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1-month plan for BPA Term 1 Syllabus:

(Week 2) October 10th: Workshop on Confidence in Interviews (Seb)

The difference between stressed out and excited is a smile on the lips.
Introducing students to the concept that we can control our states of mind by the
way we use our physiology (our posture, what we focus on, and the meaning we
grant on our beliefs). We will also go deepen into how confidence (certainty) is a
fundamental psychological need for us. We will discuss what empowering
mindsets to adopt for an interview, in order to look forward to them! All material
will be consolidated by practical and interactive exercises, to provide a real
experience that says with the students when they leave the room, and
encourage them to use the skills for their interviews, or anywhere applicable in
their lives.>
(Week 3) October 17th: Body Language: Basics (Vincent)
<A basic workshop on body language. It will explore some basic notions and why
it is important to learn to read body languages. It will give the participants an
insight on how simple signs were missed by most people and how we can use
them to our advantage. There will be some interactive activities like mirroring
and basic try-outs on reading signals.>
(Week 4) October 24th: Body Language: Interview (Vincent)
<Body language workshop focused specifically on skills that would be useful in
an interview. It will explore rapport, connections and power play as well as other
relevant signals. The participants will learn about those techniques and will have
the opportunity to try them out in role-play scenarios, thus also showing what
mistakes people traditionally make without realising. >
(Week 5) October 31st: Leadership (Seb/Ignacio)
<What are the fundamental qualities of a leader? The core quality of a leader, as
opposed to a manager, is the ability to influence us emotionally. Therefore, the
main skillset will be relating to how to influence: building rapport, communicating
effectively, and understanding and leveraging the needs of the individuals.
Leaders also need to be able to take charge when the situation is unclear, so
skills for confidence and determination will be developed (similar to the interview
workshop). I will encourage daily application of leadership skills by making it
abundantly clear that nobody will truly follow you if you cannot even lead
yourself. Leaders are role models. >
(Week 6) November 7th: Teamwork (Seb)
<To be planned more exhaustively at a later date. Preliminary topics to cover
include: building rapport; effective communication; outcome setting; negotiation;
time management (probably).>
(Week 7) November 14th: Body Language: Daily Routine (Vincent)
<Another body language workshop but this time more general and specific to
everyday life. It will explore signs of lying, eye signals and some of the most
common expressions and gestures we see in our everyday life. There will be
some activities for the participants on spotting lies by reading facial cues and
they will get to try out, for example in a role-play, most of the skills learnt during
this workshop in pairs or in groups.>
(Week 8) November 21st: Communications (Vincent)

<Workshop on learning how to communicate effectively. Communications is one

of the most important things in a corporation and we cannot work efficiently
without good understanding, which comes from communications. This workshop
will explore active listening, how to communicate well and build connections with
fellow workers, and how to get others to listen to your ideas and help you
achieve. There will be some activities to test skills like active listening and make
sure the participants realise the importance of the skills.>
(Week 9) November 28th: Time Management (Seb)
<Teaching a time management system largely based on Tony Robbins RPM
planning system. Instead of focusing on getting things done, ask three core
questions: What do you want? Why do you want it? How can you get it (and
enjoy the process)? This is an incredibly flexible yet fiercely focused and powerful
system that not only reduces stress immensely, but also puts you in a direction
toward personal fulfilment and joy.>
(Week 10) December 5th: Body Language + Communications: Intensive Skills
Activity (Vincent)
<Intensive Skills Activity where the participants will be active on showing their
understanding on their body language and communication skills. By the end of
this sessions, the participants will be able to use their body language
comfortably to achieve the optimal results in many given scenarios, adapt and
react from the information shown from other peoples body language and
communicate in some of the most stressful and unhealthy environment. There
will be some extra material built on some of the workshops done before, but the
sessions overall will be interactive activities based. Throughout the session, the
participants will be taking notes on their experience as part of the review on
what they have learnt from the activities, and in the end, a small report will be
handed in from each participant and showcase what skills they have gained and
how they feel they can use those skills in the future. >
(Week 11) December 11th: State mastery: Intensive Skills Activity (Seb)
<State mastery is all about maintaining powerful, creative and active states of
mind those states where we are on a major roll, when things just flow and we
are at our very best, and love it. These states are influenced by the environment
and our lifestyle, but we can control them by the way we use our bodies and our
mental focus. State mastery is the crme de la crme of what I do. It is the
easiest way to obtain incredible results with relatively little effort. I will
encourage students to adopt healthier, sounder lifestyles, and share the arsenal
of simple and profound techniques to change our states rapidly, so that we can
always choose when to be at out best.>
(Week 12) December 18th: Exams Stress (Seb)
<Probably not different from the State mastery workshop, but a condensed
version. For my finals, I had studied way too little, and state mastery is what got
me through!>
Term 2 - Syllabus:

Your Values, Your Missions, Your Goals.

State Mastery
Emotional Intelligence

Growth and Contribution

Lie Detection

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