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Combining Assessment Scores

There are two ways of combining assessment scores:

multiple hurdles and compensatory approaches.

Multiple Hurdles
Multiple hurdles: candidates must receive a passing score

on an assessment before being allowed to continue in the

selection process
Costly and take more time due to the need for candidates
to make repeated visits for the different assessments
Used when the cost of poor performance on that
characteristic is high
For example, when safety is at risk

FBI Assessment
Online Application for the Special Agent Position: Min

Phase I : Biodata Inventory, a logical reasoning test, and a
situational judgment test and Cut score
Phase II : structured interview and a written exercise. If
the applicants score is at or higher than the cut score, he
or she passes Phase II
The final offer of employment is contingent upon
successfully completing the physical fitness test,
background investigation, and medical examination

Compensatory Approaches
Compensatory approach: high scores on some

assessments can compensate for low scores on other

assessments. (UPSC exam final written+interview)
This approach is less useful for jobs in which specific

talents must exist at a minimum level.

Executing the Compensatory Approach

Unit weighting: giving multiple assessments equal weight

in computing an overall score

Rational weighting: experts assign a different subjective
weight to each assessment score
Statistical weighting: using a statistical technique, such as
multiple regression, to assign a different weight to each
assessment score
Multiple regression: the most scientific approach to
determining how to weight each assessment in computing
a candidates overall score

Unit-Weighted Approach

Yings SI score 89/100 is 1.5 sd above average, tonys 60/100 is .4 above

average. Overall Ying fared better than Tony. SI total mark 100, KT 40,
and AC10.

Statistical Weighting Approach

For example, if the regression equation looked like this:
Overall score = c + (b1 * a1) + (b2 * a2) + (b3 * a3)
Overall score = 24 + (.20 * Cognitive Ability) + (.25 *

Interview) + (.15 * Personality)

And the candidates cognitive ability score was 70,
interview score was 75, and personality score was 50,
then the candidates overall score would be 64.25:
64.25 = 24 + (.2*70) + (.25*75) + (.15*50)

Combining Multiple Hurdles and

Compensatory Approaches
Often, some job requirements are essential to job

performance but others can compensate for each other

A typing test can be used at the beginning of the
assessment process as a hurdle to weed out candidates
who do not meet the minimum typing requirements,
then a compensatory approach balancing cognitive ability
and personality used at the end.
Scores on cognitive ability and personality would be
weighted and combined in a compensatory manner and
the highest scoring candidates offered jobs.

Final Choice
Cut score: a minimum assessment score that must be met or

exceeded to advance to the next assessment phase or to be

eligible to receive a job offer.
Rank ordering: ranking candidates from highest to lowest
Banding: Everyone who scores within a certain range of scores
is considered to have performed equivalently and assigned the
same grade.
Hiring within the band is done randomly or based on other
factors (EEO or affirmative action goals, etc.).
Banding allows for the consideration of other factors in making
a final choice, including whether an internal candidate is at risk
of leaving the company if passed up for a promotion.
Band widths are generally calculated on the basis of the
standard error of measurement.


Job Offer Strategies

Particularly for firms with a talent philosophy of viewing

employees as investors rather than assets, the job offer should

maximize the employee value proposition offered to the finalist.
Before extending a job offer, or deciding on the content of the
job offer, it is always a good idea to verify the truthfulness of
any statements made by the applicant that were relied on in
assessing the candidate or deciding on the offers contents
Grade point average, prior work experience, prior salary, etc.
It is also a good idea to identify a backup hire in case your first
choice does not take the job. (Page 317 for a typical job offer)

Compensation Decisions
Low job offer: below-market rewards package
Competitive job offer: total rewards package is

competitive with the market

High job offer: total rewards package is above the market
Maximum job offer: the companys best and final offer

Presenting a Job Offer

In writing
Showing your company as a unique or exciting place to

work can help close the deal

Emphasizing the selling points of the job itself and the
career development opportunities that exist, as well as
selling the companys image and brand, can increase the
appeal of the opportunity to the candidate
The job rewards analysis should help identify some of a
jobs most attractive features

Presenting a Job Offer

Should reinforce the company image and the positive

impression formed by the candidate during the hiring

While the candidate is considering the offer, it is a good
idea to stay in contact with him or her to reinforce your
Components of JO: Welcome note, Title, Reporting to,Job
description(attached), Terms and conditions of service
including welfare plans if any.
Details of job contract and cessation of contract
Date for acceptance or rejection

Job Offer(How? written or verbal?)

If you received a job offer via e-mail, with no phone or

personal contact, how would you feel? Would it influence

your decision to accept the offer?
Think about different job offers you have received. What
made some of them better than others?
Scope for Negotiation:

Employment Contract
Implicit employment contract: an understanding that is not part of a

written or verbal contract.

Because binding contracts for employment or for future compensation
can be created verbally, great care should be taken during
discussions with prospective new hires.
To be legally binding and enforceable, any contract must consist of an
offer outlining the terms and conditions of employment (and possibly
a deadline for accepting the contract) that is accepted on the terms
offered. Something of value (consideration), usually promises of pay
in exchange for promises for labor, must also be exchanged.
An agent authorized by the receiver can negotiate on the finalists
behalf, and agents authorized by the organization such as executive
recruiters and search consultants can negotiate on behalf of the
Offer letter: written letter describing in clear and precise terms exactly
what the compensation structure and terms of employment will be.

Common Employment
Contract Content

Salary Negotiating Zone

Closing the Deal

For job offer acceptances:
Ensure that the finalist followed the proper procedures,

accepted the job offer as written, and responded before the

Congratulate the new hire and express your enthusiasm about
having him or her onboard.
It can also be helpful to ask what persuaded the person to say
yes, and what he or she thought of each company contact and
the hiring process.
To begin the new hires transition into the company, stay in
contact with the new hire and encourage his or her supervisor
and coworkers to do the same.
Once a job offer has been accepted, the recruiters role is to
begin building the new hires commitment to the company and
enhancing his or her ability to succeed on the job.

Closing the Deal, cont.

When the company rejects a candidate:
Do so respectfully.
Distributive fairness will be perceived as low, and to
reduce negative spillover effects, efforts should be
made to enhance the procedural and interactional
fairness perceptions of rejected applicants.
Negative reactions of rejected internal candidates may
be reduced by explaining why they were not chosen,
and what they can do to be more competitive for the
position in the future.
Development plans can be created to help the rejected

employees enhance their experience and qualifications.

Closing the Deal, cont.

When a finalist rejects a job offer:
Try to find out why and whether an enhanced offer might

be acceptable if the firm is willing to negotiate.

Promptly and respectfully acknowledge the rejection.
Be sure to keep appropriate records of all applicants for
EEO/AA computations, such as applicant flow.
If a rejected applicant is qualified for a different position or
if they might be hirable in the future for the job to which he
or she applied, requesting permission to retain the
applicants information for a period of time can help to
build a talent pipeline and facilitate the future sourcing
and recruiting of pre-qualified applicants.

Reneging is backing out of a contract after it is

Job seekers should never accept an offer unless willing to

Employers should never pressure candidates to renege on
other employers

If an employer must renege on a job offer or new

hire, perhaps because business conditions have

changed, the individual often receives compensation
for breaking the contract
Honesty and respect can reduce subsequent feelings of

unfairness and inequity and maintain the individuals

willingness to work for the firm in the future

Orientation and Socialization

Orientation (or onboarding): the process of completing new

hires employment-related paperwork, and familiarizing them

with their jobs, coworkers, work spaces, work tools, and the
companys policies and benefits
Socialization: a long-term process of planned and unplanned,
formal and informal activities and experiences through which
an individual acquires the attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge
needed to successfully participate as an organizational
The primary goal of socialization is to get new employees up to
speed on their jobs and familiarize them with the organizations
culture, or the norms, values, behavior patterns, rituals,
language, and traditions that provide a framework that helps
employees interpret and understand everyday experiences

Effective Socialization
Actively involve new employees
Encourage them to ask questions
Clarify new roles and their connection to business

Manager must take the time to get the employee up to
Pairing coworkers with new hires for days or weeks can
facilitate their transition

Strategic Staffing Outcomes

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