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First to fall Allah swt of the give me to healt, the energy until this working
paper can be finishing in the title HIDROLOGY. The writer realize that of
working paper still the mistek and distan of the perfect.
End than, the writer hope on critic and suggestion of this perfec working
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The Writer

A. Background
One of planet in solar system that have water content that quite a lot is
earth. Water coat that robes to earth called by hidrosfer. Hidrosfer is coat that
exists at exterior earths to consist ata water goes out to sea, an river, lake, soiled
deep water, and respan's diffusion. Presentase is water at most available at ocean,
namely surrounding 97,5%, in ices form 75%, and in vapourous in midair vicinity
Water constitutes one of element which vital in life. Water can be found at
all place at surface this earth. Water constitutes abiotik's resource that its existence
can't divorce from knockabout life. Nearly all human life activity contacts directly
with water. E.g., water is utilized for need to drink, cook, wash, etc.. Of that
example we can make starting points to conclude how important water role for
life whatever available are earthed.
But in reality, now water purpose ever increasing. Islandic growth rate that
increases to cause purpose water also ala increases. Accordingly, even fresh water
deficit happens. Evenless when dry season as at present, a great many person suite
that to get fresh water. This fresh water deficit constitutes one of problem which
shall shortly be tacklinged.
That phenomenon pushes to arrange this therefore. With expectation its
following reader can understand how role is of important water for life is
succeeding get make consciousness to look after availibility of fresh water for
generation comes.
B. Problem Statement
1. what is the Hidrology ?
2. How is derivation hydro at earth?
3. what is the siclus Hidrology ?

C. Discussion
c.1 Defenisi of Hidrology
Hidrologi is knowledge about water the ins and outs at earths, its instance,
its circulation and its distribution, nature and chemical character it, and its
reaction to environmentally and relationship with life. Hidrologi studies water
cycle at universe. Hidrologi's cycle or water cycle cover water instance yawns to
go to airs, then beading and becomes rain or snow, turn in at earth or is adrift
surface soil above, then flock at lake or salt water, yawn again and so on.
c.2 Hidrologi's branch
a. Limnologi
Limnologi is scholarship that studies about water which exist at one
particular depression which at one particular hollow,. Limnologi comes from
greek limne its mean meaning water pond refractive pool, swamp, or lake.
Linologi studies about waters system. At in its comprise lake and freshwater pool,
lake, and brine pool, swamp, an river (rivers) and flow and water shower (treams).
b. Potamologi
Potamogi is scholarship that studies about water which exist surface soil
above and constitute water that is adrift, besides Potamologi is part of knowledge
hidrologi that special studies about runoff (runoff).
c. Oceanografi
Oceanografi is scholarship that studies morphology,topography,oceanic
biological and ocean.
d. Kriologi
Kriologi is scholarship that studies about ice and snow.
e. Hidrometeorologi
Hidrometeorologi is scholarship that studies about problematic Hidrologi
what does get bearing with meteorology.

f. Geohidrologi

Geohidrologi is scholarship that studies about exist it subsurface water

c.3 Derivation Hydro at Earth
In the presence water at earth don't happen instan's ala, but requires
process that adequately long time. Since a lot of scientist that confident that earth
in the beginning is barren and dry. About 4,1 year milliard until 3,8 billion last
years, constituting period whereabouts earth rained by comet, asteroid, and
protoplanet. Comet and enclosed asteroid streaked ices presumed have taken in
water goes to earth be next as ocean and ocean. Comet and that asteroid while
smash that earth apparently breaks down while enter atmosphere coat earths and
then become particle steaming that float in midair (cloud), then is down as rain.
This process happens is more than 3,8 billion last years.
Besides, severally observational point out marks sense many factor be of
important that get contribution in formation ocean and ocean that becomes water
existence derivation at earths. First is mark sense scene to chill it surface earths on
primordial epoch until on the dot where detached volatile component deep shaped
gas is bated at atmosphere that have pressure that adequately to balance and
keeps water. Both of is mark sense pretty much trans's objects following neptune
earth smash as incident as comet and asteroid upon. Third which is marks sense
biochemical process via mineralisasi and photosynthesis. And fourthly which is
marks sense its leak process rock earths that have hydro's content mineral.
c.4 Siclus Hidrology
Cycle hidrologi is the most basic principle main deep hidrologi. This
hidrologi's cycle is figured as an elaborate series of circulatory water in various
form (molten and steam) on surface, under surface earths and at atmosfir, where is
mass viscosity law is featured as principality that the most basic.
Hidrologi's cycle constitute happening scene series beginning of water
while fells to earth until yawning to air until then laid low returns to earth. Its
cycle doesn't get jetty and gets a stop to oceanic go to atmosfir goes on to surface

soil and return to oceanic, in its move for water temporary will be bated at lake, an
river, earth, or ground water and gets utilized by man, then returns to atmosfir.
Water cycle, also known as cycle hidrologi or H2O'S cycle, figuring water
move that kontinu on, upon and under surface earths. Water mass at Earths to be
still constant enough along time but division water into ices big accumulating
basin, freshwater, brine and water at atmospheric is variable one cling to various
climatic variable. Moving water of one the other accumulating basin, as of an
river to oceanic, or of salt water to atmosphere, by sublimate process
(evaporation), condensation (condensation), rain (precipitation), diffusion
(infiltration), runoff (runoff), and surface bottom flow (subsurface flow).
Water cycle involve energy interchange, that cause its happening
temperature change. while are water yawn, don't eat a lot of energy of its vicinity
and icing environmentally. But while bead, this release energy and make hot
environmentally. Hot interchange this is that regards climate.
The sun, one that push water cycle, heating water at ocean and salt water.
Water yawns to become steam in midair. Ice, rain and snow gets changed
straightforward as steam. Evapotranspirasi is water happen from plant and
yawning from earth. Increasing it airflow that takes in to yawn gets to atmosfir
and cooler temperature will cause it beads and become cloud. Airflow that move
steaming worldwide, so cloud particle bumps, growing, and fells from upper
atmosphere coat as precipitation. Severally precipitation falls as snow or ice rain,
ices rain, and gets most accumulated as ices as and glacial, one that gets to keep
frost water for thousands years. Mostly water falls to return to ocean or goes to
earth as rain, where does water be adrift at aboveground as streaming as (slam)
surface. Partly streaming entering an river at valley in map, with water river debit
moves to wend ocean. Slam and emerging water of soiled (ground water) can be
kept as freshwater at lake. Are not all slam is adrift go to river, there are many that
into soiled as infiltration. Partly water absorbs in into earth and charges water
source, one that gets to keep all freshwater for the duration that so long. Partly
diffusion can lie close to surface soil and can seep to return to water body surface
(and oceanic) as debit of ground water. Partly soiled have gap on surface soil, so

issue water as eye of freshwater. On river basin and oftentimes plain flood
available ala water interchange kontinu among surface water and ground water at
hyporheic's zona. Along with time, water returns to to go out to sea, to drawn out
water cycle.
D. Conclussion
Hidrologi is knowledge that gets bearing with groundwater, its happening
is circulatory and its flow, chemical properties and its physical, and reaction with
its environment, including relationship it with living beings (International glossary
of Hidrologi, 1974). Since its developing that so quick, hidrologi have become
basic of water resource management family that constitutes development, agihan
and water resource purpose by design. There are many project at world (water
engineering, irrigation, flooding operation, drainage, water energy etc.) done by
earlier arranges survey enough hidrologi condition.
Cycle hidrologi is the most basic principle main deep hidrologi. This
hidrologi's cycle is figured as an elaborate series of circulatory water in various
form (molten and steam) on surface, under surface earths and at atmosfir, where is
mass viscosity law is featured as principality that the most basic.

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