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Ophelia Chiang
Priscilla Navas

Too few instances are presented to reach an accurate conclusion.




Rhetorical Analysis: Visual Fallacy

The packaging clearly states what it is that it is advertising on the from side because craisins are the most visible
word due to its size and different font. The packaging is also using the lovemark tactic since Ocean Spray is well
known and family brand that puts an emphasis on health. This is how the packaging uses ethos, using the ocean
spray reputation for this product. It might not seem to fit the exact definition of lovemark but it has the same effect:
creating a well known brand that the consumer can trust with their familys health. The front of the packaging also
uses fresh cranberries and fresh pomegranate rather than the dried and raisin like product pictured on the back
which creates some form of false advertisement or a false sense of freshness. The: pomegranate doesn't have the
biggest font but it is significantly bigger than the words that are next to it which clarifies that the craisins are
pomegranate juice infused and does not contain any actual pomegranate. The back of the packaging has a recipe
for an effortless spinach salad which creates the idea that this product is versatile and that the advertiser cares for
the consumer. This might be taken as an example of pathos. Logos can be seen with the nutrition facts in the back
side of the packaging and with gluten free label on the front which appeals to the person that cares about their
health while also expanding their consumer audience to those who are allergic to gluten. The packaging also
emphasizes that people love the taste of Craisins Dried Cranberries -- and it's easy to see why. This is an example of
overgeneralizing and snow example of a self evident truth. The packaging uses ethos, but logos and pathos arent as
well represented.

Political Quotes
When do we beat Mexico at the border? They're laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us
economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they're killing us economically.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems.
When Mexico sends it's people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you.
They're send ik no people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing
drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.
Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East. They've become rich.
No, I love them. But their leaders are much smarter than our leaders, and we can't sustain ourself with that. There's
too much -- it's like -- it's like take the New England Patriots and Tom Brady and have them play your high school
football team. That's the difference between China's leaders and our leaders.
-- Donald Trump

Rhetorical Analysis: Verbal Fallacy

Donald Trump is known for his use of argumentum ad hominem, but another frequently used yet not as noticed
fallacy is hasty generalization. Hasty generalization goes unnoticed because of the reptilian brain, our basic animal
and survival instinct while argumentum ad hominem is very noticeable because in the hands of Donald Trump it
becomes a very public and offensive attack. Donald Trump pushes the reptilian hot button when he goes on about
how Mexico, Japan, and China are continuously beating us and how Mexico is sending people that have lots of
problems. These claims and several similar ones don't have enough information to be proven true. In his
announcement Trump also compares China and the United States to the New England Patriots and a high school
football team. These false claims and hasty comparisons combined with the reptilian brain create a sense of invasion
and lack of superiority. Donald Trumps aggressive facial expressions and gestures further emphasize the feeling of
being attacked or invaded. Trump is the one supposedly exposing these dangers and the one who will fight them
which work in his favor The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody elses problems said Trump.
Overgeneralizing or hasty generalization is defined and as too few instances are presented to reach an accurate
conclusion and that quote exemplifies that effortlessly. The inhabitants of the United States aren't all educated and
exemplary citizens but the United States is far from a dumping ground. Donald Trump will continue to use
overgeneralization in his speeches because it's not as noticeable as his usual argumentum ad hominem, but still
works efficiency in painting Donald Trump as the last minute savior of the country.

Original advertisement Annotations

The advertised product and purpose is made very clear in the title. The image of the product is eye-catching due to its
position, its size, and its design. The delicate and bright-colored flower on top of the bottle contrasts the rough and
dull-colored durian on the left of the advertisement. This signifies how different these two elements are and how the
product is able to effectively neutralize. If consumers were to briefly glance at this advertisement, the name would
successfully explain the purpose of product--to neutralize the odor of durians. The fonts used in both the title and the
body portion are odd and also reflect on how peculiar the product itself is. The slight white border around the durian
can bring emphasis to the image and can show people what exactly is a durian. Achievements and positive feedback
regarding this products such as preferred and tested are listed which uses ethos and strengthens credibility.
Statistics and numbers such as 99.7% and 300 are provided as reference which is the use of logos. Pathos, in
contrast to the other two appeals, is not as strongly used in this advertisement. It is only briefly touched where the
producers mention how they understand how the consumers negative feelings toward the fruits odor and wishes to
help. The targeted audience is limited to those who know what a durian is and wish to avoid the foul smell; however,
the short introduction uses 3 fallacies--hasty generalization, self-evident truths, and begging the question-where the producer assumes that the general public can relate whereas in reality only a small portion can. The use of
these fallacies, however, may cause the targeted audience to feel the need to purchase this product, or may cause
others who are not targeted to become curious about this product.

Work Cited
Craisins. Craisins Pomegranate Juice Infused Dried Cranberries. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Here's Donald Trump's Presidential Announcement Speech." Time. Time, 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.

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