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The regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners was held on Wednesday,

January 6, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. in their office located at 13300 Fifteen Mile Road, Marshall, Michigan.

PRESENT: Commissioner Scott Brown, Chairman

Commissioner Hugh Coward, Vice Chairman
Commissioner Charles Monaweck, Member
Commissioner Eric Tobin, Member – entered at 5:34 p.m.
Commissioner Christopher Vreeland, Member

ALSO PRESENT: Kevin Henning, Managing Director

Mary Jo Crumpton, Deputy Board Clerk
General Public

Mrs. Crumpton, Deputy Board Clerk, called the regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road
Commissioners to order at 5:30 p.m. for the 2010 selection of officers and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion made by Commissioner Vreeland and supported by Commissioner

Coward to nominate Commissioner Scott Brown as Board Chairman for 2010.
Voice vote: Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Tobin

to nominate Commissioner Hugh Coward as Board Vice Chairman for 2010.
Voice vote: Motion carried.

At this time Mrs. Crumpton turned the meeting over to Chairman Brown.

Motion made by Commissioner Tobin and supported by Commissioner

Vreeland to approve the Claims Payable Listing ending December 30, 2009 for
$446,519.17. Roll call vote: Monaweck-Yes; Tobin-Yes; Coward-Yes;
Vreeland-Yes; Brown-Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Vreeland and supported by Commissioner

Coward to approve the December 16, 2009 regular meeting minutes. Voice
vote: Motion carried.


Five Year Plan: As follow up to the last meeting and discussion on the worst roads in Calhoun
County, Mr. Henning provided Board members with a map that we are currently working on. The
data used for this map is from RoadSoft that records the PASER road ratings. The roads shown in red
are currently rated 1 or 2 and an immediate plan is needed, while those highlighted in yellow are on
our “watch list”, meaning that they are roads we should have a plan for within the next five years.
Mr. Henning added that the RoadSoft data is not perfect, but the map is intended as a visual
representation to share with the public. Commissioner Coward asked about the roads on the map
that were not color coded. Mr. Henning replied that these roads have been rated “Fair” or “Good”.
Commissioner Coward asked about identifying those that are currently gravel. Mr. Henning noted that
they could be identified by color coding. He also cautioned that this data is preliminary and we are
working on plans to have all of our local roads evaluated in 2010 to gain more accurate data.

Gravel Roads: We are still working on the gravel road comparison with other Michigan counties.
Mr. Henning noted that gravel roads make up 11½% (152 miles) of our county system. Of those
counties that have responded to date, 33-50% of their road system is gravel roads. Since gravel
roads cost less to maintain, funding can be stretched farther. Commissioner Tobin asked for more
information on the gravel road comparison. Mr. Henning explained that we recently sent out a survey
to the other road commissions in Michigan and 24 out of 83 have responded so far. We are following
up with those that did not respond. Survey questions include total gravel road miles, how many miles
Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners
Minutes of January 6, 2010

of the total are primary roads, are there plans to turn hard surface roads back to gravel, and if so,
how many miles are planned.

Township Meetings: Mr. Henning reminded everyone that the next Township Supervisors meeting
is scheduled for Wednesday, January 20, 2010 following the Road Commission and Board of Public
Works meetings. Mr. Henning added that he will be attending Township Board meetings over the
next few months to present information on Calhoun County’s road system.

Facility Security: We have received quotes and will be installing a teller window at the reception
area, secured entry access at the office, and security cameras at office and garage entrances/exits, as
well as our grounds. We are also getting quotes on adding an outside entrance/exit to the Board
Room to bring before the Board at a future meeting.

Other: We are finalizing our 2009 end of year reporting and documentation and getting ready for
Spring construction. Crews continue to snowplow and treat icy roads as needed.

A Homer Township resident stated that he was happy to see one of the Road Commissioners attend
Homer Township’s Board meeting. He also commented on the condition of the roads and lack of

Commissioner Monaweck announced that Road Commission retiree Hudean Burk recently passed

Commissioner Coward asked if the Township Supervisors meeting was open to the public. Mr.
Henning replied yes.

Commissioner Vreeland commented that he recently did a “ride along” with a Road Commission
snowplow driver and found it very educational. He thanked the driver, Stan Meeks, for his time and
knowledge of fundamental road techniques. He added that drivers seem to take ownership of their
routes and he complimented staff on their expertise. Commissioner Vreeland noted that he recently
attended the Homer Township Board meeting and met with the Fredonia Township Supervisor.

Commissioner Brown commented that years ago, CCRC tried to pave everything but did not have the
vision, plan or funding to maintain these roads. Roads need preventative maintenance every 5-7
years and the plan should include funding to provide preventative maintenance again when needed.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners will be held on
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 5:30 p.m.

There being no additional business before the Board, Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at
5:54 p.m.

Submitted by:

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Mary Jo Crumpton, Deputy Board Clerk Scott A. Brown, Chairman

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