that consisting of 3 to 4
friends.It helps you to discuss and clarify on things that require proper and lengthly
It is imperative for you to go through past year questions to get familiar with the
format of the actual SM questions.Doing regular practices also help you to review all the
things that you have learnt.As a saying goes, practice makes perfect.Through this way, you
can memorize all the important notes by jotting down all the earth-shattering points.
The most important thing is you must take a good care of your health by doing
regular medical check up.Taking a good rest and having sufficient sleep may help you to
keep your mind fresh and ready to learn mew things during the lessons in your class.Doing
exercise frequently not also keep your body as fit as a fiddle but also help you to overcome
depression and stress with all the school stuffs.As a saying goes, a healthy mind comes from
a healthy body.
Well, I would like to pen off.Please convey my regards to our lovely parents. Hope to hear
from you soon.I wish you all the best.
Yours sincerely,


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Sir,I am not sure whether this essay is meeting the criteria.Hope you can edit and
let me know.Thanks

An unforgettable experience in my life.

During my school holiday, I spent a few days at my village in Jasin, Malacca. On the first day,
when I arrived there with my family,I saw my cousins and my relatives were also back home
at the same time as my family. It all started when my dad suggested the idea. How about if
we celebrate with a family outing tomorrow?Everyone in the family was so excited to hear
dads proposal.He further added, we shall travel down to west coast to Malacca visiting the
famous A famosa All my siblings were jumping with joy and looking forward for the
exciting trip.
On the second day,early in the morning, all my family members were so excited and
cheered up.We started the journey by car.During our journey, my little sister cheered up
everybody with her funny antics.So the journey was rather exciting and everyone stayed
awake to hear more funny antics from our little sister.My dad stopped at one of the R&Rs
(Rest and recreation spot) along the highway.So we had our prayers ,some refreshments
and then a quick shower.After that, we continued our journey. We arrived at A Famosa about
10.00 a.m. Inside the A Famosa, we saw many historical spots such as the writing on the
wall by the portugese merchants and the famous statue of Alburquque.It was really amazing
to see a historical spot such as A Famosa which is almost 500years old still standing strong
in the heart of Malacca city. Then we dropped by at the famous Malacca Muzuem.There
were huge crowd,the local as well as the international tourists. We were happy and thanked
to the Almighty because we could be here.
In the midst of our enjoyment looking at the beautiful buildings of Afamosa and the
Muzuem,my mum had asked me to buy a towel at the Bestari market nearby.So I went along
with my cousin,Akim.Suddenly there was an announcement reminding the public about the
three ex-convicts who had just escaped from the police cell and carrying pistols with
them.The announcer told us to be careful because these criminals were dangerous,
ferocious and may shoot anytime.Then the situation became chaotic when one of the ladies
screamed and claimed that she saw the criminals hiding behind a cash counter. We saw
many people screaming and running helter-skelter when the criminals were pointing guns to
the public.Suddenly, the three criminals rushed with their pistols on their hands and
ordered all the customers to squat down and took out all their precious thing in their

pockets including their wallets,mobile phones,credit cards and many others.

I was so panicked but Akim calmed me down. One of the robbers, cleaned out the cash
register while the other two were busy examining the customers wallets and mobile
phones. Meantime,I took the oppurtunity to run away from the scene when one of them
managed to grab me.He later pushed me to the side and hit me with the pistol butt.I felt the
pain and collapsed on the floor.I could hear Akims voice when he suddenly lost his patience
and decided to act.He immediately pushed one of the criminals and managed to grab his
gun.Then he used his leg to kick the other criminal.One of public believed to be a police
officer quickly get hold of the third criminal and handcuffed him.Within minutes,the police
party arrived and cordoned the area.Then the police arrested and hancuffed the other two
It was a very frightening experience for me.My mum and dad were so worried that Akim and
me would be hurt and killed.Thanks to the Almighty that Akim and me were still alive and
kicking.The drama ended with most of the customers in the Bestari Market complemented
us for our bravery.They also gave us a round of applause.
This event was indeed the most unforgettable experience in my life.

Masrurah binti Abdul Malek

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standing alone in a dark place that i did not know where i
Hello Sir, I'm Amirah Aqilah from PTD 22,PUSAT TUISYEN DINAMIS,KOTA
This is my Narrative Essay :)
Write a story begining with: I was standing alone in a dark place that i did not know where i
I was standing alone in a dark place that i did not know where i was. I was wondering and
looking around to find out where i was and how did i get here.
Then i saw a white beautiful glittering light that i had never seen before. I tried to make a
first step walking towards the light. Unfortunately, the light disappeared from my sight. I
could not see anything around me that how i wish the light would appear again. It made me

frightened to be here alone and suddenly i was burst into tears. Without hesitation, i braved
myself to find the way out through this darkness. I felt so low since i went solo. It was too
cold and silent until i heard a crowd of screaming and yelling. I ran as fast as lightning
towards the sounds and i was too worried that the sounds would disappear like the light
had just now. Suddenly, i reached a place that the people around me was screaming at the
top of their voices. I did not know what they were screaming for, but it was really loud that
could deaf my ears. It was too weird as i was not in the darkness anymore and the place was
absolutely different. The place was full with glittering and colourful lights which were too
brightly lit. Then there was a big stage-people yelled and seemed they were too crazy about
it. I thought it was a music performance because the people were mostly teenagers. Their
screamed were getting louder when the music band appeared from the backstage. It was
so terrible as i could not see the band as the people were raising their hands up ! Then i
tried so hard by jumping and moving closer to the stage. Only i knew what i felt when i saw
One Direction Band was performing on the stage. I could not whisper even a word. I
thought i had a heart attack when the singers were singing in front of me! No wonder the
teenagers were yelling non stop.
Then One Direction asked their fans who wanted to sing with them on the stage. Everyone
were raising their hands because it was such a great chance to sing with the five charming
boys. I bet it was only me who did not raise hands up, as i was too scared and shy to be on
the stage. Unexpectedly, the five boys were pointing at me. They ordered me to have a song
with them on the stage. I heard the beat of my heart getting louder whenever everyone
were looking at me. I kept shaking my head because i was too afraid to sing in front of
others even to be on stage.
Then, Zayn Malik hold my hand and took me on the stage.It was unprecedented. He was
really thrilling me that my heart will fall about. My idol was holding my hand ! I was standing
on the stage and holding a microphone with a trembled knee. Harry Styles said that i should
act so cool like it was no big deal. The words uplifting me and build up my confidence. As we
started to sing, i felt my pants got wet ! I had pissed off as i was very nervous. Everyone
were laughing at me and unconsciously the tears streamed down my face. I really could not
stand when i got ashamed. One Direction tried to bring back my spirit by shouting the words
"Wake Up !" for three times.
After then, i woke up from my dream and found out my mother was beside me. She was
the one who shouted "Wake Up" and not One Direction. My bed also got wet as i utterly
pissed off during sleep. Oh! i just had a dream that i was not sure it was a nice dream or a
worst nightmare. Whatever it is, i was obviously excited to meet my favourite band even just
in a dream.I knew for sure it would not come true.
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Assalamualaikum sir, aisyahsufian here. This is my description of the event. I

dont know whether u told us to do an essay, or one paragraph, a story. Asyikin
said to me, not do an essay about this. But, do an essay about the paper that u
gave us, that u asked us to pick one and do the essay. I am not finished yet my
essay sir. I just can send u this. I hope I can send my essay to u 2mrw.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In my classroom, I saw my classmate was crying. Then I asked her how could I help. She told
me that her wallet was missing while she was engrossed with her dance practice about an
hour ago.Unfortunately, we are having a Chemistry lesson right now.Therefore we could not
leave the class.Without having second thought, I grabbed her hand and dashed out heading
to the dance class to find it. We search for the wallet high and low but we could not find
the pink wallet. Then, we went to the teacher`s room, who apparently was teaching in the
dance class. We asked her whether she came acroos with a Gucci wallet.She promptly
replied that it was with another student a student with her stylish pony tail.We knew that
student who had this foreign look,charming,attractive and friendly.So we went to her class,
and fortunately found her engrossed with her History subject. I conveyed to her about my
friends missing wallet .She replied promptly, Yes!! It is with me. She further added that
she wanted to give it to the head master not to steal it. We were grateful and thanked her.
The next day on the way back home, I was on my dads car when suddenly a little lass came
over to me with her gloomy face. Unfortunately, she was a beggar from nowhere.She asked
me for some money. She said that she did not eat for days, and wanted to find some money
to buy some. At that moment, I only have RM 4 to buy some food for me to fill up my
stomach. What do I do? I thought, I better use it for myself rather than give it to her? I
became confused. If I give it to her, I can ask my father to give me some money later.I was
sorry to see her pale face. Without thinking, I gave the money to her. I knew that it was
quite difficult for her to get money.She thanked me and disappeared while heading to a
nearby food store.
The next day on the way back home, I was on my dads car when suddenly, I saw a primary
girl was dragged by a motorcyclist. The little girl was crying in pain. I quickly dashed out of
the car and shouted for help. Within a minute, people started surrounding her. A few
concerned fathers ran to the scene and lifted the girl to an open space. Also, a few
concerned mothers, who were chatting nearby rushed in and fanned the girl.Later they
took out tissue-papers wiping out the little girls blood on the knees,elbows and face. One
of the students immediately ran to the duty teachers and informed her. The teacher dashed
to the scene to identify the victim. After that, she telephoned the victims parents,
ambulance, and the police. The motorcyclist that hit the girl tried to escape from the chaotic
situation but, he was caught by a few concerned pedestrians. A few minutes later, the
ambulance turned up and picked up the girl and dashed to the nearby hospital.The police
arrived a few minutes later.They then arrested the motorcyclist and handcuffed him.The
irresponsible motorcyclist was later brought to the police station.His motorcycle was lifted
by a few concerned youths and put it on the roadside to prevent traffic congestion. I went
back to my dads car after the tragedy.Incidentally I told the mishap to my little sister and
advised her to be very careful on the road.

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Sir ,this is Arradi from SMU Taqaddum,Pasir Tumbuh.,Kelantan.This is first time I
am submitting this essay for your blog.I hope this blog helps many students
especially in form 4 and those to face SPM end of this year.I hope my essay is
acceptable by your readers.

On 8 July 2013 07:37, Niko Bellic <> wrote:

Assalamualaikum sir,,Arradi nie.. i had finish my essay.. :) (SMU A TQM Pasir

Describing a person you admire. (My favorite Teacher)

Teacher is someone who inspires their students to give their best.A
good teacher is a teacher who never feels disappointed at any point of time and
always arrives in school ready to share the knowledge with thousands of their
students.So a caring teacher is a teacher who is full of dedication,commitment
and responsibility.Thus a teacher is considered as a great individual to us after
our parents.There are many teachers in my school.Each one of them teaches us
different subjects.They seem like stars in the midnight sky of our life .It is
quite difficult to choose among all these stars as everybody has their roles,
different teaching styles and different approach of conveying the knowledge.Of
course one of the stars who I carefully selected is like a diamond dancing brightly
among all the stars.She is none other than teacher Yasmin.
Literally,she is my practical teacher in my school.she has the most pleasing
personality that I have ever met.To me she is an ideal teacher.She has all those
qualities which a good teacher is expected to have.She teaches English,the
subject that I love most.Teacher Yasmin is well-built,quite tall and looks very
beautiful especially with her pinky scarf.She likes to wears pinky scarf as pink
colour is her favourite colour.She has a small dimple on her oval face,that is why I
like to see her smile.Her smile is sweet and pleasant.She always wear her
favourite baju kurung coming to school.Her looks is very innocent added with
her polite character and this reflected as a pure malay woman.

Teacher Yasmin is our English teacher.Although she is only our practical teacher
in my school but she teaches English with her good knowledge,up to date
information and back-up with her versatile experiences.She loves the subject
that she teaches and has an in-depth knowledge of it too.I never see her open
her book whilst teaching.It seems like all the information is in her head, and she
delivers the information to the class confidently.She is exactly knowledgeable
and brilliant person.Her confident in the class is like a rope that pull me out of my
laziness.I become so engrossed with English subject and that makes me
hardworking and exuberant towards learning English.She is calm and cool
teacher I ever have.I have never seen her frown or lose her temper.She remains
calm even when there is a crisis of any kind.For example,I heard that Ibnu
Khaldun class students are very rude and never pay attention to any teachers in
the class.
Indeed,many other teachers complain of the same situation for this particular
class.But my favourite teacher that I love the most responds divergently towards
that class.Once I walk in front of the class going to toilet when I saw most of boy
students were making noise ignoring her who was teaching in the class. But she
is as cool as the icy lake in the winter,never get angry and calmly ask the
students to give attention to her.
There is a moment about me and my favourite teacher which I could not forget.Ms
Yasmin is a practical teacher in my school so of course her lecturer want to see
her performance.She needs my help to use the Microsoft Powerpoint software
for a slideshow to be presented to her lecturer.Apparently her lecturer is to
assess the intensity of teacher Yasmin.She believes and trust me as I had won
first place in interactive multimedia competition that uses the same
software.With my creative and briliiant idea ,I help her willingly.The slide show
entitled Pollution.After 2 hour I had completed building up and designing the
slide show with a great content and interesting.Teacher Yasmin was satisfied
with my work that she said was very awesome.
Tomorrow morning, her lecturer will be coming to evaluate her performance of
her teaching style.I had save the slide show that teacher Yasmin had to use
safely. Teacher Yasmin hope to the Almighty that tomorrow everything will be fine
and work as planned.The morning finally arrived and her lecturer was here.Her
lecturer is very beautiful but she is forceful and assertive .My teacher has open
her laptop to open the slideshow that I have created yesterday. Unfortunately the
slideshow was not working.Teacher Yasmin is so worried and afraid if her
performance is distracted.I suspected the software was infected with Trojan
horse generic. So she shutdown the laptop.I think she was rather disappointed
but she was smart by using her backup plan to recover this.Teacher Yasmin
then taught us by forming groups.It was a very interesting learning process.Her
lecturer smiled as all of us gave full attention in her teaching process.Her lecturer
was very proud to her as she could recover the problem that happened during
her teaching process.Thanks to Almighty ,teacher Yasmin passed with flying
colours.Now she is qualified to be a teacher.She said that she loves us very
much.Teacher Yasmin expressed her thanks to me and saidThank you Arradi as

you have done a lot to help me, I hope you be the best student and Almighty
will help you in your examination.. I love my teacher very much.
This a special moment for me and my favorite teacher which I could not
forget.She is so outstanding for she has the alternative plan.She never show her
tiredness in teaching me and my friends all the time.Again she islike a diamond in
the midnight sky.All your sacrifices will always be as a spirit for me to succeed in
my life.Thousand thanks to my beloved teacher.
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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

SPM NARRATIVE ESSAY-WRITE A STORY BEGINING WITH:I was standing alone in a dark place that i did not know where i
Sir,This is Amirah Aqilah.I hope your readers like this.
Write a story begining with:
know where i was.......

I was standing alone in a dark place that i did not

I was standing alone in a dark place that i did not know where i was. I was wondering and
looking around to find out where i was and how did i get here.
Then i saw a white beautiful glittering light that i had never seen before. I tried to make a
first step walking towards the light. Unfortunately, the light disappeared from my sight. I
could not see anything around me that how i wish the light would appear again. It made me
frightened to be here alone and suddenly i was burst into tears. Without hesitation, i braved
myself to find the way out through this darkness. I felt so low since i went solo. It was too
cold and silent until i heard a crowd of screaming and yelling. I ran as fast as lightning
towards the sounds and i was too worried that the sounds would disappear like the light
had just now. Suddenly, i reached a place that the people around me was screaming at the
top of their voices. I did not know what they were screaming for, but it was really loud that
could deaf my ears. It was too weird as i was not in the darkness anymore and the place was
absolutely different. The place was full with glittering and colourful lights which were too
brightly lit. Then there was a big stage-people yelled and seemed they were too crazy about
it. I thought it was a music performance because the people were mostly teenagers. Their
screamed were getting louder when the music band appeared from the backstage. It was
so terrible as i could not see the band as the people were raising their hands up ! Then i
tried so hard by jumping and moving closer to the stage. Only i knew what i felt when i saw

One Direction Band was performing on the stage. I could not whisper even a word. I
thought i had a heart attack when the singers were singing in front of me! No wonder the
teenagers were yelling non stop.
Then One Direction asked their fans who wanted to sing with them on the stage. Everyone
were raising their hands because it was such a great chance to sing with the five charming
boys. I bet it was only me who did not raise hands up, as i was too scared and shy to be on
the stage. Unexpectedly, the five boys were pointing at me. They ordered me to have a song
with them on the stage. I heard the beat of my heart getting louder whenever everyone
were looking at me. I kept shaking my head because i was too afraid to sing in front of
others even to be on stage.
Then, Zayn Malik hold my hand and took me on the stage.It was unprecedented. He was
really thrilling me that my heart will fall about. My idol was holding my hand ! I was standing
on the stage and holding a microphone with a trembled knee. Harry Styles said that i should
act so cool like it was no big deal. The words uplifting me and build up my confidence. As we
started to sing, i felt my pants got wet ! I had peeved off as i was very nervous. Everyone
were laughing at me and unconsciously the tears streamed down my face. I really could not
stand when i got ashamed. One Direction tried to bring back my spirit by shouting the words
"Wake Up !" for three times.
After then, i woke up from my dream and found out my mother was beside me. She was
the one who shouted "Wake Up" and not One Direction. My bed also got wet as i utterly
peeved off during sleep. Oh! i just had a dream that i was not sure it was a nice dream or a
worst nightmare. Whatever it is, i was obviously excited to meet my favourite band even just
in a dream.I knew for sure it would not come true.

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Sunday, 7 July 2013


Sir,this is Nor Amirah of SMKA Amalin Aisyah.My apology,it is rather late
submitting this task.But I am glad that I managed to overcome that magic

Dear Fauzana,

Firstly, I must congratulate you for passing the examination with flying colors. I was very proud to hear
that you are achieving all As in your subjects. But, unfortunately, what about your English language
subject? How can it be? By the way, I am very impressed with your perseverance. I too believed in the
proverb that really motivated you-if there is a great determination, certainly there is a way. On the other
hand, actually we are in the same boat. I was having a similar experience as you were. But for me, it was
even worst, my embarrassing moment in English language happening when I was in form 2. I was asked
to read a text taken from New Straits Time in the classroom. So, I stand up and confidently read but I was
stutter on certain words like enjoyed, travelled, referred and tricked. I did the same mistake like you were
by pronouncing as enjoy-ed, travel-ed, refer-ed and trick-ed. Oh gosh! That was total embarrassment or
me when my classmates started laughing at me like I was in free show or other. Nevertheless, that was
history. I put my ego aside and went on to attend class tuition.

Now, I am an improved person. I read a lot of English Language materials and always referred to
dictionary to help me. As a students, dictionary looks too synonym to us. Then, my vocabulary has
improved by leaps and bounds. I must thank my great teacher who has managed to guide, motivate and
push me to the maximum. Here are some recipes for you to consider and I hope it works on you.

First of all, do a lot of reading on English materials. There are so many English materials in the market
nowadays. You can choose whatever you want. As for me, I love to read novels and magazines. If you
read a novel, it can give you a special version of reading. It is a combination of imagination and reality.
Then, magazines. I love to read magazines like Readers Digest and many others because the materials
included were very simple and very appealing.They were also easier to keep in mind. It would be my
choice, what about you? Moreover, it is like killing two birds with one stone. It is because, while you are
reading, you can try to pronouns the bombastic words as procrastinate and others. It will help you to
improve your communication skill as well. So, reading on English materials not only give you a pool of
knowledge but, it will accustom yourself to be good in communication skill.

Secondly, do a lot of practice at least one or two hours a day. You need to do practice on grammar,
vocabulary and writing. While you are practicing for example on grammar or vocabulary, you can also
grab this chance to memorize the words or grammatical items. You know? It is one way that you can use
to enhance your English language. If you are repeating the same way to improve your English language, I
am sure no doubt you can score the highest mark and your English will never be a setback to stop you
from achieving straight As in your examination.Furthermore, some students take this as a simple work...
But actually it is very important.

Thirdly and never be forgotten, as I said from the starter; always make a habit to refer the dictionary.
Then, you can take the other alternative task such as jotting down the unfamiliar words to your
vocabulary book. It is the best leap to enhance your vocabulary. Every time you want to read English
materials or doing some practices on grammars or others,surely it helps.Make sure your dictionary is
adjoining to you! It will simplify your work and make your work more efficient and effective.

In a nutshell, you know what Fauzana, hard work really pays off. I am glad; I am able to change my
attitude towards English language. I pray to the Almighty, I can continue to carry this great motivation and
enthusiasm until the end of this year especially for my SPM examination.

Good luck to you and hopefully you can score well on all your subjects. Take care.

Your friends,
ou received a letter from your lovely sister,Fatin Umairah who shall be sitting for her SPM
examination in November.She is feeling nervous and desperately looking for correct formulae on
how best to tackle her study methods and techniques.
Write a letter replying to her and tell her what are proper steps that she must take up to get herself ready
for the SPM examination.
The following is the letter from Fatin Umairah.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3555,Pinggir Sejati,
17500 Pasir Mas,
Kelantan Darul Naim.
25th,June 2013.
Dearest sis,
How are you getting on?I understand from mum that you shall be joining an expedition to Mount Kinabalu
in Sabah end of next week.Wow!this trip is certainly great.You remember,the pledges we had together
during the primary school with our *PK Hem.Those were the sweet moments that we had together during
our girls guides days.I still remembered your group emerged as champion on trekking Gunung Jerai
during our mountain trekking expedition whilst my group was trailing behind.Now you are on the way to
capture Mount Kinabalu.Awesome,isnt it?
There is one thing I admire about you which is your continous spirit and determination whenever you want
to do something.I dont have this characteristics or rather I am always stuck half-way.This is the reason
why I am always behind when it comes to academic study.So the fast approaching SPM examination
which is another four more months making me nervous and desperately looking for better ways to
study.You have done well before and I think there is no other person who can give me good
advises.Please help me.I always want to be like you active in sports,extra-curricular activities and excel in
academic results.Tell me what should I do,how should I start and which one shall be my priority first.

By the way mum and dad extend their regards and ask you to take good care of yourself.So I guess you
are always ready for your next examination after your Mount Kinabalu expedition trip.Your last
examination,you were already on deans list so I guess the coming one, should be at the back of your
Please dearest sis,there is nobody else who really understand me and can give better advises.I look
forward receiving your letter soon.
Thank you.
Your loving sister.
Fatin Umairah.

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Monday, 24 June 2013


Sir, this is real life experience happening in my kitchen.I hope your readers enjoy reading this
interesting experience.
My Most Interesting Experience.
-------------------------------------------------I strongly believed everyone must be having their most interesting and exciting experiences in
their lives.For me,I also had my best experience.It started during my last school holidays. On one
glorious morning after having breakfast at home,my cousin,Ana and her family suddenly emerged
at my homes front door .Ana was smiling sweetly and as fast as lightning I invited the whole
family to come in.Ana is my closest cousin.Naturally I was very happy and delighted to have Ana
with me since I would have no other friends or relatives during holidays.My other siblings are
busy with their own programmes and activities.
That afternoon,my parents and Anas family decided to go to the shopping complex to buy some
branded items on a big year-end sale at the mall.At home,Ana and I felt like butterflies fluttering in
our stomach.Unfortunately,my parents did not prepare any breakfast for us.I guessed they were
too engrossed on items to buy at the mall so they thought the trip would not be that long.My uncle
and auntie too were very excited to go shopping so they too forgot about Ana.
We then saw a packet of flour at the top of the kitchen cabinet.So Ana suggested to bake some
pancakes.Ana told me that she seldom cook at home and baking a pancake is impossible for her.I
told her I was neither a good cook nor a good baker.I told her the funny things happened when I
was a cook at the kitchen.When I fried some fish,they got burnt completely.When my parents

tasted the fish curry that I cooked,they said that I did not put enough salt.Instead I put more
turmeric.I smiled cynically when I recalled these funny incidences.But since we were very
hungry,so I told Ana that we do not have much choice.
The whole episode started when Ana and I put the flour into a special bowl.Since we were science
student at our school,we decided to mix the flour with hot water so that there would be no
bacteria in the mixture.After we kneaded the dough,it became hard and we could not press it a
anymore.We were confused looking at our pancakesbut we still put them into a microwave
oven. Within minutes,we looked at cooked pancakes and saw that the dough did not expand and
they got burnt.However,we took them out .Oh gosh! We tried sharing a piece.Imagine our new
pancakes.It was tasteless and very hard.We thought we were eating parts of steel.
Suddenly,we heard a car parked at the front house.We knew our mum and dad together with
uncle and auntie had arrived home. Without our expectation,my mum and aunty went to the
kitchen and screamed at the top of their voices when they saw the messy kitchen.They also got
shocked looking at our faces full of flour but at the same time they could not control their
laughters.Without hesitation,my dad and uncle ran to the kitchen as they thought something bad
had happened in the kitchen.Imagine they too laughed at us.Ana and I looked each other and we
too laughed.Fortunately,my parents bought some breakfast for us as they knew that we would be
starving.We took the food and quickly ate them in a dining room.It was very funny,interesting and
memorable experiences I ever had in my life.I guessed next time I must take up cooking
lesson,then I would not be starving anymore.


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DESCRIBING EVENTS: sad but meaningful.......

----------------------------------------------------------------Yesterday, an unemployed man was standing at the top floor of an abandoned 16 storey office
building, ready to jump down from the building. He was depressed for being fired from his job by
his boss. When he was about to jump, he remembered his aged sickly parents who needed

care.The thought of his hard working brother who supports them also came to mind.
Suddenly,feelings of guilt and remorse began to fill his chest, as he choked in tears, slowly he
stepped back and left the building, and went back home to take care of his parents.
On the fifth floor, of the same building, a foreigner who had kidnapped a young girl, wanted to
kill the child because he didn't get the amount of money which he had requested for from the
child's parents. As he was contemplating whether to kill the child or not, thoughts of his only child
who had been killed by a kidnapper a few years back flooded his mind. How he had cried non stop
for five days and how sad and crushed he had been. Finally, the foreigner decided to let the child
Just below the building, around the corner, three youngsters were getting ready to race
along the northern highway.They were illegal racers. As they were getting ready to race, one of
the youngsters started to think about his parents. How they worked hard everyday so that he
could go to school and get a formal education. He got down from his motorbike and walked away
from the race, never to look back again.
In a school, few meters away from the building, the mid-year examination had just began.
Almost all the students were fooling around and were not serious about the examination, but one
student was thinking about his uncle. How his uncle had raised him since he was a child.How his
uncle had sacrificed his life, so that he can go to school and get an education. He didn't join the
others but focused on his examination.
In my classroom,I saw my classmate was crying.Then I asked him how could I help.He told me
that his English writing essay assignment was not ready yet and scared would be humiliated
again by the teacher concerned.He told me repeatedly sometimes the teacher would ask him to
stand on the chair.So he could not take this kind of punishment.Then I asked him why he could
write the essay.He kept mum and still refused to answer after much persusasion.I could not
understand his rationality and wondered why he could not even write a few lines of English
essay.Afterall we were trained by the same English teacher on the concept of Descriptive essay
and Narrative essay.I could write english essay with ease or whatever titles that the teacher gave
in the classroom.
I could recall how I manage to acquire this expertise of writing english essay.Most of my
classmates envied me.So it was quite normal for me when most of them boycotted me in the
class.Only a handful wanted to share my knowledge. I told him who was still choking with tears to
learn this art from me.Firstly it is compulsory to have a dictionary with a vocabulary exercise
book.Learning a foreign language without a dictionary is going to be a waste as many new words
needed to be referred and understand in mothers tongue language.Secondly students need to do
a lot of reading almost everyday at least for one hour.Reading alone is not enough but it has to be
collaborated with a dictionary and a vocabulart exercise book.The source is on the various model
essay books available in the market place.Thirdly students must be able to construct sentences of
their own to express their understanding.By doing so,then they are able write better sentences in
their essay writing.It is imperative students should try out their own initiatives by doing their own
research to get as many titles as possible and practise essay writing.I told him I was lucky as my
previous English teacher who trained me since in primary 4 was a very exceptional,committed and
dedicated teacher.Again I told my classmate,he could go to my home and I am prepared to train
The next day on the way back home,I was on dads car when suddenly I saw an accident
happened.It happened right in front of my eyes.A primary 2 pupil was dragged by a
motorcyclist.She was crying in pain..............

You may continue from here....

She was crying in pain....
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It is imperative for students to learn describing events.Then from there on you will develop the art
of expressing a situation.Only then you are in the position to narrow down your options in
describing events.Watch the examples below.
DESCRIBING EVENTS: sad but meaningful.......
----------------------------------------------------------------Yesterday, an unemployed man was standing at the top floor of an abandoned 16 storey office building,
ready to jump down from the building. He was depressed for being fired from his job by his boss. When
he was about to jump, he remembered his aged sickly parents who needed care.The thought of his hard
working brother who supports them also came to mind. Suddenly,feelings of guilt and remorse began to
fill his chest, as he choked in tears, slowly he stepped back and left the building, and went back home to
take care of his parents.
On the fifth floor, of the same building, a foreigner who had kidnapped a young girl, wanted to kill the
child because he didn't get the amount of money which he had requested for from the child's parents. As
he was contemplating whether to kill the child or not, thoughts of his only child who had been killed by a
kidnapper a few years back flooded his mind. How he had cried non stop for five days and how sad and
crushed he had been. Finally, the foreigner decided to let the child go.
Just below the building, around the corner, three youngsters were getting ready to race along the
northern highway.They were illegal racers. As they were getting ready to race, one of the youngsters
started to think about his parents. How they worked hard everyday so that he could go to school and get
a formal education. He got down from his motorbike and walked away from the race, never to look back
In a school, few metres away from the building, the mid-year examination had just began. Almost all
the students were fooling around and were not serious about the examination, but one student was
thinking about his uncle. How his uncle had raised him since he was a child.How his uncle had sacrificed
his life, so that he can go to school and get an education. He didn't join the others but focused on his
In my classroom,I saw my classmate was crying.Then I asked him how could I help.He told me that he
received a call from his relative that his father was involved in an accident.Now is admitted in an Intensive
care unit.(ICU)The thought of fatherly love immediately filled my chest.I remembered how my dad had
sacrificed so much for us.I couldnt wait any longer to see my dad and hugged him.The school bell rang
and I was ready to go.Immediately I dashed out of the classroom and ran straight to the school bus.How I
wish the bus driver could pressed the accelerator pedal to the bottom so that I could reach home fast.The
bus then stopped right infront of my house and I saw dads car. What a relief!I told myself.I called dad
and he was at the door so I hugged him tightly and said, I love you so much dad and dont ever get
involve in the accident.I told him I still need him to be with the family.My dad smiled sweetly much to the

amusement of my mum who came out from the kitchen.

The next day on the way back home,I was on dads car when suddenly an aged and sickly women
knocked at the glass window of the front door car where I was sitting My dad was chatting with his friend
across the road.I looked at the sickly woman with an open heart and wondered how I could help her.
She was some what murmuring but I could understand her body language that she needed help.She
carried on her feeling of despair towards her two married sons who failed to give her their monthly
commitments.She had to survive by seeking symphaty from the public.I was touched and vowed to help
her.When my dad arrived,I told him about this womans predicament.Dad promised to contact the Welfare
department through his old friend to help this aged and sickly woman.
When I reached home,I hugged my mum tightly and told her that I would not allow her to seek symphaty
from the public for her survival.Worst still sending her to the old folks home.I was wondering to myself
with the current trend of too many successful working sons and daughters are neglecting their old and
sickly parents.If this trend continues,the country would end up with many more old folks home being
catered to fulfill this phenomena.Again I hugged my mum and whispered to her, mum you are not going
to go there at least when I am still alive and kicking

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Assalamualaikum sir :) Heee first time hantar essay dkt sir ! Ohmyyy. My teacher sruh buat essay
psl " It had been raining blaaa3..." mggu dpn dh kna htr. So, sir tlg check essay sy yg errr byk slh
kot. Essay yg sir sruh buat tuh.. on the way. Haha. Thanks sir. Stay cute and keep awesome -

Write a story beginning with : " It had been raining all day ..."
It had been raining all day, at times it rains like cat and dogs. At that moment, I slightly doubt the weather
forecast since it forecasted that the sun was going to scorch mercilessly.I sighed with relief and stared at
the clock with bemusement. It was almost 6.00 p.m. but mom did not returned from the supermarket
yet.The sky was getting darker. " Oh mom, where are you? " I was feeling a bit uneasy..
I dragged myself to close my bedroom's door. Out of the blue, a sudden crickling sound that came from
the kitchen made me jump in fright. All of a sudden, I feel a surge of pure terror, my hearts started to thud
in panic. I could not breathe easily knowing that there might be someone in my kitchen.Oh my god ! This
thing cannot be happening to me, someone was breaking into my house? Nobody by my side for the
moment and how could I tackle this.The fact that I need to face the person all by myself made me jittery
and wanted to burst into tears. But, I took a deep breath plucking my courage and I grabbed my hockey
stick.Then I bravely went downstairs despite my hands were slightly shaking.To my horror, my worst

nightmare was answered.It wasnt what I expected. As I opened the kitchen's door, there was a big ,
plump rat staring nastily at me.Thus,made me screamed on top of my voice as though the rat was going
to bite me. Now, it was between me and that nasty rat. It would be another war. In a blink of an eye, the
rat was on my foot and I ran around the dining table.Still it wasnt enough for that nasty rat,it jumped on
me thus making me yelled! Oh gosh!This war is not going to be over yet I quipped.Unknowingly, as the
battle between the rat and I was progressing, my hockey stick which I held firmly hit one pile of plates on
the table and the plates were scattered into pieces. As I was too engross to hit the plump rat, I
accidentally stepped on the pieces of broken plates and the pieces hurt my feet.It was really bad. As my
feet, was prickling with pain, I sat down, defeated while rat took the opportunity escaped through a hole
on the rooftop..My legs were trembling, my fingers twisted slightly. God, what a fiasco !
As I was looking for cotton bud and plaster to attend to my injured foot,the bell rang and the sound " I'm
home, honey ", echoing in my ears. Then, mom went straight to the kitchen to put away the groceries.She
stood rooted in disbelief. She looked at me with red eyes, looking at my bleeding feet and then looked at
the kitchen before saying, '' What have gone wrong,my dear? " I told her the entire story while she was
cleaning my wound. I was really terrified that she would scold me but then she looked up and curved a
smile, trying hard to refrain herself from laughing out loud. She told me that she had the same experience
as I did.It was even worse where she needed to battle with two rats.
The clock then striked at 7.30 p.m and we were all done cleaning up the mess that I had unwittingly
created. Without hesitation, I asked my mom, what about that nasty rat which certainly would come
back.My mum confidently answered, " Dont worry my dear,we will make sure this round the rat wont
escape..Maybe we will make the rat eat what it likes,the poison rat. I smiled and hoped there would
never be another titanic battle with the rat.But if ever the rat come back again,this time I hope it would
face me and my mom.
WanieyWahab ,

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Sunday, 23 June 2013


Natasya was very sure that she didn't do it. She tried to explained it but Miss Raudah didn't trust her. She
had no idea who took the money. She could not hold back her tears when the teacher accused her
stealing the money.
The story began when Miss Raudah, Natasya's English teacher entrusted her to keep an eye on her
purse. Then, the teacher went to the ladies and left Natasya alone in the class. When Maria passed the
class, she saw Natasya sat lonely while studying and a black elegant stylish purse beside her. Maria had
an idea to frame on Natasya.She was so jealous of Natasya since the first day Natasya reported to

Indeed Maria was a jealous girl.She envied that Natasya always being praised by the teachers. Maria was
considered as a wet blanket and sometimes labelled as a black sheep in her class.Nobody in the class
liked her. Then, she entered the class and spoke to Natasya. She told Natasya that someone wanted to
see her outside. Natasya immediately stood up and went outside. Maria was so happy that Natasya
believed her.Immediately she took a lot of money from the purse and put it into Natasya's bag. When
Maria was taking the money, she didn't relised that Aliya saw her from a small window on the other side of
the class.
Aliya tried to leave the place secretly but Maria stopped her. Maria quickly held Aliya's hand and said
"hey ! Just pretend that you didn't know anything about this." Aliya got scared and nodded her head.A few
minutes later, Natasya entered the class and continued her reading.Then Miss Raudah came into the
class to take her purse back and thanked Natasya. While walking out of the class, Miss Raudah found
out that the zip where she put the cash in was unzipped.She went back to Natasya and said, " Oh gosh !
where is my money ?".Then she asked Natasya. Natasya denied taking the the money.Miss Raudah was
a bit mad and told herthat she had to refer the case to the Principal. Then, Maria came in and told Miss
Raudah that she saw Natasya unzipped the bag and took the cash.
The things was made worst when Miss Raudah threatened to take Natasya to see the Principal.So the
three of them went and see the Principal. Miss Raudah reported about her lost money.Then Maria
volountered to check Natasyas bag in her classroom.
The Almighty was the greatest.Maria fell into a drain while running excitedly to get the money from
Natasyas bag.She didnt realise that Alya had earlier took the money and was on her way to the
Principals office to hand over the money to Miss Raudah.
Aliya saw Natasya and she could not hold back her tears when looking at the innocent Natasya who had
been accused.Then Aliya handed over the money to Miss Raudah and explained the chronology of the
events.The Principal ordered Maria to quickly come to his office.
Maria was walking in pain and could not hold her tears.She was feeling ashamed and apologised to Miss
Raudah and Natasya for the incident. Since that day, Maria moved to another school as she could not
take the embarrasment anymore.

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So if you wish to see the breakdown on descriptive essay,you may group them under three groupings
which I had analysed them.Make your choice and attempt the one that you are strong at:


Examples from past years questions-analysis from 2003-2012.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)Describing a situation or place you visited /outings.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------2012: Describe an outing with your friend.
2006:Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced.
2004:Describe a festival celebrated in your area.
2)Describing a person you admire.
-------------------------------------------------2011:Describe a famous person you admire.
2010:Describe the most popular student in your school.
2008:Write about a person who has worked hard to succeed in life.
3)Describing your own experiences.
------------------------------------------------2009: Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way home from school.
2007:Describe an embarrassing experience in your life.
2005:Describe the biggest challenge in your life.
2003:A day you wished had never happened.
More questions extracted from Trial Exam papers and Internet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Describing a situation or place you visited /outings.
---------------------------------------------------------------------1)Describe a favourite place you have visited on your last holidays.
2)Describe an accident you saw and your role in helping them
3)Describe the scene at the shopping complex.
4)Describe the scene at Pasar Malam
5)A memorable visit at favourite Pasar Malam spot.
6)Avisit to the famous historical place.
7)Describe a wedding dinner you have attended.
8) Describe a Merdeka Event you had attended.
9)Describe a popular recreational centre you had visited.
10)Describe a foreign city that you had visited.
11)Describe any Malaysian fruits that you like.
12)Describe the scene at the busy shopping complex.
13)Describe my dream house.
14)Describe one of the cultural events in Malaysia.
15)Describe a visit to the orphanage home.
16)Describe a visit to the popular hill resort.
17)Describe a scene on a rainy day.
18)Describe a hectic life in the city.
19)Describe a favourite member in the family.

20)Describe on your recent favourite activity .

21)Describe a popular tourist spot.
22)Describe a place which has special memories for you.

Describing a person you admire.

---------------------------------------------1)Write about a person you admire most.
2)My favourite teacher.
3)My mother is my inspiration.
4)Describe your new teacher who just reported for duty at your school
5)Describe an interesting person you just met
Describing your own experiences.
------------------------------------------------1)Describe an incident you remembered very well.
2)Describe your childhood years.
3)Describe an unusual experience you had during your last school holidays
4)Describe how you spent your last holidays
5)Describe your unforgettable working experience as a contract worker.
6)Describe an interesting experience you had encountered.
7)Describe how an elderly person has changed your life.
8)Describe a funny incident at your school that you had experienced.
9)Describe the greatest moments of your life.
10)My most embarrassing moments.
11)An unforgettable experience in my life.
12)My first experience with the Malaysian Prime Minister.
13)An unforgettable experience at the Police Station.
14)Describe a moment where you were stranded on an island.
What do you think?

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After so many mistakes,finally I would like to share this essay with your readers.I hope the idea is
good.Thank you
Write an essay begining with :It was the first time I saw her and...
It was the first time I saw her and I decided to approach her . I was in the library doing a research for my
English project. She was there, sat at the secluded area in the library. She was wearing a big with a thick,

black rimmed spectacles. Her hair was tied in a messy bun with a long fringe at the front that cover most
of her forehead. She was a new student in my class and was popular because of her nerd personality.She
was just a typical grade A student. Nobody wanted to befriend her because she tend to sit alone.She was
Hello, can I sit here? I asked. She was looking at me with a blank face. She just nodded her head and
went back to read. I put all my belongings on the table and sat in front of her. After a while, I started to feel
boring. I peeked at her book title and she was reading a thick history book. Wow, she is really a nerd. I
thought. I tried to start a conversation with her but she was either nodding or shaking her head. I was
frustrated and stopped my conversation with her. She was hard to approach. After that, I just went out of
the library after I said goodbye and got no replies.
Urgghh! I hate physic! I screamed inside my heart. I was at the second question and I still cant solve it. I
was frustrated with myself. Dina, come on. Lets go to the canteen. My bestfriend, Maria asked. I told her
that I am still full. She went to canteen with my other classmates. I was still trying to solve the easy
question. I looked around and found that there was only Farah and me in the classroom. Out of the blue, I
thought why dont I use this opportunity to ask Farah about the Physics question and maybe befriend her.
Hi. Umm... Can you help me to solve this problem? She looked up and nodded. She began explaining to
me how to solve the problem. Her explaination was so clear that I ended up solving it in just 5 minutes.
She helped me go through my other problems and we didnt realize that the bell just rang. I thanked her
and she just smiled. After that day, I always refer to her if I had any problems in my studying.
One day, I arrived an hour early to school because my father had to go somewhere for his business trip. I
was walking lazily to my locker and got my books. On the way to class, I heard a very nive voice sang
Waiting Outside The Lines by Greyson Chance. I stopped walking and peeked through the door of an
empty class. I was greatly surprised when I found that the voice belonged to Farah. I walked slowly
towards her. After a momant, she realized that I was behind her and was flustering. Her cheek was in a
tint of pink and she was blushing. I told her that her voice was heavenly. She just whispered a small thank
Suddenly I got an idea. As a music clubs member, I thought that she was perfect to be the lead vocalist
for our schools music club. The music club was looking for a new lead vocalist for the national
competition. I told the idea to her and she was hesitated. Before I could persuade her, the bell rang. I told
other music club members about Farah and they agreed to listen to her before accepting her as our new
lead vocalist. I began pestering her for about a week and at last she agreed.
I brought her to the music room. Our school was a private school for the rich and the students who got
scolarship only so it had a really big music room full of music equipment like piano, drum, cello and many
more. After Farah sang, they all clapped and agreed to take Farah as our new lead vocalist. We began
practicing every day for the national competition and I began to spend more and more time with Farah.
Me and Farah became bestfriend in a matter of time. I always hanged out with her. I didnt realize that
Maria was jealous of our friendship. I admitted that it was partly my fault and Maria began to give me coldshoulders. What i didnt know was Maria bullied Farah behind my back. Luckily it was not too severe. She
only told Farah to do all her homeworks, bought lunch, and ran all her errands.
I knew Marias wrong-doings when she slipped her tounge. I was surprised and scolded her. She told me
that she was jealous and crying. She ran and crossed the road without looking. There was a car came
fast but it was too late. Luckily Farah managed to grab Marias hand and pulled her to the side. I ran and
hugged both of them, thanked God for saving their life. Thankfully, they just got minor scratches. Maria
was crying and hugged Farah. She was thankful towards her. From that day onwards, we became
The national competition day came fast. Maria was there to support us and she was sitting in the front
row. I was playing the piano and Farah sang.Meanwhile the other music clubs members played other
instruments. Our heart was beating fast waiting for the results. At last, they announced the winner and we
got first place.We were hugging and congratulated each other.Maria came and congratulated both of us.

We hugged and took as many pictures together.


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My name is Safuan from Mardhiah Panchor.You may please understand that I am from an Arabic
school.So I guess there will be a lot of mistakes in my essay.I hope your readers like my storyline.Thank

Thursday, 2 May, 2013 9:19 AM

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Write a story begining with Natasya was very sure that she didn't do it..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Natasya was very sure that she didn't do it. It was not her fault that the televisyen screen has broken into
pieces this morning. She recalled that she had a small arguement with her twin,Natisya.This pair of twin
is definitely different from the other twins as normally twin relationship is like tongue and teeth.Unlike
this one, Natasya and Natisya are always at logger heads.They like to be on their own and seldom see
each other although staying in the same house. They liked to do their own bussiness. They can't see
each other,everytime when they meet they will fight like dog and cat. The televisyen was indeed the new
one when their mum got it on the eve of her birthday.Their father presented to mum on their 25th

The incident happened when Natisya came home."tap, tap, tap",the sound of Natisya's footstep
walking entered the house. Natisya,headed straight to her room and looked for her new Blackberry
phone. Natisya took a longer time to find her phone as everyone knows her bad behaviour. "Where's my
phone?" she yelled. Then, her eyes was focused at one item on the table.It was her phone. "Yeah"
Natisya was happy when she found her phone. As she grabbed her phone,the phone 'scream'. "Bit,bit,bit"
it was a message from Sofwan,her boyfriend. Natasya viewed the message "Hi baby, from today

onwards,our relationship is off. Natisya was baffled.Her tears started to roll down her cheeks. Soon she
pondered and tried to figure out what went wrong. Everybody in her circles knew that Sofwan was such
a successfull playboy, and this time Natisya had it."Why,why, why" Natisha screamed at the top of her
At the other end of the room,her twin sister ,Natasya overheard the scream.Then she hurriedly ran to
Natisya's room." What's wrong with you?, Are you out of your mind? Natasya quivered. Natisya did not
reply but her furious face did.She stood up and slapped Natasya "Ouch!" Natasya yelled in pain.She
dashed out of the room but Natisya followed her.At the living room ,another heated arguement
happened.Suddenly Natisya took her mother's vase and threw it towards Natasya. Natasya managed to
avoid it and the vase strucked the televisyen at the corner end. "Oh my God".Natisya felt so scared and
guilty. She ran to her room and locked the door. Natasya then called her mother at her office."Hello
mom,came home quickly something bad happen".

"Brum,brum,brum." Puan Siti, the twins mother arrived home. "Natasya go and get some water
and a clean towel at the kitchen" Natasya complied the order. After a few minutes,Natisya awakened
and still felt dizzy. After everything settled down ,then Puan Siti asked,"Who actually causing all this
messy?" Natasya nodded her head silently trying to cover up for her sister.Puan Siti gave a stern warning
and then decided to cut Natasyas pocket money. Natisya felt very uneasy and realised that Natasya had
sacriced so much for her. "Why do you do this for me?"Natisya asked Natasya. Natasya smiled and
answered "It' okay .I know you have problem with your boyfriend,Sofwan.I just want to ease your
problem". Natisya hugged Natasya tightly and it was the moment they befriend like other twins.

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I am a student from Arabic background.So my essay going to be many mitakes.Could you please
put my essay in your blog.I want to see as many comments from my close friends.Actually I only
did the finishing part which was extracted from your blog.I hope my idea is acceptable.
alan cardiff,
smu(a) tarbiah mardhiah,
panchor,16100 kb,


Lina was nervous when the door opened and she heard clearly her name being called Cik Haslina,
please follow me to the meeting room. Dato Tajuls secretary, Irena then led the way and told Lina, You
are the last interviewee for today, the fifteenth and I hope this number bring your luck.Thank you, Lina
responded without hesitation.
The meeting room was so cool that Lina could feel her fingers were trembling. There were three
gentlemen and ladies, all are waiting eagerly to pose as many questions to Lina. Lina was again nervous
she could feel the drumbeat of her heart. Suddenly Dato Tajol broke the silence and said, We thought of
hiring you, your academic and curriculum activities suits our requirement but we need to have your
commitment, are you willing to work late and travel overseas?. Lina promptly answered Anything you
say Dato
Lina started her first day work at Mersko Tour and Agency Services wearing a stunning red blouse
with a white denim .She looked gorgeous. Dato Tajol told Lina Irena will be on 90 days maternity leave
and you shall take over her functions from today onwards Soon the telephone rang and Lina took the
message from Irenas husband .Indeed Irena was already admitted at Puteris Medical Centre at Bandar
Baru Kubang Krian.
Months flew by and Lina was already about 4 months at Mersko Tour and Agency Services. Her
relationship with Dato Tajol has been extraordinary. It was no more of an employer and an employee
relationship. Lina realize this but she was adamant of continuing this relationship although she knew that
Dato Tajols son, Ikhwan was also interested in her. It would be foolish for 24 years old pretty lass having
an affair with a 55 years old boss. But Lina could not care less. She saw many Malay and Korean dramas
potraying such story-lines and in fact many ended with marriage. So Lina was determined to follow suit.
She dreamt of having a comfortable house, loving and caring husband and of course with few good
On Sunday morning at her apartment, an unexpected visitor knocked at her door. Lina refused to
open up the door when she saw Ikhwan through the peeping glass of her front entrance door. Ikhwan was
furious as Lina was adamant to open the door. Ikhwan left the apartment sinking in his boots. He left a
small note at the door. It reads My dad is too old for you, he has four siblings to take care of. I am your
definite choice. Lina could not believe what she saw and quickly tore the note. She knew Ikhwan would
do this to her as he had been trying hard to lure Lina. The 26 years old Ikhwan was no match to her as
Lina wanted a more stable and matured man to lead her life.
Lina remembered on her first date with Ikhwan when he spoke about ailing mum. Apparently
Ikhwans mum is a Dutch lady where Dato Tajol met her at London University 27 years ago. She is bedridden now after a heart attack a few years ago.
This is clearly a first love for Lina and she could imagine the physical sufferings faced by Dato
Tajol. She loved Dato Tajol due to his tender and loving care and at the moment Lina felt that nobody
could change her opinion on Dato Tajol
Lina stayed whole day indoor. She spent her rest day reading newspaper, magazines and in
between she watched cable television. Lina felt asleep on the sofa when suddenly at about midnight she
heard a deaf sound. Her guess was right. It was a familiar sound that she heard before-the sound of an
alarm from a car parked at the basement. Then somebody knocked her front door entrance. Your car
alarm system is disturbing other people her neighbor, Fazleen who just finished her shift work returned
and told Lina to quickly rushed to basement. Thank you Fazleen, Ill go down and check, give me a few
minutes Lina quipped immediately.

Lina dashed to the basement and saw a figure was meddling her new Myvi car which Dato Tajol
gave to her as a birthday present. Lina was scared to move nearer until suddenly a loud shot was heard.
The bullet went through Linas head and there Lina was lying motionless. Pool of blood was seen at
Linas forehead and Lina was still breathing, slowly but she was dying. Soon a crowd gathered and
somebody was seen calling an ambulance and a patrol car. There was a figure unknown to the crowd,
Ikhwan, he was seen holding a handkerchief weeping quietly and walking away from a crowd.

Within minutes the ambulance arrived.Lina was admitted to ICU unit USM Hospital, Kubang Kerian. Her
condition was so critical and she was in coma. Dato Tajol was shocked after being told of this tragedy.He
suffered a heart attack and later died.

Detective Aasim Wenger and Detective Alan Cardiff were assigned to investigate on who shot Lina.They
started their investigation beginning with the location of this tragedy.They managed to locate some items
that were strong proofs belonging to the suspect. While walking to the car, they accidentally found a
womans watch with mysterious fingerprints on the watch.A check on the DNA sample with the chemistry
department confirmed that the fingerprint was none other than Datin Nava Emerton, the late Dato Tajols
wife.Both Detective Aasim and Alan were puzzled how could a bed-ridden woman like Datin Nava could
move around.This make the case very complicated.Soon they were at Dato Tajols residence and
questioned Datin Nava.Datin Nava denied having invoved with this mysterious case.

Ikhwan then remembered everything when the handbag she was supposed to give to her mum,she gave
it to Hanim,her secretary.Now she knew why Hanim did this to his family. Detective Aasim dashed to
Hanims apartment and quickly arrested Hanim and her boyfriend.He found a revolver in Hanims
bedroom,the revolver that her boyfriend used to shoot Lina.Hanim and her boyfriend was then charged
and jailed.

After a few months, Lina woke up from her coma.Ikhwan was the first person feeling very happy and he
thanked the Almighty that Lina is now safe.Linas friends also said that Ikhwan always visited her during
her comatose situation and brought bouquet of flowers and recited holy verses every night.Ikhwan has
replaced the place of the late Dato Tajol and he is now the Chief Ececutive Officer of Mersko Tour and
Agency Services

Soon,Lina and Ikhwan were married.Lina has found her true love with Ikhwan.They had beautiful
twins.Lina finally achieved her dreamt of having a comfortable house, a loving and caring husband and
good children. Now, she lived happily and safely with her lovely husband, Ikhwan.

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assalamualaikum sir rosdi. i am from dinamis tuition centre class 22, my name is ain atiya azmi
from maahad muhammadi perempuan, and i want to try my skills at narrative essay writing. firstly
i want to apologize becsuse i know its going to be bad. :(

Zayn Malik" <>

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---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Zayn Malik" <>
Date: May 6, 2013 10:41 PM
Subject: essay
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Write a story ending with: 'No one would believe this but this is the real truth'
I am at the park now. The same park that I went about twelve years ago. Nothing changed much over
here. A bunch of kids are too engrossed playing with the slides,fighting among themselves on who will
go down first. I almost laughed at the image of a scrawny little girl pushing an elderly plump girl on the
swing,looking rather exhausted. Children are running all over the playground, their delight shrieks fill my
heart with joy and warmth. Deep down, I am green with envy. Being an eighteen years old teenage girl
that I am now, I've never had a such a carefree,smooth childhood. And it is all due to what happened in
this park years ago.
"Mom,mom,I want to play over there", I pulled my mom's long sleeves,ignoring the fact that she was busy
talking on the phone. Well,not exactly talking, she was literally yelling on top of her lungs at someone. I
didnt really remember who it was. I was six and nothing I cared more than wanting to join kids of my age
at the playground. I tugged at her sleeves once again, only to be rewarded by an annoyed stare from my
mom's beautiful chocolate brown eyes before she said, "Honey, go first. I'll be watching from here okay?"
I leapt in pure joy and excitement. It didnt take long before I got lost in my own happy world,playing the
amazing see-saw,the swing, the slide and many more. Being a friendly child I was,I even made a
playground friend. I noticed she looked lonely,sitting on the bench at the far side of the park. "Hey, want to
play with me?", I smiled sweetly. She was blushing and rather shy at first,but I managed to persuade her
to join me. Later on, we were on cloud nine and having a whale of time together. She even told me that
her name was Sara .
I didnt keep track of time when I noticed that the sun was setting on its horizon and the park was nearly
empty except for me and Sara. I was sad,knowing that it was time to go as I said goodbye to her. We
even made a silly vow to be playground best friends forever. She smiled at me,cute dimples flashing on
her cheeks. I quickly ran the length of the field to catch on my mom who was already in the blue Volvo car

parked at the main entrance. Apparently, mom was still on the phone. Then, I turned my back to take a
last glance at my new friend only when I noticed something extremely terrible and the blood drained from
my face.
I was speechless. There, I saw with my very own eyes, a figure of a tall muscular man wearing all black,
black trousers,black shirt, black glasses and a black cap pulled over covering half of his face. He was
edging closer to Sara,saying something nasty.Then only I realised that Sara told me earlier that she came
to the park alone as her house was just a stone's throw away. So that person couldnt be her parent, could
he? The expression on Sara's face was of pure shock and terror as the muscular man tried to grab her
small frail body.
Gosh!,Sara was in deep trouble! Only God knows who the man could be. A kidnapper,a child molester, a
rapist or a killer. I need to help her. Do something! My inner voice screamed. But I could only stare as I
stood rooted at the far edge of the field. I could only stare helplessly as Sara screamed,at high-pitched
voice echoing through the emptiness. I just stared hypnotized by the muscular man who placed a
handkerchief over Sara's nose.Again I saw her small body was lifted before two cursed hands which
grabbed her back. I was just like a statue when Sara got carried roughly into the back of a van, which
then was driven away in the speed of light.
I flinched back at the memory. The memory which was the reason I lived my childhood in fear. The
memory which changed me from a gregarious and happy-go-lucky person to the reserved and selfconscious kind of girl. My mom noticed this swing in personality but as always, she was too busy to
atttend to me. Day by day, the effect of the guilt and the burden of the horrendous secret had a negative
effect on me. I became too scared of strangers that I developed a social anxiety disorder.
I am now an awkward teenager,with hardly any friends. I am sad and pathetic. I sigh as the children
enjoy their time at the park, fully unaware of my intense scrutiny. After twelve years, I'm not sure whether
opening up and telling another soul about this may help. No one would believe this but this is the real

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I hope this essay fit into the title.



Last school holidays, Persatuan Sains Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kota Bharu

had organized a school outing for the first time.The outing was very useful as it was
created to establish a personal experience for each participant who join the trip.All
the members of Persatuan Sains had put up their heads together to discuss about

all the necessary things required for the trip and other primary requirement required
for the trip.One of the itenaries was a visit to the Science exhibition at Subang,
Kuala Lumpur. The members were informed of an open programme after the
science exibition visit where we could wander around Kuala Lumpur city in
groups.This is surely a fantastic open programme for me.I can take this oppurtunity
to enjoy myself.So make hay while the sun shines.

Before we srtarted our journey sharp at 8:00 a.m, we had been informed to gather at the school's hall to
obtain some informations and guides from our duty teacher Puan Harlina. This is very important to
ensure our plans going smoothly.We truly hope not to confront any mishap along the journey.It was quite
a long journey but we all look forward to reach early.

After a tiring 8 hours journey, we reached our destination.We checked into the hotel and unpacked our
things.After about an hour,we were ready to experience the best science adventure.Our first stop was at
the Dinosour section.We were shocked to see huge man-made dinosour about five of them with very long
names.I could imagine these dinosours had bewen on this earth million years ago. It was very fantastic as
we had learnt something new.This is part of our knowledge and scientists in America are still making
surveys to find out more about dinosours and why dinosours are no more existing in this earth.We felt
very comfortable as this place has many world class facilities such as wifi outlets,fast-food
centres,shopping mall,musola and many others.There was a slight change in the programme whereby the
teacher in charge has decided to keep us altogether instead of in a smaller group.This was because our
teacher planned to take us to a mini festival at the famous Raja Chulan Street.The mini festival
entertained the local and international visitors on wayang kulit,art exibition,calligraphy and many
others.The festival has been very interesting and exciting.We also watched the entertainment slots put
up by the Sabahans and Sarawakians.

There was one instances when one of our seniors had lost in a crowd.But actually she was outside the
shopping comples meeting her senior who happened to be her neighbour.It was a short tense but we
manage to keep everybody intact.

Before we all leave Kuala Lumpur, we felt fully satisfied.The trip was very exciting and we cherished
every single moment in it. We felt happy and have a thought to come here again maybe with our family
the next time.We had gain many experiences especially about the lost of our senior in the festival. One
thing for sure the trip made us to be more independent and more confident.


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A person whom I admire most is none other but my most lovely and affectionate mother.The essay
is a bit too short but I hope is relevant to the title.Thank you sir for your willingness to edit my
humble essay.


-------------------------------------------------------A person whom I admired most in my life is my parent especially my mother.This is because my mother is
the one who knows what is best for me.Thanks to the Almighty,being born in this world is already a very
great sacrifice by my mother.I could imagine without my loving mother,I am not born in this world.As a
pious child,I am grateful to the Almighty for the all graces that had been given to me including having a
loving,caring and affectionate mother.I believed every child loves their mother.Those rebellious child who
do not care and neglecting their mother are considered irresponsible and may face possible risks in their
life whom the Almighty will show them to make them realise the sacrifices and great value of a mother.

In this world, my mother is the only person that I loved most than anything else in my life. Although,
sometimes she ran all her errands but I know in her mind, she never stopped thinking about us.We have
problems but we settle them in a family way as " blood is thicker than water".My mother can also be
depicted as a live wire because she is quite friendly and always shared her problems with us.Thank to the
Almighty as my mother is unlike other mothers who are pretty hard to approach.Furthermore,she also
always being careful so as to make sure all in the family would be happy and living
harmoniously.Otherwise if something goes wrong,it can make our heart sank in the boots.

In my life, I never see a best person who can be similar to my mother.My mother is incomparable.My
mother never chided to us although sometimes we were out of the way such as being lazy whilst she
continues her errands in the house.She never made any grunts and groans but always being patient with
our bad manners.I realised so much sacrifices she had spent on us.I will endeavour to make sure my
mother get the best treatment when I finish my study and start working.Even when I get married,I shall
ensure my mother gets the best treatment from me. I would try best to emulate her in all aspects of
life.How I wish later my children would adore and love me as what I had done to my loving mum.

Aisyah Abdullah.
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This essay I did with some references from the internet sources.Thank you sir for pushing me to complete
this essay.-Aisyah Nadirah-SMKA Aisyah Amilin-Kota Bharu,Kelantan.

From: Siti aisyah Nadirah <>

To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, 16 May, 2013, 6:59 AM
Question: Write a person you admire most.

I was about 12 years old when I first read about Bill Gates . I was inspired by his
biography of outstanding achievements and have admired him since. He also
inspires me because he is a very successful business man. Also, he is a great leader
for his Microsoft Company, and he is very generous. Gates is not selfish he cares
about other people who need his help.

Bill gates was born on October 28, 1995. He was born into a family with a
rich history of business, politics and community service. Gatess great-grandfather
was the state legislator and mayor, and Gatess grandfather was the vice-president
for the national bank. William H. Gates, Bill Gatess was the prominent, Seattle
defensive lawyer. Mary Maxwell Gates, Bill Gatess mother was the school teacher
and the chairperson for the United Way Charity. Gates has one older sister,
Kristianne, and one younger sister, Libby. He was fourth of his name in his family,
but was known as William Gates III or Trey because his father had the II suffix.
Early on his life, Gatess parents had a law career in mind for him.

During his elementary school life, he surpassed all of his classmates,

especially in Science and Mathematics. As soon as his parents noticed his
intelligence, they enrolled Gates to Lakeside School which is a private school. This
school was known for its intense academic environment. Also, this school was first
introduced Gates to the computers. Bill gates said When I was thirteen, my
school(Lakeside School) installed a teletype machine that connected in downtown
Seattle. From that point on, my friends and I spent most of our free time writing
programs and figuring out how to make this computer do interesting things.

On January 1, 1994, Gates was accepted to Harvard University. In Harvard,

he met Paul Allen, who became Gatess close friend. They got obsess with the
computer that they were late for some of their classes. They even skipped some
classes to be in computer lab. Unfortunately, their computer time finished after
spring. However, they didnt graduate in Harvard.

Allen and Gates had to leave their time as a student because want to
devote their energy full time to Microsoft which later became a very successful and
thriving company. They had a belief that the personal computer would be valuable
too on every office desktop in every home. Gates and Allen began developing
software for personal computers. They collaborated together to make the language
basic on the first microcomputer, and on 1975, they started the Microsoft Company.

Currently, Bill Gates is the chairperson of Microsoft Company. The reason

why they made this company is that they wanted to develop software for personal
computers. Because of this company and his effort, he became a very wealthy man.
He earns about thirty billion dollars annually. During his career at Microsoft
Company he also remains the largest individual shareholder, with 6.4 percent of the
common stock. He continuously works hard to make his Microsoft Company better
and convenient for the people, not only just Americans, but the whole world. He
made the new computer operating system called Wow. Obviously, this system is
very successful like all of his other works.

In 1987, Gates was listed as a billionaire in the pages of Forbes 400 Richest
people in America issue, just days before his 32 ndbirthday. As the worlds youngest
self-made billionaire, he was worth 1.25 billion dollars, over 900 million dollar which
is more than hed been worth the year before. Time magazine also named Gates
one the 100 people who most influenced the 20 th Century, as well as one of the 100
most influential people of 2004, 2005 and 2006.

In 1994, he was honoured as the twentieth Distinguished Fellow of the

British Computer Society. Gates has received honorary doctorates from 8
universities all over the world. Gates was also made an honorary Knight
Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2005.

In November 2007, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda were awarded the
second most generous philanthropist in America. They having given over 28 million
dollar to charity. They also plan to eventually give 95.5 percent o their wealth to
charity. He is consistently ranked among the worlds wealthiest people and was the
wealthiest over all from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008 when he ranked third. But in
2011 he was the wealthiest American and the second wealthiest person over the

Many people over the world make Bill Gates as their role model. His
kindness also makes many people loved him so much. He will be the person I
always admire most in my whole life.

Aisyah Nadirah
SMA Tengku Amalin A'ishah Putri
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Dear Fifth formers,
I have this problem of writing good English essay since I started in secondary school 4 years
ago.I can learn other critical subject like physics,chemistry,biology and add.maths very fast but
not English Language.Is there any formula involved?How then can I write good essays?Please
help me!You know my SPM examination is just not far away.I must act fast.Please give your
comments,formulae or anyother things.I need them fast.Thank you.

We were classmates in a primary school.I remembered we were studying together in SK Panji

from year one to year six.Today we are still together in the same school, SMKA Naim Lilbanat
and our friendship is still intact and as close as ever.We had many experiences to share.Please
believe us,if not because of our close relationship,we have never gone this far.
We are just like sisters and nothing could spoil our friendship.Azlin is such a wonderful
friend.What makes our friendship so knitted together?It started with a simple assignment given
by our mathematics teacher.Firstly we were blank,we know next to nothing as we do not have

interest at all in mathematics. Thus it is impossible for us to solve any mathematical problems
given to us.We decided the best step to start was to consult a few best students in our class
who are real genius in mathematics.We waited for the extra class session in the afternoon.Then
we continued asking for clarifications,find out simple and fast methods of doing them until we
really understand how to solve them.Now after thorough and regular practises,mathematics is
no longer a difficult subject for us.We can tackle any mathematics questions whether there are
algebra,angles,trigonometry,equations or any things under the syllabus of mathematics.We are
now considered as mathematics genius in our classroom.
Our other colleagues began to wonder how did we manage and what were our recipes.The
mathematics experiences then had opened our eyes on other subjects.Without hesitation,we did
the same approach on other subjects like chemistry, biology,physics and additional
mathematics.It really worked.
We recalled about the great proverb,if there is a great determination-certainly there is a way.
That proverb had given us spirit and enthusiasm on improving ourselves.We thought if we sat
down and do nothing,then we would lose everything.So it was a great motivation for both of
us.We could see lights at the other end of the tunnel.Again when we recalled of our bad
attitudes few months back,we wouldnt think,we would be like these.Our academic results were
fantastic.We never expected to score straight As for all these.The recent monthly tests in April
had proven that with determination and hardwork, things would be easier and simpler.Azlin and
I are now top three students in our class.We considered ourselves experts and many of our
colleagues referred to us on assignments and homeworks on those tough subjects such as
biology,physics,chemistry and additional mathematics.

But then we were wondering whether we could do the same approach on another tough subject
which is English Language.How I wish I can use the same method and approach to improve on
my written English.My seniors told me learning English would be on a different approach
altogether.It is a subject where I must sit down and start reading consistently at least one hour
a day.It is a subject where I must constantly refer to dictionary.The subject that requires a
collection of vocabularies.These are the things which I hate to do in my class carrying a thick
dictionary and then start building up my vocabulary in another exercise book.I never like English
Language.It is a traumatic subject for me.I remembered how my English teacher humiliated me
last year when I failed to pronounce a simple word such as walked,jumped and talked.You know
what I pronounced them as walk-ed,jump-ed and talk-ed.It was a very embarrassing experience
for me.Begining that day,I never bother to touch any English materials anymore.I totally
boycotted English Language for the whole of last year.This is to show my protest to my English
teacher.When I recalled the incidences,I told myself I was too egoistic.Last year my results on
English was horrible.So I asked myself,who is on the losing end? Unlike Bahasa Melayu which
is my mother tongue language I am confident,I can pass the examination even without doing
much review or study.

So to tackle English Language, it would be entirely another set of approach.I must get myself
ready to answer comprehension questions, building up my own vocabulary and try to express in
my own words what I feel and think of the materials that I read.Worst of all, I must know how to
write essay,the thing which I hate most now.How can I do this?I am so good on other subjects
but not English Language.Can somebody help me now before it is too late for my SPM
November examination.

SMKA Naim Lilbanat.

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Saturday, 22 June 2013

DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY-Describe an unusual experience you

had during the last school holidays

During my last school holidays,I spent a few days at my cousins house at Pantai
Irama, Bachok,a well-known resort in Kelantan.On the first day when I arrived,my
cousin promised to me that he would make my stay a very interesting and exciting
one.Firstly he asked me whether I have the experience of rowing on a raft.Certainly
I like to be on the raft,what more on a famous resort in Kelantan.We collected some
tree trunks from the nearby beach and started to construct the raft.My
cousin,Hashim is an expert on building up of any items relating to sea products,so
building a raft is not actually a problem for him.We completed building up a simple

but strong raft late in the evening.I was so eager to row the raft and enjoy the
morning breeze the next day.

On the second day,early in the morning,I was so excited to see the scenic views of
the sea.Then I could hear the chirpings of the birds and see some flowers
beautifully blooming up.It was even more interesting watching small group of
fishermen packing and preparing themselves to go out to the sea.They were
pushing their boats towards the sea and many were hoping to spend at least
couple of days on the sea before they come back with ladens of fish, crabs and
prawns.Hashim and I carried the raft to the sea.We were happy that the raft floated
quite well.So I started rowing the raft single- handedly while Hashim was at the
other end trying to balance the raft.We spoke about many things on the raft
including our ambitions and what we planned to do after the SPM examinations.

Suddenly we felt the raft was shaking.I was worried and my body trembled as I did
not know how to swim.I shouted at Hashim and told him that I might probably end
up drowning in the sea.Hashim was much calmer and did not show any sign of
panic.He screamed back and asked me to hold tight to the raft..But it was too late
then.A thunderstorm had occurred and soon heavy rain started to pour in.I could
feel the flow of the wind.It had grown stronger. The dark cloud had move towards
our direction thus making the sky partially dark.Then flashes of lightnings strike
followed by deafening roar of thunders .It was very frightening moment and I could
feel death was a few inches away from me.The tide had build up so swiftly and
within minutes our raft had turned turtle.Again I screamed at the top of my
voice.Then I saw many boats and small vessels were destroyed by the ferocious
wind.Earlier many houses,trees and electrical poles were down haphazardly.It really
shocked me when I saw some smaller vessels overturned completely and a few
dead bodies were seen floating and coming towards my direction.It was absolutely
a frightening, horrible and painstaking sight.We were as if like little ants scurrying
for protection from this savage tragedy. On the other hand while I was holding
tightly to the raft ,I could hear turmoil all over the places on the land.Many women
and children were running helter-skelter in search of protection and I could hear
cries and screams from the children.Row of houses were badly destroyed and swept
by the ferocious wind.In the midst of this chaotic situation,one of electrical poles
had fell down unfortunately hitting a crowded petrol station which then struck
fire.There was chaotic situation everywhere.Almost half of the village was on
fire.The situation was totally out-of control.

I knew a small tsunami had occurred.It was just beyond anybody expectation that a
Tsunami was actually happening in the east coast of Kelantan.Soon the situation

was seen a bit more relieved.The thunderstorm had subsided,the tide had turned
normal and the darker clouds had moved slowly to the other direction.The sky
looked slightly brighter.It was truly a dramatic battle.A battle of survival on life and
death. The five minutes dramatic encounter was really nail-biting and near death
Thanks to the Almighty,I could see some search and rescue personnels heading
towards us.We were extremely exhausted and later given medical treatments.I
could recall this tragic moments as moments of life and death. It was a near-death
experience for me celebrating this holiday at Pantai Irama,Bachok which historically
was free of any forms of catastrophe.

I am now strong mentally and ready to take up worst encounters than this.I told
Hashim that I wanted to come back to have another horrifying experience in the
next holidays.Hashim smiled cynically and told me to take up swimming first.Then
he said, I could come back and face a second tsunami experience if ever it will
come back again in the next holidays.

Maisarah Baharum
SMSPP,Kota Bharu,Kelantan

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Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Narrative essay: Write a story beginning with:I felt so nervous when I walked into the room..

I felt so nervous when I walked into the room, its the counsellor room, in my school, SMK Gong Dermin. I
was in my class engrossed with my English essay when suddenly a student came over to my class.She
conveyed the news that the counsellor wanted to see me in his room.Immediately I could recall
something was up his sleeve.This was because every student knew that the counsellor is not a kind and
approachable teacher.I always told myself that I would be the last to see him if ever I have any problem in

the school.His face is not friendly and none of my friends like to confront him. Even with other teachers,
he did not smile that often. Everyone knew that when they were called by him, they were absolutely in a
hot soup.No excuses and no matter what kind of trouble they had or had done,they have to face the
consequences.I was definitely worried because I was not in his good book.I always skipped classes, slept
in the class, and frequently not finishing my homework or assignment given by the teachers.
So there I was in his room.He wanted to know what my problems were and any good reasons to support
my case.Surprisingly he mentioned that he wanted to help me if my case is justified.Since I was in that
room, my eyes kept staring at the clock hanging highly on the wall and it was 9 oclock in the morning.
There were just the two of us in the room which I considered would be full of tense.At first, I was
hesitating to open up to him about my problems.Then I build up my courage. I told him, that I was born in
a family which basically living from hands to mouth.We were all considered as the very unfortunate
group.A group I considered living among the ranks of poor people.
I have 9 siblings and me, being the eldest sister must be a role model for my other sisters and brothers.
Five of them are still schooling in primary school and the rest are not schooling yet. I am in form five now.
I will be having a big exam, SPM, this year, and my daily routines are full of domestic works and ofcourse
the school homework and assignments.I often skipped classes after ten in the morning, because I had
many domestic works to do at home.I helped my parents selling our hand-made cupcakes.It was a
regular routine almost everyday where I had to skip classes and went out of the school through the back
gate and nobody would see me from there-not even the security guards. I walked to my house as it was
just a stones throw away. When I reached home, I quickly help my parent packed our hand-made
cupcakes and carry them in my dads van.Then we dashed to morning market at Wakaf Che Yeh in Kota
Bharu. Although my dads van was just a second-hand van and looked like an old scrap,it was a very
strong and tough van.The van is considered like an old and experienced soldier who always obeyed my
dads instruction and it could fit in 1000 hand-made cupcakes plus other relating stuff. When we reached
the market,the first thing I did was pitching the tent and immediately put on our cupcakes on display.Our
hand-made cupcakes were very popular among the customers and they were quickly sold as fast as the
lightning.Sometimes my dad and I did some extra jobs like washing the plates in the restaurant. At times I
also served as the waitress.We have to earn whatever extra money when we have the oppurtunities.We
reached back home about midnight.
We were completely exhausted and went to bed. At 3 oclock in the morning,I had to be awaken again to
help my mom. We baked about a thousand cupcakes ready for the next morning sales at Wakaf Che
Yeh.Eventhough I was dead tired,I tried hard to complete with mum the numerous cupcakes before the
clock strikes 7.I needed to get ready for school otherwise the teacher would be furious if I reached school
Since our business was doing quite satisfactorily,my parents had thought carefully to open up our very
own cupcake bakery. My moms cupcakes were tasty and good just like the other well-known cupcake
bakeries but the only problem we were facing was the financial problem. That was why we just sold our
cupcakes along the street. I did not pay much attention towards my studies because I cared for my
siblings more. If we have enough money then, we could afford for my siblings to further their studies.
Therefore I have to help my parents to get as much money as possible.That was why I sacrificed mine for
them.For almost an hour, I told him my life story and finally I said, Those are the routine in my everyday
life. My teacher gave a low sigh and told me, Its alright Aisyah,why dont you tell me earlier about all of
this? Maybe I can help you to get some money. We can do a charity sale or run for charity! I can also ask
the headmaster and other teachers to help you. Then you can focus your examination the end of this
year. Im proud of you Aisyah. After that, he gave me his big smile that no one ever seen it before except
for me on that day. He looked at the wall clock, it showed that it was almost ten, and he said, Lets go
Aisyah! Ill help you and your parents selling the cupcakes.

The counsellor had help me a lot. I did not know how I can ever thank him. In the end, I passed my SPM
examination with flying colours. I couldnt believe my eyes as I was looking at my results. My parents then
had their own cupcake bakery called Big Family Cupcakes.
My family lived happily ever since I stepped into the room.
Aisyah Sufian,Form 4 Ibnu Sina,SMUA Taqaddum Maarif,,
Pasir Tumbuh,Kelantan.

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Sunday, 2 June 2013


We arrived in Kuala Trengganu on May 25th about noon.Then we quickly checked
into Primula Beach Resort,one of the most outstanding and beautiful resorts in
town.We had our lunch at the Primula Hall.Incidentally there was a cultural show
specially catered for newly arrived guests.We were so excited being given the
opportunity to see local dancers from few cultural clubs in town performing the
famous Ulik Mayang.Later we were entertained by a number of young and budding
artistes who rendered lovely old time hits.
There was also an exibition outside the Primula Hall.This exibition was specially held for the
local and
overseas tourists on the promotion of Visit Trengganu Year.We managed to have some
preview of the
exibition despite of our tight routine.We were excited to learn from the exibition that there were
many more
tourist spots we need to visit.At about 4.00p.m we started our journey to visit the famous Batik
factory in
Trengganu which is in Kampung Sipitang Senja about 30km from the town.It was so amazing
to see the
local residents displaying many colourful and attractive batik designs.The materials are mostly
made of silk

and rayon and the prices are quite affordable.We bought some souvenirs which includes silk
scarfs and batik

The next day on May 26th,we set our journey to Pulau Kapas,the popular tourist spot in
Trengganu.This is
a very beautiful island and no words could express the beauty and tranquility of the island. We
every moments particularly snorkelling.A few of the members got lost under water but they
were saved
by the oxygen tanks which they carried on their backs. It was really fun watching the marine
lives under water.
Then we went for fishing.A few of the members managed to catch the famous jenahak putih
some of which
were more than 3kg.Later at night we had the moonlighting party.It was great and many of the
showed their hidden talents on singing,dancing,magic shows and story telling.

On the third day,May 27th, we started our journey to Rantau Abang,the famous spot for turtle
laying eggs.
The beach was beautiful and mersmerizing and we took some time to stroll along the beach.We
managed to
get a glimpse of turtles laying eggs slightly after midnight.It was fun and breathtaking.Later we
visited the
keropok factory and observed how the local residents made the famous prawn keropok.We
also took the
opportunity to watch a few new boats under construction.There was one huge boat belong to a
Royal family
which was still under construction and costing about RM3million.This royal boat could carry over
100 guests.

On the fourth day,May 28th,this was the day of departing.It was such a memorable experience
and there
were so many beautiful moments that we could cherish together in this trip.

We returned to Kota Bharu almost noon and stopped by at Bandar Baru Besut for our lunch. It
was such a
tiring and most enjoyable and exciting moments for our school counselling club members.

We look forward to visit probably Genting Highland next year.


Write a story begining with:Lina was nervous when the door opened.....
Lina was nervous when the door opened and she heard clearly her name
being called.Cik Haslina,please follow me to the meeting room.Dato
Tajuls secretary,Irena then led the way and told Lina, You are the last
interviewee for today,the fifteenth and I hope this number bring you luck.
Thank you,Lina responded without hesitation.
The meeting room was so cold that Lina could feel her fingers
trembled..There were three gentlemen and a lady,all waiting eagerly to
pose as many questions to Lina.Lina was again nervous,she could feel the
drumbeat of her heart.Suddenly Dato Tajol broke the silence and said, We
thought of hiring you,your academic and curriculum activities suits our
requirement but we need to have your commitment,are you willing to work
late and travel overseas?. Lina promptly answered,Anything you say
Lina started her first day work at Mersko Tour and Agency Services wearing
a stunning red blouse with a white denim.She looked gorgeous.Dato Tajol
told Lina,Irena will be on 90 days maternity leave and you shall take over
her functions from today onwards.Soon the telephone rang and Lina took
the message from Irenas husband.Indeed Irena had been admitted at
Puteris Medical Centre at Bandar Baru Kubang Kerian.Months flew by and
Lina was already about 4 months at Mersko Tour and Agency Services.Her
relationship with Dato Tajol had been extraordinary.It was no more of an
employer and an employee relationship.Lina realised this but she was
adamant of continuing this relationship although she knew that Dato Tajols
son,Ikhwan was also interested in her.It would be foolish for a 24years old

pretty lass having an affair with a 55years old boss.But Lina could not care
less.She saw many malay and korean dramas potraying such story-lines
and infact many ended with marriage.So Lina was determined to follow
suit.She dreamt of having a comfortable house,loving and caring husband
and ofcourse with a few good children.
On Sunday morning at her apartment,an unexpected visitor knocked at her
door.Lina refused to open up the door when she saw Ikhwan through the
peeping glass of her front entrance door.Ikhwan was furious as Lina was
adamant to open the door.Ikhwan left the apartment sinking in his boots.
He left a small note at the door.It reads, My dad is too old for you,he has
four of my siblings to take care of. I am your definite choice.Lina could not
believe what she saw and quickly tore the note.She knew Ikhwan would do
this to her as he had been trying hard to lure Lina.The 26 years old Ikhwan
was no match to her as Lina wanted a more stable and matured man to
lead her life.
Lina remembered on her first date with Ikhwan.He spoke about his ailing
mum.Apparently Ikhwans mum is a dutch lady where Dato Tajol met her at
London University 27 years ago.She is bed-ridden now after an unexpected
stroke a few years ago.
This is clearly a first love for Lina and she could imagine the physical
sufferings faced by Dato Tajol.She loved Dato Tajol due to his tender and
loving care and at the moment Lina felt that nobody could change her
opinion on Dato Tajol.Lina stayed whole day indoor.She spent her rest day
reading newspaper,magazines and in between she watched cable
television.Lina felt asleep on the sofa when suddenly at about midnight she
heard a deafening sound.Her guess was right.It was a familiar sound that
she heard before-the sound of an alarm from a car parked at the
basement.Then somebody knocked her front door entrance.Your car alarm
system is disturbing other people her neighbour,Fazleen who just finished
her shift work returned and told Lina what she heard..Thank you
Fazleen,Ill go down and check.Lina quipped immediately.Lina dashed to
the basement and saw a figure was meddling with her new Myvy car.This
lovely car, she was specially given by Dato Tajol on her birthday..Lina was
scared to move nearer until suddenly a loud shot was heard.The bullet
went through Linas head and promptly she dropped and laid
motionless.Pool of blood was seen at Linas forehead but Lina was still
breathing,slowly.She was dying.Soon a crowd gathered and somebody was
seen calling an ambulance and patrol car.Between the crowd there was a

figure unknown walking slowly. He was seen holding a hankerchief

weeping quietly and walking away from a crowd.
Meanwhile the crowd had grown to bigger numbers.Within minutes two
patrol cars and an ambulance arrived.Linas body was carried onto the
ambulance.There were some police officers interviewing the public
including Fazleen.Linas black elegant Myvi car was towed to the police
station.Fazleen told the police that Ikhwan was at Linas apartment 24
hours before she was shot.
At the hospital,Lina was admitted to Intensive Care Unit(ICU).Dato Tajol
and his son,Ikhwan were seen loitering at the hospital lobby.Linas parents
and close families were also present.A few police officers arrived and
quickly nabbed Ikhwan and told him to keep silent and asked him to call his
lawyer.Ikhwan acted like he knew nothing and maintained that he was
innocent.But Ikhwan forgot one vital thing,the short note he wrote to
Lina.The police found the notes and it was strewn on the floor outside
Linas apartment..The shattered notes were collected by the police with
Ikhwan and Linas fingerprints all over the papers.Ikhwan was
dumbfounded but nobody could help him now not even Dato Tajol.
Lina was pronounced dead exactly 12 midnight.Gone is a woman who has
managed to win Dato Tajols heart.But will there be another Lina to continue
the lonely life of Dato Tajol....?

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2977 Lrg Hj Mat Salleh,
Kg Bunut Payong,
15150, Kota Bharu,
15 June 2012
Dear Amy,
Hi there! How are you? I hope you are doing well. Im so sorry for the late reply on your
letter. Recently, Ive been busy with my school activities and stuff. Anyway, I want to congrats

you on your mid-year exam result a few weeks ago. I heard from my parents that you passed it
with flying colours. That is really good to hear! Your parents must be proud of you, right?
To be honest, the main reason I write this letter is to share with you about my school trip
to Pulau Perhentian last week on June 8th. That morning, all of us including 25 students and also
5 teachers gathered at school around 7 oclock in the morning. The teachers ensure that all of us
were there before boarded on the chartered bus. The next thirty minutes, our journey started and
we arrived at Kuala Besut Jetty an hour later before headed to Pulau Perhentian by riding a boat.
After 20 minutes ride, we soon arrived at Pulau Perhentian and checked-in at nearby
chalets. I stayed there along with my best friends which consisting 5 people per room. We stayed
there for three days and two nights. After some time packing and resting, we were called by our
teacher to start our activities. We started our activities with snorkelling. We had so much fun
feeding the fishes in the sea. Few hours later, we soon went out from the sea for lunch. We were
told to rest after the snorkelling activity.
The next day, after having our breakfast, we continued our activities with scuba diving.
Guess what? I had been waiting for this moment like years! It was the most things that I had
been waiting for and wanted to do. Anyway, back to our story, my friends and I went to the beach
to hear the instructions about the scuba diving. I never did scuba diving ever so the moment I
heard the instructions, I could felt my knees started feeling weak and I felt a bit nervous.
Thank God, I managed to dive in with the first trial but some of my friends were not
because of nervousness. I guess I am a brave person, right? All of us were so delighted as we
went through the deep blue sea and watch the beautiful creatures beside learning to know about
it. The instructor guides us along the journey in the sea and told us what to do. You know what? I
wish you were there at the moment! I knew you always wanted to do scuba diving.
In the blink of eyes, we had been there for three days without realizing it as we were
having so much fun there. The last day, we rode a boat and travelled around the island to see the
breath-taking scene. We were amazed with that. 30 minutes of ride, we headed back to the
chalets and packing our clothes, ready to go back. From the trip, it was not only fun, but we also
managed to learn new things and see beautiful creatures and scenes.
I think I need to pen off now. My mom is calling me to help her so I gotta go or else I will
be in a hot soup. I hope to hear more news about you! Dont forget to call me when you have
time. Send my regards to your beloved family and tell them I miss them a lot! Thats all for now.
Your cousin,

Nur Hidayati Jamaluddin

SMK Kota
(class of sirrosdi)

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Syafiq rosman,
Lot 2149, Blkg SK Kota
15100, Kota Bharu
Kelantan Darul Naim
Dear Ahmad,
Hello and thanks for your recent letter. I appreciate it and it is a great story about your trip. I wish I could
go there too in the future as it is an interesting place to go for holiday. By the way, how are you and your
family there? Thank god,over here,we are still healthy as usual and I hope you too. I wrote this letter to
tell you about my recent trip also.We had our holiday at Pulau Perhentian,Terengganu. It was such a
great experience for us.
We had our holiday just for three days but it was awesome.We were satisfied and thank god I enjoyed it.
We started our journey on the second day of the school holiday. We went there by car and it just took
about an hour to reach there. When we reached the jetty, the wind blew soothingly as if to welcome us. It
was a great moment at the jetty.Then,we took a fast boat to go to the island. Though it was a scary ride, it
was fast and the water splashed everywhere.I enjoyed every moment of it. The journey to the island took
about 45minutes. At the seashore, the water is crystal clear for us to view the condition of the submarines'
lives. There are corals and also varieties of fish. We loaded our baggage into the chalet and took a quick
nap.In the evening, my siblings and I went to the sea and we played beach soccer.Then we swam in the
sea until it was almost dark. I found a nemo fish during swimming. It was very nice and I was surprised.At
night, my mom cooked for the family and we ate our heart out. We were very happy that day and slept
early at night.
On the second day, my parents and I woke up early and we decided to swim in the sea as the water had
risen.It was too cold that I shivered. At 9 a.m, we had our breakfast and took a rest for a while.Then we
went for snorkelling.I could not wait to snorkel as I never had a chance to snorkel in my life before. At
10a.m, the boat arrived and took us snorkelling at a few places around the island. It was fantastic.I
enjoyed every moment of it. I snorkelled and mesmerised the panaromic views in the sea. I saw many
types of fish most of them colourful and with stripes.The corals there were beautiful too. I wished I could
take some of the corals back home but I couldn't as the authorities forbid us to take home.Then we went
to Pulau Yu.Over there,I could see some medium size sharks.We were not allowed to snorkel there as it
was too dangerous.We went back to our chalet in the evening. At night, we had our barbeque at the
nearby restaurant. We ate so much as we had lost a big amount of energy during snorkelling. After that,
we went to sleep as there was no pending programme.
On the last day, we all woke up early and rushed to the beach for our final swimming activities.We
strolled along the beach and watched the blue sea.We saw many panaromic views and snapped them on
my newly bought I pad.We enjoyed the soothing and serenic situation at the beach until we were called
by our parents to start packing for home.
Ahmad, I think that's all for this time. It was a great holiday and I wished for another holiday there and
you should go there too. You should try yourself especially snorkelling. You can see many things in the
sea and it is such a valuable moment to cherish.Take care and ALLAH bless you always.
Syafiq-Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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You have just returned from a school trip during the school semester break recently.Write a letter to your
cousin telling him/her about the trip.
Use the notes below to write your letter.
*where you went on the trip.
*the date of the school trip.
*how many people went on the trip.
*how you travelled to the place.
*where you stayed.
*how long you stayed.
*accomodation situation
*four activities you did during the trip.
*what you learned during the trip.
When writing your letter,you should remember to include the following:
For your letter,you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the
quality of the writng.

A very good morning to our beloved Principal, Tuan Haji Mansor Bin Haji Daud, senior
assistants, respectable teachers and all my colleagues. This morning, it is my pleasure to speak
on a very important subject entitled, The Importance of Participating in Sports.
There is no doubt that sports is very important to us and have many benefits. The first reason
why sports is important to us is that sports can produce well-rounded students that are capable of
carrying out their daily activities actively. In addition, sports create linkages at all levels and
outstanding students may be developed and polished up to the national level. On the other hand,
through sports, the 1Malaysia concept could be achieved when various races are then united and
we can see greater harmony and peace within community.
Sports also promote fun and enjoyment among students besides keeping them away from
stress. It also keep students away from involving with unhealthy activities such as loitering at the
mall,chit-chatting and gossiping plus other social illness. Thus sports can lead us to a sound
mind instead of being sick all the time. Hence, students with healthy minds would certainly
excel in their academic studies.
There are some suggestions that might attract students to participate in sports. Teachers and
parents will have to stress out the importance of sports to students so that they will be aware of it.
Besides, parents should also be supportive towards their children who are active in sports. With
that, students can be active in sports without any worries of any hindrance from closer people
that might hold them back from participating and enjoying sports activities.
Furthermore, the school should employ qualified trainers.Students who are already active in
sports may develop good exposures, advices and motivations from the professionals to strive
more and improve themselves. For sure,when students who bear fruits of achievements, then
this may woo other students who are not having any interest in sports to join them. In addition
if the school itself takes iniciative by upgrading the existing facilities or providing new and well
equipped facilities, then many more students are expected to participate and enjoy sports
activities.So we can see more participations from students hence more practices on the ground.
We should also try to promote intra- and inter- school sports such as competitions and

matches.Many budding sportsman and sportswoman will certainly like to get themselves
involved with these kind of open competitions and matches.Hence each school will have wider
selection of good and potential athletes and sportsman.Thus the spirit of sportsmanship among
them prevail and we have more harmonious relationship among the students and schools at
districts and states level.
All said and done, students should not treat sports as a burden to them instead as a healthy
activity that should be participated as often as possible. Thank you for being good listeners and
remember healthy and sound mind comes from healthy and fit body.
Laili Nadhirah-Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan.


Parents were born to be with kids. But what happen when they disobey this responsibility ? Yes, without guidance
and love from parents,the childrens life would be lifeless.. Now everyone has to admit that being parents is not as
easy as ABC, it is about paying your full attention to the children as if they are gifts for you to take a good care of
them until your last breathe. See, the impact of being neglected by the parents has bring many bad effects and no
doubt that our country is reaching the highest statistic of social problems among youth. What has make up this
things ? It is all from parents.
Living in the era of globalization , yet have shown us that people are too busy working and chasing after money ,
money and money without knowing that a fool and his money are soon parted. Pathetic. Children here and there
being neglected at home for these parents working for long hours and have no time for children. There is no
hesitation of exhaustion feel by the parents which will make them too tired to interact with children. These children
who feel very neglected will lead to many social problems or delinquency as i said earlier. The worst part is when
the children start to mix with bad company and bring them to low moral .
Seriously , I could not believe my eyes if these are what parents want to see . Can they accept the changes from their
children ? Are the children or the parents who have to change first ? So, dont let the damage been done. Here are
some pieces of advice from me.
Parents should spend quality time with children as good man says that the best inheritance a parent can give his
children is a few minutes of his time each day. Parents also must show their love,care,affection and concern.
Actually this is the utmost important thing as without love from parents,children will easily mix with bad people and
lead them to always being pleasure-seeking with other youth . Thus, the children will happen to get less fondness
from their parents. Other things that parents can do tighten their relationship with children by planning meaningful
activities to do together.Alternatively parents can go travel to some sightseeing places with them.Parents also must
not forget to give guidance, advice and religious teaching as if there will be no more people who will care about
children except parents. This is because parents are the closest people in childrens life.
As what P.J ORouke said that everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them. As a
conclusion, lets just hope that these ways can help us to have happier and more loving families. As I said earlier,
these are the ways to have better family relationships. As proverb says that a stitch in time saves nine, parents can
have less social problems among children when they have give their full affection to the children. Hence it will bring
to more love and respect between parents and children. Lastly, a harmony family will bring advantages to everyone
and it benefits our own country too.
Nur Sharmile Binti Nisar
SMK Zainab (1)
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Ethan was nervous when the door opened. He thought it was that old landlord asking for rent again. He
hadnt got any money so he stopped strumming his guitar and stayed silent for a while. Fortunately it was just his
friend, Jake who came bolting in. Jake was breathing quite heavily when he came in to Ethans living room as if he
had run a mile to come to his house. He stared at Ethan with his piercing blue eyes. Ethan was sitting on a sofa with
his hands on his precious guitar. Suddenly, Jake blurted out Is it that hard to open the front door?!...I mean come
on , you just have to take like three steps to get there. Ethan replied promptly Im busy. while gesturing towards
his guitar. Ermm...By the way, how dit you get here?. He cant help but wonder how did his friend got into his
house. Well, your backdoor was open. said Jake casually. Ethan made a mental note to lock the backdoor. He
didnt want any intruders to come in. Jake grabbed a stool nearby and sat facing Ethan with a rather serious
expression on his face. Jake put his hands together .Did you hear about Lizzie? asked Jake out of the blue. Shes
getting married today. he continued.
Lizzie. The name echoed through Ethans head. She is getting married. Today. Everything was so surreal.
Lizzie, his best friend whom he forever have a huge crush on and had lost contact for nearly four years had suddenly
showed up once more.
Owh, almost forgot...Heres the invitation card. said Jake, while searching his pocket. Ethan took the card
with his rather trembling hands. Lizzie asked me to give it to you a few days ago but I forgot about it. said Jake
while running his hand through his jet black hair. Jake mumbled something about running late to his workplace.
Unfortunately, Ethan did not hear a word of what Jake had just said. He was engrossed in reading the glittering
wedding card. The event will start in the afternoon but where? He flipped the card in his hands several times, trying
to find a slight hint. He looked up and was about to ask Jake , but he was nowhere to be seen. Ethan put the card on
a coffee table nearby and stood up to check the backdoor. Sure enough, it was ajar. He locked it. On his way to the
living room, he saw a glimpse of his own reflection in a large mirror down the hallway.
He walked towards it and looked at himself. There he was, a twenty five year-old guy. Tall and gangly. He
was so thin that he may topple if a gust of wind blows by. Oh well, as long as he got his good looks nothing else
would matter. Except for Lizzie. His thoughts strayed towards Lizzie once again. They practically knew each other
since they were kids and throughout high school. Plus, they were neighbours so they would always hang out to their
favourite ice cream parlour with Jake on weekends. The trios would sit on the same park bench and talking for hours
and hours about their days were like. They all went to their separate ways after graduated from University of
Minnesota. It was a sad experience.
All of a sudden, Ethans eyes hurt by a ray of light. He put a hand over his eyes and looked around. His
eyes fell on the card which he left on the coffee table. It reflected the sunlight which was coming from a window
near it. He took the card and read it again but this time, more slowly. He stopped reading. He felt like wanting to
laugh out loud on his own stupidity for not seeing it before. The place of the event was stated clearly at the bottom
of the card. He looked at his wristwatch, and said Well, it wont hurt to visit a friend .
It did not took long for him to reached Lizzies house. He parked his car at the driveway. As soon as he
stepped out of his car, he could feel people started to give him curious looks. He felt uncomfortable and looked
down. He only wore a black T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. He looked around and saw that everyone wore
glittering dresses and tuxedos, looking at their best. Ethan acted cool and walked with his head held high towards the
backyard. There, a huge white tent was set up. Without hesitation, he walked straight towards the entrance door.
He took a seat in the far corner and looked around. The place was decorated with vines and white roses.
After all, Lizzie is a nature-lover. He smiled while thinking of the things Lizzie told him when they were in middle
school. She had once described of her dream wedding would be like and it turns out that her dream came true. He
could hear footsteps coming closer and closer. Sure enough, the room was slowly filled with the invited guests. As
soon as the melodious wedding song had been played, everyone turned their heads towards the door and so did
Ethan. It was as if all the air had sucked out of his lungs. He couldnt believe his eyes. There she was, looking more

beautiful than ever in her white flowing dress. She walked so serenely towards the aisle. Although she was wearing
a veil which covered most of her face, he could tell that she was not smiling. Instead, she looked quite sad which
puzzled him a bit. Suddenly, she raised her head and met his eyes. Time stops. Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few
seconds. As soon as Lizzie stood beside the bridegroom who is several years her senior, Ethans mind had gone
haywire. He knew that they would up saying those I dos . He couldnt stand the pressure anymore. He need to get
out of the place. It will be now or never.
He stood up. He pushed his way through the many people while avoiding their stares. After he got out into
the bright sun again, he heard a commotion started to issue from inside of the tent. He did not look back until he
heard running footsteps coming from behind him. It was Lizzie. She looked at him with her soothing brown eyes.
Tears started to flow down her puffy cheeks. She was going to say something to him. Then, the words came out of
her mouth.
Ive been waiting for you this whole time.
That was it. Ethan was downright happy to hear that. He felt like wanting to punch his fists into the air.
Before he could do anything, people started to come out of the tent including the bridegroom. Ethan offered his hand
to Lizzie. She took it straight away. Both of them ran out of the backyard as fast as their feet could carry them. In the
distant, he could hear people desperately calling for them to turn around and come back. He could only managed a
smile. He knew he had made the right choice to be with her.
PTD 11 ( class of sirrosdi )
Bonus question: What would you do to make this story more interesting?
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One very exciting and interesting event took place in my life recently. It was the happiest day of my life. I shall
never be able to forget it. It was the month of June, 1997. I had been counting days very anxiously for the day when
result of our examination would be announced. At last the day came. Our fate was to be decided on this day. The
High School result of the U.P Board has already been announced at Allahabad. It was expected on this day, at any
moment, at Meerut.
Somehow or the other the day passed restlessly. At 8. P.M, I started with my friends for the Meerut City Stations.
Though all advised me to keep patience till the next morning, yet we were bent upon seeing the paper at the earliest.
There as a huge crowd of students of different institutions. Police arrangements has been made to control the excited
youths. Different schools and colleges had deputed their proctors and senior members of the staff to check the
students form creating hooliganism. Groups of students were standing in batches discussing their plans to get the
paper at earliest opportunity.
As the time passed, our anxiety began to increase. To our dismay, we had been three trains one after another, but
were disappointed every time. In the end, came the right train at 12.30 A.M. As soon as the students saw the
newspapers, they ran towards it. But there were no papers for sale. They were under safe custody of the guard. No
sooner did the students know this, than they surrounded the guards compartment. Had there been no police
arrangement, it is certain that many would have received serious injuries due to their enthusiasm.
After a great struggle, the various agents could get their newspaper. They began to sell them like hot cakes. Some
students tried to snatch the paper from them. After a lot for pushing forwards and backward, I could succeed in

getting one copy for rupees ten though its price was only three rupee. My friends hurriedly looked into the paper.
For a moment, it appeared to me as if the ground had slipped from under my feet. My heart began to palpitate. I was
nervous, lest my Roll Number should not be there, though there was no ground for this fear.
The very next moment, I heard the voice of my friend telling me that I was the only boy from my school to have
secured the first class. I wanted to see my Roll Number with my own eyes. But around us there was a huge crowd of
other students. I took hold of my friend's arm and forced out my way through the crowd. We came outside, took our
cycles, and started for our homes.
My father, mother, brothers and sister were all waiting anxiously. My friend showed the newspaper to my father. All
were extremely happy to see my name in the first division. My joy knew no bounds. My friends refused to go home
without sweets. I promised him a good party the very next morning. I could not sleep with joy the whole night.
The next morning my friends and relatives began to pour in. They all came to congratulate me. I was the hero, so to
say. I had won the goal. Sweets were given to them. They were all happy.Some were discussion about my future
programes or studies. Some relatives greeted me telegraphically. That was all very thrilling to me. My friends
succeeded in persuading my father to allow us to see a cinema show that evening. We enjoyed the picture. Indeed, it
was a day I had never enjoyed before.
Until today, I often had that memory before me both at the station and at home. Indeed, it was the most exciting
day of my life.


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DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY-Describe the scene at the shopping

complex,Wan Munirah of Tuisyen Dinamis,Kubang Krian
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In every large town now there are numerous shopping complexes to cater for ever increasing population.
These complexes contain varieties of shops and you just name them.They sell shoes,sports goods, clothes,
computers, videos and audios equipment, furniture, musical instruments,camera and films,food,drinks and other
Back home in my hometown,there is one shopping complex that is often frequented by many ever
increasing shoppers.I would say that it is the most popular and very modern and stylish.The moment i entered the
shopping complex via its large entrance i virtually stepped into a different world from the street outside .The aircond
is at full swing and the air is very much cooler in the complex.No wonder i see many youngsters loitering,chithatting,laughing and some enjoying the fast food at the restaurants like Kentucky,Macdonalds and Kenny
Rogers.There are families with children seemingly queing up for the famous Char-kuey teow at the food court
nearby.The aroma of the dish are pulling more crowd and few are already seen booking the tables.It is such a joyous
moment to see many shoppers getting themselves hooked to the latest videos,songs and movies at the other end of
the corner.There are armed guards in uniform stationed near a couple of goldmiths shop.Two of these guards looked
old and feeble. They must be retired army or police personel.In the event of a robbery, i doubt they would be of any
use judging by the bored look on their faces.The shops might just as well have no guards at all.Some shoppers are
also crowding the computer shop at the ground floor on the other end which is having its first year
anniversary.So,they call it Shop till you drop on many latest gadgets like the i-phones,i-pad,mobile hard
disk,laptops,speakers and many more.A few metres away, behind the receptionists counter, a pretty girl seems to be
making an announcement.I see that a child is crying and pampered by another receptionist.I guessed it must be an
announcement about a lost child.
There is also a supermarket at the lower ground floor.I can see that it is just like any
supermarket,shelves after shelves are stocked with cans, packets, bottles and tins of common items like milk,
beverages, sweets etc.The salesgirls seem very busy rearranging them. I walk towards the evelator that is going up.

Then I see many video arcades . I can see fingers of youngsters inside hunched into the holes feverishly working
their fingers trying to beat the electronic machines. I used to be just as crazy as they but i have got ever the madness.
The machines are addictive and addicts unrealisingly spend large amount of money feeding the machines.
I stop by at a music shop to have a look at the guitars sale. They are too expensive for me .Next stop is
at my friends sports shop. I chat with him about the coming Thomas Cup Battle.He believed Malaysia will never
beat China.Then he laments about the lack of customers in his shop up here on the second floor .He says he will
move down if he can find a place.Finally,I leave my friend's shop and descend straight down to the ground floor. I
notice the great difference in the number of shoppers compared to the higher floors.I guess the management must
plan some activities at the second and third floor to lure the shoppers.Anyway I am ready to go outside the shopping
complex now and feel the scorching sun again .
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Learning A Language
The world have changed. Everything nowadays have affected by globalization. All information
are accessible border-less. Even people mobility also went beyond our thinking. Human can
communicate with each other from around the world via Facebook, Tweeter, Skype, and many
more. In this scenario, a medium is extremely needed to ensure the communication can be
established perfectly. The medium that has been used over the centuries by human being that
we called as 'language'.
Prior to the globalization and important of language in human history, we are extremely
encouraged to learn a language that we consider as third language because in Malaysia
commonly Malay and English are the first and second language which have been used widely
by all Malaysian regardless of age, race and religion.
Thus, I would like to emphasize some tips on how to learn a language. Nowadays, many
languages can be learned such as Mandarin, Cantonese,Japanese, Italian, French, Germany,
and many more. Hence, the first step you must take is to plan and choose which language that
you would like to learn. The factors that you may take into consideration are the importance of
learning the language and methods to learn it.
Once you have decided which language that you would like to learn, you have to evaluate the
importance of learning. Is that worth to learn? Because not all language are importance due to
its limit to use in our culture. Not to narrow down your choice but everything what we learn we
should have objective and mission. For example, if we choose Japanese language to be learned,
usually we aim to expand our study to Japan or even to watch Japan drama.
When the importance of the language is identified, we have to evaluate all the available

methods to learn a language. As per latest practices, we can opt to prefer by having a teacher to
guide us, or self-study, watching television programme, reading book, regular listening
learning, or even living in a country of targeted language, or learning via tutorial software, or
befriend with people who speak the language that we desire to learn.
To chose the method to pay a teacher to guide us to learn a language is a good decision. This is
because the method is direct and two-way learning style. Usually this kind of method involve a
student will be given a so called 'grammar book' to exposed the student to the art of the
language such as on how to use the word, the tone and many more. In addition, the student
will be familiar with speaking practice with the teacher. Slowly the student will be guided by
teacher on how to speak step by step.
Other than that, we might also chose the method of self-study. Certain people could learn fast
by studying him/her self by reading books. At the book store there is a lot of book for learning
language. Those book are not so expensive and are affordable to obtain it. However, there is
disadvantage of this method which is we cannot learn on how to pronounce word properly.
Learning via watching television is also interesting and attractive and could be consider as fast
way to learn a language. By doing so, we might observe and listen the way the actors
pronounce words and at the same time we could absorb the meaning of each words from the
subtitle provided. This method exposes us to regular listening and from time to time we would
make our ears familiar with the words of language.
Another way of learning a language is to live in a country of targeted language. This is also
consider as one of fast method to learning. Can you imagine how to live in a country such as
Brazil where English is so rare to be spoken and Latin is the main language of the country if we
are not capable to learn it within a week? By hook or by crook, that language must be mastered
in a few days or we might face many difficulties to live the country.
Other than that, learn a language via tutorial software is also one of alternative. There are
many free software available in the Internet that can be downloaded and installed.
Furthermore, being friend with the people who speak of targeted language is also one of
method to learn. We may ask him or her to guide us on how to speak a few sentences and from
that we will grow slowly better in speaking the language.
Friday, 29 June 2012

CW-Descriptive essay-Scene of a rainy day.-Nur Rasyidah Aliah

bt Zawawi
Rain is a great blessing after the summer heat. In India the scorching heat of the summer months of May
and June causes great suffering to animal and plant-life alike. The Earth gets parched and cracked at
places. Hot winds blow, animals wander is search of drinking water and no birds sing. Then follow the
welcome rains in July and all breathe a sigh of relief.
It was the 15th of July. As I got up early in the morning, I found that a pleasant breeze was blowing and

clouds were gathering in the sky. Soon there was lightening and thunder. I had to reach the college at ten
for the first period. When I started from home at quarter to ten there was no rain. Still as a precautionary
measure, I took my raincoat with me. I hardly was on the road for five minutes, when rain drops began to
fall. I hurried along. Soon it began to rain in torrents.
I was well protected by my raincoat, but other students were not so lucky. When I reached the school, I
found that the attendance was disappointing and most of the students, who turned up, were fully
drenched. As the downpour continued, the college had to be closed for the day. We were glad it was a
It continued to rain like cats and dogs for some time more. We waited in the gallery in front of our
classroom. Loud thunder still continued, with flashed of lightening for time to time. The sky was covered
with black clouds as far as the eyes could see. The gutter spouts were all over-flowing. There was water
As the rain abated a little, we started for our homes. At places the road was overflowing with the water
and it was with very great difficulty that we could made-through it. By the time I reached home, I was wet
to the skin in spite of my raincoat. Mother at once prepared tea and I took four cups of it.I began to feel a
little cold.
By the afternoon, the rain stopped. Now there was only a light drizzle. Some of my friends came to my
house and we now decided to walk to a nearby garden to enjoy the various scenes and sights.On our
way to the garden, we found that at several places by the road side, rain water had accumulated in the
form of shallow pools. Many children were playing by the side of such pools. Some were floating their
paper boats in them.The beauty of the garden refreshed our minds and souls. A soft, pleasant breeze was
blowing. All the trees and plants that had been just washed appeared very beautiful and pleasant. The
natural beauty of the flowers appeared more charming still. A soft pleasant smell pervaded every place.
The clouds had nearby cleared by now and a beautiful rainbow had appeared in the sky. Our hearts leapt
up with joy to behold its beauty. As the time of sunset approached a soft light appeared on the western
sky. One of my friends was a good flute player. He played several popular tunes on his flute to our great
delight. Music was specially charming in that pleasant atmosphere.
There was a tea-stall outside the garden. We decided to have some tea. One of us went to the stall and
ordered tea and hot "Pakoras". We sat on the lawn beside the fountain and took out tea to the murmuring
of the flowing water. From time to time, tiny jokes further increased our enjoyment.Some of us wanted to
visit a historical site nearby, but it was rather late in the evening.We decided to return home. We had a
pleasant day. I had never enjoyed such a picnic in a garden before. At home, dinner was ready. It was
followed by a cup of tea. Then I went to bed earlier than usual. I dreamed of the events of the day and
specially of our delightful picnic in the Company Garden. Such joys can never be forgotten. A rainy day is
indeed, a great blessing.

By : Nur Rasyidah Aliah bt Zawawi

Ptd7 class of sir rosdi
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CW-descriptive essay-Describe your visit to an orphanage

home-Ahmad Kamil bin Mustaqim Secretary of English
Language Society SMK Kampung Laut.
A visit to Seri Kasih Orphanage Home
-----------------------------------------------The first week of the last school holidays was a memorable and meaningful
moments for the members of the English Language Society of SMK
Kampung Laut.The society has organized a special trip to Seri Kasih
Orphanage Home on May 31st the first day of school holidays at Kampung
Delima,Batu 8, Pasir Putih.There were a total of 75 students involved of
whom 40 of are male students of form four and five while 35 female
students comprising mainly of form 3 and 4 students.There were 4
accompanying teachers,Sir Rosdi,teacher-advisor of SMK Kampung Laut
English Language Society,Teacher Madihah,our senior science
teacher,Puan Marini,our Bahasa Melayu teacher and finally Mr Kim Lian
Hing,our Physical Education teacher.We started our 45 minutes journey
with two special chartered buses sponsored by Dato Hj Karim,the
chairman of PIBG of SMK Kampung Laut.We reached the orphanage home
about 9.15 a.m.

We were greeted by the matron,Puan Seri Hajjah Maimunah and her

delegations.The cheerful and estatic feelings of the orphans really touched
our hearts.Puan Seri started with a welcoming speech.All eyes were on her
and many wiped their tears at the end of her speech when many tragic
stories of the orphans were revealed.We could see that there were a strong
unity among the 95 orphans and they were really superb on their manners
and etiquettes.We just loved the ways they behaved and lived within their
circles.Sir Rosdi reciprocated with a short but very meaningful speech and
then presented the cheque of RM1000 donated by the students of SMK
Kampung Laut. The morning activities started with a gotong royong project

viz cleaning-up of surau and the main hall. The students were made up of
15 groups of 5 students each while some senior orphans were also lending
their hands.Then the outdoor programme followed with telematches held
for the female students while the male had a friendly volleyball matches.
We had a short break at around 11.30a.m and later served with a light

The next programmae started when all the students and the orphans were
requested to assemble at Seri Kasih main hall for the talentime show.We
were entertained by the hidden talents of the orphans particularly on the
group singing of nashid and coral speaking.Some of our students also
joined the talent show by presenting some classical and malay traditional
songs aided by 3 plus one music.
Then we had our lunch and dzohor prayer at around 1.30 p.m.We were
served with very sumptuous and appetizing ikan bakar and beryani rice.
Our next programme started at around 2.30 p.m with one hour tuition
sessions where our form 4 and 5 students willingly broke up into small
groups assisting the form 3 orphans mainly on Mathematics and English
subjectsThen our own form 3 students were together with form 1 and 2
orphans discussing on some school works and assignments.It was indeed
a short but very helpful sessions.Most of the orphans were very
hardworking and dedicated students.Some of them topped the classes and
had flying colours results.

Our last programme was photograpy and souvenirs sessions.We brought

beautiful souvenirs and presented to each and every orphans.They were
beaming with joy and many had agreed to treat our senior students as
adopted brothers and sisters.Besides we also presented large hampers
which consisted of chocolates,biscuits, nuts and fresh fruits.The
matron,Puan Seri Hajjah Maimunah presented her closing speech and
invited all of us to come back next year for another great programmes.We

left Seri Kasih Orphanage Home at about 4 p.m.Many of us had cherished

the good memories and glad that we had performed our social
responsibility with the residents of Seri Kasih Orphanage Home.We would
certainly love to come back next year with many great programmes in

Ahmad Kamil bin Mustaqim

Secretary of English Language Society
SMK Kampung Laut.
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Thursday, 28 June 2012

CW-SYAFIQ ROSMAN MAAHAD MUHAMMADI K/BHARUWrite an essay begining with: It was the first time I saw her and
Continous writing: Write an essay begining with: It was the first time I saw her and...................

It was the first time I saw her and I decided to go near her. Her face was very gloomy. I felt very
sorry for her. "There must be something wrong" I said to myself. When I was in front of her, I
could see that her eyes were brimming with tears. I was touched to see her. I greeted her with a
smile and then I quickly sit beside her. She glanced at me with a force smile and I knew she was
not in her usual mood. I kept quiet for a while and took a deep breathe.What actually
happen?I asked reluctantly although I knew she would not be interested to answer me.Then
she started again.I could hear her sobbings.It was very unpleasant to see a woman's crying but
I could not do anything as I was not as good as a mother in calming people. I waited for a while
until she turned calm.

Then she started to talk in a very soft tone. You know what Syafiq,I have lost my dearest
cousin,Hanim,she has not returned home almost 5 days and till now there is no news yet.How
did this pretty lass know my name.I am baffled.You must be Aliya,arent you,the girl I spoke on
phone two days ago regarding a missing cousin.I recalled vividly and now I know the girl I
admire through my facebook contact is sitting right beside me.She just nodded her head.
As I further recalled,I knew Aliya came from a well to do family and Hanim is indeed a
problematic girl.She has too many boyfriends and like to loitre at shopping complexes and
snooker centres.Hanim is only the only girl in the family.Her father has passed away due to
breathing complications years ago.Her mum is working and putting very little attention to her
only daughter.Infact Hanim spent her time mostly with Aliyas family.I knew both Aliya and Hanim
were indeed beautiful and attractive.Both of them are still the undergraduates at Universiti
Malaysia Kelantan,(UMK).They were pursuing on the same degree and need another semester
to finish up.Soon Aliyas celullar phone ringing, What?I dont get you,Hanim.What happened
actually.Aliya looked very disturbed and the line was cut off from a public telephone.Then she
stood up and walked away few metres from me and started calling somebody.I would made a
rough guess.It could be her mum.
Syafiq,I am sorry,this is too personal,Hanim is in big trouble.All I could say is that Hanim is now
at LPC(Ladies protection centre)at Gombak.She is now 5 months pregnant.
I was speechless although I could guess Hanim would be in that situation knowing her wild
That night,Aliya messaged me and told she would be in LPC the next morning with her
mum.She told me that she would explain the whole mess when she come back from LPC

I waited for couple of days but there were no news on Aliyas returning home to Kota Bharu.I
was totally speechless and dumbfounded when I saw on the frontpage of a leading newspaper.It
was Aliyas picture.My god.How could this thing happen to me My eyes were brimming with
tears.Aliyas is dead now.The journey to Gombak on a Mutiara luxury bus was her last.I cried so
loud that shocked my mum.Aliya was so sweet and nice and she is very much better than
Hanim.I told my mum that I wanted to be at Aliyas home tonight.Her body would be flown to
Kota Bharu via a mercy TUDM flight.
I knew this is just a short and simple dream.Meeting Aliya within such a short time is my
sweetest moment.But somebody must pass this disturbing news to Hanim.Hanims mother
would not be bothered anymore.I think I want to break this news to Hanim then.But then who
am I?

syafiqrosman,-maahad muhammadi kota bharu,kelantan

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Some guys in high school are all that. They have everything going for them ; they hang out with
the right people, they got the looks and they are so popular that they have half the girl population in
school drooling over them. Plus, they are unreachable. In so many words, that is how I would categorize
Jason. He was a cool guy and I loved everything about him especially with those big brown eyes of his.
To me, he was perfect. I had a huge crush on him the first time i saw him. But of course, that was all he
could be to me. A crush. I would always be this ordinary girl who hung out with my friends, pretending not
to care about anything else but secretly glancing in his direction every now and then. He had always been
the person who everyone would looked up to and respected. Compared to him, i felt like i was
My best friend, Anne would never fail to remind me that we were not meant to be. In fact, she told
me that if people knew I had a crush on him, they would probably laugh their brains off. It was as if i was
this commoner who had a huge crush on my king.
Although we were never formally introduced, somehow our paths crossed. He talked to me one
day when we were both late for class. He said hi to me and asked me of why i was late. Naturally, i
pretended to be unaffected and answered him right back. After that, i headed to class. I was happy. He
recognized me as a living, breathing object that went to the same school. If I were a gymnast, I would
have done several back flips to release this flying-feeling in me. Honestly, it felt as if someone had poured
a glass of cold water in my head when he spoke to me.
After that incident, we casually chatted when we see each other during recess. Nothing
personal, just some small talk that would last a minute or two.
One day, Anne s cousin from abroad came to visit her. She would be staying at Anne s house
for a week. Her name was Hanna. We were introduced, and I liked her immediately. She was nice, funny,
down to earth and a model back home. She had the most beautiful eyes, and well, I just had eyes. There
was nothing to hate about her. Anne and I both loved hanging out with her that we decided to ask her to
join us in school one time. Unknowingly, I initiated my own suffering.
When we went to school the next day, everybody turned their heads towards Hanna. She had
those foreign looks and well, she was a model. Everything was going well until she saw Jason. Guess
what? She decided that she has a crush on him. Worse, she wanted to date him. She asked me to
introduced them. I felt I had no other choice. I introduced them and told Jason that she wanted to go out

with him. To my disgust, he willingly agreed. I could have strangled myself or even better, I could have
strangled him.
The next day, rumors about their relationship spread very fast at school. I could not believe that
they could fall for each other in just one day, Its just impossible. I can still feel the stabbing pain in me. It
was totally unfair that my crush become hers.
The day Hanna was leaving to go back home, Anne decided to stay at home and spend some
time with her while I went to school. At the end of the day, Jason approached me and asked if I could take
him over to see Hanna before she left. After some persuasion, I finally gave in. Unfortunately, he would
not be seeing my rival without a cost. I got in his car and gave directions to Anne s house, making sure
he took the longest way possible to get there. When we were nearing Anne 's house, I pretended to be
lost and I led him around in circles until the car almost ran out of gas.
After talking and hugging and saying goodbye to Hanna, it was time to leave. Although I liked
her a lot, I was secretly glad to see her go. Jason offered to take me home, and this time I gave him better
directions. What a lame way to get even.
After Hanna left, Jason and I got even closer. We would hang out sometimes with Anne and
share more than just small talk. He would even join us for lunch. I now know why he was so popular. He
was incredibly nice and fun to be with. Sometimes, I felt like letting him know how i felt about him but was
too afraid of what his reactions might be. Therefore, I kept my mouth shut and just wait.
On Thursday, while I was busy doing an experiment with Anne in the laboratory, my teacher
asked me to hand over yesterdays homework. I told her that I left it on my desk in my classroom. So, I
dash out of the class and ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I turned a corner and entered my
classroom. There was nobody there of course but something had caught my eyes. A bright blue letter was
perched neatly on top of my pile of books. I moved closer to my desk and took it with my rather trembling
hands. My name was written on it. It was from Jason. My heart was pounding as I read it. I found out that
he liked me even before he met Hanna. He also wrote that he never had the courage to let me know,
because he would never thought I would like him, especially after he met Hanna. I was overwhelmed.
After all these times, he liked me. Is it a dream or reality?


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You are assigned to present a speech in your class entitled, READING WIDENS OUR
KNOWLEDGE.Prepare your speech in not less than 350words.Make your speech as
interesting as possible.


A very good morning to my class teacher,Puan Azah Shawati,my English teacher,Sir Rosdi
Hanafiah and all my colleagues.Indeed I am very happy to talk on a very interesting topic this

Reading is something that you enjoy doing it.Nobody in this world will force you to read.It is your
own decision.If you think you want to go for self improvement then reading helps you.You
upgrade your knowledge and you upgrade yourself in many ways comparable to those who do
not read.We as students spend a lot of our time on reading.Why are we doing this?What
benefits do we get?Why must we spend so much time on reading?

Reading is bridging a knowledge and to get the knowledge is when you read more.Those who
read more,his knowledge is abundant.He is respected and honoured.Those who read less,his
knowledge is limited.He is out of place and will be left behind in all aspects of life.One good
example is to look at your teacher.Most of them will refer to reading materials before they enter
the class.This helps them to teach more effectively.We as students will certainly gain. This
whole process make us wanting to earn more knowledge.Now what else do we gain through
reading?Let me tell you from my
own experiences.I have read hundreds of story books both in Bahasa Melayu and English.I
learn many new words everytime when I read new book.I widen my vocabulary.I am able to
construct sentences particularly in English.If I do not understand I shall ask my English teacher
to assist me.So when my teacher give me assignment to do essay in English,I have no difficulty
at all.I am able to express what I want to write in my essay.Thus this is the benefit when you do
a lot of reading.

Another advantage that I have when I do a lot of reading is my level of comprehension is

better.I should be able to answer the questions on comprehension within minutes.I do not have
to read maybe three,four or five times in order to answer the questions.This saves me a lot of
time.I would score high marks on comprehension and at the same time I enjoy reading the

I love to share my final point why I say reading helps to widen the knowledge.You see most of
us today are not so keen on reading.They do not want to read whether newspapers, magazines
or bulletin.So they miss lot of information and news.Moreover they are not aware of things
happening around them or even right in front of their eyes.Most of them like to do other
unimportant things like playing video games,chit chatting on the internet and loitering in the
shopping complexes.So I shall say more READING will give you the edge over your friends.You
are able to share and quote peoples experiences and you are able to know what are the current
events happening locally and internationally.
So dear colleagues,please take this advantage.If you have all the time in the world-START

Thank you.
onday, 28 May 2012

DW -Nik Aisyah Amalien bt Nik Mohd Asri SMKA Naim Lilbanat..

How to be a smart consumer and save your money
Are you a smart consumer? If the answer is no, lets turn
over to a new leaf. In this borderless world, being a smart
consumer is like chocolate chips in our cookies of life. Thus, it is
essential for us to spend wisely and save our budget. There are
abundant of consumers nowadays love to spend a lot of money
on products that do not suffice their budget as well as they are
unnecessary. We heard this too many times already. However,
how many of us really think deeply and wonder if everything we
buy is worth our money? We admit that shopping is fun but

sometimes reality really stuck us hard. Question such as do I

really need it, is the price right or even such low prices may just
make us wonder why it is so! Besides, it is weighty to be a smart
consumer as the number of traders, who are trying to cheat us
are increasing from day to day. By the way, there are countless
ways to be such a smart consumer in order to avoid from being
their victims particularly from the profit hungry traders.
First and foremost, do you remember those times that you
buy items that have a huge discount without even thinking if you
need them? To be frank, it is believed that everyone had gone to
such situation before. However, we have to keep in mind that in
order to save money and be a smart consumer, try to keep to
buying necessity items only. Buying too much or things that we do
not need is not saving money. Try making a list of items you plan
to buy in advance before going for shopping. With this method,
you will able to buy everything you need and reduce on buying
things you do not need.
Apart from that, this is very influential step especially when
you are buying clothes. Dont get fully attracted to the huge
discount tags but try paying a little attention to the quality.
Somebody used to buy clothes during those insane sales
happening in town. They wouldnt bother those small dots or
stains on the clothes as they thought that they will go off after
washed. The sad fact is that they didnt and they were mad at
themselves. The moral of the story is, dont get fooled by those
discount tags and always check the quality. It is better spending
like a couple of minutes checking the quality rather than going
back and regret on it. As the Chinese saying goes, a smart action
lead us to a smart lifestyle.

Like a case that was experienced by a lady, she tends to go

shopping weekly at the local supermarket or wholesalers. One of

the items she must buy is milk. There are always those
promotional tags saying certain milk products are on discount.
One day, it really surprised her that the expiry date was just few
days ahead! Yes, the sellers are clearly manipulating using
business tactics but are they wrong? No! I am not pointing that
the consumers are wrong either. We have to be careful when it
comes to such things. For example, dairy products cant be kept
long. Therefore, always check the expiry date regardless of how
cheap the items are. The same goes over when buying canned
foods and drinks. Avoid buying canned products which are dented
as they will become slightly poisonous. Ensure the cans are in
good shape before buying to ensure you get the best product.
It is substantial for us to compare prices of those
wholesalers. You can go to different places to shop. Every time
you go to a new place, you need try to compare the prices. As the
Australian saying goes, small amount of money you save can lead
to a bigger saving. Always remember that discount tags outside
are just business tactics. If you can get the same items for less,
isnt that a much bigger saving? The price might be cheap but we
must be able to think and consider if it is worth it.
Do you see those sales promoters trying to promote
something? It is a norm that they will tell you that particular
product is good, energy saving or even cheaper. Try asking a few
more questions before buying it. Check if it is really a good choice
or so. Indeed, simply by asking, we are getting more information
and we might even be able to consider if the product is worth for
our money.
Last but not least, membership for local stores and even
frequent visitor card is good as it is an excellent choice to save
up more money. One of the best examples I personally
encountered was last month where I was shopping for the
accessory products. The price was already discounted and when I
was at the payment counter, I was shocked and surprised as the

cashier told me if I am a member, I will get another discount of

20 percent! The moral of the story is simple and straight forward.
We are able to save up tons of money and even shop smarter if
we know how to utilize the membership card and benefits. At the
same time, membership cards will enable you to collect points
and eventually, we are able to redeem items and cash vouchers
when we shop.

In a nutshell, there is innumerable way for us to be a smart

consumer. We need to be together working closely arm in arm
and advising each other for being concerned and smart
consumers. As the Malay saying goes, many hands make work
better. Do not worry as it is assuring you these are simple steps
and it will not take you more than one or two minutes to get it
done. Hooray! More time to shop!

Exclusively prepared by,

Nik Aisyah Amalien bt Nik Mohd Asri
SMKA Naim Lilbanat..
Class of sirrosdi

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First and foremost,you are advised to prepare a list of items to buy. You should buy
items which are neccesity only. This can prevent you from wasting a lot of money on things
that you do not need. You must also keep in mind that buy what you need not what you
want. What I am trying to say is you have to give priority to the basic neccessities rather
than fulfilling our desires.
Next, as a smart consumer, you should compare the prices between retailers, whole salers
and supermarkets. Consumer nowadays do not know how to choose the right item which is
worth their money. Compare prices is very crucial because it helps you to cut cost and not
burn a hole in your pocket. Between whole salers and supermarkets, whole salers are much
better as you can bargain the prices.
Other than that, you must check the expiry date, weight, halal logo and ingredients before
you buy something. Let me define to you one by one. Expiry date is the time when the food
is not in good condition or spoil. Lots of mini markets do not take note about this. Halal logo
is very important for you to identify either the food is safe to eat or contrast. Some nonmuslims make fake halal logo in order to attract people to buy their items. It is highly
encourage for you to go through the ingredients of an item to prevent you from buying
unhealthy and harmful items. You must take note especially with your kids.
Also, do not get tricked with promotional and discounted items as there are many hidden
costs that may pull you to spend unneccessarily. Some consumers are addicted to
discounted items. These people cannot afford to buy items they want at oroginal price.
Consequently, they got tricked and waste a lot of money within a blink of an eye.
Moreover, you are advised not to pay with credit card instead pay with debit card or cash.
You can avoid from paying a lot of money at the end of the month. There are so many cases
that consumers are unable to pay back the bills. You have to be wise in handling credit card
if you choose to use it.
Last but not least, you have to know your right as consumers. Consumers have the power to
complaint their dissatisfaction. For example, you bought a dress and found out that it is torn.
You went to the shop and asked for replacement but you receive no respond. If you feel like
you have been tricked, you can lodge a complaint with the office of consumer domestic
affairs. A piece of cake, right ?
In a nutshell, there are a lot of tips regarding how to be a smart consumer. You should be
more careful when shopping. Do not let your desire take over your sanity. Be smart and you
will never cry at the end of the day.
CLASS OF sirrosdi

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DW-:ARISSA SMKZAINAB 1:How to Be a Smart Consumer and

save your money
From: Arissa Aryssa <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2012 10:27 PM
Subject: hello sir...i am Arissa..there are two essays that i want you to mark it. thank you.

How to Be a Smart Consumer and save your money

Being a consumer is a part and parcel of our lives. Therefore, it is

of utmost important for us to spend wisely and save money. Most
of the consumers nowadays spend too much money on products
that are not worth their money. They are prompt buyers and
spending unnecessarily. We must educate these consumers to be
smart and spend wisely.

You have to focus on item that you want to buy. Buy only the
necessary item. Buying too much on things that we do not really
need is not a good way to save money. Try making a list of items
you plan to buy in advance before going for shopping, so that you
will able to buy everything you needand leave out things that are
not neccessary

Thoroughly check the information and compare prices between

retailers, wholesalers, and supermarkets. We might never know
that those small amounts of money you save can lead to a bigger
saving.You should beconcern about the discount tags outside are

business tactics. If you can get the same items for less, isn't that
a much bigger saving?

In addition, you should choose items of competitive prices with

good quality. This is very important step especially when you are
buying clothes. Do not get fully attracted to huge discount tags
but focus on quality of that clothes. Do not get fooled by those
discount tags and always check the quality first rather than going
back home and regret on it.

You also have to ensure the expired date and halal logos. That is
right! We have to be careful when it comes to such things. For
example, dairy products cannot be kept long. Therefore, always
check the expiry date regardless of how cheap the items are. We
have to make sure that there are halal logos on the items
especially foods and drinks.

Furthermore, you must know your right as a consumer. It is a

normal that the sale promoters will tell you that particular product
is good, energy saving and what nots. Try asking them few more
questions before buying it. Check if it is really a good choice or so.
We will get more information and we might even be able to
consider product which is worth for our money.

Are you a good consumer? Now, you know your right as a

consumer. So, what are you waiting for? Just go and get you
rights. Stop making wrong choices. Be a good consumer and know
how to take advantage of it.



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You have attended a talk on consumerism. You find the talk
interesting and informative and wish to share with all your friends
at your school..Write an article for your school magazine
entitled: How to be a smart consumer and save your
Include the following points in your article:
*Focus on the items you want to buy/prepare a list of items to
buy/Buy only neccessary items/do not spend unneccessarily.
*Thoroughly check the information such as discount offer and
price reductions.Compare prices between retailers/wholesalers
and supermarkets.
*Buy items of competitive prices with good quality.
*Ensuring the expiry dates/ingredients content and halal logos.
*Know your rights as consumers.
*Use debit card /cash.Never use credit card
When writing the article, you should remember:

*. to include all the points given

*add any other relevant points
*write in paragraphs.
Marks will be awarded with good language, ideas and

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lately , there have been a lot of truancy cases involving the
students from our school as well as other schools and this is
worrying the school administrators as well as the parents . It is also
considered as a disciplinary problem that has been going on for
years.Many students who play truant are seen in cybercafes and
shopping complexes . I think we should work hand in hand to
overcome this problem .Otherwise, it will tarnish the school image
and reputation .
There are many reasons why the students are playing truant
.One of it is because of peer influence . Students who are involved
in this truancy problem are usually colleagues of students who
have discipline problems. They would follow their friends playing
truant and having fun after being influenced by their friends .
Moreover, there is a tendency that the problematic students are also
effected by their disinterest in learning . Some students who have
low academic performances at school are usually losing their

interest in learning . Also,these students who are playing truant are

also in the same group after they are being scolded or humiliated by
their teachers in front of their classmates . Hence their interest to be
in classes would be greatly affected.
What is even worse,the truancy cases are coming from those
effected by lack of attention from their parents . Some of their
parents have to work all day and night to find money for their family
.These parents do not have sufficient time to spend with their
children or getting involved with their academic progresses. This will
make their children to revolt and do anything they like .On the other
hand, stress is also another reason on why truancy happened to
many students. Some students who are often being bullied in their
schools and the victims will go through a great deal of stresses
until they are not able to concentrate in their classes anymore .
The problems at school with classmates and teachers plus those at
home will surely carry the unavoidable stresses.This made the
students wanting to escape from this unruliness.
Some of my suggestions are the students have to be monitored
by teachers at their school . Discipline teacher has to take
responsibility in this case.Also teachers should give warnings to
them such as tell them that they will be handed over to the Police if
they are found playing truant . School administrators also must
play a role to send all this problematic students for counselling with
the hope some of them will realise the effect of mixing with wrong
companies and hoping to change for the better.
On the other hand, the school administrators should hold some
interesting school activities . This will attract the students to attend
school and stop playing truant . The school administrators can also
organize awareness campaign for the students at school to prevent
the truancy problems occuring and hold some motivational talks
.Lastly , the discipline teacher should meet parents and have
dialogue with them about the problem.

In conclusion,I hope the truancy problem which is happening in

many schools especially from the last classes can be cut down with
the involvement of all hands.Lets make our school as our second
home and truancy problem will surely be under control.

By ,
Aleesha Aurora .
SMK Kubang Krian 1,
Kota Bharu,Kelantan

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Sunday, 27 May 2012


SPM Model question:ARTICLE
Write an article entitled, Truancy and How to overcome them.Use the following
points to assist you in your preparation of the article.
Causes of truancy:
-------------------------*Disinterest in learning.
*Peer influence
*Lack of parents attention.

How to overcome them
-------------------------------*Counselling for problematic students.
*Close cooperation between teachers and parents.
*Motivational talks.
*Warnings and stern punishments.
Marks shall be awarded accordingly on contents, language and presentation.

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Nur Amirah Tg. Shahrizanny, MRSM KUANTAN
DIRECTED WRITING: 35 marks -45 minutes
---------------------------------------------------Nowadays, many tragic accidents happen everywhere and this situation is alarming. Rate of accidents
keep on increasing from day to day not just in the cities but also in rural areas. All of these accidents have
made many people lost their families and loved ones. It is very pitiful when we get news about accidents
which happen everyday from newspapers. This shows that many people suffer when accidents happen to
their family or relatives.
The major cause of accident is speeding of vehicles. Many reckless and inconsiderate drivers like to
drive at high speed especially those who are driving heavy vehicles like lorries and express buses. Some
of the drivers are very selfish and do not care about others. They just speed up while driving because in a
hurry to go work or other places. They do not realize that their action might harm others especially when
they overtake cars. If a driver is speeding and overtaking recklessly,it is highly risk that the vehicle may
skid and caused accident.They will ram other cars from the opposite direction. There are also
irresponsible drivers who drive at high speed and hit the red traffic light. There is a strong possibility that
they will collide with other vehicles and may caused death.
Most of accidents also happen due to the drivers fault. Some drivers are not in good condition when
driving. For example they are sleepy, tired or drunk while driving. Usually, the bus driver or lorry driver are

sleepy and tired after driving for a long hours causing them to lost focus. Drivers who take alcohol and
then got drunk along the journey also fail to drive carefully as they are not in stable condition. This may
lead to tragic accidents.
Apart from that, vehicles which are not serviced for a long time may not be in the best condition to drive.
A car which is not serviced may have problems like the brakes and clutches which cannot work efficiently
and may cause accident. The bad condition of road such as slippery when raining, muddy or have many
potholes also can harm drivers and motorcyclist. It is very pitiful to see motorcyclist fall on the road when
there are many potholes on road.
I think there are many ways that all of us can take to overcome accidents and lower the rate of
accidents. Firstly, all drivers and motorcyclist must change their attitudes. They should follow all the traffic
rules and speed limit. They should never speeding and accelerate further at traffic light when the light
turns red. They should give signal when they want to turn at the junction so that other drivers know where
they are heading. If the drivers follow speed limit and not speeding, their journey and others will be more
Next,the cars and vehicles must be serviced regularly to maintain their best condition. Failure to service
the car may cause many technical problems and can injure the driver. The Works department(JKR) also
must do maintenance of roads and repair damage on roads immediately before more drivers become
victims. Then, enforcement of traffic rules must be tighten.Officers from Road Ttransport Department and
Police Traffic should always patrol and take action on any person who break the traffic rules. Fines should
give them lesson so that they would not do the same fault.
I can conclude that majority of the accident cases begin from the drivers themselves. I think from now
on, drivers should be more responsible and careful while driving vehicles. All people must take heed of
ways to overcome accidents. I hope the rate of accidents will decrease as it is so sad to see many tears
flowing especially losing their loved ones when accidents happen.
Question 1
The picture below shows a snatch theft incident which you witnessed while walking to school. Based on
the picture given, write about the incident for your school magazine.

When writing about the incident, you should:

describe what happened
express what you felt
suggest ways to prevent snatch theft
write between 120 to 150 words.

Tips On How To write


Read and understand the question carefully.


Find the key words :-

For example

: snatch theft, incident, witnessed, walking back to

school magazine.

In your essay you need to :-

Describe how the snatch theft happened

Voice out your feelings about the incident

Propose ways to prevent snatch theft


Use the 5P (5 paragraph) technique to arrange and to write your



Introduction Paragraph ( 30 50 words )

Last week I walking to school

8.00am football practice

saw neighbour Miss Siti opposite road waiting for bus

she holding a big brown handbag

Body - First Paragraph ( Describe what you saw happen)

saw a motorbike two men

snatch Miss Sitis handbag fell down screamed for help

shocked gave chase got away

Body - Second Paragraph ( Describe what happened after )

checked on Miss Siti hand and leg bruises

father came took her home made a police report

I felt angry and sad

Body - Third Paragraph ( Suggest ways to prevent... )

People more careful / alert - alone

More street lights - bright roads / safe

Police patrol in / around housing areas

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