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Has Saddam really been Caught?

Jamma Mokhriby - Has Saddam really b

een Caught.html

The Dec. 15, 2003 front page headline of the Denver Post blazoned "WE GOT HIM...
U.S. soldiers pull Saddam Hussein from hole in ground." Underneath the headline
was a large color photograph of a mangy, bleary-eyed man purported to be Saddam
I myself am not persuaded that the man in the photo is in fact Saddam Hussein. I
will agree that he does look like Saddam, but everything else falls apart after
that point in my estimation.
I know that it will be argued that a DNA test accomplished within just hours aft
er his capture has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man in custody is
in fact Saddam Hussein.
That would be an acceptable argument if countries who are not so strategically a
nd politically motivated to claim Saddam is in custody such as the United States
, were allowed to do their own independent DNA verification tests. This has alre
ady been thoroughly ruled out since the U.S. government has declared that the ma
n they have in custody will remain isolated in secluded captivity for months, or
even years.
There are many like myself who privately question why Saddam would have chosen t
o hide himself in a reeking, mice and insect infested little pit with only two s
upposedly worthless body guards wandering around aimlessly above ground when it
is documented fact that he has spent millions upon millions of dollars to constr
uct some of the most high-tech underground hideaways in modern times and still s
upposedly had his elite republican guard under his command.
The questions continue with, "why was Saddam hiding in the most dangerous and he
avily searched area of Iraq?"
The argument that he was there to lead the insurgency falls apart under the subs
tantiation that the man in captivity did not have so much as a smidgen of intell
igence information with him in his hideaway, not even a map. We can also discoun
t that it was because of Saddam's much acclaimed ingenuity that he didn't need t
o have anything written down to run his covert war since the reports about the c
ognizance of the man in captivity was rated on par with a "very disoriented" der
Why is it that before "this" Saddam's capture it was repeatedly claimed that Sad
dam's apprehension or death would bring about the beginning of the end of any re
sistance, but then after his supposed capture this intelligence analysis was rev
Almost immediately after "this" Saddam's capture it was announced that the organ
ized Iraqi insurgency was not only expected to continue, but to even increase!
Why was it also announced after "this" Saddam's capture that past reports of Sad
dam having body doubles were greatly exaggerated and that they had no close up p
hotos of such doubles, yet in the early 1990's newspapers around the country pub
lished a rouges gallery of close up photos of almost a dozen of Saddam Hussein's
Just two days after "this" Saddam's capture the Dec. 17,

03 Denver Post reported

in an article which headlined, "Iraq insurgents suffer losses," that reports wer
e being made that Saddam Hussein had been seen by Iraqis in the city of Fallujah
. So certain and adamant were these Saddam Hussein witnesses that it was reporte
d in the paper that "some people swore on the Quran at the mosques they saw him.
Interestingly, a major sweep for insurgents was launched into Fallujah just afte
r these reports of a Saddam sighting were made.
Do I personally believe they saw the genuine Saddam Hussein? No, I believe he is
residing safely and comfortably for now in the southern portion of Iraq. I do b
elieve what they saw was another of Saddam's body doubles.
The Dec. 26, 03 Denver Post article which headlined "Top TV show of 2003 had to b
e Hussein's check for cooties" stated, "There's no doubt about the year's best t
elevision show. It was that brief, silent video of Saddam Hussein getting checke
d for, what - lice, strep, tiny WMDs? Who cares?
After a year filled with TV images of destruction and death, here was Saddam, co
llared and submitting to a doctor's cootie search.
It recalled that memorable sight from Baghdad in April of the statue of Hussein
getting pulled from its pedestal, then toppling to the ground.
But here was the fiend in the flesh, getting poked with a tongue depressor: What
TV image could have been more gratifying?"
Two critical points are unknowingly made in this brief mockery of "this" Saddam'
s capture. First and foremost is the motive for perpetuating such a lie, if it i
s indeed one as I believe. It is to gratify people. Soldiers and their families
are gratified, Iraqis who were fearfully straddling the fence of whether or not
to support the U.S. against Saddam are gratified. Intelligence agents expecting
a greater openness with Iraqi information are gratified, globalists looking to u
nite countries under a truly post Saddam venture are gratified and of course the
George Bush re-election committees are gratified.
A pretend Saddam Hussein in hand is just as valuable in many ways as the real on
e hidden away somewhere in a tunnel. The contingency plans would be simple. If t
he real Saddam does resurface the whole deception can be proudly presented as a
brilliant national security ploy to flush out the genuine article. If Saddam sho
uld disappear into the sand forever, then the truth will be buried with all the
other countless "need to know only" files.
The other inadvertent point made in the Denver Post article was that the video s
hown of the captured Saddam was "silent." It is interesting that one of the ways
the captured Saddam's authenticity could have easily been proven to the world h
as been withheld. There would have been no threat to release some innocuous audi
o along with the video for voice analysis by global intelligence agencies.
Unlike the elusive DNA, voluminous recordings of Saddam Hussein's voice have bee
n preserved over the last two decades. Unfortunately these same recordings can e
asily be used to construct a phony tape in the future. The opportune moment to p
rove that the genuine Saddam Hussein is in custody by this method has passed.
It is fascinating how people will acknowledge the incredible acts of subterfuge
by their own governments in the past, but are reluctant to believe such manipula
tions might be perpetuated on themselves by that essentially same government.
What has been presented thus far proves nothing, except that there is another wa
y things can be viewed regarding the reported capture of Saddam Hussein.

For myself these thoughts only lend to support a conviction I have derived from
studying the Word of God. There has been no acceptable alternative to my underst
anding of the prophecies for Iraq and its Chaldean King in these last days as fo
und in Chapters 50 & 51 of the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah than the one I hav
e expounded on over the past 13 years.
Twice before in the past it was proposed to me that perhaps my understanding was
wrong when it appeared Saddam Hussein was defeated and could never again rise u
p to the place of raging vengeance prophesied of for the last day's king of Baby
lon, Iraq.
Twice Saddam Hussein proved his resilience. I believe the world is in for a rude
awakening when Saddam makes his final appearance.
In Jeremiah 50:17-20 God gives a flowing prophecy against the king of Babylon, I
raq from the time Nebuchadnezzar conquered the Jews until they would return to t
heir land of Israel in these last days. He promises that the last day's king ove
r Babylon, who is likened to Nebuchadnezzar of old, will be punished in his land
In verses 24-25 God speaks of a snare that will be sprung unawares upon Babylon
and its leader who has contended against Him.
In verse 28 God tells us this is the day that He is going to take vengeance for
what Nebuchadnezzar did to His ancient temple.
In verse 31 God calls the end time king over Iraq the "most proud."
In verse 32 God prophesies the most proud will eventually stumble and fall and n
o one will raise him up.
But first we are told in verses 43 & 44 of Ch. 50 that the king of Iraq will hea
r a fearful report of a great assembly of nations coming against him without mer
cy. He will panic like a lion about to drown and he will launch an unprecedented
assault that will at first cause the attacking forces to flee.
Jeremiah 51:25-30 reveals to us that the retaliation against Iraq from the natio
ns will leave it looking like a "burnt mountain."
We are told in verse 31 that the king of Babylon will still be in Iraq and alive
at this point in time.
In verses 34-35 God once again connects this prophecy against the last day's kin
g over Babylon, Iraq with Nebuchadnezar of old.
This prophecy has never been fulfilled in history.
Saddam Hussein's self identification with Nebuchadnezzar would take another whol
e message to list. He has contended directly against the God of Heaven by his at
tempts to mock the prophecies of God at his rebuilt Babylon. His last act at Bab
ylon, just before the 1990 Persian Gulf War broke out was to begin rebuilding th
e blasphemous Tower of Babel. One of Saddam's greatest expressed desires was to
do to modern Israel what Nebuchadnezzar did to the Jews of the past.
While God refers to the last day's king of Babylon, Iraq as "the most proud" "wh
o contends" and a "lion," Saddam's name translates to mean "One who confronts" a
nd Saddam has declared himself to be the "lion" of Iraq. Although Saddam is know
n to have weapons of mass destruction, no assault against his country has threat
ened him enough for him to order their use. Something will one day soon cause th
e massive prophesied assault of countries against Iraq. This time they are to co
me from her north. We contend that this attack will cause Saddam to unleash his
most deadly arsenal of weapons.

The retaliation described in the Bible against Iraq is expressed in terms we wou
ld identify in our modern age as nuclear.
Saddam is my only viable candidate. I do not foresee another Chaldean king risin
g up in Iraq who has ancient roots going back to the destruction of God's Temple
. I do not anticipate the arrival of a new Iraqi king who will once more liken h
imself to Nebuchadnezar, nor do I anticipate another build up of secretly hidden
weapons in Iraq that can cause the nations to flee for their lives.
God reveals in Jer. 50:43-44 & 51:31 that this king will not be a prisoner of hi
s enemies when the final showdown begins. I am therefore left with only four pos
1.) The Saddam Hussein now in custody is a look-alike.
2.) The Saddam Hussein now held in custody is somehow going to escape and re-est
ablish himself and his control within Iraq.
3.) There is another unknown Chaldean man who will shortly rise up and take the
place of Saddam Hussein as king over Babylon and will carry the battle on.
4.) I have erred in my understanding of God's prophecies for Iraq in Jeremiah 50
& 51.
I have already stated my case as to why I stand by choice #1.
Numbers 2 & 3 do not fit well in my estimation, but are always distant possibili
Number 4 is another possibility I will have to apologize for and correct if God
ever shows me another understanding for His prophecies which I have as devotedly
as possible studied and researched by His prayerful guidance. For now I have be
en shown no acceptable alternative to the interpretation of Jeremiah 50 & 51 and
have no greater revelation to stand on. I can only state that we are at the ver
y close of the age and things are going to continue to go from bad to worse.
At any moment Jesus could call His
lonians 4:15-18. All that is going
elieved in Him for the forgiveness
jected the sacrifice He offered of
behind. What awaits you then will
an walked the earth.

Church to heaven as is prophesied in I Thessa

to matter at that moment is whether you had b
of your sins and your going up, or you had re
Himself on the cross for you and you are left
be a time of tribulation unknown since ever m

If you still reject the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and die you will
from that time on for eternity be tormented in the Lake of Fire.
As a fellow human being I receive no pleasure in stating this fact, but Jesus ne
ver held back the plain truth of this matter and I can do nonetheless.

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